vfjpmyrmr 2 arton 3xtt xta tilullhuay auouht 7 1010 tub ation kama i nana la published every thursday morning a the kmss pnxiui building mill btroct acton ontario tim subscription prico la fl t0 pen year in art van co postage la charged additional to ofneo in tho unltot htuton i ho da to to which aubacrlptlonn are paid la 1 nd lea tod dn tho address labol advkktiainu ilateb transient advcrtlsomunts 10 couth per una aglo ineasureuienl for init jnsertlou and con to par una foe ouch subsequent lnaortlon contract display urivartliicmonta for 100 inches or tnoro pel annum ik cants per inch oach lnaortlon advertisement without spoclflo directions will bo inner tod til forbid and dinrgod accordingly h i mqoiui udltor and publisher tei1u1ionuh editorial uiul ltuulucnu oiticu ha tho colt logwood bulletin very kindly remarks the acton fcoo- press has entered upon its forty fifth year and is going strong for fortyono years the editorial chair has been occupied by the present scribe h p moore and he too is good for man jnoro years of usefulness to canadian journnlism anj particularly tho community of which he has done a much io moke acton the known centre editorial the hope for lower cost of living expenses has httlc in bight to babo expectations upon no one can imagine prices are going down much in the next year or two premier lloyd george declared before the agricultural committee of the house of com mons last week the shortage of raw materials and i foodstuffs is too worldwide to permit a reduction ho said the farmers sun holds out tho expectation thai butter will reach a dollar a pound tho coming winter before it reaches anything approximating that figure tho govctfement should tako steps to liberate the millions of pounds of butter alleged to be lying in tho cold storage plants in any event butter sub stitutes are likely to bo in greater demand than ever before a toronto doctor while acting as chnirrnairof vi socalled citizens liberty league meeting told the audience that he would issue as many liquor pr j- script ions as he pleased thflt looks very much as it the liberty this class want is license pity the country if such men aro let loose to do as they please that brand of liberty is the most prolific- progenitor of slaves that could bo imagined the united states government sometimes sets good example this week it unloaded a lot of army bacon at newark n j which immediately brought the price down to 30 cents per pound it onehalf of the bacon now in cold storage in canada were put on tho market as fast as it could bo absorbed or if army foodstuffs were offered to the public the poor man could get his bacon at 30 cents too guelph mercury during july war taxes collected by tho department of inland revenue totalled 1378025 the total revenue of the department from all sources for the month was 4580088 a large increase over the month of june 1018 when tho revenue amounted to 2003630 canada is surely bearing up well under tho extraordinary financial demands of the past five years and has the power of restoration well devel oped times may not bo very favorablo arid the cost of everything the average citizen desires to purchase is abnormally high yet tho fact is officially reported that during the month of juno canadians increased their savings bank deposits by 32000000 and now have stowed in thec safe repositories the tidy sum of 1130560750 this looks as if tho spirit of thrift taught during the war is likely to stick now thtt peace has come the reeve of arthur is taking a laudable interest in getting the people of the community of a vide area in his county together to enjoy a social time and to confer upon matters of community interest ho has asked the guelph chamber of commerce o hold a picnic there some timo in august suggesting that the representatives from the surrounding municipali ties be invited and that matters pertaining to tho interests of all parties concerned be discussed the invitation has been accepted and the forum com mittee will be instructed to make all arrangements much good will accrue from such social gatherings the longcontinued persecution of fie v ben spenco i turns out now to have been unavailing after all his conviction for publishing the parasite a social re form booklet contrary to the provisions of the order in council relating to censorship during time of war has been quashed on the ground that mr spence did not publish tho booklet in the sense in which thai word is used legally it will bo interesting to sec what the next move of the persecutors of mr spcncc will be the parasite was published in great brit ain and the censor there bad not a word to say against it tho banning of tho book in canada was never explained to the satisfaction of the people of this country generally the trend of events at ottawa looks as if the big liberal convention there is already having its in fluence some of the members of the union govern ment are evidently taking action to squaro theni- sclves with the liberal party hon frank carvel minister of public works has taken the lead along f this line he claims to have fulfilled his pledge made when entering the union cabinet to support it dur ing the war and tintil demobilization was accom plished tho probabilities are that a number of changes in tho union cabinet will take place withii a few days the rural leaders of the province who were in session for several weeks at the ontario agricultural college guelph showed their strong appreciation of the great benefits of the ontario temperance act and a firm belief that an honest attempt is being made u enforce it despite opposition in a resolution passed by the convention at its concluding session la3t thursday the resolution also expressed the opinion that the coming referendum should not be taken at the samo time as the provincial general election owing to the possibility of the introduction of poli tics coming from widely separated sections of the province and representing all parts of the community this cjcpresaiaftof opinion comes with unusual force and influence hartley dewart might find something moro profit able to do than to be peddling such a talo as tho one he got off to an audience the other day to the effect that n w jiowell entered into a conspiracy with sir william hearst to organize the unionist party and transfer to it as permanent chattels the liberals of the province the unionist party was born of the pressure of war no politician or set of politicians were in arly like degree as responsible for it was were a score of newspaper publishers and when the country was asked to pronounce judgment it voted for union government against its initial prejudice to tho contrary very largely because of the attitude of tho liberal press of canada which outside of quebec was with a few insignibcant exceptions strenuously for the coalition the ro former declines to tako any stock in tho proposition that rowell and hearst dictated tho policy of tho liberal editors of canada and seriously does mr dowart simcoe ro former it is presumptuous impertinent unfair and dis- ydyafto iie nost heroic and homeloving body of men in canada to include all our returned oldicn as a class as opposed to prohibition us ascertain or ganization allied with the liquor interests is doing there ore it is true differences of opinion among them on thjs great question as thereia amongst tlu rest o us they aro c now and interested in tho wellbeing of our country at home as they werj when overseas being a soldier for three or four or five years does not make theso brave men opposed to tho efforts to tccp homes sober wives happy kid dies comfortable and the community peaceful tt is u libel on our bravo men to classify them as a bodv with the supporters of the barroom and license to sell intoxicating liquors again dr grant the head of tfiv rcferertdum vote in ontario says i am not in the leiat afraid of the returned soldier urn not as much afrajdof tho soldier as i am of the apathy and indifference of tho people at home who believe in the ontario temperance act but who would not think it worth their while to come out and vote tens of thousands of the soldiers of ontario will vote to keep liquor out of this province forever canada now has threo lady members of provincial parliaments british columbia alberta and saskat chewan constituencies have each elected a woman to tho legislature if the fashion continues eastward on tario may elect one or more at the coming general election and why not this province has scores of experienced publicspirited women possessed of ability far above the average of the present male members of parliament who would grace any of our legislative halls and ably transact public business war waste in britain tho detail or tho lirltlsh clovorn- mmts oxiontllturto for tho year e muuli 21 ibih indicate a area i wualo of tho country moneyf the total expenditure on tho i win 13634000000 included in this uni wro tho following- items lie ft i mental my oitra pay and moaning allowances 174kooodo cost of pro visions b2000000 enarallon nllow- kinti icd80000oo and clothing 30- 000000 according to accounts store to tho value of 44ibo wrre loat through ft tiro at un ammunition dump in knuicn an invfntlffutlim of the cause- or tho flm showed that it orlglnalod in a hangar u it joining tha dump uaod a u billet and waa apparently caused by timlrlirn r cigarette nd thrown on a tubblsh lump in tha hangar tha rubbish heap contained waste explos ive and other inflammable material no restrictions on tha um of ore or lights lit tha lunmr appeared to have iman in force and ordinary precaution do not upimar to imve been ererclsel tho report tersely finds tha question by tho fourword statement dleolp unary action was taken tho wo to of food supplies for tin chlnoao laborers in franco u auto re ferred to considerable quantluo if frkxl wcra condemned shortly aft or ar rival in prance the causa or deterior ation after renorally attributed to tho y it of time tho goods had boon in ti ti i h pec la i measures taken to tuouro tho consumption of tho sup pile wro unsuccessful owing nppa cntly to thuir having been pure honed 1 i boutli china whorea tha labor had pen ro- rutted in north china and on tho direction of labor rirtlng that a ration on lain in these commodities was almost unsuitable for tho north chinese people lla issue cooaod tho total lunu in connection with tho win transaction la considerable but tho a proximate flsuro of tho amount i volved holt not yet boon ascertained perfumes for reliqiouq rjtc3 ic sin in eitrlcat development of tha perfumo industry tho prlcntu lit hunil who win tho uolu deponl- torlcn of bilonce know iho secret of artimutlo ubdjini on and proparud them 11 y pi hi 11 perfumr itniulred ifrtat celebrity especially thiuio mud in aloiundriu honor vtd oflylnully f 1- rotlulous ylleu perfumes auhnijuatitly became of ourrttit uap arriyjljptlia wealthy iiumuom during tmjujuo jhitiy were diffused through tho hall npd tvntv burned i piof idjn the israel ite during tlish sojourn in tgypl adopted tho uuo of uromatlosuluttaiiccs primarily for religious puritose and aftcrwaids for pirwonul unugu tho jews wore rnnd of costnollrs and avun used them to paint tho fuoe all uicui perfumes wura extracted from esse n re of trees und various plants tho j reeks who loved elegance woro estwtclally addicted to tha use of per fumes and thny taught their secrets and uuro to tho llomans the latter in the day of ihoir decud nnco wont mo fur us to scant tha coats of their dogs in tha middle ago tha arabs venetians donocmo und florentine tmcapio famous for tha preparation of woethuulllng essences kumlly her- farmers business for tho past e4 yearn thla bank haa jdvon particular attention to tha btuinaaa of farmora wo havo holpod many ovor tho roucch placca and havo aided many mora to the highest piano of success wo aro prepared to extend you every old within logitimato banking practice come in afcnnjr tine and taflrover your oitnlrs with ua you aro always welcome th m6rghants bank hud ofllco montreal of acton branch georgetown branca cahldlrx eatabluhad 1004 l b shorey manager r r mimms manager the dominion parliament will be called neyt month probably on the first thursday it is stated that this early date has been fixed upon owing to tho lapse of tho war measures act on the proclamation ofpeace it is further regarded as of great import ance that there should be no delay in ratification of the peace treaty by tho dominion parliament u had not been intended to summon parliament until october but the imperial authorities are anxious to havo the peace treaty ratified as soon as possible by the selfgoverning dominions so as to facilitate the royal proclamation officially ending the great war in view of the fact also that h r h the prince of wales will be in ottawa on september 1 it has been suggested that arrangement might be made to have his royal highness formally open the session and re ceive a joint address of welcome from the two houses of parliament the hon mr cody is proving that he intends to bo no figurehead while ho occupies tho important position of minister of education of ontario in i strong article in the new york sun last week he de clares that education means more than the imparting of knowledge and the training of the mind its broad scope covers bodily health and fitness mental culture devotion of spirit and general efficiency this is a sound practical and very sane view instead of go ing along in the beaten track of bis predecessors hon mr cody is taking the initiative in numerous reforms of features of our school system if the children and young people can be made to think for themselves rather than to confine their education to the dry lorries oitcxt books and the literal absorption of har 1 and fast rules laid down by educational writers of years past who had no view nor experience of present day outlook and reconstruction much will bo accom plished in helping them to an all round practical edit cation suited to a successful career while tho leaders of the old parties in ontario hedge on prohibition and few politicians in tho fed eral or provincial arenas have the courage to cxpreb their personal views the united farmers of ontano squarely face the issue they havo put an out and- out plank into their platform and they stand on it thfir adherence to it is reaffirmed in the latest issue if their organ the farmuri sun which says there may be lack of clearness and precision as to attitude of the leaders of the two old parties in this province on tho question of pro hibition there is no doubt whatever rs to whcio the united farmers of ontario stand on this im portant matter their stand was unequivocally stated at tho lust convention of tho u f- o held in toronto when a resolution was unanimoutdy adopted calling for prohibition of tho manufac ture importation and sale of intoxicating liquors as beverages in canada or farmers have not waited for pub- lie opirnonlooxprcs3itseir in ar refenjndum they are helping to so mold opinion that right expression will be given thereto they are for prohibition not merely as a wartime measure but for tho same measure as a means of increas ing the cadency and the happiness of tho people in peace time as well the farmers sun goes to the root of the matter when it says the united farmers are helping to mold public opinioiy public men who merely sit on tho fence and diimiss an important issue on the pica that it has beep rofcrred to tho people are playing a pusillanimous part and abdicating their duties as leaders of opinion a statesman has convictions and tries to persuade others to think as he does great politic and reforms were not carried to triumph until men were ready to fight for them gfobc surely has done his bit i think hhls man 1 doing- hu bit write an army correspondent win uetidu tha following dispatch to the army and navy journal loorgo liorden a negro of go ida lnro n c has furnished sona to the war in tha sum of nearly two aquad ho is the father of 3 children 27 of thorn living- and 14 of them in tha united htatos aipny either in that louutry or in lranj ho has boon married thrva times and on four occasions has bean tho futhitr of quadruplet a remarkable flight information regarding a remarkable night of a german zppolln hag re cently been reportad by a britiahcor- respondent who learned tho facta ainro tha coming of peace a german air ship it i aald left bulgaria carrying u crow of twentytwo men torm or munitions and medical supplies bound for german bajjt africa which la ap proximately 3000 miles from bulgaria according u the account while the uhlg wo flying over khartoum it ro- celved u wire lea message ordering it to return the ocrmons having- learn e that tho majority of their troop in their african territory bad surrender ed iojilar mechanic cc8ar was stinqy a negro minister once described u wellknown but cloaeflsted brother am being un stingy au cocsor and he was asked why do you think coesar was ntlngyt lie replied well you see whmi tho ihari- gave our iord a penny jcsua naked them whose nub- tcrlptlou la tblst and they bald cpftiirh exchaitjfo tho young man brought uoino versci to hi father tulir i havo written poems whutt 1et ma mo them instantly tha father read thorn over euro fully the tears slowly walllnr io his eyua an ho dld so finishing tho lust uiio threw 1jwn tho mnnnncrlpts toldnd tha boy to his brriast and buuikmi oh my ioor loor son aro they so bud mi that falhurt lid they uro excoliom thy am real poetry my boy my boy yoi will utarvo to dnulht up goltiif n detter qualified how l is iju clit din wall null replied ltaatus way i mkca take un active pa an i us id to pass da collection tmukot hut drys given do job to llrolhuh lren who jest returned from ovah thulah in recognition of his tmrolo sorvlco i support h i rotkon ho got dat jot in pconltloi his vln lost hi jindu flour cream of the west all sizes five roses purity tho popular brands hen feedchop feeds try our monarch developing chick food chopping oh uusual every day excepting wednesday afternoons d h lindsay the electric flqur feed mill business directory thob qbay m d c m mcqill i il u i icdlnburgh i- il v p h glasgow member llrlllsh medi cal association otc omce itredarlok street acton ont or j t physlojn monlven nd burason liower avenue and clgn tftreota tha resid- enco formerly occupied by t u llen- doraon acton ont veterinary john law bon veterinary surgeon acton ont oince arthur ii lock residence uiii htroel call day or night prompt ly attended to leoal phono no 3 1 o ikrx il harold nash farmer ma jnjrrut- bolicltor notary publlo convsnysnear etc pertryman block acton ont 1 llonisy to loan conveyancing hour 3 p m to 8 p m at residence r h wan8brouqh lake avinu acton ontario dental or j m bell d d a l d b dentist honor graduate of toronto unirer- ty the la teat aneathetlc used u deslred offlc at realdanoe corner uju and trrederlck street fj miscellaneous many thousand farm laborers wanted for harvestind in western canada fialng trip wes io wwni trip east yt trm wimflpe ooino dates y a in onuilo jt of eikfa iab and runlocs4ubtk uu auquvt i sts kingston lo lunfrt- juortlwi lnfiudx ugust j i jt in ontario 4vwt biui rooui al tonlo u ami in 1 rtok oo owen round walirtton twtf wlegkani port donll an1 hi tlwsnaa tnir4ia i twooto aad korth to qoltoo laclvalia how good those meals do taste the life in thetopen tho fresh clear bracing northern air of lake superior what keenedged appetites it gives ual how eagerly wo answer each summons to breakfast luncheon dinner who ever heard of jaded appetites on board the noronic hamonic or huronic the culsino on board these wonderful ships ia unexcelled the menu offering aa wide selection as will be found in finest restaurant or club tho tncula they were so goodl on land once more thin is a lasting memory sarnia to duluth and return coma w davwaa tk where we huronic hamonic noronic 5650 cocne with ua on your vacation spaod six full tike greet la from samia ta the soo where we pes ui rough the famous locks to port artw and fort wuikm where at kakabeka fau all thejhip company hold an oldmhiomd picnio from bampere- from the ship and unally our rising 600 feet from the blue the beautiful city of dululu three sailing eekly from samia to soo port arthur fort wilham dulutb and return leevina samia every moouay wadaaeday and saturday at 610 pm eastern tone hound trip fare including- meal and berth k and up oneway rata on application por full information ask any grand trunk tlckot agent the company ut sarola oar your local ticket or tourist agent write jt d geoghegan kaatern paaaenger agent sarnu oot for cruise booklet northern navigation co limited sarnia ontario grand trunk route i isamu owguny ruuauw w uij iui ti ikrhil ioo0uuj- uj s l it mul uh u omow at tmta wl mwttthli tb u cki j tu glr a ay wu iw mu titasaiala llrt sta ygygjgggjjuiuii hrhb marriaqe licenses h p moore issuer harriao lieanaee private omce no wuneaaes r quired issued at realdenos n evening cur paass omce acton oat francis nunan bookbinder account books at all kind made to order periodica of every deacrio- tlon cnrefahy bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street qoelph ont over william store r j kerr lioanaed auctioneer- etor the counues of slalton welling ton peel and dufferln and the city of quelph acton ontario bale may be arranjred by mall or at realdanoe at acton or at the free press office acton the mercury omce quelph the newsrecord bexan or with w j gordon harness uakar uuubura- bales entrusted to il j kerr re ceive attention from date of 11 ting to date of aalo- xjst your sales with ins residence young street aeten inone sb acton call at my expense j e cheevers j book binder qusbee bl east quelph ont liook and muuaalnes bound in handsome and substantial covers name lettered in gold on bible hymn books and other books all work promptly executed d alex nivbfr ontario land surveyor and civil encjneer surveys bubdlvlslons plana re port descriptions blueprints etc certificates for purchasers and mortaacees surveys for architects builder and municipal councils dralnago report estimates eto molean du1ldinq douglas st queupir phono 1064 oni roy hindley auctioneer ltve stock real k3tatjh and merclxandiajo cooaolldstad phone erin 4t 11 rr 3 acton grand trunk ivtfusli the double track route bbtwehfln montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car service u lee p i tig- ours on night trains and 1drlnr cars on prluclpal day trains full uiforrnatlon from any grand trunk ticket rgent or c b llombi district puaenger astiit toronto h a holmes agent acton ont phone the ord and riirable granite and marble dealers we are manufacturer and direct imikjrtura of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale prloea thus invlnk our customers 40 per cent wo bavo the boat appliances and the nly mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tool properly we can alve references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other plaoes where others hgve ti have law hulls in order to collect we have the largest and best stock of granite in tho dominion more than any thr dealers in the wesl we are leglu mate deulars and employ no agonla and do not annoy or post customers by solid lng out ignorant barents solicit ing orders we employ ouly mechanics and dory competition hamilton sons cur norwich woolwich bum quslpk