5rfw juibw sftt ft forty fifth year no 8 acton ontario thursday mornino august 21 1010 single copies pivo ccni new advertisements the methodist church acton rev i m mover putor parsonage willow ot union service baptist and msthodist congregations lto ilnnui furr will prracl bolli morning anil evening yoo ark inviticd come house for sale tho do ml detachod two story six roomed houaa on bower avanue appl fnuits ani veqetableo fresh 4rom our gardens and or ohard kale for our weekly price lists mwouya iahus fruit land ontario 1 12 nluira dlstrlct- hoube for sale that do u bio cement plastered homo on urock avenue containing ten rooms electric light hard and eoft watnr houae in first class condition to be old at leas than cost f l 000 down balance on easy terms apply to 73 j blll profitable dairy business for sale the chestnut grove dairy which hma boen in successful opermuon over two yean la offered fpr ale tho rigs bottle coo 1on and outfit will be sold moat bo disposed of by nd of august t p w atkins 7 2 it ii no 3 acton farm for sale the well known farm on the town lino between esq u eating and erin lot 1 3rd oon containing 100 acres good frame houao hank barn with alio well fenced in fair state of cultivation for further partlculara apply to t i- ryder 8 5 it il no i acton shipping live stock acton parmer club will ship live irtock co operatlvoly each and every tuesday commencing august 2a by giving experienced men your stock to handle on an open market insures get- ting fuu value and efficient service club members and others will meet saturday august 23 at b p m orders will be taken for good you wish price list on hand w lamb r n brown secretary president 8 3 phono 41 r 3 3 voters list 1919 municipality of the village of acton notioe la hereby given that i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in bee 13 of the ontario voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of all persona appearing- ay tho last revised assessment roll of the said municipality io be entitled to vote la the said municipality at elections for members of the legislative as sembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first posted up in toy office in acton on the 13th day of august ltlf and remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law doted this 12th day of aufiot 111 il n karmkr 7 3 clerk of said municipality chance for investors on august sr tho corporation ot acton will issue debentures for 33100 in denominations of 3100 00 or more with interest at six per cent payable yearly principal repayable in ten years these debenture will be sold to the highest bidder on the late above mentioned up to hat time offers will be received from prospective purcbaa era by the iteeve or treasurer the attention of investors is drawn to the fact that they receive their interest when tt becomes due by tear inje n bo coupon and cashing- it or dtjpoaltinv it in the bank the same applies to the principal when it be comes duo no delay ho dunning let ters no worry oin jfaiuur 73 village clerk and treasurer o3rlcmm0m3c tferonto canada pall term opens sept 2 yalta charts streets trwu our records for niacins graduate promptly in position have never en surpassed in canada our tfcareuoh training la well know jgrlt to da for larg cjjulojrua vv j elliott principal wonderland ceour here tk outajd v- j ppidav u2ukt aa rujle gawfct wllh w s- t th ulu jftdof sennalf comedy saturday august 0 the petticoat julol wlh vivian jdorttn tt alrilum fjasbtte anfl n ul v ctfrnedy tuesday august m the world wr male a rlack- ton production tho continued story and a uud kiaher cartoon wednesday august 27 bonnie annie laucle with peggy uyland comino v ilagnaph ui the rhird proe r l gregory p aeroplane qualities at submarine prices that 13 the prevailing order of tho august clean up tf summer merchandise at macdonalds first fall showing of womens and misses new suits its the very first glimpse merely if you are in guelph this week visit the read to- wear department and aalc to see them they are not yet numerous but will impart an idea of what dame fashion has decreed as correct for fall wear mr j m roszel the new principal at salary of 1800 to be seen also this week is a vanguard of new autumn hats in glistening satins of rich ncwautumu shades this is always a satisfactory place to make headquart ers for the shopping you are most particular about a store that owes its progress to the fact that it renders good service and seus good goods only d e marrdonald bros ltd guelpffs leading and largest store wyndhao maedonnd and carden strata gudpfa onl acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat win bceciv any amount of cream yon brine in we are paying the highest market price for lire poultry- let us know by hail and we will call for your stock highest market prick for cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday erenlnga nnul 10 pjb- acton creamery co willow street opposite government building honest goods russells right prices we are now gearing sum mer goods regardless of cost 7 a few childrens cingbam dresses left zes rf q q 7 to 12 years regular 2 50 to s3 cj6 or p70 sec our window display of goofts sultlbje for coqiforters also large sije cotton bting groceries our grocery stock li always fresh and comploto our delivery at your service highest prices paid for egs and good dairy butter d c russell fig mux street acton ont star close 6lm sxospt friday- and bsiurday the lady teachers of last year have all been beengaged salary list is now s7a00 tho itosxd or kducstlon iss sntxl jhlr j m iiosmi irtnclpi or tsra contlniuttlon bchool to sueoeed rrlnclpl w ir blows rt her hr itosssl comesi to acton hlcbty rocomrrrondod iio wnm tar ln jrsaxs ori tho stall of the paterboro schools ijutt yr he took sl position as hssul ut the tars schools owlof to th 111 hetitth or mrs rossel he found it de- nlrume to lative th northerly ulltade of tint unfortunately mr itosxel did nor put in his rosljcnatlon to the lioard at tara sufflclently early to permit of his relesso to enable him to commence his duties here w en the schools open on heptember 2 in fact the iloarsl is reluctant to part with sir ilosxel s services at all in case he is not releaaed until the drat of october iter harold can who is a quallhed school principal will perform iho duties with alias baksr for the month the noord has screed to pay the new principal 1 tm par when principal atewart aaksd for i increase from ft iso to slim in june and the board refused to re isae htm at that alary it wai freely stated that dlfheulty would be experienced in seenrioff a competent principal for less than a that oiure few citizens thought however that the doard would be able to see their way to increase the salary of principal by i4e0 above that which they paid the very efficient predeoea or the first year of bis tnncansnt tbe salaries of acton school will now amount to 7 m 00 per year the teachers and the salaries promised are as folio j w rojixel principal l w0 1earl z uokef assutant 1 0s0 minnie z uennett eltttranoe jean uclueod staff daisy polster staff u urle fleury staff news of local import olla u armstronc staff la myrtle itoyce staff isabel anderson staff wmtck mr csj c nixm bmrmj cani4aim ndtuu farm maftnam- the war halton launched the splendid new rtvenuneot er war hal too was uuncbed at um poison shipyards toronto last satur day at noon the war hal ton waa no named as a compliment to lialton countys roaartuaoeat attainment in subtler ptton for tbe last victory loan prtnce ef wales at toronto on the oocaslon of the visit of u rh tbe prince of wsles to toronto a state procession will be held through tbe streets on monday august 35 the day our next kin will open the canadian national exhibition he will pes throuch several miles of tborouxhfare from the government house to the exhibition arounds the toronto sarnie highway it looks as if the proposed toronto to sarnla provincial hlshwav throuch brampton oeorretowo acton quelpb kitchener and stratford is to really materialise a committee of oaelpii chamber of commerce with o b ilyan as chairman was appointed last kridoy to interview the minister of highways- with ltwrutloxts to crre that unmouto steps be lsawi iicon- struct the highway throujrh hissc lion rsfsrsndum meeting to morrow niflht a meetlnx of all interested in the temperance cause will be held in the town ball on friday evening ftt eight o clock mr locks of toronto or- cantxer for hajlon county and otbera will addreae tbe meetlnx tbe vote oa tho referendum will be taken in few weeks acton must organise her foroea to maintain the splendid prohibitor law which has meant so much to ovr town and to our homes the pass the nnt tho ladles tr especially in vlted o attend this taeetlnf milton merahsnt prasturs hu anku lasi monday john lwon mer- cltant met wux an aocldent rather serious for a man ot his age a load of cox had arrived ot hla resldenci und bowu isoldlnst back a shrub from the path of the wagon uow it hap pened he cannot explain but he felt vnd oni of his ankles was broken and st rained the aecldun irttrrel the joy of the family over the arrival tn the fvanlitx of the sutferrra eldest daugh ter nursing sister nsule lawmn alter a years service ovsrseas chant plon bumper- prioe for hides a not extreme case la reported this week of a drover who purchaied two hf cattle steera at victoria mine uiylng for the two animals the roag- nloent sum of 1600 the hides of the two animals sold for slfcoo pro bebly the highest price for bides ever secured in this district anothsr incl dent was reported this week also of thy sale of the hide of a six weeks old ctlf for nearly iljdo the purchasers paying the top notch prioe of me a ikound fur calf skins tbe vendor of tho calf bide stated that a few y ago he purchased six week old calvee for jt carcass hide d su tiudpury htar i j r w w f ru fo tatrr home months ago the canadun cun sbulled umbv c ot montl qosred prlaes ot fiooa wcyty loejjn livnds to be awarded in nine prpyinonji dz csnadu lo b pcaun wjio ajoum mrie n slopr of no saore than ene hundred fworda or a tour tine which would contain all the trade mark names of tbe company among the contestants was stephen ones of aclon publlo school who entrance examinations this year with honors a few days age he received a letter from the above company which said in our recent footwear trade mark contest you were awarded the prise for ontario we take plea sure lu sending herewith a victory loan fiond no v1u01h for 110 please accei t same with the cotnpll menta and best wishes of the dominion itubber system stephen has been picking fruit at liurllngton the past two months and only arrived home on monday day classes at urampton ilualnaea institute begin tuesday aeiuember x lareits or young people interested are invited to is ii or write for particulars- odlce open from august 3 i 3 champions ef halten last wednesday acton ilase mali team played milton at aionwllllama and srtar a hotly contested gome waa vlctorlouswith a score of 6 to 4 on saturday they defeated ueorgetown and won the olen will lams cud and the championship of llalton qw v a canvass the canvass for funds for the par poe of securing permanent quarters for the great war veterans of acton will be started on saturday afternoon august 23 in ba event of uican vase not being finished on saturday it will be continued on monday evening 2sth captains oeo lanta james cooncy d c a 1l a harwopd w coles t wstoeme rains broks the drouoht after more than two months pf ex ceedingly dry weather with only an occasional ihrbt shower the drought was effectively broken by a heavy downpour on saturday afternoon succeeding showers followed in the evening and through the week ci roe t good will result to the root crop the pastures and the late fruits the msthodlst chureh service llev htq buell b a- b d of jordan station preached excellent eer mans la the methodist church last sunday in the absence of ttev mr moyer on his vacation next sunday the baptist and methodist oongrega ion will units again and ilev mr carr wlll preach in the methodist church norilu and evealnr cu farm again change owners mr alex donald of the cole farm has sold out to mr k ramaden wood of innoxvllle uun mr donald pur chased a year ago from mr d mc klnnon and he from mr henry cole the original owner mr wood will be the fourth owner inside four yeai every sale has brought the suocesalvr owner a higher price mr wood and family will arrive this week they come into possession of a floe ontario tuesday evenings garden party the attendance at the function in the park on tuesday evening waa not as large as the inanagement antici pated the admission of fifty cent- was rather high for an outside enter tainment though mr deverell con aidered be bad provided a bill worth that money the boxers and minstrels provided their part and appeared to p the c though only six rounds were given by tbe boxers mil ton won in the baseball match with acton with a score of 14 l unjeyable annual family picnie poreara it has been the custom of tbe christie and henderson families to bold an annual picnic about harvest time at the old christie homestead at kelso last wednesday waa the day set for this enjoyable family function for this year the following members of the two families motored to kelso that day hon el henderson and capl t d henderson mr and mm c c henderson and children of acton mr and mrs d d christie and mr and mrs w p gamble and children of ouelph miss kerr and her mother mrs jarvls acton guelph novitiate charges up agsin- hon justice w l mjddleton of the ontario supreme court and hon joseph a chlaholm of the supreme court of nova scotia have been nam ed by the dominion government a royal cotnmlaalon to probe chare nude by the rev kennedy h palmer of ooclph and other sped no charges regard to the quelpb novitiate the trouble over the novitiate u will be recalled arose when cpt- a c maoaaley on the night of june 7 1917 vlalted the institution for the purpose of osottalnlng whether or not any of its inmates were evading military service pretty wedding at milton a quiet but very pretty wedding took place al tbe home of mr and mrs o itemstreet on tuesday at 5 pn hen in the presence of the immedl ate relatives their only surviving daughter laura may was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to james baruemnn of ttmmlna the cere many was performed by the pastor or the methodist church rev a b mar shall b a- mrs isaao baker water down cousin of the bride sang be causa the ceremony took place under an arch tho room being decorated wltb golden glow after tbe ceremony the guests and bridal pair sat down to the wedding supper later mr and mrs inrtlcnian left by motor for toronto and other points on heir wedding trip the bride was the ryhplent of a num ber f very beeutlfnl iresents lie former safely hesse frem overseas on tuesday capt f w johnston c a p c paymaster mrs johnston and their little daugltir arrived at mrs j b pearson s from overseas mrs johnston who was operated on for appendicitis in june is oonveles clog nicety and hope soon to be quite herself again mrs johnston baa many interesting experience to relate of ber resldence in london during the fro ciuectt qermon raids the day after the birth of br daughter both mptbr and babe were taken into a ugoul a ilrft fcftwft wrpjebld logs lea hn a block avfay capl johnston showed he rsxsi paam a it interesting aouvanlr ot the a urn don dally lfall issued an hlabrleal edltlou printed in gold on calendered paper l u ft marvel ojt nechailca excellence and will become huvosic dofuimenf of he war cajjlf jojmsua win rnro npalton with the northern ckmle o montreal after spending a few week visiting friends winter wheat experiment at ouelph winter wheat u one of the chief money crops of ontario its market value for the frovlnoe amounted to over twentyeight mil lion dollars 1s17 the harvest of the winter wbeat plots at the ontario agricultural col lege ouelph has just been completed with rcsilts follows yield of gmli per acre 430 bushels yield or straw per acre xi tons and weight per measured buahel 00 7 pounds the r suits for lfll surpassed the average of the post twunty four years by thirty iter oonl in yield oxgrain eleven per went- lit yield of straw and three per cent in weight per measured liushol in only four years were the results for ttl surpassed in either yield of grain per measured bush beeper menta at the collegahave shown that seeding which have taken place from august 38 to september have glvcy results than those of ejr or ater data l u better earlier revjgwilsonra resigns pastorate of knox church after sixteen years of faithful ministry and of helpful ser- vk in this community his pastorate ends with september when rev a blair x d of ouelph who occupied the pulpit of knox church last sunday in the absence of ilev j c wilson the minister toronto road tbe following note at lb- morning service thtie waa con m tarnation in the congregntlon owing to the attitude of the congregation toward the request of tho general assembly x desire to resign my position an pastor of this church the same to take effect the end of september j c wilson minister several weeks ago the clerk oi ouelph presbytery wrote to each of the congregations within the bounds of the presbytery giving the action of the general assembly at tut last an nual meeting in fixing the minimum salary of all married ministers at ii e00 and manse and requesting that each congregation take action to provide that salaries reach that minimum the matter waa duly considered by knox church but no action was taken hence the attitude of rev mr wilson social and personal mr melfort collier waa home from oronto over sunday c nlcklln left on monday on sss lrlp to alberta rev m f croe m a or alllston rlalted his father last week mrs i ouelph i coon and miss laura of d visiting friends here mr and mrs n p mclam spent the week end with friends in toronto lance corp thomas bennett of toronto spent sunday at his fathers misses va bar and doily ranks olph visited aclon friends this much regret will be felt in acton if rev mr wilsons resignation is ao copied he has been a faithful man of ood here for sixteen year not only has he given his best services in the interest of knox church but in the community he has been st tbe head of every movement calculated for the betterment of the town and its vicinity he has been ever ready to give of his time and ability for the- from a very pleasant holiday visit with publlo good he has served aa amem ber of tbe board of education for years has been a member of the public library board and is to day chairman of the board he is also chairman of acton referendum committee to retain prohibition in ontario in all hla work mrs wilson haa been an energetic helper and in the church societies has ever been ready to work to the full measure of her power l l rev and mrs wilson came to acton from stoultvlllo in september 103 it is somewhat of a co incidence that principal stewart came to acton in the same month nassagaweya reduces tax rate for the year 1919 the bate fixed is one and one- tenth mill below that of last year months financial payments nassagaweya township council at its august meeting passed the annual by law to levy tbe township and county rates and the school assess menta for the year tho rate for the year is one and one tenth mill lower than that of the following account were passed and the treasurer instructed to pay the same davenport grading 31 is so o moore tile cameron ra h road work acrow ksxa passs voters lists c ramahaw gravel a mcphatu work on roads james rlacklock grading krank may culvert a mcpbati gravel colin kitchlng culvert 340 2ft l by law was passed assessing the several school section for the trustees requisition for the current year council adjourned to meet on sep t ember 16 at 3 o clock p m john marshall clerk 1 40 0 00 55 s 11 40 7 is so 00 s 40 z 15 reported the uberal convention the helton delooate 0v mtfh in formstlen pesaeftlnf h bl m t ottawa a meeting was hsu at oakvllle last thursday evening to hear a report from the delegates who represented llalton county at the great liberal convention at ottawa mr jamea n tnrnrpeauacr on peace day e xojitftcarexrwisteetttr ptuh ieetlng and report of h convention were msde by w k vf tlaher of burlington who ws a mexaber of the ltrsolulona commutee jf the co ven tlon and w d oregory a most lit t resting evening waa spent and the delegates gawi much information about tbe oonventio i which ha not appeared in the newspapers at tbe close of tbe meeting the fol low hut resolution moved by john kulley and seconded by j m wallace was adopted unanimously with ap pie use that we strongly approve oi the platform laid dawn by the domln ion liberal con vent h n that has just met at ottawa and that wo hereby xpesa our full conihhnoe in our lesjer the honorable w l king chosen by the convention and pledge him our hearty and en thus iastio support we hereby extend an invltatlun to him to pay a visit to oakvllle and addre our clll sena and further be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be forward d to honorable mr ki ix i mr watuoa u seconding b solution said that all hi uvwr who had supported thu ijnkinut party at the ian election would support the liberal candidal at the next election and would be aided by number ot conservatives of flu week miss luella nous lead of drayti spent the week end with mis bertie smith mrs alex iumihiv and miss jessie of toronto visited acton friends over sunday mr and mrs david sheldon visited friends in town before leaving scotland mrs john beaton of tare was the guest of mr and mrs robert bennett last week mrs king of preston visited mr and mrs robert dennett lake avenue this week miss nora and master donvld nor man of ouelph are holidaying with friends here mr lucas of the merchants bank left on saturday for baral to spend bis holdayi mr r j laird of cincinnati ohio paid a flying visit to friends in town last week mr ronald mcdonald of tbe scotch block is visiting hi brother and sister here this week mrs root crslg and wllbert were here from toronto this week visiting mr c mclaughlin mis mildred matthews evelyn and guy duraemor toronio vlalted friends here during the week mr ororge mcpnerson and children are visiting at mrs storey mr mo i hereon wu up for sunday mr anna maddock left yesterday for gilford to spend a week or so with her friend mrs bateman mrs samuel laird 1 pen ding the summer with her daughter mrs den nlstown at redwood lta minn mr and mrs i a king and master reginald of preston were the guests dt mr robert bennett last week miss margaret garvin haa returned friends at hanover and walkerton mrs rev b w ron and master john of halifax spent a few days last week with mr and mrs n p lind say ir and mrs william j graham of brooklyn n y visited the formers sister mrs n y lindsay during the week mrs m cutter or waterdown has been visiting her sister mrs e ic cook kalrvlew ave during tbe past week d ic router returned to nla gara on monday after spending a couple ot weeks holiday at his home and mr ronald jpbnson of johnstown n y arrived on monday to spend a few weeks with acton friends mr and mra roy brown toronto motored up oa saturday afternoon and made mr and mra q 12 brown a brief visit mrs j sheppard of st paul minn ho come to make an extended vuiit with her sister mrs geo campbell victoria villa mr and mra lever of e3otm mr and mrs- cooper of acton and three children are ramping at the parko istin advocate mr and mra i f caldwell and misses ret haxel and agnes were here from toronto for a brief visit during the week councillor step of trafalgar accompanied hi brother in law rev mr due to acton on sunday and pent the day here sergt major llawea who ha been here for several month ha returned to toronto to take a position in the dominion bank there messrs o moffat j harding il cook r n drown and c moffat attended the shorthorn calf club sale yesterday at oakvllle mr william cummer of detroit mich who waa for year a resident of acton was here on tuesday newlng ooqualntanoea rev w o buell a a of jordan station was a guest at the home of mr james moore dower avenue during his stay in town miss margaret wuon mr o war gun and little jean and ralph wor an of toronto vlalted their grand father mr a n croc a few days last week mr ernest webb of the customs depart msnl ha bee relieving mr b m mcdonald customs officer whi has been visiting friends in detroit during the week mr and mra john a u toner bur ling ton announce tho engagement of their youngest daughter ethel may to william j veltcb ot gait the marriage to take place early in sep tember mr and mrs w j mclaughlin left lust trriday on their long return tnotoi trip to seattle wash they were ao oomiuuilod i far a ssjrnlnw mich by mr and mr nelson mclaughlin ot nassagaweya ur and mra hredertck b set wood and children of calgary who have boen spending the summer at the homo of mr a k nlcklln and at toronto and other points haft for toronto on wednesday morning where they will spend a few days before leaving for their home in calgary mr and mr oeorge oarrett of jhtusiwu n t and their daughter mia herman ketchum and her hue bsnd f f schenectady n y arrived here on a motor trip last thursday they v letted mr alex wfthh and other friends mx and mrs oarrett wrt resident of acton for year and mm ketchum had ajotoo fee her birth house on third line destroyed by fire by incendiaries a good frame house on the rear hundred of the alex sprowl farm burned saturday the late tenants suspected one day last week mr lome mullln who live on the alex hprowl farm lot 18 on the second lino esquoslng round that the frame house on the rear hundred of tho form whlnh hod boon empty since lost spring was tenanted ho arlked over to tho house and fuund that mrn bp hla ooxe and her son thomas had moved in the sunday previous without asking per mission from any one mr mullln informed tho coxes that he did not desire the house occupied as ho intended to remove it to add to the bulldlngij at the front of the farm and requested that they vacate on saturday he found them still n the house and ordered them out some words followed and tom is alleged to have said we ii make it bot for you for this they commenood to removo their effect and mr mullln went bock to dinner a uttlo after ono hd re turned to see if everything was safe and to his consternation found the house all in flame it was totally destroyed and it was with difficulty that mr mutlln and his neighbors were sble to keep the rjre from run ning into the bush end tho adjotalrg grain fields upon the advice of crown attorney dick coxa was arrested and will be tried for burning the premises both coxe and hi mother have been previously convicted of criminal off en ce the one for house breaking the other for theft on august s mrs joseph coleman who 1 now very comfortably at home with her daughter and son in law mr and mrs thomas j edrnlston at driver sssk attained her eightylmth year that week she welcomed with open arm her youngest grandchild sergt j victor coleman from over seas whom ahe cared for in hla lander year after hla mother death mrs coleman waa able tbe day nrc- viou to her birthday to attend and highly enjoy n community picnic in connection with the district school near her present habitation she is in good health and enjoying life in her far western home military news bugler jama loutltt returned last eek from overseas he wnaacoom- panled by hi pretty irish brldo and spent a day or so in town mr and mra loutltt are at present with rela live in toronto but intend to visit acton friends shortly thoy may settle in the city major oeo a cllne u c c l il of appleby recently relumed from verseaa major cllne was a captain in the 20th halton rifle and left georgetown in august 119 with the contingent from the 20u and was transferred to tho engineer at val- cartier he ha two decorations tho military cross and the french croe of the legion of honor about saptem ber 1 he will resume his position on the staff of toronto university natures heating system boise the capital of idaho la tho only city in tho world to use natural hot water to supply t eat to houses publlo building and business block water a a temperaturo of ill degree come from wolbl in tho low foot hills ot the boise mountains just out side tho city and for twenty flvo year it baa all been used for heating purpose there are two welts each eighteen inches in diameter and four hundred reel deep the natural flow waa only too 000 gallons a day centrifugal pumpa have increased the supply to 128 000 gallon every day tho water 1 pumped into a tank or reservoir and thence distributed to the user in the city ono hundred and thirty- nine building use it for all purposes including heat and one hundred other building use it for bathing washing and cooking purpose lngnecr have tried to increase the flow of water and they think that if they oould tap- 4hemala subterranean stream they would get enough hot water to supply all tho needs of tho city tbe beat is o intense that man can work only eighteen feet below the surface and then only in tan minute shift these hot springs were well known by tbe indians and they mado the spot where boise now stand a sort of winter resort for the snake and ban nock tribes that explains the great indian burying grounds that oro found in the hill near bole- poor whistlina the story goes that a minister wa coming down the front stops of a hotel whistling he was observed by a small boy who waa disturbed not tba the mlnuter should indulge in whistling but that he should whistle so poorly the boy could not contain hla critical feelings so he spoke up mister cant you whistle better than thatr tho good natured clergyman answered well perhaps soycan your yea waa the lads prompt answer bo ho mado a fine pucker of hi lips and whistled a fine tuno then tho minister took bis turn at 4t for ho hod been a great whlatlcr in bl younger days but wae now considerably out of prao tic tnetal was atonjshcqlo the minister whistle o well ttv fact is bo beat th boy all to p locos rut the younger got even with libit by saying if you can do us well aa that what did you wttutle so poorly fort that set the minister to thinking and u ought to set us all to thinking the question why wo do uot alwoye do our best when at work or at play st school or in the home even onen beat la utt0r enough indeed one best ought to be bettered evr dsy and every year hut what shall wo may of falling below iwi beslt thhipt what we call thrift in ourselves l sometimes ntlnglnos in others and the record in rpsonnes 1 well established by the lady who called at the butcher shop in the country town and asked for a very small portion of goods in cluding a nickels worth of cat meat the butcher was muttering angry- word to himself a half hour later on be made up the order when a flurried and braathlow maid servant dasbod lu- to tho place have you sent off mr grublelgh things yutr she gasped jus doln ni snapped the man oh thank goodness exilalmed tht girt then dunt send tho cats moat th cat ha just caught a sparrow cmmm sytm i i aji l cii t fstir ssi 1 wifmffrfritr