if r jvrtott mttt iwb0 1 i tiiuitbday auquht 31 ibid onward and upward knip ulrivlim who luiv and foutnl i irtlnr i to ilin liaixlit for tie rlio thai no if tho ntoiklfumt alono it r it iu gained tltcro in work keep ihnolllil tho lmlhl 1 thu rlioi alod iimt ami ho pathway uk to foot hut mm fulfil h parted faltered and futtiriiic fulled ami dank down by tho woyalda li holulosa defeat kmii hoping tha cloud hldo the eui for e time hut soonor or later they neat tor oj d and tho path glow ilka old to tha toiler who climb to tho hnlichts where men look over landbcaiki and sea koop onward right on til tho prlxo 1 lu attained front tho future with courus and ouiturlai fall j uy t junto and tlioao only tho victory s oho called hlnii ho dlt not answer ha almost nover wont out irf tho ovon- ing unless bji took her with him hho nallod up h oincn hut sot no amwar then alio tolcpltunod a o llolon no ltolon nud not started ulio did ipmao it wan nu important oji rained who keep faith in in god over all themsetvi m fits holt lookod out from bo- hind the vines of her plaxxa and rcmarsod to her husband that this u th flrst time tho had over seen mr underwood walk slowly ho went by like a breese yesterday when it wu ao hot and sultry and now its a llttlo cooler and ho walk a if ho could hardly drag blmself along j wonder if he isnt welir guoss it uint the heat that worry ing him mr holt aid as he laid hu newspaper down you know he went security for rodge the county treas urer well dodge has cot into all klnda troubla he baa skipped and la going to let underwood pay how much will it ber tan thousand oh hell be able to pay it theres no doubt about that but no one thousand carea to throw away ten a momont later lire holt looked out again a slender girl carrying a parasol hurried by o father she called softly break- ins into a llttlo run mr underwood turned instantly and his tired face brlxhteood well elizabeth him say then she to make it up of course he could borrow tho money elsewhere but h did not want to borrow from a strang er the underwoods bad never been borrowers of course be would have to counter mand the ordnr for several sets of rnro books that ho had wanted for years thal and ho would have to give ui tho trip khaabolli wallod linpntlonlly to the northwest that he and athortun veranda hln did not know what hoy who had beep his college chum twenty- ehould do but they muni imj logotber flvo years before bad lortg bu plan- i n kind of a ouuell nlng to take oils summer rtr l tiov must nnd their father ii did not think long of these dls- u w nl ocl 7 pihlqtmnujrowevr wpt worried 1 hen ho rcmomberod hut him was that helen would uv to h h m dln1 on of the maid- that wilton j mrella whro had ho would have to take a less luurious lro u bu room t college and that itobert and f bashed over her mini elisabeth would have to finish heir w l ree1 herself in college preparation at the city high tholr father afraid t never school instead of at westover and ho1 mis manlsys school 1 j a very thought made him f ft hiyer uppos that wilton should letl wlul in a cold allsnoe ull refu to lend him the moneyt he ltct ho n remembered other things that wilton w r ld doneelnsh thing- that made w hi heart ache to reraemberand ud j b r denly he realised that he could not o off 1 m euro that hilda is ak him he could not run the riak of truwortliy helen- lono beln refused he would rather ask waa a stranger then tho dinner bell cut know lm dod l short his planning 2 toend dol- for onoe be heard none of the chll- i drenohuter h did not realise that tj 7 he had cut the tenderloin from the y k h steak for himself until elisabeth made kaov lt 1 ftt u n tou1 a wry face over here he wrved helen um t k to the best usually then elisabeth ji then the boys and then himself uocauao wear selfish bcasu eiory he conld not eat anu odlfnodded f j u j y when lllsbeth ld that ilamaret iook w and d1 u holt and she were going to plan sonrn mp zl v 1 theatrtcal after dinner7nd that they k h v sfould like to have hi room to them- i lv eo that they could use the long tathor iu not hu mirror in his bureau ile thought that ha woull go down to the omce-eomo- s on u r r thing that he had not done after din- co l ub n ner for years he would think it all euaabetl pulled hor back weve over then whether to draw on his cot to find him ourselves other people rerve fund or to borrow the money know nn u a he could not see how he bad ever afur they l ltark thought it possible that he could tll no tho tnoy 11 the children nf tb m laughing merrily after dinner thankful for tho duak poor- whispered helen that hid his bent head he went slowly i m t down the street jlobert and wilton came together his offlce was dark and elco after at j both unod to believe tha he had turned on the light the night j have occurred of sufo- watchman tapped at tho door l l j l lust wanted to see who it was td to their complaints sir there aln t often anyone in this tbo f offlce after hours you kaaw nat tathvr n mr underwood looked about him w at tho desk and chairs the photo- after that tho boys sat very qulptly graph of the houa building that w underwood a company had built the but eliwboth wilton bean piles of freah designs the tables upon thcr has a greal dca more than ten which the clerks were making the thousand dollar- oh it was all riht specification- for the postofllce build- j and ho n mr i his oroce he must iii bee ho he unlocked the top of his own i vanlahed within doors women and prohibition fare all luestlohs a fleeting the wel f the race it is but natural that wuiurn should bo deeply concerned und tho exlatmlnii or the franchue has nlvcn them an opportunity to brlntf iwu more speedily than under ilra ayslom oonflnlng the vote to men tho reforms of a social and economic na ture that are so vitally important o themselves their families and tholr homes they are not hesitating to uascrt their opinions as they will not falter in recording them thojfaro not to bo turned jaile by the spoolous ploadtng that fwls to hide tho ovllo they urn asked to resard with sym pathetic eyes and kindly hearts j it was fitting that the importance women havo assumed in the political sphere of modern life should have been signalised at the national liberal con ventlon in a resolution moved and seconded by women and carried with out a dissenting voiceadvocating sup plemental federal legislation for tho orroetlve enforcement of restrictive or prohibitive legislation enacted by any ilovlnce m supporters of prohibition aro apxlous over tho status the ques tion of importation of liquor into dry province will assume after the lapse of the present wartime orders in council illegal traffic into such pro vinces at present though always larger than it should be can at hi be kept vithln bounds where hero is onergetlo rort on the part qf tho authorities but tho door will be wide open indeed if there is no way of overcoming the re fusal of lie henale to accept tho qov- ernment measure for the prolongation i of prohibition for a year after the signing of the poaoo treaty mrs dent ley of kent in moving the resolution at the convention declared that the womanhood of canada do manded that the drink evil be met in the open and added both parties in tho past have taken a valiant stand on tho fence that was a biting commentary upon- the manner in which many men have in the past attempted to evade an issue that can no longer bo dodged and the way in which many iher iiro still attemputtg tho same 11 nm the valueof saving all successful men began by saving later perhaps they invested but they first had to accumulate capital the first step towards wealth is to open a savings account the second is to save regularly come in and ask about our simple convenient savings accounts interest compounded every six months soon amounts up the bank of nova scotia her estimate wllup cspltkl too 000 is 000000 zxioooooe v k graham actlof uuuiti actoannukca um with an lumry r fao hho lurnvl hairs leiiiuntf ovnr nt with unilllfltuk in your iwlfry that i ban your boads not hoad it a n irniii riio crltkft by marjoi mp the strtiimth und under vitality of dilldrsii ulrength- ly using midheruraves worm ititor to drlvu out the pet tjiko bargain daddy i couldnt resist the rest tho two went slowly into mrs holt heard iw elisabeth bold out toward him the beautiful paraaol her voice came clearly across the lawn to mrs holt it was such a she sold was lost the house ho has an extravagant famlly lira- holt said gently shaking her it is beautiful ho said whan she had finish od t arjd your allowance la that gon3 now 7 i oli tuat was gone a week ago1 i had this charged really father rj would have lost money if i hadnt bought it it was only four dollars and ive soon some that werent half so pretty for ten isnt it all right t i ob yea child elisabeth was the baby and he could not beer to scold her but dont you buy anything else on credit j then as elisabeth ran upstairs he went into hla study he would sit down in his own particular corner think ever what be would bare to to the children tonight it would have to be tonight this parasol busi ness of elisabeths had settled that his tired cjrtm welcomed the shade of the library then they distinguish ed a white figure in his deep morris j chair it was helen with a book she looked up a little absently helgbho father l hot isnt ltr she said and then went back to her reading for an instant mr underwood gaaed about him to but tired eyes the other chairs looked uncomfortable besides be wanted to be alone it was six oclock now at half past six they would have dinner and in the interval ho must formulate the little speech that be would have co make them afterwards he would go up to his own room that was not so cool but there was a couch there and he would ho down he hoard wilton whistling omowhere in the house that would keep him awake and at bis task if ha felt any desire to shirk lt and sleep until the call for dinner i wiltons whist lo grew louder as mr underwood wept toward his own room he remembered that the boy went in there to dress often he was there now with the shutters cung wide and the hot western sun streaming lo father where are your studs t ho oaked a little impatiently im going out this evening and i wanted o got everything ready to dress right after dinner mr underwood sat down on the havent you any desk and stood looking down at the neat pile or letiors to- be answered he would prepare his answers to tha important onea tonight lt would be a relief to him to have something to do in c edge of the bed studs of your own yes but they arent half so good am yours and i want to be extra fine mr underwood sighed when the bo had gone it seemed almost insuffer ably bot to him in plte of the oootlag breese ha would go dowu and read the evening paper unless robert were already reading it finally he sat down in tioienstroom i which was dark and cool and where a i breese from the south waved the longj white curtains back and forth it w a beautiful room with its deep bay it had originally been his own but helen had had her uonvalesoence there after a long ulm mother died and nevermore backr hltting tbero he thought how mis taken is the belief that time will heal sorrow ho wanted their mother and needed her mono than he had ovjir needed hor since she had died koi ne put it to himself plainly he had failed signally in the upbringing of his children a few moments however he stop ed work and putting out the ligtt sat down by the window to think things out he thought first of dodge who had caused the trouble then he put the thought of him out of his head it was no use crying over spilled milk dodge was gone and he stood his bondsman ho could think of half a dosen places where he could borrow the money he would take from his re e fund at first and then borrow if he needed to replenish that then as a sudden loneliness swapt over him he realised that be must face the truth it was not the loss of the money or the dishonesty of a man whom he had trusted that discouraged him it was the children this was the first trouble that had coma upon him since they were old enough to understand and he could not go to them could not even tell them about it it was that which made his burden seem greater than he could bear back at the house there was not light except in mr underwoods own room there before the long mirror elisabeth and margaret holt tried on a variety of clothes gathered from all over the house they had decided to giva scenes from several plays rather than a play at the next meeting of their club and the quick change nec essary to transform portia into bqb acres and then into helen or troy would require much practice it would be easy enough to do tho first change margaret holt was say ing because you can wear your por tia costume rljrht ovtsryonr bob acre suit but the other will make you hurry try it again and ill time you dont you margaret jumped from one subject to another with a speed that was hard to follow dont you hate that old dodgot elisabeth laid down her brush and look up a comb she was trying to change her coiffeur from a judges braid to a oreek knot i believe that i could get o wig to i wear as portia he said then i could just slip lt off and rd be ready what dodge r tho roan that cheated your father tho man that cheated my father what man that cheated my father dodga the county treasurer you dont mean to say you didnt know it margaret began to be frightened hho supposed of course that eulsebe th j knew everyone else in dayton knew elisabeth sat down on the bed what do you meant i dont know a thing about it why your father signed a bond or something for ten thousand dollars and dodge has spent it or gone off with it or something ob i wish x hadnt said anything im afraid your father didnt want you to know i have as much right to know u yon was it ten thousand dollars margaret v yes i beard father say so hut elisabeth dont look so frightened he baa more money than that i should think helen would havo told you or wilton they dont know it they don t know it any more than i did and i lent four dollars for a parascl in day i and father didnt say a word uhe jumped up i cant practice any more i must straighten this thing out margaret left at once before sho got on the porch she beard elisabeth ring the telephone bell m this mr uakersr elisabeth asked i want to speak to itobert undsrwoodv i hhes calling them home said marsuret to herself what will they 2 wish i bad him hero said itobert gruffly id show him a thing or two the scoundrel hut words were somewhat vague but neither of the girls doubted whom ho meant after that no ono spoke until wilton came ho doesn t answer ho sold 1 low voice t cnlled up thojajiltor arid he said ho was in his room he asked wrbothor ha should co and sea that perhaps there was something tho irn- ter with his telephone but i told him think that hobtrt and i haj better go down im going too said elisabeth and i cant stay hero alone said helen can t you t u carriage j wutout if tl undaring i and have hwn pay tho ullir put in elisabeth sharply tho paasonkors in tho street car stared curiously us tha underwood- got in wilton was in evening clothes elisabeth wore an embroidered waist and short klrt and helen a party old gnmo as the battle on prohibition pro cresses in ontario in particular at thin lime plain questions will bo put to public men and straightforward answers will n- requested it may the women a few years am some argue to understand the finer irolntn of politics though many of them havo little to learn now in that re- upoct but thoy require no study to oonvinco thenutelvea ca the rights and wrong- of tho prohibition issue bide liy aide with the men who have fought tho battle of temperance reform tho women will advance to tho attack vpon u foe to humanity that for many yjbrs they have had to fight against without the weapons that men have used v keep liquor and its evils firmly en trenched qlobf children cry for fletchers saturday treat try our now chocolate crisps buporlor to patterkrlsp iug 60c lb baturuay special 40e other c0c chocolates for 8so cocoa uuds better than mapto uuds tb coo our ico cream parlor is again open wljh much better ice cream and the same good service ikilk ice cream pint 20e nrlck ice cream each so any quantity delivered harold wiles canada feed board uoenee no 812595 mill street acton washday necessities ideal motor wnthcrr low prcu sure reciprocating water motor priced nt 2200 new ftntury waslierj priced ut 15 00 tatrjoi washers priced at iaro canadian waslicru priced at dowywcll washers priced ut 9 stand wringers priced at rl2 900 975 clotlics wringers priced at 5575 and 900 electric irons 475 electric toasters 475 we havl what you want the bond hahdwafte co ltd phone 1012 ouelph savage co estafalietied 1348 wynqhamst guelph run on tower gear many people are running on high kctit- they work in a frensy that is exceedingly trying- on tho delicate ner vous sytcm they abuse the laws of j nature and count on getting by without morlouo njur they tliink thoy ac compiuh more id fact they think they cannot got their work done in any other vtny but such people are mistaken tho man ivho urna off tho most work and the best work u kueps in inest trim for work is the one who knows how to relax and how to approach bis finks calmly ha is thi one who can think deeply and can bring a tull quota of his forces to bear upon tha thing to be done and whe ir be tho stronger for having done flurry anj frensy bring wear and tear even if the job 1 put over and leave the doer on the ragged edge of colae better run these hot days brother n intermediate it i the only way to be sure ff not falling hand into his and helen otarod into q running he rtek p bejntf tho faces of two acquaintances with- i arched altogether out racoimlilntf tyirm fletchers cafltorin is strictly a remedy for inants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was the need of a remedy for the common allmenta of infants and children that brought castoria before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years baa not proven what is castoria castoria la a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it la pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years ft has been in constant use for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverish n ess arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food 4 giving healthy and natural bleep jho childrens comfort tho mothers friend- genuine castoria always when yon need boots shoes diamonds jewellertv at any time a buy fhom gown that left her arms bare itobert i the thing was without coat or hat and the sleeves of bis negllgoo shirt were roll- ed above his elbows but tho under woods heeded no stares fastidious j wilton allowed elisabeth to tuck her w wiluams mill street acton pamous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices i f in use for over 30 years vms csmtauw comfjutv nlw voss errv out recognising them wilton borrowed the janitors keys with a careless if father isnt there i dont want to como all tho way down again trumbllng they climbed the utalrs tlure was no llgnt over the door and the key was in tho lock itobert flung back the doors and in a second wiltons hand ivts up tho elec tric switch father called elisabeth mr underwood answered hcm out of a daaoi children what in the world i believe i ve been asloep the four confronted him with eli sabeth in tho foreground has xodge cheated you out of ten thousand dollars so i c manded why yes something like that- why didnt you toll ust i thought i would n t trouble you i thought you thought we were too selfish jcatbar there a my five thousand wilton cried you dldn t answer said helen we ve been sick about you if you say so i 11 sietllo him dad put in itobert mr underwood turned towird thorn a smiling face why fatnert dont you carer de manded elisabeth vor an instant mr underwood did not answer ho vould not bo sure whether ho was dreaming now or whetlilr tho misery of tho last few hours liad boon u dream then wilton put bis bund on his shoulder and the falhvr laid his own upon it i not a hundredth part ua much as i i did an hour ugo h answered publicity knows no seasons a question of direction irofessor ilraiidor uutthowa do lasts the purist and tlu pedant and ho mourns you find them in the most unaxapocted places only recently ut columbia i introduced u vary bruvo young airman tp a very pretty girl he said to her du you go in for avia tion t tear me no she rippled ono gous in for bathing but ono bvp0 up for aviation it was not neglect or lack of thought or trouble or sacrifice oil his port it was too much sacrifice too sternness lou much indulgence children from wiltoo who was now twehtythree years old to elllabeth who was sixteen ware egwglqusly set flsh he could not blind his eyes to it any longer it seemed to him that aufiost avry mcx every word man feated it and it was tils own faujl then icllxabelh called ths xavlses on the pext block will you ask helen to come home ileaset tell her her sister wauts tier u once please when she had rung off sho stood for an instant with the telephone dir ectory in her bands t its maid be was going down the river thoy would stop at a ion wood bu five three nine please is this j olonwoodt is there a party of people from dayton there can you nqd mr underwood for mot is that you wll ton this is elisabeth can you come home right away i can help it you must oonte did x ever call you would it be possible for him he nom before wilton underwood t well wondered to pay the ten thousand dol- heo of course its important- y ars without the childrens knowing can get a train if you hnry anything about it ha had hoped to elisabeth ran upstair nd be able to pay it without drawtn healthful advice during the aftermath of id- fluenaa orany other prostrating blneu the logical tonic i scotts emulsion which enriches the blood and strengthens the whole body via nourishment you would re new your gtrength try scotfs soo4t gj uuwtm toranui oat 191 pay it without drawing upon the reserve fund which he woul need twrrmr lr hu business it he drew on that fund he could not en large his tanv lnd that meant that veaey a i la con would get the govern ment contracts for the new post offlce and oily hail hg had planned to borrow from wil ton th five thousand dollars that an aunt had left to the boy thefl with a general economy in the family es penses for ywr they would be able aftsr dressing began- to put her fathers room to rights it would be uasant aha said to herself scornfully for htm to and that litter of trash on bis bed when he came home i she bluahed hotly a ah rmmbr- ed that ah and margaret always practiced there and that ah seldom remembered toput thing awy suddenly ah paused where wag her father hi ran subrvto jhff j veranda be was not in lb juumook j every 10c packer of wilsons fly pads clean to wuvfltoldbr ill ctaf 4 advertising in spite of all the hard knocks it has received continues to grow each year it is essential it is the power behind the selling organization take away th ejernent of advertising and the business world would lie stagnant and at a standstill and advertising knows no seasons- it jutjt ketpg everlastingly at it by far the most efficient and persistent salesman on the pay roll after advertising all through your regular season you are losing mighty value publicity by discontinuing your ad people havenow leoineaceus toined to your store news and the time is coming when they are going to need some thing exactly in your line your ad is a constant reminder if it appears regularly the sign above your door is seen only by people who pass your store an advertisement in the acton free press the paper that goes homcib seen and read by the major ity of the people in acton and vicinity each week so dont make the mistake of advertising just in your particular sea son keep your name before the public the year round what do your clothes cost the cost of clothes isn tho price nlono its tho price divided by tho number of days you wear your clothes our clothes arent tho low- pneed kind but they cost you less than others because you ret niorc duysl enr lot ovory dollar you spend with us lus demonstrate tho fact to you by ordering ono of our famous fast color pure wool suits made to your measure jiotill of niiitcrialt and hip in your suit nd he hegt workman- re nelson i nt pot offio quelph immmmnw national victory celebration arerrrjr to 0e opened by hrii the prince of wales exhibition aut 23 toronto sept 6 i british grenadier guards band do not u6 vouh nervous energy b wstsd in needless way unrelieved eyestrain uuoh up a tiruat amount of energy and pro duct undue futlguo liy relieving tho eyestrain illu hv 1h v uiueh mure energy lo unable you to worlt more efficiently and to play w more vim i in douutconbult tyu- memorial paintings sensation of tho urc world recording ovory phuao of cunadhm operations overseas war trophies muinmotii aasombiufto of ifiour and feed store monster guns aeroplanes and all tho instruments of hellish warfare captured by soldiers from tho hun canodaa flying circus col barker and bishop and othsr world fatrfou act in surrendered german planes whippet tivnk captured u boat only of ths rolhiwiiib ths wall known choice nerval r nothlna bsttsr rolled qath short dhan brands i nation i festival of trhnnph nun jim w n nu ftsimst uttanion or m tuoj mall in llurr u uuitlty if lcaii tltlqakt oat chop fecd flour suo ling or small 1 i him cial i ink in ciiickkn kkkd 11v1c ouh ca1lk u10ax a tiual uomk3tic itoiijbd oath tub man canada food kloard umium no 19 robert noble limited henry awrev manager 1 an -9anm- rttovr7iy8ijki1tirti55