tony flflll ycnr no 0 acton ontario thursday morning august 28 1010 siaglo copies five cealn v advertisements ffle methodist chubch acton rcv i m mover p pran4a willow bl tim 1aiili r will in y tho pulilt 111 ixith tn mink unit tvtiilus unrvloo- you ahl invit1 i com 13 dricklaycha wanted 40 llri kl ty r i wuim 1 imro llatoly mm house for sale tho ncrnl luturhid two ntnry roomikl houiin un iliiwur avenue a to 7- fruits and vegetables freeh from our clardtina unit or ahards aalt tar our woekly pslce lists hihof dh fahmet itultland ontario 1 13 nlasnra dlntrlcl house for sale that dou bio ccmoiit plastered house on ilrock avonun containing- ton rooma electric light hard and uoft water house in tiro l class condition to bo sold at has thun rout ii doo down balance on cany terms apply tl 7 3 j hklx farm for sale tho well known farm 0the town line between isquentng and lrln lot 1 3rd con rnntulnlni 100 acira flood frame lioun i mik iwrn with alio well fenced in fulr stale of cultivation j for further particulars apply to t hyofil 83 it it no f art on apprentice wanted to learn nownpapcr worii job print lng ami linotype typeuattlng machine opratlm hoy of fourtoon year- or over ana wliu has pjasod outrun exam 1 nations i referred apply to day to the kit fc i ilibh oitflce actou- 8hippino live stock acton farmora club will ahlp live stock co operatlvely each and every tuesday commencing august 2ft by giving experienced men your stock to handle on an open market inaurea get tins full vuluo und efficient service w lamb ii- n miown becretary president 8 2 phono 41 r 3 3 carp orthank8 tho undersigned doairo to express tbelr cordial thank to the many frlenda and neighbors for their very kind vympathy during tho lonff iii neu and at tho death of our departed loved one we also acknowledge with grateful thank the many floril tokuno i and other fnvont extended mr nail mclntoah and family card of thanks the alnrorest tttnnku of mr w h walker and mr and mrn a t iirown artt hereby uxlcnded to all the kind frlenda and nojghbora for their oyra pa thy and help durlnff tho illness of i their dear nu who has just been called home and all through the trying ex parlance of ptirgit and laying away tho mar love and ul- in affcctlc when wheat was fi4c other prices were in proportion twenty years ago a hundred bushels of wheat was worth 04 o0 today it is worth a goad bit over 200 00 somo difference- t t j yes prices are on a new level they ro higher much higher but individually speaking they are not so very much higher the mechanic used to pay 2 50 for his shoe he used lo gcr only 4 00 o day for tho same kind of work for which he now receives 0 50 higher prices properly proportioned make for pros penty a fact wc cannot deny prosperity is here so are higher prices both are going to remain for a long time to come tho slogan of the day is lets go which means buy now j best values tn this part of tho country to be found today arc macdonalds in mens womens and childrens wearables and wallpapers floor coverings and drap eries jfor the home new fall goods coming in beautiful styles summer merchandise clearing out bargain prices d e macdonald bros ltd guelpys leading and largest store wyndham mmcdonnel and carden streets gaerph onl tushtful kjl evr bo tb kb- man 8tree jfcwttt a the largo brick atom ling op pool tn hyder 4 qlavo iittory lun tieon coiortoj into a medirn iloamhib- houv- all furniture and furnuhlnse or now coufohtauu iioojos ijitlout dinino iioom 0000 whoujjojik alh uoanl by ia or work mealn uppllotl to travellum i lent ltoom for furmoro wlvtw and duughtarb iluclh uiahona11l mrs jos lynd fall opening fiuday and saturday september 5th and 6th inspection uy tilt uaduh op acton am vicinity coiiuiailv invited misses mill street cooper acton acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream you bring in we are payine the highest market imce for live poultry- let na know by mall and we will call for your stock highest mabkbt prtcr vfb cb am kfrfis open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pm acton creamery co willow street i opposite government building wonderland n friday august z the third degree hpcclal vltarph picture with allco joyce ttm ountry ltoro with ivtly arbut klu hihn lu mujtlc admliwloii c md lt war tax cxlru saturday augost 30 love mo with ikii thy i1 ton huir tkmrlr ceinedy with ijtry hemon monday sept 1 lbor day mutiiieu itt 3 t m hay huuk allw with douvtu llrl4k a tinlim obaiiao f plrju nt k1 wl 7 30 thu ptitbltmei city vylh nortott tlmndtt tueodav beptembth r a iaramoui pli lure ttnd tho continued photoiday wednesday 6eptemder 3 laick and iiulk with ooorge walah r l gregory goods russells prtees we are now clearing sum mer goods regardless of cost a few childrens gingham dresses left sixes rf aa to 12 years regular 2 50 to 3 00 r p x io see our window display of goods suitable for comforters also large size cotton batting 72x90 groceries our grocery block is always frcst and jomplctc oir delivery is at your service highest prices puld for egc3 and good dairy butter best r of tcci7i i honest values um ivlojrtil dealing mlil sthkkt acton ont bt4 imm ftjo except friday nd saturday very successful shorthorn calf sale by halton youths 247 per head is the averajre for 26 heifers sold at oakvllle last week one doy received 426 for his fitted calf iuat nprin ttomo thirty khortliorn hclfoni wrro tlltrllmtrmt nmnn the boy und ulr la of italian at a lxctl price they worn to fod and fit them for alx worn to food und nt them for tttt inniiiiu then put them up for aala and linv ihn murplun txtween the oale ff r i i tho ftprlns vuluntlon uu their 1ic the nolo won held at oakvllle lunt wmlneaday iliforo the nale prlxnii ure n warded fir die itobt ntltwl rnlvrj und rtalnly ihkae who aaw the holfura iluplayed mutt have concluded tliat there are many jr rollout foednra umonltho loy there vfnji ulia a judging claaa tho event attracted a hoat of people from nil porta of tho county and njany i uyom frm outalde pointa good buyer have become ronvlncod there la do better opiort unity of kcunni eo fxcollunt yuuiib pure broda tho lop price wu 400 and the nvcraae for ha fcenty alx bond heifer woa 1t 40 thui apeolta well for the luallty of the calves and for thalr good care ilelow in a hal of the younf fulka who preiiarod holforo for the bale gordon mclurmy hnldom corners fenu wluutn weentan tho nurtch ialarmo colin alton freeman liert nlhtlnimle itockwoott mlldrnd conuon milton itnor konter campbellvllle htanluy alton kreeman lirwln fjunby tanaley harold irly norvnl v carman bherwocwl freeman hoydon hrmumj hnldnrs jao ilttttop norval mark alton kreemnn donald riclcerln traiabtar dora klnjt trfabjar uax hcelop palermo cheater iarly norval iora hyan trafalsor colln deaty milton harvey alton hrecnmjl 0o tumor mroeuvllle ioukuui lmernon freemaii jtert fuller trafalaar alox- mcnlven reeman sam newell mill grove w bherwood freeman theae twenty aeven boya antl atrut brought their calve to thlm show and eale in the forenoon three ctooue wort jui tsed anil primes wore given by itof o k tay the winners in the different aluaaea and the amount of money they received are um follow clan i willie hlmrwood htanley alton cheater larly oordon mcilur- ry claaa ilobt mclean max he lop thoa ilurtch houtfloji kmonon olmjui 3 ilert fuller alex mcnlven cur nun hherwood vonald ilckerln iiiuid in such tluks were ua fol iowm lat s1z00 2nd 10 00 3rd is 00 4th 0 00 and all others in the rhuut knt c 00 hperui cat in txt ohow condition max healop h fecial cup for calf abowlna urea test njircbd bfltwn n cost price and lelllns prlrf itobert urlenn donated by loneml anlmulu iruuraneo co in the afternoon the sals was held with cupt t t itoboun as auctioneer the twenty no von head broubtit an avarwicc t iih7 co with the lop price i4200 theat htlfrm wrr eolt to iho bays an i k1s lust february and march and at that time coat between i1s0 00 and j22so0 one noticeable thins to old and yomijj allko wiui the demand and the higher selllna prloo of the better bred animals althouith theae animal coat more n the first cane yet the profit on ouch one wus much lurser tltrn on the more mtxlerato priced animal olinuinb tn t ut of tho anlmula soul loicelhtir with conalaitoe purchaser un 1 j rl- wild iioiiwihki host ronaiifnod by iena wilson pun husml by t tjnenon wlnaonm taly toiuiurnotl by wh uu hborwhhl purchwaed by wm wal du s33c akuis tjucklntflwil i consume by lonlni mtmuiray purrlwaed by our ioi mcmurray 1331 mlssle of qloiiholrat conalaned by hurvey alton purchased by wm wal dk site mli is uouli coualjfiickl by cbea tcr joirty pure asnd by cheater jrly jul uu itamalen illat cotuuxned by ci un it jv i urumfcdl 1 y colin llaty 133d t ujnn c nalned by hum lay alton purchased by htanley alton 13 co iron riiilmn1 by rwtn lun by urt haaeil by lirwln uunby 1100 clurnwixkl crunberry th conablii ed by colin alton utxhuaod by colin altort 40 moudowawvet jewel jnd ooiial-n- el 1 mux helop purcltasod by j a luttlt 37e llyal ijollo sni oonalaned by ixutflua ivmarson purchasott by dou uia lincruon 13 is lmillu lh ooisumkl by tim llurtth purrhusol by tom llurlch curtlei by vu torlu uobt mguu mi iaii 4ic wlniplo hluinf d coiuinl by ham niiwull purchasotl by bam newell 1 310 clurewi n1 laulmlui cvunalned by ituit nltclitliillule liunkiused by uur tu u ititxkun 1560 tloldon limp kth coimlitned by hoyden mnmurmy purchased by hoy d t u muny 20 muiblows 3slli ixnmimuhl by lkirn klnjf purohsaed by iloltsor hijmtl i1d by 12 vl midy oltwler- ooiimlsttiwl y w alt n u buswh by ord n tlreckyi pot aim j y mxinujiieri- y uwnuld ilkuiiux purvbwacd by jumro lyi fcp job mtnl m t pialiel by iku ityuu iuihuim by lvrt h i hi mi ljtdy cunalancd by uert fyl lei- urvbaed by mert fuller tij5 clurvwkd queen oonaiued by mlllrrl couiuju pure osed by jatn lltmkill usd is ly fluitt ooiiultfiied by isinru itairxp purtlihl ly jttdjp llurtut 00 lliiu itiut totiauurd by uriiiui hhfirwotm pur bunml t y ll u lutfh zl hurt ioth t jirly unwimhl 1310 hitliiil valley domtheu 2nd njnt by aib mefvcm htvtihd- by tiu adams 210 news of local import- doy scouu went to meet prince tho hoy hrouta hand under hcout manter n k mimiri and tho llay hrouts under hcoutmaatar horst w coles went to toronto hzhlbltlon yostorday to moet the i rliida of wales who rovlowotl tho hrouts i f ontario it wan the lursest aoout kalherlno ovof held in toronto haltana agrioultural repreaentatlve mr w f htroiik hns recolve1 tho appointment of aarlculturol he pro sentatlv for tho county to 111 the vacant y caused by the reslanallon of ii il hare mr hlronk hud char or tho urn at ilurllnaton when mr hare was nvcroons and hut appoint mont to the vacancy will bo received with favor thmubhiiut llin county vlaltor from print walee trsln mr immii t coleman inapector c i it who is a tnemltar of tho stalt rsv llh k on tho apeclal train which la conveying the irlnco or wales across tho continent was here yesterday vlsllins bis brother mr j d coleman fourth hon ii returned to toronto last evening to join hla train which left the icxhlblllon irrounda at ton a family with educational talent mr and mrs john a mowat havo juat mason for feelings of pride in the educational attainments of their children at tho oxamlnatlona thli your ut toronto university harold passul hla first years nxamlnatlona in roodfino with very creditable atand ln mian jcaali iiossed tho nvtlrlcu lat ion exumlnatlona little marie who la only in her twelfth year passed the hlkh school entrance examinations with honors acton cltlxnea liberty league a meeting waa held in the town hall lillthursduy ovonlntf to organ lte actcjp and aurroundina dlatrict for tho purpose of oppcalng all legla inilin that interferes with the lawful rlghta and personal liberties of the people mr t m itobertnon the local aecretary acted ax chairman mr c i helen t delivered a atlrrin but very temperate addreoa oniceraware a iwilnted for tho own train service to the exhibition the o t il will run apeclal train to toronto at s 63 am from acton on to day and on haturday monday tuesday wednesday and thursday a apeclal from toronto at 11 p m will run on the same days the toronto bttburban electric road will run cars from acton at 7 41 a m 11 ib am 3 03 pm lllim and on labor day a uikoclil at 10 03 am trains will leave toronto at 7 30 a m 1 46 p-m- b i tt p rn 13 raldnlsht and on labor duy ut 0 it n m an i 0 p m commodious nw board inrj hdum mrs joaeph lyni hua opened a now luurtina buuue in the i rick store und dwelllna on main street opposite ityder a mowuts glove works tho ntore has bean converted into a ipucl- ous dlnlita room and the premises have been fitted throughout with new furniture and furnishing mm lynd vlll provide aixo nniodulluna foi ixgu lr bourdon travellers who desire temiorary quarters or meals to any a ral room tor farmcr4 wives nut diulitji- has ula4 been provl led an editors family of medallau mr j c templin editor of tho rirx njt hocord may well reel 1 roud of tho record of hla children tn their public school attainments tho ruri baru uf tjlucatknfor siwcnl years haa awarded medabi to the pupils from town and county taking the hitch est marks at tho high school entrance jyunl nations miss marbaret temp lin the youngest daughter of mr tampllii woa this year the winner of the town modal having taken the hbjh est marks out of fis who wruto all three of the templin children have in tun been winners of tills modal u record which la certainly cmduable and naturally gxutlfylna to tho home forty years adv in fro press an advertising contract with a toronto business in use having ex i ired lust week the fuss ihsss sub mlttod the increased rules called for by our new ralo card and received the following much appreciated reply your favor to bund wo liote the ad vunoo in rate ronuoelod for licit ynur co lit rut anl have pleasuro in cum t lying with same we roullae that we have been with vou a very long tme but did not know it dated back no fur us forty ycarm we have no limitation however fn saying that during tl it time we have receive i tio utmost kullsfui tlon uiil tiuat our lal big with the kukm iaass muy laat for many yeurs to omu wlih best wish us for continued health und proeperlty we are v rv truly n a m co school debentures sold at premium to john stalker proceedings to be taken at once to legalize the transfer or the shoe factory agreepacnt the btrsata could be kept clsaner itrup it uuywhorel nobody cures aliywuy one little ctgureeto box or the wrapper off chewing gum or the uilvoloiki from the letter or tho wrap liar fruin a nnwaipujier surely uim would hot cutl drol pills them on the lilawalk iftterlug the alroel hut if cacti itlaoii yuunf and old drops u lmiper on the public a i reels tlm mmu latlva effect la not pleasant to behold in many of our towns and cities boxes are placed on tho streets or tho do olt of waato luiper where auth lire not uvulluhls however li la no bard ahlf to lurry amull paper wrui pom until they cain 1m iromirly dlaiusod of clgurtitu un 1 hum itiiiuinurm ure not out of puna in the wicket until the lhxket can be eitiptled keep them there und for the sake of cleanly ui poarume of tho jitreatn juld of thut clvlrf prld which la essential to be keiiprul proliaperlty of tho homo own keep scrups t f pajrer uff the strel mr mnihe pt psmaasa on my 10 lu wimo joljn csjiuu i the ilgl enginer at at t iilng compnya wurks und lla yflfy uinila wrlv ylrlllu tti vur4ilu ftiid ilest uuultlugftra pj uuu u ul street uirs horo v t vveio in t liilcd with hiiulier ml the outlier mntf unl cliurth hlru tuy were liotlt hon vluleily t oodt of the vs i uno of tdr icnihoa i ur wiim dlmleslet upl mrs m nuhul suets inel ouusldoruble injury inolud liuf bad bruises and a abhk lo narvoua nyatam writs worn laeued mi ui tl iib brtiughl ugulnat the ton to itallwuy coiupuny with h wm have come on for trial this fall laat wfek liowevt f a settlement wua ur rived ut un tur whlti both mi urn m mnichol bavu irecn lutbl nub titantlul dutuagos un i both aulta have leen wlllidrawn mr i n kim llarrlster of alioii ucod for the two pluliititte bo hi in the leading of the writs und in the subsetiuent iifgi ilu thin wlilrtinnv trrnwnutnl in a kutisfuctory auttlrmaut municipal officers salaries are increased council met in regular session on monday oven ins- with councillors hell and lei ah man present and the itoovo in the chair mnved by j hell seconded hy j it leuhman and resolved that in the abaenco of or gray and mr heard mora messrs hell and lolahman bo authorised to act as finance com ml t- tee curried tho finance committee presented their savenifepth report and rocam mnniod payaenl or the following no counts sv iiydko account mcioiald a wlllson nupplieo jl s4 hyro tower comm auppllea so is hydro iower comm power 44c 97 hupcrlor klectrlcs ltd eupplles 8 10 northern kltwtrfrj co auppllea 28 7 canadian general kloctrlo co 124 toronto huburban hy expreaa 73 89 okn hal account actum fiuts ibjotn printing and advortlalng 37 0 treasurer of ontario alnklng fund ibs 01 qoo dills labor in cemotery 20 70 van jonoa atraels and walks 34 00 social and personal acton workers mlna i idle uppln la holiday no at klth nor 42g1 31 the report was adopted the iteeva etatod that the deben lures for 2 100 for school improve ma nt a which were advertised for sale in the fuss ittxaa had been souaht after by a number of investors the highest uffor waa mode by john stalk er 102 and his offer had been accepted a communication was read from j a tills of the department of muni clpoi affairs giving- desired informa uon nlatlvti to the position or the town with tho reliance bhoe co he in formed the council thai they mint get a quit claim deed from the itellanco tihoo co and that either a by law must be aubmltted to the people ctumging tho agreement to h a oour- lay co or application be made to the irfgtsluturo foi permlsslun to make the change he advised the submit tins of a by law as the best way of ettllng tho mstter lir oray came in anl loakriiutseat a letter from mr h a oourtay was receive j ho thunked he council for the action they bad taken toward having- his ccnccrn move her the present liuno of the arm is o j urt ay fc fogolber ijmlted but thi will be cltungeil at he first meeting of the uimpui y 4a mr kojilbrt la not a member of ihn now company movrd by t orny seconded by j hell un i resolved that mr ii n fanner clerk la hereby ina true tod tu tuku the lie essary proceedings to get a cum pic tn release from the ilwllance bhoe co releaalng the corporation of acton from all privllcg granted to them by by taw 447 and to obtain a deed from oaid helta nee hboe ca lr a tend ot ore insure w mirtxate curried moved by j iull wconiinl by j 11 lelshmah and resolved that u grunt of itcoo be made to the acton l fulr for he year itt carried tho by law rutin- tho tux rule ut 38 mill for the your was introduced given the required number of readings and passed tho liinfuw in salaries roo letteil by municipal ofrlcr held and fcjoctrt clan wilson was then culled up tor dlsousslon mr iteid auted that ho was per fectly wllllnt to reatfcn if an oil i or man id be secured the aalury he is getting- was not auftlcient and ha could not consider continuing- the position any longrer at the salary now belna icrelved the council was unanimous in their locution that both these men were ejllclunl und were tiot receiving ade quate ikay for their services the hydro imlaalon pay all of tho electrician a salary und over 200 uf mr held s now vlow uf th efart that tho hydro work done by mr held has greatly in creased an increase to c0o bos been uaked by tho council as tho hydro a i hare of mr retdta salary movihi by j h lelahman seoonded by j hell und resolvod that i ho aul urles of w j hold and charles w wilson be ruined to 1 100 00 per month each tho suid increase to dato from august lb 1b19 carried ouiicll udjoumod at 10 o clock the matriculation examinations jack wsldie paassd with honors josale mowst and duff wilson also passed the nln for matrlculullun into the university hud lather u pe ullar reault here this year of tho can uilste of aclon high h hool who wrote those who were auccessful were junior btudanta and ware as fol iowa j h wai oik honors jlvhsik i mowat 1 l 1 wiluon rhose who passed tbrnughout the county were c it ijreokon ii w cleaver it clishdm m hiuott o iz fclllolt h 1 kurly m ii ford m iulbrwilh h w lllloluu honors v l u iff n lu i titles i heti hull or- a mcm ialrd j m heau a v mlulbbou h k monee honors j i mowst v m j mcclosxy a c mac nail j t macnell m m munro huii ore 1 m i iuuii m iohusell tv- or- j w ityau lunur a kin clalr f i tru l v wiutiuul j ii wullle lumum w w wluun t lull vlsun lu i nlllamaun up kikh at gepkgetown kennedy hardware store durnsd to the qround tuesday night it la uvr a vesr since iworgutowii h n bad ure then the herald dlhu wus uomplutely dtuttiiiyuil uu tuos llay night the luirdwwjo stura of john w kennedy main htret was 1ih cuvoml to be on fire the tire had ujreudy made au h heairwy that the th l eitorta of hi flie itrlade ooul 1 hot suvo the pre m urea iho bulldin was buritel to tho ground anl nun h of the valudblu alook was deelrnyed the loss ovor insurance will be con aide ruble through the efforts i f thu tlrrniun the rbtmea were hugely condiiuil tt the kjiuiuuly building v iay l lasses at llrami ton httslnoss iiiatltuto iwgiil tuesday hepumbcl 3 larents uf young ooplo interested ar invltshl to call or wrlu for plllijulr- i toronto and mibb tile ilu was homo from tor i iit over hunday mibb l juarrlngton toronto is the lineal of mra k c hood k nig tit mm charles a conway is visiting ul her rather- home at uxbrldsts- mlat iciu mcl won horue f rom toronto for a day or so last week mlaa una kenney lias been botnq from toronto for a week a holidayo mra wm laiidaboroueh and charlie vlaltt i frlemls jn toronto last wi mia- u hmlth and ml i hlroons are visiting mr and mrs tt j hmlth mrs l 11 hhorey was called to cole brook owing to the illness of her mother miss evans of toronto apent a fow days last week with the misses ijltley ilower avenue mrs john nlckel of arnlo is vuit irfb her sists- mrs james iirown church fjlreel mrs john ii warden and daughter f fergus vlaited at mr a a wor den a this week miss mary mason of chlcogo visited her brother mr william mason john htreet last week mr jos and miss margaret ken neoy f toronto apent the week end at their home here mis- mrosaret vandusen of tor onto spent the week end at the home of mr j j kennedy mrs ii h worden and her soldier son lieut ernest wordon apent thursday with acton frlenda mr and mrs willlstn arirfln and mr and mrs cleorge orutln of krtn visit ed acton relatives on monday messrs charles hymon and tlwin indsborough are apendinc a few day- with friends in toronto mr and mrs charles erwfn of rochester n y visited mrs c mc pherson ilower avenue laat week mrs henry uauer sr who has been in poor health for mama time has been in a critical oondlturri for several days masters arnold and oersvld claary or toronto are spending a oouplo of weeks ul the home ot mr j j ken nedy hev i m mover and mr culp br utiitonil f r m vlnolsnd on aaturday attend the funeral of mrs w if walk r mrs alice heury and miss muhel rtrturned laat thursday after pending a month with friends ianljf mlsura ida and i est hoe onthnm of winnipeg um vultlngt ontario friends und bent a day or two in acton dur lug the week mr und mr r meat denny and their dauj hter mlns kuby of oranjcevllle wcr guests of mr und mrs j ii ianny on sunday jdlss annie martin daughter of mr und mrs t 1 martin left on monday on a trip to tho coast in the hope ot improving her health mr iml mrs fmklii of cashmerp wash wire guests of mr and mr alex hell uat week mrs foskln la a alster of mrs itell mrs h lu mckee ox uenalto alta- ji i mrs s iauloy of orondvlew man were here laat week visiting tbelr bister mrs n f moore miss lottie mason of acton was tho guest of her brother mr amos mason for a few days last week alton cor riu advocate hev und mr- b f mauiutell re turned home lost week alter spending a month ary pleasantly in tho par ental homo at lnrt arthur mlaa nuiaabelh wilson formerly of tho teaching atsjt of actuu be boot now of haull ble mario was the guest this week of miss muriel floury it h c shorey of wilmington oeleware made his brother mr l h hhorwy munoger merchants hank a brief visit during the week iir- oordon uck and- children mm aiiuotts homes and miss ula llurnob of toronto were guests of mr und mr- 1l ii wunsburuugb last miss ivy uttley is spending- tho woek with friend- at toronto bha luid the pleasure of ahakiug- tianda with the irinc ol wale- ut the city hall on monday or john uwaon who has been in lkkr health for some time is nw uu in ov imf he meiit almul a week in hu host uul ut ouelph cut l ham not- and aihiiils un hour or so in his otnoe dally ihe homo of mr and mrs fred honatliau htewarttuwn formerly at acton ivau bad groat sorrow the past month kurly lu the montlt they lost their twelve year old eon and lssi wk an inranrchlld 0i1 of dlphthorb otuierul syrnpalhv will be felt fior them mrs janioe coleman uf winning la vlaillna her reu mr james 1 t oleiiiun fourth line mr fjeorge colemui and son said dsughtcr of toronto who iuvo bedti in the west on a vlalr also ijinm with mrs cola iitwii mul will aiwud u week ur wo with mr coleman a liote flom mr- jasli mowlltiums uf ulgji imyci- alberta my hat mrs w j iumy of fergus and mrs adam ktnwurt wf kl all xuu- er rtallviitn uf ac tun bad just left there for h me after biwiidlna two inuiiuia with rrlends at high hive hole u bask und lort arthur out thj following friends from a illst- uucri ukj ll the funeral of tie ute mi w ii wulkor on untunuy mr and mrs j hmlth be kirk man mrs hufua wurden hellevllle mr und mr- ju uon wurden toronto mr and mrs iordiin hay ward toronto mr mid mr- char lee oorham hi thomas mr william maaales and mlaa olive mltli mr ibmiuej wordon oeorti town mrsh jeans ouelpli itev un 1 mr- uo w harks r hyrunjfum ml btoveif matthews luelpb miss t uul uuali h mr and mrs dryden luebn mia moggie a kins ouetph miiim mildred uutral tocnito mr and mr joimi onelll and mr nd mrs ftil kay george tosvn ana miss mag le tost aienwulunta are organized for referendum were addressed by county presi dent e il cleaver and county secretary pearen friday evening stronq committel0 at work a sood reprcsentalldji of tcmtmsranoe workers uxaemblcd in thn town hall on friday livening for onrtnlxatlnn tor ihe referendum election to invo place in october jtev j c wilson the local iresl dent upihilnted by the county execu tive at th lr mihijr in june took the cluilr tho muotl tg was uienetl with jruyu by itev hurold carr in n br f u i lrcui itnv mr wllin pointed out tluit the tomlnir i lection waa per ha tho must important in the history of thn province on the croat question of p ombltion of the ilipmor truinc the need for organ i xution of tlie orc is of oon and women who are anxious to protect our homos our young people und our community rum tho inroad- of the lluuor tram a was clearly muni feat- bolf denying effort is neceaoary if we ure to or compllsh successfully ttm most satis factory and permanent results he earnestly exhorted all throughout the compalstn to keep awoet and to mani fest a hhrh typo of chrllthui influence ur e ii cleaver tho irealdent for tlie county won then introduced he rngfettd that ha wus not accompanied by mr locke the county organiser who is a returned ao idler but thn ugh an attack of tonal litis ho was unable to be present mr pearen tho county secretary was present and briefly ad dressed the mee ting- mr cleaver gavo a vory in tore tins and helpful report or tho work that la being- undertaken showed that the out look eras most encouraging- and im pressed the tact ilia i if the temperance people and all who doalro to keep the bar rooms and other methods of dis tributing intoxicating- liquor from our mldst will do their best in this cam paign our fair land will novor again bo cursed with the legalised aale of liquor he avo a very comprehensive il lustrated explanation of thq nail o l to be used and allowed by the terms of the referendum act that those who desire to keep liquor out and retain the on tori j trrnjicnitioo act roff in force must mark their ballots with a crona in the mo ooluron opposite each of the questions asked thl la moat important for if a voter falls to mark hla ur her ballot in all the npacos the ballot will be thrown out as polled he also showed that u the elector voted in tho no column to retain the ontario temperance act and than voted for wine and boer or govern ment sale of liquor tho vote for no to th first question would not be counted ivery elector who desires to retain prohibition must mark a cross oppotite cuch queutlon in the no column or they will loae tbelr vole mr cleaver exprtsaniod the cratltude everywhere felt that tho woman hod at last been given the right to vote the grantlnc of the franchise to them will mean that this and air other moral laaucn will have their splendid nupportl the organlxatloii of officers and committees for tho campaign was then proceeded with the plans adopted throughout the province were explain ed and a committee of the following cltlxens was appointed t nominate the necessary offlciru and committees c c henderson hubert i tonne tf w e hwuckluiraui- mrs ir jny and muv manila maxntes they reiirl and after carerul oon- slderatlon of thu field presented the following iiomlnutionm chairman hov j c wilson h jl vice chairmen mm ceurgte havlli and a t hrown hecretary w 11 htewarc as bee it h wansburousth treasurer miss minnie itennetl captains no 1 itev i m moyer atid mrs aitulo flumuvlllu cauptalns na 2 frank kennedy and miss lvllxubuth cruluuu the cuptuliui of cutli pollliut aub division will chose ten workers to assist them lu their dullu- a atroiih plrlt of hoi i fulness char- ucterlxed iho inoiliu ihroukhout and a dutermlnatioii lo apere no effort to have every vole itollod and do actons alio re in piling up u majority which rhull allow dcxlrlvely tht tiu in tm leal- liig liquor u icslnd in iiiim oummunlty military news stuff kerst herbert hltchlo arrive home on tuumliiy uvi luif and all lib irtends rejoice 1 1 1m brotbera lieut don itltchlo und leoru met hhn at ruru ito uu i iimortixl him ho lie her- ilia llo- bvaii oil jin bluff ut xjtford atii tlualuud fur uaverul months usalstliiac in dcmoblixutloii ho has returned utroii und well und an inch or two taller tlian when ho left actou fur terseaa ito ionnnl llovncs who rnsldod in actui when a buy waa in town last week he lias been in ltliaki for two taken with mplnol lueiiliigllbi with seven others ha went into hoapltal beverol other- be went into hoapltal only one other beside him iun out he is now in good hcultti but bos undentone over twenty operations ho is still on duty fn toronto in thj army bervire corpe nearly ull of tho ldo boys of acton und vicinity who wenl owrsoae to light for uui liberty und piotuctlon luvn re- tumetf home and texumea clvtl lire flu y imvs been thoroughly wuhioiiietl and liiu to to feel thut thatr mervloem were tpprocuitad hy the resident of the comuuinlty rim hal ut u wine smaller und aoon wulooiiilug home iho hoys through oui ivlc leceptiuiai will be but a thlntf of liiumory htuft hil juxk t hupiuun cau urrivu i home lut thursday evonluat with hla l ntty 1iuijb1i hriuu rroni owrsoau llv wus iflvtin u iljnllat re- crptl by tlltl t ivlo llucsptluit luulv mill t ut thu big wulcomu was ui- ten lel when bu rvullied iha fumll realdon on vulii ntrwi berirt chap- inuii la wull unl hupl y to gat home ugulu wn iil mull will tllld now canadlun fi lauds whuravver htm goes uout kmoat woolen of ouotph who vlsito 1 actou rrlondm lust woek had mimt liiturestlug exihirleniee uvef- aeas he wus in riiglund itmiwi and helgium uli nlku und wit- aout throug heibu und itutguriu he ulso apeu s time on the hwiiube und was at adrlunople an i cuumnnuiioiilv thuuah seriously wounbnt in unu uf hi- e gagtinenta ho hu- tully lutoyurmuiimj is now u luggml hnulthy luull i4but wurden ut onto xniunithl to hi- posl- 11 hi uu the tu hltiii bluff of luelph cllgtuu liulltutu h hue lull u busy ttiue duriut the hull lays iuiiliut esamlnall in uptia l itnoiiut itthlai anapa th irnnri ume muholi- uul klv ylu tihujl imhiiuihi tta tru4l i