fchp acton 3rvtt xbb tiioiujijay auoiiht 21 ma the garden gate karly and lain early and late mttlo ikiy nwlnaa on the garden sale ii imit u sain its a motor carl im travoliliik fast od im travelling far j toot my horn and i turn my wheel and nobody known how grand i fl karly and late wly m late utile iloy nwlno on the garden gate twelfth jut walks olway it unt a gate if- a great uf ahlpf im olt to the ivjjo on a splorlng trip ill ride a white i bear holding on by hu lulr and ill hurry him up with a whale- akin whlp korly and late early and lata xjttle ikiy iwlncn on the garden gate it isnt a gate its a big- balloon im going- to aalt till i reach the raoan ill play with the man as hard aa i can and ill stir up the stars with a great horn spoon marly and lata early and lata little itoy swings on the garden gate its not a gate it off run he his mother la calling come in tn leal its a wonderful gate but just unt able to turn itaelf into a supper table laura e juchard in womans homo companion the old man of the big clock tower the deaieat jplrl ard ulna jordan of orangey i ho who by too way popular milliner in acton lor several seasons after a happy wedding went to reside iri tjie uwnon residence old miii uwnan followcd her husband a few years later khe wan a friend worth having today tho urn lawson and their bright trio of children realde in this home the adjoining- lot lias boen the alia of one of actons hotela for sixty years or more whan i first knew it it waa italia tavertt william uell the landlonl aod waa popular with all and especially with the ornnp men who inado thla the rondoivoiu of it seems aa though the band had gotten under way at last theyve marched paat here to functions two or three times- and i hear them prac tlaing- quite often theae nlghta i dont know what financial or outelde assist anoe theyve secured or whether the band is an exception to the rule of moat organisations and requires nothing- for upkeep- they seem to be getting alone rest welt and i have just boen wondering if it would be asking too much of them to put on a band concert orne everting- before the fail acta in i havent given anything to their assistance but i have never been given a chance- to i couldnt so up to the band hall and offer a contribution becauae right away they would aay thats the od lfan i bet and you know i kind of feel my neck asking for a band concert but whats a follow going to do in a caae like thlar i know im not the only one who would like to bear more or the band and cant aak for it lr our board of trade vu only in operation we might uae them aa a o between in such mauera and hundreds of other ways thai would be for actons advance meat you may think that because im old and all i have to do is set up here in the tower and find fault bat i have seen it all and held my tongue so long that i am taking my lick at spouting oil i feel like now wed all like a band concert and it would be a food way of finding- out just how murh interest the cltlaens had in it if a collection were taken up strike up the band and try il the old familiar faces i in my rem iniscent moments up here to my lofty quarters how i do long- for a eight of those friendly faces of the years long- jtono past hut even at pay ax ufo itfbbms to be too strenuous to spend much time for indulging- in such long ings however as i recall their faces and friendships and kindly deeds and helpful words while engaged pennlnx these notes of the earlier days x feel that i cannot belp but revere their memories we owe much to thm for the help we got and stjll set out of their influence and for whatever good we may be doing- wo give them due credit and aa vre press on it is with the hope that by and bye we may meet again and we may then find that we even helped them a little bit well review the past together when some other old man will be writing- recollections of us perhaps for the columns of the pass pass and the edification of the readers of the com ing- days wbo too will gradually old aa j hare been ruminating- this week i recalled a poem x asti across some years ago which contrasts the days i writs about in this column of weekly cecollecuons and things ihey are today two viewpoint are portrayed the grandfather an i the crandaona the grandfather prophe aled thus bald i to neixnbor brown today toil mark my words- i said this goodly town were living in is forging straight ahead just see the way thr place has grown within your time and mine the ponds filled up tha troves cut down weve got a plank road line new houses owning- scores of them not too much to say the townll reach to hansoms fields perhaps beyond some day and neisjhbor brown agreed with me joaastm hhrfathershot a big- black bear exactly where theyve got their garden plot i envy sir my grandson x may not have one its true but should x have one he the lad wholl see things i tell you land knows id like although i guess my chance is pretty slim to see this town dost once the way im sure twill look to hlni remember about fifty- five years ago a bur orange walk here mr 1111 decided that the hotel would be en tirely inadequate to accommodate the crowd of visitors lie teased nom edward moore the vacant lot in the rear and built booths along each aide of the lot and there the orangemen snd their friends feasted and par took or liquid refreshments of which there was no atlnl blnce mr dells day this hotel has had numerous land lords and many names it baa been called at different times tod queens the itosaln house the depot hotel and for many years has been the sta tion r hotel it has had proprietors who catered naaldlously to the com fort of travellers and guests and it has had landlords who determined that the bar trade should have almost ab solute attention at one time many years ago it put out great baits to entice the boys in their toens a father whose sons had there learned to drink to his great sorrow once told me of he mode of procedure the landlady would invite ten or a doaen boys into the back parlor she would first treat the boys all around if they asked for some soft drink it was invariably served with a stick in it after this first round she would say now hilly ive treated its your turn to treat the crowd illlly wbuld call tha bluff and the drinks would come in again a few aongs and a piece or two on the melodlan or a fiddle would follow then mrs landlady to keep things going- merrily would announce now boys lvo treated and billys treated i think its toms turn to treat and so the matter went blight generous friendly boys would be drawn in they would never be mean about treating uke men the result was a dozen or so of our best hearted boys got the habit of drinking and some of these same boys fill drunkards graves today the old bell tavern has from time to time been improved and enlarged but the present proprietor mr h m las by a few years ago made ex ten slve improvements and modernised the premises of all the hotels acton has had this is the only one left the california house up on main street was destroyed by ore years ago the dominion house has been converted into a glove factory the acton house also known as the clark house the campbell house the boyal exch eras destroyed by ore and the bank of nova scotia and mcisnery ev evans neat market now occupy its site bells hail over the bote stables has a history es welt as the hotel here dancee4fa veiling shows auction sales of bankrupt stocks were held this waa the armory of company of hal ton battalion when lit was organ laod in ufa the year of the ken ian ilsjd it was a greet i sight tothe youngsters of that day jwben the red coated soldiers marched off the ad joining commons at command of capt allan after the evenings dwll to the armory to deposit their old snyder enflelds and equipment the triangular lot at the corner of mill and ouelpb streets was for many years one of ransom adams wood yards after hansoms death the late john brown of lime ho use bought it and mr crawshaw built the fine double stone house mr john clarke m of acton tannins company lived there for many years the old man sparks from the anvil brotherhood i helped most through fine deeds not through fine apooches the patriot is not the man who uvea off his country but the man wbo hvc for his country if ooxbtg breathe we should take care that our thoughts are not foul but pum and swaer i those who guard most carefully their duties seldom have need to complain about their rights if the church is to go forward like a mlghty army ahe will have to close the gaps in her ranks and obey ber commander better jobs friends arguod that what was good enough for the fatherti was good enough for the children uod was displ with that teaching he sranted mankind to make progress and rnt tairkottheouuiuuianud urf fathers or children and fifty years later the grandson aollloquues f bugbt an old time print today quaint old copperplste which showed a street scene here about in eighteen at xty eight tou know it takes a view like that to make one realise the speed with which this burr of ours grew up to such for instance apropos of growth to think they used to say thfl townil reach t hansoms qelds perhaps beyond some day why knox htreefs now away down town its farther down than dllbr and yet id like to turn time back and gaae on cobble h11l no office buildings round here then but counting rooms instead a loading train perhaps in front in back a flowerbed the- plank road line the shops the pond where granddad used to swim but sayf lduan lu sea this town the way it looked in his days to him i way back in the long ago john lawnon of the fourth line put bis surplus cash into ths lot at the corner of mill and wilbur htiy ssjuttle djd nights of aoony come in tho train of asthma the victim cannot he down and sleep is driven from his brain what grateful relief is the immediate effect of tr j x- kellogss asthma remedy it banishes the frightful conditions clears the passages and en ablea the afflicted one to again sleep a soundly and restfully as a child insist on the genuine at your nearby druggist a sensitive native son whan the calumet and hoc la mlr were opened nearly all the miners were cornlhmeo gradually however i migrants from central europe began to find employment the corniahmfcn looked upon them with disfavor i st tv one of the older men went to mr ag the president of hit- com pany and said that something would have to be tlono there were altogether too many forlgnars oomlng- in mr agassis who was himself a hwlss by birth listened sympathetical ly and said 1 think youre right john if thla kind of thing continues you and i will have to go back to the 4d svunlry he think then that hi sake dr jehn lwi that sits for htsresld tury later uam iloddkv lived there then bak cq when ho wasnt playing c r his mother kept house and f t to her nelghbor when b4 oj- son was about ready to rot jn farming- he sold the old mum to alex k smith the energetic laile- ment agent of that day alex moved it tothe lot at the comer of mill and fellows streets where it still stands- it now belongs to the ileardmorea and will be removed again to make room for the big- rink which is in the plana for the recreation block there ia commodious brick residence follow ed on the vacated corner jtfr lawaon and his good wife eventually came to acton the old gentleman enjoyed his declining- years he made garden read the olobe on week days went to the kirk on bun- day and carved fancy walking- sticks between umem finally this stately old gentleman wacaued to his re ward then dr john feuln love with the oil for the athlsts ir rubbing down tho athlete can find nothing finer than dr thontaa electric oh it renders tho muscles and sinews pliable takes the soreness out of them shd strengthens them for strains that nuy be put uikii them it stands prs- emlnant for this purpose and athletes tvi l who for years have been using it can 010 tuesday and wednesday inln iyil7 september 23rd and 24th 1 271 7 actonfallfair open to the world many special attractions new revised and enlarged prize list splendid fair night concert on second night with special features trials of speed with good purses the prize list judolng of live 6ek will commence promptly at 140 pm heavy iiobses class i heavy draft bbc 1 brood mare 3 uprlnr colt oneyearold gelding or filly twoyenrold gelding- or kilty three year old qeldlnjf or kllly 14 00 13 00 13 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 i0o 1 do i 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 i 00 brood mare spring colt oneyearold gelding oi twoyearold gelding o three year old ueldlng- clas0 2 agricultural 4 00 3 oo s oo a oo 3 do 3 00 3 oo a 00 3 0o kllly 1 00 13 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 i 00 class 3 general purpose 4 00 3 00 3 00 x 00 3 00 2 oo twoyearold gelding or kllly 3 oo x oo 1 brood mare 3 boring- colt 3 oneyearold gelding or kllly g three -year- old gelding or kllly 3 00 i 00 13 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 class 4 heavy horses in harness 1 hpan of heavy draught mares of geldings s3 00 s 00 14 00 3 hpan of agrlculfaralroaros or geldings i 00 00 4 00 3 hpan of general purpose mores or geldings i 00 c 00 4 90 light horses class b carriage sec i brood mare 2 spring colt 3 oneyearold gelding- or kllly 4 twoyearold oeldln or klliy class 6 roadster brood mare spring- colt onoyearojd gelding or kllly twoyearold gelding or kllly class 7 liqht horses in harness single carriage j -year- old gelding- or ally jh 00 single carriage maraor gelding span mares or geldings tbctjo- year old roadster gelding or nity single roadster mare or gelding span roadsters mares or geldings single roadster mare or gelding pacer saddle horse mare or gelding s4 oo s3 m yi oo 3 00 a 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 x 00 3 00 1 00 s4 00 s3 00 3 00 3 00 z 00 100 3 00 z oo 1 00 3 00 z 00 1 oo arness s 00 si 00 13 00 00 4 00 3 0o 1 00 fr oo 4 00 x 00 4 00 3 0o 00 4 00 s 00 3 00 00 4 00 00 4 00 3 00 s oo 4 00 s 00 note all road ho around the trmak shown in this clsss must be driven ones cattle class 8 pure bred 3ec i best cow any age 3 best cow showing dairy propensities s two- year eld heifer 4 oneyearold heifer 5 calf heifer senior calf heifer junior 7 bull 3 years or over bull i year and under fwo bull calf senior bull calf junior herd to consist of 1 bull end 4 females pen of calves 3 in number class polled angus i best cow any age twoyearold heifer oncyearold heifer calf heifer bull x years and over bull i year under z bull calf 4 00 s3 00 s3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 4 oo 3 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 z 00 1 00 3 00 1 60 3 00 1 00 1 so 4 00 3 0o a oo 4 00 j 00 3 00 3 00 z oo 1 so 3 00 zoo i so 00 s do 4 00 3 00 1 j8 s3 00 13 00 si 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 z 00 1 00 z 00 1 60 i 00 3 00 1 00 i 00 3 0o 2 00 i 00 3 0o 1 w 1 00 herd to consist of one bull and four females class 10 pure bred dairy best cow any age cow j years twoyearold heifer heifer calf ilull 3 years and over bull 1 year under s3 00 3 00 3 oo 300 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 oo herd 1 bull registered and 4 rcmuloa pure bred or grade w t oo class 11 hades beef type best cow 3 years and ovei twayearold heifer oueysarold heifer heifer calf kat beast steer i s3 oo z 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 testify tu its value as m lubricant a new one a caller what a beautiful baby and what is its name young mother flrldgel mary atu devore cnllei msrcy eakesl how did yoi happen to give it a name like thatr young mother why the itook threatened to leave whin baby came und we got her to stay by naming- th baby after her class 12 grades dairy type llet cow 3 years and over oo twoyaarold heifer i 0o otieyvurold heifer 3 00 heifer calf 3 oo s3 oo i 00 z 00 s 00 1 00 i oo z oo z oq z oo l oo 100 3 00 s3 oo l 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 m sheep class 13 leicester or lincoln 1 beat ham shearling i tain litun ijunb mteurllng bwe kwe lamb wn of four ioiuf wool lambs cla8s 14 cot8wolo beat itsm hhearljng lu itam lamb one kwu shearling fcwo 3qt8hcoughs 1uii s3 oo 11 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 oo 1 00 3 oo 1 00 s 00 i 00 3 00 i 00 s3 do si oo x 00 1 00 3 do 1 00 3 00 1 00 x oo 1 00 3 jo 1 uo lioul usui shfuiriiig hum ham lamb j one kwe k uhesrllng icwe kwe lamb ion hhort wool limits class 10 oxfohd downs 1 oil 1 00 1 o0 i 1 00 3 oo 3 on 1 oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 class 18 downs any breed ilent ltam u htiourlliiit itatn ham lamb one kwe hlieurllng- kwe kw- inl cntjnwsj nest wssk detter stay in canada a timely wnrnliijr to anndlaiwloi- illerp la wired hy tlio ci lottos iy union rorrrspvii ilnnt caitlilinn vjtcniiin aro rcturtilnft to britain jn torn uiiiiilxxn entlnliitut ut 3u0 wuokly with tlio rx- pottatuiti of ruiiowhik tlio pltuniirultl mod of llfo which tlioy eximirlouvcd there wliln triiinluif or hitu1ldl orjti ftirloilgh they will hud that un r ivllla tlmy huvn no ujiojnt iirl vllnitm or n ontlrmu and thit tlihr oiortuiltln or ihllninir work nri murh nitti ttrlrtcd than in cunuiu ii in a bute to ilruuili hiimiltullty that many cunudlaiin nliould la dm hark by nicmorlcji of tlio klmln whirl the itrllnh pcopln lavish thrm during the war hut ihoy urn running ilia rink of tlmllptf tlmmi ves ienntes8 unit are aggravating the i to trf ft king jinlilnm of iniiilnilunn in ilrltuln thuri r uuld to bo 1000 tllarharged canaillun no i a lorn thoro and dally soma tnoru urn arriving toronto globe the pill that grind rltfwlipn ftr iitio bun purlnkon of a moul ho is opprciiued by foallngs of fullness and luilns in the stomach ho suffers from lynimpsia which will persist if it be not dealt with parttielees vfgetable illls are the vry best medicine that run imj procurod to bring relief these pills are specially compounded to deal with dyupopslu mid their sterling juallilos in this rcaimct con be vouched for by legions of users when using wilsons fly pads reao directions s carefully and c fllow them xv exactly far more effective than sticky fly catchers clean to handle sold by drufiun and grocers everywhere j n oneills garage carriage works have ready for sale one usd ford touring car one used light ford truck both in firstclass con dition ajgo a fyw good used buggies and wagons a large stock of cockshutt and fleury plows chatham fanning mills kitchen cabinets white sewing machines dealer in dodge bros motor cars for the acton and georgetown districts carriage rubber tires pvit on j n oneill 1 georgetown ontario i fwywiwajwi v9b ag88 t if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will a home to boost free press buythome campaign head these articles with care they may present something yoo hadnt thought pf before patronize the people whose ads are here they are your nehrfabors and will treat you right the money yoj- end with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will alwy find it pro f tfft a2urs7l control the towns ijnooleums oilcloths and qrocorle 9r jtiplcp ir ct our aim is to anticipate your desires j- ljliij x un x in acton mo lean ev mills 3ur aim i to sell you iry aaods moris iu mis inst and groceries the quality and prlco of whlcii will seep your money in acton we can compete willi anyonu anywhofit and stronuiy urjro com- parlson d c russell the penalsr store is criterion for uurlty uod wholrmimuness in patent forjnulos wo curry us well choice ierfuqiery toilet artlclns vlctrolas our hprlnc wall iape sale bt now on ond very apeclul bar- snina are offered a t drown can maw r break a community through exercise of their buyinir power they hold purse strings it is estimated that at least 80 pee cent of the uetail purchasing is done by feminine shoppers it huu boon t tlml rului- the voi the world of iruou hold und inun us u rulti tho hand that roku the cradle ut the hand low hum lu this tnoru llterully true uuui in noun lu ihu liunhiutlnc aifuiit of the house- vvry tftuil to liuvu iir liandle the job consult us first when buying hardwuru l romplete ilanlwura we carry tuck of uhelf and huavy hllverwure cutlory u to- uni cun convince tho tnost critical our prices and uullty are hicht james 8ymon order your cost now delay unilor prestint conditions invariably nivalis un udvunco in tho htovo und funuico coal tulnd wu curry cjrocurios as wull j c hill na nltu- ouy lyoin a cutulo h till looks bood in plcturvu whmi buying from us you nu tho uriu lu buforu you buy and our txntl uilvloo and aorvloo is youru uiwioilukuis- in ouiuioctluu johnstonc a co make up that ordef for groceries lirlnil u to us wu uui whlpeui in service quality und prke with auyono unywhoro v curry us well a full uuu of dry uool nelson a co we have said it before and we suy it uituln vou can buy to hot tor udvuntoiru in acton tiiutt lu toronto bo us whuii you rvjulm anythliiir in uunuiul msrchundlso we will nut be unduruold l btarkman it iss bouti vutliuatod by uuinu mtudents of tho nierchuiidlsnic kuinu ihul ha ih-i- luiii of ull rutull buyliui is doiio by woman this limy bo a hlh tmllniutu but u visit to the rutull utorus of any town or lliy is umuukii lo onviiilu uii that tho n euros arw not too high the lirupoiitluruiicu of w union amoiu thu huyetu is sulttciuut ut any fa to to luuko not only the rvlullur but thu lnunufullurvr mid tho wholesaler we deal in all kinds of fresh and cured moats and it is our desire to socuro and hold your patronajra by fulr prices and honest deallnst we endorse this campaign buy in acton it pays- w lan08b0rou0h bargains in ladlus hllkfloecod mtockiuss at 33c llob lonjfu overalls ut szco a shipment of ilob lomes mens wvurirnhhrw xjtttd thui wirfu khoo repalrlnif a njieclallty e k- cook whan you buy shoes vrora us you aro sure of secur ing the beat selection in acton our prices are much lower than city prices our buarantee la behind everythtns we sell kenney bros that limy inu plcuse with their mer- tei part of thu buying lu any tlliy t t fhy uu nu4 always liocuuno lliuy do by tui thu i uuunuiutylliu wuinon luitu u txmii upprochvto th wonirjn of a town iiltoukii tholr buylnjc power can moku or brcuk th titerx hunts of u town and as a luiturul oonsequctfca thuy can nwko or brvuk thu town it in hi tholr power to make u a prosperous town or uduuil town whu thu woman of a town acquire tlio mull urdur hublt liiu town luuy jujji us wull twsln mukliuf armiiujo- tiiuiils for its own obuomulcu hard to understand ju ut why u wumuii wk o lu u tihoppur by i istliiot and a alirowd jud uf vuluo in nijrthutnllu o ui oull uucui lb to the lurws of tlio inall jur ho uuu it lu tllmcult to ui joru lutnl lull u furii itatuly wuinu of llioin do no ltnu knows lwlr thai thu woman vli lius lmd unit experience lu thu h uylnif uf murchundisu how liillcult li is it iltslillsulah belweeu thu kuuu iuu and thu imttutiot uvs ti uflor u u osu 1 isptx tloii tho ifuod uhoiipur whn mi buyiiut bunt dot u tmt uiwuy 1 luk tho tlrst artltle tliat id ortoro 1 tor lllmpktlul in ut i thla 1- thu tlon rutbwr tluui um tulu thu tuurciuints kiiiv it uml iiutl it they cthmt u woman if our bread is baked klfilil here in acton and we iruar- antao its teboleaomoniuu wo sdliclt uu wall your putronajo for homv- luado cakca luuitry etc wu aim aaltsry m edwaros ev co thi camps n i u nuts with eur upprovul a nd hut our hearty e idoruat luii bearomore d co our personal interests are centred in acton this diuvo- inout is deuurvliiif uf suocuss and wo omlorsu saiuo rvoer ev mowat glove co i am local distributor 1w thu lird automubllu und can uupply yuu with uuiiuliiu loru parts ut riwtonaho pricvu a ooinpluto hiihk of tlrvs always on hand let your buxt cur bo u ljnt h a coxe h is a tiood tahuppui to look i l utile if a wu suit uiat she trlutl o tu thu hturukuuiiar t tty on a dusuu suil iliitu bur tustu but that viuhtu hm io ilo thli n uutlhllod tiiuitomur is tli houltl wulk into u iuull uloru ulul punhanu the tlrst n for lustuuiu th uholk probably would ptuvo fatal i uuluswomuu thu lhuncru urn that sbo will look ut an ninny tuom lcforo uhe selects one kutbuuk untl thu aluivkiitr not only expects hu iiioi us itin ba sallsnod us ha knows nta that hu can obtain thin i i now that wnti wsthar is approuultltis yoii will iwyulro refreshment- our drinks uru loo- cold and liivlicuratiiiif our ku cruuu is dallolous our candlus trusti and whqjesume h wiles our large bualnass coonsotlon in aclon is unipla proof that our meuu yc tahlo und fruvlslous are of the hunt tjuullty wu anil oil ulonu inarslns und aoliflt tlio prlvllunu of supplying your iiumiu moenchv a evans y fantsmplatlno bulldinfl t if i 1st us c4tlinutu on your ra- qlrcmuiits we prupure plans mukn estimates untl take contracts for uny kind of building we mould sutfifuat orderinlt uuxt winlura coal now j o maokenzie fair dealing and low prices are bulldljiaf up our business we arry a full uuu of orooorlcs and iru visions hd our pilcos will re- lutva tho noroaeliy of furthor suarch our juullty nnd price will stand inipurumml mllflj modouqall taking a chance howuvut tuuy uiilur a suit from a mall order if nhliiif luuiu lluui a pinlli plctutu and iui uf uact ipllun hhu huu not uvun thu opiiortuulty tu try it on til nay liutmtitf of thu cliuma of omiuliiiin tho fabric uotiuif tho nine i uhuilu of thu tuututui untl liiipuctinif thu woikmuimhlp mbu la uiki lliutuus uu thu suit ntllutf hui vu thu iiuitiiul uilntf w and durable lliu uliutlu ixxomluif to hur unit thu workuuuuhip of iiuch u cluaxuctoi lliul titii uull will nut full lo plicui thu wuiuuli who tukvs nuch b- luiiiiut bu cullud u shruwtl uhoppui d why niuru uiiui uiiaucuutuinii umiuiiu uhould full u vlitiiu tu uuiilci to u i lor fiom a piuturu and louk for thu uitaio ttuit he that hu wouldnt kuuw what ho ultun uhd hu tulifhl um wull taku ut why tbu womun who knows i kvttluu what whu wuuts whau jiibuii plan wull that another i ctu all kinds of tuttluuitu for you ruiiuirliue or ui ruinlturu which i uuu i un ton my hospital urulturu let m ui tho making uvor itiuttuilii uf your rutiuliua utluiilion rk tho lmrnltuio w j 8tuckey 8ummr tojury comiilutu ihitw outfits ll fancy suckn wasl will hu closutl fmi fur autfuat 4 to 16 w m cooper never buy jawslury from cataloouss all jowriloy luok1 iiotd lu luu whull buyluif rium lliu you sue tliu uttlclu und us wull yuu buvu tho iy survicu uilvhu und tur- it mltiit hu iuui1 uull ui tlm ii vuruu u u ril u to siiopp ml v ituluifuu hubu 1u uliht iiiki iiaui lu than to iu a to d ui uv tulslt taki ui p ulithl utiinff a ywuy if l wttlll o th uu iii t iu ma 11 ut lur 4ui ibu shu wull h ull kuu v thu u t it ah iuid b uy u til t iirht womans gkeatebt oppoittunity w rw luk i lis a ull the tliua tlioy u ilnu thu arruliu- or uli u pluyluw a hijf purl i ettnlut t pmitlculujiy thuy tan do iuiihi tn uxikuiu thulr do imiiu and niuru prumjiicut lurt lu puhllo r ultllntf uuw in liuaiiy larta uf the country tu kvuti whtmu tlwydu uol itave the ballqt liidlvltluully unit thruush their uiunlxatloiik of lutul kuvutnmsitts yot in thu one hold ihi to htlp build up their touuxmultlos thuy inuy pittuultv- with thu imyln- imwi in tholr liaiios ihub utiiiiiiiuiiity by stum hly uuppurtlne tholr iii thuy cun ponnlbly do in any uthor wuy il uk hi il inuy thl vjliiuiniit uf hiii tin ylitif powur uf thu to rvujliu that hu lu a iiikrtaut iinmlly lu in thu huu h iiiiilnuniaiil utom illntil in tha progress i that hu pur coul of t uf thu women llu is ul i geo hvnd3 nest time you hquir itotlts hiious lublmbul lot mo iudcavur tu bicul yuur ruiultuiunls my stock is ouiupluiu my uuulity is of tbu hul my prituu uu i lul itopairtiiu- douu w williams did you ewer stun to g tliut it ctitn ovei v itolluiu u vui thu ntirvs thu ldor r ifoodji friin 11 uui 7huy chester plank mulu tit lhtii consult ms first when y royulru farm luiplu- maiitu uf auykiiitl 1 um lota uuunt for liiluriiulbtuul uuchlnury miiliun iruaruittuo you sutinfut tluu und sur vicu i carry btiots ajnl uhous us wrll chas e parker y fimi r- i