v m- qtlfe acton sffrw ftsas thuiwday hkitkmdeit ib 11 school exhibition ilco with flaky crust jolly clear and ei lealiv cooklealiweet n king could cat rcamy loaves or bread dainty wiinm wall run neat turned tutk and hem this 1 what our glrla imvo do no three cheers for theta compoiluon moo lb not a blot or scratch scrollwork 11 no una by linn bird box hard to match heros another one it to last for years v this la whoa our beys lutvc done throe more rhoeral jvancy ityrd turner the old man of the big clock to web lf- isut woekn editorial common t on juj memorial project aoemod quite ap propriate to me and then i recalled the report of the weak before of a nne cpreroony and unveiling of a monument to the fallen heroes of rnckwood and i cant help drawing comparisons just a abort time fo there waa a great fnrore around thcae parta about memorial gut to be erected seems to oa if mj memory serves mo right there waa a commit tee op pointful to deal with the nutt ier then the committee waant large enough so they took on aome mora nuoben and there the iftemorlal pro ject seems to real hare in acton it not that way irr ilockwood it aoema there ore aome of u hare who think jlockwood and a few of thaae amaller bursa are not up to ua for advance ment and procreaalreneaa but here la one lnatanee where weya been ocllpsod and the way h waa done ao neatly is common dl bio i remember awaj book last winter of bearing- of rock wood trotting bnay on the project and jt aoamji aa if they dldnt atop being busy until their object waa aoeom- puhol then did you notice that it sold in the report that the mounmant waa to be paid for by a apeclal levy of taxes that to me seems the right and proper way of doing it but that would be out of the question in acton add another mill and make it thirty- nine and the town erect a mounment to fallen heroes why i believe a munition plant explosion or the fire works at the exhibition wouldnt be in -4t- for minute if such a thlnx were done bat thla la getting away from my subject entirely and treapasslng on j dancerous around the axes bu la too aerloua for me to deal with vwrat i waa wondering along with tho vdltor of thla journal waa if it waant about time for a few mora rninn to be added to tho committee ita not nearly time for the memorial to be oofl- siured aerloualy i wouldnt think of h of that it would be better to wait until the project la forgotten and f all the other towna have their r- membraiee erected and then we could z come alone and erect aura and tho wouldnt b ao common and more talk ed about if the committee baa been buy on the project ray advice may oome too late and wo will have to just bo like the common fry and have the memorial erected now thelaat block on the oontb aide of iflll atreet weat of the q t il yard between qualpb and fellows streets was in the early daya of actons his tory after the subdivision of this section of the adam farm into lots a woodyard where iuoaun a piled the wood he sold annually to the orand trunk hallway for fuel for their locomotives for thirty years after the road wa built through acton all trains were hauled by woodburning engine and acton was the largest source- of supply of the splendid beech and maple body wood between tor onto and stratford about forty oreer ago meaara stsx fort and melvln zimmerman de- cendents of acton- early settlers who built the tut tannery erected here on the property now owned by the estato of the late thomas small block of two lota they built itose cottage and lived tera tor a time but were among those- lracfed by the booi towns and sold out age 1 1ralrle man- still resides vr 1 jarvts and for a time after their daughter to mr miliar mrand airs jarvisrvmoved from aetdn the next jutchaaer wasur jfeanle b cameron she enlarged and 1m- protod the residence and by skillful airodgoraent of dower beds and ohrubs and a wellkept lawn nude itose col- tage and its surroundings a beauty apot which atlractod every visitor to town as they left the q t it grounds and stepped on to llll street the residence was always kept neatly and attractively pointed and was for yours one of actons show places among our pretty homes the rear lot pn church street was secured by uri camerons son mr john ll cameron now of uloverslvlle n t ii in tended to build himself a home there in fact went ao far as to put in the foundations but his plans were chang ed and he removed to qloversvllle when mrs cameron became mrs il wood and went to reside in duelph mr john olbbons bought the pro party he still resides in itose cot tag- but sold the rear lot as the alts gjujshaw them and the track lines the sema phore lines were stretched no plane but the track on which to get to the station from mill street then to make matters more inconvenient and don gerous the watertank waa located near kill street- in winter time there woe a glare of ice for ten feat around it arid in summer time a constant drip of water lo soll the spring millinery and dellcatf costumes of passengers who inadvertently passed in or out to tho station by that route later ihe tank was moved in to pie end of tho station platform many a tumble took place there by unwary passengers who were unfamiliar with tho allppei places whore poor nlnnars were sup posed to aland finally when tho pre sent line station supplanted the old shack which had don duty for halt a century a one new tank was st rue ted on a metal frame on property outside the railway limits and hyd rants adopted for supplying the en glnes and that old station what a placo it wu and what memories cluster about it ajlltl low frame building severely rectangular 1a its outlines painted a dirty drab about onorf in every score of years and smokecolored and dirty inside and out between umos what a plaoe it was i there were ii y ins quarters at the west end of very limited quarters for be agent and bis family a sevenbynlne waiting room for passengers a baggago room about big enough for a couplo of good- alxed saratoga trunks and a pair at oldfashioned carpet bag and access tojt only through the passenger wait ing room the agents odlce ticket room and operators quarters had a room about loxlz and behind this was the lamp ami oil room the first agent i remember was johnnie a hern referred to in archie jlynns let tor last week lie retired finally and nought the royal exchange hotel which stood where tho patterson block now stands johnnie was a good station agent but not a marked success as a landlord for johnnie had too many friends who patronised the bar lie died bera enjoying general esteem and mourned by many friends at the station johnnie ahem had a notable stan patrick kelty and luke oreilly ran the- switches tho baggage the wood racks and carried the malt joseph lutterell of mont real waa for a tme also on the job ac the operators table were tim jtuo and jack lane ley tim went wrong with drink jack lanoeley entered the uethodlat ministry and became one of the shining lights of the church us died in march 100 at the age of lutyfcwo years greatly mourned by thousands to whom he had ministered after preaching for thirty years- mr lanoeley was a great favorite when in acton and came pretty nearly mar rying one of oar brightest maidens but rherea many a slip twlxt the cup and the up mr ahern was succeeded by tbomas gnnn a thorough business man and popular alike with snippers and pas sengers when he left fortytwo years ago to take the agency of the g t it at belleville the head of that division our citizens gave him a farewell ban quet at agnews hotel and presented him with a one gold watch it was during his term aa agent that isaac francis mads bis advent in acton he waa a switchman and came here from montreal a sprightly young english man aftsr mr qunn came uttlo wil lie jones a timorous man who seemed almost afraid to hear an engine whistle and whoso wife believed the station was haunted with ghost a then came robert itae and be was a character his croniea called him bob ho appeared to have the notion that time during dullness hours did not all belong to the o t it though the offi cial paymaster paid his salary jn full every month he contracted for tale- graph poles bad an interest in the manufacture and placing upon the mar ket of the accoustlc telephone and daring the old soott act campaign nearly fortytwo years ago conceived it to be his duty to publish the scott act itevlew on antitempcranoe jour nal calculated to combat tho argu ments put up by the fa pass and poblio speakers in favor of the pro hibition of the liquor traffic ottered by the canada temperance act it sur vived for some five or six issues when the subscriptions ran out and the in terest lagged bob roe left acton for the states one night on the midnight train leaving bis wife and family un provided for and numerous creditors who held and still hold accounts against him for larger or smaller amounts the present agent mril s holmes boa held his ofllce for a period almost aa long aa all bis predecessors put to gether he came from thedford over thirty years ago during his regime be boa seen the old station replaoed by the present fine structure tho old freight shed removed and a now and more convenient one erected on a site gstgtabls the old sbeds torn down the watertank put in a safe rrlnffi inwns and- flo werplota atranjtwl unobstructed entrances from mill church and queen street to the sta tion commodious new warehouses erected new sidings put in comforts for passengers installed in the station a walllighted t office with unobscured views of the tracks for himself and his stan the adoption of the telephone system for reporting the movement of trains and various other improve ments for many years the molls were carried like a pack on the back be tween the station and the post office many of us older clllxeas remember the late samuel laird on bis faithful rounds with the moll when the v paass was established and circulation began to grow this was found lmpos alble and mall contracts were entered into for carrying the bogs by horse and waggon ben jobsrt was the nt contractor mr holmes haw seen numbers of hit aasltants rise to good positions on the railways john muhausen i who has been the popular agent at kit cheney for years spent a long time here under mr holmes robert jsjgle of oshswa ont was also one of his assf lant i loth of these chose their wives lm among actons pretty maids more anon j the old maw puttlno her foot on it occupies it ahd is tlmoat completed and which acton counill expects and the ratepayers hope will soon be hive of industry turning out thousands of pairs op boots and shoes of the same quality of excellence as actons other manufactories of leather and leather nroduots ore noted for about sixty live years ago when the orond trunk une was being construct ed from toronto to sarnuv the station yards for aoton wen ufd out in those oarty daya the convenience of the- railway its sidings and switches were vldontly carefully considered but any- consideration of the comfort or convenience of the public was manifestly never in the noodles of the projeotors dt the road the station was planted about midway between mill and queen streets at the east and were cattle yards and oil sheds and tool house and freight shed with no passageway to the station except oh the railway track itself at the west end there was the big woodshed i wlta a capacity for three or four thousand oords or wood with wood- tatu bwlds the track and between mrs squiggs used to take a cro interest in various asylums putdjyg visit to one a oertoin old man roused her special compassion how long have you boou lieret she asked him twelve years was the reply after asking him a few more ques tions she passed on turning to her guide she noticed a smile on his face on asking htm the reason ahs heard to her conster nation that the old man was no less than iht medical superintendent- in great haste she rushed back to make her a polos lea i am so sorry doctor she sold this has fauaht trie a loosen ill never judge by appearance again 1919 tuesday and wednesday t 0 1 o september 23rf and 24th 1511 17 actonfallfair open to thb world many- special attractions new revised and enlarged prittrlfet- splendid fair night concert on second night with specw features trials of speed with good purses the prize list fine and decorative xbts cla88 m hkc 1 landscape oils from natu marine copy oils vlgure work or groifp copy oils vegetables from object oils bu1i life oil c local scene water 7 fruits from object water colors s pish or oome from object water colors 9 copy architectural ii rid go of sighs water c 10 water colors any orinal subject i miscellaneous pastel figure sep la scene stencil border design based on acorn and foliage wood carving dasketry crayon any subject charcoal animal 11 00 1 00 1 00 oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 block and white sketch pencil drawing original kodak views s winter 3 summer public buildings 3 poses dest pleoo art work not listed and not previously exhibited interior j 75 32 industrial design hand decorated china ts vase figure work fruit bowl conventional fern pot realistic cake plate 37 three pieces china apt listed childrens work class 31 sec 1 penmanship national anthem 3 stanzas 3 composition entitled what i have learned about nature from my war gordon 3 drawing on sheet of paper 3 poses a player would take in playing baseball 4 water colored sketch 3 sections of a muak melon 5 design for cover for acton fair prise list sketch exterior of ac tan post oillce 7 collection weeds named and mounted 1 collection wild flowers and road aide plrfnta named 1 collection cut flowers 8 varieties named 10 collection vegetables voriete 3 of each varloty y collection fruits varieties 3 of each named ii collection native woods and mounted itark named and 13 collection cuts of members of the provincial and dominion legislature it picture post cards public buildings and parks in four provinces in dominion of canada not less than in each province 1c best drawing of ontario coat of arms special prizes best and fastest itoad horso stylo and speed considered best two out of three exhibitions of speed hallmile heats driven to a fburwheeled rig trot or pace by w a storey cash 1st e00 snd 1200 3rd 3200 best and fastest threeyearold i toads tor trotter or pacer best two out of three exhibitions of speed halfmile driven to a four wheeled rig 1st by b il lindsay cash icoo 2nd by mcnery a krone cash m00 best pony in harness outfit to be considered 1 dolen cabi net photos by c a matthews valuo best high stepping iorse in harness 1st by uo kdwarda cash 1500 3nd by harold wiles cash 00 best lady driver 1st by chaa devarell caab 1500 tod by geo soper cash 300 best lhrbt express or delivery horse in harness 1st by win johnstone cash 3400 2nd by geo ifynda eaah soo best single turnout entire out ill to be property f exhibi tor 1st by jos symoc cast- 3400 2nd by kenney bros cash 3300 best and moat vaiuahle team of ilinvy horses in harness draught agricultural or general iurpose us exhibited in class 4 of society lial special extra prise of 91000 contributed by jos anderson 1500 and it l gregory 35tmi itioe divided as follows 1st 3800 2nd s00 cattle anojpigs hogs not less than three by farmers 8 00 fi 00 800 8 00 10 best thro shorthorns group lo consist o one cow and two of her progeny by clinton swackhomer cosh 11 best two- year old bull any breed una grant adjustable stanchion gate by c e parker value is best dairy cow by acton farmers club 1st prise 3300 3nd butter 13 beet 10 lbs butter in blocks exhibited by a maker who has not won an baton itlse at any fair since ltlolbe choice of the following a wrist watch catalogue no 31411 value 3300 b kitchen cabinet catalogue no es100 value lfl75 c vacuum cleaner catalogue no 4i374 value 1176 by t eaton co toronto 14 best 8 ids butter donors to receive butter by mclean v will cash 16 best 10 lbs butter in crock dotidtto receive same by geo itosxell cosh best 10 lbs butter in crock donor john c hill cash receive same by if best f lbs butter donor to receive some by mrs j mc- dougoll cash ii best g lbs butter in crop- by campbell flour mills co toronto butter to be loft at d ii liadsays flour and feed mill acton one m lb bag cream of west flour miocellaneoua lt best basket of winter onions donor to receive sains by john smith cash i to be safe the prima donna was reading the rouch draft of her new oontruol when alio come to tho paragraph providing that oho should have trans portation for herself moid dog and hlg claalbewn her husband she drew a r to through tits signers namo just put that husband aha or dered tea madam assented the man ager but why if 1 may aakt the diva blushed and coyly lingered her hair j may wish to make chang alia aswared z0 beat s heads lied cabbage donor to receive same by eo hynda jr cash ii beat 10 lbs strained honey duller to reoolve some by u a henderson cosh 33 best 10 lbs strslned honey dot roelve some by sam stauffer cash 1 33 best 6 lbs strained hansy donor to receive same by mrs geo ilyndafoaah 34 ucspi doaen fresh ttgga by groceries limited toronto to be delivered to nolsoti a cu cash 15 best bushel putatoes donor to receive same by joa itom- t show on hsavy neckyoke value 30 best bog potatoes donor to reoolve same by wm cooper 37 be st bushel early potatoes any variety donor to receive same by w lands bo rough cash 38 best ierk karly potatoes any variety donor to receive sarao by a friend 1st cosh 1j0 3ml cosh 100 3b bast barrel spy apples donor lo rttoelve same by j b- maokamle 1 tun hard ooat value 30 let ono barrel spy apples donors to receive somo samples shown to be delivered later 1st by nelson a co cash 300 snd by d o ituasell cosh 1709 centlnutd en poe four 0 00 4 00 6 o0 5 00 8 75 7 00 10 00 i 00 00 1 60 i 60 6 00 it 00 x 60 a oo 3 00 4 00 3 50 11 50 10 00 children are not natur ally cruel it is n very gnnornl bollof that chil dren am naturally rrucl and one fre quently henrn such phrases as tho cruslty of tihlldhood or allrhlldren are cruel hut they outgrow it as if cruelty wereflko help less n can or sim plicity an attrlbutn of rhlldhood in- wjurublc from tho ntato of infancy a cruel nst lire of courooi allows it self riuch in infancy us a sonorous ono wli atiow generosity or a lasy one indolence but cruelty in tan if that la enjoyment in causing or witness ing suffer in is nut a character is tin of childhood t tho baby who plays with a kitten holding it up by its tall or clutching its for crowing with dollght at the little creatures cries of pain is pot cruel because it has no idea that it is inflicting pain evon the older child who chases tho butterfly crushing it to death in hot little hand la not cruel for ho also is too lenorant to know whut suffering he hu caused th child thnt in suffjrod uncheck ed to tort uro an animal will soon pisa fron an unconscious to a con- mlou- cruelty from aireleaj infliction of pal ii in onjoylnc tho sight of miffer- ing from the torture of animals to the hurting of smaller brothers and sisters but kindness must be taught weeds only ire selfsown we need but leave the garden unaared for and before- long we find it overgrown with weeds but wo must sow and plant and tend with ceaseless care if we would liavo ur garden filled with aweot flow era and fruit tho ii uml tartan a helpful sermon a certain bishop of the methodist churoh south was a very eloquent speaker uo told the following story on hlmsoir as an illustration of the fact that his sermona did not always have the effect ho desired he had hod what methodist preach ers were wont to call a good time preaching tn one of the smaller south ern cities and as soon as tho service was over many people wafnt to him to express their appreciation of his sermon ono woman in particular was most outspoken in its praise why bishop she said you can never know what your eerraon meant to me it waa just like watns to a drowning maul tllvluinntmlawtkwwmhuklkulttmmtnpinhmwiiixtknnknx j n oneills garage carriage works have ready for sale one used ford touring car one used light ford truck both ip firstclass con dition also a few good used buggies and wagons a large stock of cockshutt and- fleury plows chatham fanning- mills kitchen cabinets white sewing machines dealer in dodge bros motor cars for the acton and georgetown districts carriage rubber tires put on j n oneill georgetown ontario l if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost freepressbuyathome campaign i read these tks with care tbey may present something you hadnt thoogfatof before patronize the people whose ads are here they are your nehrjiborb and will treat you bight the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood vou will always find it pro fi labia to consult us when doolrin- iry qoods clothlrur boots and bhoea xjneoleums oiloloths an- groceries our aim is to anticipate your desires in acton molean a mills our aim is to sell vou pty goods mens trntlns and urocentea tho quality and price of which will keep your money in acton wo can compote with anyone anywhere and strongly urge com parison o c russell the pansier store is crltsrlon jjr uurity and wholesomeness in patent formulas we carry as well rholoo tor fumcry toilet articles vlctrolas our oprins wall paper sale ia now on and very special bar- ralos are offered a t brown consult us first whan buylna- hardware- wo carry a complete slock of shelf and heavy hardware hllverwarti cutlery oranltewara etc and oan convince the most critical our prices and quality are rthl james svmon ordarvaur coal now delay under present conditions invariably means an advanos in the price nut utaya and vumaco cool how op hand we carry groories well j c hill loyalty the basis of all civilization every citizen owes moral and legal obligation to ills govern ment same in community life ws deal in all kinds of fresh and cured ueots and it is our desire to secure and bold your patrouoko by fair nrloes and honest dealing- wo endorse tills compaiam buy in acton it pays w latjo80o rough people have duty to their home town which is no less binding because it is not fixed by law wtikli hi uniry loyulty wil lo structure of civl- ones state loyalty a loyalty to ottas progreas of tile world tha world were it not ril there would be no tliu kt were it not comtoclcd with 11 no he layhy of tho mem- myth wore it not for nvr buy furniture krom a catalogue 1 1 all looks aood in pictures when buying from us you soe the article before you buy and our best advlco and service is yours un dart akin in connection johnstone e co make up that order far qrooerles urine it to us wo can compete n service quality and price with anyone auywhere wo carry as well a tut itns of dry ooods nelson a co v hava 8old it bafors- jind we ey it again you can buy to bettor advantage in acton uion in toronto bee us when you require anything li clan era 1 merchandise we wlu not b undersuld l starkman lxiyulty is tho foundation uhi ligation rests ioyulty to uiiuh ci to ones city loyalty in onos h fi lends loyalty in euiitlul to hi milium without it the world muut tw uhuim there would be no vtulilo t runivnl for tho loyalty of tbapwoplu to hell iiveriin auooeauful business anterprlnu on i lie u- i for the luywlty of tho men unit women who ui church could exist for a month wi it lint foi bera the oucrcdtioas ut tho tmnnj would lw the loyalty of the mmbenj of tho family kro tho loyalty of a pooplo to itu tvirniiicnl baaed partly upon sentiment and party upon urn rmiutlou of an obligation that a people owes to us government a ihhjiio that liua the benefit of good govern ment owes a duty tu that government those who do not racognlv this duty and perform it voluntarily uii u impel led by law to do so tha ulan or woman who in jinitnclcd by llm govrrnment in the pursuit i of life and lutppliirait inuat lonti ibillu in iiiiiy uud service toward the eupport of tho government xhn man or woman who under um pro- toetloq of his goventmunl which prnurvus law and order is able to aucumulata property must py tuiin on that property to help maintain the government which has tiruttt trd hint or hur in lime of war the government has tlm right to vull upon its cltlsenu lo take up arms in its defenso boras ins in ladies hllkncocud titockings at 30c ilob loiijch overalui at fo a ahlpmenl or ilob lings mens wearing shirts xictcd thla woek- shoo repairing bpoclallty e k cook when you ouy shoes from us jou are uuro of secur ing the best selection in acton our prlccn are much lower than city price- our guarantee is behind everything wu sell kenney bros our bread is okod itlght here in actun and we guar antee its wholcsomencsa wo solicit as well your patronage fur home- hiodo cakes pustry etc wo aim to satisfy m edwards ov co this campaign uoets with our approval and boa our hojjty eudorsatloii bearpmore ov co- our personal intarasto are cantid in acton this move ment is dsurvliig of suooeas and wo eudrtrai kuiiu ryoer a mowat qlove co loyalty moral obligation in now thst warm weather is approaching you will requlro reireshment our drinks ore loe- oold and ihvigoratiiig our ico cream delicious our candles fresh and wholesome h wiles our large business connaotien in acton is ample proof that our feats vegetables and provision are of tha best quality wo sell on close inatwins and solicit the privilege or supplying yobr ituiue moenhry ev evans contemplating building t ao 1st ua eatlmata on your re- qlremsnts t jrpar pbxna make estlmatss onl caju contracts for any klntl of bulldlnc ws would suggest ordering not winter- opal uow j b maekenzie fair oaalino and low prioss ara building up oar buslneos we carry a full line of groceries and provbjlonn and our prices will re- uuve tiie uecosalty of further search our quality and price will stand comparison mrs j modouoall govern mental ttulru tltese tilings uro regulated by taw and the litn who roclves tho baiiert of orderly governntonl is required t fultlll thastllguuoii which that viitults but in tha ordinary affairs of life loyalty is a muml rathur tliji a legal obligation there or laws whirh prevent u niuii from niv-lliig- frojn hla ettiiloyar or hla business usoclutas but here la no law that requires him lo be loyal to them the success of a business institution howover duitemls more uiou the loyalty of its employees than upon tin laws which prevent them from i ullng its monoy ukowluo the stability of a government depaiids more upon the loyally of itm peoplu uutn upon the laws which compel thrm to fulnll their obllgutlon to tho govtunnisnt it is squally true that thn iirlerity and growth of every indivi dual community ut dependent uikjii tho loyalty of the peopla who live in ll fcvory cltlsui owes an obllgutlon jo his community and the obllgutlon ia a mural as wull a- u legal ono the gounl oiliseji pays his tunes oharfulty uml willingly i li ttvrvvm upon tho juries which ad minister tha laws nf tho ooiiuiiuulty ilu fulnlu every legal ubllgtlon thlit is iiuihwoii uhn mm by hi govurnmeitt hut there is a moral obllgutlo which is of still uiuutvr imimmtuik- to the oommuulty tills tnunil obligation oonstatu in doln uvmi ythlng thut u in his power tu litomole the proptlty unit iiuiipliiuwi of his community the mn who is enabled to iiulm his living in any oiiuiiunlly in under a mol o ligation tu spend hla money in vuili a way as tu help tils tummuulty prosperity worth photectinq i am local distributor for the kurd automobile and can supply you with genulno wrd parts at rao-su-iablo- prices a complete slookof urea always on hand et yuur next cjxr be a lord h a coxe 1 manufacture snd repair all kinds of furniture let me estimate rur yuu on ilia making over repairing or upholoturing of your furnltura which roquires ultelitiiui i guarajtlni my work tho lrnlture hospital w j stuckev w summsr toqsy uillotu uni 1 outrtta lightw fancy uouku wuh tlus c w m hummer iidarwaar cooper auyt ing w 111 h vl s u wo if a cotimiiu ulty is wur i til yihit protecting if the hai i r i u i to give his lbildiu i a k uo ltl utl proeutlng ili ting ui ui if tht property uoplu living hi ll ll is wuilli u h goo1 living to llvo well worth jiytbjug it u worth the just ono way u iiniui the pioaparlty of a community uml tliat is to kxp tha touiiuuiilty from being drained of its cash working capital the only way to do that la for tho people of the com- mutiny to keep their money ut home icvrry time the- cltlseii of a com munity sends money away from home lo a mall order house instead of spending it in his liums hioil ho is disloyal to his community it is disloyalty lo tho merchaiita only lndlrvly it is disloyalty to the oommuulty or wlilib tlui iiu-r- hmi um only a small hut a very im portant part obllgutlon hut vry iltlii this is the iio munliy just as the v eminent ate his legal obligations tltlauus apcilta dlsasur tu any govr ur of he people to their roiumi tutwufall of- tlisvhmn nwully uufuttt if i uwes tn his ml the loyal support of his gov- ixsloyulty of u largo body of the nnieiit and disloyalty of any large ip ujuwd iueviubly by the bluing sloe should oonv vhtco every clllson of tho uilvuabllty of fultllllng bis moral obligation ttw community never buy jewellery from catalogues au jowvlhuy looks good in out when buying from mo you soo the urtlclu uud well you have the benefit of my worvloc advice and per sonal guaraiitoe t qeo hynds nsaf time you require hoots hhoes itubtieru etf let mo clideavoc to ulovt your reuulruiuelith my etow is omluio i tpy quality of iho boainty pruioa uro right itepulring duliu w williams pld you evr step to consider that 11 costs uvur hvu thousand dollars a year to deliver goods from tljo stores o tho ailuti wplst tho consumer pays for lu carry your own parrels uud git your sharu of the auvlng cuj1i luid carry orooery chester plank i ht phoi i ti3 consult me first when you rouglro farm imple- uiontsof any kind- 1 am local ugeiit for iiitarnatluiiul uuchuiary and con guarantee you uttttafacilnn and oer- vice i curry boots uhd shoes us well cha8 e parker vs