Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1919, p. 4

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frlf r arton 3faje irta0 tiiiiiiiiday oinoui it i it tfruv t nit loomo op timc 1 lit uc mlluj llljf what sliull i trln 1 lio imnt tlut i urn iiiw- vm i ut i will 1 rlnc hrlblit noj o r r lio hlur you umt will i ulhit all i 1 ii i ii i wtlll ulo lltoiiiu i lull iw itmjiiy ring ihvunl a 1 the old man of the big clock tower homo quoor thoughts ruthrough my cranium these days tho other morn ing i tuw councillor iuhvnan tlrlv ing a brand now dodge car the uno evening councillor boardmor mo along with a nnc now sodan a fow weeks ugocouncllor boll adver- tlaod hlu splendid maxwell intending if he no id it to buy a now car of a lamer type it iu whlxperod that coun cillor dr oruy ho serious intention or investing in an auto of the latest improved pattern only the doughty itcevo socm to bo satisfied to net along with his ford but lot mo whisper i did see both oray dort and mclaugb- jln men in earnest confab with hun lately if 1 didnt know acton so well and these city fathers so intimately tor tholr honor and integrity i d be seriously inclined to put the high taxes and the new cam together but of course such a thought is absurd in the extreme evory so often there is talk of doing away with the small country falnt they say they ro unnecessary and toronto fair takes the place of them all toronto fair may have all the sight of the world it may havo over the million mark every year but be lieve me it will never fako tho place of a real country fair why bless my heart ive been to toronto fair and marched around till my old logs wob bled and have never aeon a half doxen people i knew i saw rooro old faces of friends in ten minutes at acton fair than in a whole day in toronto then jlmmlny all hemlock look at thiy exhibits i knew pretty near every exhibitor there when i wont to gee ute cows i knew whoa boasts thoy wore there was dick browns ani mals and nell mcleans herd and so on and the races had jack powers and oracle etc and nearly every one of them from within twjnty miles of town and when x viewed the aheep i know john robertsons stock and the pens of hogs belonging to james stark or ajhert young why alive there a twlco the fun looking at tho exhibits when you know who they belong to i could see miles of pens of sheep at toronto fair and when i get through looking at them theyre just sheep all varieties but of no special interest other than bolng tine animals but when i look at pens of them at acton fair and know who raised them and know him well why it makes ail the difference in the world and then a small fair midway tht con be done up in ten minutes but usually occupies half the afternoon no tiling will ever compare with it and wo had a good one this year too knwplo dolls doughnuts red hots and everything and the merrygoround why if it had only gone the small boys dollgbt and some of the bigger ones too would have boon unsurpass ed as it won that tulle of lifeless wooden horses attracted lots of atten tlon from the klddlea tho city folks may laugh at our little fair but i notice they all like to get here every year for it and have real solid enjoyment i had the time o my life x don t think i missed any thing from the log cabin quilts to tho big pumpkins and billy landsborough a chicken and i dldn t seo one noul that wasnt enjoying the fair to the limit may the coup try fair never go out of existence is my oarnest wish us each year it seams to grow better and more popular i have received numerous comments favorable and otherwise direct and indirect respecting my recollections of events of days of long ago same of my elderly friends claim thot my mem ory is at fault and that occasionally statements ure made in this column respecting oldtime events which not give their mental record of facts well i do admit tliat my forgetter is oraotimw busier than my rememberer however my ofd brain ha been at work for a long time and occasionally i guess the cobweb get over the cor nera if all my critics as to facts were as kind and courteous as the writer of tho following lettey from montreal which was handed me by the fan iuas v editor loot thursday 1 d really feel good over it and not worry o much over what the literary call i think toy lapsus lingua here s tills kind and interesting opl stlo editor kwdj rasas dear 0lr lhuvo roudoglth great in terest the contribution to your juur nal of our esteemed old man in tin tower and although not a resident of your ohurmlng little town it is yet to me a place of greut importance as the sequel will show in his letter of this week mie item bows u little hosituniy ou hie purl to say all he appciurs to know and i will thank you for permission to make it clearer the old man describes the 0d q t it station itself correctly but tn speaking of the entourage uses my name inadvertently j am sn being on the job and omits th that was und alludes to a young lady without giving any name the nomo omitted was john uuard and he wm of montreal your esteem ed postmaster with whom john stop ped should be able to wriry this state ment but i was at that station and i beg further apace to explain tho cir cumstances vis when i was say lo years of ago i was engaged for a couple e large houses here in mon treal as representative for certain lines and being 1n toronto at the end of the week and knowing the tiatur- wky elealns rule hud a half day of leisure i remembered that un old j friend with whom i had spent many pleasant hours la connection wujf the good tempi n accepted subor- i dinat job with the o t 11 at acton i nlwtirtn ami i took l lio hrst train gnji went fin hint 1 incr my intention on leuylng toronto was tn return in the vvimilntr o as t roudy for curl work on monday my trln 1 on being uiudo aware of my in- tinllmu wuul i nut hear of this pro- i million i forittonforf to remain thd wim m hi pliitfortu outside of the iiutlun almost imnji luitely after arrival on looking towards i tin village i saw com ing four i i 1 u yuung lady and a fjontloinim hading my friend left me und iunnlnir lo l ho lady und calling her unldi ckplulnoil ji little juke to her tlmt would miulro lur to acknowledge tho young mn ut th itatlon which wayi myn if nn hnr ol i frinml this proportion nhu fi ii in with wllh all the vlvuclty of yoittli and i was too shy then to mot u young lady undrj- those i lroumunc i got into the private rnm of thn ugebt she entered and nututad mo with tho words how are you jollnnlo and i of oourse acknow ledging it snld how are you llxle thin explain my first acquaintance with miss ilxilo cu moron the young lady referred to in thn paragraph my intention to return lo toronto tlmt ovenlnt worn ut onro cancelled and ut about c p m thut day i again wuw my frtoiid at mr james matthews whom lie wim stopping and as a fur ther offset to tho juke the boys outside nomotjmeu railed guard s brigade were having a big time shaking hands i ircnumo some of the old men of to day in acton will rarncnib this event thin acldontat meeting at tho sta tlon rlponod and developed into other ft olds of feeling and within three years aay 1889 the nuptials were performed between myself and the young lady al ludod to ulan ljxxle cameron by itov jos una worth in tho old methodist church and ono of acton s on est girls becamo my bride but i must now change the scene about a yoar ago both of us in good health talked pleasantly over our gold on wedding or 60th anniversary soon to occur but the ruthleas hand of tho monster death interfered and on ejxster monday of this year wo placed her in the beautiful mount royal cemetery there to await the call of tl c trumpot regretted by a large circle of friends and sorrowlj g family and especially by the young man of 1j87 who for 49 years was ber companion in life i fear i havo asked for too much apace and would beg to apologise for so doing and also to the jolly old man in tho tower frcdireotlng his attention to such a trifling error in inserting tho wrong name yours very truly joseph iuttitelj- montreal september to 1019 this highly interesting recital will be read with keen interest by those who peruse this column presided over by the old man of the clock tower and heres another from our old friend and esteemed former citizen jock hut chlnson of penatongulsbene dear friend i havo been very much interested in the letters you publish from the old man in tho tower but i think there are some of his statements a little in error in last weeks letter be stated that mr jos luttreu of montreal was employed at the station he never worked thero and was in business in montreal at that time there wi man from montreal who i believe a friend of mr juttrell thero for a short time f i remember torroctly hu name woe john ewort possibly this la the party the old man has refer once to the old man told in a former let ter of the first game ott baseball played between the maple leafs of quelph and the old pastime team of acton the score was 113 to is i believe i cm an authority for the correctnesfl of the score as i played in that game amongst whom were mike speight john moors and xtnnk coats this was the first game the boys played after organuung and although the core was enough to discourage tuc we stayod in the game and were able to bold our own with any of the sur rounding teams with tho exception of quelph who were the champions of canada at that time my memory goes back to the nrtles when acton could boast of a vigilance committee which undertook to lm prove the morale of some af its cltl sens amongst whom were pat malloy and another man by the namo of ilervey who were treated to a coat or tar and feathers and then given an excursion on a ail i believe fat said he would sooner have walked had it not been for the honor of riding i have been trying to moke out win the old man can be whose memory goes back so far and is still living in acton and tha most likely one j can think of is your worthy postmaster with your able assistance yours very truly jacic penatangulahone sept 23 101 wrong again i postmaster matthews denies the charge even if he is the oldest postmaster in america this will amply sumco for this week i sincerely reciprocate the good will and interest of my pld time friends joseph and jack tub old man what comfort lye cbsamf lym is e very power ul cleenmr it is need for eleeaing up ik oldest od hardest dirt ere eto cbeaarr ly lm see for nasklal ilnka draias sad closet sweet sad ulna ckmftrl lj kills rats ealo roaobe a4 lateel peels cssmsrt y witl do lb tarda t pciag nusssj to to otmftrt a is good for awklag eoep is splendid for raiiiliijii nn5rrij iladc hamilton established 1672 money in live stock s cakrful selection or breed ing cattle and the right kin i of financial backing will put you in i a position to moke money from your herd the batik of hamilton is prepared to promote any legitimate de velopment along this line bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c mackay manager next enrollment day brampton business institute monday october 6 a bchool of excellence commodious claau rooms finest equip roent efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting address today for partlc brampton business institute c e bou8field principal brampton ont coal problem solved kero gas burners 4 ordinary coal oil for fad arc easily installed in any stovo or furnace will supply all the heat necessary for cooking or heating purposes write for particulars and trices and arrange for demonstration fred d dewar sale agent for fulton coanty telephone no 72 milton ont parkers will do it- cloud roofed implements train rldura who seo implements auywhtru from wheel barrows to hay loader ut in tho no ids or barnyards without uny roof to protet t them firm tho elements fro mciuly comment on the shlctlessness of the owner and since machinery will depreciate inoru by standing around in the wrui etor one year than by years of in lelllgfnt use elilftlejt teas 1 u term thut may more or loss accurately ap ply ilut what of railway freight plat forms whore ut utmost ovory season of tho your tmpiumouts may be found crated up in a knock down shape but futly exposed to the elements t no amount of grease and paint can en tlrely eliminate depreciation under these conditions and rust is liuavlt ablo that is not shlfuessness but it is carelessness farmers ttun by cleaning or dyeing restore any articles to their former appearance and return them tp you good as npw send anything from household draper ies down to the finest of delicate fabrics we pay postage or express charges one way when you uiink of reasonableness kriollon mu understandings disputes hi feelings s trans omenta and huto how those could be uvuldod by tha prui hlq uf reasonable lies who xh plo ut frank und fuir with ouc othor ulnu tenths und usually th other tenth too uf the dlrorffiioo that would otherwise arise are nipped li the bud und never gain strength enough to stand up if vre may use a ruuwl rtguiw juhi tho simple pruitiuo of being reasonable think of il keuso nu b i e n ess conqueh weakness by keeping your powers of resistance at highest peak cleaning or dyeing lunkof parkers parcels may be scat post or express wo pay carriage one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any ar ticle will be promptly given upon request parkers dye works ltd cleaner and dyera 791 yonge sl toronto as natural for it is scotts emulsion to strengthen at it i for your food to nourish the body lfvououu conquer umak- 1919 rock wood fajl fair thursday and friday october 2nd and 3rd splendid prize list in all departjtfents gudph musical society band engaged parade of school children at 1 jo on friday twenty minute performance by the schools grand parade of all hones and cattle headed by the band to parade twice around the ring grand concert in town hall friday evening s a f auld president john giuuons secretary phone 42 rockwood alcohol as medicine ii aiuiot imi repntd too ifri i hut alroliol in uny form in nc t only of n into am medicine but tlmt it is post tin ly haimful it lemons the power of the system tu defend itself against the- germs ut disease und when slak it lessens the iowcr of the system to nght and conquer tho germs that caused tho illness tho soon or the pub lie learn those plain facts th better jt will ik fur both nation and individ ual if we persist in emoiiraglng dis ease of course we must cease to exist as a natluu that has been proved by government commissions in several countries ihyslcluns linvu often w drrod why mi ninny of the children of bin strong iuriiu shoull either die or grow up nervous weukllng to tho third and fourth gumllou dr uonlthol houd of the itooae- volt commissi put this matter cry forcibly when tut sushi thut if the united hlu tea did not sin n uvuismjiuu tlio liquor trufila some morn virile ruco will ikhisoss this country thuts strong lauguoge but not too utrong und we nuv u pretty aixx idea of tho people ho had in mint i i am ushumed to jmii list a fow of my own profession huve ixien slow to see tho ttaneful tt toe is f slioltal used as u medicine the trouble wus tlmt like bleeding or opium 11 guvo tmpj gv urary relief after a tatlent with vi pleurisy or pneumonlu was bled until lie fulnted when ho came to he was frro from pain as much um if ha had been given a hypodormla or morphia hut his ilinnro of recovery wus less enotl by mom than ono half alcohol lessens the chance of recovery in about the samo proportion dr welsh of johns hopkins university sold at a meeting of the american association of physicians alcohol in any form or in any dose lessens a patlentsvchance of recovery there were present near ly six hundred of tho ablest medical men in the united htatre and canada and there was not a dissenting vole the greatest hoards of health and the greatest medical association today agree tliat alcohol should not be used as medicine h altnott m b m cpa hoard of social borvlce toronto september 28 ibif children ory for fletchers cv s t o r i a imra m dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can safely de pend upon cpnsistent continuous and eeo- noraical daily hecive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage the dodge at acton f air last week was greatly admired j n oneill acton sam iwinlnnh georgetown immbmiitfi mmnrir if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free pressbuyathome campaign bead these articles with care taey may present aomrthrtig yon hadnt tbopchtof before patronize the people whose ads are here- they are yoar ndghborb and will treat yon bjgfat- the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood vu will always find it profitable u consult us when desiring iry goods clothing lloot and bhoeo uneoleuma oilcloths and groceries our aim ts to anticipate your desires in acton melfan ev mills our aim ts t4 ssll you pry goods mens furnulngs and aroceriea tho quality and price of which will keep your money la acton we can compete with anyone anywhere and strongly urgo com parison fx x russell 1 the pansier store u criterion for ourity and wholeaomeneae in patent formulas wo carry as wall choice inirfumcry toilet articles vlctrolas our upring wall iaper sale is now on und very special ber gains are offered a t brown many put trust in the unknown never satisfied with those things with which theyare fsjnjliox indinrd to tale a chance w deal in all kind or fresh and cured meats and it is oar desire to secure and hoi i your patronage by fair prices an i honest dealing we endorse this campaign buy in acton it payu w landsborough curious tbaits in human nature have made pos sible growth and development op the grkat mail order houses consult us first when buying hardware wo coiry a complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery granltewure etc und can convince the most critical our price and quality are right james 8vmon order veur coal now delay under present conditions invariably means an advance in the price kul stove and ltumaoe coal now on hand wo carry groceries as well j c hill neva- buy furniture prom a catalogue it all looks 1 good in pictures when buying from ua you see the article bexore you buy and our beet advice and service is yours undertaking m connection johnstone ev co make up that order tor grooerl liring it to us wo can compute in service quality and price with anyone anywhere we carry as well a full line of dry goods nelspn a co w have said tt before and we say it again you can buy to better advantage in acton thou in toronto see us when you require anything in general merchandise we win not be undersold u 8tarkman a curlops trull in liumtn nature mukra itself apparent very fre younlly that la un inclination tu trust in the unknown rather than in thut with wiiilji one tq fumlllur a ponton b very npt to take a chance even thouuh hu may know that tho odds are 100 to one against him instead of being utlated vltli louir rewards about which there is no possibility uf doubt it uc possibly tho during up of ute uvcrprehonl gambling instlrict but there is something mure in it tluin thut there is in it the unex plained tendency on the wrt uf must cvilo to reach for the chimerical and ignore tho tangible and euhtuutlal thing which in near at hand man is seldom atlnvd with tliuuu tilings that are within hi grasp but lu reaching ulwus for th uuuttulnublo too often ho loses that which ho might euully am in by blindly i umulng thut which la always just uut of his reutji why con man thrives i ouplotl in a wuy with hut fulfil in tha unknown ls the tendency on tho part of tto muuy iteoplc to puaxo conndonce in u stranger in preference to one whu is lnown and liun been trlod and proven it is this touucucy whlh mokes puanlble the upurutluna of tho wn man the get r nulck urtlst tiio uiw rupuluuii piumoter uid tho salesman uf worthless mlnlnj ntuckst tim imui who would not think of trusting lllll junes his next door neighbor und ft how thunli member will con aden try turn uver his ufoe suvluku to u uuunrir whu unfolds a tale of richoe tu be won lull jones muiu utiu hu head off in bettalf uf a loirltiniate proposhiun without getting u ilullur where tho stick stranger with his wortliioaa proposition cull ot thousands- it is thoo twit tendiiu lr vhlih upiiurently ure so vividly pro vulvnt utnoug ull tluukrt of ikh ju uiut liuvu ttiadu poaslbig tho success uf tho aiout mull urdur lioiwou lu the big cities a knowledge of wycholoy u un imnurtm t t tin luull order i uu us u kuowlodgo of biisluees prortlio llu pluyx uxui hooo tendonites uf man to taks a uiuttoc to tr lu 4hu unknown tu lum roiiriilutioe in tlio strunger rather thun the friend bargains tn ladles silk fleeced stockings ut 3c hob ionjj a otcrails at 2 eio a shipment of i ob longs iltit j wearing sh hs ucjksttd thui wiki shoe repairing a epeclallty e k cook when veu buy shoe stroro ua you are aura of secur ing the best selection in acton our prices are much lower then city prices our guarantee la behind everything wo aell kenney bros our bread is baked lught here in acton and wo guur an tee its wholesomcncea we solicit as well your patronage for homo nuulu cakes pastry etc wo aim lo eatiafy m edwards ev co this campaign ueetfl with our approval and luui our hearty endoraatlon beardmore ev co new that warm west her 1 is approaching you will require refreshment our drinks are loo cold and lnvlgormui our ice cream is delicious- our caudtue fresh and wholesome h wileff our large business connect ion iu acton is ample proof that our urate vegetable und lrv visions are ofhe best quality we sell on close margins and solicit the privilege of supplying your home mcenery a evans ihotto who buy lurlly whether liny r piumpie them tu truu thry are rum 1 liar tin will druw a priko a i jmmuslble for tiu uut hu 1i lluiidlato from a pjx tulu ul is taking u hkiu liuylu hope to draw prize incrvhuudiuu funn it mull ordoi house ure uiuycd reullaui it or not 1 y tl ul ttult hi their nature which tho unknown rttthci than lu ttuit with which r hu lug it uiuy lm unconsciously that they do not km w wlwt thoy will ael for it la lm ws what ho hi going to got when ho orders mer our personal interest are centred in ac too this mova ment undeserving of success and wi ondorso oarae ryder ov mo wat glove co i em local distributor tor the itord automobile und cull supply you with genuine kord part at reasonable rsrlocs a couiplvui stock of tires always on band let your neat car be a ford h a coxe tin i hu1 ly vulorud duanrlptlon 1 atalugue rluiu iu tt in ilu of thrjo loiiivitt lift i the mull or lei- tiouut- whun oi hu in mo l wn hu iniay tit xsl i th hti hint wuiiuui thuu i but i tfll i f thut hi thd other hand thut ntr into tho donllii- s it etovi frunl 4ho hunlwitrn f ihj ihrlllu thut iimiu from love tlmt will litnt i ur uid keep luht kt rr in ihu mull order housn i lhliiat urn likely tu be mure lm 1 manufacture and repair all kinds of furniture let mu cellmate for you on tho making uv r repairing or upholstering of your furniture which requires uttuntioii i guarantee my work tho jainillum liosdltoi w j stuckey summer toggsry complete lines in mou u uumim r outfit ibzht wuight underwour fancy nocks wash ilea etc w m pooplit never buy jwsry from cateluguat all jowelkxy looks aod in s ulj wlaeii buying from mo yuu ilio article and us well yuu huvu tho benent of tny eervl udvko und i i soiutl guarantue geo hvno contemplating building 7 if so let us estimate on your re tlrement we prepare plans make estimates and take oon tracts for any kind of building we would nuggost ordering next winders coal now j b mapkenzie fair dealing 11 low priem are building up our business we carry a full une of groceries and lruvlslona ami our prices will re lieve the ttooeeauy of further search our quality and price will stand comparison mrs j modouqall e using your eyes when you buj fi nn thi lo il muiituiiu yuu see tlio thing that yyu i buying you iniih t u tiwrfully exuinlnu the workumushlp and uie- uusllty of the tuutilrlul of whli h it la made and in many ases yuu have llm i rlvllcgw of tutitik it btfuin puylug for it you havo not only your own eye und lmuwu4 of vuiuum tu rely upon but you have the udvunlutcn of tho uilvku of tho uiuivhant wlio ha un expert knuwlodfre of the uicpcluilidto wlilih hi in nulling und who iu bu uues out of 100 tun im rolliml upiii t lull thn ti ulli ulmut it tho it you havo tho guai untve thut 1 barked not only by the tu lull men hunt but in many cases by the muuufarturt r if the art u lu ylilih yuu buy due not prove sat tafutory utter it is given u fair tetrt you can tuko it back to the store whu re you bought il in most nutes und set your money back the retailer may get hie money back from the manufacturer but if h doeou t ho stands the loos in an ewnt yuu are urotoctod why a pereun will luce his coundciuo lu a struiucer rather than a frloiid or will trust in tho unknown rutliur uiun in that which is- tangible is something that ls liuru to understand isven tho niall order house doe nut pretend to know why tt is op fut it uocepls condlliuna ua it niida them and makes the must of tha opiortunltles that thoy offer next tim you require uoota shoos rubber etc lot mo endeavor to meet your reuulrumoiit i my stock is complutu my quality w of tha best my prloe ure t iglit llenelrtn done w williams old you ever stop to caneidor that it coots ovoi vive thouaui dvllafe u year to deliver k ro th store to y a oupl tho luniuroci in for it t your own iiaixnls und nut yum kmi of the saving iuh ui 1 t un orotery chester plank main st ilium i consult m flret when yuu require taenia pf any kind 1 u local agent for li farm tmple luteniatloiwl marhlnury guarantee you anlti lo i carry hoots c marhlnury and tan xtlnfactlnn und aer is ami nhoeri its will i chas e parker i

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