Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1919, p. 6

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milfrartmulltffr- y t m births afarriageei and deaths are now chanred for at the following rates hlrths 6o0 marriages coo deaths 60 memorial cords so 10c par line extra or poems married joli y iiii ton at tin mrthodlat i nrw iz arli ti t wimlnrmlay october 1 1019 y key i m uoyer hfrgt it irlj lly f atlanta oor gfa 1 ionian ileatrlro daughter of mrs it brrl lllltun r died waibh on fluti lay ki umber 28 litis ol itrampton the ilav caijon walsh ugo 1 75 yr irs aifllll ac i er liomo 3g iortland hired t rxnto n taeeday bep irmber l 1919 itosluadauglitcr of lira tioram alger in her 16th hfnmiulon at 3 ht- fehriel si quebec city que on saturday hoi tnmlmt 27 1019 thomas ilender at i formerly or milton ont- brother i f ii i oavi i henderson in hla hth year in memoriam itawhjiaw in loving memory of irlver ii c itomshaw lloyal una dtan engineers who died october 2 1018 ut ituyal victoria- hospital montreal in hla 54th year there ta a link death cannot aver love and remembrance lire forever uotiieu and jfcjjhle dr a w nixon again nominated for tliis county his was the only name before the convention at mil ion on tuesday dh anderson approved pro hioition llr a w nlxor m i i received tho iiuunutloum n ml atlon or hal ton oiurcrvatlves at mulon u their can dldute for the coming itovlnclal elec tion ills was- the only name before the convention lie accepted nomination and discussed questions of the day hun qcorgo henry minister of agriculture was the principal speaker he enlarged on what the government had done for legislation and criticised the u r o and ita claims dr ilk anderson m p for ilalton atw upoko lie alao discussed oatl- cultnm und tho u k q he approved of the urinclpl f inhibition but ob octed t ti o position in which the ota put doctom in tho matter of prtwrh tlonn the act nooda some ntnon imontfl he ald mass meeting- of property own2r9 tho apjrt of tho engineers oni 1 ed by tliq council to investigate the matter of the installation of a water works syatem for acton hnn boon re eelved and a mass meeting of pro prty owners will bo hoi 1 in this town hall acton monday eveninq october fl at 8 o clock to discuss the ueellon all ratepayers are earnestly requealel to confor with the council on thla lmortant mattor oioiton uaitiimit iicevc ifr artmt3ter iiitjbjb thursday october s 181 brief local items loonetown pair to day who your favorite candidate october mado iier bow yesterday n no no no thua x x x x jtve for victory spend sparingly honda rockwood folr will bo held to morrow the eloctlous two weeks from monday lead the crippled soldier a hand buy victory rondo next week will see tho end of most of the fall fairs the apple harvest la easily rath ored in this section thla year a number of our citixens attended tlie fair at kergtis last thursday the autumn stories of the wood land are now especially attractive twilight seems to come sooner now that the old time rules again now were back to the ood old standard time again and to stay there the milton rofermer nom j a wlllouxbby as georgetown a first mayor tho complete hat of prises awarded at the fall fair appear on pages two and flto- rev mr johnston a returned sol dler will preach in the baptist church next sunday september was an exceptionally one month it brought needed rain and lots of sunshine the morning train coins east has been changed to 7 os and the 1006 going west to 1034 am kaquealng council will meet saturday october 11 instead of the 11th the date first fixed auctioneer kerr was judge stock at fergus last friday and will be again at rockwood tomorow j n cnelil has appointed john tfliahnm his repr for acton for the sale of the famous dodge cam the m victory bonds pay 64 per cent interest you get an invest meat backed by the entire resources of canada a meeting will be held thla even ing in the council chamber to organ xa for the new victory loan cam palgn for thla district a number from here attended the fair at acton yesterday they report a fine exhibit in most classes sj urge attendance milton reformer the bricklayers are at work on mr robert scott s new bungalow on bower avenue the tapestry brick being used will give the building fine appearance rev o v scovil rector of st george church ouelpb preached two strong sermons on sunday in favor of prohibition thla wlu have a wide in fiaence in the royal city ministers farewells ore b a habit here a few weeks ago st joseph m pastor said good bye a week ago the pastor of the baptist church and lost sunday the minister of knox church mr victor watson sale on tucs day was a splendid success good prices were realised and the aggro gate amount of the sole was highly satisfactory auctioneer kerr was in l the soldiers memorial co bad a meeting on tuesday evening and decided to arrange for a canvass to be mode in the near future to secure t funds necessary for the me gates decided on tba guelph mercury says with the largest attendance to its history and entries in all classes well up jlo tho average the 191 acton fall fair come to u successful conclusion on wednesday evening the overwhelming oplnioa of the people of ontario appears to be that it would be a colossal mistake and retrograde step from every social moral and economic point of view to repeal the ontario temperance act in force today milton reformer canadian national railways increased service transcontinental train ttveay day in the week toronto winnipeg vanoeuver anwt victoria in effect october 5 a daily tronsoontlental service be twven toronto w in nl pes vancouver victoria is the principal feature ar nounoed in the canadian national railways fall and winter time table this train will leave toroi to 16 p m dally and will be equipped with uptoaate sleeping di firstclass day coach tourist and colonist cars tletweea toronto and wjunlpeg there will also be a compartment obcr a tlaa library car a parlor car will be attached for the convenience of passengers while travel una through the rootles so hay may enjoy in tho utmost comfort the mag nlfioqlit aoanery for which the cana dlsji national routs 1 famous fucthar particulars can be o from laasngex officers ot canadas national system of railways gwva drawing for the ford car wo liavo yet 360 tickets to sell before tho cur can bo drawn for it is our wish to hovo tho drawing take place on october 13 thanks giving day tho drawing will bo made by two local children to be selected at time of drawing tho price of the oar is h85- as soon as thin amount is reallxed rather than disappoint anyone the drawing will be held wfmooneyof guelph has opened a store on main street acton where be will ootid net a tin smith and sheet metal business orders for hot air burnaoej and plumbing will receive special atteu- town hall acton saturday october h 1919 cora ward i1uci1neui grand concert by wakdbuchneb concert co under the auspices of the baptist church acton reserved stnis 50c general 35c llan uf hal ut ltruwn a drug store ca km ra praaslng rspalrlnj cleaning your clothes thorough y cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like- new try us geo wallace guelph ontario turnips wanted fairies mullin wholesale cornmteslon merchants are again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points we aro paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton bockwoo0 guelph business college herald old q you know all about uff l our courses methods faelll ties for placing our graduates this year bigger and bettor than ever fall term september 2 have you registered t gaelph baaioees college a l bouck principal vonoe charles streets toronto bnjoya an excellent reputation for high grade business training and for placing graduates in good positions enter any time write for cats logue wj elliott principal enter any day in one of shaw s business schools toronto for a course that insures employment at a good salary wnto for free prospectus wv h shaw presi dent 305 yonge st toronto good things to eat hceneby evans havl everything appetising in meats lamb for saturday lard now down la 40c a vine new une of canned tioods slfll getting in tomatoes watch our window for bargains on saturday night prices are always right and your child will he s faithfully served as if you came youssclf mcenery evans acton meat market main street rural canada 0 different just like on friend talking to another ana farmer talking to another halton county fair c atjulton on october 7th and 8th 1919 trials of sper 50frtoh8es 500 all prizes for horbefl have been increased grand specials for cattleano sheep urat class mualc will- be supplied by hendersons famous juvenile 1 ipe rand of london and milton urssa hand put away ysur cares and coff w the fair h1nd to tibchetart for pruk i 1st geo e castle preoldsm a l monabd ertsry village of acton dy law no a by law to provide for the bor rowing on debenture iie sum of 25000 for the purpoae of loaning the same 1p gourlay fogelberff limited to enable them to establish a plant in the village of acton for the manu- factiiring of boots and shoes whereas oourlay a kogolberg 1dm lied uf the hrst part and tlie munlcl pal corporation of the village of ac ton of the second part huvo entered into an agreement that in consideration of the said coritoratton providing the aald company wltli a free alto for a factory and ion ling tliem tlie sum of zu 000 repayable in twenty annual i uymonts of 2 17b si cacti tho uald company agrees to erect on u alto chosen by tho aald corpor atlon in the village of acton a faa tory building costing not less than s10 0o0 and to 1 natal in aald factory all modern machinery and plant re quired in manufacturing boots and shoes tie total equipment including bulldlngu land und tho aald plant and machinery to coat not less than 26 000 being the amount agreed upon between the said company and the aald corporation and the said lands buildings plant und machinery shall bo free from all liens charges and encumbrance of every kind other than the mortgage hereinafter mentioned the said company shall complete the erection of the said buildings on the said i roperty and shall place the aald machinery and plant therein and 1 avo tho samo in operation as a sotng concern by tho first day of january 1020 and shall during the term of twenty years from tho first day of january 1010 employ in the aald busl neaa not leas than sixty employees on tho average in each working day each year in tho said term unless 1 rev on tod by ire strike or other up avoidable cause the calculation as to the number of employees and the amount of wages to be made as here inafter provided tho aascyomont upon the said two tory machinery equipment etc shall be flxod nt q 000 per annum for ten years for school purposes the said company shall execute and dullvor to the said corporation a first mortgago for tho sum of s2e 000 upon the said buildings land and premises i tant and machinery stock in troe free from all dower hens charges and epcumbrances of every kind and all other fixtures machinery and plant to be subsequently placed upon said pre mlses in connection with the said business which said plant and ma chin cry and fixtures now upon or sub soquently placed upon the property shall for the purposes of the said security to be regarded as part ot the freehold and the same to be of the total value ot 10 000 as a guarantee of good faith and for the faithful per formance of all conditions and coven ants binding upon lh company under this agreement until the discharge of the aald mortgage as hereinafter pro vldod an 1 to secure the corporatior loaning the nald company the said sum of 25 ooo the said mortgage shall be prepared and made in pursuance of the short iorms of mortgages aclond shall con tain tho usunl statutory covenants contained in such mortgages and such others as the corporation shall deem advisable for the security there by intended insurance to the extent of at least 76 per cent of the cash vaii of the buildings plant machinery and iitock in trade on the mortgaged prem tses shall be placed upon the same by the said company and premiums paid therefor the said company shall during ii said urn of twenty years whenever required to do so submit to tho cor po ration a statement na to wages paid and persona employed by the said company such statement to be pre pared und nig tod by a regular uharter od accojntont satisfactory to the cor porallon and if required also verified by a statutory declaration to be mode by the said company and whereas it is expedient to pass this dy law and submit the same to the electors of the said municipality to authorise tho said corporation to borrow tlie sum of f 5 000 on the do bentures of tlie aald municipality for tho purpose of loaning the same to th said company to enable them to erect the said factory and to carry on the business of manufacturing boots and shoes in the said village of ac ton and whereas it wilt be necessary to borrow the said sum of 135000 and to issue debentures of the village of acton therefor bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum which is the amount of the dnbt intended to be created by this by law and whereas it la expedient to moke the principal of tho debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of twenty yevrs in such amounts re spectlvely that the aggrcgato amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to tlie amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years whereas it will be necessary ta raise the annual sum or h 170 61 during the period of twenty years to pay the said principal honey and interest as they become due antr whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the village of acton according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is 691 071 00 and whereas the amount of the ex latlng debenture debt of the aald vil lage of acton is ho sumof alaa 7 and uo part of the principal or interest thereor is it arrears thrr re the municipal council of the village of acton enacts as ol lows 1 tlie said sum of 6 ooo ahatl be loaned to tho said oourlay a fogel berg limited fur the purposes afore said and cor the said purposes tht sum of 935 000 shall be borrowed and debentures of the said village of acton shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than 100 each bearing interest at the rata of six per cent per onnunv pay a bio yearly and having interest uvulhtvs attached thereto koch of the said debentures shall be issued within one year from the day on whlah this by law la passed and be dated on the day of issue thereof and shall be pay- able in twenty annual instalments of the respective amount- sat forth tn bchedule a hereto attached at the oftlcs of tho treasurer or the village of acton x the said dabon lures and coupons shall be signed by the jleeve or the sail vuluaco und the treasurer thereof nit th sail dcbantuiva thai i bo sealed with the corporate heal uf tho muni upallty 1 during twenty years the cur relics of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rates on all rateable property in the village ot acton the sum of 3 1701 for the purpovo of paying tlie amount due in each of the said years for l rlueliuil and interval in reaprct or tho auld debt as shown in the bche duje a hereunto annexed 4j ttio lcaeva and clark are hereby tilreoto1 and t uthorlaad to convey to tlie aald oourlay a kogelberg limited liart of lot number twentyeight in the third concession f alio towpshlp of ksuueslng now wlthlu the limits of the village uf acton as a alte for their proposed factory c this by law shon toko effect and am fall specials at big store mens tweed ualn costs just to hand a forgo shipment of mens tweed rain coals these coals take tho place of fall or spring overcoats wo handle the standard mackintosh coats tho best coats made the makers guarantee stamped on ovcry coat in brown green gray and pawn shades sizes 14 to 42 special price 1050 1250 1000 and 21 00 mens fall weight underwear combinations penman s make sizos 34 to 42 special at 275 suit stanfields unshrinkable underwear if you are looking for something warm in underwear wo can recommend stan fields red label our stock is limited so come early so as to get correct size red label special at 325 each mens blue stripe overalls for less than manufacturers price we hove 5 dozen of this overall in stock sizes 34 to 44 blue stripe with bib good heavy cloth and good value to day at 3 00 pair special this week l25 pair hoys fleece lined underwear at 7ge each a limited quantity of this line of boys underwear carried over from last season the price to day is 00c if we have your boy s size in stock special at 75c each cord velvet 27 in wide at 1x0 rtt there is no material made for the money that will give- the wear that cord velvets will we have them jn stock in red green navy cop blue and brown 27 inches wide special at 100 per yard all pure wool factory yarns for years we have been trying to get this make of yarn as we think a poo yarn is dear at any price if you are looking for a good all pure wool yarn call and we will be pleased to show what we have th season colors are black green red blue and white 2 and i ply special 55e per sfc gray scotch finger yam at 55e per a vb this scotch finger yarn comes in med shade of gray only soft 4 ply all wool special at 4 lt for 55c mclean mills mill street we sell for cash we sell for lias acton m msm new advertisements continue 1 f r m 1 ugo on heaimjuaktkrs for wedding and birthday presents iu gers 1h47 kllv knives iorks and hpwn fancy cut olaas fancy chll a we carry tho most complete ulur in town marriaoe licen8eo issued geohynds acton ontario auction sale of wood i ui ifrmlui l 1 rnrjvfl w h mccullouch ll hy v i 11 art j a au n arton rr issrpad n saturday october 4 ittlo at lwu oclock pm t cioht acres op lying wood msrtfevood taps st- will in tmt urr u tm on yr mturwmii i fjttr w m1 ft th premises tkitmh iv wtom rrtil j proved yirtl ntlm vlvm pr r i rt fo rash bcnj petch amimm come into operation on tho day of the i asalng thereof fl the votes t the nocture of tho said village f acton ontltlod to voto n this ity lav shall bo taken on frl duy tho thirty first day of october 1919 commencing at the hour of nlno o clock in tho inomfng ard continuing until five oclovk in the afternoon of the same day at tho following places and by the following deputy return ing officers that la to say 1 poitlnj bub division no 1 at the town hall with w j gould deputy retailing- ofucor r lolling sub division no 3 at c c speight s shop main street wlt llan bnilth deputy iloturnlng oitlcer 7 on friday tho seventeenth day of october 1d10 the iteevo of the vii lage of acton shall attend at tho town hall acton at ten o clock in tho fore noon to appoint in writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of tho votes and one per son to attend at each polling place or behalf of the prsona interested in and dcslroiii of promoting the passing of this ity law and a like number on be half of tho persons interested in on 1 desirous of oppoulnk tho passing of this by law s the clerk of the council of uo said village shall attend ut the towi mall acton at six o clock in tho uftcf noon of the thirty lira l day of october 1018 to nun up the number of votes given for and against thla ity law passed tn pen council this day of 1010 heave clerk schedule a reforrvd i in the lly law hereto unncxed amount uf prtnciiiul und inturest re julrtxl yearly to retire s 000 do ben turcw in twenty years ut lilx por tent per annum payable by lmitalmcnta as follows i rluclpal t10 61 730 30 year 11 00 00 1 49s3 1 ik 00 i 370 18 1 321 61 ij70x3 1 2u7 1 167 73 1 098 41 1 031 4 ss3 61 sa t0 sll os 730 04 43 07 6os7 463 15 349 56 233 78 1zj7 763 01 809 43 858 00 009 48 b64 04 1 031 ho 1 0u3 0 1 1411 19 1 217 os 1 oo 11 1 367 5 1 44b 67 1 636 4 1 6b14 i 736 46 i 830 os 1 03s8g 30c6 4 total s2 170 si i79l 179 61 2 170 si 2 179 61 2 179 61 179 61 179 61 170fll 170 61 2 179 61 2 179 61 3 179 61 170 61 170 61 170 61 170 61 170 61 s 179 61 179 61 hlotlcfc your vote and influence respectfully solicited for j f ford independent farmers candidalr for halton comity cor the provincial legislature a votfc foil fojtd ih a votfc for lcoos4tt a vote for toitd lb a vote for more equal itepiteh fcjjtati o n a vote for loki ib a votfc for cloveilnment foe producer and consumer notice to creditors in use sorrogate court of the cotmty of halton ih the matter op the estate op qtoftae simpsom is at tks tewrtefctet r nssaaaansya tt 4mr e maltei aweeead hfiji l imirafc7 arvan pcrscsxnt ut tk fcvla kuut ta fntru ctu fsv- 1x1 luftc a fhuc all parser jmtrlfg joumat glrt tl ui t jh mtti ix fftmow wn- iawl 4 fjt avt tkrmj day cf ju i1 f la taaras ttt fmsarya a rssrah ta mma trf ii t lsjirr tr otj q hoi i tussf 6ar sfc eakjr f ths euu a aswfl owtsgj auospami cm or b i ew qom r a 0ccr 11 cber aaou aiii tar ftxrtjera i ksaa cm eiojass as ttr catnr c4 ct ssaarigy it mt va hr thm ail tsaje ymtui 27 ut7 effararon azr xif ji tin kxhatm n 1 parcmjmaf bv dmcntitsui rjua- i t of tt- liars 1111t isux uvs pacmi w utmrmia imwg nganf cl7 d tfe o srhjarh r27 sfcaux xm hav neauee arf our alrsn oat b f m to cb a irr or any porf n ttstm c sjev par of wbosw calm n shoc sat have beea rseeraaws by bsxa at char chne of soda a atri zsacetf ac miltn ths loth dxr at ikttmtpar laijv w l eick 3firsg out is sofrttffr fee thm vsnfw tako notice that the ubovo fa a truo my of n proposed by law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passod by th council of tho corporation of thovl lage of acton on tho event or the assent of the electors bolnjf hluliiod thereto after one month from tho first publlcauon in the acton fuss posh newspaper the date of such orst pub llcatlon being thursday tho second day of october 10ib unl ttiat at the hour day and places t hum in fixed for taking tho votes of tho electors it polls will he held and take notice that a tunant lesir ing to vote must deliver to the clork not later than the tenth day before tho day appointed for taking the vote the declaration provided by sub section 3 of section 105 uf tho munlclial act ivated the snd day of october 1b19 it n farmer 14 3 clerk of the village of acton the ontario election act is ib the temperance rcfehendum act 1019 public notice i urauajit to the rovlslona of th ontario election act 1d1d the llourd of luglatmtlou for u i t ut ty of uul ton have extended the tlmo for 1 ut ting tn complaints t r ippaaladu refer encs to the voters llstn until thura day the 2nd of october 1919 tarn to be- put in to tho respective olerka of the different municipalities in hie county and served in the same manner as provided in the ftrat instance tho revising officers where neces vary will hold sittings to hear any such complaints and appeals the same re via ing offloer taking tho sittings at the same place as in the firmer in stance such sittings tu be hold on saturday the 4th day of october hit as follows iiurllngtua 10 jn osk vlllw 3 poi nelson 10 iuii arton 4 pan trafalgar 10 om nansaga ways 10 am milton 1pm ksiues ing 10 ajn and georgetown 3 pm dated at milton 10th sept 1s1b j w kujott chairman voters lttefulratlon i is t uoord county of uslton the support of every elector of halton man and wcam who is not satisfied with the present g ad ministration of the affairs of tins pronxsee is respectf nuy soheited by e he cleaver the peoples democralic liberal candi date for the lregiblalure i cannot agree with the glaringly autocratic sad extrava gant administration of the a fairs of this province by the present government which has been catering to and encouraging the profiteers and big financial interests even during the gravest 5lres- and strain that has ever bctn known in canada doe to the recent awful war and that which follows on being elected i will do everything within my power tu advance most economic and efficient administration of the affairs uf this province with aquare deal for all and that with out fear or favor nomination day october 13 election day october 20 cxeabihc auction sajle srar actojt the nnftiiyj has rccdsaif svm- lyro v prafrila- tuesoav pctobejt at oca ocjick the fouaanasr hoeses i bay icua s good one 1 boy horse tlraschx- lost well i red cow bred jn enustng wan umber 13 a gooal kspt i baal cow tsreaf fli nrissfll i 1 rtlir wen tbew 3 at cowm i t uatifrrs rising i 1 teafc sow will pica wwefcs eld iaipte3fextil fromt a woad blader c ft nl tn good or 1 wosx jk wood sower 5 ft eat 1st goskl onkr- 1 cooozex- scox coltt- totec- la good order- i dtec drill 13 atbac cockahaic a nararz x hay lsawlsr nea rty ostsr i 3fanaxe tin sail r 1 bisbku ii uuuer 3 drama 1 fr hamiunn tww 1 tsofuntw flo 1 ha 4 ant1nns 1 cora caaivsdor nswrty new 1 vtgaa aaal box x bobtusctgn t tttnupi puh9asr i uar rax i fanning still i waste tmurow i jactttltcr 1 iss 1 tj aewr 1 bog trwck 1 uu rack 1 stock baca 1 cora rack x u1 rock l ooxxiss bos 3 sugar sweetie 1 hajr fork t oriadsttmhr 3 doaca oraia bags i pa laval ouun ssparaxnr iissu ij new sets wtalffietrn t xeckyokat t caxtx hook near ijo fasc bay fuck rope l oyclone crass tassd baser t daisy churn crsavax causa x scralnatr fail 500 down gives immediate possession to 100 acke farm acton i miles 70 uircs workable uulanct bush ami pasturv soli clay ny good wulor vrumu iioum k r m nia celtur luit k bain oxjs good hi ing etueiit hoors tl ui lu irul ikx ntjlls driving shed hen houso- hcl ixil 1 lot rural mail lrlce tsjioa 100 acres erin towns 1u erin village 5 boles ti tiered workut k imilaiton pjulurolii d 3 a orchard u uliss full pi ughod null ilal loalu vxtru kwhi mcslac nsw aoud btocts uao rooms ji wly lv ruml u si tr liard and soft water in hnisr tluiiia lri 4x30 at nu nt ml soxlj ulth stabling fur cattle school 1 mlls reria l ttu stall i 3 illos ruinl mat ivlce ssjlox tot m hi ral awl 104 acres georgetown 3 miles l1meu0use h mile bi blitw n rkublr butunce buuh and pasture soli clay bam to uruvolly i ism i ik ity of vrator rlunio hj d ruugbcosi bmtse 7 roooas 1u k lulu l siiuimh tui 4 ilu ui 1 brill uf tattla horscsi pig uen ui lor bun wuler i i si il us i 1 o i i uitlc dmtvh i kh radial and 0 t 1l u mllr itubsassl i urrui ajd lrlc s7b00- tortus arraoad 180 acreserin townsilu ulllsuurg 3 milks 111 ulivs vt rkublv i aliiico swan p mil pas lure la od li strvs tall 1 loughed soil tcruvf lly kmlii 1 lot ly vt wulr l well and a rjsk ame house 10 rooms gootl collar lta ik tsoni cux73 on good wall tie up it iim if iitll 3 imii ruiih til itnl pl len laxta driving houso 36- hch kit 1 mill t urili 3 miles rural luall and telephone rmue eav200 torn is urrunged uo acres irtrketsville 3 milks oak ville 8 miles toronto x miles 10j utrcs worsablu luilancu itartly bush good orchard o acres full i ughod cluy mini stilt 3 wnlls riuine house x3xto atabllug fur t uwm ui i 4 huiaeu all tuho 1 1 mile rural mall lrica 1vt terms srruuged willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario 0hi tu nunwiwu tu nantloo uarnbs 1 set tf team hrwf- tac of plow itorweas giuin jlxd uat4 tons of tim othy uajr r tons uf clover ua3a 400 push of oau nswmarsjat fit car sessl l buah of mixed grain terms fok stock ettc 414bo and ntnkr caah uni than inritn twvlva months credit oa approwd iuint n oram cmh flvs per inl off fof caqh putivly no reshtrve sat thsv faursw hat bsm sold it j kerr aitrtisss t- b bborey clark phonesa acton real estate it you have a boaas for aaisc tf you wont to buy a bousst 1 r j kerr awa oaai kaej cstotsi dsakw pitoncw s young street acton oht tooth paste jarful cool ofau tvaall ir klenao glvwa to thw tuouth hm uke a morolns unu tvenrjjldrur brush their mu iiiiartrytwr you giver thein kluiiau kxccu8wc quklph agents mckees qublph ont ri c-

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