Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 1

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ht jufxrii sttt forty fifth year no 15 acton ontario thursday morning october 0 1010 single copies five cents new advertisements the methodist church acton rev i m mover pastor parsonage willow ot 74th anniversary servk eb fit2patnick ill t r tlo on id it ii m and rev f llmi tf i rrrena wl 7 t m hi rciai music hv till choir there are many reecnt arrivals in good new fall merchandise valuable property fdr gale brick atom nr 1 u ijacrnt lm i nl atcd un mill strret i oar i tut i occui jed y wncr a- i y x 13 2 lo 1iaviij for 8ale bay fill j r julol good in single littrnntut aired 10 year r particulars i ply to hi uiiit ciuamfh 14 3 ii h no 1 acton calf for sale good main calf four months 9 id at trout i t tide well bred and has been woll food a t fy on the premise 1c 2 thomas mckvoy mgr rooms to rent room t rtinl unfurnished suitable for light housekeeping or for young couple api ly to mils john denny bower avenue to mrnin jui do a lost llln ikig short tall amveni yorkshire sows for sale a numw of thoroughbred york ah ire howa duo to furrow in kobruory for kale won first at oil local fairs in bacon and under six month cuisaca for particulars apply john y houeutbon r il ro 4 acton for sale stewurt farm lot number twenty ix concession two lsqueslng ad jolninf the village of acton two hurl dred acre fall ploughlnf dona poo session enn bo amuiipil reasonable terms ai ply to owr r box c01 acton cattle astray nine bead of young cattle strayed to the premises of u10 undersigned lot 1 second concession fssqueslng about a wmk ago owner may recovor une by proving property and paying ex penscs johj cjiawhhaw 15 3 it it no 3 milton milk cow astray strayed from the premise lot is con 4 kaqucsinc on saturday last a fresb milch cow dark gray durham grade any party giving information which will lead to her recovery will bo ditably rewarded alxir evans it il no milton brick house for sale a comfortable well built fa uim titnibtf on flgln street acton six rooau rood cellar with cement floor good hard water soft water in th house hoom waa never rented a good bam suitable for home or motor car for particular ut ply to is 4 mic3 jamfc8 price mare astray strayed from acton on friday night 3rd inal a dark client nut mare with two white hind ice had on a leather halter when aha got away informa tion wblch will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded address hjtmnhujwn blacksmith shop acton or a hoc acton i o the ontario voters list act notice l hereby given that a court will be held purauant to tbe ontario voters list art by hi honor the judo of the county court of tbe county of halton at the town hall on the list day of october 1919 at ten o clock to hear and determine complaints of error and omlaalons in tho voters list or the- municipality of acton for 1919 dated 7 th day of october 1919 ii n karmtlt 15 t clerk of village of acton w buy oil hfljj victory bonds beorsr or r agist red j e carter investment broker ouelph bookkeeper typist wanted competent bookkeeper for business concern out of town on who la able to operate typewriter for particular address latter to free presa office is s acton ont wonderland friday october 10 border wireless with w s- hart tbe cook wlth fatty arbucklo saturd a yoctober 11 dorothy rtlah the little dis turber r heart of the worl i in battling jane our roy in germany showing our boy 4- nterlng cologne bonn and other ccrmnn cities thanksgiving day matins and nloht t lill iron are allowed lu uttvn 1 tho matinee unacc mpsnlod matinee at 3 pm our belter helves starring fanny wanl- nom at 7 1b pnv lu up your hunda with arvuo kuber tufiaoay october 14 oyiy trail wloi liyrant wahbmrn fjo 1 of tte man of mla-tll- wednesday october 10 a fox picture comlno- of the world r l gregory to telj of in macdonads news letter this week wc want every woman within coming distance who admires up todatc merchandise or the better class to know that wc arc alt well able to take care of her needs the seasons newest and most desired stylebare shown in these new stocks of beautiful suits dresses blouses and millinery the new dainty touches of fashion aro reflected in every garment and hat selections are comprehensive and prices notably fair and reasonable we cordially invite you to visit this store every time you arc fn or near this city and we suggest that you will find it highly profitable to make a special shopping trip to cue to guelph s loding and largest store to choose the most important garments of your new fall wardrobe the delusiveness of style and breadth of selection afforded macdonald customers will be well worth the cost of railway are we have what you want fn clothing for men women and children dress fabrics and dress acceahriewsii paper floor coverings and draperies for the home d e macdonald bros ltd guklpits leading and labgest sxors wyndbam macdnnnh and garden street godph onl acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream fair test and fuu satisfaction guabateko highest market price for butter fat win receive any amount of cream yod bring in highest market price for cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery dairy co mann a watson proprietors willow street opposite government building honest goods russells right prices we have just received a large shipment of feltex tho new moor covering this is superior to oilcloth and is not affected by heat or cold 2 yards wide a good rangeof patterns to choose from call and see them sweater q3t just arrived o fjne assortment of boys men s and udies sweater coats at reasonable prices underwear a well assorted mock of cildreni lhdicig nienlt ant boys underwear ppucn to dun all a groceries and frujt fresh cranberries cabbage celery grapes bananas oranges and lemons values d c russell dealing hill sthkkt acton ont atora claaaa uq axeapt frimjf am saturday citizens meeting unanimously favors waterworks system debentures for 40000 for the cost of installation to be voted on dv law to dc voted on octs ill rrsinnai tl the rvfumt ot thtt hcevo a wo 1 1 attrudod meetlnjc of pro jrty ownnm waa hld in tii3 town ilatt on muntlay aveplna- tho iuove in a btif apoech atalml that tlie candldm tea hid at laat election 1 r irtsl thcmarvca o oonalder thtt l tjjil i of a wiitorw rlu ayatem fu ac ion tho council had employed vnxlnora to look into the mattvr a cum data and prepare call ma tea of tlio coat for uaaatod plana of in h la 1 union lie alated that actin nt dclntur debt waa only mom 1x1000 to 121000 and much leaa than moat mu nllpmlttlea of acton alas ha oxpresaad hlaaiir aa atromty in avor kyatctn and fair coa- ddant that it would not aasr tm of knneral benefit to acton but would in time be aelf auatainlrur mr 1i m proctor r a be- re preaentlnjr jamet loudrn and herts berc co conaultlpjc anclneera toronto i reaanted an intcraatlnx and con pre honalve report ot ute lnvaatiaauona and eat ma lea prepared by hi jinn their enalncera had vial ted the available aourcea of aupply including tjjo prlnfi on waiter iambi pro perty tho illue sprlnr the troot rondaprlnk aprlnaa or afr b john ntone a ro perty the bla aprtna on the klynn firm and tbe aprlnc on the iteardrnore farm between tbe toronto j suburban and q t il tinea moat or ttua apriava were ao caraway that the expenae ot iuplna would be larye after atudyln the queatton carefully thf ensineera decided uat the indlcatlona are that an adequate atop ply of w4ter la available from a deep well ir ttfeila drilled diwn to th roch it la aurreated that a teat well be unk near the proposed pttrnplna ta tlon in the neighborhood of brock btreet cobblo hill la the lusheat emmlnence in town and a natural alto for a reaer volr it la 100 xeet higher than the street at itrpck and main streeta and so feet hutber than the o t r track at the railway station a r i voir elevated ss feet on cobble u1ii would live aatlafactory preaaure the dlatrlbutlon ayatem would coo 1st of 10 i and a inch malna ualna neceaaary are eatlmated at 1740 hneat feet twenty five cmte t and 11 bydranta are ansxeated jdwe- trie motora will opemte the pampa and an emergencj ajaaoune or oil driven unit will be installed the eatlmated coat for a aratenrwith walbf la 72000 and from flynn a prlnx 13 000 more 41s0m for inataj latlon of a ayatem with welbi wonld be raised by debenture and the bal anoa would be provided by a local improvement ayatem concludiiur bla report mr proctor an id if the waterworke aystam aa outlined be installed we believe acton will have a splendid plant that will give satisfaction for domeauc and tn- ddsuul cooaunuitioa and albattf ample protection against fire a rood water works ayatem la a arcat asset to a municipality and an inducement to i roepcctlva industrie and residents from the standpoint of health aanlta tlon lro i ro tec tlon untlllty and con venlence and in time it beomnea a revenue producer vr beardmore endorsed the ileeve with rererance to actoo a aplendld onancla position and pointed out where the installation of a system of waterworks would be of great benefit to acon dr j ray declared there was not the ellsjatest reason wby acton cannot with the greatest ease finance the ut atallatlou of waterworks we need a system of waterworks and be thotutnt every loyal eitin should be in favoe of carry ins the question to a success ful issue rtwa the consideration of the improved status of tbe town the better sanitary condition the asaqr anco of a aafe water supply be favored tho matter strongly john cineron rvd socord and others asked questions and commented upon the matter ii i moore said the splendid meet ins or ratepayers showed a keen in t crest in the question he moved and krank hounes seconded tbe fouowtng resolution that this cas ting of pro perty owners hereby express their ap precis tion ot the practical manner in ewblch the council has acted to secure reliable and intelligent dats reapecauns the feasibility and estimated cost of an adequate system of waterworks for acton and further we recommend that the necessary steps be taken to submit a by law to the latepsyere to raise by cot nevt on wltu the local tmprovemea plan of distribution this resolution was carried by a vote unanimous with the exception of a single adverse votr the council later met and intro duoed u by law to raise 40 m0 and to take a vote on the same hy the qualllkkl electors on october 11 news of local import uuilal canada a welcomed ucst a lwrsonallty i ml different- successful rock wood fair largest attendance for years numai ou exhibits and fine weather ltockwood kslr last thursday and kriiuy waa a aplendld supceas- every department of the shew wjs uy uif to thu mark aud he quality pf he vurit us exhlblb cou rl nye txe i aurimtassd as usual be graer portlun of iihi crowd gaiherejd urphn the horse ring o watch the judjng tliera were not as many ltraes as n t im r jears but natwllhatqndlng itu tl ere w ro ayeral excellenf claa laililuurly carrlajre hmtss tar wn- homn mafcheri tms shohn h mull be hard o tt anywr ftft the uir drivers also attrsctetl a great ileal t fttenluiu ttvral hoqra were mcui1oj in j mis ins the bursssi tor ue judges hsd n 1 essy task to perform there waa also an eaoehewt display uf cuttle sheep swine and pooitrv with kee oompcution tn every class another centre of attraction howwrer witi the build i ig in which were shown the veaetabtct rruit nowsra homo- cooklng domestic work grains etc these exhibits wees all excellent as peels my the display of fancy work which was the finest ever shown in itockwood the home cooking attract ed a lot of the city folks and when the time rams there was a ready aale for m ist or it at 4 30 ouock there was a big par ade n round the grounds of the prise winners to the uvs stock c led by the ouelph musical society band an i this feature a4dd the aunuut to the excvaent fair of 1mb aeten prohibition bally admass meeting in the interest prohibition will be held in the town hall on tuesday evening nvst ad dresses will be delivered by rev dr illair ouelph and a prominent labor representative from hamilton ym seventy fourth anniversary infsnc the methodist church was rsttibhi d with regular services in ac ton next hunday tho seventy fourth anniversary services will be heldl itev j d fltspatrlck of brant ford tho president of the conference will rearh m inlng nnd ovrnlng the cholf will render special music during the day csunty orflanlxsuonj vtetery lean c ii ptolemy or milton has accei ted the position of county pub lictty chairman for the victory loan mr dorsld b- itobertson is again the chairman and judffe plllott vice chglrautb the campaign la now get ting brtb full swing and prospects for another record for halton are en covaslnc old man pleases the old folks wm bnyder elora writes a friend has recently handed top a few copies of your interesting paper con talnlng the effusions of tbe old man in the jug clock tower which are very much ap reclated by the residents it ou have a fyle of back number will you please send out those containing the first publications of his arttefcss- aseusnt to mr lindsays mother bevsmml weeks ago mr n p xlnd says another and sister came np from oeonratowh to visit the family here on wednesday of laat week the dear old lady while standing in her room auffsred from a stroke and falling fractured her left thigh and arm she has suffered much from the accident but is very patient she ut in her eighty eighth year a fins team of horses xjennle worden is having very en couraglng success wh his splendid pair of carriage horeear jk oeorge town bo won drat for single carriage at rockwood first on toamj first on high stepper first on ladt driver and on turnout at pieel ton on satnrday he was awarded first on carriage team first on single carriage first on high stepper and second on turnout he was also given a diploma for the best carriage horse on the grounds firs pfwvvntton day to day by royal proclamation his excel laney the governor general nf con ada bos desugnated october as fire p day on that day lessons on flrfl prevention subjects win be given in every public school public meetings i held in many of tho larger catlas towns and villages and the and occupants of property crrerywhere throughout cn- will be eonaalied to give special attention to tbe removal of on ha sards from their st jessph s fancy fair the ysney vslr in the interests ot hl josephs church to be held in the town hall on wednesday thursday friday and saturday october xi to is will be an attractive affair an orchestra will be in dally attendance there will be a number of talented musicians there will be booths with urge variety of useful artistic and amusing articles an art gallery a post office and other new features launch will be served every afternoon and evening the ftir opens each aftenoon it our o clock basil jehnaton has mater accident last friday mr basil johnston second line erin drove his neighbor mr allan to hamilton where bis brother was mry 111 returning home be was crossing the cpu track on main streea milton when a freight train which bad not been visible came along- and struck the car mr john aton was thrown oat had m bona in his arm fractured and- received pain ful bruleea he is very plucky about it however and aaya bell soon be all right again tbe front of bla cor was rather badly battered rev mr cottons itev henry cotton or norval who as a flight lieut in the il a k d a prisoner in germany for nine teea months preached forceful ser mons in the methodist church last sunday in the morning a very able aonrse on prayer upon the text lord teach tie to praytraa deuver in the evening the sermon waa the second mile and was con slstent with the inauxural day of the methodist national campaign in osn nectloa with tbe interchurch for ward movement itev mr cotton also addre too sunday ffchoo in the afternoon in s very interesting address visit by prominent prombtuenist mr albert loins of darlington vu hupt- of anu saloon league of the stats of vermont made aetna friends a braes tfastr lut week mr jaing isfcd been attending worlds prohihuloq convention at chicago and dropped off here when en roue bosae if has utraqsf urmndeno ihft he wiyote of the united batea will ha rsrman entry ander urphlbllon within a very short time ll was reported at lh convention ha eg steps are being taken in etngland scotland and wanoe and other european oaunlxtca to annihilate the fraino lu lnoslcalng llnuors r lslng bj very anxious o see i la old borne i fn give a hug mttj fur the unutrto tatroiwrsnoe ac on the oth inst- a serious meter aeitem iist bsturday morning mr henry lknr an aged resident of crewsotts corners drove into town charlos lambert and got out of the buggy at the corner or mill and main streets as he was crossing the street a couple of young men in a ford motor car rushed upon him he was struck with considerable force and the im pact threw hint oh the radiator of the oar he fall to the street and the heartless snd lawless drivers drove on without stopping to ascertain the ex tent of the old gentlemans injuries and down the mill pond road in the direr tlon of naaaagaweya their car number waa obliterated with mud ao that it oould not be mode ol phone messages were sent out but the rascals werw not intercepted mr damper a koluiles are serious a number of ulcerations and bruises about the bead and on the body wets sustained vox 1 a time his recovery was thought to be doubtful but os is now improving- acton welcomes the county teachers in convention here and onr citizens hope theyll folly enjoy tbeir visit to our town and onr hoanes the convention programme this morning at ten o clock the teachers of if hon and went worth it spoctnratqjbmttmeet in the methodist hchoo for their annual institute meabtfftgs it is expected there will be an st tendance of 70 to so teachers to all of them acton extends a cordial wel come our homes have been opened to them and it is the hope of all our citlsens tfat the visit of the members of this important profession will be most enjoyable the programrao and time table for tho convention are as follows thursday moraine session 10 00 opening isxerclscs itev t m moyer acton 10 ie presidents address 10 jo music in public schools h a bin res u mui hamilton 11 jo boll call appointment of committee subscriptions to mags xlnee fees etc afternoon session i 45 heading course of the norma school maihial on school moragement chapters 1 and 2 miss o young georgetown chapters 3 and 4 nancy mohon compbellvule chap ters s nnd 7 miss amy l howes hornby discussion 245 ftrat biosi 1 music h a stares r mua 3s discussion of kntrance his lory paper w b wyndham b a oakville and d k hlmth h a liar- lintton i evening session tfckcltl r vitung jutlilbit of school works uusin hy local tslcu- fridsy morning session s oo opening axercisea itev wilson b a acton ib agriculture in itural schools henry o belt toronto discussion 10 is household science in public schools miss m currie olenwlllianis miss j douglas norval ii 00 geography in korm i1x miss j mleod acton discussion it 46 roll csll report or com ml t toes tc aftsrtseen p u0- election of officers 1 45 public health dr d a mc clenahsn hamilton z30 inspectors hair hour j m den yes r a x00 question drawer the omcers of the association are honorary iresldent j m denyea u a milton president w il wynd ham il a ookviiie vloe president miss r langon burlington secretary miss m z- bennett acton treasurer miss e ii- howes milton librarian mr mlchcner mil ton isxecutlve the ax presidents the omcers miss il johnstone trafsl gar and uln ii pattisoo nelson social and personal miss bertlo smith via i ted friends in toronto last week mrs hamilton of ux bridge is um guest of mrs m mclean mrs w d smith of toronto visit ed acton friends this week miss alice klllott spent a oousvs of days ust week wu friends in tor mr and airs robinson of napanrc vtsltnd mr and mrs l ii shorey laat georgetown fall fair one of the peel in the history ef ths esnuselng agricultural seewt vther prospects were not promls ing ror an ideal fair day laat friday but early lo the forenoon the clouds disappeared and it was bright and warm snd sunshiny tho attendance was a record break lng one car loads came from all directions cars were paiked in the fair grounds along all streets and especially along the curb on both sides of the new main sreet pavement tbe fair was a worthy one in all respects tbe inside exhibit was un usually good tile exhibits of sheep pigs and poultry were very creditable tor the season snd the showing of cattle excelled that of many previous shows but it was the horse c wblch attracted the crowds oeorge town has always been noted for well filled entries in both llcht and heavy horses and this year was no excep tion the fair of ills will be referred to as one of oeorge towns best president campbell and secretary tracy as well as the other directors exerted themselves to the limit tn their praiseworthy efforts to make the fair eptcel military news ssrgt ueorge hynds ute ut the let canadian infantry battalion has juati received from king oeorge a beeutl ful certificate with the following- over the kings personal sigtature served with honor and was disabled in the great war tlonorably dischsrged on august slat 1iit- pte austin cutting arrived from overseas at his fathers home in hamilton lost week lie was aooom panied by a war bride and four months old babe mrs worth ingtnn of ouelph visit ed her alster mrs o ii bwltscr dur lng the week mr c ylllloma of hault ste marie and his son herbert were here for the weekend mrs charles oldham has been visit lng relatives at sl thomas tbe past week or two ur boyd clark wt last week for qalgmry uptake a position in the mer chants bank mayor and mrs ourney and children made acton relatives a brief visit at the weekend miss ilarrfson or ms it on spent few days with mrs tbos nelus of naaaagaweya mr and mrs ira venn iter georgetown were guests of acton friends on sunday miss ttfora kmney of the staff of tho hospital at cochrane arrived home lasl week for a month s vacation col dr c a warren and mrs warren of toronto spent a few days this week with mrs james l warren mrs james moore ard miss clare returned home on monday after a pleasant visit with relative at dun dmm mrs thomas gamble who has been in walkervllle tor some time has re turned to acton to mke her residence here mr arthur smyth toronto who re cently returned from overseas visited his aunt miss moore wilbur street this weak mrs r k ratram of port william has been apendlns a couple of weeks at the home of her father mr robert wallace maria street mr and mrs william mainprise and miss ins returned on thursday even lng from a two week visit with mends at warsaw new tork miss myrtle clarrtdge who wssoper sted on in ouelph hospital last week ror appendicitis is making encour bging progress toward recovery messrs fred williams of toronto snd his younger brother hugh of wyandotte mich were here lost week little hnghle has grown to quite sixe able manhood mr and mrs e jeffrey ot hsmll too and mrs wiluam moffat messrs charles and william moffat or car luke were guests at inspector iter mr cssvsas aetee meeting avngeting in the interests of k h cleaver the liberal candidate will be held in the town hall next monday evening mr cleaver will address meeting and also mr ii h christie editor of the brantfol rcxpositor kiwx church lost sunday rev h l kkitierson- clerk crbelph resbylery ooaupied the pulpit of knox qhureh last sunday he officially declared the pulpit vacant able sermon were preached both morning and evening and tbe oongre gallon was strongly esjaorted to sup port prohibition in tbe coming liefer end urn vote sam carter for south wetting at a israely attended aunvention o tbe ijbimls of huh wrlllrurion hell at ouelph on saturday ffterneon 8am carter who was ths representative of ttw riding tn fite lst legislature was pledawd the upport of the liberal- and will again be in ute field as an independent liberal tbe convention was a repreeentstlve one delegates be in present fron- si parts uf the riding mr fords meeting saturday night the meeting in the interests of john p rprd the candidate of thu u k 0 in the town hsll on saturday evening was fairly well attended end the audi ence was not confined to farmers either there was quite a sprlnktlna of town people including a number of indira mr it n brown proeldcnt or acton farmers club presided mr kurd mads an earnest apeech present lng the pisiform of the ufo tnclud irtg- the prohibition feature which ho endorsee unequivocally addre in support uf mr urd s candidature wars also mode by messrs marshall camp hell ullton mr currie of me w market and mr a o rorro or oakvi ford and his friend here wsrtgucb pleased with the character of tb mrs deo mcrain left for kamloope r c to visit ber mother who is in very poor health her sister mrs mluer of lindsay ao com ponied her mrs i adams charles and baby huth of toronto and mrs k b daw son ud bruoe of maple creek so katchewan were guests of their sister mls bertie smith last week mrs haxetwood and mrs robinson nf manitoba who have been visiting friends at the old homo at coderich arrived on monday tn visit their brothrr mr il s holmes rev r h c rant d d oeneral secretary of moral and social reform of the presbyterian church and mrs irani of new glasgow n a were ths guests on monday and tuesday ft mr and mrs m mclean knox avenue ll col and mrs c a warren nucalng sister marin ulss b c war ren mrs w t stone miss krsser mr john m warren and miss helen and master john of toronto and mrs mclellan of olencoe were guests of wts jam l warren over the week and mrs charles overland hill erin ontario annoance the it of their elder daughter klrkwood to mr frank el walker manager union hank of can ada 1 lagersvllle ontario the marri sgs to take place the latter port of october captain ind mrs k h harrison and daughter oris who have been visiting at the boso of mr and mrs wm johnstone en toots from england left for winnipeg on tuesday captain harrison left wtnniepg with the ort glnal 41rd battalion and has served overseas since may 1116 crew8on0 corners mr henry damper was seriously in jured tn acton on saturday forenoon by being struck by an sutomoblle was crossing the street at the oa of mill and main when an auto drove furiously mp main street and ttnrned on to mill the car hit mr dampcr snd hurled htm several feet- h bedb bruised and cut about the head and seriously shaken up dr gray dressed his wounds and be was sfter- wsrilf token hots the anlscreanta who were in the cor never stopped an instant to ascertain whet her they had killed mr damper pr not several acton motorists followed out srter them but they had such a good start and went at such a speed that they could not be overtaken sueb scoun drcl should be severely dealt with w hen sueb accidents occur now ho much more dangerous would it be to gu out on the roads in ths country or he streets in town if prohibition should b defeated sod the bars oome back into axtatsooe mrs- geo watsons many friends will be sorry to hear that she is 111 of typhoid fever in ths hospital tngueph apple picking season la on now some people prefer picking at night as mr j gamble hod a tree of choice northern spies picked one night last week needless to say the pickers took ths apples wilrkthetn mr il a toamper kvertun apenf suiidsy with his father mr h per mr snd mrs itoyne and miss horns burlington visited st mr m crew a love feast at knox church tuesday evening kind words and uberfi i-resenta- tions to ecv and mrs wuson and dattghters it was an emotional occasion ir itev hi d mrs j c wilson and family desired any manifestation that they lived in tl a hearts and affection of t o congregation of knox church it was amply testified to at tho gather lng on tuesday evening when most cordial axpresaloi n of appreciation were given tho church was crowded gallery and lit kx warden hynds occupied tho chair and alnx waldlo ea- tho senior elder occupied a place on tbe platform vfter a most timely address by mr hynds in which ho a poke on be 1 la if of the cansreirnuon in most lovable terms of the rev mr wilson and bis sixteen yearn ministry in knox church he colled on mr waldlo who added further words of appreela tlon and banded mr wllaon b cheque for jjcooo u free will offer nc from tbe people mr wilson waa visibly overcome his emotions rtundorcil t impossible to aay much on 1 what he said impressed sll with his senso of koencst pain at the severance of tho relations of paator and people this was not all mrx sidney smith then went to the platform and mrs wilson was called on behalf of the lodjea aid mrs smith handed mrs wilson a well filled purse and rood a complimentary adurcs mra wilson feelingly replied and iter remarks were greatly appreciated mr john it kennedy spoko on be half of the hunday school miss jean was the recipient of n splendidly bound teacher o bible from he young peoples oulld nnd miss margaret a tine odltion of the new book of praise from the mission bond an enjoyable programme of music and aong was contributed by misses gray stalker akina wlldgust and mr wlldgust a sumptuous supper van tho climax to this happy evening- proceedings waterworks bylaw is introduced by the council euruscers report was presented by el m itoctor ra-se- and freely discussed voting on friday october 31 council met in regular session on monday evening ai 1 o clock the following account were lassed oenkral account htreet lighting account j1280 town hall account 6 oo halton registry office fees 1 bo 1 10 himtosnjcrrfuo account mcdonald a wlllson supplies 19 11 hydro electric com su piles 119 68 canadian general co supplies 11 st chamberlain metro co metres 39 00 moloney electric co trans former 18 10 hughes electric heater co- supplies 36 00 acton kaas ikxsu printing supplies 31 15 1734 13 tho tcacl era institute was allowed tho use uf the town hull for tbelr meetlng thursday evening v the victory loan o ro mil too was granted use of the committee room during the cmapalgn after the meeting of property own era to discuss the waterworks question ire c u n assembled tho by law to rauo t0 000 for the installation f u waterwrorks system was inlroductwl given tw readings and ordered to be published tn the pass xbsss tbe time tor taking the vote of tbe electors was fixed for vr day october 31 it is significant that every members name ai peas on tho resolutions to submit tbe waterworks by law on this important question at bust the council is unanimous nas0aoaweya a kitchener young man found peeping into the roam ef three young women was fined s0 and costs after spending the waed in bo cells thin thursday evening mr cioav er the democratic liberal candidate will hold a meeting ut urookvlllo at s o clock tho meeting will be ad dressed ly mr cleaver mr w j htinaon and mr paul a fisher all agriculturists and women electors are particularly requested to be present a meetmn rill also bo held at campbell vllle tho same evaning at 110 o clock billy howard has been dolus up the fairs as usual and un far he tins bod the i leasuro of wlnnl ur rise for bis own fine tasni uf heavy draughts at acton georgetown ltikkwood and vreeltoo ttnd also of drlvit g leonard worden s splondld tonm 4 f carriage horses at tho various fulrs at which ten firsts throo seconds no third and dlplo no worn awarded mr j w bhrlve of knutolibull who sold his fsrm to mr nlghtinkolo a short time ugo moved to toronto un montliy ha iss secured a job in one of the packing houses mr duncan kingsbury or rouleau soaks tcho wan visited tela uvea l nasssgawsya tl is week a case uf scsrlst foyer broke out in the home of sir jo isasterbrook of darbyvllte the patient is improving nloaly and it is hoped there may be no more roe of tho disease potato and sj pie licking will soon be the order uf tho day on wednesday evening october 1 a barge and represef tatlve feathering was held in kden mills town holt to do honor to seven of our young men who havo recently returned hun u from overseas mr john cock burn u v o candidate for south wellington was present and vas colic t on to be chair tuu after a short and nttlng uddress u musical programme was much n joyed after which the presentation to the boys took place the recipient were a mitchell t ronnie j w wright 1 kingsbury 74 s marshal h dyer and w ued ths gifts w varied and valuable testifying to ths i tbe rail ty and good will of the friends ot the vicinity in s few but well 1 1 osen words tho boys exprossed tlulr tipreclatlon of the honor conferred uu them rev ci 3 csssmore is kept ou the hustle these days having a number of matrimonial knots to tie rockwood fair was favored with many entiles and s great uuuibor of pevole from this se

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