Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 2

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j ctije artrnt mxts tos tlllluday octoi11 it 9 111 old epenezcro thankflqtving thankful t in ua k et i bel thenkf ul that mr when think might ono o wrmn i jlher mi my kn thank 1 i flod ol xvn hint ho ui to in mi- hpobo 1 ltealt a hon o ktujice kond luvr a nl ttong hceklll il lllxirt hloa 1 o unl y iuit klamln nralli 1 if lurid lume furrml ti nrn ticlovetl noun mangled by tl shotted guns 111 lea c druukc n on the grape f wrt hpos i d been lli kuuorl lualil wadln deep hi moody wuli with the rry o inurtlorod boys ilko bo mo ghostly liu ntln nolne itlngin rlitgin hi my wm ami u flmhl u women a leurii ijkn ii lltlul wbvp tot ea ltushln onward sock in met hlmukt it mm my tot tit dwell f hint sanguinary hoi i where eueh rlvmr 1 n flood of 1 my inurdernd brut hern blood mlcad r in these peaceful vnlei whem jhi a merry never fall and the harvest of our toll in un earned and bonect spoil not the loot and pallid fruit of the war lord a frenzied fall trouble comj and trouble go in a ceaseless ebb and flow 1 have altera had way share tit lumm tears and life a despair no thin much has passed me by in the march of woe but 1 ut of alt eternally thank my god above thai lie made me mel f4 sr th the beat prlco ever offer i for a farm around here jl and mr wlluford folded the letter and placed it in the pigeonhole of hhj desk mra wlluford standing tn the bay window by the artemlshvooo man of buds and whits blossom in honor of thankaalvhag looked off to ihe world without what a world it was after two day now the boughs of the long line of evergreens reaxninar beyond the born to the road bun low with their weight of anew and through it the sprig of green nodded and sparkled jewel decked in the distance uko a ribbon the white banks of the sftoq abowed the way to the ses and still farther away a cluster of tall factory chimney reached heavenward through cuabiona of white enow resting on roof below near under the m te gray create roof- birds were twittering and frolicking though they had never seen such anow before seeing them catch at the roes berries and then at one another mak ing wide circles only to oome back to each other again mra whuforda lips darted as though to smile then re membertng she turned 1 suppose queries came to talk over the grader eh aald yes he was pleased theres ahow of getting the further wood lot added its a doctor that vrants the plate wants it for his boy not strong thinks this haoo run near the moun tains and not far from the sea is just the place for the lad to grow strong ln- instntly to the one at the window there hashed remembrance of a lad who bad made the saco his running ground and of a tirooxe headed girl always at his heels could she 7 the old place was so dear if only the children had come this year of ail years if they had come abe felt that all this talk about selling the farm and going to town to live would never have sprung into existence you really think we better sell the farm caleb r 1 do margaret but its not as though we werent giving the children a chance cw even though they do come home sel dom it s a chance of a thousand and young- people can do bo much these days t tint there are not as many years before us as back of ua margaret i and there seems no limit to what those two take into their head first it was the school at haoo then the boy must study with dr oerrod and college for both and now joseph at johns hopkins johns hopkins was dr oerrod s doing said the wife i know oerrod stands by johns hopkins but he la a baltimore man and now joseph must be a specialist and have a year in hospital work across the sea and nora must take the time for a years study in berlin itut you know caleb the two have stood by their extra expenses think of how nora taught summer after sum mm in that business col lege dor lng her vacations and now joseph clerked at that shipping office that is what i claim their alms even absorb their vacations we two here might as well he stopped as be saw his wifes eyes holding protest no i wont say we might as well not have children itut you put up the damson in the fatl margaret in the way nora loves them and everythtng of interest that i learn through pertmenta as to soil and so on i save jo talk over with joseph and in the end so else eats the damsooa and 1 talk to one not joseph stand all the lime waiting for what does not come we better it and go to town to live youll be near the church and the womenll run as she did so the yellowred balls of the jerusalem cherry standing rurther side of the window seemed to laugh up tl her this time she let her lips iiart and up to the jerusalem he rry balls won given an answering nm do thru the thought of oilier people a children coming homo for thanksgiving anil their flrealdo empty louche her with the loneliness that w heavy niton her husband thrrn was u jingle of bells u chorus of laughter and sound of feet slump lng on j he aide plaaxa it is ami imiroii and soran of the glrlh said mr wlluford looking through the window ilantciilng to the alttlng rot in she threw hark the outer iloor how good u is to see you scoel and mra wlluford s oyo were as bright us though resting on thn face of their nora thought wed get a welcome and i liavo brought my whole family you see this is our teacher of english ut th hemlnary alias gleason and aoe turned to present a smiling young woman this la a frl rd of mothers nanny goodrich or rather her mother is a friend and were making nanny one and hep is mr dotwona niece iolia there are more in the sleigh ir this is not enough mrs willi ford i loan t noru rtrnwr hhe s not coming mrs wlluford said placing chairs for her guests hhe feels she can t quite make it you know aha intends taking a whole year off beginning with the spring for study in europe yea said zoe but we do want her so the gaines boys are getting up a carnival of the season they wrote me about it before i came we want nora for harvest queen cream lest of corn husks for her gown and kernel of the red ear of last years busking bee for the beading and eoe broke into a laugh and how about you being queen of tbe harvest t said mrs wlluford catching the happiness of the girl my hair is simply red mrs wllu ford noras is a glorious glorified combination of brown and bronxe with the sunshine of the years pressed into it please alont confuse the two does seem an age since we have seen either joseph or nora how do you stand ttt my mother and fathered make a fuss about it catching light of mr wlluford sutndlug by the kltrhn cupboard zoo made a dive for the kitchen oh mr wlluford i am sa glad to see you ian t jcacpli coming elthort he aaya not said mr wlluford shaking the liand of the girl before him and letting his heart jo out to her os hid mrs wllllfovd its iwuch an age since wo ve seen them said koa i tell mrs wlluford my toother and fathord make a tuss about ft when young folki get bees if their eonnet don t talk about bees in joseph s bonnet dr gerrod says its to be the glory of hhj uta that he started joseph on the road be is sure joes to travel yea said the father looking pleas ed and yet anxious zoe noted the anxiety i suppose she said a- note ot sym pathetic understanding toocbln her voice wa have to be patient with such folks dont we mr wlluford t it would aeem so answered the other then atepping- further out of sight of the group in the other room he aald in the same auauty of voice tbe girl had used zoe don t you think mr willlford would enjoy life better if we moved to town do you think nora would care if we sold th farm we have a good offer for it ur wlluford- there came a call from the outside and zoe turned and looked over tbe arterolaia and waved her hand then turning back she said im afraid it woukl take the heart out of nora she always says one feels be can do anything with a farm back of him that nora you know but she wlu always hare a hack log aaid tbe father thla i a pretty big place for just two old folks zoe laughed- you and mrs wllu ford old who was it got up the husk lng bed last year and who was h got the red ear but i simply must go dandy la in the team this morning and he s not used to this holiday glee- lug father thought old kate would sober him but she does not seem to out in the snow and the sunshine the young folks drifted and the sound of bells was thrown back from tar down tbe road to the two in the door way ur wlluford turned with his wife to the sunshiny room the flowers andthe singing canary were there but the quiet after the guest young voices brought the old feeling of dis content airs wllliford glanced un easily at her husband how fuu of life young folks are i yes aaid mr wilufdrd that night the letter in the little pigeon hole was answered telung jlaw- yer queries that if the ono negotiating ftx the farm yielded certain points to go ahead and close the deal the thing for us to do margaret 1 tbe thing that will make u two the moat comfortable youll like living in town when you gel used to it icm way there was one who found it hard tn sleep again and again the clock told off the hours but always to the rhythm in its ntoo from the mountains to the sea hut joe must bowtood by illn heart in net on u year a work in the lionpllalu abroad i can t let him go ulonol juni yet doeu it luy again nnd ugalh urntlons hard to bduwn- ronfrnntod tho m ly lng with white arm covering her face but in th clear light of a frcnli day answers wore found for thn qurstluns thut had tkon hard lo meat in th blackness- of midnight in tho gloum lng of a day that hud ikxji too abort for al that had been lutkod if it nora wlluford using her attlt cane for a tnblo ahe wa in tho station walling for her train wrol icr joe you must not think that i am going bark on you in kunn you shall have it whether do or nothut i will make up the extravagance someway i ura go in a home for thanksgiving i m nearer than you it seems right that one of us should go homo just think it is u ytmr since father sont me my mink furs that he and mother on toe turf for me in 1ortand when i thought i should have gray squirrel tl oy haven t seen me in them yet i want father s hug mink and all i va tele graphed zoe to meet me but she is not lo tell the folks there ii be snow everywhere i shall not see the but i u know it in near our sea just must go joe hurriedly no it was nearlng midnight when y- dr wlluford dressed in immaculute white lnen passing to a distant ward of the hospital came abreast an older physician ah wlluford i was just thinking of you i nnf always glad to bo in the thoughts of dr bedloe said the younger doctor i wanted to toll you tho deal foi that maine farm is going through al right my friend in new york writes me that he feel confident there will be no break now and he s sure that if we wish a place tor the tittle fellow to grow strong in we cannot duili cate that stretch along the saco not far from the mountains and near tli sea who knows but we ii have the little chap dressed in white and taking his night round here at johns hop kins ild young wll as to that caleb there m not a day goes by without someone coining in to break bread with us thats true hut there a no denying they think they re pretty good llut its so nice liavlng- m cellar with bins filled and item of own curing it dors not seem caleb as though i could content to selling the form but you will have all you cs if we ive lu town we have here more than we can use then be pressed bis up together sharply and aald other folks children come home for holidays our children wrjto not this year 1 or pretty soon i ii get off zoe camerons hajruu t any redder than our noras but oe has had the spunk to get home for thaiikaglvlnx clrr from that virginia school where she s teaching uu she baent a many aims as nerst thats what you aay that may be but zoe is a fln girl that nelce of dobson i here again i aw her at the post office she sent her love hhe is going to drive ovw to see you- the young folks are getting up soap sort of a carnival the qalnea boys started it quite a spell beck theyre putting up posters i didnt sfop to read them mrs wllliford bung the canary lal again came the words in its race the suits jus that was now pouring from the mountains to the sea tn broad sheet through th window that night tn her room up th har- in a new york office building well up town a young girl with a crown oc brenae hair catc the sunlight that fell through a large paned window deftly plied a pencil at the macpher- t private desk i dont think i quite got that last mr macpherson said the glrl chappie answered the dictator you can aay laddie if you d rather oh i have it now the one in the leather chair began again on the letter he was dictating yes it you wysh a place for the uttle chap to grow strong in you are not ukely to duplicate that region along the saco fn its race from tbe tains to the aea ajt instant the pencil hung over the last word the dictator seeing this iwtttsed and then went he lawyer s to think there is i hurry but i would not be too you know dr bed toe u h well k a thing- whan we can get it times ironcooljnstttrs you ire good enough and tht part til tght i judge there is some nee aa to the disposing of the i would close down aa soon as after a little th letter was drawn to an end and tbe one matched her hair lifted her book and imrntlta you will let am ltavv it ooo the gentleman rising immediately with grace but uaaured bearing the young girl passed from the room acroas the corridor at a broad window from which the distant jersey shore was discernible she leisurely seated herself beaching ahe placed the paper carefully between the rollers of ivor machine pushed just as leisurely her linen cuffs further up her round ed arms and glanced again ihrohgh the wlnduw hut her position taken her ongers hew kor a while the tap on the white keys went on unhroksnly then as had her pencil so now her finger paused al the word closing tbe sentence in its race from the moun tain to the ea thn seal there wu a quiver in the workers lips the breath was drawn in sharply between the whit teeth h the ahouldera went further back a white hand was thrown acroaa the brown eye hhe wa not conscious of the jersey ahure now instead abe wa seeing a long stretch ox wet shingle and a girl rao lng before the wind with hair flung to he spray how long it had been since joejsjud ahe had been down to the sea the sea hey knew and i that sounds eootl 11 ford it doe sound good said dr bod loe 1 tell you joseph there hi nnth lng like giving a boy a chance your father secma to have given you a chance lndeod hr ho ono in a thousand said joseph and then as he looked upon the face of the man before him who was qp longer a doctor but a father and saw the light in the eyes and upon the whole face as the father thought of his boy there came to the young physician a desire to see his own fathers face that could express love for his lad as keenly adr iied- loes was expressing it at thought of his boy the maine winters are pretty tough can the lad stand it asked josepb it s what we want him to stand these maryland winters are no good yon are a maine man i believe yes answered the other all the more reason i tthould ask what i had in mind when i came upon i you knock off the work the last day the year and take a rah with me out to the lads new camping ground think of that you see if we get the place and we are going to put the deal straight through we expect to light the biggest are in a certain brood chimney for a housewarming on new night that ever the old pi tree state witnessed go up with me and help lay the back log it will do you good there s plenty of snow up there already they write you know what maine snowdrifts are and pr iledloe laughed i should say answered the other a while cupped nurar touched the younger doctors arm yes said dr wlluford i tho older doctor drew away think it over dr wlluford young wlluford did think it over at least he thought over the subject that dr bedloes words had brought to bun winter in tho old ilno tree state i bnowdriftsi as he passed from one couch to another it seemed as though he could hear the sough of the wind through hemlocks weighed with snow a hungering took hold of busy overtaxed young dr wuuford making his night round at johns hop kin a longing to see his fathers face with eyes holding love for his boy as he had seen dr bedloe s face this was bow it came that a note hastily written on a prescription jeaf was sent to miss norn wlllford 136 st new york dear nora now i am not forgetting that wo re pledged pon honor to a year of strenu ous work across the water and that in doing so wo promised each other every luxury ahould be out out but i question as to that ward luxury i think i cant count it a luxury to go home and see dad und mother in fact i reel i must it s not right for us ta take the bit too strong for just what we want i m afraid i ve been a little remiss in this i am older than you one of us should go home or t it i pretty cold for you but i can clip up and not mind il more than that i want to see dr urrod it beats all the way they go u things here in the hospital home of tho operation will simply mako thai old doctor of ours stare they are successful ones too i must go home duar i wll make it up some wsy the cost hurrlodly job there were two sleighs ono willi dandy and the other with two horses and both had the same white fields und blue sky and glorious sunshine it wok cold indeed it was cold the occupants of the sleigh with one horse were girls one in gray squirrel and yie other in mink and more thai oboe they held their muffs to their ears and how the two girl laughed dandy making his hoofs fly over the glittering road more than once turn ed back bis ears to listen but one of tbe laughs he had not heard for a loo time in the sleigh farther back was a hoy and a man there was no laugh lng but there wa now and then thai s right make u a quitk a yeu can this sleigh mid started a half hour after the sleigh ahead but tbe had taken u t ut through the fton wood lot that the girls had not darxt to take for ear of drift so there had been a gain zoe that sleigh has gained on u let it and the one driving glanced back they have two horses it s u livery rig ob it dandy twenty minute later there wu u girl lu mink furs in her rather u anus and a girl in gray squirrel standing by her red up trted und her eyes glowing then there wu a girl in her mothers urnta and the two left looking at lii other i dldn t write a word to nora mr wlluford zoe aald tho others being too occupied to notice it rather look thnl way ilixmli t itr said mr wlluford yea 1 tltought you d think so after what you aald to me about tho farm but pun honor i dldn t it nearly killed ms to keep tt after the telegram but i knew it only one night there cafhe a sound of fresh stamp in upon the steps and there waa black coated joseph suit case in hand never does it rain but it pours cried zoe throwing wide the door i thought id catch you hare aald joseph giving tho sjrl n hearty hand hake and tin r it a fnttier and reaching ont h looked etralght into his fnthers eyen lui thnlr hands mot my fiilhir itut it ivdnn k to ae j ami its cocil lo hear uu m tliat my lelur wus too muth for you norn nun itr nald the young dot lor your lottur i huvnn t acnu any letter hut ill i mine utxrt you off it wn u grout homo coming and when paiidy wjs in the burn und zot fkittlu down to sum or for four it might woum u mttlo 1 inu mo if nho wenl home then it wus that joaaph liegan planning tnr nvery huh of hla stay ut home i ve w to ct baric the noxt minute ksnlllo after thanksgiving mother yuu will huto dr oerrod ivr for thunkstflvlng won i uoj i huvu u thousand thlngx ii ttllho doctor they um xtvlnir mi knewlmluo now that lr oonod u i only iiclt r ho practiced twi nty ytuis it lnuiu ull huwthny lie hi wull for u follow an i motlx r wu musl huvu i rofou nor urtlniftou tuiil noru i vu in t seen hlni since the old d ys mil i do so wunt his udvlco uboui my rip thore a so much worth birrauwf und thorn are noinn thlnffu eg docun t juiy for u girl uko mo to tuke up i w got to go back too there a thn milliliter ami hlu wlfo we mustn t lonvo thorn opt if wu are lo have tho otlieru aald mr willi ford ijuo in iho night mrs wlluford inld her hand on hrr husband it arm ho was snoring but nho eouldn t wult cuub huh 7 continued lu column hewn mii the value of saving ah successful men began by saving later perhaps they invested but they first had to accumulate capital the first step towards wealth is to open a savings account the second is to save regularly come in and ask about our simple convenient savings accounts interest compounded every six months soon amounts up the bank of nova scotia 9 700 000 ir 00000 moo oat w if ghaiiau action u utaoluaaca everq dau in the week 1 sun mom tuet wed thu fri sat 12 3 45 6 7 th first thlnr rlmi on n ugh itaroul i lay that lonnl why k kporiulb i it iii is yi ut an hi own to nlri i wjtlmu mirjjint i felt alo mid in wli k roil inpi a mold when thouu tw i hlldren come it hardly kwjoenie i i eoiil 1 look tlinm in the talk of kmpltik a farm too longt a man tun kmi u farm forever for tho it ml- u f two uudi children ours an i uo urouii i the thuukagl vlng luhli r th willlford home there wu kitliinil u goodly i miuiiiy ir on roil nn 1 join j b t loao oatelher so no in mudfto pruuk lu- upon them und by mr wlluford thn good rnlnhuari wlfo mm rialnahon ugli and town by mrs wlluford the minister htm im if over by noru professor carrlng ion wlita hn i uliwn hrr when a slip if u jlrl iho different c- ikttwiten irani lng t ikmsoii making bo truths it hh a ootlly i im any und whan tho hunt i wuu well ivsr it wus i urroo who raised hla hand und suld wt hour u grit deal illh ut m lull 111 l iii fn thu und hi celullul r umt it lu ik bettor way but it inaliiu uu ull round dot tor feel as though nil iv 1 hut when i i nk ut hi to two lhililrcn here and think of b 1 helpo i llmm into tho uorld mid utio wiiut a i online of it now i say ihiro urn u few sheave tiiat ripen mflll fur tho liund of the all round fumlly i hyalciun there was a laugh un 1 it was professor carrlngtoi turrled tho thread a hail i sue tilt sa two youngsters nuthing up to tho very top bin for the best them 1 i can but think thut to lay foundations strong for such tti utuiul upt n is a fairly good vocation even if it doe go by tho name ol lout hliig there was another laugh and while it was still with the little imilmny thn rrrtnlairr glanrlng very thoughfully down said it seems to ma a i look ut the two who have so suddenly come to i un i recall how hand in haml v us t hll ir n th y came to rn to be l into tho way where blossoms of faith atleners und cults and now thoughts und trust bloom that while there ura grand xhundor of each lite sweet rain ufter ull cornea to the plucking of the nnn who stays steadily by the itr ud of life a found lu our father old funhlonod religion tlirru wu u short pause und il willi for lifted hla bund us though in illioi ii aa tho doctor und tho t heir und thn minister have suit i win n i look around upon a com y auch ua this and think what nmunliiff of heurt and talking ovt r t f plans a wn have communed and tulknd aland for beneath roftcra thut huvw seen tho gathering together or i ur forefather i say and he sent u tilwudy lookdown to hi wife whose yi were lifted to meet his ga how cooking ii done in a finless cookstove the irlixlib if llr it i i khij in lull ii ity hn if ihi iiit thut il m uu kliu 1 t fn i ui in mull til- lalltil iidliilmu hi i ii uitrutii 1m ik it i ovu uy kb i c ul v uuy kind f fit 1 1 in ii ttt 1 in ii ti rs rt 1 i in tl cli j mi in n nt willi ih ut i i ii whl ht ut th i tin f i i t i t l i hi r x i i in uuliy llul in ll ii jit will in r ts l ut un i ii an hit ir7thr in iii ralljt ri iiaiihik ninth mi ii hx it is h 1 i itut rlu mi will in llin oklni t mputmt nt fl i luii rln iil 1 iuut riiyit tntr i bo riw tt 1 i nd ook ii llu coo i unit in i u tbally hit m um tri thut ull wt i fw un idlniio it iv 1 mllujll hi it run 1 i tort i in it ull i r lu u ft w nliiulh lo tl i i klil it no urfll f fih i whl h w ill ii ulr i siul i uru f i hi ii it ur 1 y tin ol 1 htyl uiov in th i linn in i lilt villi f un r tl hi h i um f ii fil irl i tt 22j0o mil 3300 j wl havl what you- want the bond hardware co ltd phone 1012 ouelph loronfevcincouvgr both ways this stores policy to represent jjoods ex acily as to their quality to sell lo those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to tuinil all guarantees und cheer fully correct al mis takes lo deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co ooslstteaehat sun dat october 0th leaving toronto union station 915 pm daily most modern equipment standard slaaplng dining tourist and colonist cars firstolass day coaohos parlor car through tho rooltios cnadun uonsl all th mt tuatdiy thursday saturday vla iti north bay- oaehrana aad oaaadlaa hatloaal rarthar latarmatlaa rai oaaadlaa hatiaaal tlakat aaata ar uj ocairull passcaoer otparialiar toroaio 1r si-

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