Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 3

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dljc- atlott tce irrbb tiijlejday octuiii1c 0 i91d thanksgiving poem thanks im to fd frtr hi wonderful italno yn illu luiinr fr liv irlfls from anthomn if luhi tjfxiul ortl mi the brccxo iho illn k f i lunl uifd ucr iraleo 1 1 lift yn uium f thij blcijjjml utiil hi iraleo illni nl flo ut praise him of men iro4ec him from hilltop plenl n land ulloya anil children nil tore at and ly dcar umcy thanks tor ills jstiodnoae ijfosjouri to run v thanks for the mummers und wrli ixlweonl f thanks fpr tho unil una viprln- id fur winds am mil fur tho stars uml fur iluy unit itl foe rain i y for uky thanks for tho huh upon rrtii thanks fix- tho mooi for nlihtl tliank him for jiw for usui itstso illu rgrcft nam lot tw pa-moo- adorfl i 1 itedoemar and saviour ood evermore enthronod with tlnj unfu blessed above 1 itnlse him o worth jl r his wonderful iralso him yn smartest und ereate of all vraleo him yo kind roil that riso from the fall praise him yo children of weakness fuind death i i itajaevjjlm o praise illm nil yo that t ivo breath i clcorso a iwnrsdn the old man op the 0 clock to wee mian man occup jjib homrstcad lrom this homo there has rone out mr t james moor city clerk of fludnh tho lain ounnrr w j uonro lio ftavn ln iite in aervlcc during the hnuth africa i war and sleeps in a soldiers grave at iracfurla boulti africa joo m mimirv the nu crasful publisher tho loorxixvn herald mr if mrkorrlhon of toronto who was graduate iiumii from toronto general hospital and miss uao of ilia artni itinl omr start tho atreet in tho nwr of the moon- inn ny whlrh rui only uenma unt block from hill to arthur hlrot in iilll hlrool whether named in honor of tlm lute ltolcrt ijtlo odd of acton iteat rrmemliertid oduci lion lata or because of its limited extent i do not know the next lot la owned by jarae e hnydcr who resides in tho house tho corner of wellington hlroet tho tula kdword nlcktln and family had this fur their real donee for wmo years acronii the street on the olhr corner tho tine brick linuw was erected by jur jamea hyder mr hyde died at ietrolla and tho family returned to acton and this real donee wu erected durtag tho imuttorale of itev mr luu- rell this waa the ilaptlat laraonje ilr rharlca if ktevcou fiurcltaaed ui liroicrty from mra ityder and lived ihero fr a time mr ej decew pdr chaaod it thla year from mr htevena and he and mr- d now real do there tho little cot tune near tho lln waa hullt by mr low in of olenwil luma mr john ii kennedy la th preaent landlord a number of yeara mo mr john m warren aurveyed tho property on thfl north of the row of lota adjoining hu proivrty into a aubdlvlalon of lota and atreeta but it haa never been put ot the market it waa hi plan to nrrmnr with the owner of the eroaley pro rriy to extend mill street to the clital jlne thla would fve a more dlr5ctrttnanoo into acton for the people afyiho churchill dlatrlcl horrfmiy yeaxa there wai a famoua grove of beetfh and maple north of thla atreet line sixty yeara ao it raa the alto for popular camp meatlnga here auch divinea of the me t hod la t church a egerton and edwy ilycr- gon rowley hey land john carroll alexander motherland ard lewu war ner preached with power and had numeroua eonvertn thla complete my remlnlacencei mill h treat main htreet our leadlna artery from north and aouth and the oral bualncaa atreet in town will next come under review tub old man not a bad idea and where are you going for your holiday thla yeart ilrown aaked hi friend grey well aald orey i am not think lag of going anywhere tvht kin olk awayr na vou aee the people who live next door to ma axe gnlng away and ttay are taklnjr their baby the parrot mm the gramanhono with them ao i hve decided to aty at home and har well weic well well didna get a aurpriae laat thursday mornln when t looked down atreet from my lofty window id been telling the follm who read thla column so rellgl- oualy every bleaaedweek it comea out about the members of the council and the hlxh tax ce and the new automo- ollea and that the reeve waa the only member who wun t quite aatia- flod with hla tfll uaxle when to and behold there he waa proud os peacock driving down mill street with a brand new car and the ink hardly cold which told about hia patience- and crfntentment with the old car well well well well where thla going to end anyway t the other day a little chap in town who la tho joy of hla grandfather heart bad a birthday andtbo got old gentleman gave him a j10 bill a remotnbrancb jlmxnle vto been uu toning to mine of the thrl atorles at achool took it to one our local banks and received the cus tomary bonk book in which the cashier mado the entry ily cash ht a day or ao later jlnimlo aw his grandfather again and in thanking aaid i was awfully surprised when you gave me ao much money the man at tho bank was too he wrote in my book jjy gosh grandfath the etory yeaterdity morning trustworthy taken in moderate dose ikfd through the warmer montfa after mealt scottsemulsian i ahould have dfeard the old grwidiathor nicker when he told le now to ruiuttio my recollections of early daya on mill street the threajl of my atory has been a trifle tanglfft the past week or two at tho junctlm uf mill and young streets a landing om the right of way or mill street where it passes eastward toflhfttlo and well ington streets and utryond was the residence of dan livingstone half century and more ago dan was millwright and did lota of carpenter a jobs in and about acton there was a large family three boya and three girls i think the boya were join elam and miles i remember elam at school and mllea more as a panlon in picking beohnuts sampling farmers beat apples or out nshlng oil smltlt a und rutherford a crooks waa tbe fashion of the scholars in the old school in those tlaya to invent words from the letters of tho word liu3uace which stooil wt the front of the old readers of thuf tlrnrj using the letters both to right mid left form ing a ncntnoe cutti way one of these was always associated with klam name to uie right tho initials wio tnade to auy ieter itogers oats hah and cooks eggs clam catches atnjpt tors father eou raw potatocsc- aftar actfn wiu lhcorporaleqft decided to lon mlll street as ur- veyed by mr young back tu tho line of tho present ismsley property thli necessitated the removal of mfjlflv ingstones house which trespassed on the afreet line he sold the building it was torn down aud rebuilt else where mr livingstone benight tho farm on thfl first line between john walters smd wullom waldlo a hooio- a tea da and built a log house and a gpod bank ban both still stand in good repair and are owned by inspeo tor llarvejf the members uf the uv ingstode fsmlly awarmed from ihojold home and anally mr uvlngstone hlmasif left this section wm 1iank bouirtitlbe proitsrty and lived there tor yours and was followed by k v oraoo who recently lought thajut son farm on the flfth lino und re moved there after the ope u ing uf tho atreet mr william ismuud bought tlm lot on the north aide and erected a comfortable brlcm residence- wotb htm und mrs i lomond rmuiajslhye until their ft furnishes tkutar value to the those umfcrwdtfht m yoartmsh tpmttbtmsh x gaelph business college herald bldq ouelph yotr know aix about vh our courses methods facili ties for placing oar graduates this year bigger and better than evpr fall term september 2 ilave you msaibtehkd t guelph basinem college a u bouck btinelpal yonoe phartss btrssja toronto enjoys an excellent reputation for high gradu business training and for placing graduates in good positions enter any time write for cata- w j elliott principal enter any day one of shaws business schools toronto for a course that insures employment t a good salary write for free prospectus w h shaw prcsi- denc 305 yopgo st toronto for a john death the pfpiiertynow itelungs ty john l warren uiul la occupied by mr robt mllllgan two houses were built later on tho eutiiu side atreet in one of them mr mid mrs ueorge deawlck father and mother of mr kbensser bcswlck lived number of years mr and mrs chlsbolm and family also mude tholr home hero tor soma years the late a i tbainjwun lived there until his death andthe homo la now occupied by mr ana jtfrs leonard worden mr wm klaber uvea in the other house on jiat nhlejof the rood a tho two lota at tho corner ut mill and young streeta were purchased about twenty flvo years ago hy tho lata thomas t moore mr moure was for twenty ave yeara the esteem ed prlttolpo1 df acton sciioou and for a long time muntetps1 clerk and tvasuren shortly sfterjsecurlig his property he bui the ni tarda utire lodoy turnips wanted farries mulin v wholeatftje coauniwton merchanu are again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton roc lew ood and other points wo are paying highest prices for choice stock r fagfies mullin acton rockwoou xcmfort lye cleans sinks closets drains kills rks mice bucjs destroys coal problem solved kero gstburners ordinal ii for fuel aro easily installed i i any stove or furnace will supply all the heat ncccssapy for cjoking or heating purposes write for particulars and j rices fltvilarraneo for demonstration fred d dewar sole agent for ilnlton county telephone no 72 hilton ont castoma for infanta and children mothers know that genuine gastoria always bears the signature of exact copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years toria warding your hydro supply at midnight the same u at noon in january the tune at in july nnturca tireless force generate hydro fovyer and places it at your command i the hydro llectnc power j commiasion of ontario haa made posltue its tranamission regular inspections ar made of transmission ana feeder lines to prevent interruption in service from avoidable causes at the generat ing plant ondjjn this coitunumty itself tho moat modern appliances have been i no tailed to prevent breaks in the circuit but ahould some unavoid able occurrence impair the service provisiona havo been made to reatota it in tho quickest possible time hie commission m its endeavor to aid the uscra of hydro power to secure the moat satisfactory service recommend the use of hydro quality lamps for home illumination hydro quality latnp offfttjtn tht oaeratersf o tfmciuntnilonfortflluanci current ceruumpan w jufoihily tas oltalfttitta tat antrj to ur a hydro quality lamp hydro electric power c0mm1ssicn opontajuo tux uaxjc nv hydro electric dept hydro shop village of acton bylaw no a bylaw to provide for the bor rowing on debentures the- aum of 525000 for the purpose of loaning the same to gourlay koffelberg limited to enable them to establish a plant in the village of acton for the manu- facturiotr of boou and shoes who ma a oourlay 1 ogolbcnr um itod or tho first iturt qnd tho mqnicl ial corimiratliin of tho vlllacn of ac ton of tho second part havo entorod into an uamonfont ujpt in ronsldoratlon uf the nahl conoratun providing thn aaid jkmimity with u freo sits fur u fuctopy and lending tlirm tho mim of 16 000 riayutilo in twenty unnuul iiaymahu of 13 170 si each tho said company usrcoa tu croct on a situ chosen by tho wild corpor ation in tho vllioau uf acton a fao tqry building ooatlmf not oaa tltsn 110 000 and to instal in ualil furlory ull tnotlcrn machinery ulid plant r quired in maiiufacturltik ikmils und shoes tlm total cqulpmont iticludlnk buildings land and tho said plant and machinery uruut not ipsa than 2t 000 bulnay tiio amount uurvt uimiii batwocn tho said company und th aid corporation und tho said lands bulldlna plant and machinery ahull bo frtxi from all urns charsoa und dncumbrnncd of wery kind other than the mortgatj hervlnufter men tic nod tho said comnavy hull complete the erection uf tho auld bulldliigs un tho aaid property and ahull placo tho uatd machinery and phuit therein und have tho same in opera tk mim go in concern bv tho nrst day of january 1910 and shall during the term of tw6hty yoara from the first day of january 1b20 employ in the aaid bual nesa not loss than sixty employees on tini uvcrsse in each uurklns day of each your in tho auld term unless prvonted by flrf ajrlko or other un- avouhoue cause tho calculation as to the number uf smpluvoes und the amount of wuio to b insdu ua iicru inuacr provided thuasscaaniout uimhi tho aaid fac tory machinery oiulpmcnt etc ahull bo flxpd nt 9 00c per annum cur ten ycurs for achool purposes tho said company ahall executo and deliver to tho said corporation u first martaat for tho aum ot tsfqu upon the aaid buildings hind and premises plant and machinery stock intrade free from all dower liens charges and encumbrances of every kind and all other fixtures mssdbnery and plant to bo subsequently plaoed upon said pro- raises in connection with tho sold business which said plant and ma chinery and fixtures noir upon or sub sequently placed upon the property shall for the purposes of the sold security to bo regard od as part of tho freehold and tho same to be of tho total value ot 30000 as a suaranteo of good faith and for the faithful pr- formanco of all conditions and coven ants bind ins upon the company under this ajrreament until tho discharge of uie said mortgage us hereinafter pro vided and to secure tho corporation loaning the said company the aaid sum of 16 000 the aaid mortgago ahall be prepared and made in pursuance of the bhort forms of mortgages jlcland ahall tain the usual statutory covenants contained in such moruragen and such others as tho corporation shall doom advisable for the aocurlty there by intended insurance tq tho extent of at least 76 per cent of alio cash value of tho buildings plant machinery and slock in trade on the mortgaged prem ises shall bo placed upon din sumo by tho said company and premiums psjd therefor tho aaid company sliail during the said term ot twenty years whenever required to do so submit to the cor poration a statement m h wages paid and persons employed by thu said company auch aratcnlsnt to no pre pared and ulfied by a regular l barter ed accountant satisfactory to he cor poration and if required also verified by a etatutpry declaration to bo modi by the said company and whereas it is expedient to puss this jttylaw and submit tho soma to the electors of the uuld municipality to uuthurlse the said corporation to borrow tho sum of 2 000 on tho do bentures of tho said municipality for the purposo of luanlni th same to llir said company to unable them to vroct the said ructory und to carry tin tlm business of manufacturing boots und shoos in the auld vlltugo of acton and whoroas u will ho iiocuasury tu borrow the said sum of j 16 000 and to issue debentures of tlm vlllitgn or acton therefor beurlul interest at tho rate of six per cent per milium whtui is the amount of tho ditbl intended to be created by this lly law and whereas it is oxpodlunl to make the principal of the debt repayable in i yoarly sums during tho period uf twenty yews in uurh umounts re npectlvely that the aggregate mnount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be euual as neurly may bo to tho amount so uiyabln for principal and interest in each of th other years whereas it will bo iltcnutury to rult tho annual sum or f2 17l 01 durina tho period of twenty years to pay the u principal tnouoy utul in torn t us they beounia duo and whereas ho amount- uf the whole rateable property of the villugu of acluiiv jcconllug in tho last revised ussosaiimint roll thereof is j9s 073 00 and whereas the amount of ihe istlng debenture dobt uf tho aaid vil lage of acton is the sum of s4 20h 78 and no part of tho principal or interest thereof is hi arrears therefore fir munlt lpu1 coun to village of aituii unuuts tu 1 the auld sum t 13g 000 shall bu loaned to tho auld uuurluy kogel ixrg lunited fui the iturirosua ufure said and fur the said purposes llio sum of iz 000 shall bo borrowed and ilebentures uf the said village uf acton shall be issued thurerur iti sums of not loss than 100 euuh imurlug lutt rest at the rutb of six per coiil per iiiuium rsyabfe yearly and having interest coupon attuclied thereto buch uf tlo said debentures slmll be lusucd within uio year from the day un which this uy law la psjumnl und bo dated uu tho day of issue theruot and ahull bu pay uble in twenty annual liistalnioiitm uf tlm rcapoctlvo uniuunh mt forth in hchedule a hereto uttai iiod ut tho ufhee uf the liwummr of tho village of aoluli x the aaid debentures und cjupotm shall be signed by the ltesvu u the said vlllugo und the treusutvc thoreuf und tho auld debentures nhull be sealed with the corporute meul of the muni cipality x during twenty yearn the uur rflncy of tho said debentures there hall be raised annually by special rates on all rateuble property in tliu vlluura of acton tho sum of sj 170 ai for the purpose ot paying the amount due in eat h of tho said years toe priuilmil and interest in resicct uf thotsuld dobt as shown til thp fctclis dule a hereunto annexed tlte lluevs and clerk axe hereby dlreotul and t uthorixud u ctmvuy tu the said oourlay a fugelberg limited part of jjot number twenty eight lu tho third concession f tiio township of 1 squeal rig now within the uml la uf tho village of acton as u site xttr their i mihiited factory c tut uy law shall uko effect ujid oino into operutlon on thoalay of l bo i mining th rcof h tim vulfii f the i lectors of alii vllliik or alton rntltud to u on this ily law iiliull 1h tiikt n 1 rl ihiy vthu thlrlj ilrit iluy of october 1310 immnlmk ul the hour of iilno i clock in the moruinir ui d routliiulrir until ju ocl ll in tho ufliinooii of tin ninio du ut ibo follomlnti plu uml by tlm t i wum deputy ititittn ing jfnccrs but lu tu uuy 1 pulling hub iilviiloii n 1 ut tin town hut wltli vv j um ihliuly itrturtltig ili c rollliik hub ly don no ul hpclchtu iloi muln mtrwt wlt lluu hin lib iputy itnturtilng olllrcr 7 on 1 rlduy tlm novnntrn nth ilny of october 101d lh itrnvi if tin vll la u of acton shall uttrtiul ut tin tuwi hall acton ut rn o clo k in tin furn noon to upioiit in writing nlgned by him two iorboutf to ult nd at tho final summing up of the volt a und uim p t soil to attend at each polling pint o on behalf of i ho p rsoiia lnrclcl hi utnl d ulrc us of prornotlntt tho piiiuiiiii of tlilu hy law and u like numbi r on if luilf of tho pernouii lutiroitt il in arid dfulrouu otoppoalu tin put nine thin ily luw k the ork of dm ouncll of tho mi ill mum- nlinll ultpf 1 at the town null a ton nt ii u ociih k in the ufter iiooi of the thirl nml day r or to iter 1910 tu iiu n up tlm ii m lu r oi votffl 1u for it id ugulmit ll in liy law i council thla ii t r prim put ni id lu oruit ro y rly tiro tjc 000 d bu i twenty y im ut sis m r cent luni pjyul lu by luutul incuts un int rh1 irlncuutl total 1 1 coo 00 7dbi 13 179 ci 1 4e9 22 720 39 2 179 61 1 41g 00 7c3 1 3 170 01 i 370 ih k09 43 3 17ft el 1 321 ci hcs00 3 179 81 1 370 13 000 n 2 179 qi 1 jlu 06404 3 179 f 3 17ft nl 1 117 7j 1 01 so 1 0sc41 1 083 30 2 170 ai 1 031 iz 1 hh 10 317901 pcz 3 1 317 q 2 170 ei hho co 1 390 11 3 170 ki m oj 1 3c7 6 3 179 iii 730 04 1 449 7 2 170 ci 643 07 1 36 4 2 173 c fo hi 1 02fl 74 2 170 0 is3 i 1 72 40 2 170 81 349 lg 1 130 os 1 93dke1 2 170 a 1070 2 170 61 13 37 050 24 170 si sot1ci tl that tho uhovi 11 a true tkn ciiiv of u 1 iixmhiii ily law which has imm 11 lulu 11 lot consideration and wlili h will ih dually puuiii d by tlm miirll f tb orporutloil of tlm vl lsto of at 11 in the ovi nt of tho umii ut of thn hi ton ih luu ol tallied tlnrlo uft 1 0110 uiouu from lb irs i publication lu tho arms 1 oast 1iuoiu nwii tix r tin duto of such hrrt put ihutlou h jiir thurnduy tho wfnnil fluy of octolxr 1910 anil tlutt nt the hour duy und plat ti tin ml 11 oxcd ror taking tin vott n of the electors tho lmiio will i 11 and lukn tiotjro tht a tciiunt ilcalc jnp to vote muni deliver lo tho clork not lulir tlm ri the t nth duy i fore the duy upimliitod for taklni the vote the dec lurutluii provlih d by nub uectlou i of hectlon 2cs of tho muniriput act dated tho 3ml day of oclolxr 13lv ii is i altml ic 14 3 tlirk of ibo village of actol t the navy league of canada its vital work for canada the navy league of can ada fosters the splendid spirit that made the british the greatest of maritime na tions it organizes loyal can adians so that practical work may be accomplished for the development of canadas direct interests at sea the human side of canadas mercan tile marine is the leagues especial interest training canadian boys to become the stur dy type of ttritish manhood that won its laurels again and again in the great wai- relieving distress among victims of the suhmarine warfare and giv ing the sailor ashore an alternative place for rest and recreation to the places of doubtful entertainment that abound in port why the 500000 is needed on nelson day october 2 1st starts o 3day campaign throughout the dcmnion to raise 500000 necessary to finance the coming years work of the navy league of canada help the work by giving liberally as a na tion whose expanding trade will depend on exports we must educate our boys to the highest type of seamanship so that they will be equipped to man our ships to carry our exports to foreign markets you will do your part in this work by con tributing liberally to the support of the boys navy brigades the organizations by which the navy league trains boys for our mer chant marine evtfy dollar lubicnbed will bt ustd to farther tkt work oftki nmvy laathm in canada tha work in wklch you artpersonally httrrejted as a patriotic citixm help by thrift mson for s camemgn ibera2223 casipsigb ceaimltue tor th provisoa of ontario cksfeausuv sit jobs o bstoa vioscsslrsaasi a m hobberu hu trosiojrort slredsausd walker aaat treasurer n- l martin 34 buoj itrsst wst torom fjipglmmiyiotiri i dodge bros motor cars tlie owner of a dodge cur can safely de pend upon consistent continuous and eco nomical daily seeive universally low gaso line consumption and liigfttire millage john leishman representative for acton jn oneill 1 acton georgetown j immsjmsj

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