Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 5

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s ijr acton ttt tytena 1iiiihday of ttjill 11 d 1910 livc in the work wo imuit u ill in it- spirit u nll n it iti i kn iw it 1 rk if wil do it the sonday school lesson for ounday octooer 12 1019 whothir tli wo do twenty years ago from the issue of the free prss- thursday october 12 1899 urii discussion os quito it crowd from acton tintl vlcln hy uttun lf kockwcxkl hhow yralur iy thorn him iieon to when thi 10th century vrlll clone komnhol think it will hose with the nnl of this your htlrh in not tho iu it lutus ikccmlmr 31 1000 thi followlnif messajro wm received by tho llucn liuaul last friday to tt editor of tho luxm iuna htr alio un through your column on behalf of nil actmlunn in winnipeg and tho weit to congratulate tho crescent lac rota club on thoir nuccosti in win nlns tlm ftoyul district championship oho ji flooowt mna m millar mr und un a i hymens and uohtor hurtle mm itotu nmj hyod iu iu loft yculonluy for nof jmj mil ii imliillhv oolobur dolible alloijl ber 10 dorn at i j mi house mr ijlach in kmmoim on hunday cc tobcr 8 to mr and mm james illack a son married mann moohk at tho homo of the brlda m parents mount pleasant karm 1- rumow on wrdnoaday octo ber 4 by hev h w hock wood assisted by mucphorsun at ton mr to alary dttujrhtrr of mr james thanksgiving on the 8aco co itlnuud from pao two gh1 bliss tho homu tho world there wui no applause only deep drawn broathn and faces he low with u well nigh holy i lent and tho minis tcr klanclnk at mrm y i 111 ford saw a ttutr roll down lur flushed face and strike upon the liund where tho worn w odd in rf rltik gleamed late in tho evening they gathered around tho blazing logs in tho wldo fireplace of the front room and an joseph with the old hlckocy log be twocn his kneeii which he had- pounded upon from a boy laid bare tho white tncat of th butternuts and the plump audacious ones of the black walnuts and norn rousted tho apples in a way her father thought no ono but nora could roast them thoy talked of things ttibt had been mu things tliut were to como and tho pointer of the clock went by unnoticed whllo the logs burned to a immi of deep roil cxulis at last with heart tender yet strong they joined in singing 1 ulcot bi tho tlo thai ihnd in a room up tho ilarlem way a girl lay with her casement thrown wide to the star tho name star that were hovrinf over dear huco and ret loved one could un thing seem hard after tlilst had there been a light nora wllllford eve would nave been found mat chins tho stars hut there u no light after a little her arm as was tier custom whan her heart wa tender in fho darkness of tho night wu thrown llko a whlto whig over her ayes hho wa thinking of how her fattier had looked down the table to her mother a ho said god bless the home how ho did lovo mother and then them umiv a prayer father of the harvest mako the girls worthy of homes j at this time vourur joseph willi ford entering uin his night round cumo fir thn second time upon cr itedlo ah iviiijfunl we ii have to make it a may party how o ir hodloer the deal for that farm fell through that bud perhaps hut maybe not we ve another in tow wu ii make it a may tarty this onus furthsr inland is baps for that riunon it may im hotter for the lad thmi suddenly ir ued loo topiu and looked full at young wllllford why wllllford tho name was spoken reminiscent i y as thiuuh some thlnff had just 1m on brought to mind your fslh rm- farm has not been up for nale hav itr vxr nalet yountt ir wllllford throw hack his hua 1 und luukhed fof- 8tlnfc where he was why you couldn t buy u bun hoi of that dirt on my fathers farm if you tiled aothr menaure a full with colden eaclcs tho older physlilan uuvo the youngnr onu u sewrchlnx glantu but ho sold nothing but u smile twltt tied tho cor nor of hi ltps a morn nt and jossph hod kone uin his rountla hut whin the dour of ir hedloo s el trlt lu1 had uonod with a nuap und the driver had turned toward the maryland hills a luukh was freed that u iiood oiittl why dldu l i rocotfulto tho namut 1 knew hu mii frtm rlutnu it tho wn funiil uiii hot 4 bushvl of his tfxliu rs dirt for a liushcl of kold wuulist a lllu iuiikii so ht arty lllw time till out- drlvlntf turne i llatuirnif i tit the our liuilde rhu uli watt unawsru of it iipw yo in iff folks do know what limy d ni t know will i shall uevtr loll i hut it a thu suuie farm un 1 i umi near kuiuutr t u kr teal 1 as i tmn thn prl thu h v nuiuus mi mucphnmi n vite mi tlilihj mi tli i hlhlieun diinhiw liimi and 1 v- f ust not bolutf inluilbu to u truu its the aaino farml no u t u ul op rati in is no anury in ivmovltut t riiw if hollowuy s corn cure be used women end authors v ittnn m niihiherrd ainonc the ptiftcinrn from uthtnu by the comities tbouhands in uvnry tlmate they will bo found help less in tho rrlp of this rulontlos dl eftss unless they huvo availed them solves or tho proper remdy hr j d kclltijka asthma itcmody tut brought new hope and life lu many such te tlnionul ssnl entirely without solid tat ion show iho enormous boneflt it ha wrought ainotitf wotnetfi where overy hy jl hhl i llultlliut jlhiih aiijj j hi h ani john murk 1 1 20 3 tl 10a common scripture passage 14 now aft r john wiu urdlvnrcd up jmun cumo into galilee jirouchliic tho itompel f god 1c and haying tho time in fuldlled and lie kingdom of god i at hand repent yn and bo i lovo in the goapcl 10 and passing along tho sea of gulllfc he saw hlmon and andrew th brother of hlmon coating a not in hi ho for they wrrc inborn 17 and jtsu said untolhcm cocno y nfti r me an 1 i will mukq you to im i i mi fish ni of mem ik an i straightway thry loft their ti is and followed hhn 10 and going on u little farther he uw j union tlio son of zeloe ami john hln tirothf r who also were in tho tkut mending the net 20 and ntralghtway hn called them mid they left their father zobodoo in tho bout with the hired exvant and wont ufter him 13 and be goo tli up into tlie moun tulp and oalloth unto him whom he lilrnsfllf woull and thoy wont unto him 14 an 1 bo appointed twelve that lhy might bo with him and that he tilght stnd them forth to preach ir and to liavn authority to cast 15 and hlmon hn surnamod ietar 1 7 and james tho son nf 7ebcdee and john the brother of james and them ho numaronil iloanergca which la bona of thunder 18 and andrew anil philip and tlartholomew and matthew and thomas and jamea thn son of al phn us and tlutddseus and simon tho 10 and judas i scar lot who also betrayed him golden text jnsu said unto them como yo after mo and i will make you to tecomo fishers of men mark 1 17 departmental topics ns rsfsrencs primary topic jo us chooses help m m ry verse they left all and follow 1 him iuko i lib junior toplo i eter and john ile- como workers for jesus memory voown murk 1 17 18 intermediate and ben lor toplo peter and john hcspond to jus call yppng poople and adult topic peter and john enlist in the service of jesus mark 1 1420 luko 6 4 11 qlaekboard cilmsts call to self- saciu kice chiuhtb call to companion ship christs calt to insthuc tion chuihth call to service lesson thou flh t let us see what this call of christ to the four disciples given on the beach of the hea of galilee and later renewed on the mountain meant to those men and what it mean to us 1 tt was a cal tolsolf sacrifice tin men were neither rich nor door but were of the working class they were called upon to drop their net and enter uioi a wandering life with the gali lean teacher to noma of us may come the same command to leave- the office or desk or shop or field and give ix life without worldly care to christ work itut in spirit the same call i to every man to live wholly for christ nnt carry on his business with christ a his controlling partner 3 it wa a call to companionship jesus posse nod u social nature he loved to have his friend around him hut not for himself did ho ask these men to leave all und follow him he wished them to receive his impress to listen to hi words to become like him to go forth among men bestow log hi likeness 3 in comanlanhlp with jesus these men would loam much and this wa a call for them to receive instruction jesus knew what other knew not that soon he would be no longer with men in bodily presence io wanted these disciple to listen to hi words and to learn tbem by bearing the same discourses given over and over again to dirferenf congregation in the syna gogue on the seashore and in the fields 4 christ s call then wa not to rest fnd enjoyment but to service a mighty task wa to be wrought a world brought to christ and lifted up to a higher life not for themselves were these men called todlscintesttlp but for that age and theyuge to come readings for nt week monday jesus in pelcr- home mark 1 21 39 tuesday who went alxut iklng tood i uke 4 3h 44 wednesday tho authority of jesus mark 1 21 2 thursday in tho house of him on the leper mark 14 1 0 friday jnsus in zucclmua hdme luke 111 li0 saturday in tho home at he than y john 12 i h facto about fortlqncrq in canada i in 6 of the nio kpulntlon in llrltfsh olumbla in in orlentnl i in 12 of iho population lu hioi katchemau is kuthenliiu 1 in 10 u the population of toronto 1 in 7 f the populatim jt montr al lu foreigner ullnciu n foreign lmmlrutli n fr in iu00 to 1011 numlhir i h4e 8cc iiliadu ban it is rutlmul i 130 000 j wa chlnono immigration to canada 100 1i8 turned on head tojc 33 exempt admissions 4 041 total or 34 ocx unuilfl immigration tubl rovi tl over to nationalities th6 itlblo is isauid hi whole or in lart in over 100 lnuiuuiiu un t dlu let ts in caiibiii v use only three level tear spoonfuls for five cups redrose teais good tea sold only in aeatod package km day it ii ilalatloruthlps kph th bowsls must aet hsslthliyv in most ailments tho first core of the lueduil man 1 to sec that the bowels are open and fully performing their function parmeleoa vegetable iut uru so comkunded that certain in grellants in them act on the bowel solely und they are tho very best medl cine available to produce healthy action of the bowels indeed there 1 no other sieclfle so ervoebie in keep lug the digestive organs in hoalthful non effective tommy announced hi intunlluit of t in lo tho river to bath e and hi iiiothai wu rather scared hul she was wise mill dojd i to try a new moth mi i was ruadli- lu tlu pspvl thin mini liii lie sal 1 alxiut a little boy who wm in limny iruwnul while ho wus bath mill 1 tyiilmlly was 1 o rtiy relation wonder sill i ub the little lxy win was killed lat w on bis way to iooir w mis by the liritatlon that they miu40 in the stomarh und intestines deprlvo infants of the noitrishmont thar they should derive from food andjnal niitrltkn is the rosult millers worm 1 owiler dentroy worm ind correct tin in 1 1 1 l iiiiiltuia in tho stonpirh and bow s that ut favit tt lo worms so lint thu full nutriment of the chill is ushvire i uud development in evert wny niloumjfe worms jiuse fretfulnoss und rotmhfl infant of sleep the grrst uourlslier mi tin r drive worm exterminator will iliur he stoma h and inteslliivs unit restore liauluifuliicas r smcian sjb j has done good work ontario temperance act a great benef it to province the ontario temperance act has reduced crime by over onethird and drunkenness in public has practically disappeared alcoholic insanity has disappeared cold cures and alcoholic institutes for treat ing alcoholism have been closed for lack of patients ontario has been saved an annual drink bill of 36000000 enough to pay our share of interest on the war debt many victims of alcohol three years ago thank god today for the ontario temperance act to repeal the ontario temperance act would be a calamity the amendment would make it practically worthless to every qufes- tioa on the referendum vote no drink is a cancer abraham lincoln tlio liquor traffic i m fsr la society eatlnjjout the xltnls and threatening destruction nrul nil attempts to reflulato it will not only provo abortive but will ag gravate tho ovll it uuit be eradicated not a root must be left behind doctors alienists cnminolog- tsts insurance actuaries states men generals big business men and social workers agree that alcohol as a beverage is a racial poison and a national curse british columbia alberta sas katchewan manitoba quebec ex cepting beer ond wine new brunswick nova scotia prince edward island and newfoundland have enacted prohibition the unite states is perman ently dry france has abolished absinthe scotland has now a local option law england is initiating a great campaign for temperance reform the movement is world wide ontario must go forward or be left behind but be careful mark four xs one x under each no ontario referendum committee john macdonald dadunlap trtajmrft andrews crantj fucjtsirwun mmj stcrtvty 1001 etuorlubu tonxto lum fou model 90 railway time tables easy to handle v economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort nnd beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look nt its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped it has big car performance combined with fc car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate it3many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario willyioverland limited wul hod of f loo and works wat toronto ontario touring car model 90 136000 touring car model 85 149500 for portieulars apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton read the ads they are big help to thrift at acton grand trunk rsllwsy out n wsat oyaum zu hui i my 10 j4nni 20 8 13 am 31 10 34 a in 33 2 10 pm 3 t 00 a m 37 qolnrj cast fllipm 2 hui lay 6 lis pju g 7 uk u in zh 11 ibam 33 3 28 y iji 34 01dim 38 8 12 om suburban euctrlo railway oolna west dally qxcoijt hundnjr dplly en oi t hunday dully x opt hunday hunday only hunday only hunday only qolnrj cast dully cxropt hunday dally uxropt hunday bejiy an eit hundsy buniloy only hunttoy only hutidoy only freight and express kjcprens corrlnd on nil turn itrebxht delivered dally by spot lul express frolbt ex prom or kroltfbt plcicod up at any address in tort n to q it aunim aamil acton toronto b 17 am 3 33 p n n oo p ni ii 02 s m iii pm 0 co p tn 7uam 2 03 p m tltp m ic1 ara ml p m 8epm kellys meat market cornetr mui and eloin g treats acton i carry a full lino of meats as i have had many years experience it 1 my ulm to brlnx beforo my custotnoru tho very choicest meats at a rnasouablo price j will you give mo an op par tunlty to ahovr ifcut v cahii paid i oil huttjcil and laob wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and oraqlte ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stovtj every article 18 of excep tional value c c speight mill street acton ready for your fall needs kenney bros have boon ublu tit uuuuro a very salts factory txu of i outweur for the fall and winlur tiulu und at prices not ii curly ui m tho point lliat has ben i roptioslud in uo twiny iiuurtore doot8 shoes rubbers mens heavy rubbers childrens school shoes and rubbers fine shoes for ladies and qcntlemcn llopuirliur is u ruutiiio 1 1 uiir business wu rtpull 111 t ulisoii of hot promptly utul tit illy 1 kenney bros main street acton ont i 5he acton bakery m edwards co c anudu lgoil lioard i lounsu rjo 6 ul mill otrfiet acton white bread brown bread boston bread lea biseuitb 15c doz buns 15c doz seoneb 15c doz cookub 15c doz weddlne cokeu a bpecklty m edwards co acton ontahio btoro aonoil evory night but i ru

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