Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 6

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r 9- utrthm sfarrlage and deaths are now charged for at the following rates births wc marrliw kfro deaths mc memorial carta is tte par tine extra for poenu horn diiilihln ac ton on saturday oclo ber 4 lilt to mr and mr o- a dills a nun qoorge m a cp hereon lbatham- in acton on wednesday october 1 iblt to mr and mrs thomas lest tiara a onthorow lawrenc married filankum iiuli at erin on wed neaoay october 1 111 harry v krankuni of itanrlaton formerly of arton to icila may daughter of william hull of the advocate erin lvanh mckneity at south park dale presbyterian church toronto on monday september 3f ltlt by died hhaw at her home illakelow farm iosllevule alls hunday september 21 lllf- mary afulllner wife or thomas hhaw formerly of acton cox at thfcr fathera home in naa sagaweye on tuesday october 1 1919 hannah jane daughter of stephen coxe and ulster of dr coio acton in her 43rd year in memoriam lambert in affectionate memory of william lambert ctewsons corner who died october jt 111 just three years afo you left ua how we mlaa your loving face ilut you left ua to remember nodo on earth can fill your place wife and family wainftjed fiftv operators on laofgo waibt8 and qrcobcb dressmakers and opera torn on power machine have no dim cutty in makli u front 116 00 to 15 00 per week fleglnners rir palil hilary from commememenl trail portal ion paid to uuel h and boarding i ouaea socurod workii g conditions unexcelled in canada apply colonial whitewear co limited ouelph ontariql uiart0tt9mira0 thursday octoblil 9 ltlt brief local items welcome teachers may we be truly thankful carefulness will prevent area thanksgiving iay next monday thla u fire prevention day for all canada the methodist church annlversar next sunday many of our citizens attended mil ton fair yesterday october came in with very mild and pleasant weather remember the baptist concert in the town hall on saturday evening the fall wheat preeenta a very healthy and attractive appearance now jack martin won the tzs00 prise for the motorcycle race at georgetown fair therell be happy homecomings for sunday and thanksgiving this week hev j c wilson b a preached anniversary sermons in aluston last sunday the leave are falling fast now borne trees have lost almost all tbeir autumn foliage mrs b j gamble was the for innate winner of thirty three prises at georgetown fair turnip shipping is getting lively again the shippers are paying 0c per bushel of bo lbs acton cordially welcomes the county educationists in session in their annua institute today and tomorrow acton returned the compliment to georgetown in full measure last tburs day d attended the fair by hundreds a meeting of he directors of tjbe acton rail fair will be held next tuesday to settle up the affairs of the fair of ltlt a bouquet of lilacs from the gar den ot mr robert sprowl third line was drought to the pass pnss office on saturday octobers here come and behold and go yet to welcome ber in robes no queen could gain with gold she comes to poorest cottager there was a canning competition at u brampton fair and the ma terials canned were donated to the children shelter milton yes you never did a wiser thing for the welfare of that splendidi eon of yours than to decided to vote no to all four questions on the xoth rev j d snupatrick of j3 rant cord president of hamilton- oanfer once will preach at the anniversary services in the methodist church next sunday the o w v a drawing for the ford car will take place in the park at 1 pun on t day mon day october 11 everyone is invited to be p a that canada faces a winter of more unemployment than since ith ib is the opinion of bryce m stewart head of the labor departments em ployment bureau the evening service of knox church will be withdrawn next sun day evening- in order that the oongre gallon may attend the anniversary services in the methodist church the fbbm pftxss value as an ad vertlalng medium is proven with every issue last week a ladys gold watch which was lost was advertised with in an hour the watch was brought to this office its recovery was especially gratifying to the owner aa it was a wedding gift from her husband enclosed you will nod timt tor the faaw foe for another year it easily holds first plane in our interest as against the local and toronto dallies for which we also subscribe ilerss wishing more power to the elbow of the local historian familiarly known as the old man in the clock tower j n t london next enrollment day brampton business inatltale monday october 13 a school of excellence commodious olsaa roonu finest equip nt- kitlcloncy courses in iluslnosii stenography typwrltlng address to lay for particular brampton business institute c e bou9field principal brampton ont churchill kev j c wilson h ah tho presl dent of the referendum committee for halton county will preachin the oon grenational obirca on sunday after noon at thro o clock the people of thla section will give a qod account of themselves on the prohibition vote on the th bo far s i can learn nearly every ballot will carry four n eg in the no column and everybody will be out to vote some of our farmers are pulling turnip awr shipment now bsv mr cook who has bean the very faithful minister here for several months u about to leave canada to resume bui work a a missionary in china he preached a very affecting farewell sermon on sunday juternoon on monday evening iter mr cook gave highly totereeime lecture on china which was aptly illustrated with lantern views of an anaeualty excellent rvpa mr a t drown aoton oper- vstf the- lantern r electors of acton and vicinity you a1us coitdially invited to attend a mleting in the town jfail acton on monday october the 13th 1919 at s p m in tire interest of e h cleaver democratic liberal candidate for the leqiblature mr h b christie editor of the bnuitfortl expositor and others will also apeak the ladles are cspoclally invited to be present t qod save the kino mcenery evans acton meat market main street canada leads all countries holland juc per caadta switzerland 18c rnfflmna jhc france 74c united state 273 canada 4i00 if these figures applied to production we would have every reason to be proud but they do not they show the per capita fire loss in six countries we talk of thrift and yet largely through carelessness we burned up i1m73 240 00 worth of merchandise buildings and food stuffs in ontario last year individual responsibility rests upon the citixens of ontario to do their part in preventing this terrible waste of oar substance what is burned is irretrievably lost take an active part in making a success of fire prevention day october 9th clean up ontario fire prevention league inc alnllaud with ontario fibk marshals office department of attorneygeneral parliament buildings toronto george f lewis s0 trm parkers tho clothes you were o proud of when now cao be made to appear new again fabrics that are dirty shbbyor spotted will be restored to their former beauty by sending them to parker s cleaning and dyeing is properly done at parkers parcels may be sent post or express we pay carriage one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be promptly given upon request parkers dye works ltd ckaaetv and dye 791 yonflb street toronto ssssmxtsafimmwaessxasssss i ii i village of acton by law no- to raise the sum of 40000 00 for the purpose of constructing and inslaluns a waterworks system comprising of reservoirs pumps pumphotwe supp valine and land in connection therewith and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor whereas tho council deems it ex pedlent to conn true t and 1 natal water works aiyntem within tho municipality and meaarn james loudon a herts berg engineers havo reportei upon such system and have submitted plans and spocincatlnt n therefor at a total estlmatad coat of 87j00 00 and wherena it appears from ouch report that tho estimated cot of the itseervolrs pum a and jump hotuo supply lino and land in connection therewith will bo the um of t0 000 and whereas the council deema it expedient that waterworks system bo inn tailed anil that the coat thereof shall be borne by the corporation generally and that tho remaining portion of the waterworks system namely the dui trlhutlon of piping ahull be construct c in the manner provided by the iocal improvements act and whereas the plans and rpeolaca tlons for ouch waterworks nyetem have been submitted to and have been up proved by the prov metal board of uealth as evidenced by the cortlltcate of such board dated the day of ii good things to eat mcenhly evans have everything appetizing in meats lamb for saturday lard now down to 40c a fine new line of canned goods stfll getting in tomatoes watch our window for bargains on saturday night prices are always right and your child will be as faithfully served as if you came yourself and whereas for tho purpose afore aald it will be necessary to borrow the said sum of forty thousand dollars on the credit of tho municipality to be raised by uobantmos as herein after prow lit and thu council dooms it advisable to issue such debentures hearing interest at tho rate of flvo and one half per cent and whereas it is desirable to make the principal of the said debt re pay able by annual instalments during tho period of thirty years nfter the issue of such debcntui es the instalments- of principal re payable to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable tor principal and interest in any one year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the aggregate amount payable for principal an i interest dur ing each of the other ycurs and whereas it will be necessary during the currency of the said de benltires to provide runds for paying the same or the instalments of prln cipal and interest to raise annually during such period of thirty years by a special rate on all rnteabfe property of the municipality the sum of 2 762 20 and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the muni clpallty according to the last revised assessment being for the year ltlb is the sum of fsv073 00 and whereas the oxuuna debenture debt of the said municipality amounts to 04268 70 and no part of the prin cipal or interest thereon is in arrear therefore the council of the muni clpal corporation of the village of acton enacts as follows i i hat debenture of the corpor a lion for the sum of lorty thousand dollars shall be issued and that the proceeds thereof shall be applied and expended in the construction and in stallatlon of waterworks system com prising of ileservolrs pumps and pump house supply llhe and for pur chasing the land in connection there with s that the reeve of the corpor atlon is hereby uuthorlxed and dlt ected to issue debentures of the said corporuoi to tho amount at forty thoilmi id dollars ar 1 uie same shall be eealid with the corporate seal and algnel by the rrxve nnd countersigned by the treasurer which debentures shall bear the same dato and shall be issued within two years from the ate hereof and shall be payable within thirty years with interest at five and one half per cent per annum in eaual instalments covering both principal and interest as set out in the schedule to this bylaw at the ofqoe of the treasurer of the village of acton 1 that the total amount required to bo raised in each of such years for paying the said debt and interest shall be the sum of 3 762 20 as set forth in the said schedule and that for the purpose of providing a fund for the payment of the said principal and in tercet duo from year to year as such debentures respectively mature due there shall be raised and levied in each and every year during the said period of thirty years upon the whole rate able property of the corporauon liable to be rated the sura of j 7b320 and the said amount shall be raised and levied as a special rate tn addition to all other rates in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied 4 that the debentures to be issued shall provide cor hepajment of prln cipal annually and shall have cou pons attached thereto providing for the payment of interest tho amount of such debentures and coupons re spectively o be as set out in said schedule a such coupons shall be signed by tho treasurer of jthe cor poratton andsball be payable annually during tho c irrenoy of tho debentures that this by law shall come into force and take effect upon the date of the flnal passing thereof if previously assented to by the municipal voters in the manner provided by the munlcl lal act i aased the day of hit t reeve treasurer bcheduufl a year interest principal total e 00 00 0j so 13 76x20 im0 mx 60 7bij0 1 137 0 414 00 z7savx0 3 10110 44140 um40 2 0081 tt0t b 761 iff x010 4b 72178 x til id liwio 76140 z7ftxf0 1v4s63 802x xtixxo 1604 72 87 41 31 sim 1 85112 684 os 2 76210 1 608 96 943 24 2 76220 177 08 ibbu 3 763 jo 1702 32 1649 88 2 76330 1 44460 1 107 60 276820 1 66343 1j48 63 2 763j0 1 616 40 1 3x360 x 76120 1 461 so 1 300v jl7vio 1310 08 1372 13 2 t6x 30 1 104 60 1 447 60 3 76330 1 226 00 i 637 30 3 762j0 1 11 90 i u 30 if 6220 1051 j hid 24 2 1632q 868 88 1 763 13 2 tb3 20 860 34 1 861 94 3 16120 764 30 1 lltvoo 3 76210 646 40 2 106 so j 3 74x10 610 60 2 221 40 x 763 jo 408 40 3 343 80 3762x0 278 48 2 473 73 3 76130 148 48 3 608 73 3 763 jo ma fall specials at big store mens tweed rain coat just to hand a largo shipment of men s tweed rain coata thcso coats take the place of fall or spring overcoats wc handle the standard mackintosh coats the best coats made the makers guarantee stamped on every coat ir brown green gray and fawn shades sizes 34 to 42 special price 1050 12j50 1600 and 21 00 mens fall weight underwear combinations penman s make sizes 34 to 42 special at 27 suit stonflelds unshrinkable underwear if you are poking for something warm in underwear we can recommend stan fields red label our stock is limited so come early so as to got correct size red label special at 325 each mens blue stripe overalls for less than manufacturers price we hnvc 5 dozen of tffis overall in stock sizes 34 to 44 blue stnpo with bib good heavy cloth and good value today at 3 00 pair special this week 25 pair boys fleece lined underwear at 75c each a limited quantity of this line of boys underwear corned over from last season tho price to day is ooc if we have your boy s size in stock special at 75c each cord velvets 27 in wide at 100 yd there is no material made for the money that will give tho wear ihat cord velvets will wc have them in stock in red green navy cop blue and brown 27 inches wide special nt 1 00 per yard all pure wool factory yarns for years wo have been trying to get this make of yarn as wo think a poor yarn is dear at any price if you are looking for a good all pure wool yarn call and we will be pleased to show what wo have this season colors arc black green red blue and white 2 and 3 ply special 55c per sk gray scotch finger yarn at 55c per a lb this scotch fi tiger yarn comes in med shade of gray only soft 4 ply all wool special at lb for 55c mclean mills mux street we sell for cash we sell for less acton mi hub division number one at tho town hall with w j clou id doputy ho turn ing oftlcor 2 polling hub division number two at c c hpulghts mil in htreot with allan hmlth deputy llo turning oinccr on friday the 17th i iy i t october 1018 the iteevo of urn village of acton will attend at the town hall acton at ten o clock in tho forenoon to appoint in writing- signed by him two persons to atterd at the final summlna up of tho votes and one person to ut tend at each polling place on behalf of the persons desirous of promoting the by law and a uko number on bo half of the persons desirous of oppos lng the uy law the clerk will sum up the votes for and against the dy ulw at the town hall at six p m on friday the slot day ot october lbi any corporation or tenant who do sires to vote must deliver to tho clerk of the municipality not later than tho 10th day before the day appointed for taking the votes the declaration pro vlded for by boolii n 66 of the muni clpal act h n iaume1l is 3 village clerk vatfetnaa oruvrfatesl eyelid toor droflim it br mall 0c pr bottl for ims at ha tja bn writ w maria by baaaa4y ca calr wfmooneyofguelph has opened a store on main titroet acton where ha will conduct a tin smith and sheet metal business orders for hot air furnaces and plumbing will receive special atten tion c p r cleaning pressing repairing your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can make that aid suit look like now try us geo wallace guelph ontario nqtlch take notice that yhe above is a true copy of a proposed lly law which if the assent ot the electors is obtained to it will be taken into consideration by the council of the municipal cor po ration of the village pt acton after tho expiration f month rrom the tth day of october 1611 being the date f the flrst publication thereof tho votes of the municipal electors entitled to vols thereon will be taken n the list day ot ooluber tls be tween the hours ttt nine o clock in tht forenoon mid lrive o clock tn tits uftsr noon at tho following places rolling i canadian national railways increased service transcontinental train every pay in the week toronto winnipeg vancouver and victoria in effset october 5 a dally transcontjonjat aervloe be tween toronto winnipeg voncouvei victoria is the prlwlpal feuture ar tiounced in the ca adtau national ilallways full and winter time table this train will lonvq toroi to 0 1 p m dally and will b muli ped with up to date sleeping dining flrst class day oouch tourist and ooloriut cars lletwee i roronto and wli nlteg there will also be a- comportment obera tum library car a parlor car will be attached tor tho convenience of passentfers while travel ling through he flocatcs o uiey may noy in tho utmost mfuif tho mag nlnooni pcemty fur which pie cons duin na4iunslraue4s jmous further particulars iuii bo obtained from passenger orjlcirn uf canada s national system of luillwsys your vote and influence rbspectfuixy souctted fob j f ford independent fannexg candidate for halton county for the provincial legislature a voti- toil foitd is a vote koit economy a vote for foho is a vote for morl equal ilepfleskntatl on a vots toll poltd ih a vote kou tiovfcilnmfcmt for i itoducfclt avd consumer the support of every elector of halton man and woman who is not satisfied with the present governinents ad ministration of the affairs of tins province is respectfully solicited by e he cleaver the peoples democratic liberal candi date for the legislature i cannot agree with the glaringly autocratic and extrava gant administration of the affairs of this province by the present government which has been catering to and encouraging the profiteers and big financial interests even during the gravest stress and btrain that has ever been known in canada due to the recent awful war and that which follows on being elected i will do everything within my power to advance most economic and efficient administration of the affairs of this province with a square deal for all and that with out fear or favor nomination day october 13 election day october 20 tar bells teachers guide this yary helpful volume for tl e uundy hchjiwl head or and blblo atu dent for the itilornatlonal hunduy bchool lessons for 1de0 is now in tlio bok stores marhs latbell ili i has had great suueeas in prosemlng through her teachers guldo it oomi re henslve study of each nucoosstve lea so nror the year this is the nfteeulh volume the work has steadily grown in popularity with leuclior its las san topics and illustrations lis sug gestlons to tnnclurs for all grades nt pupils are tnvfituubla the historical and hreographlcul baukgrouivd glva vlvd insight into the environment of cucli lesson from week to wvak the studies for 1120 continue the six months coarse which commences this month sod ruiui through acu 1st potsr 1st john an 1 huvrl ulon hix mon tics are then spent on u oh testament taking judges huth hum ue and kings with an 1 cantons special liuon in i sal mo in 1 1ruvorbu the closing quarter of ldo gives the childhood aai iy life and ministry of christ as reoordod 111 m rut how this goo nng volume in l andlod bv 1 he uvprs 1 iyetw turunlu and soils f nt 41 60 farms for sale 500 down gives immediate possession to 100 acke farm acton 4 miles 70 acrutt wurkat lo baluucu hush and paaturc soil clay loom good lor frum u us rot ra colur itunk barn 40x6 good stabling ctinmnt doors tla up 10 in ad s box lulls driving shed hen house uchool 1 lot rural mull 1 rlc 5000 100 acres mile frolri actonjust outside corporatton hc utrvn w rkablc bulunco paalprv land 1 acre orchard 3 acres fill ilouuhcl bull ifiuvnlly luam to clay ibani 3 strings lliick bouse 13 rooms lath r lotn mccluiy fumu itaiik barn 0u0 cemented p tin i n t is ih 111x4 1 ii mod lloois hchoot 5 lota act on uiiuilim u tnllo iniwiul n mruiuod 1 rlco ss00- terms arranged 150 acres on the mail road leading into acton just outside corioration limits a uensa w rkublc mun pasture land i are orclucrd soil rich clay 1 iuiii to sandy loam iawl luuty of water i well and i springs hum house it rooms good i olkr dilvlitg shed jlx0 bank baru 70xsf with lean 10x70 all oi stono wall ilo up 14 has 1 of cattle horses wuter in hursu stat to huii housu l ig ton wlndiplll hchoo mile churches 1 mile rural mull itsutstmtalun any tunc i tree fi 1000 in eluding ciui rnua ariatifti siijendio 100 acttfc tabm on the 8tjt line below ge0hctovn hornby ly milks 00 ui rvu wurkublc balance bush ash oeuaj- birch 1 acres orchard uluy loum ax 1l loniy of water krame house 10 rooms good oslta unlrrneath uli il u hi uso itank baru coxs0 tie up 10 head of cattle ltlvlig sliot o40 hay shod 60x45 pig pen horse stable for i horses all zflxia church l m ik rural malt and telephone loseeeslon ar rai ged imoe si 0500 terms utsaigcd 10ct5cres on main stone road between fergus and ofcankville fergus 3yi miles 3 arros pasture balanoe workable 1 acres orchard mil sandy loam ilenty of water mouse 6 roqms liana bam fxs with good stabling pig pen sheep pen water in tables windmill school x miles church x miles rural malt irie as00 tentm arranged willoughby farm agency ieorgetown -c- ontarh new advertisements continued from j ago one headquarters jot wedding and biuthdav presents itogern 1847 hllvfrwaro knives harks anil hpooua fancy cut glass i ancy ci lieu wo carry tl o most couti into htoc in town marriage license i08ueo geohynds acyon ontario w phup teacher of pisno violin and othsr string instumsnts aiso ill u ohqan will visit arun on wsdnasday of each wcrk ui tl further no y pupils prepared for conservatory examinations messages left at acton fuss psuss office will recelvo prompt attention choice groceries and provisions have you tried medooealls for fresh groceries and fresh fruits and right prices l mrs jennie mcdougall hill street acton ont clearing auction sale nlalt actoni stock and implements etc the undcntijtned i as recclvotl i structlonu trt m wm lvnd to sell by public aurtinn at lot a second line bjiqucalng at acton tuesday october 14 at one o clock llio t lluwli k hoiusk l llay marc c yearw a good one 1 i lay ii nr t years heavy draughc uttjvl itud c w lu lim of sale 1 luun c w due juno 7 milk lng well 1 hed c w brod jui o 0 milking well 1 hucl cow liml hn tembcr 13 a tool onu whore i o is kept 1 iuhi c w i red ttptemler iff milking wnll th ur a rholco t ei of cows 1 hull 3 sltxnc rlsli g 3 years 3 half rs ruins 2 years 4 spring calves 1 york sow with c i ii 4 weaiki old imll ml- nth i lp at 4 woo1 hinder c ft cut i good order 1 frost 4 woo mower ft ut id good onltr l oulter scott cultl vator in i d rdcr 1 disc prill 13 disc cockahutt nuarly now 1 hay loa ler nearlj i w 1 manure flprca i or 1 itlasell hi i itollnr 3 drums 1 letur hamilton i i w 1 two furrow 1 low harrow 4 ttocttuna 1 corn cultlvat r iinarly m w l wagon ui 1 bout 1 ilobslcitli 1 turnip i ulper 1 hay luikt 1 1 am li h mill 1 whuel harrow 1 hluiiiii uurly uw l iuf truck 1 ii iy it ick 1 at ck ltuck 1 tqr hark 1 x t ilaek 1 cutti j llor 2 huitur k ttl 1 hay trk 1 grinjatt ne ilut i orain halt 1 de afeal cream bet arator nearly new 2 aotn whllllctrecs 1 neckyulto 1 cant hook nuw i co rct j lay ltrk ltope l cycleno clraou kccd bowh- 1 daisy clityn 3 crruni cans 1 a trainer pall iail i era forks luteal shovels bars aid uovural other uf tlcjes too numuroiw to inoi tion llaitntas 1 hjt of team harras 1 set of plow hum uu qilain and hay 3 u uf tin othy hay 3 tons of pi wor hay 400 bush of oats nowinarkot tit f r mjc 1 co bush of mtxcl grain terms 1x111 stock ctc jio0o and under cash ovir that umuu it twclvu months crvdlt on ti un vod joint nt ton gruln cash kivo toi cent off for caah positively no reserve ths farm has bsen sold r j kerr auctioneer l- u stiurey clork i hono3b acioii real estate if you have a house for sale t to buy a house in if you i actoo ask r j kerr auctioneer and res eststs dsalar i honh- 38 voonq street acton ont tooth paste the womlurful xi clean feellna klenxq glvos t tho itl iuth is uko a m trul iik to h lvt i uhlldron brush thvlr tuuth rtsulaily when you give thoni klei exclusive ouelph agents mckees f vivj i

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