Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 1

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i r v t in 1 i i v sttt t forty fifth year no 10 acton ontario thursday morning october 10 1010 single copies five cents new advertisements the methodist church acton 30 onicklavcno wanted i mt i it ur hour wxiim younq pigs for bale fit i ih r y nut i1k it 3- coal range for sale a lk i cial ntii itiinlm wll juru cm1 i w ol a ly to itkllaltli kawhon mali htrcot atton valuable property for bale iirlck mi rt u nd n 1j toiint lund aim utod on mill mr ol mjir i out oltlco occupied by owner ai ply til 13 3 glo havill motor license marker lost lont mnuir llrcimo marker no 104 922 biiwiui ill i ton and anton nn1 on milton uhow night under will oblige by louvlng ut 1- ufch prchh oi itcf for sale stewart furm lot number twenty- six com fnu i two hnqucslng ul joining tin village of acton uu hun dred ucrtii full ploughtni jonu tn tension cm bo urruntrod reasonable terms apply to owr r hox 001 acton brick house for bale a cumfartuhln well built brlclc house on klrln htrvut acton ntx rooms itootl collar with cement floor good hard water soft water in tho house houao wo never rrntad a good barn suitable for homo or motor cur for particulars apply to is 4 mrh james iltlce ranted iiy two families with mm chlldj eurh two ulsters or friends to assist in 11 irul bi 11 in work iihiii liamon all modtru iinvinit nccs und pleasant surroiindinjtm now liouiu a udjuliilng apply stating oro hixi wugcu milh m hiutry p o itox it oohiiwa card of thanks tho undersigned dosiro to expnss tholr appreciation of thu nervlccs rond ered by neighbor und friends when tholr homo wan dentroyud hy fire on hundnj nlghc oclobtr d thla neigh borly spirit mid aanutnnco in troublo wlllovor tie remembered und ctiwmed mil and mhr thnlst bcott inci t yn in rip ninr xporioncod nolp to leant folding 1 li r r lrrvwwi 1 li also hand iron m and good wugctf uml utuudy employment itnjiway furu rtif undid to tiultablo up pllcant at ply iaunduv dut speedwell military hospital 18 4 guelph out the ontario voters list act notice 1b huroby given thut u court will bo bold pursuant to thu ontario vote list act by his honor tho judge of tho county court of tho county of hulton nt tho town hull on the 31sl duy uf october 1010 at ton o clock o huur and detormine complaints f orrom und omissions in tho voters i int of in municipality of jscton fpr loifl da tod 7th fuy of october 110 ii n waiimi it lfl3 clerk of vuuujo of acton we hoy oh bell victory bonds bearer or roitard j e carter investment brokor quslph wf mooneyofguelph bos opond a otoro on main utreot acton whoro ho will conduct s tin smith and fiheot motal business orders for hot air furnace und plumblnjf will rucotvo special atten tion guelph business college herald bldo quclph you know all ahout uf our couraos mothods i oolll ties for placing uur sraduatoa this your btuhor and bettor than ever fall term september 2 11avt3 yoir ivloihtenlo t guelph business college a l bouck principal wonderland fhiday octqber 17 the makebelieve wife vltl4 ullltu liurkp iiu irt und 11owori4 ttantiatt comply 8tundav octooeh jo huoh li uttli i irufi fvlp 11 10 a 111k v inihlj iiiij b urllnh fuxuttu tuefoay octqopb fl vyoinnn vrmiinih vmh kfliol clfylon n 4 t1 in p mlnlil- vvronrsday o0tober r a ko rlclurn comino llenita of th worlil r l gregory handsome indeed the new fall apparel shown in the womens fashion tfepartments of guclphs leading and largest store aro you looking for something particularly good and fine in a new fall suit or winter coat if you arc you must pay a visit to our ready- to- wear department and view tho fine array weve assembled here ready for fall and winter choosing the diversify of models is broad enough to assuro every woman of finding a smart and becoming garment qualities are of the best materials are of the most service able and workmanship of tho highest calibre prices on a abroad enough scale to suit all purses luxurious new furs wc vc a notable collection here of handsome concep reflecting in full measure the standard of quality by which tions in fur pelts of rare beauty tailored nvrogarments our furs have long been known soft and luxuriously warm fashioned of pelts that have been properly cured and blended made to wear and maintain their original beauty unusually long wed lijcc to show them to you first time you come to guelph blouses of rare charm exquisite things in gcortfotta crapes and crcjtcs da china smart new skirt models a magnificent oho wine now york stylos includod supejg new millinery beautiful hats of prepossessing individuality to com- plete the thanksgiving attire you may chooso for holiday wearing and find delight m our range of choice and fairness ofrjricing o comprehensive selections in mens womens and childrens clothing wallpaper and furnishings for he home d macdonald bros ltd guelpffs leaddmj and largest store wyndham hacdonnel and garden streets guelph onl j v acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream you bring in highest market price for cream and eggs open wednesday friday and saturday evenings acton creamery dairy co mann wat80n proprielorif whlow strebt qppotlto government building 4 honest wym tcciti c s good ivljjjrj 1 i o prices i we have just received a large shipment of feltex tho new floor covering this is superior to oilcloth and is not uffccicd by heat ur cold 2 yards wide a good raugo of patterns to choose from call and seo them sweater coa just urnvod u fine assortment of toyt mutu und ludics sweater coats at reasonable priofs j underwear a welt assorted totk of ctihdrent iiiuch muna and boya underwear lrucn 16 auif r groceries und fruit fresh crpnborriea cabbage celery grapes bananas orangca and lcmono best fv f ni tcc17i honst values ljm v- xvuooh1ijl1 dealing mill street acton ont tttor iohi lsofsxaspt frftjiy tvtbaturday organized labor endorses prohibition says mr conner magnificent meeting and convinc ing addressee by or blair and jaa conner labor man vote no straioht through tho flrnt puhll tnt tlnir hnlil by tin it firiitlmn rumiulttoo was that of tuijxiiv nvniilriff in tho town hall thf ro wu u sil it lid utliumnco of both nion ui il w moii everybody enjoys luurhit ltv ur mlulr of ouolph who fur uvir thirty youm ham tn a uort of fil mr tojhla r mmunlty itut i tr j w or kinsmen ami tholr wives wt ri t tract exl by tho nnnounct mnt that jamcn conner u iromlne it labor man of toronto would bo 01 n of tho kikutkoni jlov j c wlfhon irrsldenl of tho itrfornnum cuntmlttoo ncuilxl tho hilr tho mctlolnt sunday hchool orchc itra pluyod a numher of soleo tlonn while the ioopla were assembling theorrhcatru led tho audience in the hymn onward christian bo i diem after which ryer was offorod i lev dr hlalr was the first soau- ilo kuvo minute instrucuons on how to vota und bow to mark tho ballot ho jc pi lined tho ottoct which woum result if the introductlori ot th bar of tho ballot was permitted and as rnrtcil emphatically thxt ber with tho tarcentuo of alcohol proposed was intoxicating he appealed stronsly to all to vote four noes mr jumes connor ths labor rep re hontutlvn from toronto made a most int4reailn and convincing address he quoted statin t lea at rrat length uhowlnb tho advnntaaes which haw come to tho worklmc man and to labor oranlsltlons lhroush the enact merit of the ontario temperance act labor endorses prohibition ho de dared and organ lxd labor throughout the anglo sajton world ydats a pro teat against the liquor traffic the arch enemy of tho worklngman a of testimony from labor unions was given showing the improved cowdltlani under prohibition hams life is hap pier and homes aro btter furnished children arts living in comfort well- olothcd und not in fear of the home coming of a drunken father our unions are better attended and our members are more interested in tho trade unions since prohibition cunn one lihnr union chnlrrraa was iiuotett a saying words fail to express the wonderful benefits received by our members on account of the prohibition rind curtailment of the liquor tramc mr conn era made a ittroiur appeal to nil to vote four times no on the bal lot on monday und to think of the children whose lives would be influan ced for good or for ui u k result of how their bailout were marked kev mr wilson charactered this address as nore fully crowded with argumontr to convince the working- men of tho desirability of voting no through tho ballot tlian any ha had ever iwoviously heard on this subject tho meetlnf closed with the bene diction by rev mr mover hev ur hlalr held a case ting of the irtdleu at three o alack in the after noon there was a good attendance tie gave helpful information re pee t ing tho marking of tho balldl and other instruction 0 the referendum ballot andvhow to vote yea no 1 are you in fsvor of the rspssl of ths ontario tempinnci act 7 x 2- are you in favor of the sale of light bear eon tulnlno pot more than 2 si 100 per cent si co hoi woluht miuur through government genafes end mindmnu to the ontario tern persnee act to permit such ssle 7 x 3 are you in favor of the sale oi light bear eon tainlng not more than 2 61 100 par cent l cohol weight measure in etsndsrd hotels n local municipalities that by majority of vale favor such ssle and rnindmtnli to the or tario temperance act to permit euoh ssle x 4 aro you in favor of ike sate of eplrituous and malrimqkore through government sgeneles and menrfrwjnts to the ontario temperance act to permit such sale 7 x golden wedding at ospringe mr and mr charles baldlo csubrau the fiftieth anniversary of ths if marriage on u bright autumn day september 3d isflb mr charles bald i c of grin and mui borah ann hawkins of era- mosa were married at 8l andrews muntio guelph by itev john hogg d d krom lets to 1019 is a long span fun u wolded couple to travel together but mr and mrs uajdla have enjoyed that irlvllege on monday september s9 iblw they celebrated this happy annlveraary at thelrhomo mount pleasant maple farm oaprlngo this ruttleth anni versary of the mjirrlage was attended by 135 guuits from branlford toronto quelph tliluburg erin rockwood eraxnosu damusous fergus kvarton mimosa und the surroundlnet neigh i bo r hood tho parlor tlnlng rpin ftnd- hull formed u veritable bower of flornl beauty eich was preully eoorated wltlt streurner1 of whito yeilow and old gold issue caught up t tne osll- 1ng by u huge bow the uxreo oolore representing ttie threo periods of life youth middle life and old age house plants and cut flowers arranged around the rooms added to the general effect of the doco ration the whole made a pretty sotting for he happy event at thrvo o cluck the guests assembled und were cordially received by the host und hostess and their daughter km ma a puaaant time was spent in mualcal selections by tho vlctrou and social interccourse the happy company was lulled to order by tho chairman mr dun mctuvuh when an address was read by mus km ma ihildlt and mr mid mrs ttuldlc worn prcaented by tholr family with two magnificent chairs upholsterod in 1 outlier this was followed by another ad dress reud by rev j ijndaay and a beautiful stiver coffee and tea service given by tho neighbors ur dan mo- tuvish replied on beiutlf of mr and mru lluldlo after lonirrutulatlona and ikhii wuiick wore extended to bride und groom the gueata were ushered into the refrrehntent mom being tlie epucloua cms liar which was also decor ated in the same color scheme a d ilnly repast was epread on fables ileciiuui wlh oxuulslte fsste in 11 kuld itouiiuetn i cut rtowore placed ujioritutuly wltl llghlel iflpiun und txmitirul niiyvt added to the tftoct tlio tuhlo with the brides coke in the lcnti aurrpouptid by brides rases with silver luutkeui ot rses on ech si le wus very pretty llrv r tjny prupused ho m u thn drii1 und groom and tlm was uhly responded to on their hhul j ret unq d i iluukvoxi mi tlcoige flr bp moculliugri news of local import dr nixon- on saturday evening dr a w nuon consorvatwo c dldate will addreoa the electors in tho town hull bore on haturday evening dr 11 k anderson m j and others will also apeak ur nixon extends special invltauon to tho ladles st uomphe fancy fair the pnncy fair under the auspices of st joseph s church will open in se town hall next wednesday and ntlnue unul saturday nvenlng the attractions will be numerous lunch will be served every afternoon and evening there will bo u programme uf music by archeiitru und vocalist another cit of successes mr loonaril woolen luut iuntlnuod his long hat of successes with his fine leant of carriage horses at the fairs during the week at mlton ho wus awarded first for high stepper first for carriage horse and aweepstakon for best carriage horse on the grounds second for carriage tearq and second for lady driver at the erin fair ho secured flret for carriage team flrat for moat ntyllnh hone in harness first for high stepper and second for gentleman driver a word to the woman two votoa will le taken on october 20 onu on the temi irance referen dum and tho other lo elect member to tho legislature thla u tho first elocuon in ontario wlmn all women may qt it is important for every woman to remember when volng on f election day thut she ehiiulil receive the referendum ballot und the ballot for members to clio ltgleluture an awer every question on the referendum ballot und murk tho legislative ballot for your choice of cundldutcu u the shoe factory by law tho attention of tho voum u direct cd to tho fact that it is not the inten amount as the wording of tho by law 000 and to re issue debentures for that amount as he wording of the by law eubmlttcd might suggest it was found necessary to publish uia by law in this form in order to put messrs aaurlay co into the place of tho ilvllunce shoe co and to adapt tho money al ready borrowed and the debentures already issued to tho changed condl tlon it is merely a mutter of form the janonoy lias alreudy bean borrowed on this by law there ahould be no opposition whatever lo thojy law presentation to mrs rev j c wilson at the meeting of tho members of the women s missionary hoclety f knctx church last wi ditduy uftor noon mrs ilov j c wilson was presented with an address expressive of the appreciation of the member of the splendid servlcea uf mrs wilson during the sixteen years she has been associated with the society the ad dress vran accompanied by a purse containing o generous gift of money in accepting the gift mn wilson re piled in feeling terras alio had at ways enjoyed her association with the missionary society members and she wished them abundant success for the future the wartl buehnar concert the udlea of tho uuptlst church gave the people of acton and vicinity the privilege of enjoying a high auvss concert in the town hull butt buturduy evening when they angugod the wurd llucbner concert company for one of their splendid entertainment coruu wardhuchnor the well known am or i can violinists ubly sustained the re putatlon alio earned here last spring for her excellence us n nkllful und ao compliant artlut her numberw were highly appreciated mrs wurd lluch ner 1 ubly supported by u cotorla at artists comprising thoodore gray pianist myrtle hoblnson soprano und victor uroxford eleoutlonlst they rendered a varied programme replete with a wealth of munlc clusl4il hun oroue und ntelodlims und literary num bars whkh formed ux itde and iicmiiibj uplei n mm slolftnn tin tutiny ihiuutlful gifts wre ar ruhtcml tin u table lu tho upper hall iiinj oom prised gold sovereigns china allver and ifod ijitiriii the evening musld was fur ulsltrd by mr und mrs huhtcr miss nullle cook messra george anderson j whvoiiale and u- d currle and thin tvits intcrsiiersed with speeches iiy measrn j m cunningham j htewart jsko miller and others the prvievding cloeed by all singing auld ijhb synevahogathsr it was n very en joy a bio funorimi and the wishes were oxpnosed uit all side that mr and mrs luldlu would eeo many mora years of wudded hupplness keep out thu barrooms and liquor sturrs vote four x x x x in the no uuluinii on your bailot never ml f qopy n 1ft vea thin is the kind of leom he w paper man enjoys ur ar 1iihqrj v lease sjdvumo plv suuttripluu a amount o enijtse 0 ijt bjellovo the kwss lasas hus r0hcd pie eyepy week slnte 1 acton fifteen years ago lu inonth like miniy others of your renders i hnvs been tnuoti inter esled in th urtlnles by the old man and of pourwe littve been curious to know who he is i wijiild like t von turjt a guess and am of tho oplnloi that ho has epunt ull his life in acton loss his college days wus burn in ibm jsnd an a boy uttondod kuiulay school in tlie old white church on churrh btreet which in my time was the disciples church am i correctt j a c ilamlou man uueas ugalu jlmmle you d hardly ul man txrn lu ib 68 an oil man cepeelul ly if you were face to fuce with him he is not the original okt man of tho lllg clikk tower alitor j na68agawbya mastor jrnesl jutneg butt who hud the mbtfuftuiie to fruiture hui arm ubout six week utfu hua reinvered nicely und now hus it out of yta sptlnta 107 school teachers in annual session of convention here a highly intereatlng and uehpful gathering of hal ton pedagtjgr- sues in acton last week the social 8ioe developed when the roll was called at the con vention of the teachers of hal ton wentworth inspectorate held in the methodist school lloom last thursday and friday one hundred and seven tiarhcrs answered to their nomas this was a record attendance and tho convention wus one of unusual practl cal and social interest at the opening eeaaion w d wynd ham ij a of oakville tho president took the chair itev i m moycr con ducted the devotions with scripture reading and prayer and h i moore epoke worde of welcome after tho presidents address mr ii a stares u mus of hamilton nor root school gavo a very practical ad dress on music in the public school at the afternoon session mr stares apoko again on first steps in music mr castell conductor of music in the georgetown school also addressed he convention technical papers on educational sub jccts were presented at the several amnions und freely discussed mr j hal toronto gave a pructl cal demonstration on teaching agrl culture in rural schools und dr d a mcclenuhun of hamilton gavo one of his characteristic talks on public hrallh on thursday evening a delightful social tlmo was petit in the town hall an excellent programme woe provided by the mothodlat humlay hchool or clitjtro miss ucnlo hmlth miss laur ottn only miss jeunlo onr and ex til bltions of scottuh dancing by jlmmle itum with miss stalker nit ucoorapaji 1st succeeding thla mr mclaren of out iph demoiistruted cuinfnunlty sing tuntoii ttnd recreation itefresh iita were ecrved by tho ni cm bora of acton teaching stuff tho exhibition of pupils work wus vlowod with much intenat the officers elected were hon preel dent j m denyes ii a president miss k langan vice pros miss u currle secretary miss mlnulo f- hen- tt treasurer mtas e il oowes i ibrarlun mr 8 w mlchener eue tlvu the past president ofucers and mlsnes kerr mahon pnttlnson und howue itesolutlons of thanks to the church municipal council uu 1 cltlxeiis and thn publics hchool otuft were passed i a rxsoluuon expreased regret thut mr w h stewart late i rinclpal ut acton hud loft the profeealon this resolution was ulso passed i whereas jt la universally rocognlxod that thovfiig pictures are whether for weal or for woe euontlully and unl quely edacatlve in huracter and in fluence therefore be it resolved that this helton county teach ere insti tute respectfully memorialise und ur gently requeet the ontario government to immediately transfer tho control of moving pictures from the department f tho i rovlnclul treasurer to that of tho department of education so thut tho t hoice of cenaors women us well i men ahull be entirely under tho inirol of the minister of lulucatlou the convention t lose i with the nu tlunul anlbem lnk of it defeat uy liiali vh lory tim iquoitinq tournament queen city and victoria quoting clubs of toronto have s friendly game with acton members o the juown city quoit lugciqp h votoria quailing club of toronto visited tho a juolt ing olub and aiwnt u very onjoynule time on thftitkoklvlng lsy r yiink lallagber who u cham pion uf caiidtt and amsrtca wus uutoug the ultore and 0va to the npectators sn exhibition at tirufsjo4 u quoit pitching which was hlghlj intervntlng o ul fhe games were played at tho lleurdmure qoojting grounds a handicap wus played by tlie visit pitcher the results were us follows 1 he tx units were as follows first round 20 point gam t mf itobertson 16 j koe ii k martin 3i vunduiiatun 3 i oullugher 15 j htuwart j nfchotl 3g a hhaml j mellon 15 w mcmtnwi ii uniwn i6 j tduklo 14 it lleiinett ib 1c korboa is millar a bye second round 2fl point game r murtlu 36 h llowo 13 il dennett is n mlltut ic j mellon fl j k i oho 11 24 v qalliigher 30 m iubertsou j3 third round 39 point game j melkin j6 k lulutgher 1 v martin it h bennett 17 pinsls j mellon 36 p murtlu xj champion hunuerup k tlalloghor oiid 11 uaiiitett played for- third plate h oallagher 3 it llannett t uur iyial pmihor john mellon had ihu ill a fin vtwo uonoi uf ueuitf otanj pjutt o the duy hie methodibt 74th anniversary highly successful masterly sermons by itev j d fitzpatriek president of the hamilton conference large attendance at doth services tho 1 1 rvl a f tlio ml thoilint chur li luiat him lay lit 1 1 ugly murkod tho sevt nty fnurth untilvtrruary of this old home hurch kuv j n 1 itxjmitrlok of hranlfonl tho hoiiornl preiildent of hamilton conference preahod ublo and eloquent sermon these dlsoouraeu were joynble mid inspiring tho uttcndtttice wus ununuully large for surh an occusion the raptlst congregation attended in the morning und tb t of knox church in the even ing tioro wore ulso many present from congregations out of town tin weal tier being bright and pleasun contributed much in swelling tho at tendance tho morning sermon emphasised two thoughts very strongly mr fltxpat- rlck said there aro two things to day that demand tho attention of members of tho christian churctjil tho pro hi billon vote on tho 20th inst and 3 the great iruer- church nutlonal cum palgn ho might select one of half a doxen toxts for his address but ho preferred the verse and i if i be lift od up will draw rjll men unto me the responsibility of the opportunity are before us the great need for power in the church to day is manifest tho inter church objective wu pro sented that of tho methodist church of l 000 000 ubove ordinary giving it la just as wcrahlpful to give to god as to pray hut tho money objective is the ooslnst of jtll tho objectives of the groat campaign it includes 100 000 pledged christian stewards 100 000 new mombcrs 100 000 new members in the sunday school t0 000 addluons to tho young people s stoletles 300 000 pledg- vd inferccbsors 300 000 p edged personal workers with this accomplished dur ing the year great things will result in tho advancement of god a kingdom in the evening mr fltxpatrlck preached from mark s 36 what shall it profit a man if he gain the wholo world und lojse his own soul jesus spoke those words with tremen dous intensity and earnestness alas no many men oro prospering in busi ness to the sacrifice of their life it s so easy to let the world buy you up peter was willing to tiup up his fishing bublneua und follow christ there are many men to day who are willing to sell out their apt ritual life for pros parity in business men to day face great eternal truths who put life be fore making money the only thing we can carry into the next world is oumolvo the great possibilities cor life when it is given to jesus christ j are beyond humrtn estimation in this masterly discourse the preacher up penlcd cijwiclall to young men and young women to give their uvea to jesus christ i rev i m moyer the paafur and rev harold curr assisted in the ser j vicea the choir gave splendid service their uulhems were appropriate and well rondo rod und they led the con- crogatlonul minting wlui especial help fuhums mr llirbert williams of t inxito assisted und miss uortie hmlth to k tho solo parts mr wd hums sung a solo at tho evening ser vice the i mt titration wus uukod for fjoo for thu trust funds of thu hurch tills ohjuctlvo wua pasaod with free will orfnrlngm on tho plates huhal canada is led along by u loyul bund of enthusiastic happy workers- young men and young wo men of vision workers with a tnjs slon on flru with u consuming pas elon to do for und give canadian farm urs u sane independent needed ecrvtce ticket no 1914 i wonthecwva ford touring car mrs georfre havill acton held the winning number and received the car drawing on thanksgiving day i tho fully oqulpiod ford t touring mr which tlm members f the great wut i vetruuu asoo4lutlon of acton offered to thn peruun holding the fortun numbtr was won ut the drawing on the ju igta aland in the i ark on tliuuks giving xuy j thu drawing wus uniiouiiuod u woek i ujf to takeplulo un thunkaglving liuy und a largo guthurlng of the leoplo of alton und surrounding couu j try assembled the weather wo bright ujid warm the ntotliod uf disposal was ab- uoluioly fair to thn ticket holders the stuha of the 1 300 tickets which had j beau sold wore pluoed in a revolving uhurn and 1 309 blulik thikots and one ihurlug the my alio word winner were dopoaltcd in a similar recptacle 1 liell had churgn of one churn and its contents and mr w k graham man uger of the hunk of nova scotia of the other after the uoket had bean wttl nbuuled vuch sluiultaneoualy gave mih churn u ruvoluunn then miss piock of qtx rgetown drew a tlckot from one and miss mary htewurt of at inn u ticket rrom tho utlier these wro baiidod tu municipal offloer held foi litmikiollou then p mr d m ltob eriauu who ulinounuod uiem after tlio drawing had continued for ulnmt an hour und over 300 tickets hnd been drawn the winner card wax- drawn itlmultuneously with lsw mrs ueorgo havhi who was present was the fortuuuie holder of ticket no 1014 hit wus the recipient or congrutula tiuiui on ull eldae und was dt iveti home lu lior flncfiiiew car mr frunk huvlll if the dominion liaiiu m i i r ul wl i inchawed the tuket was el lontly born under u lu ky ktr it is ruported that u day i i o bofurn returning east after tils in ii luya he wum down town und meu- t limed thut ho wus going out of town un 1 wnul 1 ii it be here for tho drawing ihv tltkot wus rufhed by nlno friends un 1 mr havill eucit taking a 10c no if won the ticket und before leaving slf won th otl kut smr liefore leaving guvo it to his mother little drcutnrig that ho wus preoonltug her with un ijuf ut eimlpiied ford touring cur j t u st to him of 100 this winning ticket was nold by jumes j coouoy dum the orel i wut vcteiulin association of acton diniro to thank the people ur aoon fm tholr generous support in ti inn t tlon with thla tax d to mr d m robertson portu ulorly for the lutexwt he look lu the mat tar thanksgivixig visitors to and from town there were many happy home comings and numerous out- v oftown vlidorfii the day was delightful mrmulfort collu r waa butnu from luronto mr john h mm m wum hot no from mn leurl 11 ikor wus ut homo la toronto mr it j lirnwn wuii homo from humlltoti mr h ho id on muytr wau home from strutford mr william walker vlnltod friends in mitchell of iord was mrs p w lawn und children were here from toronto miss muriptret drown of toronto visited acton friends mr and mrs jameu matthews visit ed re la uvea in the city qoorge taylor was hero from glen williams for the holiday mrs kdith oroves of toronto visit ed at mr j a mowat s mus margnixt vandusen of toconto was at mr j j kouhody a mr und mm mriiutnoy uf xle visited at mr j a mowuls mr and mrs wllium hnyder of toronto were with ac tun friends miss desale hart of toronto spent the holiday with miss haxel agnew mr und mrs d m huiidirnon ken neth and david woro here from gait mr norman wriggles worth of ash grove v lulled fricmlw here on monday mr and mrs jonoph ilolmeu spent thanksgiving with relatives ut otter vllle mr joncph and mlus murguret ken nedy uf toronto wer at their homo mr and mrs chan w mason and uiss eleanor were hero from kltch ener mr geo agnuw tollur of uio uer chants hunk font wuv hvmo for tho holiday fr john hhanku of lottuplecu ji made aton frlunda u cull on mou duy mr und mru 1 c campbell and miss i uenu aixjnt uiu holiday at mm colliers mr thos mckugue of toronto spent tho holiday with his ulaer mrs j j keiytouy mr jolm and miss 1- vu huiyor of rowinanvlllo apeut tlianksglvlng with mr wm williams r miss murguret j macdonald was home from sutton to visit her parents over the weok end mr and mrs w i- hamlin and family of toronto visitotl ut ur u l juhuston s thlu we k mr und mrs o wumer of tor onto were guests of mrs a mclber son bower avenue apt ttiornna d lltuduun returned lust week from u montti u visit with rriunds in wlnntleg mrs itev mcleod of went hui spent thunkuglvlng with imr parents mr and mm it j hirr mr hurry utaixu it ftjuu wum u guest ut muorecrofl during thu teach ers convention lust wtpk miss margurel wllson left for liow ton on satunluy shu will spend some months with relatives there llov j h fltsputrlck or hruntford wus u guest at the mtthfxiut i uraoli- ago durlnk hla stay in town ivv und mrs s w llunn and babe of thumouford woiu guuats at tho methodist pursonagu on tueaduy mr und mru charks r aklus miss mumlo und mr cecil inglutuu u tor onto were guests ut mr oeo super w mr and mrs itobtrt jolly loft on brlduy for chhugo und will proceed to washington d c from thut city mrs k j harper mua harper und mrs ic j mcurldo of toronto were guests uf mm collier uruckstroet mr 1 o anderson tf now york is spending u wok with his sisters mr g campbell und mm sbopird meapru george mackay und witt duiimvii uf the hihoul of ihutletry university of toronto visited at mr alex macdonald s oyor tho holiday mr l it shoroy munuger ur- chaiils hunk attendod an militant gathering uf nuinasjers ut the head onia lu montreal on thuuksglvlng day mian haxel mcdonal i duughter of mr nell muonuld suierlulendunt of llurdmoio oi cos tan im ry wum aolsetl with uppendlc it 1 on 1 huuksglvtng luy him wum lukuit to uiiulpli hue pllal tut tuesday and buu t safully up- urutud on jcutnul wuhtut for her loedy ruuveiy are oipiiauiil dannockdurn on sunday night uf lust woek tho ht mo of urneal scott an i family on thn fifth line wuo dostruyed by fire this was the brick houuo on tho john wuisoii faim iitixt to mr thomas mo tut s und ucroae thu road from air 1c w grace a 1 bo nuwe uf tho fire is unknown but it is suppoaad to have started from u defective chimney homo furniture wus gotten out but oihurwisetu totul loan was uuelalned mr muftue hud thu house insurtd but mr hot it had no inouiun e on the coutenu sill

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