Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 2

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cip arton 3ffm pro tilinutday octoi1kh 1 11 the ladieo aid willi mmtlltlmi i all ll thi iadlc hclicd txltli nail helped thn miw aiwrxu uiroiik ami imrneal anil true and t uuy neither man or maid him 1 1 chlilo m fur loving lhi vaimcm aid tho ljutlrn all imy what tiaa it toiler why hiipl iivury rliurrli bncath tho llnlpluk lit t 1 helping i nevtif fullowlnie ulway liravn and mi i any i am not afraid to toll you i lovo lh ijmmom aid aid make dollar mi tho i jii i en and dooa 11 ovor ttumlradii ot tlmaa it tnoml- tho iarpt till tho look uk ally tho lurtloa aid aid dim up wall that um alumln that flvo cnti without half a tho falu- iluyarhlful und ullv iula nut tho ohl ut would buy and puta in a now c try oil ytmt i lovo it ami na ahould you tho iadla aid ao ni ro and ti tho ladlcp aid plana rooopuona and yr tho church muit bo kpl aoclal by idmna or all theno tho men haven t time for uch thine though sometime to auppors and bun- quota i hoy go hut not by them ara plan ever made tht alwaya the work of the ladle aid and when the dear lord or iho harveat khali come ha will aay tn thcae workers the bleaa od woll dona i then thay will bo glad they did more lhn their ahajre br tho ioya that are thlr in the home ovnr there var thoao whove been helped and the lor that ara made and they ahall doeorve them the true ladle aid mr a t htory always told your mother that she waa a little fool to marry a mmn old enough to bo her father i exploded jane iortantouth hat aunt tone father and tc other were ideally happy ippy enough yea but tho difler- ence in their ages made him abelter and ahleld her from all aenae of r- aponalblllty until now when bea ftona the two of you are left with next door to nothing nod neither of you any more fitted to earn a living than a but terfly i pleaae dont aoy that i kfo mother unt trong but i am and im irolng to find 00010 way to keep the wolf from the door too dont worry about tho wolf you can sell your bouse and come and live right here with ma 1 11 tell you ileth why dont you set your cap for the young doctor that a juat bought your father ofocer dont ever mention ttuch a thing to dm oxnln auntie i im not going to marry anybody and bealdea if i were to act my cap for doctor danforth and he saw flt to be caught hed be taking me out of tbeer pity im euro there little alri i didnt mej be hard but i would 00 ilka to you nicely settled and that doctor man certainly la charming neither of them heard the approach of the vlaltor who now appeared and coughed to attract their attention oh good morning doctor don- forth greeted mis portamouth 1 was juat congratulating niece doth on the kood hands into which her fathers buainew tuu fallen will you hare a choir r no thank you mis portamduthi replied the younc man openly admir ing beth tve only a moment- i colled to oak about doctor long- atreeto ofllce aafe what u it you wiab to knowf tour father aafe do you wlh it aaat to your homor the safe ww included in the pur chase of the office and i went through the content before i turned it over i bid you copd morning hhe oalled past the astonished pah- down tboflowerbordered path toward the gale and doctor danforth was about to speak to miss iortsmouth when a frightened cry caused them to turn just as ueth fluttered into oenseleae heap beside tho path the young doctor flew down the path and lifting the limp figure in his strong young arms bore her ten derly into the house cool water quickly revived her but an examina tion and the discovery that her ankle was really broken sent her promptly into another faint which lasted had put by to protect mother and mo things might havn been different for i do like you ned whut did your father lone and how lilt some pfiiwrs atocka aecurl- tlos itonds anil thlnftn i nuoss what nvor they wrro he had the papers out on his dmk orm day when ho received an urfcoiit all und wliho ho was out the colored man who took care of the place straightened up when daddy mmo back iho puiwm were gom uesllotied jsckson but ho swoie put ovtirytlitiitf buck luto tho sufo nd there vm in jii uwm wa loo jflu ant of their value to take them after a frullless scotch we decided thoy must have blown out tho dow you are fiuro you have o aml nod uo safe thortuhlyr attsolutely thcrns o not her tiling nf dads i haven i ben able to find mpy of live first edition of the vicar of wakefield of which ho was vory fond ilut you lire nt itolnjf to maks thlir nnal are you ilotht pjoose ned don t ask mo again until i vo found same way to take care of mother that nlcht lioctor danforth out nlonn in his oirire trylntf lo study but the pages wore filled with vision of itoth ills mind wandered lo her story of iootor loncatreels invrmtmonuand he begun to wonder if possibly there might not bo some fsr corner of th safa which had not been explored took his naahllmht and kneeling- be fore it ocean hairhoortodly to plu the oontanta on the floor he sighed as nothing cam to hht and bega lo nut iho things back tho first thing- ho picked up was a box of rub ber stamps and foe in a they would not be needed soon he thrust them as far bacl into tho safe as possible- doing so his hand was scratched by a piece of the sine tlnlnr of the safe and usln his oashllght to see how badly it was torn he discovered the end of something atlcklnc up behind it he pulled it out and found it to be a copy of the vicar of wakefield tho noit day was the one set for betns return to her home and doo tor ned was to take her in the run about ho found her waiting- for him on the front steps and she looked like a breath of sprlnr as ahs eat there that he leaned over and kissed her without a word of warning tm skin you again beth in spite of what you said to be my wife before you answer this time look through this old book bho took the book wonderlncly and opened it its dads vicar of wake field i oho cried and what nre at these papers ned dont you see dear theyre the papers which we all thought were lost jackson must have placed tbem be tween the leaves of this book and tho book sot wedged in behind a torn place in the ilnlnff of the 3fa now you wont have to find any way to take care of your mother ned you you darling interesting legal news three cases affecting people of aeten and vicinity in court in toronto at itasoode hall on the 17th inst three yhotlons of local interest amo before judge sutherland for decision and are reported in the legml intelli gence by tho toronto papers as fol lows lie samuel james clark eotate o cameron and ii n farmer acton for adam clark moved for construction of tho wui of the late samuel james clark j xl bpenoo for the executor and legatee tands one week at parties request- 2 be murray estate- h n farmer acton for the executor of amelia murray moved for order construing wilt l m qoeu quelph for chil dren order made declarlna that as to the money secured by mortgage there is an intestacy and that only tho money lntank at time of death passed under clause of the will in question costs of all parties put of estate s he aprowl estate u n parmer acton for executors moved for order construing will of the late jan sprowt il s white for united preabyterlon church l m ooeta for reslduavy estate iteserved prohibition and scripture the following excerpt are from ai ablo article by krnnk anderson m a oinn in tho baturuy nlli of july it in reply to an article in tho umt paper or jylm quoting some pnanaiccs from the ilble hint- w seem to favor drink ho says not mio of the scrtoturo tasags adduced is of force to show thai uty- lord or his npostle would uphold thu proent jay olofiaat onginc of human domiiuuaitlon represented by llcjuor traffic an teetntallsm oi prohlultioi justhlid by slililurot trnphutlcall ynsl now let m ask 1 can a christian man consist ently manufacture or uoi liquor dpea not christ tell us that it were well for a man if a millatnnn were hsnged about his neck and lie were thrown wnce into the sea rather than that he should vlj akin wj causo one of these little ones tumbler luko 17 2 it v u not ho man who runs the distillery the brewery tbo saloon putting- a stumb ling blook in ho way of right living before every monger woman tempted by his wares is this a chris tian thing to do can a christian man cunsl ly toae liquor as a bovaraae vhat of s pauls precept had ejuunpiot if meat maketl by brother to stumble i wui out no flsi fop evermore that i make not my brother to tumhl i cor i 13 it v tho principle in clear the christian man ia oapeoted to surrender his liberty when the mis use of liberty by a weaker tin ivr emboldened by his example ipoj to ruin further priest mcmm lo have over looked trruiwo passages which toll us expressly uiatjrrenltnrds shall not in herit tho kingdom of ood 1 cor 6 10 oal 21 will a priest of the anglican church tolerate the saloon keeper who sells his son that which may oven by the remofest chanoe cxi tribute to hi exclusion from hp king dom of ood doctor mr tolling us that alcohol is a potent stimulus to soxuil vice and sexual vice bagla that hideous monster veicreel dlsras kllmlnat alcohol thoy say and you will largely eliminate venereal disease is it quite impossible then that a man whom drink has led to vice and who through vlcff has contracted this disease may marry my purr daughter and hand down tor noma tbrouhh nofoant of mine to posterity as tho brnndfaher of some defectives and feebleminded who have to be shut up at public ex pense in asylums of course some people will break the law and have to adopt sneaky ways to do it but so doe the burglar yet there la no suggestion to repeal tho laws against stealing the thief dure not steal ii 00 from my son but the 114 uof- seller may with impunity steal all his moral fibre which is more precious than rubles i while provincial prohibition good dominion prohibition would be infinitely preferable the banpf gained from these laws are almost in calculable and tho very thought o colnf badt to tho old system is out of the question ii ajinott mb mcua social service board toronto october 3 1ii if davenport i itoteron ct jaw service di llohert hmltl john dunkln the was wm pftfser locl placed on road a 3 and eon 2 1 1i and that net oomrulcd will bo toeon b for aslhms ndi catarrh it is one of the chief recoaomendatlons of dr ihomas eclectrlo oh that it con be used internally with as much success as it can outwardly sufferer from asthma and catarrh will and that the oil when used according to directions will slve immediate relief many suf ferers from these aliments have found relief in the oil and have sent testl- letter from cuba one of actons sens in th ban neva scotia havana to safeguard the child from dam age that worms cause use hitlers worm powdera the medicine par ex cellence for children these powders will clear the system entirely of the worms will regulate and stimulate the orgaoa injuriously affected by worms and will encounure healthful operation of the dbxeauve processes as a ver mifuge it cannot be surpassed in effec tiveness he 8miled the parlor when she regained con sciouaness tills time doctor danforth was sit tine beside her with one of her hands in but home i must go home to mother she moaned you must ue right hare fox aw day your foot tnrned on one of he cobblestones hi the walk and your ankle has been broken mum ports mouth has telephoned your mother and i am bolna to twin her over this evening in my runabout it will not be necessary to troubl you mother can oorae over with joe mead when he roes to the station for the mail please dont be unkind jdlss long street it really doesnt seem like you and my heartiest wish is to be of some service o you and your mother 21 didnt mean to seem ungrateful or rude but i in another moment site was sobbing among the pillows and while the man toiured to suiy and comfort her the physician know it was best to leavo her alone juat now so he slipped ly through the door to tlto porch just os aunt jane came in to take hii place while he was drawing on hl loves bo heard her cry out hyatorl cally hell think i did this purposely hell hell think im setting- my cap for bun like all the rest at the silly gir hi in town the man on the porch smiled and thought how i wish she wouldl iletha ankle kept her at her aunts for almost a month and during- this time she w under doctor duarorths constant care and attention gradu ally day by day he managed to pene trate the reserve behind which she had intrenched herself and then one j wtuui he was taking her for a little spin into the country he asked her to marry him but doctor ned i cant marry anybody mother and i havent a cent u derir old dad nadnt lost what he he amllod and his home was a little heaven on earth he smiled and children loved him and ran along the way with him as ho passed coins to and from his work he smiled and the office force loved him and said they worked better in the atmosphere of his smile than they could work anywhere else ho smiled and those who had business dealings with him always had a kind word to say about him he drew patronage for his firm he smiled and people liked to enter the church at the east door because he was always there nnd greeted them so friendly they said they got more out of the church service after ha smiled in greeting them he smiled and the sorrowlns and those who were carrying heavj loads wre cheered and comforted ho smiled sad he hearts f those who were growirut dlssatls- led with the world in general took ms a her aunt jane hod made bexormifprtl ourflge and felt hunt all he sweet ua able in the little guest chamber off fnot gone out of life he smiled years rolled by and ho grew old but he amllod death came but he smiled the eyes were closed but the smile was still there as the thousands looked into the marble face for the last time as they passed through the church where the casket had been placed to make it convenient for his friends to see his face in loath he smiled the body was tenderly laid away but treat is the multitude of those who remem ber that tie smiled he smiled stand firm a chicken never makes so much fuss as whau its head la off the saloon has been decapitated intoxica ting- ihjuor has besii banned and lu its hour of extremity is using- wery known desperate means to break down opposition let prohibitionists remain arm meet vvry attack bravely and before long- the writhing- of the brute will diminish and ho victory is won the danger is lu uutttliig the conflict bsfuro the victory is qulto won- northwestern advocate j tho following- interesting letter from w fyed smith of the staff of the bank of nova scotia hatana son of bur esteemed fellow clilcen mr wellington smith has boon received with plea sure by the kxxa fox editor pax pacss dear mr moore i would be very much obliged if yog would add my name to your subscription list for one year so that i may have the weekly letter from home cuba is a wonderful country nnd ltw progress has been very rapid since it became a republic the high prices paid for aucar in the last row years has made everything and most every body but the bank uerks procperous money htre does not ko nearly a far as it did in the north but salaries are much huther i prusimi on that ac count the cllmuto is uelurhtful the days are mostly very hot but ono always needs a buvnkot at night and it seems strange to think that winter with its ice and snow will nver come wo had a dreadful tyclono last woek which did an cnunnuui amount of damage the ocean was so rough that it flooded a purt of tho city for six blocks back the frame houses near the shore those that were not blo uown were floating u round tho street i rnn one lost ntf a negative snowlnc how one dtrnlllng looked ifler tfif storm tii other houses aruun it being blown down or washed awry by tho waves it was really sad to walk alone the streets on nearly every corner you would hear qne negro addressing an other in this manner tjene us ted casat and the answer would be yo no which 1 spanish for have you u home and the anvwer i not i would like to hear from yoti soon mr moore in regard to tho kasa ikes for i am desirous of keeping in louth with the good old homo town yours wry slnoerely w kltkl smith i in burnt cuba tjeptunber is 10i a session with accounts nassaaawsya council pases a qrlat of ro bills at th last ntllk nliisnagnw council accounts w4ro paused as hwsi ionald kerr gravel j a luchardsou iimvfl 11 n mrluughlln growl j wa wijmii gruuel i a alexander gravel 11 t francis gravel it wallace rav 1 ii bay era gravel j hand bridge gravel i w jones gravel r 1 jno wilson gravel 11 n mclaughlin cutting brunt 3 canada irufor4rowhi calvetls 0 1 viv n o tacqn b w j a mi omc bchotnttndn 1 ownvmp n tho council adjourned to mont 01 november 3 ut 10 ovlouk ujn join marshall olurk v worms feed upjsp the vitality children and endanger their uvw simple and effective cure is motli groves worm exterminator save against the rainy dag the thought of being dependent some day when illness or old age takes away ones ability to earn is rightly distasteful to the canadian mind the simplest surest way to offset this is to open a savings account and add something to it every week come in and we will gladly explain the bank of nova scotia s n too 000 w fc craliaji attloit umw juuu hi audi really impossible op our line sir said tho manager of the local very local railway not only haa a collision never occurred but on our line a collision would be impossible imiwssible v eiclnimed his friend oh cornel i know hat the latest automatla safety devhies are excellen things but impossible i a large word its literally true with us air re piled the railway magnate how can it be why we only own one train brhakino it denyly you were dlscluirged no indeed i hut you lust your job ll happened this way the boss informed tne in the kindest possible manner that there would be no limit set for my vacation this year relieves aithmi at little expanse thousands of dollar have been vainly spent upon remedies for asthma and seldom if ever with any relief dr j d kellogg asthma ilemedy de spite it assurance of benefit costs so little that it la within reach of sll it la the national remedy tor asthma far removed from the class of doubtful and experimental preparations vourl dealer can supply it mausoleum fob faifwievv ttdltur knaa isasl dear sir l seem lutrd to stlrup the acton people to a sense of what is needed for the cemetery a mauso leum or some kind of building where the tjiskot could remain during the winter months until spring- opens is must desirable it is an unnecessary expense and a vory undesirable procedure to be dig- sins grave i in the winter when frost is deep tiuch u shelter u badly needed and 1 hope some progressive cltlaen will agitate the matter ruutil the counetl take action blitoerely onk intttllkmtkn ouslph hepternber s3 ivl event pa 1 2 3 iniheweek afe0uardb prom plu ol tleorge a hoper of the hani tury corps l h a writing- recently in miitikf expressed the ojlnlun tluit it would uft lie stirprlalnif were tiiiuther ipllcmln of innuenxti i visit thl oiitiient in krltsln u frrsli iinl clin wltut 11 lit ruling prnvulenro nf lh latum wu recently reported und in- ihn lust grtat eruiuhtn tht r have hem local and spasmodic appear um t h hi many localities col boper uyu lliut hln idra of tho moat esseutlul thlna to mm ember are emitted in flu folhtwlns- twelve indeiiseil rulep pi ixiiiil lual hepleiiilktr rocuinnioml- ul hy tllr huraeon lenprul nf tho ii h army ami publuhed by order of tlui h mlnry of war ttiat they in j la have ull hie publicity 1 avoid needless ciowdlug in ftuenu is 1 truwd disease hinntlicr your coughs and uiiimiih lit r lo not want the mix wlildi you would throw uwuy z yimr nose not joui mouth was 1i1 utho thr ugh gut hahlt t ufjiiemtt r th throe c s a cl inoiith iijii fkln and wean clothe r try lit keep oolwhen you walk uiwl wurrn wlion you ride and sleop c open the windowsalways ut homo ut night at the office whun prut thublo 7 hoose and chow your food well k your fate ntay l in your own lianiln wash your hands before eating 9 don l lot the waste products of mutation u cumulate drink a glans of wutnr on getting up to itallt u3 u luipkln towelvpoon fork iilin o tup whlcn has bein tiuod by unothnr person and notwashed ii avoid tight clothes tlrht si 1 lif hi blovrik to make iiaturn your ally not your prisoner i- when the air is pure breathe all of it you can breathe deeply an easy fjii to tsk home per- hons have repugnance to pills becaus4 or their nauseating taste ianneloe vugetuble 11 lis are so prepared as to then azreeablo to tho most fas tldjoua tho most delicate can take them without fooling the revulsion that follows the taking of ordinary pills t lis it one reason for tho popu laxity of these celebrated pills but the muln reason is their high tonlcal tuullty um u medicine for the stoniiu h tonoirtovncouver both ways aaoax loiolt 00t0beb 6th ul toronto union station y 15 pm most modern equipment ftandard slaaplng pining tourist ancf i colonist cmrsr firatpl day coaches parlor 0t thrtjugb th rockies seassy mandgjr wsdessdy prldsy cjatfsa bje tie a i ell tha wy tae47i tharadsy satardsy via orb herili sey ooebrsna ind psesdlaa matloaal rertaer tsewsssuea cress osassbui msueasi tlekaff afeats r iiieul pjusefloerpepaitsc1t toh0bt0 the emplovers time a plumler und a painter were work- lua- lu uio aume house the painter arrived lite und tho plumber- sitld tn ifou arti lto this morning- sah tho painter 1 had ti stop und have my hair out vou did not do it on your em- ployur time did yout said tho liurpber huro i did said the painter it row on his tme everybodys maga- canadian national railiuaus a joan of arc machine s he withstood everythink in the field and above all was and still is tho last and only car to survive until tho cessation of hostilities extract from letter received by ford motor fompany from a british soldier in africa overshelltorn roads through water soaked fields second only to the tanks in its power to climb debris and crater holes tho ford car made a world famous record in the fighting area oftho great war in press despatches in field reports in letters in rhyme and song the praises of the ford were sounded in france 700 cars out of j000 were fords in italy 850 cars out of 1000 were fords in egypt 996 cars out of 1000 were fords in mesopotamia 999 cars outaf 1000 were fords the ford powerplant that established this worldwde record in every theatro of tho war reajaips iho bame it will bo in thp ford you boy itonl rnnmbqiit woo toortag 1890 onopmblojouuwekctriobtmtliifruiljtmiiit eqpmontli00lr coupa 7 mail ij7sclomd mod jurfe include the trio starting and uitbtlnjr equipment demoudtabla rima urocarrler and nan aaid tire on rar aa optional aquipmant on cloaad can onjj at 2 aztra tbeao prjcoa ara f o b ord onk t do not inclada war tar- r when ton need boots shoes at any tine j liuv fbom w williams mill street pamous for satisfactory footwear rkasonable prices how cjooking is done in a tireless cookhlove looldn tho prlnlph ut trt im hliiipliruly ltir ihu in it thitt dot n thu kiklm ii itird up in until 1- r itlud riidukirti rhino inlhix tl ix in ttil ov i itiy kind ut hiuvk any kind of fiiui i ho in nl d r kllmru nru liim i in lh oolduu inpnrtmii nt with tho uloriiill will in oultiltm tint rl to in ank tho tx li uinujly jin 1 1 in tit nrlxtui htov in itn i iw hlulr nix ld a if tho in it tinin tin iiullitxia inn lot futuihi finm th i ik imm it in hold imprlumiod within llm niuliu iiiipnrlmcnt 1 in so jinpi lu nud hout ruvm in ti it i tho r iw 1 umt k it rh oiiiimc tlno p tliiliy th iiliiui tltim as tliut ntlowid tur ixinrdlnnry nttvi i noufli hint tiitt l in u rudhttiin hiu f t w mlmiith 11iurtuitllv xiok um tirtl hi of rml whlth would iiiulkx titvtirul liuix if lonliniiouii flu by hi otl utyln tiv 111 hol thum lu u uavlnif or iniiu limn ho p r iil of tli ful ion ilfol ut 22jk0 uiu33x0 we have what you wan r the bond hardware co lid phons 1012 quelph this stores policy to represent jjoodb ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mjs- mkei to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellery guelph ontario atafl dnak to caotrfa write toe fro i jluy only cmwm iw paris too dvaurm and ovr mqqo strvic oorag mpply h a coxe dealer acton quality our sweater owls main tain the standard of quality ill oil our styles quality raincoats wo maintain the standard of quality in jtho raincoats wo will quality it the atandard in ull our merchandise r e nelson phon 40 naxt poat offlo quelph acton flour and feed store wo liava a auuply ut tho following liuw oil liaild th wellknown brands of kfnga choice norval and national pliur- nothlna btur i rolted oats oilcake shorts oat chop bran feed flour kalt lu llarrwla 200 xh lias a or amoll luuntlty if doalrod hlktmal iiniq in cliioiun itjcki uivu oult calk ui0al jl tiuax uou1cut1c hoijjfli oath tiim mctrr unuda 1vmm iluard uceuaa no ss robert noble limited nenrvawrev it your tlratl uym urn ci lu fpr kunformliui that will nuihlf von tn i- wlth uuna umt to lkilt ftit 1 tllntjiito wllliinu uyu wtiu you hhuuld vllt tiu wo w oxumhiu your ym und uiu fur thoni thu kliiiiiirn thut w okhiii mku iki itttiiii wir llvli lofuutn i rh aauoxpt unk

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