Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 3

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ffilje adntt 3tor rtbb rilllflhday octoih it 10 lftlo diary of the thirteenth oon of tlilrlkn ir them lie wwtwit there a illy i iw i a wealthy itialdci tutu wfo at last 1 cool l du naught ut algh lie wag id eurh n dreadful ey found ilia hat hat t1ie old han of the big clock toweb the editor baa banded mo tho fol lowing rrom notwnac ano of oilr elderly cltutcns fho is an old and iwliwinni resident upon read i nt tho weekly i ntribu tlun of tho old man of tho clock tower the other day i noticed jack hutchison a reforenefc to tho base ball eb ine with the luolpu champions 1 can give an instance ol whom too churn pion moplo leafs did not como oft so well they invited tho pastime of acton to go to guelph and play a prnctlco iiudo with than our boys got bilk badges with pastime b b c printed on them and they made exeat preparation for the important event i wm looking at one of the badges the other day it looks well yet well the boys wept to cjuelph and having ar- rtred in the town i could aee as we went up wyndharn street the pitying amlles of merchants and others at the presumption of an ordinary country club com in- to play with their cham dions tho uunu ox tho acton play era that day were jack hutchison dick thurtell jake denpsey bob creech jim nlckllo jack cameron iiave ughtbeart llllly slower and tom kennedy cameron was a second nine man but played with the drat nine that day and on some other occasions some of the quelptnnon were nichols bunley jackson ooldle billy mad dock billy smith and others tho same was called ouelph went to bat nichols sent a red hot one which near ly knocked dick thurtell our short stop over but tie held it then son ley sent another just inside tho foul line and jim nfcklln cot it at- the first base another quslpb ato sent one up in the sir and our centre field cot it then acton went to bat and made three runs ouelph want wild on the rrand stand tho final outcome of the come however was eleven run in ouelph s favor but acton whitewash ed them in two innings which was considered a wonderful performance for a country nine x wonder if jack hutchison would remember when pat ualloy undertook to bust up the old school which stood in front of the old presbyterian church alongside of crewson mc iaughlln s present property the teacher mr broley had threshed bill his sonj and pat came to thresh the teacher pat was about half shot and cwdb swinging that game les of his in segments of circles up the aisle mr broley caught him by the should- ors and ran him back to tho door pat to save himself caught the old time teachers tibh desk and upset ink stands books etc it was quite t relief to the scholars when pat was shoved out of the school bouse door for when be was hut seas over he was no- mean antagonist- neither was julia bis sister i wonder if jack remembers an ex perlence i had ono day at school it was my first day t was sitting on one of the old forms jack stood in front of me he never spake but let me have it right on the nose of course you know what followed when we wore pulling each others hairjohn coats canto between us and took ono in each hand it was a draw but john did the drawing jack and c hurtle hymon of tho glasgow llouse wore fast friends but jack had u grievance against charlie one summer charlie had a straw berry patch on the lot opposite the store where noble s feed store now stands there were luscious straw berries there and they were especially enjoyed at the full of the moon in the year i70 this jack well know charlie threatened to set a shot fun but if ho did he never used if- 1 m glad myxoid friend jack has made good but we old chaps who have stood by the town have generally got throe meals a day and a pair of overall by the way wo have u pay ahuuijmloo pair for overalls now and theyre no better than those we used to buy from charlie for 76c how is that for high jacktt well z must close or krm posse readers will think wo old fellows an in our dotage i remain yours plathir hut when you take your hal lot on monday anil go oft in that roam with only yourself and ood to know how you vote think well of the respon nihility hiat rests upon you if you inark ono cross in the yes coldnin it may bo the downs 1 1 of some one very nrsr nd dear to you untlko adam of old i do not to blame everything on v so just a few words to my fellow men voters- no ntcxpec i the women to pull you i ut f every scrqpa help yourself when you gt t v to maybe tho boys will kid you if you tell them you dtdn wont tho slutr back hut what do you care won t you feci uko a big full slxed man after you comn out of the milling booth and have vottsl four noes t won t you feel as if youve boon eomr good to yourself your fellownaon and posterity t uay by jlmmlnyl im so worked up over this i referendum election can hardly get my thinker to work real smoothly on the ancient history main street bo you 11 just have to let me continue on it and the history wait when i try to remember the old darn juel now there rise up before me in voluntarily pictures of the drunken carousals of barroom days mill men drunk farmers drudk townspeople drunk eslnt and winner alike drunk on some occasions on this old treet 1 vo seen men drunk at night men drunk fci tn day time when they should have been at work men drunk all day who were past working and had lost their jobs through drink tea and 1 ve sofm women drunk on main street i ve seen drunken man and women chasing school children as they were returning borne ive been boys in their early teens dninir on this street there wss under the barroom rule drunkenness on saturday and drunkenness on hunday business men drank and worktngmen drank i remember when four barrooms and two liquor stores were in operation in acton there was drunkenness galore in public in private on tho street tn the home in the shop and on the highway there was often pandemon lum flgtita galore and what a waste of money and what a spectacle for the rising generation i after coming all through this for years do you wander that in my old age i shudder st the bare possibility of ever having an acton like that again t after the quiet three years wo havo j oat experienced under prohibition do you wonder that i dare not permit my old fingers to do other than mark four crosses x x x x la tho n column on my ballot next monday i hope tmry one who reads this will do likewise when t think or the invariably happy well fed well clothed well shotl children on our streets to day and contrast with that condition what i used to see when the licensed barroom and the licensed liquor store held sway in acton by the holy smoke how could x vote any other way but with a clean sweep of cr in the no column on election day visions of hungry half clothed leaky shoed kiddles whose daddys spent more in the barroom than to their homes haunt me yet do x want to see that cqme back again not on your life by crackey i wouldnt be able to sleep easy if i had any part in bringing these sufferings and privations back to tho precious kiddles again dont yon forget it- xtrery ballot with yes cross on it means that boose is by ft wished a chance to steal the little folks bread and butter and shoes yes and s say i remember a drunken dad in this very town and not a very old dad then either who stole his babys shoes front the house one night when be was on the spree and the boose had taken bis lost penny and be pot them on the bar for a drink he got the drink and the booties went bock of the bar among- the whiskey bottles and next morning that little chap cried for bis shoes that his daddy who loved him dearly whan sober had pawned for liquor and that was in acton and that boy still uvea in arton hes got gray hairs now and next monday hell vote four x x x x in the no column he doesnt want to see barrooms back in acton whose btwse might rob other fathers children of boots and bread no by heck he wouldnt and yon wont cither im sure say i must stop old john barley corn has given me a text i could write about and string off things be caused to happen right here in acton that would run over the column and abalf the editor allows me and a dosen more of ultra tht uvea blasted too homes of sorrow the broken hearted wives the hungry kiddies the business men- sent to the gutter the graves in the old cemetery back of this very main street and more graves in falrview because of boose and the liberty league asks yon to bring back the barroom and the liquor store well i must quit but well never do it will ve rve got all in a sweat over this and vm really afald it will start my rheu matics going rgaln but say im going to do my level best to knock out the drink this time good snd plenty help an old fellow wont you to help the kiddles he loves- help me and help them bay make it four noes x x x x next monde yv wont you for the sake of them and the old man acton october fl ltl noukmac monday will bo the great day tfar many it will bo an epoch marking day many a woman will cost iter orwt vote and my what an luua tu cast a first vote upon tho f think about it the bigger and niie it mom only the other night us i sat snd dosed uj here in the tower i heard the old wind mill tart its ccusclcaa howling thought will wo go back and food the hungry monster t wjli the saloon oome back todlsgrace our uountry and as i listened it seemed as if want ed to hurl a thousand noes at it this is my parting tthot on the greatest issue ever faced in this province i would that my pen were airongsr and more pungent that t could point out wlurt i really think but 1 will do my blame dsst for years men huve tolerated the bar thelra has boon the franchise and the resihinalbluty to a certain extent for tho petpol nation in society of ajfuslness mure loathsome and tin cause of more trouble than any foul disease- and now the ladles are made ooportners in having a voice on this jpvat issue i offer no blarney to coerce your vote my feminine frlenrs this is not the time for soft soap and sparks from trie anvil llig juarrels often start over little dcjalbl brotherhood is helped moat through fine deeds not through one speeches tlw patriot la not the man who live off bis country but the man who lives for his country if thoughts breathe we should take care that our thoughts ye not foul but pure and sweet thfese who guard nuwt carefully their duties seldom have need to complain about their rights jabs friends argued that what- was good enough for the fs there was good enough for the children ood was dla pleased with that teaching he wanted mankind to make progress and not think of the conveniences of fathers ur children needed protection keep your body well nourished and strong and- there is httle danger r rsssnrirr taar yea kmep up yoar ressstanoe there are thousands of families who would not dream of being without the protection that scotts emulsion affords the right idea is to start in the fail with scotts emaltinn and be pro- a tected for a strenuous ctk winter its seetrs ju eassssiea jrss ask far rnmim t ii iw tm i tlie support of every elector of ilollon man and woman who 1 m not satisfied with the present governments ad ministration of the affalra of this province is respectfully solicited by e h cleaver the people democratic liberal candi date for the legibllure i cannot agree wioi tlio glaringly autocratic and cxtrava gant administration of tho affairs of tlun province by the present government which has been catering to and encouraging the prontcera and big financial interest- even during the gravest stress and strain that hn ever been known in canada due to tho recent awful war and that which follows on being elected i will do everything within my power to advance moat economic and efficient administration of the affairs of thi3 province witl a square deal for all and that with out fear or favor nomination day october 13 election day october 20 village of acton by law no l a bylaw to provide f or the bor rowing on debenfurcb the sum of 25000 for the purpose of loaning the same to gourlay fogelbftff limited to enable ihcm to establish a plant tn the village of acton for the manu facturing- of boots and shoes whereas oburlay fogolborif lira ited of the flrat part and tho munlcl jul corporation of the village or acton r tho second part tiavo entered into nn agreement that in consideration of the sal 1 corporation providing the said company with a froo site for factory and lending thrni the um or 25 000 repayable in twenty annual oyinonlsaf 12 170 si cuch the said company ugrocs to erect in fa ofjo chosen by tho said corpor fittownn the village of acton a fac toryl building coating not less than ttlivuoo and to 1 natal in aaid factory all yjtiodern machinery and plant re quu4d in manufacturing- boots and nhoes the touuequuiment including buildings landuiid tho aafd plant and children cry for fletchers castor i a fletchers castnria is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medldno is rcn more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for erovnnps are not interchangeable it was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castnria before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that to nse for oyer 30 yeara has not proven whcrt is castoria castorla is a harmless substitute for castor on paregoric drops and sootung syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opiom morphine nor other narcotic sabstance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty yeara it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fovcrishness arising therefrom and try regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always in use for over 30 years tub cowtaum company nsw yosk citt wt cet lengthen the shopping day a shop illuminated by hydro gaa filled lamp invites patronage and i ndcnce goods appear as they are tho business day is extended hours that otherwise would be dull axe mad busy and profitable if your business stops when dusk fails the reason usually is found in poor or inefficient lighting vou can improve every hour of the business dy by installing hydro gas filled lamps you flood the gloomiest corner of the shop with the brilliance of a sun hydro gas filled lam pa carry the endorse ment of the hydro- electric power commission of ontario this means that they havo been tested in the laboratories of the commission and are perfect in tvery detail let us demonstrate tho superiority of hydro gas filled lamp j htxnraelectrlc power commission oc sals by of ontario hydro electric deptghydroshop ask the hydro mas htdro gas filled lamps free press ads bring results machinery to cost not less than 36 000 being tho amount agreed upon between tho said company and tho na 1 corporation and the aaid lands hulldlrufs plant and machinery ahall be free from all hens charge and oncumbranco of overy kind other than the mortgage hereinafter mentioned the said company vhall complete the eroctlon of the said buildings on tho said property and shall plooe the said machinery and plant therein and have the same in operation as a going concern by the first day of january 1020 and shall during the term of twenty years from the first day of january 1010 employ in the said bust ness not less than sixty employees or the average in each working day of each year it tho sold term unos urevonted by ore strike or other an avoidable cause the calculation as u the number of employees and the amount- of wages to be made as here lnafter provided tho usscssmont upon tho said foe lory machlnoryequlpraent etc shall be flxod at p 0c per annuni far ton yeara for school purposes the said company shall execute and deliver to the said corporation a first mortgage for tho sum of iieooo upon the said jml dings land and premises plant and machinery stock in trade free from all lower lienor charges and encumbrances of every kind and all other rtxturas machinery and plant to bo subsequently placed upon aaid pre- mlses in connection with the said business which said plant and ma chlnery and fixtures now upon or sub sequently placed upon tho property a hall for the purposes of the said security to bo regarded as part of the freehold and tho same to be of tho total value of 30 000 as a guarantee of good faith and for the faithful per fo nuance of all conditions and coven ants binding upon the company under tills agreement until the discharge of tho said mortgage as hereinafter pro vlded and to secure the corporation loaning the said company the said sum of fas ooo the said mortgage snail bo prepared and made in pursuance of tho snort forma of mortgages accand shall con tain the usual statutory covenants contained in such mortgages and such others as the corporation shall deem advlsabls for the security there by intended insurance to the extent pf at least 7g per cent of the cash value of the buildings plant machinery and slock in trade on the mortgaged prem ises shall be placed upon the same by the said company and premiums paid therefor the said company shall during the sold term of twenty- years whenever required to do ao submit to the cor do ration a statement as to wages paid and persons employed by the said company such statement to be pre pared and alg ted by a regular charter ed ocaojntant satisfactory to the cot poratlon and if required also verified by a statutory declaration to bo made by the said company and whereas it is expedient to pass this by law and submit tho some to ss ejectors of the sold municipality authorize the said corporation to borrow the aum of 3b ooo on the da bentures or the sold municipality for the purpose of loaning the same to the said company to enable them to erect the said factory and to carry on the business of manufacturing boots snd shoes in the said village of acton and whereas it will be necessary to borrow the said sum of 126 000 and to issue debentures of the vlllago of acton therefor bearing interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this dy law and whereas it is expedient to make the principal of the debt repayable in yearly sums during tho period twenty years in such amounts re spectively that the aggregate amount payable tor principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly us may be to the amount so payable for principal ami interest in each of lhe- other year whereas it win be necessary to rulse the annual sum o 12 17u sl during the period of twenty years to pay the said principal money and interest as they become due and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property at the village of acton according to tho last revlsod assessment roll thereof u ss3 07300 and whereas the amount of the ex lstlnr debenture debt of the said vii logs of acton is the lum of s641cs7s and no port of the principal or interest thereof la in arrears therefore tin uunlupal council of the village of acton enacts ss fol lows 1 the sold aum jt 36 ooo halt bo loaned to the sold o our lay vogel berg limited for the purposes afore suld and for the said purposes the sunt of 92s 000 shall be bom wed and debentures of the sal i village of acton shall be luuud therefor in auras of not leas than 1100 each bearing interest at tlio rale of ttlx per conl per annum i my 11 bl o yearly and having interest ooupona uttuchod titers lu tnch of the suld dnbeuturvs eliull be isauod within one year from the day un which this lly luw is passed and be dated on the day uf issue tburoof and dial i be puy able in twenty annual instalments of the rwspactlvw ulnouuti set forth uchedula a hereto attached stt tho otnio of the treasurer of the village uf acton 3 the aaid dubdji turns and coupons ahall be signed by tho hoove of tho said vlllago und the treasurer thereor and the said dcheituita nhall be sealod with tho corporate ueul of the stunt duality 1 during twenty years the ur rency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by epsclat rates on ull rateable property in the village of acton tho mini ox f j 17b 1 fur the purpose of paying tho amount due in each of the sold years fttr prlnclpal and interest in reapit uf the said debt as shown n the tklpi dulo a hereunto annexed 4 the lteavo und clark m hereby dlrnkiol and vuthoruod to convey tu the said o our lay ltugelberg cjmlted part of lt number twenty eight in the third concession f the township or kaquosing now within the limits of the village of acton as a nlte fur tbolr ropnaed fat tury 0 this lly law shall taxe affect and romo into operation on uinjlay of the liannlng thnrrof 0 the votes of tho 1- lor torn of tli nal vi lingo of arton cntltlrd to tote on this lly law shall he takm on i rl day the ttilrtj first day of ottolxir 1319 commencing at the hour tf 1 ini o clock in the morning aul oontlnulnr until live ocik1i in the afternoon of tho mi mo day at tho following placasr nl by the following deputy jtoturn lug omrera that in tn nay 1 iolllnj hub divuloji n 1 at the town unll with w ai joui i deputy lutrrilng oiilcr 3 polling hub dlviilun no 2 at c c hpelghts uliop main ejtroet wit 1 1 ian huiltli ixputy itoiurnlng oftleer 7 on prlday the seventeenth lay of octaher 1019 tho iteovo of the vii lags of acton shall attend at the tow 1 hall acton at ton o clock in the tarn noon tn appoint in writing sinned by him two persons lo attend at tho final summing up of tho votm and ono ier son to attend at each olllnc plnco on behalf of the persons intemated in and leuirpu of promotli g the paimlnii of thin lly law and a like number on be jialf of tho persona interested in and tfrilroua of opjktsinjr tht- pucnlnc of this lly law 8 tho clerk of tho council of the num village hall attend at the town hull art nn at six o clock in tho after 1 x n of the thirty nrnt lav f october 1310 lit su n up tho number of votm given for and ugaltuit i bin lly law 1 anno 1 hi ojhin council thin day of 1919 itcovn clerk hcl ediilo a referred to in tho ity luw i eret aniiexod am ut t f prfnrimtl and interest re quire 1 ynarly to retire 2h 000 do ben turtmt lit twenty years at six per cent ih r niinum iiayqble by instalments as fi ii wa year interest 1 rluclpal total 1 coo 00 i f70 01 13 179s1 i hi 23 720 39 3 179 01 i 1c00 763 ci 7 179 01 1 370 18 809 43 23fi 3 ntm i 321 01 8l8 0g 1370 13 909 4h 1 tmg li 964 01 2 170 01 1 1l7 72 1 021 89 2 179 01 i 09c41 i 0g3 20 2 179 fli i 031 43 1 149 19 2 179 01 362 s3 1 217 ok 2 179 ci sio 1 290 11 3 17d si bi200 1 367 2 2 179 si 730 04 i 449 vi 2 179 01 643 07 c50h7 43 ij 2tj rol 39 70 1j 37 1 s3 64 i 74 1 7o4s 1 hz0 0l 1 939 5 2 o0 24 2 17tv 2 179 2 179 01 ru9 2 179 fl 7 179 01 noticl tako notice i tint tho alxtve in a true co y of u in 1 mined lly law which lias been taken ini eorinl lemtlon and which will i filially passed by the uucll of tht conratlon of the vii lucu of a u n in the event of the uenent of ttseilectorn being obtained therein after ono month from the first publication in thoacnm ftm isssq nownli iier the date of audi first pub llcatli n being thursday tho second day f october 1919 and that at the hour day an 1 places therein 0xed for takh j ihn voles or tho electors the polls will ik hold and akn imllro that a tenant deslr lug to vtstinust deliver to the clerk 111 t later thairtie tenth day before the lay u l luted fov taking the vote the drclaratl m mivbsed by sub section 3 of be th n ot ihn municipal act uated tho 21 1 day of october 1919 h n faiimieil 14 3 ch rk of the village of actoi hook to tho jxztvlro begin with the boys he glorious victories of drake and nelson were des tined to be the foundation ol our empire and tho guarantee of the freedom of the seas which makes possible the vast international trade of britain and jier dominions 1 and yet when drake and nelson chose- the sea as their life- work who was there to know what would be the overwhelming consequences of their decision today if you havo any question in yourmind as co whether you should support the work of the boys naval brigades study the matter with an eye to the future get clearly in mind the tremendous importance of can adian products reaching foreign msrkcts which cap only be assured by the building of a great flsnartisn mercantile fleet mum- ud with cmmdiau stamtml we may build ships by the thousand but if we cannot man them ourselves our position is still economically unsound if we do not train canadia lads co man our merchant beet we shall be left behind in the race for export markets we shall have missed the greatest opportunity for trade expansion in all history what will you do to help some canadian boy wbo is anxioos to learn seamanship and so be of the greatest service to his country let your contribution to the fund be worthy answer help them by giving navy league ofcajiau ttlttitttt fs mm tv rafe fmmjw r am bgf af mr mnxhaml t wjmw im tt mmr mn fr tm m mefanlmw ferrtt 7 iwmtm uy mmd ymmg mum fmr mr wrttof mtbmy tftl arttmdik pamw hah thk os wjujes aehdju3 xucv13 thank god nelson for have dona my duty crvmrvign oil fcera2223 5i- seao- campaign committee for the province of ontario ckir sir john c baton vliol a m iiobbebun hmmmnrt trer sir edmund walxbs aflu i tiuwbi n l uaktin 3 suit slnt w to msiniuiiiiiratikiiisiitogrffiimisim j dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can tafely de pend upon eonsistent continuous and eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton i i 1 i

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