Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 5

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ctyr acton 3tar jbb tlltiujiav octoiult i 1010 moqtlv sunshine i und hurt a teurdni llr at i ih r u him und tlirrt hund rouclitxl jirtt in tpluc yim iilnitff hhudown ki ufllttlli itlptit im rr yiyr way nmllhi kuy iltrft ii i ii rt u iliymrt id hi ri u lower hero and there thn iiuulljcht llnnkli if through tho nliown humtr win hut i ikl of k i und th r i iiiu tilt ii ivlng down twenty years ago from the leaue of the free presa of thursday october 10 1899 tho full wjitul lu inkhic unusually ftim ut present thankitglvtna iuy iluny vultorn to and from acton lo day jflio morning service of lortrlu light connnencl mi monday aro irtir soldier boyri getting ready 1 fur tho in lilt ju expedition lu south 1 afrfcut tol cjoodwilllo uiyu it a nun vtiend fifty excellent marksmen from vultnn w j iuc tailor luui settled in a 6j on again ami in addition to cus torn tullcirlng la flyelng cleaning nil pressing ludlen ami conllcmen n cloth lug ut his rr hltluncc next to larooran s planing rattle tho war tti south africa ha begun there havo imwii several onrokdinenu with tho hoars ut mafcltlng in which the lirltlsh n jmuwl them causing seri ous iohu tho imperial government has urreplod canudu offer of a real ment of 1 000 moil our boy will leavi for south africa- n about a wnok a numur of now buildings 1 this vicinity uro nourlng completion tho brick residence of mr william drown and mr robert wauon both on tho fourth llnu no fro mo huu for tho kl re to rook lliothers at tho trout ionus a now barn at the trout iondj uio now housa of mr m kaley on the second lino und mr joel ieallo m new houjw on tho first tine painter walker s finishing couple of new houses in georgetown marftled gibsons mclntosh at st jos eph church acton on wednesday morning october ib by i lev j j feeny mr thomas gibbon to min nie eldest daughter of nell mc- intosh all of acton a danqer averted tho misses lalcolm wore known to tho jltllo world or which urcenby was tho centra as the two malcolm girls in spito of their gray hairs and sixty odd years they were also kpown m the best housekeepers in all the region and any lapse from the exquisite neat neas of their domain soemod to the mioses- malcolm a terrible thins when cousin iulmor malcolm a reckless western- relative died the malcolm bbu started for the missouri town on four hours notice although they had entertained thirty two liar- vest gleaners tho night before too to miss sophronla the older was alio ted by mutual consent the task of putting the lower rooms in order mo far am possible while miss iuudorm at tended to thulr bedrooms and their simple packing when they were at last seated in tha train after a two miles jolting ride in the old coach mhts isudora noticed that miss sophronla s face wont a troubled and anxious look as cou sin wlmor malcolm had been a great trial to the family mian eudors felt that his death could not be the cause of her sisters worry und after a few moments of alienee she decided to probe tho matter at that very mo ment miss sophronla ijioko kudoru und her tone was one of dlstreioj i let mrs goodwin fo up to tho niutre room just before supper lust night to get the measures of our quill and bolsterspread und the bell ranj while nho wad meanurlnff and she hurried down leu vine the ujillt on one of the chatr und two of the curtain shades up to the top she told jjve und i forsot lu hup pose tho house cauhl on flru while we re gone and tho nelkhtxini went in und saw that quilt on a chulr and ull what would uiey think or ur now hop broil w you ousht to have trustctl no und not worried said miss kudoru calmly something led mo to open tltut tpareroom door the utht thlnft- and whon 1 saw a fix twas in and knew i hadn t another minute i just locked the door und put the key in my pookot for tho thought of fire camo to me just us it did to you miss hophronlu face cleared i m so thunkful she suld simply i shouldnt httvo bud uim mite of pleasure or comfort in tha journey or the funeral if tltut door had bean left uulocked there is no humiiious liiifredlent li hollowuy a coin cure and it ran be used without dsnpei of injury he began it tho nun who wlfu nrteti said lie uover would uuru hot to tulk to people looked at his suut companion und ut the first opikiitunlty broke tho silence truvelllng muu like myselfr he in quired yes said uio other travel for a wool house mltio s hoots in ul iibotm suld the talkutiva one hut 1 ve t fd for gulf- you ueii my iilikwt 1 mrry thent everywltere kvot y nv of fud saentb t i liunjiiu tho ur i von t ujirco with of gutting ii ut tho t hof it rests him cut f his thuukhu mot now gtilf m hud i utled u small his ihh ket unil wus round imx front reudy to talk here m my fud tin uruke in as i sulil i travel for u wool til in hut this little ointment mude by uu uunt or my wlfu is my fud i ulwuys lai ry u touplu of jrnon inikoa with me und as you nuif it rents me unit ihuiuccs tha urrent or my thoughts and whonj hud u inlin like joii that rjui tulk ubutiiiii thing bosltllo huuli uu ui 1 vmtiilly like to 1 rll him the hory of ono ol tltcsi uulu itoos vt olntmotu und whut it hit tfl 1 i dou t c iivince htm in half an hour l hut its ifcuctly whut he heeds why i cuii lo it in an hour uhi uttei 1 the solf m soke 1 170 la shilo oskbcoughs evgryoncwhoboudh canada s vic torybomls matdcmoney every one of the million and a half subscribers to canadas victory bonds knows that he can sell them today for more than he paid for them every one who bought canadas victory bonds has received 5 pr cent interest per annum paid twice a year over half a million canadians who bought canadas victory bonds on the instalment plan saved money tat they would not otherwise have saved the guarantee back of canadas victory bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a one dollar or a two dollar bill there is this difference however that you get interest on the victory bonds and you dont on tha one or two dollar bill canadas victory bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan banks are ready to loan money on canadas victory bonds canadas victory bonos may be turned into cash at anytime there is no other wkin which you can invest your sney with sucl rate of interest money with such absolute tokin wr uteaecurj ltj paying such a good canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy victory bonds 1919 it will probably be the last chance to buy canadas victory bonds on such favorable terms f to buy as many victory bonis ih timt as you now voish you had bten obit to buy tha last timo ficforijjjoanl919 every dollar spent m canada tinted ly canailai victory loan coinniitlee in cooperation with the iimlrr of i 1 of the dominion ut canada- vote four noes x x x x on monday how to say not mark yoiir ballot with an x after each question under the word no t mjnbf s ll mmm trmmht freer swtaft zssrssxzzx v toy m maist w mt im mm t perttwa above is on exact reproduction of tho referendum ballot showing the correct way to vote in order to sustain the ontario tem perance act as it stands everybody should study tho four questions and realize exactly what they mean do not be misled by the insidious demand for light beer tho beer of tho ballot is 1 16 stronger than the ontario tetnperanco act now allows and over five tunes as stranff as tne limit allowed for beer defined as nonintoxicating in great britain and tho united states answer bach question 1 unless you vote on every question your ballot u spoiled fc 3 you must mark your answer to esch ques tion with an x only anything ise would spoil your ballot j 3 unless a majority vote no on question 1 the bars will be restored and the sale of all kinds of intoxicants permitted 4 unless a majority vote no on questions 2 3 and 4 the ontario tem perance act will became almost worthless isto m s- the only sap course i mark your ballot as shown ubove nolfour timesno ino repeal no sovernroent beer shops no beer saloons no jrovcrnment whiakcy shops four xv each under the word no ontario referendum committee john macdonald chairmam d a dunlap trtturar andrew s grant vxcmckairman and secretary 100 cxeclalor lifo bldf toraito mk the suiday school lessor fon sunday october 1fc 1b19 i1y jkhhe i iiuiuuut jehijh ih iktklth hourlkur 1 xi ii additional material fur teac-jters- ustt i 1417 luike 4 xs 44 common sahptur pssssps z and straightway who utny wr ooino out of tha synagogue they came into the house of hlmon and andrew with james and john 30 now furnuns wife a mother lay sick of a fever and straight wny they tell him at her 11 and he came and took her by the hand and raised her ui and the fever left hr and she ralnutersd 32 and at even when the sun did set they brougnt unto him all thai were ick and thnm that were possessed with demons u and aik the city was gathered together at the door 3 and ho healed many that wore irk with divers diseases and cast out many demons and ho suffered not the demons to speak because they knew him 36 and in the morning a great while before day he roso up and went out and departed into a desert place and thnm prayed 3k and simon and they utat were with him follow after him 37 and they found him and say unto him all are seeking then 38 and he salth unto them iet us go elsewhere into the next towns that i may preach there also for to this end camo i forth 39 and he went into their syna gogues uirougbout all oalllee preach ing and casting out demons golden text jesus said unto him to day is salvutton come to this house luke it sa departmental topics snd refersncas irlmary toplo jesus in ieters home hark 1 xj memory vers jesus or naxareth who went about doing good acts 10 33 junior toplo jesus a visitor in ivttrs home memory verse mark 1 37 intermediate and senior toplo jesus examnlo of rlendly ministry mark i 31 3t young people and adult topi jesus a jurat in peters home buekboord the hoyal ouest tub oracious ouest tije heauncj quest the unweajufd glest linnn thoughts what an honor and a privilege it was to simon pete to havo jesus enter his home let us note some traits of this woederful quest who may be ours as well as peters 1 let us keep in mind that here was j royal quest- piter knew that jesus was the long looked for king of israel proclaimed for centuries by the prophets and heralded at last by john the ilaptlsl there wu nothing kingly in his appearance yet he was a king higher than herod or tiberius caesar and biroon peter knew t x lul though a king he wu xractnus quest iniler m house wat oi the abode of a fisherman yet tho lord of 41 did not disdain to enter it and to make himself at home with thoso who dvelt therein no mslter how lowly our home we can have christ as a quest within its waits x the cunt oj that day brought with him health he found a sufferer burning with fever he took her by the hand at once she was well and enter ed upon her household duties mints taring to her visitor is not that a parable of what christ is ready la do in every borne not merely for the bodies but for the deeper and more difficult diseases of tbe soult tbe news of the earlier miracle in the church and of the cure in i tho house spread through the town land soon a throng of sufferers were crowd 1ns the narrow street before peters home the lord showed himself un wearied in his willingness to bear the burdens of a needy multitude he was the good ihyslclan then and nuch he u now with an ear always open to listen and a hand reaching to help rsadlnas for nest week 1 monday peter in the school of christ matt 14 s3 33 tuesday made whole by kalut mark 6 12 34 wednesday liaising julrus daugh ter mark k 3643 thursday seeing and jesus luke 7 1833 svlday a q clous invitation 11 2530 saturday feeding tho multitude matt 14 u xi t sunday help from the lord jpaa 40 1 t llearlnj mall how about et no two people in the world have precisely the same idea to what constitutes the highest enjoyment of which they are capable mrs jen nings bad an ideal which did not ap peal at all to the person who should have been in fullest fympathy with her xlo to the plcnlct no i guess tiot nd the energetic woman looked scorn fully at the noqualtanoe who had ven tured to suggest such a mishap i dont enjoy lugging my food three or four miles into the bush for the sake of letting other folks critic it and get all eat up with gnat sloe into the bargain my notion of pleasure is pnmething quite different what is your notion of pleasure t inquired the visitor curiously well i expect to have about- as good a time this afternoon as ever i need said mrs jennings brukly weve got a load of joslab pond s elegant stove wood coming this morn ing and when my work s don this afternoon i m planning u take my crochet work out into the sited where it s oool and shady and watch ks saw and split for a oouple of hours thav what 1 like shout as well iu anything i can think uf i do admire tu see things going onl a mixed diet best it has long beenyvcognlsod thu a mlxd diet gives the best results and is tho most etxmotnlcai i tote ft m or tnuscla producing foods suh us are obtained from the various meats milk and some vegetable proteins and tsrbu hydrates such as bread vego tables and tha various cereals to get her with fa is and sugar cunsltlulo the heat and energy producing ele ment of our food these were fat ona time thought lo constitute practically a balanced diet but recently this has been demonstrated lu be incorrect in fact the greater the variety we have in our food the mora likely jwe are lo have included in ie all the element j essential tar the development bodies and the maintenance cal fitness nc m our of phtsl time has tested ltdr thomas kclectru oil has been on llxi inarkot upwards of thirty ymn and in thai trlfto it lias proved a blessing to thous ands it is lu high favor throughout caltadu and ii eatcollonin lias carried its fame beyond the seas it has no equal in tho whole list of llilineiita if ll were double the price it would be a cheap liniment factory distributors sale of ready roofing ill ends these are fe n tare rolls of prepares reocag eosaput with mtju owd up eeoseot for lay lag every rotl will cover wt toast 1d0 etrwara feet atar lapping the are not mora thorn foetr p to a i voq aad very auy of the rolls are in oete p bwc may be cbsfeetive fa appearance cewtosaara gad these mill ends ta bo geod for all proctieol purposes mostly lued as a rmn coveriag hmt henorads of eewares mow applied m oataida walla pf baudlnga to protect from whe mad dawpness mill ends are usually snapped p by cvetom ore irrtog noar tbe roofias mills bat we have secured enough to b ahu to asako a w s offer wo- sauat howev reserve tho sight to rafnao orders when once our prase at stock u aoid- order at ones aasd if in doubt as to bow much you need tho aloe of your hnikllns aad wo will ship tho right amount of reofiag to ctrrer i i make a big extra saving all roofinga oitarod in thta sale are mill ends of our highest arndea we particularly recommend the mill ends of slats sur face roofing you can lay a right over the top oi old wood shingles kindly order by number and for convenience clip this adv miiiar and snail with your order d 32- mill ends of three ply mic surface roof ing weighing about 55 pounds per equare our regular price 3 65 j ff min end price only ofioto e 42 mjl end of slate surface roofing in orna mental natural color red and green extra heavy end usually called four pry weight per square about 00 pounds the price usually paid for thta roofing in on tario will be from 4 00 to 4 30 depending oft tho dis tance from the null our mill enot price st qa noteji fariending to lay slate surface roofing over old wood irirarlrr allow 10 cants pec square foe- extra long largehead nails our u sheaf offer r tatreewe eer s ssmi te nkkly 4 ef wrj i cnia- est wtlt rketay rheklht en erders ef tea bella er y iwll ii in ostsrle eeetk el us ottawa vadar era r yea in f ten slfcsia with rear srder on isbseu s this we adew hwst te tke ottawa vadey er frncfc kjvw send no money s5 order cod aublrct to ipteectlon sad appreval btlore vee pay a et ll jbara h no agent seed cash with order your nosey back if not liisl the halliday company limited pavcrtoey dlaj4xutora ilton canada til am 101 pm dally oxtept sunday 118 p m dally except sunday iu tra sunday only 548 p m sunday only clpm hundoy only preioht and express express carriod on nil earn freight delivered dolly by special cxqreaa freight uxpresa or lelght picked up at any address in toronto q it aqn13w agent actoa next enrollment day brampton business institute monday october 20 a hthhil f exrullenca nflihliiiui lnu rxmmu finest oqulp ment efficiency courses hi iluslnt uu hlnoiruphy typewriting address lo day for particulari brampton business institute c e bou8fielo principal brampton ont easy to handle economical light weight you io not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in orccr to save money look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped f it has big car performance combined with small car handiness and economy just the qualities you most desire evearthlng for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106- inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontaiuo wlllysovexund limited tffll it mmiiii- j r lud ohio nd woriu wat toronto ontario touring csr model 90 136000 tourinc csr model 85 119500 for iorticulntu apply tu t j speight geor getown jas sym0n acton t jrailway time tables v at acton grand trunk fullvsy oyium going west n 21 sunday 10 34 am np 29 8 13aru no 31 10 34 am no 31 2 10 pjn no 3c c 09 am no 37 8 13 pjn qolng cast 34 sunday no 28 no 32 t lhlpm 7 osaro 11 18oit 3 28 jtjn- 0 ie pjn 8 13pm- torbnto suburban electric ftailway golna weet 17 a to- dolly except sunday 3 32 p m daily except sunday 8 00 p m dally axt opt sunday ll 02 a m sunday only 812 pra u sunday only ibipm sunday only qolnq east dallx except sunday kellys meat market corner milt and elfjln g treat acton i carry a full lino of meats as i havo had many years experience it la my aim to bring beforo my cuatotnurs lha vary choicest meats at a reasonable price will you glvo mo an oppor t unity to show yout cash paid foll liuttbr and egos w kelly acton ont uptodate goods atcc speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil sto i evcrv artiq1c- w excep- rtorml value c c speight mill street acton ready for your fall needs kenney bros have been ublo to secure a very sat is factory aim k of lutwoar for the full und wlntoi iruilu and ul prlcis hot utwrly up to tho point that has been prophesied lu so many quartern boots shoes rubbers mens heavy rubbers childrens school shoes and rubbers fine shoes for ladies and gentlemen ilopalrtrue is u fun t uro of our business wu repair ull classes uf shoes promptly and neatly kenney bros main street acton ont tse acton bakery m edwards co canada food hoard uiii no i oil mill street acton white bread brown bread bobton bread tea biscuitb 15c doz buns 15c doz scones 15c doz cookieb 15e doz wcddlne csko a specialty m edwards co acton ontario tore closed lvcry night but fri-

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