Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1919, p. 2

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h artntt 3fr ijbjs til iihia irminsii 33 loio for ot ccciliao day i rom 1 iinn ony fr in huvuly harmony til in iln rini ci lk- when nil ulerimuth a hra irrl ii uto inn lay ami 1 lt 1 mvn hir heart tin til lift vl win braid from high arlnn y hail dead then old uimi ik t and nmlhl anil dry in li ur- ll ir hint loim inap ai d 1 rom 1 urn my fr inn heavenly harmony till- mil truiiio ikfiun tlrmlh u l the iniuinm of the notes th llitl limliik full n nmn id 1 whln julia i struck tho corded aboil i uu hhiviiiiim hn thron hiimki oyuund anil w ikltrhiit on thnlr faces fall to wirlil ihul coltfltiul hi unit 14bu than i clod i liny thought thorn null t nnl dwil within hi hollow if thut shell thot ukik m nwtwtly iiml mo wo 1 1 ut luiiuiiimi mil not muklc raloo unil mill iii thotuniimt u loud rlitnjfor xi ill h 11m to urnlh hui shrill not of ungitr anil tnurtul alarms riio double doublo doublo beat of tint thundering drum crii ii llurkt the furv ciinu imrcr shared tin too lute to at iv thu soft om plaining nulo in dying- notes discovers thr won of hiilo lovers vh hj illrgti lit whispered by tho line lute hharp violins uroclalm thnlr jealoue pangi and il capo rat ion kury frantic indignation ipui or pnlnn and height of passion kor tho fair disdainful damo hut oh i what art can loach whit human vplco can roach tho urnxl orfnnn prulset nottm inspiring holy love note that win their heavenly ways to men j the cholr above t vi orpheus could load tho uvtto race and trees up rooted loft thalr place quacioun of the lyre hut bright cecelia raised tho wonder higher when to her organ vocal breath woj given ij sjlnlaklng earth for heaven vii am from the power of sacred lay a the spheres begun to move ami nunic the great creator praise to all the host above ko when tho lost and dreadful hour this crumb lint pageant shall devour tho trumpet shall be heard on high the dead shall live the ii vine die and music shall untune the stfcy john orydon operators stuck to iheir posts llko tho bravo follows they were ilnlty mar every living uoul in n hundred milium mllon or territory lit out for iron ilhiigeroun ground llut ynrtlnlcy wim caunht nnpplntc and ita 3u0 pooplo worn practically hemmed in hy ti iioikoi forcit qv tho ntatn had uvi r xitioiiiii tim vntlro wyhtmi of tlio m ami i wiib urotty well tied up wo hud pull- id frelrht uii hour the tiro hon an wn dart i unl thi ulilotrurkm wro about full tr wuliltik mm tho flro wa ntlll h nlilo hi- nmiltmil ii il wn w tin hn tie fiercely mk iil to try tt he junction wrn plenty of ifico uali nuturully thni mollvrji utid pu tiiy of drlvrrm tt lat i r 1 1 that day ivlmn thn tow ctmo froi tho yurdnlqy operator it wo bin loat dlnulrh for ho hud remained until it wan th luto tn ettcajmi by any track ttrouirh th i corral ami there wajin veil a handcur left at tho atatloil wind umiujcd i re will rruch uu in nnu hour thrw huinlrvd leoplo in daiijfnr un you rcli ua7 that wan the rnciuuijro which the unlmuitar retuj to ua front tho nbpa of lb utlon at ijittoll ho w palo anil lila hanilil shook ua ho npellod the nu hi wi wly liool to tell un i danger nor did ha call for volun- m to try to tt to yard ley woa u imylnc u through ticket for doath i b ilono with it tood around hnir- llnouaaed tho llile nown and did nothing except usui 10 tf cug ik1nau5son who had bn the round bona foreman lone that he thought be owned tho entire syatem gave out his opinion of lannlgan at the end of tho lattern oral weak on the m and b i and thla woa it that grandfather longlngn never 11 gt to hold down a paaaengnr lever on uibj rood whatever hea done back aat it aint in him then tho old man chalked up the limit on the aide of hla little smoke dlacolorod office apat with emphoau and well that closed the subject far on pug waa con corned i reckon if lannlson hadnt begun by blowing about hln eastern rocord hod mado mora of a hit with ua lie waa a tall awkwardly built mar with a shock or aandy hair and a axnootb humorous faoe ills lega and arms were remarkably lonj and thin and old donaldsons sobrlauet stuck to him liaddy lonelcga seemed ui fit lannlgran got a freight and the worst bunch of scrap iron on the road which in moments of enthusiasm pug- called an engine if there was any man handicapped in uie race to break the limit it wna the new man from tho land or tenderfeet- tbe system of advancement follow ed by tho m and b p did not include langth of service or twill just one thing counted the ability of a driver to get speed out of his machine over tho worst track the law ever mowed man to lay the country was new when the m and s p was surveyed and laid down it had been a race between the m and b- i and another corporation to see which should reach the terminating town where connection could be mad with the pacific road first wo won but at a coat which crip pled the road financially for years and the renewing of the first roadbed was a alow and laborious job we ran one fast passenger the urn ited the through mall curs were at tached to that train too it was a continual fight all through tho year to keep that one train aloi up to the schedule called for by the contract with the government if any ma on any other train show ed the ability to get speed out of his engine he was watched and if bo broke the limit he stood a good chance of displacing the driver then running tbt mull train the at and s p in those days was a farmers railroad 51 oat of the way stations were merely huts and water tanks in forest clearings tapping- a certain section of farming country stretching westward of the una laonignn bad been with us since the winter before lie was a good driver but not brilliant anybody but a pre judiced old fool ilka imnaldaon would have recognlxed his good points but you never could stir fhe roundhouse foreman when hed onoo made up his mind lannlgan bud learnod the road and his engine if ho followed another train he was on ita heols all the time and got himself well cursed fur it borne of us began to see that there really was mom to the eanlem nun than we had believed that full was dry tho sun and wind ail day and every day drying- the sap out of the trees and brush sail burn ing the leaves brown before the frost could mako them pretty lly and by tho inevitable happened klres beran ui light ip tho hnavons night and by day streaks uf blue unoko bid llucr- tho higher hills lie ports reached us from all dlrec tlons of fathluee burned out and set tlemeuts treat mod but for a week the conflagrations kept away from the jjie of the road thensuddenly one humtay morning a flood of nre swooped down the moun tain aide and crooned the tratks some mllea south of yards ley the limited came through soniowliat scorched and th enst day trafne uu the road between lattoll and tho junc tion wm cut oft altogether this shut off several settlements as well as ynrdsloy except by telegraph tn wtrea were still working antuour h upimiurod ut iub donaldnoi window and loaning hit arms on i lib iii looked in with tho samo liumunun twut to his loan features thom throe boxes thnro emplyt ho uukod jorklng his head backward to ward tho sidetrack ionadson nodded i m gong to hitch my engln em jimmy and me 11 see if we can git down there and beat that barbecue llmmo a clear switch the roundhouse foreman only star 1 but lifter tlannlgan had disap peared from the window ha rushed to the door and yolled aftor him hey you grandfather longlcgsl you ii be fried llko a pancake on a griddle due lannlgan only rrinned and leap ed aboard tho old engine we didnt know what ho was up to until ho d coupled on tho tljreo empty box cars and rattled away ovnr the switches and out of tho yard lies making a bluff some of us said others who respected the pluck it took to approach the tire thought hod novor get through but would waste his steam for nothing well jimmy its tilne to be a hot run the long legged yankee told his stoker as they ncored tho first belt of fire you fill up the furnace and ill slow down so you can jump i dont want t tiko another man to perdition with me oh i grucas ill atop soya sloason kind of shamefaced then they shook hrds on it and from that moment neither questioned tho others intention or ticking- to hi job hut junmy had loaded the old en glno for bear all right before they reached the fire line she was whirr lng miles under her drivers at a rate to beat ven our one fast train and the empty boxes behind were dancing like mad over the rough roadway were getunffjlhere jimmy sings put lannlgan ac last shin over into the water tank und fling a pall or so over mo when yoi got a chance he stood out on tho running board with a hand on the lover r his cap vcaor shielding bus eyes from the smoke and flying sparks peering ahead as beat he could at tho rails jimmy up to his nock in the tank flung pall after pail or water over his lonk figure suddenly the engine seemed to run into a veritable wall of flame it ex tended far across the roadbed and it wrapped the train about in a living seething mantlo as she rushed on it seemed as though no man could go through that sea of fire olive but when the old engine staggered out of the fire belt lannlgan still stood up- right at the lever ills sparse mustache his eyebrows his shock of sandy hair were gone lie was as bald as a parrot and hlsclo th ing was afire in a dozen spots hut he turned a horrible grin upon jimmy and waved his hand dive us another bucketl he croak ed and the stoker climbed out of the tank more dead than alive himself and put out the burnlns garments then they reached yordsiay i guess if any two men were ever welcomed as angels straight from heaven it was lannlgan and his stoker though they must have looked a deal more like devils from the pit two hundred and ninety people who had given up their last hope of con tinued existence piled into those three box cars like oaule the doors were closed and then it was up to lannlgan and jimmy to run them back to lal- tell the old engine was reversed and buck through tho awful belt of flamo and smoke she wont with the three boxes lannlgan certainly showed that day what he could do when he had the right of way fclcorchod almost to a cinder one in stant and saturated the next lannucan stood at his past and brought the res- cue train through to lai tell the box cars were a lire and the paasennrrs half suffocated when they arrived jimmy was pretty nearly drowned in the tank and we picked lannlgan off the eijglne just as he caved completely daddy longlegs was some time in the hospital und cams plaguy near los ing his sight and all because of that run hut if a man was over popular along the line of the old al and b i his name was laiullgau tho first day he got down to the yard the super hapimned to be thefe him elf tho line waa open again and everything running imoothty by that time only tho miles upon mllon of burred forostund the heap of ushe where yurdslsy had stood telling of tho forest fire llumphl suld the super trying td pick opt the aurlneers hand which least bandaged to shake i bear that youve been doing some tall running down here iaiinlgun and the driver grinnod sheepishly us though he had duno something to be ashamed of donaldson got your record chalk ed up on hi- ultlcr uull owr tlm limit ed luosn we ii have to fl id you some thing but lor tlian w freight to pull out whoii yuu re woll enough and umiuuii got tho 111411 train the iioxf fortnight proper prcoautionq enable settlers to durn ulaqh oafclv thn settlor mimt always bear in mind that h lire rniirrr in bin frlond and in always willing to hnlp him out by giving good udvlct in thn burning or his slash to i jour bin lapd having burnt many nlunhos 1m in more or lens or an oxpert in til in work and run help tho uettlor iniflarlnlly by having tho slanh piled and fired with tho inaxl mum rtnultn and minimum danger and trouble tho oro raugi r in junt an anxious as the nottlcr unit hln slash khoulil ik burnt without imiulmr my lumajcftor troublo tio rirsl duty of a lotlloi who wants to burn iris slash lx to mik if it is pnietiy piled ntiil ut luiht co rent from mi claudius tlnibtr or buililiiik nnd it would lx iiilvluuhfo when nofislbbi to hixa it at 100 foot in which cane it would reduce thn danger oncn thin in done he should then obtain a writ tan permit from a duly appointed rang- nr who will vlul t blu nlauh und uludly insun a permit if hn finds that thn lush la piled to uvoid iuy ww ilbln dun r to the htimdhnf timber or imlld ingu und if weathor londltionu urn favorable a to i tier nlould never ut t flio to lilu nlnsh nt midday firwhon there li a bcnvy wind blowing ho should alwuyx not nr in thn evening then if anything thuuld c wicnif be will have moi fucilltlra in extinguishing it ho should novor oet fire to too ninny pimi ut n time hu should burn o a or two ut a tune an otherwise he mid never bo able to control them he should huvo thn iionauk y linlp on hand according to tho ole of tflash that ho has to burn and always have palls and above ut with him so he can extinguish it if it should happen to spread it tho fire is still burning in the mornlns it should extinguished except during wet periods as tho heavy winds during tho day may cause it to spread a good time to set fire to a ulaah is just liefore it is going to rain thou ho will bo assured that his are will never run and caune any da mag j thj very host tlmo to burn slash l ln the early spring whon there is still snow in tho woods there is no reason why a settler burning a slash should cause any damage if ha takes tho nec essary precautions he should always romembertho following 1 to pile tho slash in heaps 2 to have tho heaps ut least l0 foot from any standing timber or building 3 to obtain a written burning per mit from the fire ranger 4 to hover uel flrn ut midday but in the evening e to never set flrn when a heavy wind is blowing 6 to have the necessary help at hand to extinguish fire if it should spread 7 to have palls and shovels with him 8 to never leave a fire before it is completely out t to try to burn during a wet 10 to always remember that the fire ranger is your friend it is coaler to bum slash by taking the necessary precautions beforehand than to try to extinguish a targe for est are henry sorgius manager bt- maurice parent protcetlve aasociatlon it eases pain ask any druggist or dealer in medicines what is the most popular of tho medicinal oils for pains in tho joints in tho muscles or nerves or for neuralgia anttrtiaumatlsm and he will tell you that ir thomas lic- leetrlc oh is in greater demand than any other the reason for this id tti it possesses greater hoallntf qualities than any other oil what i thrift tho fundamentals ilon- industry is another and there arevmany mora krugullty is an important one and one that in being overlooked in this now country can ada was built on thrift among- other thlnga the pioneers were specialists in thrift thrift is not hoarding it la not miserliness it consorts not with tho pessimist- thrift a intelligent care of money and resources conservation for the future wus und thoughtful spending tho thrifty man is an optimist for he has jtored up power and t irrl ft must be taught in th schools this will not udd to tho teachers burdorn for every subject of study can be so taught that it holps to inculcate tho practice of thrift a thrift club lu the classroom workn wonders in tho discipline of the tchool it sjlvns thj pupils aomi thing wortli while to talk about and something worth while to think about unltcj for a common ulm thy learn esprit de corps they como to know value of money und thq piiiicjplcs of thiy are imblnii g thn i ec sary preparation fix ltbtenship the attractive investment of buua suvlrutk wurkuvlugu htumps afford an excellent medium this plan ban been highly succasful in tho schools of groat britain of ha united states und of canada always services bis most pills lose their properties with age not so v iurmekoes vegetable i ills the pill mass is so compounded that tlieh strength and effectiveness is preserved and tho pills ran be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency this is u quality that few pills posse home pills lose their power but not so with purmeleee they will main tain their freshness and potency for a long it worked i am your worst cncmy i put the in lie tu i ut uf tan t ojmoiti ilty f tlial expres and i oacls you the slou wliat s the i send good l us tumors away they nevm ouuie back 1 piim lun on good mcicbanlse cobwebs in your doorwiy and ir your win lows to shut out the sun i take money out of your pocket and iflvo it tu your competitor 1 take pep out- of youi step and joy out of your life i keep i from huoceae i have you so you ilou even care what my name is but i sign myself indifference as u vermlllde there is no prepar ation that equals mother iruves wdrm 15xarmlnatur it lias saved the uvea of oountloss children a jupailbse mr ainoku wosoda dls usses japanese humor in the tour ist and offers the following selottlou uuld an innkeeper a wlfu tu hur bus- the guest who uiluti this evening lurrlvs u package hut seems to con tain things of great value i wish hs would leave it behind i have u good lilua said husband i will glvs him a brunt deal of in yoga the innkeeper carrlwd out his plan and usve myugu a spicy vegetable miipitoaed to prcduie forgotfuluiss ubuiidjnce to tho guest with eollp i with vegetables and soon after the guost hud departed ho hopefully ape ted tho fount there was no truro of the luvolml baggagu the landlady began jo scoff at the lueftlyely of myoga us all oblivion liroduitw but hrr huslwtd admouishtul bar not to loss faith so ruspy the myogu has had its elyou he dec lu roil what do you uiouut lnuiunuod thu woman why he forgot to wy tils bill re plied the husband their ability my boy aid hn physical culture advocate is only four years nbl but he au raise forty pounds that s nothing rejoined nowpop my girl is only four months old and she cum raise the whole house kx- chsngo ollrii i br r- m wees nrt5 tear pnwu by ttsfl pr brtrjt for brtmii m 9m cy rm writ u tsssvlsw cy prewar days ane quickly resumed jts funny bow iiulckiy wn slip bin k into tlli old kroovth of f oven thmirljurriul out of them by yearn or wwr ifiiir wn ik bed hy anil imrtlugs inn t it true that in mont unuillau holm ii life lih ii on to day pretty mm h iih it did flvn blank yi ui uirii thn ntut wart no mi omo to th jiretkfant tubl with thn ua m i miluy rif t liii tbouuh tin rn in pi rhupn a nbadn le jxr rln to their vilirtnt i ttirmil from wur iikj hcud of a rumlly iilti in bin old iiccu itniiuil pi it at mnry tiinn pei hin briniiiiu i w 1 hid of irltn uiul knlcht for thn yuunciiti in with the uinn bom life i tn pretty much as imfon 1 he burub okl rtllliltlrs of wur un nllinlmr lni th intnt buck for tet th inlly fori el i1 blood 1rue ii iwihiirciiiir iltudaabrile it was thn tlshoimnii lanbel into thn tnuii try hotel und oxcitnlly gmapi i th malinger hy tlm arm what do you miun by luring ung- loru hern with the promise of flm hull ingt hn nuld there isn t u bit ol flailing hor lvi ry bnkik huu u ulgi warnlnii hiopln off 1 dldn t iny uuyhlin about fln flnhlni rfuld hu munurir lulmly if you will kindly mul mv ulvi ruacin ill rurnfulty you will hon wbut i uulit wnu i tailing uuupproiichublo i we invite far mers accounts our service to farmers is as com- clete as 87 years of growth and know- dge of canadas agricultural jcon- dition can make it we collect or discount sale notes cash produce cheques by mail when desired and make advances to re- sponsible farmers we extend courteous friendly ser vice to our farmer customers at all times tiie bank of nova scotia iwldup capital 700000 batfw fund ib 000000 rsaoom smo0000o graium usafw a uniock evem daii i the week j son ivtom tue wed thu fri sat jf the lauqh line wouhiu t l dinlrtilt lo couvli virago iiuiii thut greonbut un d on my taper t of h r fumily but br iiiiini of h r funslly i 111 iimlbh u isililoi i hi wimun who known hn i ink ii 1 1 by iinpiiiy dldn t u h known ilk of it throubh a i upon ii no hbkl i h v ii hlllls1 willi you lvn yon ill wt n i ut j o you think it i ut all it la merely u 1 on th buk of your necl but i woi iiilvino uii tl kmi uu eye on it munianil oinor how on um did thiu in omo to 1m o badly hrulod l-tliri- 1leb your honor thry wiie illm uiulug the peu terms i in y wus visiting her aunt lu tho loutitry it wus the joy of tho four y nr old to hunt for eggs in the barn one dny hi bruugnt in a very small oiii pnaii iiahly laid by a bantam auntie mil id tho little mnld show iu it lh hen that laid tills egg dldn t huvw thn right recljto mm tiuihir bud explained i the oiuhs thut ii lllen thniugh which w i in am uro pellucid uf trans par now h uuld lo tommy todd ii you un iitlou jny traiuipulriint olijtr tommy imamlng with delight plud yen sir a keyhole and irulu plie how cooking ib donp jn a firclcss cookstovc ipli of iii h a i klui in i if iii h lit lull lilkn oiil up in null l m i h r li t in hi hiiiii if in uny 1 it in il i iiidlntom all i null lt 1 h it i w kin i r fi i in njl whlih ol iu u lb in i ml on fr i i hi id linprhoind willi ii th fol i la iiiully in it i iw ml loilll m i in tlmo u that ii1hiwil for in onlli uy 1 rmukli hi it iuu bo hinn 1 in x ruinator lu u f w uiiiiiiih to hiroiiifhl nik un nrtl i jl if food whbli wnl i niilr uis4lr ihfn n fr by tlm old mi l lb m u iiuvhig h i i nt of ho fuel 1 2 thu 4 5 6 7 fe2 13 14- millur s worm powders work ti uvi ly thut no truces of worms ih found tho peals uro macerated in thn ii to mm h anil pass away in tho slools without being perceptible they niuko an entire clean sweep of thu lutentinob und nothing in the a ha po of u worm can find lodgement there when tbise powders are tn operation nothing could 1m more thorough dpalrublo than their action imnunii tlou iri i ut j22 an 1 4300 wh have what you want the bond hardwaitk co ltd phone 1012 ouelph s winnipeg fsffffssmjr i toronfokcotilver both ways oovaaiaaelag suioav 00t0ber sth issvinf toronto union station 915 pm daily host modern equipment standard stooping dining tourist and colonist cars firstclass day coaches parlor car through tho rockies sunday monday wednesday friday osajelaa nitonl all th way tuesday thursday saturday tu otr horth ooahran a is oaqadlir sltlor rsrtser lafersutles fres canadian natleaal f lokst agsacs er mj ewral fks5en0er departmeiit toronto when bill oalked till wunted to slip out of barracks to ne hia girl ho couldn t gel leave ii ho wont to hi rrlend the und wtutid the well suld the sentry 111 le off duty when you come back so you o tight lo have tho password for to night its idiosyncrasy idlo whatr asked hu1 idiosyncrasy i it stay in the barracks declared 1111 cahadfllfe lu a li s farmers buy cks because they save labor save time save money the ford truck is the most general- purpose implement on the farm the farmer can fret his breakfast at home take his produce to market and be home again for dinner he can command the highest prices for his vegetables and fruit because he gets them to market while the dew is still on them he can take his hogs sheep and other stock to market as well as haul roots potatoes and apples from the field the ford iruck brings the city to the farmers door it solves the problem of the shortage of labor a saving when you nnd boots shoes at any time a buy from w weliams mio street famous for satisfactory footwear kfcasonable prices this stores policy to represent goods ex actly ab to their quality to bell to those who know and to those who dont know nt n uniform fair price to fulfill all fiuarantccs and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelpii ontario h a coxe dealer acton quality our sweater coau main tain the standard of quality in nil our styles quality raincoats wo maintam the standard of quality in tho raincoats we bell quality is tho standard in till our merchandise rie nelson phono 40 nest poal offiae ouelph acton flout and feed store wo liavo a supply u the follnwlns tiuw on tuuid the wall known brands of kitty cbois norvaj and national fliur uthfno better holled oat0 oilcakc bhoht8 oat chop dhan feed flooh mult in luirrubi sou lb ita or small iuutitlty if dealrvd miiulali kjnlfl in chiokkn vlstcii tllvk oull oajjt meul a t1ual louti3tlc itoulmd oath tmhj llkht uunda itood lioord uoense no 8 robert noble limited henry awrev manager i you want comfort- ablt qlasszs if your hi i fj a t ins- u mirulable k thut will nuhl u to tuut with lann ul i i i nk into thn ilutulii without mtll yll shoul 1 u h 111 v will xuiliu iiui yi uud hiaku ri ihwii th kl ii i una will uk ull ink llf woltll iuiur uu iuhh l lhfu m i ivly j fira optician 0a 0run of

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