Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1919, p. 4

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biz- h artim 3xtt ikons tiiuitmoav oclohr ll 23 1d1d tn actum im 1 mean la published every thursday tnuniliie n tho i ass ilium bulldltte mill hlrrel acton onturio tim nulmcrli lion prlco 1a si p pr year in uti villi rn 1 ntufo la chnrsci additional to ofnres iii tha unit j iitu rtiu data to which iiubacrlptlona art paid la liijlijiio 1 t rt tho uildresa label aiyi ktihinu uatlii traiwlnl advertisements 10 cents nr tlii uiuta mean urem out for first insertion mij t ountn h r 11 u f r oacii aubsequnnl insertion contract dim lay udvi rllim moiit furioo inrhoa or mora ir annum in entn per itch oarh litejtlon ailvcrtlaemeiila without apoclllu jlrrttl inn will be ijiacrtod till for hi j and charced accord ii fc if i wooiu kill tor and publisher tm11 hum- b4lltrlul uiul ituulikm ufflco 1u luuthlu v lib a strong measure to reduce the traffic in opium cocaine and morphine to a minimum has been intro duccd in the house of commons by hon n w howell he ia credited with being the author of the bonedry prohibition bill which lifts btcn shelved cor a few days now he backs ft nh this new bill the resolution upon which the measure waj based was pnsvil without opposition nnd the hill riven lirjt reading it pretty certain to go through both houjc by a large majority how to kill a clud or society editorial i h- iiidiejtiun ure that the bill before the house of com mum cmj owenng the government to take over the grand trunk railwowill bo carried in tho houbu by a large majority it is believed the senate will also approve of the bill judging from the deliberation of the debate it will be another week before the vote is tuken enactment of the prohibition enforcement bill has been completed by the congress of the united states with the house adopting the conference re port already agreed to by the senate and sending the measure to tho president for approval com plete congressional approval of the bill means that the days of two and threequarters per cent beer are numbered the bill becomes cftectivo as sooh as signed by president wilson or automatically within ten day should his illness prevent bim from acting on il several additions to the present provisions for the re establishment of returned spldicrs m civil life may result from the deliberations ofjhc commons com mittce now considering the ubject a revision of the pension scolc may be forthcoming to provide more generously for the dependents of soldiers who fell at the front and for men incapacitated by juries sustained in service government assistance lo men who arc unable by reason of injuries to secure life insurance and government aid in the form of unemployment insurance for ex soldiers arc alto under consideration i jhh if y l tin rli me i ir if tl wl t i r too dry t litt ir ll lint hi ink of timing ja h it mi urn mil njnjtnkil on unltt f and if yon nrn iioritc 1 t tt ll 1 li r mini tin motdim in n h ia inytlilni in tuiy win if ire i4 11 1 u n if ji ii i ii ui 1 a iiuutliik not will tin r c hi j ii mid work iv tin nth mi ml r hull tint k i mir tluih oi d n l p ly tit nil vbv r lr j na n frit nil win m you great britain s far seeing premier lloyd george in a sane and characteristic speech at sheffield on thursday called upon the british people to sec that the- peace was a real peace it is not the british habit he said to nag harry insult and trample a bleeding foe- so long as germany conforms to the conditions we have laid down we must give her a clear chance to lead a decent peaceable and honor able existence this is in the interests not merely- of germany but or great britain and the whole woyjd this splendid spirit is worthy of emulation it breathes forth the principles of christian human ity and the whole world will indeed be benefitted by carrying this spirit into effect in the house of commons when the question of continuing to permit the sale of oleomargarine in canada was up for dascusston mr crerar supported the government bill for olcmarganoe on the ground that the canadian farmer should male good enough batter to ace competition at home as it faced com petition m every other country of the world he assured ontario farmers that oleomargarine would not destroy their industry no country in the world in proportion to its size exported so much butter as denmark and yet denmark permitted the manufac ture and importation of oleomargarine the laboring class want oleomargarine because it is more in keep mg with their income and the high cost of living the veteran the official paper of the g w v a sixes up matters about tight when it says when highwaymen of the road stage a robbery of some seventy thousand t dollars the police and detective forces of two provinces are loosed on their trail big rewards are offered for their capture and a real man bunt is conducted when highwaymen of com merce put over a profiteering deal which takes toll from every widow in the country and runs into hun dreds of thousands of dollars society extends the glad hand and bemoans the fact that titles have been abolished profiteers would undoubtedly soon find their levels if the authorities got after them with the same vim as they do after the qrjinary common place robber judging from the statement of bank clearings for the last month canada is doing an unprecedented amount of business the clearings advanced 40 per cent over september of last year which itself was a largd month all sections of the country shared in the advance of business some cities doing double tho trade of september 1018 many quite remark able increases outside or the especially large ad cpranccs of winnipeg and windsor were noted tor onto gained 37 per cent brant ford 47 per cent kitchener 57 pef cent london 35 per cent ottawa 51 per cent edmonton 00 per cent prince albert 4 per cent the present remarkable period of pros perity in canada will be maintained if the victory loan 1010 is made an overwhelming success busi ness men realize this and in the interests of them selves and the country arc being urged to press the importance of the coming loan upon every one with whom they come in contact our electors have just had the responsibility or two elections two more are to come on the 31st inst tho formal endorsation of the councils trans ference of the shoe factory project from the reliance shoe co or toronto to gourlay co of kitchener is involved in the shoe factory bylaw it would be folly to do otherwise than tb vote unanimously in favor of this bylaw inasmuch as tho debentures arc sold and tho shoe factory 9 erected and tho munici m pal i ties responsibilitity for the 25000 is unqucs tioned by passing the by law the council believes the towp is securing a concern at once which will be a hive- of industry before the new year giving cm ploytaent to a large number or citizens the water works bylaw is of great importance and will bo voted upon at the same time acton seriously needs system of waterworks better water supply is most desirable more adequate fire protection should bo provided our citizens sanitary conyenicnces de mand waterworks for the general health of the com munity a good waterworks system will result in reduced fire insurance rates acton has been uni quely fortunate in immunity from disastrous fires in the- post one sweeping fire however such as many other towns have been so unfortunate as to experience because of insufficient are protection would easily cost far more in a few hours than tho proposed waterworks system will cost the town in thirty years citizens will study their own beat in terests and tho interests of tho towns future pros perity by giving their strong support to this muni cipal enterprise iik b beauty show for the ladies was a feature of acfijn s fall fair and the free press now proposes a men s class next year to secretary overend we suggest the some for onllia with herman scratch and captain george mclean barred they should be reserved for a handicap meantime why should not some of tho rest of the less favored go into train ing tho famous french tragedian lekam says i recent writer was a plain man whose countenance was not by nature mobile or expressive by the time he had fully mastered his art however he was able to produce the illusion of beauty by the sheer force of acting and the murmur is ho not handsome what a radiant countenance often passed among his audiencconllia packet hlnk ml lit join 0 ljuii t tttlokl imy mo riii i funstloi r tia i ly tin n my h i nt flu iinyttilinr in ro urn i jiu i in hjhhii l t in ip t fun mr- r ho mi utvm hit rrtnl rofuau t uno miy n tu hnv ii nlmu null for it i hi vlnu o1i n l ho powur lunt of to whol uiilvirm unil that tlio wholo no inly woul 1 bo ilurk if yuu tjult hcloiti i i i i tvli there is an impression in some quarters that the fotal amount of money invested by subscribers in the victory loan 1010 will be subject to taxation this imptession is erroneous it will be the interest only from the investment that will be taxed not the principal invested as a matter of fact very few investors in the new loan will be brought within the scope of the income war act by reason of invest meats in victory bonds with small investors the law does not become effective under 2 000 in the case or married persons or persons with dependents municipalities and fraternal societies will not be subject to taxation in their investments in the loan at all the interest from the bonds will not be more taxable than ordinary income subject to the general law of the land canada 7s evidently well able to purchase her own victory bonds a total of 1106032 031 in savings bank deposits is a gratifying report that many of the countries which have emerged rrom war would be glad to report today this is the position of canada as revealed in the bank statement for august the amount is 181021060 better than the same month last year notwithstanding the fact that a good part of it was transferred to last years 600000000 vic tory loan and is 21540788 better than july or this year this is a promising outlook tor the victory loan campaign which is at present being carried on ir the depositors in canadas savings banks were to say the word they could subscribe the 300 000000 asked nearly four times over the success of the present effort should be overwhelming the agitation throughout the labor world for shorter hours and larger pay is naturally bound to militate against the much desired reduction in the cosfof living if shorter hours and higher wages are to prevail the law of economics render it abso lutcly imperative that the cost of living shall increase in like ratio the workmen is worthy of his hire and should be paid the highest possible wages by all industries but there must be a commcnsarate amount or production on their part and this cannot be assured by a reduction or the hours of work per day or week an intelligent farmer said the other day what would become or the country ir we worked only rorty rour hours a week ho adds i dont see why a man except in real heavy work should not workten hours a day work was intended to keep a man straight if a lot or men had more work there would not be so much devilment in your cities the action or the legislature in extending the fran chtso to women was fully justified in the record of ballots cast at the elections on monday there was no jack of interest on the part of lady voters nor did their natural timidity cause them to refrain from thbi exercise of their franchise fully as many women visited the polls and cast their votes as men they manifested just as intelligent an interest as the men in the vote as to whether the liquor traffic was to be rcms tailed in ontario or relegated to oblivion their interest was more keen and aggres sive inasmuch as the evil effects of this insidious and unnecessary traffic has touched with more bone ful results the women and the children and tne home in the election of members or parliament and the pronouncement on all public issues the women have as keen discernment and as wise judgment as the men who have monopolized the franchise in all the years of the past time will amply prove the truth or this assertion the betterment of canadas future depends largely upon the influence or tho women at the ballot box some at least of germanys leaders arc beginning to realize kuitur as interpreted and acted upon was a grave and disastrous error prof edward meyer the famous historian in his inaugural address as rector or the uuiverstiy or berlin last week said germany s much vaunted organization fell down badly in the war while the allies improvised organ in t ion accomplished much we must not be blind to the faults in the structure or our state ror which we have paid so heavy a penalty said he the execs sive extension or our organization through wul killing schematism and endless red tape does away with respectablity breeds an incompetent ambition- less class and will not permit merit and ability to come lo the top while in their seeming superiority our bureaucracy and organization seduced us into smiling boast fulness and needlessly brusque and blundering behavior in reality our system was not equal to the tremendous task imposed on it either during the jfmr or at present our enemies with their improvised organization giving free play to persons of superior ability accomplished far more than- we could prof meyer added that germany s collapse eclipsed all catastrophes in history even the downfall of carthage and athens t mild itlot ifully tliui ut tliut wilh tl liiln h 1 duru ufo iirrvt miyuno mora in ir inuittir thou i i vh mt ihuto momy lib i j ill i xcoi l 11 i cr lltom nni ll r no wlvoi who will lovo nil man i i i i b urn than tholr hutinnmli duty i a familiar word which haa 1 ttlq of ftel uik iiimi ordinary mind mil a ordinary mint i mnvfl n v mt u ujorlty uiv u li i f tt iiirojtlty ik f denial nnd i nrnty whom mailer palna wuuhl t mntltult rmicr v lit ilea mm iimhl all the last be6t hope ami i tho will down for tho dollar or the miifl runh for njeaauro tho do htrvictluu and on n fun lo ti on ovory hand it will bft wjii for vcrylody lo r mtinlmr tlicai word of uncoln aw wo koip or break tho habuatr ilay wo 11 bly wne or mcunly lfp tho i in t9ti hojo by which muti rlaca winter protection offlanto alt rtmto frctnliiit and thuwlnff may in tlm miunn if i ion i ii winter kuung- r tht wlntir kllllnit may nuiilt from nmllmir 1 old dryliift out tjio wood tttlb intirr kttlintr it notional to in 0i r io of umiihcrrh m and room tii in iro mat urn tho ctuica or wood llr iran li ii il lilt to injury ci n utlotifl faorahln f i 1 ito fall growth may p due wiol tlat will nit nlan 1 i tcimiiatutn if in io malum un fdgtoo of maturity tho wood will uomoii tha injury hit t u lo torn in raturo intiii rmni4irry tiimn thoy urn txmt uvnr uli ng tho row u nil covered with iill core la iitteaaaryliot to brook tho luiich tho cunorrun bent ovor an i tho llpa njvrrrd and moii flllad imdor tho imru that do not touch tho htimn i inoundlnw up until tho wholo i lunt in ti vire i thin covorlnjr fa ro imivu i uniuufvlly i irly in ha prlia cllnith a foaoi in ty i tuku down and covl rr 1 nji inilltatol tor roap bnrrloa unci tho buith roia mounded up oo no aliitpo t to a dnj ih of olhlit fr ton inuhum aiound tha plunt th i i ii in in t thin may lo it hut but tin m uiotaiy lulu will bo knpl allvo ikiii w tho virlilh and nil hi dead hiauihua kin h ut to food 1ju1 tho ji ttilri iiiuuu t around i inula a in ul uli of throo or ini lion f nirnw manure nliould pfuol thlu ihoull h dona juat ifuuu jiitthuoun col 1 woathor octa good things to eat mceneity evans havp everything appetizino in meats lamb for saturday lard now down to 40c a fine new uno of canned goods still getting in tonurtot watch our window lor uargaiiu on saturday night prices arc always right and your child will be as faithfully served as if you came yourself mcenery evans acton meat market main street nifiua t uprli id too id tho lc in idlrk i w in tho uprlnit in id loavlna doop in ion fbr lodtcu in naax tho rooln of tho water ptanta i ruiiiitilii uro huttor or a itsht mulch about two inihu i dorp how- ovr turu nhuuld ho oxu reined in not muklnir it too doop to en u ini rotting- ot tlio rrwwn thin in particularly hal lo to hap pon with ih bit nnlalj nuili aa dlkltalu or foxrlovu i auula pan fl j on nwoct wllllatn and hollyhock for which u unlit of utiaw j nut htilhclont no omt tho plan t tan bo in i n through tho tit raw bejaand tha ixiit or juat nuluelont to l rnvunt oxcoanlvw frcoaliitf and thaw- ins out not inuiiifh to hold tha crown wot iliiin u pontlnutil mild spoll v m lllalr superintendent vxvcrt in ntal htatlon kontvlllu n s the prince of wales what comfort lye u cmfl ly i very powerful cleanser it la tued for eleaalaj up tbaotdch and hardest dirt frcaaa etc cmjrf ty it a for sjakla sinks drains and closets sweet aod clean ctmftrt j koi hits mice roaobca ad loaoet poets omfrt ly whi do ibe hardest print oleeelnj yonre fot ctmfwrt ly la food for making soap itapowderbdpcrfapaedand 100 pare is splendid tor the farmerbanker alliance yon go to your lawyer for legal advice to the doctor for medical advice why not to i ho merchanta bank for financial advice if you want a loan to buy cattle hogs or equipment if you want information as to how to invest money come to those who make a busincb of financial matters and are irrf a position to givo you sound and impartial advice th m6rcmants bank hcdomwlmonlrcj op canada esublubodlom acton branch l b shorey manager gforgetown branch k 1 mimms manager hydro gave 180000 people cheaper electricrty hydrtv electricity eaves the people of ontario millions of dollars yearly one hundred and amtyeix municipalities pror vided with hydro current pay leas for electricity than they did beforehydro power supplied them and hyd current cost them less now thn it did during the 6rat year that they ued it thehydroejectnccommlaaion of ontario is con stantly extending this service for tho benefit of the people the commission ta interested in doing whateveritcan tomalcethocurrcnt used of great est value aa a result of rigid tests in its own laboratoriesthe commission recommends tho use of hydro quality lamps for home lighting inluborrlthmconmiimit3illydrq quality lamp fa irlluancu cumnt centum fulon atujiwfth of usuimm hydro quality lp carry thm commit timnm arant mfahmluu matltxtton fa uaa htdroelectric mwer commission of 0ntak10 roa baijt bv hydroelectric dept hydro shop a large photo of tlio popular heir ta the throne for all free press readers the family herald and weekly star of montreal have secured the exclusive rights for all canada for a real good photo 10x22 inches of tho prince of wales it is by van dyke the celebrated london england photographer taken on the eve of the princes departure for canada the acton free press has made arrangements with the family herald and weekly star whereby wc arc permitted to in elude the princes photo in a clubbing offer wc now make the following offer good only until december 31st 11119 the family herald and weekly ijhir on year coat 125 the acton free press one year cost 150 wc offer both papers for one year each and an autographed copy of the prince of woles portrait size 10x22 inches all for 275 all orders to be senjf to this office the acton free press warning this offer is good only untd december 31st when it is announced the pnee of jhc family herald will be 1 50 a year read the adsthey help save money- easy to handle economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money x look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped i it has big air performance combined with small car handincsi and economjr just the qualities you mos desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor u 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolate system for electnc starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and see this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario win willysoverland limited juifct mjoniujuril ibll llilcniihnuw iload qfhw nl work wfc loronto ontario a sl36o00 tl49500 tourlna cr model 90 tourlnfccfr model 83 tor iarueularu apply to t j speight georgetown jassymon acton business directory thos or ay m d c m moqlll i it c i 1lnburi u ilc p h jluivw uctrrtlicr ilrltlsh ucdl caj association ale omoa frederick 11 root attm or i dr j a monivcn physiol n and ourgaoa offlca and iiasldonra cirntir i low ar avanna and klein htrclu tl rnald enca ti rmarly wctnjpld ly ft 11 jin- deraon acton onl veterinary john lawftom vatrlnary 8urgan atan ont oraduala of ontario veterinary col leca if 10 offlrj arthiifv it lock haujon ulll htrtjet colls day or ulelii procjpt- 1 attondad to phono no 13 i o ilox lit hahold nash farmer m a barrlstar fiolfcttar notary public convanyancsr la perrvman block acton ont wonky to 1oajj conveyancing hours 3p tntasprnat realdauoa r h wansorouqh laka avanua acton ontath dr j m bell d o a i o o- oantiat honor oraduala of toronto ltnlver- alty tba lataata summumuc uae if dealiad offloe at raatdanoa corner u1d and byoaertck streets miscellaneoua marriage licenses h p mcmjra kiua marrtasa l private oium no rltnaaaea r quired taauod at rldenc in ovanlno paxx paxs office acton oat francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kloda made to order ivrlodlcaia of evrry dcacrtp uoa csrcfally bound hullnc neatly and promptly done wyndbam street ouelph r fovw wlltlaroa ttor r j kerr llcenaad auctianaar itor the countlee of italtoi wctlln ton ical and outloiiii d the city of quelph acton ontario sales may be arrsaatftd by null o at residence at acton or ot tho free ftcaa oloce acton tba mercury ofuco ouelpb the news llecard fcrtui or with w j oordon llarnesa maker ulllsbura sajes entrusted to vl j kerr re oelve attention from dau tit lutlrvb to data of sale list your aalrr with ma reaidance young street acton pbone sfl acton call at ray 1 j e cheeveks book binder quabeo 6l east qualph oct books and mafia xl lies bound in hawbome and hjlwiantial covera namea lettered in s d on itlbles hymn books and oilier bookm all wark promptly eaacutad d alex niven ontario lamd surveyor and civil engineer surveys fauodlvlaiom i lana ita ports descriptions lllut prints etc ceruflcates for purrluukra and mortxmvees suircya fur archltrcta builders ana munlcliwl cpundla drains he porta lttlniates etc uclean building douglas bt ouklpu phone 10m oni li roy hindley auctioneer uve btoch hlwvi icstat1- and mutchanuiak conaolldatsd phone ertn r r s acton grand trunk sys the double track route hetwkkn montreal toronto detroit chicago uucxccllvd dinlnc ar acrvlce bleeplnx cam on nbjht trains anc parlor cam on principal day trulna- kull liiforpiatlon from any orand ivunk ticket rrenl or c 1 ilornln dutriuc iaaaencnr afii l toronto ii a iiolmks agent acton ont phona is free press ads bring results t the old and reliable granite and marble dealers we are inaiiuracturur and direct importers of all kliida uf atonumanlal and ifaadatone work we aalt dtroot to our customers at wholeaale nrtoas thus aavlnit our cuatumora q per cent a havs tba beat appliances and tba ly uaechahloa hi tha dominion who can operate pnaumauo toola property we can kits rcferenoea from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other plaooa where others hare to have law auits in order o ooi1ml we have tit tarseat and beat atock at granite tn the dominion or mora than amy three dealers in tha wesl w are wttl mate desjera and emnlov no arsnts and do not annoy or past customers ly aondlns ont tsnorant asanta aoudt- lnt orders m emptor only meohankea and dajty ogtapatltlon hamblteia sons oar mprwlali awoslwtab bta nnlni

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