Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1919, p. 5

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v ffiljp arum 3tor irebb tiitmma ot tcini it 23 sufficient unto the day lurkir lirii i it wruj the sunday school lesson for ounday octodcfi 20 1019 use of chemicals to improve comdustion 1iy ji h4 i uuitl wit ii hhon iv rilllhl mutt m riic i iu i inn i uc uithij 1m of thi ihjultli lit i r mitun it in if illy if mx 1 u pain hiit hi i ill im t f i i i r i hli itn hill mill liouiiii u i 1 uk ly john lilln 11 h in ul l h tin t ill iwlnj rum twenty years ago from tba laaua of th free pnta thursday october 26 ibm ono lit kimhi ol 1 for tlckou t lllx who korguu n thuukuiflvliig iuy to mn tiio chumplouuhlp tut ioiuwi mutch in which artun won the pennant mid became mn humplomi of the pmvlnce the iwrnos if lie inti rmodlato cham pions kd itydcr krod itydpr prank uclntoah william haloids c wil liam it hcott it irwiti c 2rwln m henderson j wauon v wall i- w coniutt w cumey a a noy llcndcruon j i lurry and i toy i mr curl william who ha iayol a winning game uf hicroaao through out tlia mvuun uh u playor on tho cretuwnt tium liui suffered intensely during tho nuuf wuuk from injurii sualulnod by hlu hi lit indox linger mr john moore want to toronto a tuesday und jolnud thn houth africa voluntceru 11a loft with thorn oi wednesday thu pact wnoli hun boon rmiat ovonl ful in tho wur of tho tratiuvnul kov oral important augagoincnia have taken place at two points ilencoo i ladysmlth tho iuhdi wore routed flerco uiul iirolouird contests largo numlxr of llrltlah omccra have boon lost at ouch cnguscmcnl tho canadian contingent la now en route to queboc whence liny will leave by th sardinian on saturday for london married mkolevhmtii lit actoti on wed nesday october is by itov j a mclachlati m a diaries ii med ley of acton to mia mubl hmlth daughter of george hmltli frin ajfnr a political hero not all tho political atratoglata urn nolding oilier at ottawa bomollmcs tho country district uttord a politician wlja within tho limltatlona can pro duca torn i extraordinary rfottn in thi relation thi ro muy lo rltod tlio iw of hill t oonoy of a certain west orn wmrnmilty who wan of a mjjiff- hcnsihlo hhrvwduf u on the morning of un olix tlun a furtnir canto into cooney a ttliop hill being u blnckamtth to huvo hia homo ijuai thlx piornlnj ii11i uakrd tho farmer j yev uuld bill hardly iol tlma to go t tho village to vulu kinder biwy myself nuld the fanner iii toll you wtiul well do ho added an you ro a i i bo nil and i a conner votive wo ii jmlr off just ua uicy do iti parliament mil nulthor of us will vote what do you sayr 1hh m neit to tho proltouul after election it wan found that tho htnek mlti hud imiiioii on with ivory con i nervntlvo cunlunrtr who hjil oomo uitt tho mhop conquars asthma to l rollovod from tho ti rriblti nultocutiiijt duo to anlhmu iacrrul hi tin hut to bo aofo buardofl for tin tut urn u oven kroutcr not only diea dr j ii kelloint aathmu ilomody brlna prompt roller but it introduces u new era of lifu for the amictcd hyotcmatio inhalinff uf imoko or furnta from tho remedy pre vonta ro ututcka and often cftccl a pormunenc cuio money 18 needed to marc sailors navy laaauva nalaon day campaign ia to promota groat ofajact a tar to portion of tho proomjda from tho nolwin ihiy t umpullfii to rulao ii half a million dollars will bu devoted by tho navy leutfuo of canada to the purpoae uf th nuval itriffadcm thcao trisbdca have ben vaulllalod in the principal citiea of tho iominiun for the troliilrib of caiumluln boy a for arvioe on tho nut canada a future la hound up in it futoort trail o and ipimiikih much ukn merchant murine it 1m vttully nocca aary tluit tho lkinilnlni ahould provide qualified aullorv the navy league of canada la jtlvinu iho youiiftcr rod eratloii of cuuudlana tlio opportunity tor frv truliilng in wuinauahlp and bualnoaa men uro ittfrvod uuil tho value of thla work tunnot lm over eailmutimt tho autioa of thu lloya nuviil itrl pade banirakmi uto kuneroalty of pub ho aupmrl l a iinixirtunt to ovary canadian uiul thla movutnciit ahouhl not bo handliped by luck uf fun da public aplrltid rltlauna uro called upon for a kenoroua remno to the navy leajcuo uppiul throucii tho nalaou iny cuupulsu the bis drive wfll cuvwr threo iluyn mmuioncltijf octo bor 21 in ttildlllon to the ili roanili uf lb i naval urltptdea tho m ivy league hac to tlimnco it i uullora iiuhkb und hiatl tulid ii cjiuillaii hitu all tlu inuuiiy rwumd til roue i tlm nolaon iuy cum taln will bo hi- nt in a tudu let us eat more intellinqentlv nhuh tb uavor world a hlatury i loflfjo of nutrition wiu hi ownuntlul purtuiiutoly mileiitlnta hud ihuii klvlntf aticclwl uttetitlon to thu nubjut of food valuta tor u 1 uil oi tnurv provluujt to tho wur in tho atu ly pf thw u called nutrltliniul lluom und i jo oclcitoy dlaeuaia nulii u tiuivy bori berl polagra uti whli h huve ikmhi found to lj tor tlio tuoal iart iltioto an improperly bulutu tut dli t thla knoweits wua promptly turucl in prucllul ui count in tho food crlaln und food ositorot fihhl tin mlflh und nutrl irjnul xlcrta wwm mohlllxod vyltli ro tnh thut uiuru than warranted thu dipurttum from tho truditlonul cuatom o nuiklnn tho ijuaitoi muslur roapii alblo for the foodins of tho army iu oaitiufh iui it wui found lioooaaary to call into retiulaltlon tlif mrvlim of nutritional expertn foi the uimy why not for olvlllujiat on uiu rctmiiilmandutloii of tho vuri food itourda tbv aorvlth of tboao rxiietta- were roqulmltloiiod in onler that tho ajllod urtuloa and nutlona might be erfudently fod no iiiatlcr how jfop rootod tho lurii or wart muy 1h it inuat yiuid to hul- luwoy corn curo if uavd iu dlrvcted common ocripture pasaag 2 and nt m ik lit wu y lie oniitruinoil dlixliilfn to ftitir into the ixmt i to o twforo hi in unto tho other o till ho uhould acini the multl li i way 3 and aft or ho hud lit tho mill idt nwuy ho wont up into thu utituhi npurt to pray und wlliu vrn mm ionip ho wu thoao ulono 24 llut the irout willi now in tho nldit of tho urn dlutiouioil by thi wuvin for tho wind wuu ontrary 3- an i in ili r urti watilt of tho ill lit h rtno unto tlwm ualklnw upon th uu 20 audwhon tho dlmrlplea auw him wuikhik on tho uca thoy worn troubled nay i nit it la a gboat and thoy crlod opt for fear 7 hut ntralithtwuy ji aua spake un to i turn suyinjr lie of aood cheer it la bo not ufralil f and ioter unawerod hl und wilil ionl if it bo thou bid mo umo unto thee upon tho wntern 2b and ho bald come and peter wont down from tho boat and walked u i mi n tlio wutera to come to jeaua 3d hut when he maw tlio wind he wifa nfruld and boelnnlng to aink ho t rlod out nay li iff iird aavo mo 31 and immediately jeau atretched forth hu hand and took hold uf him und ealth unto him o thou of little faith wherefore dldat thou doubt t 3s and when thoy were gonu up into the bout the wind ceuaod 33 and thoy thut were in thu boat wornhlppod lilm baying of a truth thou urt the hon of god ooldoti text i believe help thou nine unbfller murk b 34b dpartmntl topica and rafarancaa primary tuple htlp in a htorm memory vorm jcjuji apake unto hum auylnir ho uf good cheer it la i bo not arruld matt 14 27 junior toplo joaua fomoa to tho help of ilia niaciplea memory verso mutt 14 27 intcrmodiutu und bonlor toplo jon u a u jriend lnnood young iooplo and adult toplo htendyln- an unalublo xjlaclplo blackboard it im i the hkhkuunvino haviouic it ih i this pkayinu haviouk it ih 1 the all seeing bav- iouil it ih i thk thotectina havioltil it is i the teachino hav- iouic ltmon thouflhta let ua look at joaua on the evening after tho focdln of tho flva thousand how encouragingly ucroevthe waves sounded hla voice as jio aold it la ii in what resietadld jesus reveal himself through thoao hourat who i thla it y 1 it is i the eolfjcnylna saviour the multitude were eager to crown him klnff to begin a revolution and tho dlarlplca worn in rull aympathy with the effort hut jcaus would not accept iho honor chooalmr the cross rather than tho crown for ho curoo not to lo mlniatored unto but to mln later z it is i the praying havlour it was when hla aplrlt was dtaturbed by iho temptation to seek earthly honor thut jraua iifmjdod the calmness and atroiigth which como from communion with cjnl he who would walk over wave f trot lido muat havo fellowship with tho wjurcn of power 3 it is i the all seeing saviour the dfaciplea were out upon the tern itcatuoua acu in the dark and in dan- ger thoy thought themselves alone fniaukon but through tho midnight un ty from tho mountains waa upon litem for tho mnator was watching 4 it is i the protecting saviour again jesus cornea to their relief al thoutfh as thoy boo his form walking utkn the wuves they are doubly alarm od dreading u messenger of death how often that which wo dread proves to bo u hlcaolng b it la i tho tcacluna saviour all tlioau men n coded tho lesson of trunt in chrut and christ only but ono among them needed it most of all and m learned it while nlnklng in the sea grasping hla masters outstretched rasdinaa for next wak monday keeping the command menu jer 3 111 tuesday itewnrdo and penalties jr 31 12 is wednesday do ah to tho dory of lixt 1 cur 10 23 13 thursday the woes of tho drunk- urd irtfc 23 s9 3fi krlduy that 1 make not my brother to htumblo 1 cor h 4 13 haturday bru 1 1 of klesh and kuirlt tjal c ifl35 hunday hurdan hearing lal 1- id thut tiny b uuntltli u ul out i 1 1 rtiiklid o pound to ton on tlm out lieforo llrlnu or on it ujihm ufti r thulr mnoviil and inifoi n turning thrm to tho fdriutu hln ouj burnt ti niplituly in uir all tb linmi thiuf lifitt falk li llfmi1ll ml ll 11 in heat it voiituiiui und nln it in no i lit to burn the initrlii the uxil iirtlmm fii iiililiii im ro uiu thu nr in tin ool ftidow unli on the defensive during the aftermath of influenza or its de bilitating complications there is more than ordinary need that you nourish and protect every avenue of your strength scons moiaon because of its efficient tonicnutrient properties daily helps tens of thousands to renewed strength those who are fearful or rundown in vitality should ate the meant that help build up a hmafthy resistance what scotts docs lev others ii will do for yon try ill vull hiut ii iiy if in l i oil pouildh ioiitaliiid u in- p rmili of ixjtll tint ttnoillit would not bo uulth tut for tho fiimbuiiuoii o half tin ir wulght of a ood loul w ium b pur hum ro iro w troiiuly idviiie nut k unlit to i in txtr vigil l rlullll i in i 1 i y uk m for illll hllll itl d to ll vi it thfdr altvi tlon to chi u ii tit uh m illnllon of t i ir iuul with tho oxygtii of illl ulr hl miy bv idly 1 i tin 1 fin of i oal and son wio til a i ir bu i u k hlio tho i thor duy mid itf tl 1 hi a i vcuii ov r wit lulkld a v rhlli w uirn i man win i lookhik ufti tb esau wood and his wood saw you can do queer things with tho lnglluh language as we huve more than on co given examples to prove hero la another puxxlcr from cupper woekly it b ouay enough to read ll but have it renit aloud to you and see what you make uf it esjsu wood auwod wood ijuu woki would saw wood all tho wood ijtuu wood saw taau wood would saw in other words ull tho wood hiiii uw to ww lmu sought oil tho wood wood would saw i and uh uujwood saw with which wood would uw wnpdl hut one duy wood a wood uw would saw no wood and thus thu wood wood suwinl wus not the wood wood won i j nw if wood a wood aaw would now wood would saw wood with a wixid auw thai would saw wood so uuu sought u saw thut would aaw ono day ijuu saw a miw aaw wood ua no other wood uw wood saw would uw wood in fact of all tho wood auwa wofid uir jw saw wool wooil never aaw u wifil uw tltut would muw wood ua the wood auw wimd saw suw wood woul t uw woof und i liovef saw h wood huw tliat wuuld auw us the wood auw wohi auw wuuld saw until 1 auw luiu wooit muw wihhi with the wood uiw wimhi diw auw wikd now wunl m wikki with till wooli nuw wood auw aaw wood oh iho wood thu wood auw wood auw would uuwt oh the wood woo1 a wihklahod would ahvtl wlion wimhi would aaw wood with tho wood huw wooil saw saw wlhhli 1 itiulty no in uch mi tlio wooil saw wood saw if tho woo1 auw wihhi uw wuuld all iho wood thu wood auw wood would auw how fast can you bay themt i lera uro u number of amusing tongue iwistera a glowing gleam growing groon the hlat k hroexe bllgbtoil the bright bio mm a kloah of freshly tlylng rteh hu thuk thistle atlcrs two loads tried to trot lo tod bury olve orlruos jim a great gilt gig whip hlhjt atrong titeiiheu hi ringer anur- od six slickly alkly silky snakes hho aloud at the door uf mrs uinlth a fish suuov ahoy welcoiuiag bim lu ti rtlilcttua iurm i ifo our i onvi raatlim nuddiinly interrupt d 1 he purchuuur of a tlun hhorthorn tow und calf cumo dualling into the olllcu suy do- muiidv huvo you llxid ui thoao pai uru yuf no ho win informed tin y itudn t boon mulo out tuuy would bu sent lo him lu it day or two riiuu that a ul right ould lio tuko your l lino ulkiut tint hut lo suro to put in and buii tt liy n in lurttu ruhlp with no u unit deal iu a kvui uf i i tho uuil atiilt hi knowh im much about it j i do mid niuybu nioiu und ho m half wim i und hntii luilf thu pro ou ho you bo iui ii 1 1 put thi an 1 bon lu the pupi rs can no if you don t you 11 havu to nuki it out ujculn quite a difference your trrutitit immy hi whli wall tho tiuriwii to an lntorr mmnlmir of hlu ii h k hut auld tho wiiywnnl iu huvo ulwuya told uu rd lovu our yia uiiawerid tho tood man nut to swallow thim ucotl itown tomato uot parkers tho clotlics you were so proud of when now- can be made to appear ney again fabrics that arc dirty shabby or spotted will he restored to their former beauty by winding them to parkers cleaning and dyeing is properly done at parkers parcels may be sent post or exprcssy we pay carnage one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any urtitlc will be promptly given upon rcquost parkers dye work ltd cleaners and dyers 791 yonge street toronto ttfrtfips wa nted farrie8 lyiullin wholesale commission merchants aro again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points wc are paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton rockwood children cry for fletchers o astor i a village of acton dylaw fjo to raiae the sum of 4000000 for the purpose of constuctine and installing a waterworks system i comprising- of reservoirs pujnpa pumphouse supply line and land irt connection therewith and lo authorize the issue of debentures therefor wlionuiu tho council dooms it ox lidliut to lonatruct and hiatal water workw nyiitim within the municipality ilnd mouam jumcs loudon ilertx- ihirir pnglneora havo reported upon auth ayatem and have submitted plana and n poflflcat ions therefor at a total catlrnaud coat uf s87 000 co when edward pnnce of wales eager bright eyed smiling and sincere arrived in canada in august and when he voiced hut great admiration of the wonderful achievements of canadians on the fields of battle and at home once again we were thrilled with joyous pride he asked concerning canadas reconstruction pro gramme and when he was told of the victory loan 1919 jie graciously consented to the use of bin coat of arms on n flag which is to be the prute of honour for districts achieving their quota in the loan in dedicating the princes flag at ottawa on labor day hia royal highness said in part it is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan whioh is the bridge between war and peace and which is finishing oft the job i hope evey city and district will win my flag striking and beautiful in design this flag will form not only an unique memento of victory year but a lasting and outstanding souvenir of the visit of hia royal highness a visit which wui remain txs one of the moat memorable events in canadas history the reproduction above shows the design of the flag the body is white the edge red in the upper left hand corner is the union jack and in the lower right hand corner the prince of wales coat of arms the flag is made in two sizes 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet for small cities towns und villages and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for citiea of over 10000 population canada has been divided into canvassing districts by tile victory loan organisation each city forms one district other districts have been determined uccording to population each of these canvussing districts lias been allotted n certain amount in victoiy bonds to sell to wui the princes klug therefore a district has to sell its allotment thut is the one mid simple condition anticipating that many districts will buy for beyond their allotment the organization decided that for each twenty five per cent excess of the quota one pnnce of wales crest be uwurded thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud win ners of four small crcstavor their honour flag these crests will be sewn to the flag the princeo crest the three ostrich plumes w uhown at the top of the coat of arms to every orguniiatlon with fifty or more employees wliere seventy five per cent of the enrollment invests a total of ten per cent of the unuuul payroll ui victory bonds a supplementary prince of wules flag in smaller form 48 inches by j4 mches will be uwurded the allotment for e ich district has been carefully considered and is baaed on u conarrvutivc estimate of the purchasing power of the district your district icau sell its ullotmciit and thus win the princes flag provided each person does his or uer tthqrc 1 you wul gladly do your pui l mid ciicouruge your neighbour to do huj remember your purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your la net b to ha the proud possessor of the princes flag tin the princes motto is 1 serve i will you also serve victory loan 1919 issued by canadas victory loan ommittco in coopcriitlon with the minister 1 iruoca oi tho dominion 91 cunaifa anil whcrcas it appears from report thut the mt i mated cant df tho lloaervolrn pumpn and iutnplioubc tiuuply line and land hi connection therewith will he tho nuin uf 40000 an 1 whertuiii tlio council dooms it esimidlent that waterworks nyntein be installed and that the rout thereof shall lo ikirno by tho crirporallon benrrally and thut tho remaining portion of tin wutoi works aystcm namoly the dhi trlbutlni of nljilnir iihall ik rouafruct il in the manner provided hy tlio ijx il liiiinivimunt act and win reus tho pla y and upihlllfu tlonu for ouch wutorwurks uyateni have immiii nuhmltlod to and have been ap proved by the provincial ijosrd of jloulth as ovldonced by thn certificate of audi hoard da tod tho day of 10 and whorcaa for tho purpose afore mild it will bo nocoanarr to borrow thd said slim of korty thousand dollars on tho credit of tho municipality to ho raised by dnbentiirru us horeln ufur provlim und ihu ctuncll dcemi it udvlaahln to lunuo such dolwinturos ikonrlns in i row t at tho rittn of five and ono half ior rent and whereas it la desirable to mako the principal of the said debt re pay s by annual 1 natal mo th during the period of thirty years if tor tho laai audi dohontuiea tlu instalment principal ro payable to bo of such amounts that the jickrcsrato amount payable for principal und luufost in any ono year shall bo equal as nearly us muy be to tho uskreftata amount puyuhtn for principal tnd intercut dur itift nurli of tho othor yours and wharoas it will le necessary durlnjr the currency of tho said do lmiituroa to irovldo funds for paying tho aamo or tho instalments of prln clpal and intoroot to raise annually flurliik such per lot of thirty years by u apoclal rate on ull nt tea bio property of tho municipality the sum of 13 7g3 20 and whereon tho amount of tho whole ruteahle property of the muni- ilpullty in- cord in if to the laat revised asscaametit being for thu year 1d1d la the aum of 0z 073 00 and whoreus tho oxlstlua debenture debt of tho sold municipality n mount 0 c c8 78 and no part of the prln- ipul or lntereat thereon la in arroar thorefiyo u10 council of the muni cipal corporation of the vlllago of acton onortn ua follows 1 itltal tiehfnturos of tho corpor ation for thu ouin of forty thousand dollars ahail up issued and that tho proceeds thereof a hall be applied and ox ponded in u10 construction and in btallutlon of waterworks ayatem com prising of kcacrvolrs iumps and iump house supply lino and for pur chasing thu land in connection t gore with j 2 that tho hoove of- tlo corpor a tlon l hereby authorlkofi and dir ected to issue debenturcjfot the said corportlort to the amount of forty thousand do liars art the kojso shall be seated with loe corporate soul and ahjni by tho itirve and countersigned by tho treasurer which debentures shall bear the same date and shall bo uauod within two y tsars from tho date hereof and shall bo payable within thirty years with interest at klvo and ono half pr cent per annum in equal instalments covering both principal und lntereat as set out in the schedule ui thla llyiaw at tho office of the trooauror of the village of acton 1 rhnt tho total amount required to be rutard in each of such years for haying tbojuud debt and interest shall bo tho aum of 2 763 20 as set forth in thn said schedule and that for the liurpoao of providing u fund for tho payment of the said principal and in tcrest due from year to year as auch debenture a roapecuvely mature due there ahull bo raiaod and lowod in each und every y uj during tho said period of thirty yours upon tho whole rate uble pmivorty of the corporation liable to bo rutod tho aum or 3 7gs 30 and the uuld amount ahull be raised and lovlod us a spot in i rate in addition to ull othor rutoa in tho same manner and ut tho sumo time ua other tajtea are loviod t that tho dubeuturoa to be laauod ahull provide for the payment of prln- flial annua 11 j and sliull have cou- lona uttjuihod thereto providing for tho iwymont of interest tho nmount of auch debnturos und coupons re- aihhtlvoly to bo aa sot out in said uhdulo a uuch coupoiia sltall bo nig tied by tlio treasurer of the cor- porutioit and uhull im paabln annually during ttu cunency o the debantureii c tint this lly law shall coma into force und take affect upon the date of the final passing thereof if previously assented to by the municipal voters in tho manner provldod by the uunlcl- railway time tables at acton grand trunk fl qoing ailwsy wast qyatsm no 2 mil iduy 10 24 um no 20 b 13 arn no 31 lukam no 33 2 lopjn no 3e ti 09 a m wo 37 ooln eat b 11pm no 31 tlu day 0 ch p m no 3s i 7 oh iim no 2h 1 1 1 8 am no 33 iispm no 14 c it p m no 3h 8 13pm toronto suburban elactrlo railway going wat 17 a m lally extopt hundajr 1 12 p m lially eopl huntuy 800 pm lully cin ft hunday 11 02 sm hundajr only c12 p m hunday only dli pm hunday only oolnoeaat oajty axcout hunday dally oiropt hunday dally except hunday hunday only hunday only hunday only t4s am x 02 p m s18 p m 1hlam u p m 1 lit p m frei0ht and express lcxpreas carried 011 ull iarn freight dollvorod dally by upnclal ox proas freight llxprouu or troljht picked up nt ajiy address in toronto rt cujomlnljw agont acton pal act lumsod tho day 1019 hcii iui a your iiiliirat lrlncl 1 s3 300 00 t g52 30 3 r ia 60 us qo 3 3 137 so i4 eo 4 3 101 ho 4h 40 l 3 06 13 84 os il 3 030 m 731 73 7 1 9s0 ho 701 40 k 1 54 93 h03 2d 0 1 d04 73 847 4u 10 1 uf8 12 894 ok it 1 soil 0 043 24 13 1 7t7 oa 90s 13 13 1 loi 33 1 040 uk u 1 44 eo 1 107 to it 1 lsi 68 1 105 3 iti 1 61140 1 233 80 17 1 451 to 1 300 so iu 1 3u0 0b 1 373 12 10 j 304 60 1 447 co 20 1 336 00 1 t37 20 31 i 141 00 1 oil 30 33 1 05 30 1 699 k4 33 s6s vu 1 703 33 3i hbo 34 1 k01 96 st 7tfi ko 1 dos 041 3s ttin 40 3 10b u0 37 20 so 2 231 tut zh ilit 40 2 343 80 2u 37 48 3 473 72 30 143 4h 3s08 7j trouaurrf total s3 753 30 3 753 20 2 761 20 2752 20 2 7g2 20 2 752 20 2 7g2 20 2 752 20 3 763 so 3 753 20 3 753 20 1753 20 3 753 20 5 763 30 3 763 30 3 762 30 3 762 20 j 753 20 2 752 20 2 762 30 3 763 20 3 752 30 2 762 30 3 763 10 3 763 30 3 752 30 2 762 30 j 752 20 2 762 30 2 752 20 notice take tiotiio that thi ubnvu is u true topy of u proposod hy lw wtiu h if tlm uhaoiit of the klcctora is obtained to it will be taken into conalderatlon by tho council of tho municipal cor poration uf tho vtllugn of acton ft or the nxplratlon of one mouth trom the vth duy of october 1119 being tho date of tlittflrat publication thereof tho votes of the municipal lectors nntltlod to vtta thorny will iht taken 011 the slat day of oftoober lvl bo- twiou iho hours of nino o 1 lo k in tin foionooit und mvi o 1 look lu the uflor lioon ut tlu following plutoa lolling huh dlvlal 11 nuiiitr out at uto town iuii with w j could lopuiy uoluru- lug oitloor 2 1 oiling hub divlaloit mumbot two ut c upoighta main utrt with llull huil til deputy luituntlng olllcor on i rldvy tho 17tll itiut uf oclobol idlu uio lloovo of tho village of aoton will uttond ul the i0w11 1iaii actuu ut run o clkk lu the foronihiu to ui point in yrltluji signed by hlui two ikraoua to uttei d ut thv final sunurdit ui of tho vutiw und una person lo ut tout ut out it li i ling place on bo lis if of tlio poisons doalroua uf promoting the lly law and a llkn number on be half of tho persons doalroua uf pioa lug the lly law the clerk will sum up ihw votes fur and ugalnat the lly- uw ut tho town hull at hi pm on rrliluy tho 31at duy of outobor 1919 any oorporutluii or tenant who do atrua to voto muat deliver to the clerk uf tho municipality nut later than uu itfth day before tho day appointed for taking the votoa tho dootarattuli pro vided for by heftlou 65 of lite muni ilpul act 11 n 1altmiiw 16 3 vlluge clerk kellys meat market corner mill and elain stmata acton i carry a full lino of meats as i liavo had many years experience il la my aim to bring before my unto mora tho very choicest meats at a reasonable prlcrj will you clvo mo un oppor tunlty 10 show you wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c a speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fmo cutlery hardware tinwirc and ntnitc wart bij asorinitnt pandora stoves anil kjnj 1 1 famous heaters small stpvcs oil stti eery article is op i xcep tional value u c c speight mill street acton ready for your fall needs kenney bros havo been ublo u uccure a very satlsfucuiry stink of lihtwuar for uio fall und wlnl r tru 1 and uf prices not nearly up to thu point thut has boon proiihoulod iu so many quartern boots shoes rub43ers mens heavy rubbers childrens school shoes and rubbers fine shoes for ladies and gentlemen uupulrlng is u fiutuiw of our hualueas wo lopuir ull 1 uw d of ahoom promptly and ncutly kenney bros main street acton ont 15he acton bakery m edwards co canada vood lloajrd lac mill utreet no 0151 aoton white bread brown braid boston bread tea bibcuits 15e doz buiih lfiedoz scones 15c doz cookiet lsdidoz weddlnt cavu a speclally m edwards co aoton ontario store cloned fcvery night but tri- kv

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