Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1919, p. 6

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sxroia atarrlagea now charged for at um following rata ulrtha wl liarrlagsa me daauia boj uemorlal card w lo par line extra for died nfwtonai hi home lot firth connasnlnn rjmnl bum croaaroad on friday october 17 11 william newton in hi 71rd year mcoahvin at the homo ot hr daughtcir mm ii h while kltch r on hunrtay octoler it 11 mrs lr mroarvin formerly of acton in memor1am iu7iit injnvin memory of pte j d hurt who foil asleep in jcaus octo ber 1c 191 in frmnott- iiklxb allan maktin in loving memory of w kldon martin accidentally killed by 1 t jl train in toronto on october- is lilt oh not in cruelty not in wrath the reaper came that day twm an ajurel visited the fair earth and took my boy away ilia am 1 11 or race and pleasant waya am a pleasure to recall lie had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all wothfcr sister and hiiotiiek buut in loving memory of our dear on and i rolher ite j n hurt who died in france on october it ills prance on october 2d 111 lie iran a loving eon and brother a brother kind and true a better friend never lived ilia oquala they were few lie bravely answered hla country call ilia life he cave for one and all hla heart waa rood hla splrti brave he aleepa in peace tn aolflbirs fim father mother and family vqte for waterworks boost tour town it ubanu water in all part of the town bsst of fire protection cheaper fire insurance mere factories mara houses j mora conveniences in the home inereass in larw valuation an aseet to the town there are many reesens why you should vote for waterworks in acton the above are only a faw let us be progressive acton vote in favoroctober 31 ffillartfltt3tofpri5p tmunflday octobkh u ft brief local items smile and moke up waterworka for acton beechnuts are falling now bat tbey are very scarce actons progressive eltlsena will te for waterworka on the slat inst tnext meeting of esqueslgsr coun cil wni be held on monday november lev huch mcfsrlane returned char lain will preach in knox church sunday carrying the waterworks bj- law thespeople of acton will place the town onasuii higher plane haltonsuro candidate elected by 600 majority j v ford u f o polled 3882 votes dr nixon conserva tive 3j286 e u cleaver ubend 8278 detailed returns not in the unexpected haa happened the candidate of the united farnera ontario in halton county baa won out in the first general campaign in this iferpvlnee by that new political party nd what haa been accomplished la italian the ufo has succeeded in doing over the province tx the extent that it finds itself with a majority of members above that of either the oher two leading parties the liberals and conservatives throughout ontario forty ufo candid a tea have been elected in ilalton the vote so far as return have been received give the three can dldatea the following us the votes they received j f ford v f 0 118 dr nixon conservative mw e h cleaver uberal 1178 this vote makes mr ford halton repr in the provincial lexis latore the vote in acton waa a follows cleaver ford nixon jcauncil chamber 67 mm fire hall 104 it tc its shop 131 11 81 pfflon 105 17 87 toe riahw gen will now have a chance fbsxrow op strangers to the taste and eursovof liquor wlngham carried the bylaw for hydro power last thursday by 130 to 13 a nne comment on mayor darners i am enjoying the old mans reminiscences very much mrs mary armstrong ontario california axed 14 its all over of course we all felt keenly during the campaign lets all 1 smile now and be rood sports over the reeull itajiowen and the waterworka election come on together the water works will flgtire daring the day and halloween by night ilarely baa the fall wheat shown so one a growth la october as it does now it will go into the wint strong and vigorous a great majority of the el here evidently thought of the and the home then they enl polling booth on monday mrs jease frld mrs joseph fcul livan and a young child of each killed by a train on the o crossing at victoria road near goeitoa mr dewarf distribution of w palgn literature by aeroplane waa quite an innovation tboosanda of cards were dropped over acton vicinity on saturday daylight savin- time will be dis continued by alt railways post offices and other corporations and pbnllo in stitutions next sunday sad standard time will prevail tbereaftar for acton soldiers manorial fund will commence n their calls on dtlsens next wednes day it is hoped every dtisea win respond liberally and show their ap preciation of our heroea services a young lady in fe largely popularised the prohibition vote there by telling the newsilecord man to inform the electors that the tour 3ts in the no column was jost four kisses under the nos rev a w thomson m- a of plctou n gu preached in knox church last sunday with a vtewto a cell as minister of that congregation his sermons were very greatly enjoyed he also addressed tha sunday school much interest waa taken in his ad cncwsonb qorners a number from here went to nuoli h on tuesday to ace ii il it tlio i rlnno of wales the electlona be lax vor now ovcry una is aattllnr down to tholr regular routine we fee sure that the opponents to prohibition will yet see and admit the benefits to the country under nrohll i tlon una colin mcmillan 1 ram an snnt the week enl at mr j mcmillans thla place voted over ten to one for prohibition milton mr georxe mann wliu had cliurso ot hie lintel cllft m at nlarum vol in tlur ins the past summer la now with the ilftyal connauieht hamilton another piece of koo1 nows la that the textllo factory tttnt lias lecn olosnd lawn since the fire is nasln belns put into shape and will shortly resume operations the ilalton plowing match in to be held on november 11 at milton in all the ten thousand people who were at the fair here laat week wo dldn t see one who vrua undor the in fluenro of heiuor would that h w been the case had thire been the upon barr well hardly lteformer i dallinafad durlinqton totals its 80 1 it haa been impossible up to the time of going to press to get complete re turns from ttyivarioas polling place these will be given in next issue the need for waterworks editor fx dear sir although through not be ing a property bolder i have not a vote upon the waterworks by law which la to be submitted to the elec tors on october 11 yet having the welfare of this municipality at heart i am naturally very much interested in this question for the consideration of those who- desire to retain the obsolete water system now in use i beg to relate in your columns an event which took place this last summer as we slljtnow the well behind the town hall was for some time the source of water supply for many caral- towards the middle of the sum mer the water from this well began to develop a very disagreeable odor i taste eventually mr raid and mr wilson took the pump apart and cleaned out the well which waa found to contain the putrefied carcaasea of numerous toads which had gotten in and been drowned their bodies had been crammed into the feed pipe of the pump to such an extend that it had become impossible to draw up any i euyld by those whoare in a voejupa to know that lrbl very dlffl- ctyrto keep toads out of a wen unless it la made ahaohitely air tight which la not possible in the case of the ahal ow weus and what happened to the town well haa happened an4 will hap pen to other weus tn acton- are the dtixens who oppose the by law wffllnt to continue to live under conditions such as these tours very truly h n farmer acton october it lflt rev mr mayers sermon on 8 day evening from the text am i my brothers keeper in which the state ments of alfred yates the liberty league orator in the town hall last friday evening were ably answered and refuted was appreciated by a very large congregation in memoriam mrs dim nblson mod alt vi n after only ten days illness mrs drx n mcoervio died at the home of her daughter mra il 8 white kitchener on sunday mrs mcoarvln was for many years on esteemed resi dent of acton she came to aoton a bride more than half a century agtv after a long resid here she and her huabandrremoved to butte men- tana they returned to ontario sev eral years ago and dr moosrvln died in kitchener a eouplo of years since the funeral was held yesterday from her daughters residence j wiluam nfcwton although mr newton had been in poor health for some time hla death last friday came very unexpectedly he was bornau llmebouse seventy three years ago and was the son of the late john newton who conducted a flourishing woollen bos loess there for the newton blankets omlnlon wide reputation when a yoking man mr newton wedded miss mary neilaon daughter of the late abraxn neilaon of kaoueslng mrs newton predeceased bun thirty four 7tn ago last december their only child john neilaon newton eurvtvea nd haa resided for a number e yeara on n adjoining farm mr newton waa a flno type of a canadian eithwu lie wu a man of aterufsf upright character an inteugent and prosper eua farmer justice of the pence and friend to ait fo the community he was a member of the presbyterian church and strong conservative the fun eral waa held on tuesday efternoon and waa largely attended jtov r t cajaeren hla pastor conducted um ser vice interment waa made in the family plot at iilassbeaea oenafcery iy jree aton our royal visitor the prince of wales haa captured the hearts of an frs rich and poor old and young are enraptured with hla easy manner and happy ex pression he u so different to what many expected no wonder a great demand haa been created for a real life like portrait of our popular future xing pbotograh ers and artists have failed to secure a sat snapshot of the royal visitor he was not here to pose for them it remained for the family herald and weekly star of montreal to secure a portrait that would be eaustactory and they have succeeded just before leaving for r the prince gave a special sitting to the celebrated london england photo grapher vandyke the agents of the family herald were instructed to se cure the right j reproduce it in can ads and that great weekly la now offering it to its readers tan aoroh faau paaas haa succeeded id making an arrangement with the family herald and weekly star by which our readers may have a copy our announcement will be found on page four the demand for this pic lure in canada will be enormous and we advise our readers to take advan tage of the opportunity without delay the pupils ot the high hchool nro making arrangements to hold a n nueradn at u school on hallow on nlgtil little sal he and patricia 1- cover jmii to england by tho mellta on oclo ber 81 where they will spend a year with relatives at the towers som erect once part of tha state of the tats lord roberta an unfortunate accident occurred on rrant street near the fair ground oo wednesday evening losl when winnie oray a youn girl was struck by an automobile driven by wo dal ton jr and i seriously injured pr claude w- freeman haa return ed from new york and with his family is staying at the home of his parents mr and mrs ei b freeman dr freeman and family will leave on october is for vancouver and will sail on october 80 on the empress of asia for chengtu china chief smith haa great faith in oexette ink on monday night of last week hq sent out two hundred post cards in connection with the ford auto stolen from the premises of o b koenlg the friday evening previous and on tuesday evening received word from stratford that tha two men want ed had been captured oasette reoc some hunters ore shooting black squlr rels in this vicinity thoy may and themselves called on to pay a heavy fine ax black squirrels and also part ridge are protected by law george town herald atkntvernary service will he held in knox churon here next hunday i lev mr kny will occupy the pulpit mr uml mm john mckee and sdit frnd of ited lr alia are the guests or mi thomas young sovsnlh line mr mckee kej t the store here before leaving ror the west over twenty years ago mr adrian llllts if toronto is the gufnl of mr ira rosxel and other friend tlv and mrs kay and family have moved to italllnfad mr kay at one time had charge of knox church here mr and mrs will bpear and little tuurhter drape were recent visitors at mr t farrell mr harry oartley of georgetown in ilolnir ri grout i uxlnren in this vlcln ity with his well drilling machine i talll unfed gave a great vote for the itcferndum 10 to 143 sixteen to one is rather a healthy majority the pottlcul vt te stood hellyer f 111 prltrhard con 13 richardson lib 17 garden court face powder as pictured and de scribed in the octo ber ladies home journal and cos mopolitan can be had at browns drug store panalr stor mill street acton it is the finest face iowder known of some and see it id learn wireless operating and win a good salary shaws school 3w venge st tor onto haa the finest set of modern apparatus and gives beat instruc tion at small cosl write tor tacts o w crewson see safety first baxfbomtng and evl ple but the the lad was dently desired to pi had had many boys in his time and they had left blm skeptical are these all you bavef he asked as h turned over the applicant s uatl monials yes sir arent they enough theres one from my minister and one from my sunday school teacher and welt id have liked a few words from someone who knew you through the weekl i a famous fountain there la a picturesque little spot in the temple gardens london which although only a few hundred yards from the roar and hustle of city trafflo ja realty wonderful for the peaceful solitude of its surrounding the- famous eld fountain there wfaloti dates hack o faros uli u ono again under repair was dear o- the heart of charles lamb who used to relate that many a time he has made its jet of water rise and tali to the astonishment of the young urchina my contemporaries who not being able to rosse at tta m oondita machinery were almost tempt ed to hall tha wonderoaa work as magia p otckgaa too loved the toon tain making it in martin chuaakt wit the rsmie of john west- lock and ruth the final phonograph the brunswick phonograph designers begn where other phonograph designers left off it embodies every feature of all other phonographs from tono to beauty and has besides a number of new ideas not to bo found in any other phonograph in fact it ts the alinclnstve musical instrument and must indeed represent the finished dream of the genius who first invented a talking singing and playing instrument the ultona is a distinctly new creation at tbc turn of the hand you adapt it to play any record it ts not an at taebment nothing to take off or put on the real diamond for the edison the real sapphire for the brunswick or pathe the steel or fibre for other records always there we want owners of other phonographs to come in and hear the brunswick play the records they use and are familiar with wo mention no details here you must come and hear it prices from 6200 to 275000 mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king ncyt door to liviogstones bakery main street georgetown farmsfor sale 150 acres ehin township acton i mhjes ospringe 3 miles 70 acres workable balance maplo buoh and swamp landa 1 acre orchard 13 acres fall ploughed elsy inam soil plenty of water good tone bouse 9 roonie cistern and sumiper kitchen oood bank barn 44xb4 tie up is bead of cattle s horsesrtox stall and root cellar stone hog pen au cementfloors garage hen pen silo school l mile church 3 miles rural mull possession march 1 191 irico ta00a terms arranged 160 acres erin township 5 milks from acton 111 acres workable balance posture and wood 1 acre orchard clay loam aptl 2 creeks house ut 8 rooms woodshed good cellar rank barn wim pig pen lxto water in shed windmill rural mall and telephone possession arranged price 1d0q terms arranged 300 aches eramosa township rockwood 4 irules guelph 6 miles 116 acres workable balance bush s acres orchard to acres fall ploughed soil clay loam to sandy loom plenty of water springs and windmill ho i id brick house 13 rooms good cellar water in house new bank barn looxto another barn 64x 1 bam on pasture farra coxbo water in stables hchool vi mile church on the plaoe four cor ners x mils possession arranged price k2200o terms arranged x 100 acres esquestng townshipacton 3 miles ii acres workable balance swampend pasture t acre orchard 40 acres fall ploohot day loam sou 1 well urlok house c rooms good cellar and kitchen frame barn 60x13 driving- shed hchool mile acton churches 1 miles rural mail possession arranged vrlpe ujooo terms arranged 100 acres on stone road 1 mile from milton 10 acres workable balance pasture i acres orchard day loam soil wslls and a spring frame houk i rooms summer kitchen cistern at door liank barn 71xt lie upsr head of cattle i horses bog stall horse stable moxht driving shed good new pig pen ban bouse silo 11x11 hchool and church 1 mile rure1 mall and telephone pos ses arranged price 10000 terms arranged willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario fall specials at big store panmana weecs lined combination bulla special at im men klanllc rib bed underfrcar all wool special at 2j2q each ladles fall weight short sleeves v neck turntrnlps make a apeclal at 75c each turnbullh combin ations for men win tir weiftht sires 34 to 42 a special at 500 suit 4 yds wide lino leum at a reduced price now is tho timo to get that floor covering for your kitchen or living room remember prices are going to be higher this coming season the regular price of this 4 yards wide english lino leum is 5 go per run ning yard for one week onty v ru ning yard only wr ysrcf2l stanfields undekwear stands strenuous wear grocery specials soap all kinds bar 9c kellogg a com flakes 2 pkgs for 25c 8 rbs granulated sugar 100 butter paper b choice rice 2 lbs corn syrup in bulk and pails 60c 25c new advertiaemente cui tlniikl trt in i i lit on ueadqualttkiia for wkdding and birthday presents lingers 1147 kllverwure knlvea i tuu nnl h h yanct ut filue kai y chin w carry thr most t t mj leto ml in t wi marriage ltccnscfl iroucfj geohynds acton outahio mclean mills mux street we sell for cash we sell for less acton 1 real estate if you have a house for sale if you want to buy a house in acton ask r j kerr auctioneer and real estate dealer phonb 38 young street acton ont c p r cleaning pressing repairing your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen- we can make that old suit look like new try us geo wallace guelph ontario acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream fahl test and fuix satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream yoa bring in highest market price for cream and eggs open wednesday friday and saturday evenings acton creamery dairy co mann watson proprietors willow street opposite government building wrphilp teacher of plmno violin and othr string inslumtfvits also 1 ii fc oltqax will visit acton on wsdrtstday of each wwk until further notlen pupils prepared for conservatory examinations messages left at acrow kkxv ikes3 oftlco will rocnlvn prompt attention choice groceries and provisions have yoa tried mcdougalls for fresh groceries and fresh fruits and right prices mrs jennie hcdougall hill street acton ont i aju oondttiotufqtuj thm tw litesa reconstruction and telephone service tklephonk service like other public jl acrvicca undoubtedly suffered through the war hundreds of skilled telephone workers went overseas many trained operatora sought temporary positions in munition plants there was a world shortage of the material that so to build a telephone sys tem our reserves of plant and equipment were drawn upon until they were practically exhausted necessary repairs and mainten ance yqrk had to wait then came the armistice the business world sprang into intense activity the dc- manfi for new installations all over our system was enprrnaua now cornea the task of getting back to rairnial restoring our reserve plant pver taking arrears ofnuuntenance and repairs hurrying new construction of local and long distance equipment to meet pressing demands for service our plans ftr this year involve on outlay for extensions and replacements of over 7000000 we are giving intensive training in our operators schools to hundreds of young women to prepare them for central office positions our chief ooncorn ts that our subscribers ohould got tha bcs jxwji6o crvtca under all oondttion skilled workers adequate equipment a rejoivo ro do our beat white realizing that we are all servants of thm public ihoso arc tho factors waa we hope wilt result in the maintenance of tho prowar standard of telephone service and we ask the kindly cooperation of all telephone users in making sure of the number by consult ing the directory before colhnc speaking distinctly directly into tho mouthpiece answering promptly when the bell nngs the bell telephone company of canada i hot water bottles a reliable red rubber 2 quart bottle regular si 50 or 1 75 value special prepaid to any address 1 00 add si 00 extra for bynngc attachment mckees the raxall drjd store guelph ont clearing auction sale stock impumtnu etc the ui u4nlinh tun bcn ii by b hendry to mo by i ublk uuti n u sixth line krin mi thursday november s at ut o i dock tho fullowlntf ii01lshjoi ma a mum tv tul 1 urjmim 11 j tori tiiu lllutk uut oral iurkh 1z vnri cattlk i lilurk al 1 wl un c w frr4tli 4 ur 1 cjuofimy low ii tlmt week in juuuury s yejru 1 u uli i whlta cow tluu ural wfk in jul i tto 6 ywirw 1 llvtt i m lt c w inxl 3 m nil j i i 1 ytill uutr 1 11 if r 7 tut i i lugut v t jorooy hull n id i tl u tl mi s i l hirer tlviu i insi i u k s w i i it i i ii a wkm uia 1 1 wokai ui i wvi 10 4 rii k l ll ti it- sitrliix ducb u i rli o imllrmfmsl miouht lunij hinder 6 ft cut nkahutt t- i irlll nearly new luu i till i w nkahutt i ut in i w imii w mijury i 1 w no 31 siirlug i m tit il tlvalur txunici u i uo ut wr n cut frobt tt k u m i roun i icrt nl k i j h i w i lu ruck and mink ruck l ull r mil i box nullum faimh k niill u i i 1 hr ui trt ns wigir n nhnfls at 1 i i itulu wnckuu mlltr c imlru f i i 1 for tuuhlu 1 utvr wiro ulrmlur m i into rrram aojuintt r l iru llu tmtbalrliit n uul 1 latf nn irh ut mtrui k wliu llhirri v tl iifmiiui t hhj mlscfc1 lani 1v kuirul hj it i to kuiuu 11 c i i j hallo ull all with 1 uiuf 1 llvn ull i uli un wit chert cul liirt imrti r tuutr uvh ut tutbcxl 3 hcutnrm htovt ijvoa bontti new hmul u1tlutuv ui vu t rkj tc hen 1 uuau iiatvlblu t fi h ft x ft s in 3 i hi ii ihhii n 3 ci l x 8 ft 3 kulvunlaol loi t w ilt saw l rt twi uilf i t t nlf ulttblo blul krtn i w 1 imlf w llo i h ruu blutlkllh mt 1 ublu llhti a una m t lif v tlrlvl u itari jm uvy st f sit xl i uriiltu iutwh hutu jid brluloa lu ii u i i ulu u it t mtiajn9l i lurtiu w iti i tun rola 1 l l troufh hun ru i i w m rt x b ft x it ft two tltx nt m mi mil wuuh i rt ii 3 in iiitnh wire 4 vt unu rull 8 la mcah win tt rt if kjudt wet 10 ft aitura counter tlttvu with iruwnrn 1 curtis uf liaixl vrirftil all tut in miuvd lonsths an i a niu m iii 1 400 of sluvi cal i lr m l ut i mith iyrll lor ut 1 so fl f 1u in i lio i 1 w wl ool a i uggy wlicttilm not ky k i ut it tiixa iuhkii if hut m 1 iului ii uuiry can tsuafil ll i mlfi i 1 irr now but io turiwnlcru t ml 3 hl cutler 1 ivl tf btmkw dies all tuiuu all uuiiui uf 10 and un lor cash over that wu u t twelve moutlis credit on uphrovc i pulnt notot nui- trj cash vtve per cent off for caatl tha ww ner having rented the farm tho wholo will be wild without resarya r j kerr auetloneer isteiahuno 3 acton w icarabiun clerk t ft heu ten hurt 1 kj

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