Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1919, p. 2

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jfjtosjvtframmnsvamrt n yi v i hp rtun 3frrr jire bh 7 ihuilhlmv octoijiic 30 1919 in apple pick1n time lonff in itil pleklri time thoro in hint tit nil k n the weather ih it will not your uplrltn dnnrln till thoy ro ukiiii r than u feathnr you mil lnur it in tho munlr of t nolillilmir roontor utu i i 11 in tlin n if tho wull l irrylng tlio liurryln ihlltl an tlio wodln an tho drying or tho hops tlioro u iiuay feeling in tlio air lliul ml your noul a rime in tho hearty houltliy war kin day a o atiplo pickln time kvary rrlttor is unilr with iho nnwi cluing n weather you mil hoar tho wild toono honk an ha calls hln lock togrthar an tho hountln are on tho mountain xii thn woodchut kg in hln lair an thn miuirro fllu hln cellar in tho hollow 1mm lock there an tho ultijfln an tho rlngln or tho al on thn hill dettln ready workln nt udy all tho empty blnu to fill an when jouth ban crept behind an yii ufa la past ita prime you foci your boyhood com in back in apple pickln time xt was tho day before hallows en and in the little villa of lakeside the young folks be longing to all tho prosperous farm families had met together uctty connors comfortable sitting room to discuss their plana for fun and frolic on the coming delightful evening hallowoon wu always commemor ated in great stylo by the youngster qf lakeside many secret councils wore held in the homes of the more inventive and adventurous ones where the absorbing questions of costumes uod hair- raising tricks to be played w- poor bill scratched his head in wwo discussed very icnnthlrv the m when he saw all the queer dis very lengthily the roles of ghosts witches downs and other weird characters were rehearsed carefully in mr connors old tumble down wood shed near the orchard every evening for two weeks before october si the children had hurried joyfully to tho ahed laughing to them selves and dancing madly with glee in anticipation of the coming fun jack and fred connors had p burned to be twin ghosts 8uch ghosts had never before been seen in that country- bide their heads of glaring white convas held two eyes which by tho aid of a torch glared wickedly in the darkness the children were looking forward to scaring soma ofithe neigh bor folks and these ghoau were to be the biggest scorers in the troupe be side these there were niggers imps and jesters and witches wild with delighted simplicity all the children had confided in their parents the wonderful secrets that halloween night was to discover but with many a dont tell now mother they fully expected great surprise to be shown on all fathers and mothem faces when the uncanny procession of figures wended its way in the night from house to house jknj now on tho day before the even ing when black cats with eyes f witches sweeping past on brooms and ipw i awsuspritj were to reign ovev lb happy little vmsaat xn young conspirator bad gathered at bettys home to see that everything was ready sn eald fred heres father coming and every child flew to hide the queer garments that were scattered aboul mr connors smiled to himself on the other side of the door he bad been a rollicking bid himself oh not so vary long ago it seemed and it did his kind heart good to hear the chll dren having such fun getting ready for hallowei n of course re pretended not to know any thing about it and knocked very polliely at the door before going into the committee room of the h s il which being interpreted is the secret society of hallows oners betty he said coma here a moment betty went to her father and talk ing together they loft the room im mod lately afterwards the children separated for the night everything was ready pumpkin faces were cut brooms for the witches trailing robs for the ghosts even the bell and ribbon for marjory bates black cat were there in readiness geo its going to be fun lanl it the kiddles giggled and then they scampered home in tho moonlight run ning briskly with faces aglow for old jack frost was just beginning to tickle the air with his snappy fingers an it was not wise to linger long out of doors mothers had been busy as well as the children and all unbeknown to the youngsters large dishes of taffy and fudge and delicious rakes and pies were cooked ready to satisfy eager ap petites when the strange visitors en tered the homes next night when betty went in with her father she saw that be looked little worried wlyjm the matter daddy she aarflr has something happened oh no said her father every tiling is fine but i have to go to town on business uefcly and i want you to stay with your mother to morrow evening she is a little nervous yet after her accident but baddy began betty and then a bravo little guardian angel that always whispered sweet things in bettys ear just when she needed goo 1 advice whispered very softly betty never could tell in words ex actly what that little angel said but she knew that if she followed its ad vice everything would be all right so instead of protesting against her hard luck- she smiled bravely and oh so sweetly up into hor father face and said ah right baddy you know i really am too old now to be playing hallows en tricks 1 m fifteen years old next month and then she sighed so very softly that her father did not hear only the bravo little guardian angel heard that sigh and he took no notice of it for he might have bean wanting to play halloween tricks him self who known anyway next night while the chil dren hurriedly jlonned their costumes bettycaaie to them and sold im aorry i t gu but i ve sent my witch s dress over to linda gray bho wanted to play to night but had no dress and no money to buy one for her father has been nick qo just wait awhile till linda cornea ihe said nh- would n t be long 1 in a moment or two unda came and such a happy girl site was her lovely grey ayes wore just jumping with mischief and her mouth wss one smile then oft the troupe went on frolic bent betty watched them until the last lantern disappeared around the bend in the road then she wentlndoors her mother was in the living room on hho wide comfortsblo couch aha bad bean lying all the day boras had run away overturning tho buggy and throwing her heavily into the ditch and though nhe wus getting much better dlil not like to tto left olmio in the houne ilotty and her mother resit together for half an hour and talked confident lally elhjut many things then thn tired woman doxod hetty nut in the dark i y her nldo htm for got about her disappointment ut not going to tlio neighbors with tho other children ami ut urutfhlnk tho etara twinkling and the largo round moon shining or re nly through thn window huldonly old itox tholr trusty watch dog crow led fiercely nolty started up wllli houtlug heart and all aorta of things flitting through her imagli brain while she llstonod bho heard a kind voice speak reassuringly to the old dor who stopped harking right away then a tap came to the door betty lighted a lamp and went to soe who was there 1 am sorry to trouble you said a voire which sounded real enough to betty but where did it come from she could see no person there though she looked intently into the darkness when suddenly as her eyes grew ac customed to the darkness uhe could eo a huge nhagg bear standing right on her mothers ovn doorstep hetty opened her mouth and eyes wide and round no saucers oh my goodness said iihoji what who oh ray then tho l tear began to laugh and he lasgli oil an if hn never would stop others heard hint laughing and came running down the path towards htm a won derful fairy lady came first with beautiful curly hair and eyes like for get mo nolo bho smiled like why of course she smiled jus like julia bel bey who was home from college to see her grandmother living two miles east of bettys home then came a fat old nigger mammy betty never would have known her if she had not shouted hallo there betsy ann and whatevera scored yout then she knew that ol mammy was just tom belhey who really was twenty eight years too old for doing such foolish things presently a ghost six feet tall two witches a funny old dog that was no dog st all for it had four long feet with boys boots on and five little fairies dressed in pink yellow blue red and green dresses all stood around the doorway and laughed at betty oh como along in all of you and iii soon find qut who you ore she cried and in they all trooped the bear explained that they were on their way to codarvillo to attend a hal iowa en masquerade when the axle of their wagon had broken right outside the connors gate bill the hired man was sleeping the sleep of tho just by tho kitchen stove hen the noise of the visitors wakened beed grain distribution the annual free dntrlhuilmi samples of need grain is iong oi ducted at tho central pxperlmontiil farm ottawa by tho dominion cor thn following kinds of send grain will be sent out thin reason hprlng wheat in about lb numplen while oats about jb iwrloy about 6 lb field peon not gardon pouny alxut u lb field bonus eurly rlioii lnjf only for districts whoro tho sea nun in abort ubout 2 lt flax for need about st lb and flux for fibre ubout 3 tb only ono sample ran be sent to caoh upullcant applications must be on lirlnted forms which may bo obtained from the dominion cereal in t at any time until rebruary 1 as the stock of seed in limited farm era era advised to apply tarly to avoid disappointment no application formu wlllj be furnished after february 1 1010 c e saunders dominion cer esllst her inconvenient father when miss alice tlooaevolt waii a little girl she uttered a complaint tliat must surely find an echo in thn heurt of every wilful lawbreaker whose cone tuts fallen into tho hands of tho un compromising president her teacher at school had benu 1 i quiring for mrs i loose volt who wan hi and alice answered plaintively she inn t much better yet yes i a pretty hard papa stays at home rr nt all the time you see and that ma on it dreadfully inconvenient why how u thatt oh don t you see he doenn t derstand like mamma when mamma tells me to be home at four o clock and i get there at half past she understand but when papa says four and i get there at even quarter pant he doesn t understand at all save with a purpose a nix year old girt brought the vlult or her smnjl iron bank to admlro lnnt it hravyt sh nald proudly and there two ilimrji in thero and ono uuarter thti vlnltor axpronaed admiration what uro you going lo do with to mi ti money- h uiikc i and to hi i uurpi lun hi i t hi answjro 1 promptly 1 in saving it no i un go tn college vhrn im u his kf v whether thu fund in tho llltlo iron bxnk in uvir uwil for tho donlgnutod luiktao or not thin amtill girl han started right there in nothing credit ii til t aim ul on v luff for saving a nuke tho girl who nlmply learnn to hoard without any thought of what the money in for is in danger of develop ing in an undesirable way por oven in this extravagant ago mlnorllncnn in not unheard of and thera are an a max lug numberof peoplo who love money for itself and not for what it will bring buvo by all moann but aavo with a liurpone her version of it o t mill itu oho thn all the queer creatures in mrs connors kitchen he thought he had nightmare until the bear asked him to lend a band with the broken wagon then bill gotbusy and worked away with a wlil 1 that night while old bill worked outside in the frosty moonlight blcsa ing rather uncertainly a waggon i4pat had to break down of course j just when he wanted to sleep in bjxdbed been working mighty hard too betty sat for one glad hour by her mothers side snd watched the masqu erode m play their parts they had beard of mrs connors illness snd were only too glad to relieve the monotony of waiting by performing for betty and her mother they did their very very best and instead of passing a lonely evening thinking of all the fun the kiddles were having betty had the best time of her young life she laugh ed so heartily that the fairy had to stop dancing and the little fairies all stood on up toe in silent awe and ole mammy went to sleep right before the interested audience until her laughter spent itself then they all ate fudge and pumpkin pie then more fudge and fairy cakes and then more fudge and stilt more pie until bill came in and shouted aji aboard for codsrvllle pm afraid you will be latefox yut party said bett- fcrty said mr bear let- me tell you miss betty we ve had one lovely party already and i doubt whether well be alive when we get to cedarville after all that fudge l therell more in his pocket too whispered one of the fairies at which they all laughed thsn ole mammy shouted qeddsp maud and away they went galloping down the road betty went indoors mulling her mother was asleep ole filll wsj ing upstairs so leaving a light ready for the cbibtren when tjiey came in betty went to her own tittle blue and white room she said her prayers kneeling in the streak of moonlight that shone through tho window and she was sure she could hear her little guardian angel whlsportrg in her ear it was alt right betty wasnt ut it was all right betty- but before she could answer she fell asleep and what with dreaming of blue fairies with pink eyes and bears with boys feet and nigger mammies that walked like real live men and a whole iqt of other things all mixed up together she novfer really could tell just what did happen until she beard fred call ing get up there betty its half past seven snd we wont our brea quick right sway i leave it to dobbv a patriotic scotchman was present at a meeting at which sn eminent shaken peris n scholar dwelt on the glories of his favorite author at the close the scot approached the lecturer snd said i y think a fine lot o shakespeare doctor f i do ilrl was the emphatic reply an ys think he wss mnir clever than babble burns t why there is no comparison tween thero maybe no but ye tell us the nlcht it wan bhakespeara who wrote uneasy lies the head that wears a croon now babble wad never has written sla nonsense an that nonsense air cried the indignant doctor ay just nonnensel babble wad has koiit tliat a king or a queen either disni gang to bed wl the croon on his bead he wad hang it ower the back o bin chair t a natural inference the teacher won trying to couvey an idea of devotion to the members of her class now suppose she i said a man working on the river bank suddenly fell in hn oould not swim and would be an danger of drowning picture the soene the man a sudden cry tbe cry for help hln wife knows his peril and hearing his screams rushes 1m mediately to the bank why does she rush to the bankt whereupon a boy in the rear ex claimed why to draw his insur ance money 2jusao00 children lost to germany professor erall abdarhalden the noted psychologist says that ger many s deficit in children since ltl4 was ib 000 ooo and children mortality lias continued to increase during the war professor abderhalden devoted mhch of his time to sending tubercular children tt neutral coon tries chiefly swltxerlind but the drop in the vatuj of the german mark precluded tho here carrying out of the enterprise on the her scale required by the stats of juvenile is afternoon health inqnnurr the chief source the question ef milk prices brings to mind one of the best or sir harry lauders stories a farm hand was sent one morning by a scottish cow keeper to feed his cows with cabbages but mind he said that ye gfe the biggest to tbe coo that glen the maint milk ay replied the boy and dlsap peared to do his masters biding did ye do as i told yet asked the cow keeper on the boy n return and gla the biggest cabbngn to the one that gtes ths maint milk oh ay malster answered the boy i hung the biggest on ths pump child lull wull rang through the houne the iinxloun mother sprang to hor feol hushing into tho hall ho mot hor llltlo duughtor coming in from tho gordon and carrying a broken doll by what thn mnttnr darling t tho mothir unked tcnib rly o o o oh mo o thor nowlod tho child willie n broken my do all tho nuushty boy how did ho do itr i i hit him on the head with it wan the slow response pitts burgh hronlclo telegraph it u wise to prsvant di -order- muny causes lead to disorders of the ntomach and few are free from thorn at the first manifestation that tho stomach and liver nuro not performing their functions a conrts of pormoloe n vcgetablo pills should b tried and it will be found that the digestive or gann will speedily resume healthy uc tlon laxative and uedatives are wo blended in these pills that no other preparation could be no effectlvo as they yourjfstjb eyesgsg just er comfcsri tear draubtt vt nsifl fic pa bottk for svmh si ths ejm free writs sa ytettm ey c- celc 87 years of service the foundation stone of any banks success must be service to the public the 87 years of steady growth of this bank its steady increase in assets and resources are a measure of the sound consistent friendly service it extends to its customers may we not serve you too the baiikxf nova scotia acton drue t- next enrollment day lirampton business institute monday november 3 a b hool f nxlolleiio roinmodloun cluon room fltwat oiulp muiit 1 ftlcioncy tourncm in llunlliosn hu noaruphy typewriting addrtuuf to day for particular brampton business institute c e bou8field principal brampton ont which are you going to have 45 or 8252 if you have 100 in the savings bank it will pay you 3 per cent interest or in fifteen years 4500 if you take that money out of the savings bank and invest it in victory bonds canada will pay you 6 per cent interest jon it or in the same time 8250 buy i j victory bonds and get more interest the oleg8edne80 of de1nq common a yi iing man was nixaklug of at i oliiir in lifn whirl hail just como tn itin i t a woman who wan te ily ion i tin i ft r hln hurciinn i hullovo you urn axacly nit d fo city nliuiloi ilin i you um no nodal no a ym pal hi tic llu uiiht thn nxircitnlun r hi r fit and no common ho nut had laughing ybi wun tho nulrk rcnonth that ti junl t thtwik od charlie you urn ho rotnthnii and won it not something for which to thank od many a highly sifted mini fulln of large usefulness becauan ho dorn not know how to be common im cuuho hn dcen not oporoorh th comni tn ixoplo n a common ground the hingungo of hln icljhborn work shop i more foreign u him than in tho uiirofh of hpaln o italy ho known what tho culluury urt was as practiced by thn ancient lgyiitlana but be could not onduct an intelligent con versa tlon with bin own rook on tho nuhject of hor dully occupation ho can din t ouruo learnedly on tho clutrlot rucen of tho luiintnu 1ml ho can not talk to hln lonlimun for two mlnuton with out running out of material ho donn not know how to be common belecled rtulu rhld conditions muni nt in thn mtomuch and intontlncn to i urago wurmu and they will exist long un those morbid conditions mlt thorn to to be rid of thorn and n tho child buffering uno m liter n rm iowlem they will correct tho nutlvi irregularities by don troy ing wormn conditions favorable to disappear and the chlld have no mora suflorltuc from that doing it tho houd of a largo business house bought a number of those do it now nlann and hung thorn up around hi mcen thoy were effective beyond i xpect itionn tnd yot il can hardly bo tuild that thoy irnrkod very well whn lifter th- flmt few dam of those signs thi hunlnenn man counted up the re uultn ho found that the cashier had skipped out with jttl 000 tho head ixnk keeper hud eloped with tho nton ouruiilior throe clerks liad asked for a rulno in nalao and too orlco boy had lit ut for tha west to become a huuhrungsr tlio soldier oil for toothache there in no pain mo ucute and distressing as toothache when you have so unwelomo a visitor apply fr thomas eclectrjq oil ac cording to directions and you will find immediate relief it touches tho nerve with soothing effect and the pain do parts nt on do that it will ease tooth udio is another fine quality of this oil showing the many uses it has issued by canadas victory lota c la ooopcrstioa with the- minister of rinanca ol tbe doaloioa ol cuuda when yon need boots shoes at any time boy from w williams mill street famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices how cooking is done in a firrlcss cookslove 11m i ihitrthv i f liloi rooking is dint lb ily ii if i h hi it hit inn dm i kliu u i i ill up n t mull linen iillel ru hut i ii ii i illil rn i ui bo h it i i v i uuy 1th i i r iiiovl any kin i f fu i i in liuti i nidlau rn no ik i in ii t il i in iilun tii nt with thn ut in ii whli h ontaliiu iho food to i il kul thu food in uniiully platcd hi mo iiilui htovi in kit mw iititlu mil toll an thn h it fl m thu rudlit t un n t tit ua from tin klr ihh it in ixui liiiprlionitl within tho cook i in oiii nrtni ill 1 hi un luiprln out 1 h ut r lyu i m lr it thn riw foo i and conk it dm i i c time in j ru tlcally tin i linn tlmu un thut ullowid for mi onlliutiy nluv 1 nough haul can in ator 1 in n rudlutor in a fow mltiut ii to thiioiikhly rook an urtlclo of food whhh wiull i mlro noveral imuni if it ntliiiixm fir ly th old stylo ntovo imthid th r ii a navlng f m n thun ho i or ci nt of iho foul loiihuiiii tlon lilt i at 22 00 and 2zxo wl havl what yqu want tho bond hardware co ltd phone 1012 quelph r this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair pneo to fulfill all guarantees and cheer t fully correct all mia takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co ooooooooooooqoooxxioooooooooooixiooooooo acton flour and feed store wo huva s nuopty of tha tollbwlnj the well known brands ol king choice norvl end natlonnl flour nothlny better rolled oats oilcake 8hort8 oat chop bran feed flour halt in itarmln lotf tb i tarn or small iuantlty if denlred uplctlial linifl in oucuaun itauqu oivb ooh calf ukutl a trial domkstic hollki oats tub littst canada bod doard uoeinta no 86 robert noble limited henry awncv manager quality our sweater coats main tain the standard of quality in all our styles quality raincoats wo maintain tho standard of quality in the raincoats wo sell quality is tho standard in ull our merchandise re nelson phone 40 next pest offioe quelph if your tlrod oy luffar thimfortuhhi glasni thut will emit lu you to rxud with tunu uiui l lot k lulu tho dlntiiro without i y nti uln you uhuuld vlult un wu will ozanilno youi vyuu and mukn for thoin tho glusnts that will ugaln inaki ufo neunt wurtli living our prison mu uu nut isfutuiy un our nurvito 10 p opticiak si im nit ormi

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