Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1919, p. 3

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j sty artott 3xtt hxhi thuhhoav ocroluin 30 1919 tna acton iluca lutos 1 puhllalied every thursday murnliiff at tho iumm rsns bulldliut ulll street acton ontario tliu ouhacrtptian price u 1 co pr ytmr in sdvancn iootaito 1a chareod additional to ouloea in the unltod htutre tito data to which subscriptions are paid la indicated 1 tho address label aiviitjhlnm i tatkh transient advertiaemonta 10 roiitu ikjt ilnu icatu measurement for first insertion and cnnta pur ilnu fur each subsequent insertion contract display udvurtinctnonts fur 100 lltcbea or more por annum it cenln icr inch each insertion advurtlsemonts without poclllo utrthtlqiw will bo inserted un forbid and charred accordingly ii i uoou12 udltor and publisher tlfilepiionfy editorial und huulimoui oruca residence lla lib nearly everybody one meets nowkdays is a pro hibitionist- the election last week made it popular to bo on the side of those who worked so strenuously to keep the liquor t riffle out the mail and limp 1 re says distillers announce that they arc satisfied with tho result of the referendum tfnd it seems equally probable that ludcndorff was rather pleased with the result when the polls closed on november 1 1 1918 editorial in some form or utltcr parliament must give the people of ontario who have voted by overwhelming majorities against tho retail sale of liquor within the province the right to prevent importation from other provinces or from abroad ontario does not want to bcdcluged with whiskey from mqjitrcal and wont stand for it globe with a presumption quite in keeping with the course followed during the recent referendum cam paign the liberty league in the face of a majority of about 350000 votes is askmg for a recount of tho votes polled on the 20th inst we have absolutely nothing to fear said dr o s grant chairman of the qntario referendum committee in regard to the request for a recount in fact i feel that we will increase our big majority if a recount is held the result of the magnificent majority secured lost week for thc continued prohibition of the liquor traffic hnsnbccn farreaching it is said that tho result has knocked on tho head a movement which had taken shape in manitoba to demand the sale of light beer and wines in hat province petitions to the government were- in circulation but have been withdrawn both great britain and france have been encouraged in their campaign for prohibition by ontarios splendid majority the interchurch f movcment tlif rliurcli ntnmlh forithn rollgll butiln of nil y nnd mwl never loss fhidr in dilului notlilijv in mora re- puliflvk than pmlnntlirwftla work car- rlnl on without thmnndnr human nyinputhy nnd iho spiritual ltialtit which miublra tho worker to hen i the wiiim hi tf uoclmy korla reform f t iuitriirtlvi nitint n immmi on sound lirllirliilns lluih irnxinul must cuii- irlhi iniiit ikiwnr tariff by the lliti hi yu ml jun ihn movomom iirtallia the loupal of jem it ctilovr ho drlvlnu whh li ha m liior ivll inn unity inspired ilconoral canada requires both the farm and the town and never more than at the present time each is depen dent upon the other for the prosperity of all just now when great britain asks for a credit to buy our surplus food stuffs wo should stand all together and aim to assure the success of the effort to provide for the credit through the victory loan a direct re sponsibility rests upon the man on the farm and also the man in the town each must shoulder hrssharc of the responsibility by lending to the utmost even the countries overseas some of them at least see tho great benefit of the measure of prohibition of the liquor traffic put into force during the war in norway wartime prohibition operating since decem ber 1016 and forbidding the sale and private impor tation of spirits and strong liquors was made per manent by plebiscite netd last week- the country has been greatly excited over the question and pre mier knudscn announced that be would resign if prohibition failed of adoption the women 6f the town were so interested in the vote last week that they will naturally be anxious to vote again tomorrow on the waterworks and shoe factory bylaws the women tnnyvotc on these by laws bdt only those wbosown property in the munici pality and whose namesare 00 the voters list pre pared for the election on these bylaws the progress of tho town from the standpoint of health conveni ence sanitary conditions industrial advancement and the general spirit of local loyalty to actons interests will induce electors generally to support the bylaws wc must have courage and determination and must summon the necessary unanimity said a dis tinguished british statesman tho other day in coun selling his countrymen on the necessity of maintain ing her tradei these words might just as well have been uttered by a canadian statesman for tho quali ties named are allessential to this country at the present juncture canada is now offering the 1010 victory loan and it must be pushed through to success with courage determination and absolute unanimity if canada is to prove worthy of her opportunity the success of the farmers in the political cam paign last week places our friends of the farm in a new position in relation to public affairs the prac tical hardheaded common sense f the farmers elected to the legislature and their loaders who arc at the head of the organization will lead them to promptly realize that this country needs a wellbal anced government with equal consideration for all the dethronment of the old parties may eventually be found of incalculable benefit the patronage system will at once be annihilated this will be the result even more completely if a coalition government be formed deration tiavo infurrh thn u luteal of the church but tho nmln ower after ull turn bnon oimclonco ruhtctl informed and mtiatulnid by rnllrloii tiui urtuul tliun lien mo uh human a urn tho inoiaund women who coma to tlmm from tliovlulm board a of trudo und trndn unlonuvlmri they meat far otbur ijurihibca utc hiu but lo con- nldnr for u rpomont wliul society would bo ilk if thn quint abldlnr influence of tho churches wore romoved to do- i ido that ilchflta ortaln itioffecuvo- iiihm hi n church 1m an indispensable r in tho mural hfo of tho nation mrimnlrrtt ndjuntir fun 1 nt jirrlod lunlulit imirn of rovoretico for god nnd mini will ue dlaui pointing can tlm forro of rolllcuin bo muilo mom offeo- tivt din rollulon itir ntui d forth morn distinctly than over iliac tunglcd from mini hlovouh unsociutloiia with iltioiitloiiubln rclnncn hlalory and joll- tira to huntuln tho inward ufa of aoclal linigmuit no unuuii ik more uront und tho fuel that ull tho oliuroh havoi uwukonrd to faro it in full of oncour- thn intorctiun h forward uovo mont with tho nutlonal cumpdlgn li ouch u1unl1 uniieau t every cltutei to fucn unovv tho bujta1 queatlona of llfn it mok to make ood hi ororul ufo und a greater force hi aolul orsunluttlon tho over- whalmlrtft mo nun of roaikinnlbhlty or each chriatlan and every croup to clod for promoting- the luo of all qode children will alone create the atrnoa- re in which real eoclul prosreaa lo mudn the interchurch move ment ihcrcforo liiyltca oil chrletlan people to ntreaa anew the undunenui facte ravorenco to tiod aa een in ovory man the brotherhood of tho human family wealth aa held aolely in tnifft fur god life in the world and all life u men ii of ojcpreaalna uode thourtita und purpoae rather than a f prlvuto kaln eltnkht thomas hoard of social uervlce a timely help the face is often the first to betray a decline in strength when you feel rundown and your face is colorless the need for scom emulsion is plainly evident thbse who have tried scottm know its power to strengthen the body enrich the blood and put the color back in the face dont be palefiaced takm scottm etrmltionj good tilings to eat at the annual prize day at upper canada college toronto last friday principal grant announced that the plan to remove the college to norval had been shelved indefinitely that being tho case it is mani festly due by the college authorities or the govern ment of the province to recoup the township of esquesing the amount that would have been collected for taxes on tho six hundred acres of land selected by upper canada college near norval as a new sito for the college and exempted from taxation on the ground of being property owned for educational pur poses tho course of holding this land for six or eight years without taxes has been very unfair to the township sortie opposition to the proposed waterworks for acton has arisen through a misapprehension as to the basis of the frontage assessment citizens own ing corner lots have been led to believe that both frontages will be assessed if water mains are laid on bpth the letter of explanation of plans supply and cost issued by the council last week distinctly states that any property owner may have water for the asking and by paying frontage tax on one frontage only ot his property the matter of levying for services is wholly in the bands of the council for under the local improvement act on a twothirds vote of the councirwater mains may be laid on any street this plan is the reverse of the act respecting the laying of cement pavements canada wants intelligent citizens prominent among the lessons taught by the war ts that of the importance of education tho realization that educa tion is one of the chief foundation stones olcivilixa- tion is growing rapidly there follows the demand in iluacountry and it is today a very insistent de mand in csnfida that our schools be required t train boys and girls to be citizens our school programmes will require to be pruned the presumption that every scholar has in view a course in the university which has held sway for several generations must now give way pupils in the primary and secondary schools niust henceforth be taught trjc fundamentals of a useful citizens life and conduct among these are honesty uprightness industry justice thrifts fire prevention in addition to an ordinary curriculum prepared to meet the duties of everyday life present conditions demand that such things shall be taught in the schools and are included in a citizcus full duty ihc niagara falls evening review commemorated the fortieth anniversary of the rounding of tho paper with a most creditable special number ooorty- eight pages last week this splendid anniversary edition is profusely illustrated with portraits of the founder and subsequent owners of the review prom inent citizens public buildings and icvaj event of a i historical character the paper wasmnjlod by j e anger and his brother w h anger b a who had graduated from albert college in 1870 fifteen year ago mr frank h leslie purchased tho review and for ten years conducted jt as a weekly his energetic efforts and indomitable perseverance won for him success five ycara ago this month the review was launched as a daily a new daily in a small city in i war times natupaityshas a strenuous experience mr leslie has successful waethered alf the vicissitudes of the foundation period he now tias m daily paper of which ho is justly proud whiezi has built up a circulation of over three thousand enjoys the con fidence of tho community has a roodero newspaper equipment housed in a fine building erected for tho review and tho plant is making money commensur ate with the commcndtblo energy and business ability which mr leslio is so well qualified to txwtow con- gratulational v great opportunities for trade lie within tho grasp of canada if her farmers wageearners merchants and manufacturers hove foresight enough to reach for them on the maintenance of our great over seas trade built up during the war rests our ability to carry on one of the great objects of the victory loan apart from the rehabilitation ot- the returned soldier is the raising of the capital necessary to enable the government of canada to continue its system of credits to great britain france belgium and other countries and at the same time pay cash to the canadian producer on these credits our present and future trade depends and all canadians must unite to ensure an ample subscription to the 1010 loan which alone will render them possible the vote on the shoe factory bylaw for the formal ratification of the new agreement between the cor poration and gourhiy 2 co of kitchener takes place tomorrow inasmuch as the money has already been borrowed and the town is responsible for it there will be no object in anyone casting an adverse vote the exhibit of the shoes to be manufactured by the firm who will operate the new premises now on display in the window of messrs mclean mills will give our citizens a good idea of the splen did styles and qualities of the output of acton shoe factory any town might well have pride in the es tablishment of a business by men of experience which will produce goods of this character acton electors will act the part of wisdom by giving tho shoe factory bylaw unanimous concurrence it is the concensus of opinion of canadian officials who havo visited europe that the future of the export trade in dairy products is assured in england butter is everywhere at a premium and canadian cheese continues to hold its good reputation mr h s arkell live stock commissioner who has receptly returned from overseas states that the shortago of milk and dairy products in great britain is unpre cedented the same is true of other european coun tries the scarcity and high price of concentrated feed is to some extent responsible for this tho con dition is so general as not quickly to be remedied it is further responsible for retarding the increase of swine production and tho restoring of the normal re quirements of fat this statement from the livo stock commissioner should give confidence not only to dairy farmers but to those who are ablo to raiso hogs waterworks for acton with this purpose in view the propertyowners of acton will go to the polls to morrow why are waterworks desirable for acton a waterworks system affords the people of tho homj the great convenience of running water the boon of lavatories a convenience which assures comfort and sanitation and is especially valuable during times of sickness provides adequate fire protection lower insurance rates will increase the values of property tn the municipality and will give acton a prestige in the eyes of prospective residents and manufacturing industries which is now lacking tho question has been asked over and over again the past week or two why arc the citizens who already possess pri vate waterworks systems affording thwi all the usual conveniences so anxious to see waterworks in stalled in acton frankly the interest is wholly un selfish in each case these citizens realize so fully the great advantages and comfort of waterworks in their homes that they are anxious that every other citizen should enjoy these advantages as well by the installation of a public waterworks system the cost to the average citizen will be but a tithe of tnc expense incurred by those who have installed private systems no person whotiaa ever enjoyed the privi leges afforded by waterworks fails to appreciate their worth or would not eagerly embrace the opportunity of securing such privileges when tho cost in acton will only reach ap average of thirty cents per week turnips wanted farries mullin wholesale commission merchantfl arc again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points wo are paying highest prices for choice stock fames mullin acton rockwood mceneky evans have everything appetizing in meats lanv for saturday lord now down to 40c a fine new line of conned gooda still getting in tomatoe watch our window for bargain on saturday night prices nfc always right and your child will be as faithfully served as if you came yourself mcenety evans acton meat market- main street cpr cleaning premin rupirin your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we carr make that old suit look like new try us geo wallace guelph ontario lliot1 venga a chh atrt toronto enjoy nn excellent reputation for hlfnarado bualnesa training and for placing- fftaduaow in good positions enter any time wrtto for cata logue w j elliott phnoipl real estate it you havo a house tor sata it you want to buy a houaa in acton ask r j kerr auatfor and raal estata daslar phone f vounq 8theet acton ont war bond interest cpjupons and cheques cashed free the merchants bank will cash all war loan coupons or interest cheques when due on presentation without making any charge whatever for the service if you have not a savings account why not use your interest money to open one with this bank th mcrchants bank hdofficfliitrwl of caniajja ethid 1804 acton branch lb sh0rey manager georgetown branch h r m1mms manager the prince of wales a large photo of the popular heir to the throne for all free press readers tho family hern id and weekly star q montreal have secured the exclusive rights for all canada for a real good photo 10x22 inches of the prince of wales it is by vandyke the celebrated london england photographer taken on the eve of the princes departure for canada- the acton free press has n2dc arrangements with the family herald and weekly star whereby wo are permitted to in clude the princes photo in n clubbing offer wc now make the following offer good only until december 31st 1010 the family herald and weekly star one year cost 125 the acton free press one year cost 150 i wc offer both papers for one year each and an autographed copy of the prince of wales portrait size 10x22 inches all for 275 all orders to be sent to this office the acton free press warning this offer is good only until december 31st when it is announced the price of the family herald will be 150 a year read the adsthey help save money i ulor mode 90 the final phonograph the brunswick phonograph designers began where other phonograph designers left off it embodies every feature of all other phonographs from tone to beauty and has besides a number of flow ideas notto be found in any other phonograph in fact it is tho a1fincluive musical instrument and must indeed represent the finished drcum of tho genius who first invented a talking singing and playing instrument tho ultona is u distinctly now creation at the turn of the hand you adapt it to play any record it is not an at tuchmcnt nothing to take off or put on the real diamond for the edison tho real sapphire for the brunswick or pathc the steel or fibre for other records always there we want owners of other phonographs toino in and hear tho brunswick play the records they use and are familiar wjth wc montion no details here you must come und hear it priced from 6200 to 275000 mason ritich pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sowing machines and other lines vou can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones blccry main street georgetown easy to handle- economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money r look into the wide deep seats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonneau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing crampedv it has big car performance combined with small car handincss and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control as within easy reach and it las complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience the motor is 32horsepower the wheel- base 106 inches and there are easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and sec this model 90- let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent geokgetqwn ontario willysoverland limited wiu r g- nr iiy nlf iuii olllo jud woriu wt toronto ontario touring cr model 90 136000 tourine car model 85 jl 49600 for particular apply to t j speight georgetown jas symon acton business directory thoa onty m d a m moqill l it- c i icmiibursti i il k p a h obufrow mcmbor llrltlti todl- cal association oto om irrodorlck ikroqt artun ont or j a mcniven physician and surotan ml jlrmldonot co tr lower john law go n vatarfnary gurgaort acton ont qradukto of onlurlo vuturliiory cou ljomo arthurs 1 1 kick itowldanoe mln htreet camq dor or n in tit prompt- 1 ly attended to veterinary phono no 22 i o luxx 335 harold nash farmer m a oarriater solicitor notary publjo convanyancor etc perrywan block acton ont monhy to loan conveyancing hour id m to b p tn at roaldcnoo r h wanqorouoh laic avanua acton ontaru free press ads bring results dr j m bell d o o l o b- dantlst honor qraduat of toronto unlvai sltjr tba latla mnamthotla usee i dcalrwd mtscellaneoua marriage licenses h p moor issuer marrlao lioana prlvato office no witness rw- qulrss issued at resldsnoo in event n pax- pxcss offloe acton ont fhanci0 nunan bookblndsr account book of all kinds mtda to order periodicals of ovary descrlp- hon caxcfally bound rutins neatly i and promptly done wyndhaip street ouelph nt- over william htore r j kerr licensed auctioneer for tho counties of hal ton welling ton peel and hutferltt and toe city of goelpli acton ontario the free press ohice ac tod the mercury office quolpb the neweneoord pnrua or with w j gordon harness uaker llluaburar sales entrusted to ft j kerr re ceive attention from da to of lutln- to date of sale list your amine with me r nee younfl strvat acton pbone 14 acton call at my txpen je cheevers book binder quebec st east gualph ont xjooks and matuslnc bound lo handsome and substantial covers name tattered in cold on lllblea hymn books and other books all work promptly executed d alex nivbn ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys faubdivulona plana re ports descriptions ulucprjnta etc certluoatoa for iiurcuasera and mortmjreca survey for architects builders and municipal councils draaacd reports etilmate etc mo lean building douaus st auklph phono lqst oni roy hindley auctioneer live stock heal liiftati and uuhcilamiuh consolidated phone erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton grand trunk b hie double track route uotwijtn montreal toronto detroit chicago uliokltllatl dining lur hi rvluu hi ou pit ik uirri ml tilllt tlullui i parlor curs n irhiutmil iluy trulil jull lufumuutloit riuii uny lraud trunk llekoi rueiil or t k llornln uutrlt uauwtijtm- agtii tofuittu il llolmes agvnt acton ont wturv is the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo are manufacturer and dlrec importers or all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers f wliouumlo prloea lhus eovluk our customers 40 pdr oant- we have the best appliances and the only median lea in the iasnliilon who can operate pneumatlo toou properly we can vlve refereixs from hundreds of our cuatomrrx in toronto and other pluoee where others have to havo law suits in order to oollrct wo have the tersest and beet stock of tjranlto in the iomtiikhlor more than any three dealers in the west w are loa-ltl- tnato doe lorn and rtuiiloy nu ucnta and do not annoy or peat luatomera liy aandlos out ignorant intunih solicit- lna orders we employ mily mechanic and defy oompetlliou hamilton sows oor norwich woolwich sts uuslph

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