Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1919, p. 4

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ljr artttfsto insi rhijhmdar octoiii it 30 191ft a gong of the world wi ui ill i i a i tlkti will t tihi tu tin wl u hull i i u t dot out of k illrl in l t filiull i tliik lu ttio world ut will kiii dm flood gutee of living lu my in iik lu tho world ulvi i in 4vl ly tho giving riilti in my m tig au u lurk i i u riiuugh tho wor m ng thu sing r i world it it winging nut saved by a tub old ma34 of the big clockftoweb i nnd i am otfllged to confess again that my old noodle continue prononess of forgetfu in ess tho edi tor tho other day brought me up with a short turn because i forgot when writing up mill street reminiscences lo stato that the family of the late principal t t mooro included another charming daughter in addition to those 1 mentionod un nelllo jenner ifr and mrs charles jennw went one of the fin eat couplea of young people who ever went out from acton while re siding in tholr happy home in q lovers- vllle n y mr jenncr useful carw us a musician and active church work or wu cut abort following an attack of typhoid fever mrs jenner fre quently vbftta her mother and sister in tho old home at tho corner of mill and young utrect that bis quoltlng match of mr robertson a on the ilenrdmore round the other week aet my old head think ing about awayback days the edi tor wouldn t spare me any apace last week to say a word about it but i vo got a free rein this raornlns well that big championship match in which my neighbor jack motion knocked out the champion of ontario took me bock to boyhood days some of you will remember when ilojth cameron jim ijuusr levi lambert jack stafford and a number of other had tt quoting ground in the gully back of john farmer barn on church street where mr gregorys bungalow and garden are now my bow they enjoyed tho gaam night after night all summer long they pitched except on tho nights when they went arr to the fifth line for new clay for stakes hugh cameron was the daddy of them all at the game he took his quoits with him when he removed y to sornlk a a grand trunk bridge build er in 1883 hughle went to a big tournament at buffalo n y arranged by st andrews society he won the championship and the splendid silver medal the berwick club prise prisea this roedai highly yet even if thlrtyslx years have passed and shows it with much pleasure when ever quoting 1j talked of i don t think i ever saw it but lota of other old mutual friends in town have if you want to see hughle smile sometime when be a in town talk quoltlog glory me i could hardly wait for a whole woek to tell how glad and thankful i am over the big majority rolled up for prohibition in ontario on that memorable day monday octo ber 20 and 1 dont blame the editor a bit tor saying last week that acton did magnificently in the fight con sidering the opposition there was to fight against the liberty league and the turks dldn t harm our cause tn the slightest- they can go on wor shipping together just aa much as they like say weren t you proud of our women the young women and the old women the married women and the sprlnstera the grandmothers and tho mothers with their first babies not walking yet were 11 in and en treating tho voters to vote four xxxx in the no column and they did it with a vengeance think of it u4 no voters in acton say i never was more proud of the good oldtown yes and i m proud of the old county too with ita majority up in the thousands say this vote takes me away back sixty years and more to tho time when i went to hlewarttown to vote for the dunkln act tho first temperance measure introduced tn halton rve been voting ever since to help cut out the boose and i think weve got him burled this time face down it a been a long process but glory hallelujah its paid why just think i can re- mem bor when there were twenty seven hotels on tho seventh line between balltnafad and ookvllle is miles and a brewery and a distillery thrown lo some people ask me why 1 m such t crank about wiping out the liquor business when its raver done my family any harm wei perhaps it hasn t mary and i have always been proud that it never caught our boys bless them but weve seen many an other of the brightest boys in acton go down under it we want to help other boys und so we both voted four noes on election day i dont think many fathers and mothers hare who have real homes and real boy a and girls voted any other way lu acton- well here i am wandering off c this hacknoyed subject again i guess it won t be as much talked for a long- while as durliur the past few months and now bock to main street s history johiinlo mckee was one of the livest merchants we ever hod in town ills drat business experience in acton was travelling a stallion he lived in a little house on the lot on church street where mrs wiles residence now stands and his stable was on the westerly aide of the lot he sold the stallion and put tho money into a general stock of merchandise he rentd a building with h was on thu site now occupied by kenjiay brothers store his stock included groceries dry goods boots and shoes and a liquor department the business thrlv ed and the adjoining residence pre- vioaly occupied by air olbbons the blacksmith was added as u tailoring establishment a good deal of in genuity was displayed in taking orders fpr clothing when a web of over coating caiuo lu it would be divided into two und rolled into separate webs at dijxarant prices a customer would come in to look at etoth fpran over roat tho first end of the web would bo shown from which an overcoat would bo made to order for 110 00 hut litre a fine thing the salesman would nay stowing the other part of the web if you like a better coal wo ii glvo you this made up for 14 00 this won reported as a fro quont occurrence and the customer would usually take the belter pleoo itut johnny s rapidly devooplng bus nriia carer was suddenly cut short by a disastrous ire one night which swept away store nuxk whiskey bar rein bottlou nnd all a iwirtlon of the stork was salvaged by a volunteer oorpn of cltiwnn but this was disposed or shortly thereafter and johnny s store career in acton was ended his next venture was a line of manufsc turlng in a small way tho colorado beetle or as now familiarly known the itotato qua made its advent about this time johnny conceived the id n f rum pounding a destroyer this was a mixture of lime whiting and paris green with which to sprinkle the potato vines thousands of pack ages were put in green wrappers in the stable which stood on the marshall property on john street afterwards bought by w h storey for his fine residence sunderland villa one sea son suffloed for this venture and mr mckee removed to parry bound with s colony of acton people who went up to that section to engage in the lumber business- kennedy brothers donald and thomas built a new store on the site where mckee s was destroyed for some time it was during their term as merchants on main street that william williams was engaged at bowmanvtlle to come to acton tc superintend their boot and shoe do partment about forty five years ago kennedy brothers sold out to john kenney jfc son and the business has ever since been in this family of old time residents of acton the smaller store on the lot now occupied by george edwards harness business was the location of a num ber of grocery businesses mrs mcnalr had jk business there mrs joaiah adams was there for a num ber of years john r kennedy com menced bis business career there t statbam a sons bakery and grocery was there for ten or fifteen years and it swarkhamer kept ntore there for a time the old man how the first books were made after the rail of the roman empire and after the tune of charlemagne at the beginning of the middle ages the oldentime books were forgotten by most men then living even so some copies of the old books were saved and one kind of book- making went on as usual this was the making of won derful copies of the bible and writings of the early church fathers in the mqn bstetiea ever monastry had its own llttlo puwuhliu- department the place in the monastery wiere th monks worked at book making was called the scriptorium and it waa onlj the older monks who were trusted to do this kind of work the copies f the bible and in fact all the books made in these days had leaves of parchment and the printing was of course all done by hand by the use of a stylus these exquisite pages were illuminated in colors and in every pook there were beautiful painted ii lustrations many of the hand made books are still in existence and are carefully preaerved in both private and public libraries and museums when one is sold it brings a fabulous price often many monks used to work at the same time in copying a book they tell us that one monkwould read tdoad while twenty others copied on parch- ment sheets what he read thus twenty copies of the same book would be in process of m at the same time it was not the custom to make copies of the blblo in this way because the bible did not sell so readily as smaller less coolly books we are told too that the most beau tiful copies of the scriptures were made by monks who for years worked alone in their cells printing by hand painting and illuminating the precious pages all for the glory or god ep worth herald getting the most for your money many people who think of money as the chief good have little ides of how to use it so as o get any satisfaction out of it- a lumberjack comes from the woods with roil of buls in bis pocket th4jpayment of his winters totl he reaches town visits a saloon and remembers nothing clearly tlu he wakes up some morning with his head aching and his pockets empty no one la foolish enough to suppose that such a man gets any roll return for his money if our standard of enjoyment tgphy steal merely the pleasure we get from the expenditure of money is self- limited you are getting the most for your money when your am doing what you can for those reforms that mean the building up of the world whatever else your money may buy if it has not given you the joy of helpfulness you are very for froov getting the most from iu expenditure t coal problem solved kero gas burners ordinary tool oil for fuel ar installed in any stovo or furnace will supply all the heat necessary for cooking or heating purposes write for particulars nnd rices and arrange for demonstration fred e dewar sole agent for halton county telephoneno 72 milton ont wisdom a superstitious man is the one v imagines that others think as mi of him as ho does of himself wise the girl who can tell whetber a young man is tn love or is merely breaking in a new pair of shoes there are a few rising young men in this world but the majority keep their seats in a crowded street car religion that costs nothing is pro bably worth about that much there is no telling what a day may bring forth a man may be happy to dsy and married to morrow whats the use little jlaatxsy vent with his mother to stay with an aunt in the country and his mother was very worried as to how he would behave himself but to her surprise he was angeilo during the whole visit always old a he was told and nsver misbehaved as soon as he got home however ha was his natural self again ota jimmy she said you were so good while you wre away why do you start el wiving butty nowt whta tome for atked jimmy in pained surprise and so on the fond parents had striven valiant ly for some considerable time to teach little erne to say the letter a at butt the father giving up in disgust left the room now why dont you say a r in quired the mother as she took the child upesufaer knee because after i say a rather and you will expect me to say b was the unexpected reply something missing mrs brown dont you and it awfully hard doing your own work mrs smith oh i dont mind the work tn fact 1 did the most of it when i bed a maid uut it is rather i wearing not to have anyone to and i fault with parkers wl do it- by cleaning or dyeing restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you good 83 new send anything from household draper ics down to the tnest of delicate fabrics wo pay postage or express charges one way when you think of cleaning or dyeing think of parkers parcels may be sent post or express we pay carnago one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyemg any ar ticle will be promptly given upon request parkers dye works ltd cleaners and dyera 791 yonge sl toronto children cry for fletchers castoria fletchers castoria la strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for twumeev a babys medicine is even more essential tor baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was the need ol a remedy for the common ailments of infanta and children that brooght caatoria before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria caatoria is a harmless gnbat for caatnr oh paregoric drops and soothing syrups it in pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipstion flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverfshness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always only ont chance in use for over 30 years oompamy it w rows crrv is he iteen ighteen do yrm remember those ages when your character was being formed how you followed examples did what other people diri your senior years at school your start m business recall them if you can you gained a knowledge you will 6nd useful when your own boy starts out- give him the right start teach him the value of personal appearance and self respect tell him how corusdcnco may be gained merely from a clean shave ory better still mhovt bun and showlumina practical way give him a r gillette safety razor and make his rnpmmg shave corns easy tho old tune pulling and scrapuig is a tiling of tho past tho h element is gone thcro is no need for your boy to know anything but the ease and comfort of the gillett shave it is the razor of his time that to which bo is entitled nothing more nothing less sold at mot stows catering to the ncedj of mmn wade n jfiftlte canada gillette known the vorlo over the gillette safety razor company of canada limited 73 st alexander strat montreal quo 4 1 don t hnvo any chnnco at all it was a country toy who said it to mlmsnlf un ho wulkod ulonif a ruih rojid on ii gloomy day rio i don t there arc lots of rlilinccn fur ixjyn who uru not tied up us i um at sound or ii strp ixililijil hlrft ho turnciwto no his itchool tichar com ing nflcr him i in wan glad to sfn her he would liavo ihvh gla i tn nee any one hut no onn mora titan mfmt ward junl then llo liked her rhocry face and smlfe hut mi ro tluui all in liked imr talk i never heard any llkn lior to eel a fellow out of a wrlggla and net him atralklit jim tin a 1kh known to say and just now lie felt as if his thoughts had got into a wwgglo that decidedly needed atralghtnnlng in fact jim woo ut odds with himself arm tho world which is not a pleasant thing for either a boy ur a grown person as most of un know in spite of his need as was aula to moot his teacher with u smllo um bright as hor own good afternoon nho began how is the world going with you 7 thoqumtinn bearing so directly on his atfta of mind brought back to his face the doleful expression which it had worn before well uus ward he said tho fact is im nut having any great opinion of tho world just this minute you ro nott she mot his frank eyes wlui the look that always drew the hearts of hor pupils for miss ward bellovod that her responsibility toward oach one wont beyond welling book and arithmetic why she continued its the best world you and i know anything about so far tes admlttod jim lialf smiling half in discontent but it bin t quite good enough to suit me that la the part of it that belongs to mo- i guess ir i had my cholco about things it would suit me tiptop what kind of things for instancor wall the things id like to do other boys have mo much better chances tluui i have chance is rather indefinite said miss ward what kind of chance do you mean well if i had my way id live in a city so much to learn and so much to see but i cant do that and im not complaining about it hut id lute things a little different here you see we uve right out in the edge of town and 1 1 cant get into things bom e thing to do you meont yes something new bill gray has a place to do chorea for doctor mar- low out of school hours he has the greatest chance of getting at books and magazines and all sorts of things arid he gets straight pay every week i d like that i hardly ever have a bnt of my own it is nice to be earning for your eeir admitted miss ward yes said jim glad of her sym pathy then bob carson carries papers i tried to get into that but they aald i couldn t manage it living out so far and george qamer does jar 1 tor work in the achoolhouae you know and gets paid for that i want ed to do it but father aald be needed me at home george gives moat all be gets to his mother and buys nice things for his sisters i d like that and so jim the amount of it all la that youd like to do something different from what you are doing that a about it i guess you know hiss wand he went on earnestly there ore so many chances in the world for boys if they only know how to get at them i yes a good many she agreed but did you ever reflect jim that each person can have only one chance and that s the chance that is laid out for him- helped on by hut own brave efforts which count a great deal in the matter jim looked in hor face as it wish ing to hear more it is not surprising that a boy should lose sight of this when many grown men do the same they hear of others accomplishing great things in some distant place perhaps and they think if i were here or 1 j were there i could do better fwrgottlng that among nit those clutnees there is but one to eacn person and that very likely the one they have rightly lm proved may bring unexpected results if i remember rightly said miss ward after a llttlo pause bob and george haven t the kind of homes that you have no said jim tuoyjivo in rooms upstairs and you have acres of gross anr growing crops t yes and a cow and a horse and chickens and u dog and cut added jim laughing almost eoual to a farm i have heard of farmers hoys who were dls contented with tho small items of work which fell to their share i think it must be because they forget to look out for the real sweetness and beauty belonging with them the privilege of coming close to the natural uilngs which tho lord tuts mada for us of having to do with the gentlu animal which learn lo love us so there is something lu ull that j admlttod the lad a good deal in it my boy and far more than that ir you will atop to think of it w keep in close contact with those whom you love and who love you folka at home yes you are not driven ut into dealings with stranger you have tho joy of realising that what you caa do is bringing direct help and comfort to each one of uiuse who are dear to you you can make each bit of work an offering of love i never looked at it lu that way said jim thqughtfuliy i guess i ii think things ocr mnybo lm richer lun i know sydney iure self controlled aircraft ror soma tlmo experiments huvo been carried out in vurious countries with tho object of controlling aircraft from the ground and u french ma chine suoceded roountly on a pro scribed course with certain spudded detours in covering a dlstuuixi of 180 kilometer about llu iumom und in landing when rmiuimd lit u torutln ulrdn txt similar maihlito has been developed in the uiiklhi htutes which according to a recant statement of secretary of war llaker can travel without a pilot some 100 miles on i land rloau to u designated post new apple pancakes one up dour una und u half uis milk two egg half teaspoon suit hi ft the hour and salt into btiwl add the milk and well bealun oggs beat t minutes have an iron twin very hut ratnove from tiro put in unu touspoon of fat shake turn so th butter will roach uround- shako pan the rania us you would when frying an omelet when nice und brown on both aides spread with utho sauce biirlnllv with sugar and cinnamon and roll same aa an omelet i effective prayer au eminent divine is responsible fur the story that when he was u boy he heard the deacons at his fathers house discussing the merits of tholr respec tlva ministers after many list spoken una old aider said waal our minister gives ao much attention to his form and orctiard that we got pretty poor aarmons but lies tnlgbty movln in prayer in caterpillar and cankerworm uma do nts for drideo of return ed heroes ik nurprlnod if ho hinku it n joko when tin bntli rib run i moliu un iiiiiic on tlu in i i luml int h in floor r win irak i i nkjtn tx wjlar to tho depth of four or ave tint kim nit vr lm has hud con si irnil lo i rlrnro in thrt troui in liirintt ii rnlny uc tn mi danl bo mkivici ir lit njillnly l uln n hln k is muiu when you und your mi h r am in th inlrtut f u long roualpy couv jrmotlc n jtiut r tin iater that ho known liow iloudly it t un ut tuck miilly is imin t berumn rile 1 if ho keep toll in you how oxtrnnr lluurlly tmiiitlful all tho french girls art it a u long wuy fnm kruurr un t you know diu aiimi alnayn lends e i lunlinoi t to tho viuw don t lccomo exrltod if h ntartn to nrohl you whan u imvi hud enough or such talk nhul nam llr ing and he ii cut it out at unco hon lonuod lo bey kiiimunilu ubroad don t think it suspicious that ho shout t nhow much mom nptltudr hiicnms than before ha on to red army flo had connldaruhlo rxp onto nqusexlng the boch lion t bo astonished if ho nliowii great willingness to got up ourly lu the morning and light tint gau range in tho kitchen he n had tn mako so muny wood fires over thcro th it it will he a posltlvo treat to simply unlit a mutch turn on tho gas und wutrh the flrn blaxn up donl imlwi him out lfji rcfusou to insert himneir into ovcnlng clothcu hon had enough of uniforms for a long long tlmo ion t ask htm if bo inn t nick and tired of lighting hemcmber ho bus murrlod you don t continually kcop asking him if it ln t much better to bo back homi again instead of being in tho trenches just remember that ho novcr had to pay millinery bills over there frank ii williams in tho soldier australia tho wrls children cry for fletchers casxori a mf0rt cleans sinks closets drains kills rats mice bugs destroys dirt oondxtiorimf and tha tvuphonm restoring our reserve plant atdcphoneayteintoberkjnnalandhcalthy must have a big percentage of ita plant in reserve there must be spare positions on switchboards spare cables in underground conduits spare wires in underground nnd aerial cables spore pins on eross- thc plant in reser must be ample not only to meet ordinary growth but to take care of unforeseen development such as the opening of a new car line the cutting through of a new street the location of a new industry in a given dwtnet- during the war through scarcity of material- and skilled labor our reserve plant was depleted as never before even necessary rnnintcnancc and repair work bad to be postpo delays in installations were inevitable the present problem is to get our reserve plant h where it should be and to overtake vital main tenance and repairs this must be done while meet ing pressing de for new telephones these n turn call for new buildings new switchboards new conduits aerial and underground cable new local and long distance lines our outlay f or theyear will be upwards of700000 we ore striving to keep our service up to the best prewar standard while at the some time meeting the demands of this busy reccostruction period telephone workers loyal and faithful as they are appreciate the courtesy and kindly cooper ation of our subscribers who can help greatly by making sure of tho number by consulting the directory before calling by spseaking dis tinctly directly into the mouthpiece and by always answering promptly when the telephone bell rings tho bell telephone company of canada l slaallslmslwaalllulalimtmla dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can safely de pend upon coiibistent continuous and eco nomical daily neive universally low gaso line oii and high tire niiuage j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton bi

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