Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1919, p. 5

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p2 j artott 3xtt irpaa tihjlthday oct jill ii 30 1010 kettle talk i lout f will lite kttlo ulglmd thi pot rtupondd i lit itmn itoiihtuoi ihul it ou tf omoii uiuuiri you lo nut nlnj u lay llul wluitil unliu- rite kettle uohbod why i lr y u n hum ly i mm or ymi i hv mitlt ii thut th took in biim kluj ly unkind i wtttiliiil in i make n tukn jilnt now klil u iiilr f le i1 run iiwuy deur drur how alio till iwat tln eggs nor wu it thn i ull n in mlxir phase tu truth 1 loll to mii h- r iton tlx rulliih loot aul rtirwuru u dmi uul sight f it ln lin i u f mi tin intfii ruluio look u fork aim noun lly wlilip d hi now run ymi wouili r lliut my mn i hi v rilln r tlv wy7 althoui h i ut eh imojimi mint i in ml nil t t duy author ifiiknuv the sunday school lesson for sunday november s ft i twenty years ago from the issue of the free prm of thursday november 2 1809 a now itgluo u uboul u lx in stalled in the hour mill hy c hoy no uron uciurh hyim n llrtithern uio uftcr ins their stock lit linmuln rlre in tendlnft shortly in irmuvo to tho north wont odlftr oruhiun infnrma lht ktta puna that tho owl of artoti grmno ilthlqawalka wait elnv n cent per ulutltd foot ilov 11 i ook m ulxiut to remove from ilia residence on kalrvlew avenue to hi cottage oil dower avenue ho bultt tho fornwr homo 42 yearu ugo anil with thi exception of nl or wvon years spent in tho m in in try ut outside points it huu been tho family residence mr hdwurd matthews und family havo raiuniiil from lirrlltt und settled in their o 11 hoinu on mill htroot quebec t lobar 30 in splendid weather uni tho presence of an ira rnenso throng escort id by the local rcflnifinta tho canadian contingent paraded to day anil wi nt nbounl the hardin ian w ilch will thin afternoon kail for south africa 1tlond of tho departing soldiers am from ull over thn country anil thousands of visitor were hero including nearly all the member of tho ottawa government and manycmccrs the send off was moat enthusiastic tho blare of band and booming of guns adding u martial flavor to the cheer of tho crowd tho voyugo will occupy about a month dixastrou rrvonwai to tho ilrlllsh troops during the woclc two batta lions and u mountain battery com toocd of 2 ooo troops taken prisoner a dispatch from tonrr while uyl tho cuiiwi of tho loss of tho wo regl- tncntt wan tho rtamnede if mule with all tho ammunition born lane at ijmvlioum mi friday october 27 to mr and mr itobert line a ilnughter it took more courage we do not always real lie how rnuph courajra an1 tttrerikth of clmracter it require to rufraln from kttlnjc even with thao who have injured u a centloman who ha made it hi work to help man after their roleaao from prison tollo how ono nuui came to eo thl he aays t ono of tho men wlio aatne to ma wu thlratlng for revcnjra upon a who had been inntrutnantal in getting him into prison luid who mm the man declnrvd had peraecuted hltn over lnce hla releajtc im waltlnc for him he said and 111 et him yet and if i do set my chance at him ha ii never torment an other fellow the way he ha me i wouldn t do that i ald 11 eexn to me that would be cowardly cowardly he repeated in surprise i dont co how you can make that when any one foe in a you do 1 old it taknu far room rouruca not to fliht than it would to nht there is nqtblnk coaler than to let so of your paaslon iny one run do that and the weakomt man la tho ono who 1 the julckeat lo lt ro liu hold of them it take u bravo man and u btronb man to hold down hi paaaion of anarer and revene- you would not call a ilonuuncr brave who allowed hi hon to do a they cboe and set the ma tery of him lel thu do i iceman ro hi way and i will try to help you to live such u ufo that he will liave no rouon for overshadowing you lie went away icrumbllnb but with a different look upon his face in three or four days ho was back again i vo been thinking over what you aid he announced and i believe you re right it doe take more cour age ometlme to keep out of a fight than it doe to ico into it 1 ve tnaae up my mind that i in atrotik enough to keep a firm bold on myself and i in tend to do it and it ntvc m a better feeling here he laid hi hand on hi breaal 1 helped him all i could after that and the time came when thorn was no need for his old enemy the policeman to shadow him hvlected aqouq finqernailq no two ftnguriuill on our hand gruw at the same ruto 1 he mill on the middle finger grow fustfr than aiy olliec while tho thumbmill la the slow ear growing ull tlir noiu on tho fight hand grow fualur than those on the left the tate of ones health too affect tho ruto of growth the nail on invalid hands grow consid erably faster titan on tho hand of a healthy person taken on an uturugo the rate of growth is ono eighth of an inch a ihuulh or tront mo lntli- to one wild a half incite a year all night with aithm bvoryuno knows how attut kw nf asthiuu often keep their vli tint awuka tlio whole night long morning rind hint wholly unfitted for a day of busllicam and ycl bualnom must still be larrltwl through all ull night suffering mid luck of rest can be avoided hy he prompt use of dr j u kellogg tidlmiu itemedy which tmmiltlvely douu drlvu uwuy the attack dignity ullll rultlvuto dignity of ihnruuur tlictxh htirrrtnas and artlth uillty ure to be avoided they ure destructive of goixl elluwshlp and or gutvd influ enrc an well hut iikmhi familiarity and tindlgnutcd apeeh und huinnon are abhorrent to kihh imine and to a aound purpose lu life use ho liandle of tttiolhnr jnuti s nmnu if not foe his auke tlten for your own command by your conduct thut rnmht from others which l tivceaaury to your own highest sense of self voruitivo the iscluc mutholut advocate since 1 1 670 lo f iiv jiaai i- mmi iiit tlml ihanck 1 mulun wrold tnnhiruiu hunduy jrr 3c 1 n 12 itii 18 10 cornmon scripture pao i tim word whlrh amo unto jore nluti from j oho vol in the dnys of joioluklm thn son of jola h king of jilduh suylng 3 lo unto tho iiiiumi of the liar ha hltts and siwak unto them and brlni tin m into the house of jehovah into nun or tho chambers und give tli wine to drink 3 then i took juuxunlah the son jtrmluh the son of llubaulnjah und his brnlhrrii and utl his sons and the whole houno of the jtfmjhahltes 4 and i brought lh in into tho hou if ji hovah lulo he rhumber of the uons of hunan the not of igdallah tin mun of god which wo by the t hmnlxr of maaneluh the son of slial turn iho ktmir of the uircahold l and i set itnforo the son of th liouue of tho i uw habit os bowl full or wlim und cun and i said unto them ijrlnk ye wine c and they said we will drink no wine for jottailab tho son or ilechab our father commanded us saying ye uliull drink no wine neither ye nor your sons for ever 7 neither shall ye build house nor mw aord or plant vineyards nor have any hut all your day ye shall dwell in tents that yo may live many duy in the land wherein ye sojourn k anil we have obeyed the voice of jorindal our father in all that he charged us to drink rw wine alt our days we our wives our son or our daughter 13 then came tho word of jehovah unto jeremiah saying 13 thus saith jehovah of host the od of israol lo and say to the men of juduh und tho inhabitant of jeru salem will ye net receive instruction to henrken lo my words t suith jehovah 14 the word of jonadab the son of itrchuh that lie commanded hi sons not to drink wine axe performed and unto this day they drink none for they obey their father commandment ill and jeremiah said unto the housr of tho itechubltea thua saith j oho vail of hosts the ftod of israel because yo have obeyed tho commandment of jonadab yttor father and kept all hi preceptaariil done according unto all it h fit ho tpinmuiided you 10 thjfeforo thus saith jehovah of hoata tnettod of larcal jonadab the son of nechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever olden text whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the glory of qod 1 cor 10 11 departmental topics and referenoa primary toplo a true temperance story jer u 1 13lia i memory verse they aald we will drink no wine jer 36 c junior toplo ilkvhnl alcohol does memory verse 1 cor 10 31 intermediate and senior toplo the clean strong life yuung ieoplo and adult topic out personal hesponslblllty for temper unco itefoim blackboard needs of our times iaetcntai authority pklthonal temtsran hbahclllno tub scriituhkh serving tub lord lsson thought in oil story of the earliest total abstinence society twentyfive hun dred years ago honor 1 gives to cer tain great principles which establish ed in our land will make this for ever a saloon lea nation 1 one kreat need of our tune b par ental authority this clan of the itechabltea were praised because they were atlll obedient to the command of an ancestor who lived two hundred years before 2 icrsonal temperance in the lan guage of the time mean abstinence from strong drink tho tide of this prohibition 1 everywhere rising the duy is ut hand when not a drop of ihiuor awn bo legally sold between the atlantic and laciric from the lake to the gulf 3 the prophet jeremiah rebuked hlu tieople for uot listening to qod mes senger in israel und judah we would that it were read by everyone the people who study the scriptures and follow its principle are the backbone of tho temperance reform did any one ever find a dl hie study club meet ing in a saloon t did anyone by read ing tho bible resolve to become a drinkvr of llquort the prophet pointed his people to this arab tribe as obedient to their father jonadab while judah and israel had forsaken the service of their kuther jehovah there is urgent need in our time of a more loyal service of god not merely an outward church membership and a perfunctory church attendance but the surrender of the heart to oods will and an obedience in life to hi commands if every cltl son of our country were a doer of god s will there would be little need of prohibitory laws the judge would find their occupation gone and many of the jail would be empty rsadinos for nsxt week monday ieters great confession matt 16 1334 tuesday denying self mark 8 11- 3 wednesday the word of euernal idfe john 6 3 so thursday a father who trusted lu jesus luke 14 3627 44 41 friday the messiah hip of jesus luke 34 16 17 44 47 uuturduy the coming kingdom loa 11 110 sunday tito buffering servant of ml isa 3 j god really heavy food the british tommy take his hard ship lightly if we are to believe half the stories that came back from the front one such represent two artll lerlnf dlstiusslng soma trench pudding that they had looked forward to a a treat but that came to them half poo k ed and soggy thl ere puddln aln t italf eavy stuff said all with a grimace oh that nothing i replied ill my mlsmu rnudo sumo pudding one duy thut wo louldn i sal so she gave it o our duka a few minutes later u little neighbor boy knocked at the iloor und tut id missus june per duck peevish lisle restless and sickly i illdreii owe their condition to worm mother graven worm kx terminator will relievo them and restore health monkeys pick nuts the intelligence of the pig tailed mutuiiuo of i lie malay 1 made use of by the natives to do various useful tasks tho monkey on a long oord led to a cocoanut tree which it rapidly ascend it then lay hold of a nut and if the owner judge the fruit to be ripe for plucking he shout to the monkey which then twists the round and round till the stalk is broken and let it fall to the ground if the mqnkey cati he hold of an unripe fruit the ownur tugs thw cord and tho mon key tries another corn uivd warts disappear wtiett treated with hollowuy s corn cure without leaving a wear hints for halloween nobbing for upiiln in nlway jolly but did you uvir try buhlilng for iwn ules in a pub or flour wllh tho handn cnsied in hind ut tint inarch for a ring hlld n in iloor ukio i rclllng anil funny a hi up nf lour 1 r j pucked upon a lur i latter mi 1 the gurutn in turn njmo f rwiirl und tit off a nllio with u knife i hn no un over ing ho rln j mum j 1 u it up with hln teeth th thlldnu will njny it uiuirrel hunt for ntitu whli h muy ho i oiiioalod lu every uvtillable 1 1 n in tin nxim a pouimt luit ourit oiii ihuil in thn gume u gilded pi mint tin u pi can nut two a mix rt thn nit nlmonl four it hlrkory nut ii vo u wutnutton a gild d wulm t twnntv u walnut ton tabling a hit of puxr dre tell ink ono s fortune twenty mvt u rhetnut burr fifty und u t imojiiiut u hui lr d tapir hagn may lie glvnn tho rnjulrroln in which to collect their litirvi nt another con tint will h iiiukra fun tor tho boys und klrls is tin upplu luring contest a lurro lutnkot of u pie lu brought in und eiti h pluy r receive the same nunilu r on u plutn uluo u knife time in ulli d und ull nut to work the one u ho un mtti eeded in iiaring ho gruulest nuinbiir f uppleu when time in ugalu mlud is pn claimed wlumr und row tied with tur inga a peanut jub lu unolhor utunt irxivldo us many deep dlrthi u of wutor as thorn urn n ipl iluu tho disbna on small tubleu anil on top of mli dlnh set u doxen ixuuuta totlnif proviilo each individual with a hatpin und when the game is rulliil lit him lro ceod to jub the nut i ndeuvorlntf to land them in thn prntty dish provided without touching tho nutu with his fingers congregational 1st and chris tian world good for business the young doctor sat wnurily down in his easy chair und asked his wlfo aftec tio na te 1 y and has my darling been lontlyt oh nol she aald tinimutotlly at least not very i ve found so mn thing to busy myself with indeed ho said whut is itr oh i m organising a rliuui a lot of girls and young mirrlod women am in it and u ro tu iilug eat h other how u cook wtvat do you diwuihsjhw things you cookt s we send them to the neighbors dear llltlo woman he uuld kiss ing her fondly ulways thoughtful of your husband s practice ooinq our best kvery now and then young people aay i tl do my best but i know it will be no use such 1 the veriest nonsense you cannot possibly do your best when you feel that your effort is useless- to attempt anything which you reel certain will be a failure is to throw your effort awuy make up your mind to put such energy and such enthusiasm into jour trylnp thai you will nuku n nucctaj of what you undertake and then and not till then will you be doing your beat peace perfect peace yea wo have peace but we will never have perfect peace until wn have paid its price canada has hundreds of millions yet to pay befara perfect peace is with u thu years victory loan will take the load of war bill off our buck und give us a lift into a prosperous future the loan i the price of perfect peace i the nauqhty pluejay i do wish i van pretty like cousin 1c leu n or dotit hell rul 1 wlntfully oa nhn looked ut her own plain fuco i the vnlrror my little iibl limit rtmemlxt that liiindnomii in uu handimmn ilocw thouili ioru p mollin unaweieil suill ingly uhe t almly brunhod the brick nul i uru i hut id like to in hundiioino in und huiiiuoiun iiihh both lhra tut id ilerideilly mtrf bill t nderly kluttil tin little fie jptur led to her- but if you hut n rh mjc di tr aim uki d would ymi rnlhor to good or ihi prottyt iorii wu nllent hho wus ihliiklng vi i y hind 1oii t iinnwrr int now tnll ti iiuirrow tnonllnc tmr mother uuld hlin llnluhdl dromlng tho little girl u r khol nil tin n hhe told iter u itlto uiirprlsi grundjim downsluira und hi ii going to wuu to ucihmi with you this morning l ohl lru rled imt idly a few mlmilu lutir in r crumirulhur and ulin uturtml m rrlly tlitwn tho street it wu neurly hulf a mile to the iiehool houai mid in fore tin y hud gone a uu trti r of thn dlutunro uunm thing hnpimjiud whi h ioru will novnr fort ut us long us she i vru they were i ih ni u high hrlrk building when 1 y i v a beautiful b rd imrched up on the brunch of a mupln tree uhuail of uiem o iorat ijnk at thn prrai blue juy grandpa uuld iiulntly it wus a bird not quite uu largo a u dove icrhupn but very hulidsomo doru who dourly loved beauty in all it form fcasteil iter ejes upon it itn feu there worn an extiulalte aliado of blj just the ahado doru liked and o what a dear ijttlc erost adorned its head suddenly tho bird flow restlessly to nnothor tree and then to nnothrr und bank again all the whlln it ulterod a in us screeching sound thut wau rnost d ituigruenble the noise is alarming those spur nwn grundim said softly us ho tlnt eii up ixik look almont tiefiire the words worn out of hlu mouth the thing hud hueneil thn blue juy hud discovered the spur rtiwu hi ntii on thu window cqjuire of fhe high building quick u light ulng it flow up to them and begun inuring them down tho father and mother upurraws were crusy with lfief und fnr they chattered and avoided and pleaded but the bluojay wus re lentlessly rrunl it tore down nests destroyed mil tumbletl out unfeathev- vd blrdlings to the pavement unit kill rd right und left without mercy when it hud done all the harm it could oiero it flew off in search of other mischief the bluojay in one of the moat cruel birds we havo said grandpa aa he und dora resumed their walk ho has only one useful trait liko near i all birds hn destroys many injurious insect thta is the ono thing in hi favor ho ll a great cowurd fight only with weaker bird than himself and runs even from his equals ho upend inarly hi whole time looking for ncqt of bird smaller than him self when be has found them lu does just what you saw him doing thut morning whenever you notice a blue juy make his uppearanco in u neigh borhood you will presently hear thu other birds cry with fright what u useful thing ixiru ex claimed indignantly lies very beautiful grandpa said admiringly aa tho hluejuy flew in front of them uguiti i think i d milter iwi good than beautiful though the uttlo girl ro plied softly und r her breath bx cluuke a reel treat f ifmiteu mill gnntteinuli begun the muituger or tho dillydally moving pic turn thoutre upp iring in front of tho screen it iiftortlii inn pl imiro to nn sum you liat wo urn about to pri aotit for your i ntertalumi nt u iinhiun do parturo in nu lorn motion pit turi n a 1 000 fool dim on whkli uftrr ubout b00 fei t luivo in en ut i in txplnltlug tho title tho nuinn if he uutlmr the dxlikn rotiiittiniliiri of tho famous star ivaiidu x muuhiuiiii tin fact thut it wus proiluiiil unili r tho n rnouul uup ervlslnn of ii ijri ut gniiluu of whom you never ht ird ih fori und thu innr inullon tint thn photogrtiphy whli h in no im iter imd no wnrnn than connnoii wan tlonu by uiiothar 1 hal ntrungnr thoro will positively im nearly 200 feet of phturiu kivtn icuiiaitft ity htur may be sailed upon with i roll i luiu lefoio we lllid out u iveu libit to noufol dw in mortiu its assam quality gives it that rich flavor sold only in sealed package everq dau in ihc week 1 sun mon tuii thu fri sat t 2 3 a 5 e 7 0112 1314 toronfokncouver both ways oianialif u1dt ootosc oth luriac toronto union station 915 pm daily most modern equipment standard sloeplng dining tourist and colonist cars flrstolass day coaohos parlor car through tho rookias mii sooday wsdnasday rrldy oaiudlati tlonl all th way toasday thursday satarday via o tr mortb bay ooehran and oaaadlsa lauoul yartaar lafanaauaa frwai oaadlaa iiumii tuksl afaats a uiiui passm0er deprtss1t t0r0bto canadian national railwaifs makelour dreams cometrue pond parents dream of a bright future for their children they dream of the literary and musical education they are gojng to give their daughter and of the high josition she will take in her sphere of womanhood they dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision him some day as a clergyman a famous lawyer an eminent physician a prominent financier or a captain of industry but to make these dreams come true or even partly true requires foresight planning and money to provide the money what plan so wise as to buy victory bonds for each child thousands- of parents bought victory bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918 surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy victory bondsfor their children this year victory bonds may be bought on instal ments at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes may buy f bxtyactrorjr bonds foivbxir gulclreri lasusedl by antuias victory ijxm committee la coopcrutioa with the minuter oj 1 nivf of the dominion oi cumuli ifculway time tables at acton grand trunk rtsllway by stem oolno west no 2b hiltiday 10 34 am no 2d w s 13 am no 31 10 3 a m no 33 3 10 pan no 3l ousm n 37 golng ct 8 11pm no zl hunlay 0mim no a 1 0sam no 2h 11 is ara no 3z llipm no 3i 0 1c pm no 38 8 11pm toronto suburban esctrlo railway qol no west 117 rum jjalty except hunday iii p n tojlyjtc4iit hundajtj 8 00 u m jr ully except- tjunday 11 oaiujp hunday only 831jj m hunday onl b ctt p m hunday only oolna east dally except hunday ially except hunday dally excopt hunday hunday only hunday only w hunday only 7 am 2 01 pm a ib p in b l8 s m t 4 p ro 8 u p in freight and express ivxproas carried on all cars irrelglit dellverml dally by pe lal exprass freight hxpresn or lreliht picked up at any address in toronto a it auniw agent acton kellys meat market i carry a full lino or meats as i havo had many years oxpcrlenco it la my aim in bring before my cuatotnora the very choicest heats at a reasonable price will you give me un oppor tunity to show yout cash paid joil huttlsil and euqb wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil siov- every article is of cxcep tional value c c speight mill street acton ready for your fall needs kenney bros havo been ablo to ttoouro a vary satisfactory ntotk of kootwear for tlta fall und winter trade and ut prices not nearly up f tho point that ivu been prophesied in nu many quarters boots shoes rudders mens heavy rubbers childrens school shoes and rudders pine 8hoes por ladies and gentlemen he pairing is u reuturu of our business wo ipulr ull i iiuukw of uhovs promptly und neatly kenney bros main street acton onl tohe acton bakery m edwards co canada ltood hoard licuum no x uu mill street acton white bread brown bread boston bread tea biseuits 15e doz buns lse doz scones 1 5e doz cookies 15e doz wedding cakeb a sdccialty m edwards oco acton ontario store clocd every nlglit buttrt-

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