Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1919, p. 6

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dirth harrlaee and du now charmd for at the following rate ufrth 60a lmlfc b death coa memorial carde l 1m per lino extra for poem marrico multltay iniat knox p mamie i u o liin lay oflobcr 29 loltt iitii- a murray in katlo daughter of william j ynd acton in mcmoriam v xhwackiiampil in lovlnr memory f mary beloved wife of hiram llwuckhnrnor wlio dojinrtttd thl life novoinlur 2 101c t thru uj h alt hir puln mlm emllod nnillo i heavenly birth ami wlmn tho anjtola called her home hho nlll fwrdwoll to earth hu811and thore u imvrr a day but hpr iwnn in nihiltan there 1m nover a day but alio 1 in our thouithl a link in our family chain 1 broken flup u rono from our home but heart a treuaurert memory amntje qjljp artnnhtgjjrggfl tiiyiwday octobek jo i the i saturday brief local items voto for tho by luwa voto for watenrork for acton ilea tho hollo wo on alory on tho accond pajro chrudma romm aoven week from next thuraday pumpkin oro rather ncarco for jack o lantornn thin year bverybody volo tea thla umo and nocuro pure cold water tho town need wuterwork your veto will help to eecure them flood morn net have you reriowed your fan pjutaa aubacrlptlon vote for the shoe factory when you voto for waterworks to morrow inspector btrwart c out lea of hi a new ofllco tho looao ondn of the war will be caught up by tho vie fry loan i bin mr it- j kirra now realdence on dower avenue la nearing completion acton houvewlven are etlll snther- jnjr bouqueta from their irarden flower beveral load of potato were re tailed here during the week at fl 76 per baff iter a a smith of aravenhurat will preach in knox church nextsun day pat acton in the real town claaa to morrow by voting aolldty for water works yew the women may voto tomor row if they own property and are on tho list the practical man will not hesitate a moment over inventing in victory bonds the prince of wales calls uio vic tory loan the bridge from wax o peace the euccess of the victory loan is necessary to combine prosperity with peace patriotism profit and prosperity ore linked up by an investment in victory bonds alex mckcnxle wellington street has commonoed business as a flh and poultry dealer mark your ballot in the tea column tomorrow and waterworks for acton will be sure rev j c wilson b a- will sell his household effects by auction on saturday afternoon the instalment plan for the pur chose of victory bonds is a great boon to thrifty working- people a meeting of the prohibition work ers of the county will be held in mil ton next monday afternoon mr thomas a morton purchased last week from mr harold wjidmt tus house and lot on cfturch street the pretty new residence of mr ambrose mccnnn on park avenue will soon be ready for the houaewanntna halloween to manrow make it jolly enjoyable one without harmful prtmks and destruction of property the catch basins and water cours es will now be cleaned out so as to give the fall rains and aprliur freaheta free outlet mr hpvjnccr ii u a band wlio had the miafortuno to sprain his ankle badly a week or so ago is gradually recov erinx interest on the victory bonds 1919 will bo paid without charge at any canadian hank on may i and novem ber 1 each ytar the new law concerning tho theft or automobiles la now in effect the crime is one of imprisonment without the option of a fine the ladles tof st josephs church did their full share to make the fancy vsdr a nucceas by fuu atrenous days of fattjrulns service iteod the hallow en atory on the second page and youll find ways tor bavins a good time to morrow night without annoying your friends and neighbors rev j c wilson b a ha been engaged to take charge of the presby terian church at weybum bask for november and december he leaves for the west- next tuesday one of the proudest voters at the polls last week was mrs arch mrnsbb bower avenue n her eighty- tlrst year alio coat her first vote and sho joyously declared it was four noes every tittle bit counts let no dtlaen who has faith in the future of his country withhold his financial heir to the new victory jlmn enterprlso because he la only able to afford 1100 the board of hal ton union klro insurance company held its monthly meeting here on monday copies of the company s new calendar for 1bi0 were distributed among the members it is very attractive miss leila dyke o c s b- of toronto will hold a dramatic recital in the town hall next wednesday even lng with a to organising a drama tlo claaa in actun miss dyke comes htgbly recommended if you carry the waterworks by law tomorrow youll be proud of your vote five years from now theres not a property owner in georgetown mil ton oakrllle or burlington whod ever think of opposing a waterworks by law a very fine alxty page illustrated brochure marking tho semi centenary of the j 11 aahdhwn hardware co limited of winnipeg calgary and saskatoon has been issued it gives an interesting mstory of the bualnew from the time fifty years ago when as n young man without a trade jim- mle ashdown left oualph to the pre sent colossal wholesale and retail busi ness now in operation mr r v johnstone son of wm johnstone of acton is the head of ope of the dsf partmsnt f tha saskatoon itore victor v loan bndor8bd by resolution of ths oounty oeunell at its lett meeting at iu last meeting the county coun oil unnnlmoualy passed a resolution approving of the victory loan and recommonillng hi liurcliase of bonds ty utfxorts the following ofllrlal nytloo aent to tho iuhllelty organ i an r omco of county clerk county of ilalton milton ont oct s3 1d1v t ii jarvia bag publicity organlaor victory loan ilalton milton onl dear hlr i take pteaauro in informing you tliat the county council of hat ton passed the following resolution on thr 21st inst moved by a b forster seconded by l grant that this county council most heartily endorses tho victory loan campaign being launched in canada aa the members are impressed with the urgent noconalty that the people of ilalton purchase these bonds ojuueet ally as possible as itljnatood financial standing onrtpperlty of our do- nnirtnadiw upon the govern ment having tho fundi asked for carried jeur very truly sgd wm pan ton county clerk the victory loan allotment the victory loan allotment for ilalton has been fixed at f 1 00 000 divided among the various districts os follows acton 510 000 00 burlington 386 00000 georgetown 00 000 00 mhlon 00 000 00 oakvllle ms 000 00 the campaign 1 now open the can vassers having commenced their work on monday r j kerrs sales october 30 sals of stock at ontario agricultural college november 1 furniture etc of rev j c wilson acton november g wm matthew speed- aide novomber b hendry lot 1 alxth line erin phono 36 acton election aftermath d r few apolled ballots we are told the referendum people anyway marked thelra xxxxoellenuy no need to fear the cold of the com lng winter aa ontario will be so dry w wont feel it we ore sorry but sir wm hearsts troubles were largely due to the use of a ballot box with a kick in 1l only on monday last did some dls- coyxthai there ju put two sides to politics the inside and the outside sad indeed is tho thought of some candidates that all tbata left for them now is to pay the bills sad too that some others may have to pay election learn wireless operating and win a good salary shaws school s9b yonoe 8u tor onto has the finest set of modern apparatus and gives best instruc tion at small ooaf write for facts a w crbwson sec wb buy or hell victory bonds bearer or registered j e carter investment broker quwloh fresh fish alex jvtckeiizie wellington street acton announces that he will have o supply of fresh fish on thursdays orders left at the house will receive prompt attention live poultry bear oaah prices will be paid fur all kinds of live poultry alex mekenzie tailoring cleaning pressing dyeing j p scarrow begs to in- form tho public of acton end district that be has opened the store next to enneys boor store tor highclass tailoring also cleaning pressing- repairing all kinds of dyeing 4ertngand kxmodellino ladies work a specialty i military coats dyed and re modelled all orders will re- j ccive prompt attention your patronage respectfully solicited jjp scakrow terms strictly caslf main btaeet acton ont 11 for canada canadians thi is a call tonational service tae victory loan 1919 which opmm today 37e you are citizens of no mean country canada is a fair free land fpnpa ig your country canada now has need to borrow from you lend lend without restraint of pohtics or fine distinctions of creed or party the leaders ot the political parties endorse the loan it is canada that asks and whjr to dean up the last of the wars commitments and expenses to ffitqrh beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country to care for the wounded and maimed soldier to finance the bonus of the returned soldier already paid to enable the fruits of victory to be garnered to ensure the prosperity of you her citizens the guns of war are silent but they are not yet cool the victory loan 1919 is a war loan canadas book of war is gloriously written make this the closing chapter a worthy one the responsibility is yours lend i 617 zxszm lend lead tm ameijker fqgv itxui by c victory loam ceetmto to coefrntnm vntk ths itnutrf of ftnattf of tk domtittum of c ct0ry an bxhinrr of the ladies fine shoes to i1ej manofactuited in acton shoe factory by gourlay co hay bo been in the window of mclean a mills the attention of every iilxen and isiecllly of the electors of acton is directed to this plondld luxhlbll w philp teacher of plsho violin and other string instumenta also pipe 6roan will visit acton on wednesday of each week until furtner notice pupils prepared for conservatory i examinations messages left t aciom faaat pacsa office will receive prompt attention watch this space next week g b ryan co guelph recent sales made by the willoughby farm agency onlo hex purchased the 160 acre fmi i onoeeslon 9 bclonxinjc to sir mr wm arnihtrons of tor in vauxhan township lots 1 james kellnm mr frank kltitfdon of utlllcoke luin purchased tho 100 acre fartn belonging to mrs c u liowntrcu yf ktlbkoka 1 owiiahlp beins lot 26 concession a mr clarke of toronto bus pun tutted tho 100 aire arm belonjr ins to ur daniel lofichoue being- tttn asl hulf nf lot concession in vausrhan township mr wm h truytrr if weston itos purclumed mrs j white locks 100 sere fumi in toronto lore lot l concession s mr wm turner of ltoblcoko has purchased the 100 acre frm owned by luffluald it hliaw of uacvllle bolnff the east half of lot 17 concession toronto uore mr wm ifuncford t f iriiiuliy han 1 ur liosod the splendid pro ihsrty t eldorndu ooloiicum to mr k 1- cojhiiuimi belli part ur tho west lielfjjuil j tiurtreanlon 8 t liliisuui ouuy t wiimiii j mr w lodlow of clilmruanjujay iium uroliuxd h 100 atra farm mlonslns to mr it j lturlkjur of aoclsruvo wliii h is tb east half of lot if oou i cblnuuucomt ywiml lp mr geo iuvcr or i jj fifctoi duriiumhi tho loo iura farm belong in to ur wm j hhusn lot d con 6 i illik lowiulilp mr wm levtue of lluriiliitmlliori lu luinlid the loo ilii farm beloncliuf to mr llorbtirt 1 1 urn of tiitrln iwliuf tho east half of lot 8 con 3 went t lilnjunclusy 1uwiih1ii mr cluha larklitson f t lurksbuib hus nurlhused tlie 30 ultb farm bclonslnjf to mr jnuna waech of toronto towiishlo belli lot 4 con g mr wm c watson of lirumploii has purchased the 90 acre farm belongin to mr oeurse uayrca iwtntf lot 3 con t hujn township mr lx v denlauii of toronto nciphow of col ienlson recently purchased llallynienu tho leuutlful zoo ty re furni in usqueslns- town ship beloniinff to ur walter t kvans mr walter thomas of llanilltun bus purcliased the 100 acre form belonjins to mr jainc mrmuun telns lot 33 con z lsaealna- township and part of lot 1 roiiceaslon 1 icflti twnalp mr wm t blnclalr of tdn rotvnahlp has qmhased m sere farm beonlna- to slesurs itueectl ail vlkr betna lot j fn- erin township mr j a mcneil of orono hits purchased he 30 ao property belonsjina to mr wm crlpps u crewsous corners belns psxt of lo 1 oon j erin township mr k itomsden wood of lennuxville quebec has purchased the 10 acre farm belontfins to mr a xtonald of ksiiueslna- township bains the east pert of lot 38 con b eequesinc township mr ernest denny of faledon township tss purchased the 100 acre form belonging to mr v j wilson of icrtn being- lot 13 con i caledon township d fall specials at big store willoughby farm agency georgetown rarm ontario penman heece- lincd combination sulla special at 295 mens elastic rib bed underwear al wool special at z25 each i jdlcw fall weight short sleeves v neck turnbulls make a special at 75c each turnbuirs combin- auonu for men win- tor weight sizes 34 to 42 a special at 500 suit 4 yda wide lino leum at a jtoduced price now is tho timo to get that floor covering for your kitchen or living room remember price are k to be higher thm coming season tho regular price of this 4 yard wide english lino leum is 5 00 per run ning yard for one ycek only per run ning yard 5ai stanfields underwear stands strenuous grocery specials soap all kinds bar 9c- kellogka conj plakcs 2 pkga for 25c 8 lta granulated sugar 3100 v paper lb choice rice 2 ibij corn syrup in bulk and puilt mclean mills onew advertisements toiitlininl from 1 fir one ukadquakteils for wedding and biktuday pkksents iiojcr 187 kjivcrim lnlves 1 orka und himmxiu fancy cut o loss kan ry china wo carry tlie jnost completa lltoc in town marriaqc licenses ib8ued geohynds stoves j heaters wc also iiuvl mjmc kod sccbnd hand sideboard- der crs etc prices reasonabi i l starkman miia street acton choicgroceries and provisions have you tried mcdoubalta for fresh groceries and fresh fruila and right prices mrs jennie hcdougal micitbtbeet acton ont hot water bottles a reliable red rubber 2 quart bottle regular 1 50 or 1 75 valuo special prepaid to any address 1 00 add 1 00 extra for syringe attachment mc kees tha bvxall drug 8tor guelph ont m1llstbket wc sell ror cash wi ie1i for lcss m clearing auction sale stock implamants mto tho undo lm it i itd luiu icfit lnanu ttl by o hendrv to well ity imllu uu lion 1 t 1 sixth llni 1- flu i ii thursoav november 0 at one ti look tliti following hoilskm one llltick mur t i rul 1urikmw 1 1 yruin ono hlu k mwn lncriil l urjuira 13 rn catt1 fcr 1 llluck mul wlilt corf frcjth 4 yeaitf i cm runty low tlu nrt weeu in januory tf yuirx 1 utl and white corf in ilr wm u in juml ary q ysure 1 ki ju i wtilit i tw bred 2 montlm 4 yturi 1 ycarlini bter 1 heifer 7 montlin 1 ti jorevy hull 11 month llua hiiiii ikih 1 younif rrf in ijf u ill 8 wenkn old fl liluu vuoku oltl lxiwl 103 sprlnu hckiiti lt burlimt ljucku i hiirliu 1cmu lmijiwkjth i muoooy llurriw hinder 8 ft cut cutkaliult tu d lilll nnfuoy n w huti i wuvd dilll n rf i ockuliut uniilikt il iw it urly ii rf fleury plow no l i i rln lot hi ml 1 1 valor aculller imj xikr- m u ft cut knuit a umi tit in f l i rows 1 left nu k iuuk nrf l hay rack and ntock tuck uulptr t uttii tf box chatnara nnnlnjr mill mil un lr drtii wuskuii uliuftji un i hlt ha in wekvii cutter c iuilm of ih1ii i for double flow wire utrt t li r ikji i lotto rreum hiurutiir m iii uti bob i a ik be end llliriii rlndaittiiifi htrouk wliuellutrruw ln tilmli r bit tt ltrrvl mall i uuliou oil rifrii i ll un kd m1hc1i lfvvh olfs u kltllm oil tjin with immj 1 ihi i ohon tjblnt uilir uchml 1 lift ru new huud t ultum i etc hen houai t iliuiuilt tl tl d ft- x b ft in 3 bun tkj tu x it rt 3 uttlvallutui lit ii flhhua ii rf ire hv 6 ft iwti mill in i ii i 1 i in eutble bliinkota lutw i i ith wu 11ml horeo blttnkuta j rln don i in imrmw orte eat new diulitf hunictm u uvy not of adiijrlo inniitjui iutih luii anu bridle- go ibn i in null 0 tli etilplee 3 laritv uum tuirrvu 1 iitt troiuih hen run m w tt ft t h fl x 1 ft two d04im nonim tttl 1 muhii t roll 1 in mteeh wlii 4 rt one roll 3 in meau wlru ft t lutiuul net id ft store oou n toe llitr 1 mth druwtro a cord of huril n hmi rl tut hi utovn leuath and kiiiiu kplli i lild ot mtuve cowl 1 iron umt with i n lin irr un t x0 ft of iu in ill- i low uiej f buktfy whctui tiu jt km iimil- loaftlng- chaloa j n ill- li 7 ft boueelmld i li l d u r ter chunm uln cutfcr nem tkltelh- all muik f fto en 1 mudor ceeb over thut uinounl ttvlve mimtlm oredlf on uptirovrd tiint nntcw poul try ch 1v lr ient off for cmjiit the owner huvliitt rviited he frh iha rhole will te eulil without reeorvd r j kbrr auotloneer telephone if acii- w kurahej ciih tttntii i iriwnli i a t r iui ail buiv r it ilnubkutlfcm juncry i on new buf it re toobj 3 iilhs dlf- tl j aailalajld

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