Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1919, p. 6

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x ulrtha afarruxoa and deth ir now chorrnd for at tho following rutci lilrthn coc mnrriafffm goe- deal hit go- limorinl parda co 1w por lino extra tor pomn married illlf ii madam s at lli mfllluxl bit i unu rmi it ri town in hat unluy nvrtr i 10id ly ilov wrwy ii iilliri wllllum 1 rynr to mm l11i1 miiiui1ii both of athin ijoiiuiah itowhl it on wettiitw ilny it cr 9 1919 by tlm itov a ii liriuy l 11 advent christian oiurih llfc mrtmjl toronto annl tltt unjuit ilauiihtnv of mr unil mm i mi i i to who r 24 antler a vi nut to wm ci iouslaa of in memorjam m ii t ry t f our tlnur tails h- unil il ii r 1 in panaod y n vii ilivr 7 1018 ihi utt tuik mi if w mlim liar thur in iiurli u vumnt plan an wo i i r friit that footatop an i tlmt diur familiar faoa not ibuu in uit wo luva lit r utlll sot lout hut bono tiflfura hho llvcii wltl ua in memory bill ajiil will for uvcrmoro biiffly mlniml by mothor untl tiro thorn muh h m ituijdick lp arton ttt fjreba riluhilday november 0 1d1d brief local items watorworkii for aclon next tuesday will bo armlatlc hay now lluton for iho hum in tho now ulioo fuclory aotun will iikmi ut least forty now liouaca nozt your it wm a nurpruo to both for anil malnt friontla armlotlco day next tuesday a wolcomo annivcrtwtry tndoed tho bricklayer aro at work on dr coxob bit snrago on main streot tho boat culxonshlp paper any man can exhibit in u victory bond indian lummrr hill and vnlloy mount anil ntrcajn in an atmoaphero of droom r t mm joa lynd hau purchood tho dolublo houao of mm ilobert holmes on main street inspector w ii stewart hufl sold hln cotuuro on bower avenuo to david mccutchcon of bverlon mr j i ford m j i will upoak at palermo an thursday night and at acton on saturday nlffhl tho i o 11 e wllf celebrate armlqtlco day with a ouchre party and dun co in tho town hall i potorboro presbytery has refused to uel ailll street church property in port hope for a clear factory a llttlo too no lay an tho atroeta in tho evcnlnjr boy tho top will be after you if you don t watch out mr drury tho now premier roc ommondjf farmer to buy victory bonds as the boat security in tho world tho first flpociaj reported in tho county for the victory loan wu w 000- subscribed for by measr beard more a co acton the employee of tho harris com pany hock wood have won un honor itoa and four crests for their vlctqcs t subscript on a dank gavinoo 160 per head canada in position to lend four times mora than victory loan objective tin nit nin of tli victory ixan tilidtll i ii nurwhnlmll i with iuiv lnih hank i i nils tolnllliiff 1 2 000 000 an 1 lit i o ohrttlon at do ponltf rn an i i unkorg victory loan workcru linvn iiml material uixtii with h to work tim fluurcii uro taken from the o racial statement of the canadian chartered baikn inayod at ottawa rhty almw anctlirr txxl increase in uavlnlh hunk tit jkmiu nmountlnir t- 1 10 000 000 over the august ftffures and of sik0 ooo ooo over september 101h tho uuvliiu of tho people aro qulto npart from tho commercial balances tlioy represoiit tho llirlfl and economy which cunutliuuh ore practising in vlw of the loan cam pa i sn and tt in eminently satisfactory to find that they work out at over 160 for every canaillan man womun and child on ovor 7 co per family as indices to prosperity and industry 1 227000 000 in navlngu banks do ponltii ure eloquent indeed the one touch lacking without tho spirit tho letter is dull imloed wanting that divine spark the most finished acting is dead and woarylns this truth was discover by ivn o nicer in thin lncldont an ungllsh drill sergeant whoso severity had made him unpopular with his company was putting u squad of recruits through tho funeral exercise opening the ranks so as to admit the passage of a cortege between them tho too true tor by way of practical explanation wolkod slowly down the lano formed by tho two ranks saying as ho did no now i am tho corpse pay atten tion having reached tho end of tho lane ho turned round regarded tho recruit with a scrutinising eye and then re marked your ands is right and your eads is rlsfot but you haven t got that look of regret you ought to avo wfmooneyofguelph has opened a store on main street acton whero ho will conduct a tin smith and nbeot metal business orders for hot air furnaoesi and plumbing will receive special atten tion guelph business college herald dldq guelph the school your friend at tended will do for you as they did for her and hundreds of others viz put you on friendly terms with a bank account make monday your starting day a l bouck principal clearing auction sale loan i our local manufacturers advise the purchase of victory bonds and back up their advice- with liberal ad vertisement in this issue to that cffoct a recount of the bauots cast for members of tho itovlnclal legislature in south wellington will bo held at gucjph on november h before judge hayes the sacramental service in the methodist church on sunday evening was largely attended six new adnlt members were received into church fellowship the growth of the fall wheat has been so luxuriant that some farmers in this section ore turning their yonrig stock in to crop off to avoid winter smothering an accident occurred to the big engine nt the sole leather tannery on saturday whleh took expert machin ists from toronto several days to re pair a number of employees were off work while repair were delna the november issue of rod and oun published by w j taylor limit ed pt woodstock onl keeps big iiumo hunting stories well to the fore a caribou hunt in ilestlgouche county by henry buncan chlsholm days of itia sport in algoma f v williams thrilling story with cover cut to illustrate of the oun that woujd shoot a mile the kennel and trap departments will all be found up to the usual standard with much to inleiest their various follow- autumn in algonquin park algonquin pork is situated 200 miles north of toronto and 170 miles i of ottawa average elevation about 1 coo feet above sea level at some points 2 000 feet area over two mil lion acres it is one of the largest tho wildest and most interesting forest reserves lu autumn wintor or summer accoeslhlo to tho people of eastern canada iho highland inn oajllnpod with modern iriumplng large bright sleeping rooms cosy lounging rooms a spacious rotunda and dining room thoroughly modern id every purtlctllar is owned and operated by the orand trunk hallway and will bo kept open for tho rutcptlon or guests this autumn and thu coming winter it is steam hoatod them in u writing room musla roosu und billiard room the cuisine is given personal supervision und patrons can depend upon satis factory service jtootns should be reserved in advance as accommoda tion is limited no cases of tuber culosis rocelved autumn attract ions flailing taunts bowling on the green eu winter attractions lobog ganlng snowshoulng skllntf und skat- ins fur reservations rates and all particulars write to n t clarke man ager algonquin park station ontario horses cattle oxford down sheep pius and poultry tho undersigned has been instruct ed by d molvor to sell by public auction on hla farm on malr street acton on thursday november 20 at one o clock the following horses 1 agricultural bay horse years 1 agricultural bay mare c years this team is sired by ban aortic and well matched and rig every way will welch about 2 800 ids cattle 1 holsteln cow 4 years bred august 23 1 red cow 6 years bred july 8 1 bed cow 8 years bred august 8 this is an exceptionally good herd or cows 1 well bred hoi stein heifer l year old pure bred polled angus bull 2 years 0 short horn grade heifers 1 year old 8 steers shorthorn grades 1 year old 1 steer 2 years old 2 winter calves 1 spring calves sheep pure iirod oxford down sheep 1 8 oxford down ewes 1 leicester ewe l pure bred oxford down ram bred by alex waldle s ram lamb 2 plymouth rock chic kens 10 cockerels plosyork sow with 11 pigs at root 2 sows b months old ib tons timothy hoy 10 tons clover hay cream separator now 3ood box wood stove n reserve as the proprietor is going to florids termfi 110 00 and under cash over that umount 12 months credit will be given on furnlshlnir approved joint notes c per cent off for cash hay unit fuw4 cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 38 acton w k graham clark clearing n j kerrs sales november 8 b hendry lot 1 sixth lino erin friday november 14 john weddor burn lot 19 con 8 nasaaguweys farm stock afld implement thursday november 20 d mclvor ho roes omitle sheep tc at acton tuesday november 28 robertson bros town line nussogawsyo form stock and implements friday november 10 john rice itockwootl 1 tmira furniture etc phone 18 jlotou i auction sale in nashaoawuya farm stock implements grain and turnips tho undersigned bos received in struction from john wedderburn to sou by public auction at his farm lot 19 con 8 nussuguweya on fridav november 14 1019 ul one o clock the following hohhlh chestnut horse t years i lay mure it years cray horse 13 years goud in all harness catti b 1 lied cow duo novem hr 16 1 j raey cow due february 21 1 jersey ow duo february 20 1 hod lmw lu march s 1 holsteln cow oelved 3 months 1 lied cow calved 3 months 1 hod cow 3 years duo in july 1 huifur 1 year 3 steers 1 year j ste re 1 year llerefords it spring calves 1 lied cow due nuvcmbor jo 1 ltud heifer 2 year old pldtf iowu ettc 4 pigs 6 months yorkshire 7 pigs 4 mouthi yorkshire 8 pig 4 months york shire 8 pigs 6 weeks yorkshire 4 pigs 4 months yorkshlru about 20 barnyard fowl 1 collie dog implemknts doerlnbeed drill deerlng mower deerlng lever tlar rows lioorlng two furrow flow docrlng one furrow plow deerlng be urn st deerlug waggon new 1 lloller un old duffer 1 waggon an old duffer 1 et sloop sleighs 1 hack lifter and roue in good shape 1 set renfrew scales nearly new 3 000 lbs i tolton hoot pulper knives nearly new 1 stock and hay hack 1 hay rack 1 cream separator msssoy- harris 1 cream separator market 1 eat double harness 1 set plow harness mibclullanfohbt cook stove 1 box tftove 2 kitchen cop boards 1 kitchen tublo i organ 1 barrel churn 1 dash churn 1 mall box and othtr articles yllain a quantity of oats and mixed grain a quantity of turnips tkumh toil htoliv wto 110 00 and under cash over tnat amount 12 munths credit on n liruvcd joint notes lwl and uruln cash five per cent per annum off for rsh j r j kerr auotonser phone 88 acton l b suurey clerk learn wireless operating and win n good salary shaws school 309 yonge at tor onto lias tho finest not of modern apparatus and gives ikui inst run tlon at small coat write for facts a w crbwson sec d00bs u mi j economy of ford service wear is unavoidable even in the beat car but certain parts wear out more quickly than others there is no need of scrapping your car because the piston rings have seen their day because the platinum points of tho vibrators are worn out probably the rest of the car is as good as new medical men agree that the human body is renewed cel by cell every seven years you can do the same with your ford car ai d prolong its life at minimum cost by replacing worn parts from time to time ford service has been tbo means of doubling the lives of hundreds of ford cars and cut ting down the cost qf motoring tho fact that a ford touring car which costs 690 f o b ford ont can bo purchased part by part separately for 917 is ample proof of the economy of dnvfpg a ford car it will pay you tq hve your carpvarbaaled dating the winter months 700 canadian dsuers and ovar 2000 serrlc garages supply genoina ford parta and prompt repair service when buying choose a ford and take advant age of the of frd service h coxe dealer acton ontario the final phonograph the brunswick phonograph designers began where other phonograph designers left off it embodies every feature of all other phonographs from tone to beauty and has besides a number of new ideas not to be found in any other phonograph in fact it is the auinciusivo musical instrument and must indeed represent the finished dream of the genius who first invented a talking singing and playing instrument the uitona is a distinctly now creation at tho turn of the hand you adapt it to play any record it is not on at tachment nothing to take off or put on the real diamond- for the edison the real sapphire for the brunswick or pathcvujc ateel or fibre for other records always there we want owners of other phonographs to come in and hear the brunswick play the records they use and are familiar with wo mention no details here you must come and hear it prices from 6200 to 275000 mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of ahovc on small monthly payments frank king npxt door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown farmsforsale 100 acres erin township 1 miles from acton 90 acres workable balance bush and pasture 3 acres orchard sandy loam soil plenty of water 1 well and a never falling pond kranie house 9 rooms large us tern i rumo barn 30xw shed 24x40 tie up 10 htud of cattle and 4 horses driving shed 24x40 hchoot vi mile rural tnall possession arranged rio 33800 terms arranged 100 acres peel township wellington county arthur 3 miles p0 acres wo ble balance posture small orchard 46 urea fall ploughed ilay loam sol plenty or water frutne house 0 rooms with furnace bank twn ivoxao room for 0 head of cattle horses and box stalls root dollar pis pen and lien house driving house 1hx2h bcbool 1 mile church 2 tulle rural mail posaossluti uny time prlte a200 tcrms arranged 300 acres eramosa townshipiockwood 4 miles guelph 0 mjlj 216 acr workable balance limber z unres orchard 70 acres fal ploughed still clay loam to sandy loam plenj ml wter holld brick house 11 rooms good collar water la house new bank barn xff another barn 64x31 bam on posture farm 0x50 wafer jd sables ylmj mill uchool vi mile church on the place poau urrungsfl rlpo 23000 terms arranged 200 ackescaledon townshitalton 3 m1lb8 140 acres workable balance mixed timber and pasture sanjjy loajn sou plonty of water ilrick house with kitchen and wood shet uayn 6j6c with stabling for horses 17 heud of cattle box stall- bern 20x28 with tone foundation hen house and pig pen driving house 34x10 school 1 uh church 14 miles rural mall and telephone posse slon arranged price mrwo term arranged 160 acres krin township acton 4 1iles ospringe 3 miles 70 acres balance bush 23 ucxes rail ploughed cloy loom soil never falling well good atone house 0 rooms cistern and summer kitchen good bank barn 44xfh lie tip lh head of cattle e horses root ellar cement loom stono ho l all vemont rtwr irouglis and meal box hen pen alio school 1 mllo church 2 mllwt rural mall posses slon arranged irice fooo terms arranged 1 willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario this is underwear week at the big store turnbiills stanfieldv penmans tho ihrco makes wc handle where underwear poor underwear is denr at any this store you can depend on getting the best turnbulls make in ladles vests and drnwera at tcc 100 s150 200 and 25 pcnraanh in mens at 125 100 200 nd 2jm sunflelds in mens heavyweight at 035 30 and 375 mens fleece- combinations sizes m to 42 at 295 turnbulls heavy wool combinations sizes 30 to 42 at 500 mens penmans fleeced 2 piece suits at 125 and 1 jo can ydu get any better makes of winter prico when you buy your underwear at hoys ileeced sizes 24 to 32 at 75a turnbulls natural wool for men at 200 per garment turnbulls natural wool for boys at 125 130 and 140 each turnbulls natural wool for ladies size 3 anil 4 vests and drawers at 225 mens pure wool heavy bibbed socks in dark gray only size 10j4arid ii a pcciatat 75c pair mens black worsted socks sizes 10 iojj und 11 special ntjtsc pair grocery special 3j4 lbs oatmeal 25c i no 1 pure lord 1 seedless raisins new fruit lb 25c i catsup quart bottl 8 tbs gran sugar 100 4 tb polls pure jail goods delivered leave us your neil order mclean mills hill street we sell for cash we sell for less new advertisements continued inm 1 u cm headquarters for wedding and birthday presents ilocnrs lr47 kllvuwun knives itikii u 1 hi i fancy cut haju uity hit u we carry the mout oni icio i in town marriaqc licencco igfluco geohynds id the greatest merchandise event in the history of g b ryan co 10 day sale commencing thurs nov 13ending sat nov 22 a monster joint sale conducted in our guelph and owen sound stores our guelph and owen bound stores have united to make this bale a spqcial de monstration of tho combined powers of our organization both stores will open their doors at the same rpoment thursday morn ing 9 oclock and will simultanoi sly offer to the public these splendid buying oppor tun i ties for many months our firm has been searching for special lines guelph and owen sound buyers have been in the mar ket separately and collectively rounding up enormous quantities of up to date dcsir able and seasonable merchandise of which both stores have received their share every department in each store will generously contribute to this timquc 10 day sale and will undeniably prove o the public of guelph and owen sound the buying and driving forcii back of g b ryan cos long es tablished organization ncnicmbcr 10 days only commencing 0 00 oclxick thursday morning november i3th ending saturday night at ojo novem bcr 22nd a complete list or innumerable bargains from all of our departments will appear in the guelph daily papers of next wednesday november i2th please refer to them for full particular- as this space does not per nut of our listing them gueiph g b ryan co store closes 530 open saturday night until o30 owen sound acton must win the princes honor flag acton has been allotted and is expected to lend 210000 00 of the victory loan 1010 when this allotment is readied we eun ily tho princes honor hag the prince said the vict rv 1011 i- the bridge between war und peace andi winch is finishing off the job i hope etfery city und distnot will win my flag it m u white flag with u red border in the upper left hund lorner ib the grand old union juck in tho lower right hund corner tho princes crest tho day this aug is run up will be u proud ouo for acton it will mean that our citizens huvo onec uguin done ihcir full duty it will mean that in this district ho vietory loan jt 0 10 has gone over the top and tile vietory louti 1010 mubt bo u sueeebi it ib a matter of tho utmost importance jt is needed to diehurge our obligations to the urmy it is needed to enteud credit to those oversea countries with which we were allied in the fight and whicji now wunt to buy our surplus food und other pro ducts tbo motto of tlc prince of wulci is serve wh you also servo your country will you fjclp to make the viciory loui 1010 an overwhelming success will you help to earn for aetun tho right to lly tho princes honor flag buy to ttjo utmost victory loan 1919 every doilait spent in canada this space donated to tho victory- loon 1010 campajgn by beardmore company acton stoves heaters wc have u few cood second hand stoves and heater for sale will burn coal or wood wc also have some jood second hand sidcbo d lire crs ere prices hi asonabli l starkman mill street acton choice groceries and provisions have you tried mcdousalls for fresh groceries and fresh fruits and right prices mrs jennie hcdougall hill street acton ont hot water bottles a reliable red rubber 2 quart bottle regular si so or 1 7s value special prepaid to any address 51 00 add si 00 vatm for tyungo attachment mc kees th raxall drug stor guelph ont clearing auction sale stock imp laments etc thu ulltultllhlhli lluh ihwd llluutl by b hendry u mill by nublu au tlon on lot aljtlh llnp lvrln on thursday november 6 at ono ocloek thu f tlluuiiii hohsls on hulu mar c m i ut unit willi tiw rnim y e w tlu i ti yiuii t itul t svt u in j mm lfiirrul liirion 12 j cattl1 l illmk rrwh ytutni 1 t u urat wtmik in juiuuiiy uixl xviilto ow tlui ib ury 6 yir 1 itfil lifl j month i 1 ih 4 yrilliilf stooi 1 jlulftr 7 nuuithn 1 i tt in l jemoy hull n tnutillm ihrco burliiif htr calyeo ihs i yimiik lnw in pit 1j uti h wmka ulil il niutt woati l howlr 103 hprhii cblckij it bprlnic dqcua 0 fctjulnif cik sm imw 1mknlt 1 mum y llurru itlndtir tt eut cnkmluilt ski1 urlll nearly nov timi i um i tlrul mw c oekithutt tloublu pi w ittarly now houry plow no 1 rluir lnh out livittor beunler hity iuku luowrn it re cm ktxmtt vtmi ovt ut bur niwn t 16ft th k ritrk nw i buy rack und giikli ru k umi t uitlntf hx fuiuilnu mill unit imil iter ulirltiif w mutt in ntiurtx un 1 i t ilaln whiiuii euttr g l ulju ut i fur ttiuhio ptiw wlro mrm in r mt 1 lotto inuui uuimrunir i tlu i bubmklijbi uittl lulfui in m liitlnloit tttii ii whixilluti n w bit uliutoi bixht 1- t r illst i i uni ous itariml suit l t0 kului ull tiu i j fcullun oil tiiit with iuiii 1 u ih1ii ull can kit i hoi mliln 1 util r imlcr uwn ut ut heu s lnulli flovt i1hu una imw hurxi ultlvutor ult v 1 t rkn it hii ill uwltit c ft k q i n ti i j h h i jit s in x u it 3 iulvmilu11 lit n txtm now o uw t ii iwt imir uiiri i iulr lunktth ihw 1 iulr wuulloii i blui hl u il utl huri mil if til lnj i t and brltllott lu ttm ttlttpleo 3 hit ut vu triiuub lu ii run n 11 tt twh ilnrh r rull 3 in imuti li i htti itltt it etillotm iiuui 30 nb l m u i iii imtuh 1 lm i itttuli ii 4 ft unit roll j in uiitt win d rt tiotiuot tat is rt iitt n utktii mi with ilruwertj 3 ixirtln ktt hurtl nl nil mt in utovb hluktlui ulltl hilltlp ulllt l jlu ut otuvo 1 1 1 inn pump with yilhidar nil 30 ft of l in plk plow wtidql 6 ktry who in ntx knkfm iloulltrtt bkuli iulnn 3 put in ctiuttutiry can 7 tt tioilxnliuui hit p lutltur ntm but ttj imnib tonio i irihiifon twilti a plh cuml twit of btbckn hc ull mow lltab all nuiim ut 10 afilt midir i fith i ver thttl umount tnulvo miiuthtt eindlt t uiipr notert ikiql try ta lyu i oiit off fur coal tljo uyytnr htivlli nmtk th frni thu wtiulu vfill b mim without rnwevu r j kerr amotlontr w u- n i t 3b aoton w k qrnliani t lrk i iasr i

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