Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 5

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j shfffsspl thuiihuay ujclmilllt 4 ltuu my mothero prayer tynt n hi liiion mother iiuld an i wiih wuuliini hy ixr lied hhn krit w tho mini wjii druwlnff nigh whon in itu munition in thn sky lltn tmul wjiim win hi joyou night on tent to lilil the world nuod nlkhl rot wihtilnif ixitiliik thai ubnvn akjiiii wl idlktlt llf johltml 111 lovtl wi muthcr klully would 1 kivi ly llf ni 11 with yu to llv lriit imnin muy lie i ii h worll to ii fiii1 ihjit i huvi known dilute hro ulonef l w wuoduworth twenty years ago m tho ihbub of tho free pre of thursday dcmbr 7 18 ior yitu wi lx u inn and ii w 1 ynaterduy murk it ilo twir i 1h09 w like duy i ml 64 lit fen 4 ut 1 tin removal intt the urd n u tua iriudii unite u next nliungu who of tho old lomit y llu j u von ilea kr may ixioem- lirlulit tuil- y ri uistorod u unround thn u t it htntlon i imprnvmnent tho ild ihj tho replacing with u flno liffw una tho two infant urjnddamthtom of mr l llundiuin 1j i mbut clald ilondaruon duiikhtur of mr john ilandtiriu mid minn alllaon ua kenaue dutmhtei of dr h a wo- koami i wiu dm mul rltu ut kiio day morn i n if act m loan one of hur- beat rltlxaiut thla wo u in hi romnvul or mr juqoii clark mihur mr clark hiui leaaod iho wellknown hayim mill on the crodlt ut chollenhurn duitiitrliti from houth africa of tho lubt few iluyn uivo detailed imrtlou lnru of tho icrttit buttle of moddttf luvar fought in n t wedneaday tho general uplnlun la unit there ha never boon much u uuatulnitd tiro in tho annul- of the hrltlhli army lenerul uethuon iiiuii fl in hi nt it wua tho aovor- eut mikujiminit of thn cunipuijfn tho buttle wuh wuuml horcoly for nearly fourtuen hluxiiiif i tho i to thir mi ith tut thu mwit irt in uiiil without food or wuler rtdratd ut tilsht luklnic thorn and tho liritlsh ly their positions tho ulcito of mtifaklnif 1m practlcully uvur a general crouje linn tnuvml hla com- rimndovw uouth tho situation at iudyitmlth la hud thn rurrlsoii tliora 1m uiulounly uwultlntf relief being pleasant homii of un full to rtmllxo that tho sift of muklntf ono m ho if uxrooabla comimmit vary favorably with tho other uilonta w all know younc imtjplo who uuorn to radiate nleaxant- iiuan win rnvei they no they can mukn thcnurilvurt ut homo with nny- 1mm ly uiiil nverylmidy tlmy un ontor finthuuiuutlrally into the pmo of a uttui child lutin with in tore- 1 to tho ruoiinlm iicpk of un old man every body llkuu iliiim utid their iiruwonce hrliibu iuumuiu ll m tho majority of mminte do not runl lhl sift with tho ruhhirt tiny fuel for a talent in tttualr or fur wrlthiif vuma hut uftur nil why hott it la quite an muth of un urtn pluy utx that tompn i in tru m out human nuturv mo iu to brlntf out nwiwi mmlna uu it la to ulu it in u mio fniin an oritali ur u violin knowhm whut to wy and what to htutitrukm in ortlor to slve nlhuuum lukon iiulte uh tint i preoption und hklll um knowliiir how to romhlno i uluiii in nulnthitc u lutnlwutxi whore ono h rmiii will lirunt hy thu urt or a iiiuhioiuii u hundred or nvmi mom will tonat by thut other urt tho urt of beln if tilouhunt our natural imdowmonut ituve much to do with odr iuliou in thu 11 fo it 1m uu nuturul foruomo tooplo to tm tattfitl uh it la for others to be blunt und 11 ii ml ii rin if tho art of adapting on milf to one onvlron- in en in itunniu ixnii in noma pooplo and almot left out of other and yot the urt of holm luununt cuii b ulttvutod many u 1luiil thrlvta fur from tbo looalky win r it im nuttvo if tact in nut ltidluuuouu it can l truna- uinltd und inmlii to ho uriah in a torolen aoll ono of tlm chlof fartora in auccoaa la the urt uf be in if ploaaant other thlnitm bulnif tuul yiiung icoplo who can mukn thumaulvum ajfrwoablo will uulatrlji tho rlvul whum nobody llkco low tbluuu contribute mora to ploaa- un than tlila ulft of being plouaant for it fnrtunutu wiiutaaaor brina iun- ahino wherever ho tcooa ilo riot under- uotlmuto thu gift if it la youra and if you do not tkhutoaa it ntudy thu turtlcu of your uurooutile aauoclate ojid tmltate him imj dot b th rough life hand i cup mi aiid hold luick by not knowing how to make youraolf ugro- uble proori buppllee u damand whor- uvr ur thoniua tui lee trio oil ham ikjoii introduced tiitrmiitod auppllea bavo imhim ordered ohowlng that wlter- ovr u utm a tku excellent oil lm- proiuuia itu lmjw r tin thn peoplo no mutter lii whut lutkudti it muy bo found it ntm y ik novtr impatrml it u put up in mi l portable tthuwj in bottle kind tail bo rurrlod without four of hrtukugt lost hlb bet 4 tilt m uiul tlu thu topln iitluraiiro uhown by miit during young urautloi it w coilvt ihlitllul llall tu f ill 1iw i men of the i u lull in lh i ommoi liui uuld any man if hu ium tint wlllwr cuu onihliu puln or iutlum i know 1 hllonco for u tnoiitunt uiul uli old mall of the loud iplled ill lmt you u dollar you iuut hold your foot ikoi on lit u hu kt of hut water u lung ua i lull the bot wuu lukou und two butketj- of hot water were buiught in utid u kettle of wlllkg water to rulaa the temturuturi to thu point of umluranco the young inuna iul tttiguti to pule but tho olhtr ullwt for moru bollliig water what th dtiut0 la your log madu of wlrt yolhd tlu fonur uuddoiily taking hn foot from iu bucket cork corki wuu th too un- n unl tb oihtu mull uat that bo had inriood loat whitbr thu torn ik of old oi nw jruwth u muil ylulii tit ilollnwuytt corn cum tho utmiiliud aul bl c orfrd to tin puhltn ocautify ypur own strip ilnuully iira wan buuy making up thn bunk deihiuft when tho big cj- t oiolon itouinr whlutlntl for tho hrldgo in yonil im wurihnuuo but on thla purllulur day tho otoarner wua half un hour lutu thn do poo it waa on lta uy to nd vlth ollln ing on hand for thn next fow inlnuta una turnol to tho window to wuttti the arrat whltn loat aa it id earned ulowty and mujentlcully up th river to itu dotk there to dlaem- burk the htiiilieln upon hundmda of pututeiixeru t hut hud fum from a ii ikhhoruig uy on the lkt an th itttumur ituaitl through tho hrllu um wluncod u croon uie utill htiuvlug und foutulng watorn of the rlv r to u big iwm uulldlng on tho opihiulte bunk it ututd wmt llttlo dudjuio from thn wler edge und thn sround at ita baao waa ugly and unkempt overgrown with rank woma und littemtl with broken tmltlom iuiim ami tin onu thnro woa a note of annoyancn n iiraa vxilco u alio turned to her uncle who wao ubto hor employer and who hu plumed to tto atandlng boaldo hor ut tbo window of the oajihlora cage i don t oco why that man acroaa the river dooon t fix up hla yrd aho nuld ho lion u gbodalxod piece of jfroiind and if ho would make a nice lnwn with aomo mhrubttory or flower hodu it would ixt a bright apot to look ut limtead of an eyoaare aa it la now you m right about that lora hor undo bkod weve a very narrow ntrlp here but if joneo aoroaa tho way will fl hio up ill do the nuno ioru wu ullont a moment then ahe lnoko1 up at hor uncto mlschlevoualy why not beautify your own atrip ujtywayt aho aakod her uncle laughed i dont know that thrro la any reason except that i never thought of it before i gueag you ve cornered mo lorn it look ou though i d have to make good iio waa h kooii um hla word tlva liurrow mtrlp ut tho baao of tho build ing wum upudnd up and eodded and two round bedm were rnado which were filled with acarlet geranluma long before tho end of the oummer tho puaaongerm on tho big oxcuraion boat worn exclaiming in ploaaura at tho lovely atrip of groen brlghlonod by ucarlnt which made a little oaau of ixauty in tho mldt of bare and ugly uurroundlngm ifoforo tho end of the mummnr loo the mart on tho other idi of the river had noticed had begun to think of beautifying hla own yard u luru had called it and waa having tho rubhlh cleared away and tho woodu cut down next year wn ii have aomethlng bright to look at exulted lora aa ubo watched the prvparatlona going on acroaa tho way thata what comoo of beautifying your own atrip undo ankua it waa thla thought of beautifying hor own atrip that made ktther oraymon a puxxle to her frtenda at the time hho and marie caldwell had their quarrel marie tajtirtg offenae at something for- which esther wa not to blame paaaed her on the street without anoaklng well x declare i oald oraoo tunn who hamiened to no with esther ul tho time bho did not wo much ua nod well id ahow her that two can play at that game i m hot reoponaible for her raw nora qrace eathor said quietly but 1 um for my own and i dont intend to do anything that i hull b oorry for by nd by acting on that principle aha con tinued to meak to marie when aho mot her und to baaa on to marlea mother tho funcywork magaxina which they both en toyed and utter n tlm th vrln who hud olded with marl liegun to have their doubta aa t whether nhe wua in tho right after jit noolnit icettier ko iwmi and natural im unmovod from her uaual oourtoay marie could not carry on the foolloh little quarrol in the faro of that aweel oourtenv bha mplled one day whrn leather aiktke to hvr and from that it waa not hard to got back to tho old friendly tooting eulhar had beauti fied her own atrip and all the glrut oven angry marie had felt the allont influence alice grlggo ooode a ramody for bllloue hoadaoha to thoao auhject to bllioua headache 1urmolooo vogo table tllla ora rocom- mended aa the wuy to poedy relief taken uocording to dlrectlona they will aubdue irregularltlea of the utomurh unit ao act upon the norvee und blood vessel that the palna in the houd will ceuae there ur fow who uro not ut oomotlme aubjoct u bllloua- noaa and fumlllar with ita attendant ovlla yet none need buffer with thoao plllg at hand the atmosphere op char acter character bun an atmoephore of ita own you cannot coma near certain people without being encouraged an 1 upllftetl unoonacloualy you find youraulf tuklng hopoful vlowa what ever you are doing you want to da your best tho peraomillty of tho nobl natures wrm you through and through and calla out tho beat there la in you aa tho aunahlna warma the earth in tho uprlng and wakena th nowora you urv making an atmoaphare which u either helpful or harmful to other thoao who on near you are uiiouuruged cheered and lnapirod or uue thry tire disheartened which la 117 v r the auku of othrra ua yell um youroelf aoa that tho luriuenoo which fudlutoa front you la cheery helpful ulllmutod calling out th- bet of their thought and effort th- lat aiu attack may roully lio thu lut one if prompt moaauroa ur taken ur j d kalloggm as thma remedy will aafoguard you it will luetruto to the amalloat bron chial humsagu und bring about a huulthy oondltlan it ulwoya rollevtw nd ita oontmued utmj ofton effect a permanent our why not get this lung fumoua remedy today and com mence ita uaot inhaled a omoke or vukir it la equally effective always a limit a iituiu fctmwl wi null wuu uo puln- fully mtl thut iiho inudu llt wrelhod for litr family ono of her iulo wua tlxt ull tho tm i lu iii of the hoiutuhotd liiuat rtninvii their whom boforn enter- inj am houao riill uliu whined inlu day to hut liumbwjtd 1 found u nieuao wiot o one of tho dining room t hulra and h think it cumo off thoao punts you wear in the well mlrundv ohouted ulll hi iwitunro cxhausciid for tho lawt is years i vo tukon my khoea off every time i cumo into thla house but ill im tunmed if im gulu to go uny fur- mttiiv niothvin liuve raao to bloaa mother tlruv worm kxtermliiultui cauao it ha ivllovod tho ittlle onos of aufforlng aud made them healthy an early start you didnt run fuat ellough u aald thu glltukiper ut thn t uilroad atstlou to u truvalur who cjime ruahlng up to thn utullou just in tlmo lo boo tho tniin he wanted to taku pulling out yw i did quickly replied tho would ln tvaseiiger ua ho panted for bieutti iuii foal enough but i dhlii t utart kooii enougk then waa a lot of wisdom in thbj ruw which relate itmolf to umliy other thing in life ivealds catching railroad train komoons hu aald ho who got up uitu huu to tiot ull duy tho oliain uvui then urn that ho will not be ablo to fully catch up to hi work it ij uot u good policy to attempt to cjcttwd ten hours luboi lutu u su hours rfort it la rurtulu that sithor wo aro going to surfer or eu our work s be slliihtotl men who a tort at ottuputliiu lata in uf are usually hand lea plied um u rosult uud full tu ullulu tho succusm they otherwluo would have uchlaved jfgp inc fibto neuralgia dangerous drugs or tonics are of kttle use they may relieve the pain but do not remove the cause the help that counts rhost is nourishment scwo emuision rich in purest medicinal codhtfoil fced the vreakenad nerves and at the some time enriches the blood do not take nerve sedatives or nerve sthmilants take scotts emulsion it is the standard toniclood that puts strength in place of vrekness bo sum its scotts elaauhtioia trait a itjww thimio obi 1m elconomy of ford service wear is unavoidable e n in the best car but certain parts wear out more quickly than others there is no need of scrapping your car because the piston rings have seen their day because the platinum points of the vibrators are worn out probably the rest of the car is as good as new medical men agree that the human body is renewed cell by cell every seven years you can do the same with your ford car and prolong its life at minimum cost by replacing worn parts from time to time ford bcrvico has been tho means of doubling the lives of hundreds of ford cars and cut ting down tho cost of motoring the fact that a ford touring car which coats 690 f o bt ford ont can bo purchased part by part separately for 917 is ample proof of the economy of driving a ford car it will pay you to hmve your ear overhauled dnrisc the winter months 700 canadian dealers and over 2000 service qaracea supply renoine ford parte and prompt repair service 14 when buying choose a ford and take advant age of the economy of ford service h a coxe dealer acton ontario custom mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of exact cepjol wrapper in use for ovflr thirty years custom the sunday school lessor for sunday december 7 the prince of wales a largo photo of thd popular heir la tho throne for all free ircsa readers tho family herald und weekly star of montreal have secured iho exclusive rights for all canada for a real good photo 10x22 inches ot the tmiicc of walea it is by vandyke the celebrated london uiilund photographer taken on the eve of the viiito departure for canada tho acton free vess hau hiude urrungements with tho family herald and weekly star whcicby wo uro permitted to in clude tho princes photo in a clubbing offer wo now make the following offer good only until december j 3ibi llll the fwmlly herald and weekly star one year coat 125 the acton free jrch one year coal 1 jio wo offr both papers for ono year each und un autographed copy of tho lrinuc of wales portrait auo ltlx22 inches all for -7s- all okiits 1 0 lit min 1 to 1 his office the acton free press warning this offer is good only until december let lull when it is announced tho price of tho family herald will bo 1 50 a year additional material fur tout her unit 26 3s it iukn 22 39 4s common scripture pauag 33 and thoy corno unto u plaoa which wm named otliounim und ho uullti umo hla dlaclplna hit ye hare whlln i limy 13 and ho lukcth with him ialnr und jatnaa und julin nd ixjruii to lx kroatly amaaod and aura troulitod 31 and ha aajth unto litem my aiul i tixovxtdlna tuimiwful aval unto daath abldtt yo hor and wiilcli 3c and ho wont forward u little and fell n tln uro uud and pruyod uiul if it worn ikuwlble the hour inlcht puiua away from him 36 and bo uald abba kather all thina urn mmaalhlo unto thna rtnwivo thla cup from mo how bait not what i wilt hut what thou wilt 37 and he cometh and flndeth them ultxinlna and aalth unto ictrjr bird on leepaat thout could oat thou not watoh oiw hourt 38 wntchtaiid pray that ye enter not into temptation thu aplrlt indeed 1 willi n but the fleah i waalc 39 and attain ho went away and pruyrd aaylno tho aarnn word 40 and ajraln ho came and found them aleeplna for thnir oyfa were vwry hoavy und they knew not what to nrimwer him 41 and he cometh th third um and aalth unto them hleep on now und tako your rmt it la onough tho huur ltt come behold the bon of man i betrayed into the hand uf alnnera 4 arlae let ua be kolna bahold hn that tetmyeth mo i at hand oolden txt watch and pray that la enter not into temptation maru 14 3su dapartmantal top lea uixl rafarencaa irltnury toplo how au angvl helmkl jeaui luika 23 39 u3 s4rorv v onto thorn tiptxtarcd un to him an angel from heavep trenath- entit him iike 32 43 junior toplo ieter and john hull to ildjp jeaua ueruory veraoa mark 14 37 3su intoimamlialo and be lor topic un prepared for teat and kmeratjneloa mark 14 3343 john is lb18 1117 vimnj- im i to and adult tnpln i- i ii u re in crucial ijoum mark 14 3543 john ii 1e18 26 it blackboard x kaihiuk in idkalh oir chhibt a va1lijhk in comianionhhii with chhist a kailure in watchfulness koii cuiuirr a kailuite in coniression of chiiibt laaaan theuoht in thla aerlea of leaaona we are atudylrta not tho trnltaof uio maater but the tralnlna of hla two furemoat uttoatle thertsforri wo turn our eyea from the usonlaod saviour in thn bur den to thoao ulvepln dlxciplen ut ita oata vur our own warning let ua note wherein thouo men fulled i underneath ull their failure iroe rrom tholr idcula of jiwu in the fura uf all that ha had auld to them they were atlll lookina fur an earthly klnicdum un emperor oi hltf llinnr with themaetv in lilh oftloe bealdv it in un huur thoy uwuked from tlel- dnatii to ttte iclnttdom crumble their hope duahed lovartll their klntf a hup tod outcast a chained captlvel 3 they failed tu glva jeaua the com- luenlonahlp fur which he lunjiud uiul which he had a right to tixi there la a world of meutilna in thut aenteuce uixiut one of thoae two duxlploa but junt a true of th other ietar fol lowed urr off hud tiimo llclplea continued in cloan falloyrahip with the lonl the tttory of thut tijfht mlcht huve been illftnidiil 3 they failed hy uloeplnit when lly ahould liavo been wulchlnu tho aloep of thtwe throe men 111 the kurd on waa tho direct ocuialun of the uuddeil in- ruail the traitor kla the urreat of the lord call wo hot hour our una lir uuy to ua ua wo recall loat oppor tun it lea uf service coulileut uiou hul wutch one hourt 4 aa a reault of all they fulle1 ii the confesoiom of chrlt i ter cowering muril listen to hi cowardly curue of ilnulull woe to that duclpte who xakna counael of fear uitl not of oour- hrlt iou u the drain th l how fortunate if i niter und john whei i it hut llie atory did nut end at tliat out of uuclt deptha we aee thoae men rialue to heltfhu of tervlc wo find hope for ouruelveat totwlthatatdlluf our full uro t readlnoa for next week monday at the trui uf jeuu john ik 1627 tueattay isiter wurnoti ubuliuit iwmut luke 22 314 mtfedneeduy thti icciiiuhj of kulth luke s3 6402 thurudwy at tire cruolnxion j 19 3330 noonday durkneo vrlday the matt 37 460 buturiluy uui went lurk john huudy help 111 y uf hla dutlple in truubltr paul 4c the toy indu8tbv lllet pruikuuncemnllta uiul tiiiuutur uiirr whli the depututlun frum th itrltlah toy muuufarturera roently recalvtl trout blr auckluiul tletldea at the ituarl of trade art of much iroiasrul importance tu bit depurlruanta of urlluh indualry whether connected with toya or wltat but that we kivd ail extract of the interview uayu the lultlmh tunplro and overaea jour- iial und olrectory of commerce hlr auckland ueddea in reply kuld f do ot think any of ua underaatl- mate ho lmiwrtanoe of the toy indus try it la not one of our treat etaplu intluetrleai ii i hut a key industry but it u a wry ifreat educat tonal iu- trurlalll ikvcuuae uftuc all the toy ll the kreutoml uuraery educator it la tharrafo- of kreut mportutxe that toy whldi um children uf tlda ouuu- try feet uhouui im aood uiid aouiul toyd und in tmiunootloii with itautea that uiey ajiould be katun which uugaeat uritiah ideuw ukwl hot toelxu unea there haif bn tnoiw thouaht in tho aupmrt which the deiuahlneot uf owiawu ttude laave tfiveu tu the toy industry tluii bterely lh- idea of ua tahllshll ultothel industry uf the uountry tti toy industry u somo- thlue inure ijiuu u insre industry 11 la une of the educator l ho lovru- tuent had such imlustry ua thu toy industry in tholr mind und ur lloyd usurmnt uaauunce left no tlllu fcruuitd for inlmuiuleistuudlna thu ruoulttin whutevet tiuptrury uptlit of aooda ijisy conm fixuii flvrniakiy 111 the immediate tuture ull the lutunuw- llou wu jiuvo not from lenoany la ubolutely contrary tu that whli h you huvu beeil tfivlua uj tlmn doe tint uplteur to ie beyond a etniiparutlvdy siimll amount any accumulation ootid in krnuiny rudy for export your eyelias erea innaa b no- ain to fttm bhtf and wwi tovoaaiilisofcr avialtae aerboula for beilm tye rat mil m uarlaa cya b cw calces m mouth wash soothes sore mouths hardens soft spongy gums kills disease germs prevents pyorrhoea t disease germs enter your system through the mouth if the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes sore and inflamed it may be the beginning of trench mouth soft spongy gums are the forerunners of pyorrhoea which is caused by tartar de posits and germs mccrbmmon3 mouth wash relieves soreness hardens soft spongy gums and kills the germs that attack the mucous membrane mccrinv mons mouth wash penetrates into the tiny openings of the gums around the tooth base and leavesaclean wholesome feeling and a refreshing taatc in the mouth ak your drttggist v chemicals u manufacturing chjmist t0roht0 wihnipic v1cquve mail this coupon mccrimmons chemicals limited toronto canada plv il boiik of mccrimmons mouth xash poauac paxl for wluch i enclose 50 ccoia nan arureu name of druggist this offer for umited time only factory lighting that pays big dividends your lighting charge becomes a profitmate instead oi m profittojter when you acrew hydro gas pilled lamps into every lamp socket in your factory more light for the same money is one reason belter light more bice daylight is the big reason hydro gas filled lamps cnauo your em ployees to work better and faster without strain ing their eyes you get leaa rejects con sequently theres lesa material wasted and less time- spent in unproductive labor even if hydro cats filled lamp used mora electricity theyd be worth tho extra coat- they actually consume but little current you should investigate hydro gas filled lamps if the responsibility of factory production rests on you we can snow you how to increaso results without a proportionate increase in cost call at the hydro shop for a demonstratipn that prove the merits of hydro gas filled lamps htdrolectric power cofrlmisson op ontsjuo ifq balm by hydroelectric dept hydro shop ask the hydro man n h y gas filled lam glj even dau mmevfe j sun eeoca toe weh thu frl sat l 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 13 141 toixnfoancouver both ways t- mii tvassv eel sex a aul toronto daily m04t hoocam tquiratar hmwj wm4s dlmiag trlt see canadian national raiiujaiis railway time tables at acton oraml trunlj hsllsjr systsm oolna wait no ib bundsy 1 no 1 ljsan no 31 x0j4sjd no 33 2-ilw- no 16 6 0s-m- no s7 al oolna est no 2 hunday no 20 n no 31 no 34 no 3s toronto suburban electno railway oolng wast 117 am ra41y except hunday lit i m dally xrit suudajt 8 00 p m dully uirnpl uunday 1103 am hunday only lllpn humlay only 9 l p m untlayoniy oelna east dally axeept hunday dally tixrept hunday daily cit kunilay lunday only bunday only hunday only freight and express icxpreaa eoxrled on nil caru frcbjht delivered dally by apoclnl ex pro freight eupreaa or lralciit picked up at any addvea in toronto q it aonkw alton t acton kellys meat market carnar mill and eiqih btrau acton i carry a full lino of meats aa i have hadvtnuny year experltmco it la my aim to brtna befor my cuatomoia the very cholceat uaata ut a reaaonable price will you aivo mo an oppor tunity to abow you cash 1aid itoh itljttfclll and eooil wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at a a speights silverware irr tablcwaic fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware und t ranitc wans big assortniiut pandora stovci and ratiics famous heaters small stoves oil mi kverv article ib of 1 xcep- tionau valut c c speight mill street acton see acton grow cointr down to mulu ittrtsst and m thi lrlckri and inortir pillm up aud then rull ut kenneybros und ihi tho uph ndld timk thoy liuve in pit purutloii fur wlntvi rubbers all kind jino and lluivy best makes op boots ur wil wuiikiii und children fcsvery liuy il humluy christmas slippers and spats all ut ituht 1rlcai repairing wo nukt ji uivtfcullty at thu line tmth in uullty uf work and promptitude kenneybros main street acton ont t56 acton bakery m edwards co canada vuod ktoard uuut nu tols mill street acton white bread brown bread boston bread tea biscuits 1 5e doz buns 15c doz scones 15c doz cookies 15c doz wedding- caked a specialty m edwards co acton ontario btoro closed every nluht lkgapl fri day and saturday at l30 pm

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