Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1920, p. 4

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i- ip arttm 3ttt jtoih riujuhoa laiau i hj3c zb atom vkkm 1 i11uw tl 1 iilrilaliim wvory ttuiriuiay bulhlbur mill hlreot aqtim dm umcrt pt ion hrjcu in jujjo w jroi 1 uiairntwniknvfna wyiitfmnt to uihom i- tha luu ill diilo to whlah uubaarlptlonm uru 111 lu nil iii uddriu lulxil jujjiino uarithtraiinloiil advurtuomnnta d llm i u to muuroniuiit for flrul tuuactlon and llni or tiuh uubun tit out ihuurtlon ontraot ut riluuin itlm uf 100 inohou or tbre por annum lb iinlu 1 r liiuh uaob liiaurlluii advuitlwumoiitu without upixliwi illr ilium will h inurlod till rornld und rlwrnnd hi nirdliilly ii uooitlc ttdluw and lubiluhnr trritiioni t- lullii rlu i uti i uhhiih u oiboo tiitu i nu i dlupluy editorial now tlmt tho prict- of hide it on the tohakgmi slid n up r len lo nricifxcnf per pound having hikxn plllt- december the price of boots and shoes ifioiiltl rclulivly follow ut the shoe manufactur er who w voufcroujy predicted that the working tiistti shoe would cott 1200 tosloo a pair next ajiriittf huvciuw ho rcasunalilcprmuidjor high price- if hides ctintiniiu fo drop in price shoes at half tho above price i and leni should bo purchasable by ull who reijuiro them next spring and summer manufacturer mul icurn that the days of war time nrofltcerini are now oyer although the government hub collected about hkkjikm nltorcthur through the thrift hump tain paijtn the cxpcnsc5of cojlccjjon have been hfljityw per cent tlip minister of finance i therefore nhoiit o discontinue such expensive machinery hi influence in schools has been rood in promoting thnftr and therefore m pg3l offices and wdmou tin campaign will sh ro on flcyond that nouihll juore will be done in this wayaiijf quit tlie mo it ox pcnsivb way of getting money on the other hart 1 the plendid inccrttlvo o thrift upon lhp children of the dominion has bcenof gteat value it is hoped tlmt tint relation to the school will ho continued permanently the beneficial effects of prohibition were never more ntniufcit than during the christmas season- or 1011 i toroiitoiu chicago in new york and in many other of ho loading cities the usual christmas dinners prepared by the benevolent feocttics and mis sion orjiuniyutions went bogging at the bowery in now york ronst turkeys with all its trimmings candy utid mitico pie failed to attract half as many hungry men uswcrc served in fonrict years this wub attributed to prevalent prosperity and prohibt tiou i he famou flowery mission nerved only 400 persons where in former years they jiavc been call ed to provide for at least 1500 tjits result is a fine comment upon the effectiveness of prohibition upon the ciambwbichproviouslyciamarcd for christmas cheer at tho missions because they were unable to provide for themselves through drink the long practiced system of political patronage- dirs hard premier drury and his cabinet went into office pledged against tho patronage system every member of the u i o denounced tho patronage ovil to which it was alleged that both jho old parties were wedded on- every platform during tho campaign of the last election every speaker declared against the patronage system yet when tho first important vacancy occurred in v public office and tho attorney general after consultation with tho premier and other members of the cabinet filled the office with the person best fitted in their opinion for tho position a storm of oppobition ventup from the local leadora of the constituency middlesex because they wore not consulted as to the appointment to have con suited would havo been to do exactly what tho old lino politicians with their patronago lists havo been doing for years tho premier and the attorney general claim that they arc acting in the best inter csts of the country and of tho office to be served when appointment of tho bestqualified person for the position is made irrespective of the opinions of local leaders of tho party in iho case in question tho fact that tho appointee was a woman should have made the appointment more than over acceptabl to party committed to equal suffrage v a member of tho offlciaj delegation of the three leading protestant churches ip ireland sent to the united statca to fight bum fein propaganda in the united states said last week that uutcr dltf not liki the lloyd george irish proposal yet would accept it as a compromise because thoy want peace and harmony to come to ireland he added that ulster would titiil u easier to run a parliament than tho rest of ireland because ulster at the present time is pay ing twothirils of irish taxatiovi if this expression rcprescntii to any considerable proportion tho feel ings qx tho pcojplo in ireland it looks if itomo da tnioiimbybcarrivedarrc government so lorig under discussion qtrivino for allccees 1 im i in i 111 ii i u l iii whitl w uil l yliij i ill ho fur i oniuuil ni ami wmtliy on ijuf ikllhm tti luittiruliuinu fttn wtirtlil mm will ioiki thn mm lt nilfli tc tiiifitlr imllkbtlm in bonomiuiilnk tho it iiui uuuiilurdii nri liltcli muiualu our jxulumu wlilu unouali our inii- i joitroiti ttol mii i i onm i rnml cfmitrli v huvo tldk- to ftuw from iitolil wlmt t itli in c murka tlm luun hlbw wis 1hjy oh hlflrjj victory bonds i tlprr or rolatrd j t carter tnyatrtment qrour qualpk tho assembling of the house of commons will probably bo clervo44intil tho end of february on ottlio rtaieiisas9ign ed f o r the later opening is tit unanimoijsi desiro to occupy the new parliament buildings which will not bo ready before that dale then tho situation arising out of sir robert iwrdonb illness ha had tho effect of deferring tho session another reason is that at tho fall session though it was called for a special purpose other legislation was taken up and the slate pretty well cleaned off con sequently thero is a much lesser accumulation ol parliamentary business than is usual at this time of iho year it looks however at this time j if the commons will have plenty of matters before them demanding attention when parliament ib called at tho nominations pn monday reeve barber was reelected by acclamation thefechng of tha rate payers was evidently in favor of giving him an op ipprturtiiy of finishing up the work inaugurated last year the council of last year saw fit to release- the reliance shoe company of- toronto from their bgrwnntwiththetowriinrogardtothcshoel tory and accept gourlay co in their stead jaftcz the financial standing and jbusincss probability of iho latter company had been personally investigated by tho reeve the waterworks question also was inaugurated last year and it is considered fitting that the reeve 6ocoh tin uedin oulce to put into effect tlie votcun favor of a waterworks system so largely sup ported ot the election in october all the old council- jlors with tha exception of dr gray were put iim ination and in pddition four other citizens out of which group tho rcove should get a quartotto which will work harmoniously with him many citizens will regret that tho name of dr gray was not put in nomination but the dr is in california and will be away xpqi- homo until after the elections are over it will be gratifying to all if a council is elected which will reduco the rate of taxation to thirty mills or less this should ha readily accomplished now that all overdrafts have been mot and paid and the list of testimonials to returned soldiers is about closed tho finest opportunity for experienced technical and scientific instruction upon m wide range of sub jects in agriculture am in homo nursing is to ho afforded tho young people of this community this month of january a four weeks course in agriculture- commences here on tho sixth inst arid h twd weeks course mit home nursing on tho tuth every young tnan antuyoung woman of this section who can possibly arrange the time should embrace this opportunity whuro such invaluable and compre hensive courses of instruction aro brought practloally tp their doors the admission is free to any armor farmers son orany one elso whots interested in agnculturo nnd will attond the lectures regularly notext hooks are required therels no special age limit and the only expense will be for a few no to books tho hours tfrp arranged so that those who enroll may come from- hooie dajly livery young man who attends this course is cligituo d enter thtj acre profit competitions dairy protyt competitions and all other competitions conducted by the ontario department ot ah the prize or each of tho above is a two woakacowse or the ontnnoagri cultural college guejphvith transportation and board paid our youmrmxnwho enter this course and tho young wompn tho course in home pursing will bo greittly advantaged tfulywill g mvalu able information and bo fitted far usefulness and competition wiiich ibey jrlu had tp bd of incaiculahle there is d strong tendency among tha thoughtful men in tho labor unions to declare against mrkcs referring to the verdict given last i rtday by the jury in winnipeg against tho leader of the great strike in that city last spring on a seven counts of tho charges john t vide a well known figure in tho labor movement is quoted as saying that tho vcrdtci vindicates thcopinion qf those opposed to tho prin ciple of sympathetic strikes mr vick stated that the day of strikes has yielded to tha era of brisk businastjiko negotiations carried cd without calling away unionists from thoir work or forcing them to lose an hour in pay this opinion will win the ap proval of people generally whether employee or employer i w eresl eisl alex mckcnzio wlllnoton 8trt aolon ahiiouiioam that ha will havo a uutuily t trtli w n- thursdays orurw nft ut thn itoun will nimlvii irotiiiit utttntlnii dressed poultry luut rnjih prlr will b paid for ull kliulu of umiihad ioultry alex mdeccnio mothcne on th15 shclfi omi it llm fin fruiiiiiit mini m rolhlt litwin iiiirrl 1 ixoiilt mi tin it li in thomuiiifor hi i rlk on to wlili li rouny ttitiurllii i ruiiw f lu llihmh ttnuhom klil tlu oiiinlnrg htory rlrl moulil mv u nuin nllotlnit to 1 r t r it inu lhic ilrnib luiut lm iionminni uu tliii wlioull lkurr outul if iuuuuliltt nrt u1njuirmiiilli 0h iriotl- eul uml i iinitiiiii nwiihu a uuttui mutrluko t tli- mr utlll ttiiu in hi yiild p tlm iikiww ixllitf kil whit noty uu miv llu ritu tnr hcmolf nlll wdy nollilii or imturxnl wliy houl 1 i iy ii womiiii to wli n t u irmly ulvu imr vlitmlu jui f r it mliml luimiun of wurytlumm ulioulil kiai wu miiuui of in 1 1 i ni 1uu cn only lo ili t u llum w11 thlna liowtiv i uinull lo mii ml of hot- anotlior iiour of iiuiiium ommit im ulrfom tnonuy multorw u hi ililtflr t iun ion motlmr o m not ulwuyi iir with fallim tft iiim vlnw ot blrlat lio hurdly ovoi uurts n with hlii vlawm on hoy hho ukum tlio boy m imrt r fuvi r tlm alrl urn ouuiiln oton ttiuo from iiuthlnif v ritutil i moun ulil arowhlb utlt of tiiololilllu anothnr twuroo of mirrkd tuliifary llua in tlm ant thut u wn b clilllroii ioliu to tthvl fotllor rilaitti nottiu to thn hlilf thin f puuibi iilwi tti ravj juiiiuuimiiituiu why j twtlilti llll 1 1 im w t hi huiulu ukl t tnottim- i 1 wolltil atloo nmni ni kii jijuiii iltiivn lurn tu itt hn wuuli 4iim lowo hi r il kiunllii him uii at it wii m tsto liuf ilvluiu huiluo allf mini i ul jttnf-m7wimr- u wrutlifolly- hut fill fuio to h r inirthor why ilni you oly vour hioihoit ltunxru it otlur ulil irmly mo n wlthmn precious mlitalo i lulu ul iyyrtiu r 1 ontario wlili sou uoii 000 uiiii tlu leioutfit mht mitikm m cumulu a ntlimuri to muuij jronuo ull u nlo- ntl lu ti im i thn lotul production of thn mpumtukl tnlim lunt your wujl ro ooo lioo ninirif t uiivni vho t ul rllvlilimlm iull miimi tlu irnl imijtmoot loofl umoiint to ulmt i1ho00 0oo ilfilt wotjli tnotliir noil ixvui thlnltu that if tui in urarly tun iiml juu u four- lmj utiu lit ntll ootntrtlv youuir nikf uokl imiklfyic wonuiii umi u wgiil 1 nomotlmem mku u httln ri nmiltt or har a vfomnh will put tp with m mood lul if only u mn utw m tnw or iiim ohai mhir coui thli ynyu if ji r jcrtni ill hi tuiirm for olhr womnn huh nil iiim urtiiptih x for tho liomu hu lu u hud liimhaiiil nvtfii if ho khiiu out ion i y on hlu wlf tji loan who nlnkti tidhtnd ht in wt- lur mil inij utteiu ilaruiunv mono yllublir now uml lisuln i id w shoum rmtuli i tliouu wohih urd kiinfo hbi u llttlu oouruhlpiimiii niul ttti tlm lu i itt of tll jlijmtllok- lod of llfn on thn liiltlptlollu ut iciir llu dut nuwt of it of thu provootublo klnil in jiillllili hluia humuii in lniim ovgry your than una duitnyoft uhot unfl uliujl thev excufte themselves ilirt llty hundltyl m ruto iliillviuittly wiavullly wiuluyu i y u iwtik of jhm tr thlnic uooplo who holl thut ifw no to mtrlvn uuutiiot thoir own faulto i vicom iioouumu tlnli- unotwton md m loforo thini i wphilp tu of f oii string inatumanta altloliljo olloan will vllt anon o wjndy of uinli wonlf until rurthor houoa tupll brapra tttf coiwmirvlory icxaralnutlona wanaumim uft ut actum piuar lamj ottta will mlvn iirotnpt uttnntlan jblisiuc88 directory real estate lr yaa imvu lwuu for uh if you jynt to buy iioum in aotpn uk k- j kerr auction and rmi euu bw 1honm hi vouwq street actonotjt f jmml i i tllob arlav t p c m mcgilt ntos ql ttttt llrltlnh mhii om h r f arum out or j a mcniven j phia1mn and ourgo ottlou utid ittuihjiiko urui r iiowac avamiio uml lulahi ttirai on rid- ttona foriiitirly won plod hy li u lln di nuinuiton out veterinary vtrlr 1 u a dtaw on your customers through tho merchants batlki- with branches in allnarta of canada and comsb- toondoiita abroad thia bank is in a position tp probont drafts promptly have thorn acooptod and collect payment wtli tho least poasiblo troublo nnd coot to you tho mnnagor will bo alad to take up thii hiattor with you th mcrchants bank john laweon iv buroon autn ont orniltiuta uf onturlo v rltiury col- om arthurif llliu k um l uthtnmt enhmytr hlaht ramic- 1 jlegal harou nash iaumek ma bftrrmor solicitor- notry dublin ete pciinvman dlock acton ont xioniay io roan conveyancing ivlltt mortun u wllll nto alutlruota or tlthm fnriiil i nurrnlly uml leuully oim li hi to h p i u h n room ft h wansdrouqk it trnoh i work 1 im raj a had offlc montrwo of acton branch guorgenrown branch cajmlajojrv eublibd 1 864w l b shorey manager r r m1mm5 manager when the council of 1010 topic olqce last january a great deal was said about overdrafts loft by their pwlccsorsv the official statement required by inw to bo issued for the period from january i to decern bcr is wttich was distributed at the nomination meet ing on monday does not look materially di to rent from that circulated by tho previous council thu balance of receipts on december 15 1017 is shown in tho lolti report as 6144 00 and tho balance or re ceipts over disbursements on december 15 1018 as 372a46 in tho statement of last years council the balance frdni i0t8 is shown as 742146 and on december 15 1010 as l0e382 the council of hub collected 17785 00 in taxes and the council of 1010 collecte 45 to the average ratepa th statements have a remarkably similar appearance in jnaayespetsit1s hoped th council of 1020 will find no bequeathments of overdrafts to meet they will havo the advantage of having the county rate for the previous year paid up payment having been made before december 15 1010 both political parties iri tho united states are dis- satisfied with ho prog or lack of ithcingjnodo toward the solution of the peace treaty tangle in that country both are bringing pressure on their leaders or a compromise to insure ratification promptly on tho reassembly of congress this month tho mild reservation group of republicans haye notified their pttrtyleaderhtrtnrtheirtipinlanttifrtlmdhascotno to part company with tha irreconcilablo foes of tho treaty declaring that unless comprolmse negotiations got more wholehearted support from the republican side they wore preparing to act independently for an 9grccmcn t with the democrats one prominent democratic senator is said to have told the renubli- jyins that more than thirty of the fortyseven on thiyt side yould join a movement to ratify tlm treaty at once on the best terms they could get tho feeling among thosowho arcready toy go ahead without their leaders seemed to be that the treaty deadlock has been already prolonged unnecessarily by too much nocompromise talk and that both sides havo overplayed a waiting gamd jty the hope that a break would come in the opposition the engineers employed by thecounty council in their bridge building exploits evidently knowhow to engineer good healthy fees out of tho works how is this for m series of resolutions passed at the last meeting of the county legislators mr rcadhcad moved seconded by mr irving that a w connor c e be pajd the sum of 231421 commission of 5 per cent jn fujl for plans specifications and general supervision of tdnsloy bcjdgo chargeable to tansloy brfdge account carried mr rcadhcad rnovcdi seconded by mr hillmer that jas a bell c e bo paid an equivalent to 5 per cent of the work done o t bridge in the year 1010 after tho amount already paid him has been deducted carried mr kcadheadj movodj seconded by mr hljllmer that jas a bell c exbo and isherobybppontcd tho engineer as provided for in the agrecmerit for the erect ionof ulflb sl mile creek on dundas sirttjt in tho township of trafalgar and that tils remuner ation bo 5 per cent til tfyo cost of saniescarried is there anything significant in thotct that mr roadheadi who moved all these pxpchsivo engineer ing resolutions announced ut this meeting of tha county council that it was his 1asxm cot ipgf as ho was retiring from municipal ohjcc icwould have looked a trifle morq seemly if the resolution engag ing an engineer for a 200p00 job had been moved by some momberor tho county council who expects to continue p office at least next ycarrand who will some supervision over the man with the 0000 havo i or 0000 job irtnglnctr if you buy out of town and f buy put of town what will become of our towi the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free piessbuyathome campaign read these articles with carer they may torenttometnw you hadnt thought or before ltronlze the people whose ado ore here they reyour neighbors and w treat you hiaht the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighhothood vou will alwya find it profit bl to coimult in whan daalrin dry ciooiik ctouiltm- lloou und shorn lliiooluumu olklothm and qrocarlfg our ulm lu to mitlclpata your tlfuilrau in aaton molean mills our aim u to bill vou iry oootla monn vu milling hd oriminrlwf tlm qunhty andlirico of which will koop your tnonoy in acton w oa oompolo with nnyoho unywhr uid kitrotigty uro oom ikurliwti d c russell tha pindar 8 tor crlurlon lvr turlty und whnlmnmannau in iutit fi rmuliu w carry tut woll oholoo iorfumry toilet arttoloa vlotrolna our val wall pmpr halo u mow on pnd vary moclalbnr- balitu or oitrad b10wh c6rult ua flrt wlmn buylitif ilntrtwaro wo carry u oompkoto utook of ultatf uml lioivy hurtlwnro nilvnrwiuo cutlry oranltnwoi to ami ran oanvlnon tho inoat orltlnal ojr trio and triatttjntrwrtbht mmc5 5vho ortlai vour coal now tjo1ity undor iraant coinlluona litvartatily tiuiaiiu uti sulvaitoo in tha lirloo nut htovo alidpurimor coal how on hand wo harry qrooartm ua well j chill navar duy curnltuia ivorn fi- nnttlouo itttll look ifitod iri plotnr whii buy linr from ii u yoti him tha artlalo bafore you buy and our beat udvloo niuid aervloa lu yotiru itiiiloitaklnk in ooimootlon johnstone 4 co mt up t hat ordar for qrooarlaa 1 1 urlttif j to ua wo oan oomjhita in adrvvan ijunllty and prloaiwlth anyone anywlmra wo wdrrif urn wu u full lino at dry flood nelson a co our laroa builrwu ciufilhul in aotoitth amnio proof that our mont a vaitotublnu and ivovljilona x of ttto heat duality wa twill on oloao murjtltu itnd aoholt tho prlvllogo of implying- your hotne mabwehv bvangi w hava dld it dfor and wa av it attain you can buv to battnr advulitasa in aotonthnn in toronto boo ua whan you faqulra anything- in oonaral uarohanduia wo wlir lioba undoraold l stabkmaf now tht cold wthr t m htiprouohlnir you will raqup rafroahmtin our drlnku aro l hot und invlkurntliik tir loo crt in dollolouuour hpmnmndo oaiul froah und ijholomoni oonumplatlno bulldlno t ifno lob ua cntlmiu on yur ra- utroroonta wo prepara iilanja male aatlmato and take cantraot ipd qt tnilldlng wo would aubaent qruerlim nofl wlntcra oonj how i j b miokbnzlc 1 x pair daallng and lowiprloaa aro bulmtna up outvbui inaaa t wo parry n nil lino ot urt rmrloa and provlalna and our prlo n will ro- llovo tho nooonalty of ftirt icr aoarati our quullty tuid prloo will aland ooimihrlufin mrs j mcdpuqall n false economy has nq value wa daal in all klnda or froidt und curj woata and it li2nr dottlro to uooura and hold your vatriuj by fair prloai and hlnnat doullnif wa endorao thla cm nip a inn buy jn actonlt paya w lamdqborouoh buying cheap goodd jmtt llecawte they are cheap does not pay quality often overlooked instance seen in case of mail okdett houses wiuch make tlieik appeal solely on uasjlsof piuce lcooiiomy in olio of tlo sjutut ut vlitunu but faluti conomy lu no inora avlrtuo tbui inythliiu nlutt thut im fiilao fo tut khlo id ooono- tnlia wluoly lu nun of tho kiutmt iiiiiuiiiihii thtt nun ran havn for it is tha iroroiulhlta to thrift und wolmiiolua loo muny bomoiui liowtovir who thlnu thoy liuvo foutid tlui miorot or t ec iiq protlolinf u faltio voqiitimy whlulptu woimo11iuu wilful wumui i vof inatunoo thn imtu who luiffm u utovo from u mull onlor ho into for b heouuho ha thnkh lio would hnvo t liny no for on if ho pur- ohauf it from hlu hopia morohunt in pruntlnliitr falao ooonomy for tha nhanaou uoi thut ho would uuvu mora thun f 1 in thn unci if ha purchuiied tho 110 atovo from thw infill hardwaio donlwf luwrmstuu w till ujltl oilri lu tlmt doltrfu ijollurv n aroaui puft of tho tnarohandlmi aold by tha mull urdu iiouhdu lu t lniu vuhio thiui that wolil by tho rilnll morchunu of tha mimllci- lomniinillh ihn mull urdor huuliuiiwi uu h wtoln u built upon ohdiipnotm in ordor to ultrut ouutomoru the oauilouue iiouhou muut hdii ifivgilu ohuulv- a ordnr to do thut thny niuht uall ohaitp oo la llulr i uuhiuuu lu lull it up on prloa and not oil quality tha retail hnrdwuro dnlr llko in toll dauluru in otlntr llntial prolttihly con inutoli tha ptlouu or thu mail onlor hmihiii lie probably i ha u u utovo which ha nun itflll to jho tmiil jm wan in k ict u ut yo tor 10 tho trouble ih thut tho tnan who huyu from tho malt order hone dona not dlhthiuuluh hcwn prloa uml quullty think8 his ib economizing tho bum who buyu tho q htovu fiom tho rtiall onl r ihiuho prob- uby would not buy u l utovo fiom hlu loon im rohunt for hi tho luttt r nuuo ho would uou juut wlmt ho wnu huyhiif unit mlaht rtmluo thut tho 0 utuvo wouhl lint ititxt hlu neodh iiu ordiru n tl utovo frtpn tho mull ordar houitu hnwnvnr juut benunuo tho prhia lu 0 und not hcouuuo ha huu any uwaurunoa thut tho utovo will mtot hlu intailx ha thlnku ti6 lu rfuvlnr a mollor or two by buying thlu atovo inutoud of pvhiblo-or- 11 to uij homo martthunt for on thut lid hum soon uml known will iftvo him aatlafuatlon tha olioncihi nro tht wllon tho utovw ulrlvou und ha hua uwl it fur a uhort tlmn hu will nullao thut ho huu pruptlood fulua oooiiotnythnt it would huvo bun nimii ocunoinlcnl lu tho mil for him to par a lollo two biorw to hlu h mi r limit uml y f ui urtlolo thutvuurtlarnnttnid by tha doclnr tha patron of thu mull imw houiio uimo ufttn fullu to toko thu tor of truuiuft ttutlon ohuruoh into nonuldniutlou whan mukltir hlu piifchuuo k 3m only tho prion of tha urllolo uu llutod lu tho mul orur outulngtm uml doou not think of tho fxprauu or frolnlit nhuraou i with tha oouttrk moimy onlur and poutntto oftoti muka tho tntul ifihv urtlcfln urantor tliuu tholprloa ut whinli tha hltnojlilnu- nould iu4aj boot pbrohuuod ut tlm tnoiil hthi annlhtn cuhii uf tuno ooonuuiyv t ituyjiitfimtrchiuidlua of pmir ualttv hbouiluu tlm proa lu low lu of ted fnw voouomv whu tly iiurohuue lu mudn ut tha homu utorau but it lu doubly mo when tho marotiaudlua lu bouaht from mull ordur houuu whan buy i ii ir ut homo una cnu b iaituonubly uuro thut tho urtlol pur- ohauod ut n hiw prlou whlht thoru in no uiioh uuuuruuno whan it bourht by mull in tha aliiht nuumm plmi idea lorxploded i jho idku thut tha mull oulm ihhiuoh moi tho nunio iiuullty 4it lioodu nt luwui piloiu thiiu thu homo rmfralmutu hi iilnkty xiilodtil twhun ana loarna uf thu luruq umiltu that uio biudo by uiu uuijoilty of tho mall nrdtir houunu und thu lurgn uolllntr ukponuou to wfitbh tlmy jiro huhjeotd the inmo mull onlur houuuu upuud huudrodtt of thouuundu of uolluru ntinuully for odvirtlhliir und tha uolllnu axpauanu of thj amullor oouoaruu bo proportloiiutj y uu jijruo rhoh othir vxiipnatii iiuoli uu mnt tuxuu und hthor uro uiho hljrhor thtticlliotio of thu local mlu 1 1 ntrdhuntiflli nltoit1dntrthu buulnoiiu whloh thoy do lu aplto ofthoaa haavy axpanuih tha mull oidir hoiihini dlutrlbutit mlllloiih of dolluru ii umoiik tho mtnokhuldvrii lu tiiuulnruo mall onur oonooni thoaijjuu of iho aim hhol but in i uuh ivnd utouk dlvldundn liuve uvcraulod uh liijufli um i llll pbr dont uu thbroupltltl luvoutod in the uhort parlod of hluu yuiui n hlu dnh not lmlluto thut tho mull jmr hiiuiu ur lu blimiiiouu airtltiilr niuth ujul iihi alvliur uwv inor- ohuhdlao to thijr oimtomuru r 1 thu miull tniliir hiuuiiu huvo iiiiiltiilho l tho duxho to vtou7mku tliul lu hili y i in almoin ov i youn out w lluoifir lirloo uhovo uliiillty und iukuiviuhuinauh thn fuiuloiimntul aloiut ut lu tholi huuluoau thy tmvo innuloued hi tin mlmli or tholi putropu tin liln thut i hoy uro ncoqoiuuiiitt wlnni tfily buy i huup undil nt oho ip prluu dargalna in luidlau llknktl lltookinkm at 30d itob iconic m ovornllu at w go a uhlpmont of i lob vnok ucaa wrurli a tllilktu tximctol thiu w4mkr hlioo rp4tlrlu4ta mpoabully ek cook whan vou buy tihoaa 1yom uu you ura aura of aoour- iiir- thn imat neuctlon in aoton our prloa attt much lower than dv priori vdur kuarmntafr- u bahlpd nvi rythhitf w ell kennev 0po8 olm braad la dakad itlltht horo in aoton and wa suar- nntoo uu wholaaomonauu wfl aollolt nu wo 11 your patroiuuze or homu- ttuulo oak oa paatry etc we aim to uullufy i m edwards co thla oampahjn mootu with our approval and hau our hnorty uudoraatlon beardhore co our paraonal intaraata aro oantywl in anton thla movo- mant fa deaarvlnbt of auooaaa and wa ondormo ram a rvder a mowat qlovb co i m looal dtatrlbutor ior tho iford automoutlfl and can hiipply you with mm u too ford parta bt rtulonahla prloo a oomplota utook of tlrea alwuvm on hand juat your uaxt our h u vnxi h a- coxe t manufaotura and rapalr auklndao fumlturo ial m matlmuta rot yau on tha tnaklnar over k-valrliia- or upholatorlna of youir fumltu which requlrou ttanllon i tuprutitimi my work tha vurnltura lloupltul w j- t0ckey we do marahant tailoring our utook of importod uitd domou- tic wiiollnnu for full und wlntar lu fmmpiou wo htumt behind nur output und uuuruutoo iuituruotlou w m cooper nwrbay jawatfarvfromtcalaloiluaa all jowalluny looku hood in out whun huylnu from tna you ooo the urtlolo mid an wall you lvth ihnieltt of my ufervloo advloe and per- uonul uuurunteo geo hymda next time vou raqulra dooih hhoea rubber oto let mo oiulauvor to nioot your riulnumdnb my utook lu oomplottt my quality iu of tho bout my prloa are rjaht hoiulrltvk donu w williams did vou ever stop to conalgv thut it ooutu aver live thouaand doltatti a year to tlollvor arooda from tha mtomuto tha aoton peopat ttio oonuumor itv for it carry your own ltarcolu und not your ulutro of tlm huviiur cuuh and curry tlrolfery chester plank main ht- fhono e consult ma flrat tk whoujiiui rthjulrtt form implo- nu ntu or nny kind i urn locul wtwit for in lor mil loiul muohlnory and oan kiiuluiitoo you hutlafutitlou und har- vh t t ri y mmjtu mtil uhoou aj wfll chau e parker dm j m bcll o d 8 l d s dantlt jlonor anuluatv of loriiit tfouar- k tfctaut- onohtbetla uao u corn- ul j miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moor laauar marrl lloanaaa wlvota ho aulrod uuud at rldni puw umm odin i in nvdnln aoton ont 1 prancis nun an bookblndar acmiunt booku wr bllklrdu made to order fjrlodloal ot ovory rtaacrip- lion oamrully bound hullo neatly and promptly dona m wynlham htreat ovej- wlllbilr oualph ont- r j kerr llaanaad auotlonaar pw thu ronotloa of lntltm wnllln- ton iil ami iurrrln una th city of ouoltdi acton ontario sataa muyi bo arraiikwi by mall o m raaldancv at aoton or at tha pvoo pram ortlo aoto thmtircury ofljco gdolph tha nowhitoom ustran or w gordon ilameuu maer i with w ullbmurk raloa ntrutnj to il jf kan- ra- oelva attention from uo of lluuna bi dat of nl ut y bui raaldane vouna otraat aoton thona st anton call at my icapana jeaieevers book binder quabm sl eaat gualph ont honk ahd muuualiiiu iwnnid la itandaoma and suliatnpllal wivorm nlunoa uttarwt ynin ulbum uymn ilooku and ouior ixioka air work promptly ekocutad d 1albx nivbn ontario land survayor and chl i enalrloar i survey fmuhvluloou imnlut lt- porta naawrlpuona llluoprlntm atn ca nnnrtnnnnw fthd mortkasoou burvpyu toeuxhlttu uullderu and munlnlpui counolu dralnara itapoh katimatoa etc qubripii uhonu 104 tna jmm spravllslg jtondkio canada- grand trunk tr restorationpassen- gertrainservice effective sun dec 28 normn pashongor traiuyor which was tcrnrorarity reduced duo to coal shortage will bd re- 3ullc tor full partlculurs apply to u gcnib ii holmes agent actdn ont thona is the old and ttoliablo granite and marble healers wo uro manufiioturi ro id dlrecrt importuru of nil klnnu uf mouumantal and ieulmtoiavrork wo aoll direct to our oiiatbmnm at whuloonlo prlooa thuu uuvlitr out- ouutomun 4u ur cant a bava tlm bout appllam t u und th i ity inauhanlnm in tlio ikinillilon ha i opuruto pnaumutlu tuulji propsrly w tun ulvo rtiforonoou fioiu hliiulrodu of unr oimtomrn in lonmto unit other phi oca whero othoro huvo lo luwn taw uulla th onlr to on ii rut wo liuvo tlio urtent und beilt utouk of otnnlto in tho ooinlulou or more ibmi nny thrwo dealeru lit tho wool wo urn loo-ltl- nmto uoulnru una employ no tutuntu ami df not umioy or piuf ouutomars by hoiulhir tint tkiioruht ouoillu nnltoltf ti n ymoohanlo and dofy oomiiatltlou hamilton a solsfs i ijtjjrir l wsk-

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