Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1920, p. 4

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niiiutiv maiuii 11 ivzo lllu acii h vvus kpeaa ill ml iuiil avnry ihuruday rihilif nt 1 t luillitli u11i htrnnl auuin ttld fkikm riibiin uiihilli if mill htrofii aouni onturl hi i il u 1 1 ikon prtt 1m l to lr- your lu jilvii t 1 ilul li 1 1 urm il uddllwiuul to 0 litem lit lim ijnii i lit il i 11 dul in wtil li uul rl udiim urn t jl 1 iu i ill ui i 1 n llw utliirx4riulu advj lil imno talltllrrunloiit udvurtlaanionia 1u u nlu j ir tint uuuti mi uh ir iui nt for it rut liiw ru ultl t ut dlu l i ijlli iuih uilt mxilit ill luaurtlou giiulrunt dhahluy uiiywihii iiil luu inolinf k hwr vt milium u t1qi lu1 kom 11 k4lt rial unl mi klullllullcll ii 1 mooum lull tor- uml i uuluhir 4 ojitco 11 edit om4l it wuh cjuu1 the npplcs thth4blilvp shc wus nuked 11 nd u fur id i can sco it ts nearly limo 10 pasi ilia applcj nvulu sujd mr halbcrt former u 1 0 prideiil bpcnkmk nt lambeth tlio other day isuy one for mf hulbcrf toronto star k japan i fdpiilly becoming a world power that must bo reckoned with by tlio tuitions ojf the world in one day limt week tho daily pnpcrfl announced that she had nent 40 000 000 pounds of sugar to european mediterranean ports and alto 19 also hooding china with opium some housing commlflfllnnh ihntui xldngw the report i j a ellis director of municipnl arfnirs shows that the ontario hoilsiiik commission during kll supervised the building of 1211 ihhil jil the province fheso coat fron 1078 07 to 72 11 mouses were built in 17 cities m town- l villages and ii townships it is estimated that 20 000 new houses arc needed in ontario this ytnr i is muccrcly hoped actoi will build iter fair quota during iho coming season wo have the local coin mission wo havc an initial govcrninint grunt of 30000 we have plenty of avnilahlo sltca we have an nbsolutonccd for houses it behooves the com mission to v busy georgetown with commend iblc enterprise is having mr 1 lus addrcsi a public meeting on housing plans and possibilities the ontario good roads association have placed themselves upon record in favor of higher fees for automobile iicciislh this is in recognition of tho progressive roud programme of tho ontario govern ment iho road enthusiasts claim that those whp drive motors should bear n largo proportion of the cost of constructing and maintaining the highways df the province tho province hat itustained a distinct loss in the retirement from membership of tho legislative as sembly of hon df cody who was minister of edu cation in the late hearst government dr cody with his splendid ability and characteristic energy was an acknowledged force in the government ho was not a politician but honestly devofed himself to the intprovcmcnrofrhecducatioriai intorcstsbr the province drink and drunkenness are gradually getting the place wherothey properly belong in public in pri vate and in legal tribunals and in legislative halls ruling that drunkenness cannot excuse crime the british house of lords last week ordered tlio con viction of murder restored in tho case of arthur beard who strangled o girl while he was intoxicated the criminal court of appeal had previously reduced tlio crime to manslaughter among the roads selected in tho list of provincial highways is the one which several delegations have pressed tho government to adopt from toronto to sarma it will now bo un imperative duty of actons municipal authorities to keep tho public worksde- partment so well informed as to the advantages to having this highway pass through acton hat hero will bo no danger of being sidetracked engineers might conceive that a road up tho seventh lino to brisbane and thence to guelph might be more direct but it certainly would not serve anything like as populous a taction as through acton and rockwood to educate women l hvi tu as an indication of the- trend of fho times tho nashville term advocate states that tho jlfty first and final annual mooting of the national womans suffrage association was held in chicago last week it is to be succeeded by the national league of women voters the political education of women voters in a manner apart from partisan politics was the chief issue before the qiicogomcetlng a recom mendation to tho national league qf women voters was passed declaring wo urge the league of women voters to make everyeffort to have the study of citizenship required in tho public schools and in the colleges and universities a plan was also ap proved providing for the league of women voters to carry on a campaign outside of educational insti tutions for the political education of all american and foreign women residing in this country men not to bo excluded from its benefits let us make thera good canadian now that tho peace teaty has bean accepted by all the allies excepting ihp united states subjects of those countries which wore among our enemies and known as alien enemies resident in canada are applying for naturalization wo have them in acton and in every pther progressive town in can ada ttto process of making canadians has hitherto been largely lciit one a fow questions asked by a curijjiflcialjl few unawergivenwitb more or- less intelligences generally less because ofunfamillarlty with our language audits terms an oath mumbled a document filled out and presented and the foreign er becomes ucanadian in point of voting privileges he is then as good us any of us who have spent our lives in tho effort of upbuilding canada and cana dian institutions austrian russian polo greek slovak italian gorman have loft the court and the ceremony supposedly one hundred por cent canadian now that the period of reconstruction is on in can ada and applications for citizenship will bo made by thousands of foreigners it is surely apropos that the government of our country should promptly enact more comprehensive requirements bofore these people are made naturalized subjects every foreign er seeking to bo made a citizen of canada should bo required to serve a probation of at least seven years residence in thu- country learn to read and write in the english language and provo by his conduct that he is worthy of becoming canadian but making canadians should nof bo left entirely to tho courts tho assumption of thf obligations and the privileges of citizenship must bo made a dignified and impres sive circumstance and the alion born must be sh6wn that his now canadian ism means much to himself and to others beside tho politicians who want his vote every patriotic boy or high school ago should aid in accomplishing this long before ho is himself on- titled to cast a vote ho can h f helpful influence n turning aliens strangers fnrcjgners speaking atrango tongues into good canadians wilt the chivalry of mm protect the children- lady as tor told this story in the british hoiibu of commons the other day i ws recently in constituency coming from onoytof tho poorc tf parti of tho town i stopped outside a public house and tnw a child waiting for its mother presently she rolled out ot tho nublic house the child wont forward but ilsoon retreated the oaths andcufsis of tho woman and tho shrieks ojt the child were not easily forgotten i am tbtnlcing more of tlio freedom of the children and am not tremendously excited by what is called tho freedom of tho men tho men will get tho freedom that is the heart of this nrgu ment for prohibition though lady as tor stops ut a nl easy re of drink control tho children are tho iliuo cent victims of tho liquor curse andjlioyishuuld be protected by the chivalry of man broad scheme of provincial jlighwaytl outlined tho road development policy of tho new proviu cial government is gratlfylngly comprehensive ac cording to tflon f c biggs minister of public works in an address before the ontario good itoadn association it embraces a total mileago of 1824 it plans to touch every county in tho province and aims td have this network of provincial highways well advanced toward completion within flvo years the department in making their selection had taken into consideration tho amount of traffic now passing over tho roads they had considered tho market possi bilities of tho population centres touched the ad to mobile and truck traffic which would bo served the agricultural needs of tho districts tapped but they had not considered whether or not tho district to hq served hy an improved htghwayhad bcntbu representative to parliament in ouicr words poli tics had been kept entirely out of the question tho minister added that politics would ho kept out as long as ho had anything to do with roadway con structioti or maintenance po n ilijoj the value of the school garden the school garden as a feature of agricultural education is tending to become as time goes oil and its function is mora fully understood a permanent part of tho school accommodation in ontario says j b dan don o pit d in the agricultural gazette ho present facts regarding tho school gardens showing hindrances and difficulties encountered and indicates the trend of tho movement in tho following paragraph the number of schools undertaking the school garden work in ontario is increasing steadily year by year as indicated from tho following figures 10m 20h 1015 222 1010 324 1017 400 1018 58s and 101 700 most of these gardens form a part of ihe regular school property but as might bd ox peeled there is a considerable number of gardens on land secured only temporarily it should bo sofd to the credit of the farmers that in very many cases the land was loaned to the school board free df charge the spir shown 111 si yrht mi thwr nvmnn stents more than words tho trend of tho school garden movement good roads must really be good roada there is good reason now to hope that henceforth county good roads will really be what they are dosig nated tho minister of public works frankly in formed the convention of county road superinten dents last week that if roads are not maintained government grants will not bo forthcoming very emphatically ho said when an inspector irorn the highways department hereafter goes out to look ove the c of your roads in tho county dur ing the fall or any other tfmcbf tho year and finds that you have neglected to keep up continuous main tenance we are going to cut off your njaintciiaiice grant on any road found in such a condition i have made up my mind declared tho minister that a system of maintenance must be carried out in all the counties which expect to receive a grant from tho government from what i have seen of the roats in tho states arid from reports of tho highways iu england and france the macadam roads which carry he traffic are never forgotten for one minute they keep right after them and as soon as a rut or depret sion is noticed it is immediately repaired wo are going to inaugurate that system in tho province of ontario and with tho assistance of tho counties and you road superinten we will await t results hi no inherent right for labor striked the free press has for years spoken btrongly agajnst strikes because history and experience have proven conclusively that strikes are almost invariably disadvantageous to the strikers and result in worse conditions generally to all concerned at a recent gathering at washington of delegates of tho various farming organizations of tho united states a strong stand was taken agajnst the theory that organized labor has art inherent right to strike they asserted that such an inherent right does not exist and that tho destruction of property the interfering vltlf thosdwho wish to work or thb infliction of physical injury by strikers is and always has been criminal there is a rapidly growing sentiment among other classes than farmers in tills direction the action of these farmers is however significant many have been saying that labor is in the saddle and tla farmers are certain to join labor and together they will ruo tho country we dont want tho laborer to rule tho country we dont want the farmer to cule the country we dont want the capitalist to rule she country what is desired is that all find a way to work together for thp best interests of all wo interpret the stand the farmers have taken as a step in that direction we have hare fn ontario a concrete example whore ther farmers and labor interests have joined hands for the government of tho country but no dire results are anticipatedas their union has no selfish object in viow part of rocknway bunch nx iif u r tho j eat ton which biuuicdfour uu id imdj aevottd iron oiont doinjr about 2000000 diuiumo the patriot 8 dutv 1 im 111 i 11v tltut tin ill lut u 1 1 t inliiiiy luciilliin llu-nt-jn- mni in ui hut uluo toward 1 iwl iu it nun it lllw kit i omlll 11 iiuhiiiul viy chiii of at il tlilithohur ilia an llm pi rtii limine tin intilot in to tn u v 1 iilftl t rfort t 1 1 1 it r n uipl olinlii ncfi to ull imij t mi llinlty lln t tu lut ulifhili 1 un fully il nit tlui iuli 1 jr tin hdlmul tvtn tliuujjti tiny mom iruuomo 1 hi 1 11 mil 1 tiny tlio luwti without jiu illll t ion iln miii wry oiiy itiuy of vory 1 tilrlot yonnj or ol i or 1 1 t v wuii but tli tonlmty towtirl liwlc moid by lilniuir otiuylnir tl law a good mlxcns chartacteh u mil minor ihii t hot v 11 loldia rilll 11 cituon nt omi1ki ho 1 1111 inll mum funny mulj ilnrnw mow money pay kinu lit u mau tnt mom miuih ru to inul im im 1 l 1 in njnro lnl oirlottf 1 do tpmiiim nt work tlmti tmy olliif tlirtto imn in tihvn n luttfin i mimic the farmerbanker alliance you no io your- lawyer for legal lulvico to tho doctor for medical ndvtco why not to iho morclmntjillanlcforfimincialudvico if you want il loan to buy cnltlo lioguor equipment if you want information iw to how to invcut tnoneyoomo to thosonwho mnkn a luliiinomi of financial mattom and nto in a jwutlon t pivo you sound and impartial advice th mcrchant5 bank hfdch monlroal of camlada eublilioil ibm acton branch l b siiorcy man georgitiown branch i r mimms monger free press ads bring results overeating u lb roof of murly kil diaui mvlli if yourdifjoyuoi u wjtm oat luur bilr a iu nd hm kmoid5 pliil to tmk vft ki rnou hp irilkimi oul yw duv fvoablmj hadk uv scott m wwnk makkjw of ocotta emuukm i ill 1 llmv ikatniko at tii10 guelph business college herald bultaina qulph hah utoviw to uk tina 1 ro i lltlclirnhirur i utlvlmti nil tuy frlouitm to utuiul 111 ti 11 c thlkimni all acton jloy 4 you cun dtait n mtniiy a u h0uck pniri- mloical rnoa okay m o c m mgill i 1j u v 1 1 ihil iiritht 11 l 1 m aiuhuuw u 1 i luhlxlt m ii ut aihlull itp t ift1 out of j- a mcnivvn phyloin rj clir im l irmr iliiwm in il h f yll m itn olrto nti 1 it 1 inn vvinimi lululu hlr 1 rurnt rly w ti l i vtmt it antm oi 1 1eqal i imna nil 31 ro fu x 33- haitoli nash paumlu ma bmrrlmtmr bo i lo i tor notary pubfto convriyi cto prrvman dlock actorj ont monicy to j o n kmirw 1 30 11 iif 41 h p in notice to creditor hi 1 t h ii tm ii f jomunli ltull tut tlui vllliiimr atoii loitlmuti who ill i oil ir ulmiut tint hjvini nth tlay nt k kriiuiy 1dj0 at njulnil on 01 i out tho twniity ulxtli luy n uurcli myosin u 11 1 1 y ixiwt iriiblil ai ottx r wl ilotvi r ti lliu ui tnrnlgiiul wll t itnr tor thu lcx iiitni- u mtwtnmout o th h ikuiniiti tlui 1 ulnm nfthti k4mui- ity tf uiiy h ii uy tin m mil fill t ur- tl ultiru of tliolr iiutii u 1 1rotimtim utid limit rllitlmiil a11i 111 tl 11 lu linmhy fnrtlij r ulvmi tlmt i in m llutoly nfurtlinmililtwnty- lxti ilty 11 r mufdi 1so tlui kuii ifxruiitnr will irocitxl tn aintrlnt thu tutu lu nf tin uiild chtute timiiiik th lurlii oitltlal tin rati tiiolmi will not tin r ijmiuhii in fm uny olulmu of wlil li i iilmll not imvn rvkiolvihl notice ut tin tlinu tuit forth for himh ill lllliuhitn inn mt t kaltr lokincutih hi ir n rititnuv lilu hollaltot- ditoit ut alton out tltlu aoth day ii f 1 tliruiiry 1u30 ib 3 graydort dealers lead most good automobile dealers know motor cars inside and out theyve watched the business jfrom its infancy tjheyveseen care come and go above all they know motor car values they have to you will find in practically every city and town in canada that the leading motor car dealer is a graydort dealer every motor car dealer knows the reason for this every graydort owner knows the reason the graydort offers uneqaaued value to motor car purchasers 1 the 1365 h graydort is dominant value i wliat other car at anywhere hear 1365 offers you these gmydort qualities u a motor jarger and liner than ubiibi for light cats 3j4 hore and 5 stroke built from flawless castings nnd tough highcarbon steel and finely finished ilia crankshaft weighs 40 pounds the radiator is cellular typabnd the water jackets arc extra large an improved carburetor marks this car and a better electrical system starting and lighting are weabnghouee as in tho most expensive cars u there overatrengtli in the graydort frame ol heavy channel steel in the husky chatham built rear axle in the long cantilever rear springs in the specially designed hew steering gear in tlio big brake how lined with thermoid the front wheels now huve roller bearing there is n how gas tank larger and in the rear convenience of riding and driving is in the graydort the steering wheel is of tlio height and sue for tireless dnving the gears can be shifted witli two fingers pressure tlio nom the ignition and light switches the clutch end brakes all are traced for greatest ease in dnving a shorter and smarter cowl now gives more room in the driving compartment a hew groytdort feature lias greatly increased the leg room in the tonneau scats are tilted at just the proper ngle for comfort as itf cars coating 2000 and upwards tlio graydort bow has sidecurtains oremng with tlie doom cleancot goodlooks the graydort is not startlingly extreme tlio gray3 dort u a car of quiet beauty smooth hncs and perfect proportions the smart new top is hand tailored in our own shops the new hood with its many long hajro w jouylfcsjendansta touch ofeuropeanotyler french pleated upholstery too and completing tlio picture the wonderful gray- dort finish development of 60 years coach btnldii applied by master craftsmen graydort trained unquestionably there will be a shortage of these car at 1365 you had better aeo the craydork dealer how prices tlve graydort 5passenger car finished in gray- dort green and block arid with standard equipment m 1365 fob chatham war tax extra the roomy 2 passenger roadster is tlio same price the graydort special for tlie man wlko wishes something a little extra in his car we have built the graydort special maroon body with brown rayntifco top plate glass rear window gipsy curtains rookie tan wheels motometcr tilt ing steering wheel real leather upholstery mahogany instrument board just tlio touches which lift this car above tho ordinary 150 extra on tho standard and the ace tlie gray dort ace tho most beautifulljght car of today sapper green body with handsome california top to match trouble lamp bnd bullseye flashlight uectric cigar lighter renrvtmoo mirror plate glass windows over size groovltrcad tires itiis is the da luxa car for the man whodocbnot wish to pile up a tremendous operating cost 255 extra on thestanhard c h- harrison acton ont grayport motors limitkd chatham 4 ontario gtwgi cpbjs5 jtf ort mm conveyancing iwikio ninrtunirnirvlili autrmt of mil u run i curafuuy ul loyally 1 ii k wansdhouqh rrin 1 wrl i rlvuto dental dr bell d d 8- l bb daktffc ilonof oradiuttn of toronto ifnlvor- ity tli ulram mlxatlicmn iim u 4fwlrw onrio kt iwtlilafio curiifr mill htid pywiok hlroats mtbcellancoub marhiage licenbep h p h00u uur marciaa lloansss irlvmto onto mo wiihomhw r- lulrihl ikaimtl ut rufll 1ttnmi in nwnln im ilart oflto alton onc vrancis nunam baoublmfr aoimiunt btxikri 6c nil kli du inuila la irrier inirkmllcn nt vi ry iloirli- itdu cirrully imiiiii l tlullnir noutiy nl romitly dona wyndhom htrmtt ou li li out ovar wllllumu hinr i n j kpnn lloanvad auctlonaar tor tho countlm of hullim wtllinn tan iol and durfnrin an 1 tho city of uuo acton on rio 8im may mithiiicm by in ill ot t isldoiie nt anton or nt th pvo vena orrtco anlml tho uardiiry onim quoli h til nwm jttw nl knit i ir with w jf oonjon jlarntun uakor lluburs- b1b entruatod to it j tctire r- vo atuntfoii from dntai of 1 1 t its to into of nalo x4t your u- vdth mo 1idan vounj blroat anton liono s anton cuii nt my v kartao j e ciieexers dookoindcr jabao bt ea cualph ont ijuok utt 1 makhmliutu huii 1 in lanilaoin oid hulmtiintlal v rw nmok inluirod in uolil on 1111 os fymtt llookm mid othar ixmiku all work promptly exaoutod d alex nivbn ontario land burvayor and cml engjimar survey ftujullvlal iim piuiih hi- ports liescrlptloiim bluesthilt ttto cart i flea tm for i urclmm ri nnd lltcct- am itcct nuililora nnd uuuicjml cuunolla ormlnna- jtaptrtu killnmtt melean building douqu bt oukwir 1hono 1001 oni choice groceries and provisions have you triedmcdouenlla for froth groceries anil frcahlvullilatttlkht imceat mrs jennie mcdougall millbtrbet- acton ont grand trunk iw8sz the double track-route- u ulol wistbk montreal tottonto detroit chicago oinxruind iluilmr lr u rwn lllouiilnu curn un ulrht tl t h and iurlnr cnrw on prlimlinl my intliu inill uiftninaili n fnun ny anuicj mink tlrkot 1 k nt or l i ii mil y imuirlot pimmmutr aunt rut out ii sc hoijich acton ont l tho old and ttoluultt iratiito and mwblq uoajoii 1 or uii ui work ut 1 11 ilkntjl ul lliu till jlitailiio to mir ouiunuoid wt winun ihuu wivhn tc tumtoinvim ii 1 wo imvo tht1ut hi 1 ii tin 1 n nly nioohunlfla lu t ift mini inn oorato i mnnimil 1 ln inirly w nun ulvo rrowni rimn hunilniiin if niii- oumtnmvrx lit lt nt ui i tr nluooa twltnm itlmix imvn jo liivu lv units in orlir- to onlhot vi imvn tin uraout and mul stunk or artuilmt in tho pomlulnii or mi than uny ihrm inalsm l lu wl w 111 o i ijl luitw dcalwa unl juiuuht 11 nt iim ml do not niiiiuv in- t v huh lllik nil ihii iihiii 11 1 nlluit tiir orh lit wi tiuiiiliij tinlv tilt y i nl d fy iiimx tltton hamuron- sons dor hbrwbti oolwjuh hi- uuoltb 1 j tf kaiibvri

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