Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1920, p. 3

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4 fp artnn vtv tynva t wu i mv march r iojo tim alhjm linoj uwui lu imlillnhthl ovry thumday iuorihuiui clio imioi 1 miaul itulldliur mill utrmit a toil onturi ili uulmtrli lion prlc im si go lr yur it uilvuii 1 oiilukii i f llurifihl additional i iulnoa li tho uliiml muttni lh lulu ui which mubeoriutioiui are nald i titllttii i oil tht artlrtuu lumit auvuuihino llatiuh triuutlniit ud vertt moment lb nttiitil l i lliin uvulo tiibuuiiromuut or tlrnt limurtlun mid 6 uujilm 1 r lln i fur nmjh mutueluniit liutortlun cuntmiit tlutiluy utlvm timnioiilu for 100 iikiiom ur more inn- anaum 16 tiim itidi uh inuurtlon ad vort teamen i without necillo tllrut tlmiii will im lminrtuil 111 turbid una cliarund rduutly tkuii ion mt tedllorlul unci ltuuinft hiiiim if u v mooulfli lcdllor ami publuhor ed1tokial i lie electors iiclcd tho part of wisdont when they billed tlio vacancy in the council lat wock without the experpe of nn election contest in tho election at l j lljisuru by ficclfimntioiiv councillor is secured who has had a micccful business career and who s prepurld to apply biivincs- ulietliods to tto trans action of public uffalrs v- another re ul t of tho ii c l wjjn ixoil in a bill introduced in tlio legislature inst week by it h dim ok in liberal member ror west kent tho bill propose to increase frditi 10 to 20 the amount a magistrate may order a deserting husband 6 pay weekly to bis wife tho bill is an amendment to tho deserted wivci maintenance act in an illuminative article in last number of the canadian courier hon j a colder takes thcranc position that immlkrants to canada must be really good citizen- before they can become good voters ira strutton of tho educational system of manitoba is of tho opinion that tho school must begin where tho immigrant train icuvci off and keep right after the young idea with real cnnudiaomm both of these thoughtful public mcrrarctrtght not n clean sheet to start wu i ho public accounts presented to the 1 cjmi totun- ih t i r tiny i bowed thut llio ontario 1 rcasiu y hmlj deficit ufl5lw2 for the unnnciol ycur that cloiod on october 11 i u 1 0 iricndi of the late provincial trent urcr claim tine showing ii merely n different method of hook keeping it is intimated howcyor that hon mr nilth the new treasurer lfuh bough f expert advice in ztt framing tho financial itatcmcut of the province that it will give in tho clearest pus kiblo manner n true picturq of thoposltion of the province this is nsit should be tho people of tho province arc anxious to know exactly year by year how our flnancci staqd without any juggling or capita and current expenditure merely to make good showing llllf u ahc you discouraged t iimiiii i ililm v i n alu ilium i linulii wpu li vxti mi i u f hi lnirlliitnr in i i in it iwnit imdly iiwiiiii d t limit mtii i litoilihut fttllil mill t viimii v tin or hlu llfn iuy i i art ttlifiw in this report should open tho eyes of farmers to the adoption of methods to prevent fire loss according to a return iuscd by tho ontario government there wcro in the province last year 277 barn area where the loss exceeded 300 with an aggregate insurance paid or f2t72 of this total 345355 of loss in 102 hres took pm2b tn tififoljued barns from light ning in cao of roddod barns no lire loss is reported the figures speak for themselves tho continued cry m certain quarters for re- duccd houri or work unfortunate let tho wages bo the highest obtainable but hours should not be further curtailed i il stsson a prominent now york financier addressing a tiront gathering on tho subject of the worlds financial situation said that tho depreciated currencies arc due to underpro duction of the necessaries of ufa to a dearth of work rather than a dearth of gold and so it comes to tho rock bottont fact that what tho world needs most is more work tho peace treaty is still being shunted about by tho political force of tho united states last fri day for tho fourth time tho scimto voted to send it back to tho president with a noo that it had refused to adviso and consent to its ratification tho result is regarded everywhere as having put over into tho political campaign for decision tho long and bitter flght between tho chief executive and tho jsjjnato majority and tho united states is stilt no farther on in tho matter of tho war thw tho armistice that country is as far behind in declaring peace as she was in taking up her fair share in tho war tho united states authorities are sincerely en deavoring to copo with every phaso of violation of tho liquor laws tho following item appeared tho other day in tho wolland telegraph bridgeburg and fort erie citizens will no longer firid it easy to pur chase iiquor through brokers across the lino fpl- lowing tho refusal of several of the distillers to ac cept orders from concerns that did not carry their goods in stock tho united states has stopped in in connection with violations of tho mail order regula tions m regard to the u s postal laws which pro- s jjibit liquor transactions or any kind thff inst or the fly by night brokers across thq line closed up satur day of iho half dozen that sprang into existence there ontario and the prohibition situation rorcrrmg to tho question of prohibition in the legislature last week premier drury confessed that tho covoriynont was not satisfied with tho temper ance situation as it now existed it would bo im possible properly to unrorco tho ontario temperaftce aot so lon as liitorpravnglalt alsted he affirmed his belief in tho principle of a refororwum on tho question of prohibiting tho importation of hquor and expressed the hopo that tho temperance forces or tho province might como togothor and reach an understanding with tho government where by tho question might bosubmlttod to tho people and answered jdnco for all with the government taking this attitude there is ovory reason to hope for satis- factory action within a reasonable period a iltgner type of politic aimed at in the debate on tho address in tha provincial legislature last week tho new premier said he be licm tho people wcro lookingfor a higher typo of politics thanjhad prevailed in thq pa they a tired of the old game o pjojitlc tho battle of tho mi and outs they want to seo the creation in some way of a new order kf things wp must have higher snciar ideas wc must hnyo a ntrlctcr adherence tn the principles of justice popular govomtnant hoc entered on a new phase ho averted whqn the people themselves should bo taken into tho confidence of tho legislature in the interests of hie dominion of canada the time has como when governments and parliaments must quit laying plots arid conspiring wo dont want anything hidden wo want tho people tho court of last resort taken into our confidence romtho first the premier affirmed canadian money for canadian trade tlio canadian reconstruction association ha adopted this very impressive slogan canadian money canadian made should stay in canadu for canadian trade it has ajfco prepared a list or i en commandments ror canadian trade which aro sure to make canadian people think hero ta its decn loguo 1 buy canadian products 2 import only necessities 3 produce to jho limit in flefd and fnc tory 4 co operate conserve specialize standardize 5 develop export markets 0 utilize canadian ecr vices ship by canadian carriers through canadian ports 7 manufacture raw materials to linrtl stages in canada 8 use science for the determination and development or natural resources 0 muko quality the hall mark or canadian products 10 ka fuir to capital canadian money should bo eiicnuxaglil ti invest at homo and foroign capital attracted to pro mote canadian industrial expansion i latlly iltt u ixilnlmmil 1th u hnutitlfiil i im tii ii u u 1 lln ii ls ll t lnt i ii uiimlt i it womtin wild a i iiuiliiiit liiinlt n i il him 1 ilti rlnu liolltlrn n fouukh mil ttuln fiil i- il uhji til- 1 in u id ii ti ii i luil olllf ivniit rulloil h i l mil u aid id tn for tlio it i l i ito nu wtiw itiilly llnrimituil in 1 am i i horuim u iiiillilnut for iviii lruld nny mi1 wuu wmilii rlr ill i in ju6h ht wiih tl ft ih lhy iiiiiikiuh olio f illiirrrnfttr itm thor hal fall hi t 11 it hflloikii in tlio fiuo of ill thin hit i vimtiiitlly imrum n if tho oinitryn uiintniit int n it nt tu klltlmt vhili uk of 1 t itorru nf i6l c it innlm yi u ftmiikind tituuiixw la huuuivii ni jjnt hot mi m you think vj mm linvlnif u imnljiliip in llfot 1nintnrlun flijuul kcvch noticed it iii nn arliniiuiiu ilvn- town hullt im ly on ioluhiii 1 hiixl tin t of ttm ihiiikvm jmil tn hit hullt nn jllli lufou lv fiot iihovn uinim i ono rinllnnt with a lniiirr jjikui tlmn hlu noralihnrm uiiiltihil tho ujmru iimlnr ilu liiimn with h mtii iinil in iho tm thvm muili hr in 1 1 u ilrve fit noiawny hktf him you think it im tmnunry- lnnltlifiil tn kut youi unit inidp tli 1uiiiii jluu th lit ho wow iinuthl aw i ilnn t know utraniror i mk on m riilh1 tlio nutlvo mil ihioimhi nn lilw ovnriillh viv- nil oil my hud tirftwitu from the time ar decroron nnb f tl tfly ihn to think mill lohhl i if ii umt munhoi 1 with jwlion follnwn hut tl li iry ioliiv to nli i in wh 1 nrr in nu 1 im thin tiiitt tin ul i uk hi mum loilutrt linwnliii lxt iiuuiik nn fit ill ntriuit try wot k inif f r itml nn i a i niuiilmt tlai i iuh li i mi u vltim or lu own w kniw- llllllt of tlumi hml ii t nk if your victory bonds were burnt orstoiea thoy might prov a total loss so wjth stock cortiflcatua promlouorj notes and othfir nokobablo securities do not icavo vnluablo papers at homo or at the office whoro thoro is always danger of flro or theft koop thoip in a safety deposit box in tho vaults ofthis bank ifto hinliest measure of security and protection against loss is afforded at a small annual rental th mfcrchant bank hoadomcamontnul of canada eaubluhad 1 bu acton branch l a shorey manager georgetown branch hr m1mms manager businebs direi medical tioo qrav m d c ml ml o i lbillnlxirult i ot b u1w klumlxi llrl ci abjuxilntllki otn j onifio jrnxlurlnk j 1 jlj ht wy no ii ilrowloit i lutnu i ny liawtcu tlitiro foi fourttw if mivui lout ii luiww old time marketing and iluylnj the old time public market was a place of barter nig there the housowiro matchad lior witi agninnt tho sellers and tho better man won out by u puiny or two and thin was true ot the oldtime stores ns wofl some uf us well remember when store i wore fewerand stocks were smaller here when our mothers went to guelph to do their special shopping returning thoy would recount with groitt glee how they succeeded in getting tha storekeeper to cut down tho price on a certain piece of dress goods from 50c to 40c how he threw in a couple or yard- on another piece and nil hooks oyes buttons and trim mingfe that was tho custdm then in vogue some paid more so mo less lor iden articles acc to their separate abilities to haggle advertising has helped to make buying fairer for all by stabilizing prices tho advertiser names his price the same ror all you know that in paying it youre getting tho samo deal as tho next ono you may not have real ized whaj a saving in time money and convenience in this alono the advertisements mean tri you a return for a week to tho old ways of selling would quickly convince you or tho service tho advertise merits in your paper redder they are your market place to day read them canada in a clas with mexico 7 speaking about the present situation respecting prohibition the american issue says it is necessary at present to place mounted inspectors on duty along tha jricxlcan and canadian borders in sufficient num bers to protect hundreds or highways paths and streams that afford easy means of ogress for smug glers this situation emphasizes the importance of the campaign now being launched in tho unitod states to assist in the movement for n dry world aj long as uncle sams neighbors on tha north and south are in tho liquor business thcro wll always bo attempts mode to smuggle luor across- tho border tho revenue department is powerful enough to re duce such smuggling to tho minimum but it will require large expense and vigilant effort however tho smuggler will and that he is playing a losing game and yet tho surest guarantee against border smuggling would bo for canada and mexico to adopt tho bone dry prohibition polioy surely canada will not be proud or tho distinction of being classed lltmexlcoasa hindrance teho states in enforcing the prohibitory laws canada took aggres sive measures to abolish the llguor traffic long before tho united states we certainly do not wish to lag behind uttjwsjmportont epoch in- the wqrld move ment on this great issue no corresponding ilencllt to the consumer co operation in tho marketing or products will be tho salvation of agriculture in the province of ontario says the now mmlstor of agriculture mr doherty surely has nn unique opportunity as head of tho department of agriculture in what is largely farmers government to do o great service it is true as he says that this prqvlnce is far behind n number of other countries in economical transfer atd distribution r products itho need or co oper ation in marketing and distributing and tho elimin ation of unnecessary middlemen has been recognized for sovpral years andiever more thnn ndw tho united farmers co operative company movement has grown in many directions hon l mr doherty says that ihef business it doos at tho toronto stock yafds exceads a million dollars a month in ytow of this it seems passing strange to tho i average cqnr aumer in tho province with his vast quantity of meat products alone handled co operatlvelj with no ox pon so of middlemen that ho has so far received no diminution in tho prices he is obliged to pqy for meats fresh and cured are imeaf near the apex yet 7 will 1010 become famous in years to como as tho year of highest prices in tho worlds history i his question is sometimes asked but the best informed men in international commerce have not tho temerity to answejr it either in the affirmative or in the nega tive certainly prices of every commodity used by tho populace arc stoadily creeping upward iii thoy have now reached a point scarcely considered possible at tho time of the signing of tho armistice when after four years of war and stoadily advancing prices peoplo theaved a sigh of relief thinking that the period of inflated values and financial pinching hod about como to an end but up went prices of every commodity and ono advance has followed another advance till today prices prevailing on november 11 1018 look like drops in tho buckets of greatly in flated values to day notwithstanding tho prices of everything business is brisk in every imc and do- spite the warnings that are constantly boing sounded about the purchase of luxuries of united stoics ori gin there is evidence of a brisk trado in this lino in tho town of alhston money is available and an irresistible inclination haying seized tho possessor of ho money to acquire something dpsirod nothing short pfutfcr prohibition can prevent the sale allisfn herald happiness in marh1aoe it till iiiikitflurdiinil to ono of two ihliilm with all mairlt roiiiilom who tiirrj in hulilt in tntt in mlnhin in mo i nf llfn if tlmrii lu tn ho upy luip- ihi u t iminhi ly i urn to uuni to iflvo up or ul vi tip mliiilhiif tlintthim im u uirfimiko klthor way in hm ki 1 nil llin nhrr it hi uuiiilulvia how ittuny thiniri ui i not of nny lmiortanm if i i ttt only think thy aro iiotl mm y hii wurt ciiltliitf in xjarjinr tl heartburn or heaviness alter mealsaro most annoying manifestation of acicwlyapepua rlhqids pleasant to lake nnlrius acljufi and help restore normal digestion madb by bcott a b0wnb mkmsovdcottslthuulon real estate ifiiiu haveahaunajor uulrj if you want to buy a houwo tn acton uult r j kerr auction fid flaal emt- baur rilonul 36 vounq fltlieet acton ont e k cook 8a u par xjamich oahiiuiaiuo atookia mtan a wivjtisii oaih liadiwb 1ciwona avltonm sba b mm for ovrh nd wrk bhlru 8ho ftapiilrlno bpaoulty e k cook hilh htnidict aotbn rojhindley auctioneer uv 11tock ijflatj mafatb and mtniloiindiflw conaotldnud phon erin 4t 11 n ii a acton boot sale this week it will puy ypu to huy on oxtrri pair of these for future use childrens shoes sizes 4 id 10 at 125 176 and 200 boys boots sizes 12 to b at 27ft to 350 girls boots sizes 13 to 4i at 2 25 to 400 undies light boots sizes 4 to 7 at 250 to 100- ladies cotton stockings specially priced at 3 pair l starkman u important notice 11 sleunrliucnt of jftnanfe deminujn of canahu your incometax wsatttr should be filed xvcluill at once j all persons rcaldlnii i canada employed in canada or cnrrylni on business in canada are liable to a tax on income as follqws every umaarrfad trion or totdou or uldounr without tl tn tularin as dfind by thi act who during th calitxdatytat 19 j9 rcmlvd or drnd si 000 xr htor alt other individual who duririg the calendar year j9ik received cul earned 2000 or mor every corporation and jotnt stock company whose profit exceeded 2fl00 during the fiscal year end ed ui 119 class i terms to iw urcd in filing re turns on or lit fore the 3iat of march 1920 trustees executant nd- mlnirtrutora ngentu and tiruikhlca must ubc iortn t 3 employers miking u return of tho n inilii und nmounth paid to nil di- rectorn olhcinlii iiint or other lmploycfli mutit use form t 4 corporations mill joint stock comniimu innklng a return of all tlividtudii mid wnu s paid ta slucwhold- era und uiliubtra duniig 119 jniist iibo lorm t 5 aklfl inul flu ruluiav u tblr uuluu oiihky kftrnit 1 of 1 1 a- pknalry every permon wtio in required tomuketliuratumhofall to lo ko within tho tlms limit ahull ha mibjtict tn u penalty of lo 00 for each day during which the dnfault continue nnd lit such pnn- biiioo hull liu iiunttacd and colloetail from tlio pfcraou nnbln to mnku tho roturn in iho tanio munior in whlcli taxo arc iihiawti und col- lcftml time limit all rwntonn in clufifl 1 us nhown in non nilii t file on or iwfdrc tho 3lat of march 1920 all pcrsopti in class 2 an nhown hereon mimt fil on or im fore thp 30th of april 1920 genera instructions obtain forms rorii thu- innpoctoni o r atymtmt innpi ctorn of tuxntion or from pon tin iitm itcnd carefully all in- i tructiouii on i arm be fort filling it in prepay postage on ictttm und dolunientu far- warded by in ul to inspec- torn of taxation make your returns promptly and avoid penalties glass 3 forma to ionised in filing returns on or before the 10th f april 1920 all individuals other than ftirmint and ranchers miint uh form t 1 farmers und ranchers niuht iim rorm ti a corporations und joint stock cniunien muatusr form t 2 penalty fery person reoulrd to muko u return who fall to do mo wthln the time itmir hall bt hiihjoct ta a penalty of ttrenryflva pef centum of the iimount of tha t tniyubld any dcnhhi whether taxable or otherwlm who fall to make n return of provide information duly requtrea nceortllnit to the provlaton of the act hall be umble on lummuy ronvlctlon to penalty uf 5100 00 for each day during whlcli the default continue alo ny peraoti mklnil u fiie itatemeot in any return or in any information mmilred fay the mlnutur hliull im liable a ummury cxtvlctlon 40 penal tynoteicoudlnitsloom or to u montlia imprison ment or to both fine and urtphi addrew of iiutpector of immtlon for thl wlrlct hamilton ont u w breaoner commiimioner of taxation convevancinoj tmuutjrn1riintria vluc to tt alwtruoth t eitln rumliilutiira numtuhv utiil lkiilly ilono m p m t h p m at rxil loin it u room r h wan8brouqh fbtbiiribriiiimfftkmbr bargainhunters in this community ixya hundreds of individuals and families on the watch for an advertisement which will offer them what diey want at an advantageous jiricfc call them bargainhunters if you will hut there is nothing wrong in waiting for a hargain especially when jqie seller is anxious to sell at a reduced price one familyvvantsa ncwcarpctthetiecdis not urgent another family is looking forward to buy ing a set- of diningroom furnhure4l may not be for a twelve month one man is thinkingbf buying himself a waloh one woman a shopping baganother an umbrella all can he made to buy carlierby advertising a note to merchants stimulate business by tho offer of some lowmoving lines at special prices brighten up business jby ad vertising some desirable goods at reduced prices make advert isinganish lull business often you can tempi the buyer who i bideing his or her lijne to buy from youat a time of your naming 1 shop where you are invitedttoshop mmmmm dr j a mentvc ptiyloln aid 8uro offico nnd thllun uit avmia nixl lltfin htrith no fovmarly oniiilml ty 1 ilonmin anton out legal ll 1hnn mo 3 j a hutou nakii jakmi barrlklr sollotnrtotary fonuanyanur btc pchrvmat block adt monhyro s oan lluuru d3u it n in bell d d 8 lx dntbt a fiha marriage licenb ur mirwagi frlvete olune n wltn quired laeutxl nt rmtlitnnoo 4n witti f imm offlo acton oot pranoib hunan bookbinder account boolcm at all untie micji- order imriodlcal or every aj tfon carefully bound rtiiiinir rt and promptly done ruling jw lor thw cinmlln of hhhi ton kol uml ihuyarln city ot uiioluh acton onts balett may be urrnnsnd iy rri at reeidenon ut acton r at the dree lrtnm onice acton the lueroiiry ohloo juelph ii ms tlie nweloon1 v nnin orf with w j aorjojvaijirium i lulkbur rale entruatnd eelve attention rrom dntn date of aalo let your kaiam will reldno vouno btraalvtil lhone s artdn tall nt my lcf u j kevvi dntn of umuk0 i j e cheever5 a dook binder quabea bt t guelphj l ilook end nnunxslnn boun ifandaome nd kulutnhol cover ka llym all work promptly cyout d alex niveh ontario land surveyor and cf hurveyh hiibdlvluu mi iluni porta tnjflrlpttnnn ttluttirlllulj cortlllcatoh for nur liumarw t mortfijiiem tturvoyw rir an mu llulldore und munlnliml couno jdralnard lluptta juillmnt etc holean duiudlng d oumnilt phono 10b4 oh i choice groceries and provisions have you triod mddousol for ifrctdi cmehos and frcflh lvuitii tt uieht ivicch mrs jennie mcdougajf mill street aoton onft grand trunk thedouble track rout niotwlolon montreal toronvo detrdlt chicago onexcelloimiiihut our wurvlae uleetiliur aura on ululit iruin iarlor can on nrliiolnul day tniln buil liifornuttlon from uy qni triiulc tlaket iifttit or ot 10 ilornli dutrlot iunhunuor auoi t toronto u 3 uolaigs afftnl aoton qnt phon 1 wj luivvn tlk majm ft v f ji k j jiii aflx lfeb wtlaii n sse9ahbr mmnwrof tho old and reliablo gratilto and mar bio doalors 1 we ore liiumifnotuii m nnl dlrflc lmkkor of nil kind o monumoni and hemlktoim work wo ttoll dlx to our mihtonui ut wliolpmilo prlooajv ihu imvltitr our nhnloui r 40 tur cenllh- we inyve tlio lit ut uiiulliiiiuom nud tntmb fniy uienhmilon n tho 4omlnloii whoji can oporuto nneuiuutto tooui proper lyul wo can slvo refnronoch front hundred of our ouatoimrhln jorunfonntl othripj plnoea who no othurti huvo to hnvo lakr wultn- in order to oolhut wo imvo tljg larireat and bent ntnek of qrunlte ff tha ikimlnlon or moro iliunany thiji dealera in tho went wo oto loglffl mute dflaor jaud omnloy no akontl end do not utmoy or nwot outotnar1 by hoiidlnir out ixnoruut niiuiitn tiollolt1 injr ordora wo employ only meohanln und defy competition hamilton asonsf cor nonrlnh xvhdw1ii f ia aiitn t a lzzwmmttr1vmxmfy

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