Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1920, p. 4

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r 1 wten y maiu jc 10j0 v me are thib wav linn i lf jual iiniui lo iuv u uulll w k unowm ii u jumt uhonl u abb ail 1 way- trim forebodlnga hi lu oh jfmli im idni about to burnt aiidvtni jiu lilu nimtrya urly kftai utml f hr im nothing lint u vkn vu juat about to lon iiih job fftrji aen thj hlk trust rulmlmf oiejujmlan of tiik big clock tower looking for the wnret of tliut evary u v jjinart wrinkled irovle nlx unit novor know what ho naa vm tlffia at jut t pkreproriy t tat tujr tho ftsnl bred versus grade tiiihtw dairy cattic lenkl ouetlon would you adviaa anrt tho puro braavdaury uoftu la being iiakml mm rro vor- before and uua negative thr are ao- many fvhlch enter into the problem haa la study uin quwtlon ftery angle good pur brad u either mx aro belling for much rom now that man who have uiammtvw nuoohntul with cannot aftonl to qonunlh bred we all know of herde making ernera dun mma pur aame locality but example of toon tinea who never liavlkted money in llv 1w w pulfl whl tlonj gnl fftch dalh loraica mnd tho moat lory way for tho nwrage fflrro- irt into pure bred i to pui female to a tart with care fie taken to moo that they are hoy ahould bo healthy of tha and elthor proven pro- ii- wltlf proven ajiceatora it la u have only one good oow than 1 medium quality anlroala lutlvely binail outlay la noo n atartlng in thfa maimer imarkable how quickly a herd iullt upfrom a fovy foundation i dairy herd on j ho aganl rental farm waa atarted by the in dahmbar 111 of twenty rade cow and tho following t pure brod cowa than in of tslb two pure brad halfar and the next yoar o- pair of two helrera alao puro bred w jiiid today thero uro forty- p bred remalnm in tho herd in- the above and their deacend- m tbo puro broil herd lnoroaaod wo havo bradualiy oocroo jbw of grade until at preaent m are on banct tfifcrly comparuon haa hooo made the laat throe yoara ottho nj inrontable puro bred oowa and tne hitut profl labia srade omm in w tho puro bred have boon n mucoemaful from oonunerolal pfilolnt on the avero- the pure iroduood 44tb pounda more milk pounda more fat per cow por and yielded an average prom quaj4 ooat of 17 4 mora per cow e aradea a puro bred hoed roaohaa also the mfkt money la made llnjt tha hurplsm atock for brood lirpoaea the hobiteln bull inba beota poach 5ms waa uaed ir aire lp tho asaaa bord from ir 1010 to july 1mb- from hi mina thaf period flftoen rade ivo puro brod femajoa wore nnaro in the herd at tho pre- roc putttmr tho very topmoat pn the fifteen grade helfera boy orth la7b0o whtlo tho doxon irod helfeni are worth just about that amount yet they coat no to raum than the rdoa- the male cajvea bon in tha herd tha- mama period woro aold for 0 each and up while the trrade woro aold for vooi tonly la it mora proo table to pro- pure bred cattle than tardea suitable condition but tbo ploa- and lnteroat are much axoator blaka superintendent kxporl- al farro axaaauc b c whloj wlf 1 w vm him wlfh thu 1 1 nt f ki1j vltl i mtiafllnn n ul 1111 1 ittm wo mihiuiil u hrhlnl alut i li i litlf ml hi t iii ii iith hi- auu i yi hint w illihl l liiuiii hut j ii it tu hit i4u w ultowi i liittt how li 111- nv 1 ni- wt jlln l wllhl him i u- i titlv ali1 wi rail i in nil our iilil- i hhl tiif i j tli y ln jjiuilt bi iiirmii ihui rhdi 1 uul in iliwil m itltl tli miioi in loii una lu il rtuiti rm i ilul iiiiih in iihii t- kal u vt n hi auim miilit liim i i huh l ho thu 1 vvlnl 1411 il tun to ill i il in my v ttt mm kot tut k a r y irlil ilul up tin mi my l but 0m uiinti lluli thmii un forth mi1 kill tl llu urji ti itnoilnm h hlioii ml fmiuhuuiid vjqi ilia luaimil to m u aa iiko 1 v had a mrmb of wrltlht unytlilitf t hu- lorv when i kt on thlu lle i jut cud t uthiin tiiwwtoli my old ajiooille l uny olhir rjmminl i know you all hb to nul ihw iiicjii lilutory an wll um i like to rnhttu u but jumi by wuy of mlxlna tlihnii up a bit i thought it mlhtwrlta ajlltln aloruf tlm line i hrnt iariruilif rotumii an ttmrov tliq holdlwa memorial pro- jiyct that nli rjuvtj nation o it liailljr in ifth if it iioai t kct wkil i um afraid it wont any whr at nil jmrlmiw it would b jut mm wnll ut mm town nt wimn of fu hlshtlunif liollonw utid hltf wortlnl- lduu ttt rommnmoratlnit tho falun hnroi and xot huy anj irwt omi- thlnif mnwllni- tlian u 0 hukmitol hut lothro xaomtthlng mtlrrlng in ihla dlreotlon onoe mor thin too now would bo a garni time to mtart oonlderitib the mauaelitum for palrvlew cemetery tioodneau only know wo nhad it to kop up with time winter aruva dlaclna la away out of date acton lonrnlown and oualtih amtn to be about th only puoe whare thy do it any mora let um mtii out of th rut now ami come abroaat of the tlrtiau wth mikiurn win ter burial atid thati thtim r tho hitch oomt of llvlna lvw rrot an opinion on that vtxl iiucntlon mverylkidy im haa lnja bhontln on- about it for wm time 1 vo boan dopliuf out my own mean but i cuii t ixmln lo give thorn thla woik jl havent thm all jot- uil down but ulonif uimiui axt week or noaalbly tho wek after i thlpk i ii be ablo to bring out thla 1 014 rhth opinion on why the high ihw1 of living in higher than it ought to bo will give an ubwout guarantee thata ha original too u lltjlu lirx llulu how i won th vict ry nr tlm- lnn h rodu jliui uut iinlvuty fori i iu nm uluti what ii linvo donu hml 1 not ihoii lull the mttwr honiuhjlnnil inurh lipl x- ki noljnule hum liloun voii i bo voioil hut if your uriiiy lin h m how lll yiy kill off till ihonit hu i t noo you ilitul hullo uiulnimlmnil m havnii t uihui avium llko u 1 1 lull wl hiivn klllixl tlioiui iunu ml hartnt itiltintmiy with uiomo mnghlkm of war llmt wo nlwit liivuitil an with terror unil f wr nil of luutopo wui iiunklnd of tliut uuroplntio ln t wu lalbod wlmihtrmqktiitf thesoieofashoe llll llhdn will llll till rrl ltr which if tbo near oak tanned leayrjefj hint liiiiblllloti to ulo mill rdmrnit yon ui t liiiiif wuir nut of tin- iihooi f iillil litii i foil oiild urfnnl to iitiy n llith luiirn fn uuih wuili hot wa ion t ohuti tliut llttl liim i qui irlnii mo n m low ii h ixihulbtu i main street acton lood bump to cultivate e mother df a girt of fifteen went r daughter to the boardlngrachool jraa to attend and in prlvata talk i the principal of the achool tho ihr aald l you cannot do anything olao tfor l daughter 1 do hope tsat you will bio to areata a bump of order in and culuvatelt a much u poa- n she ha no algn of uoh bump i and thla ioiui lack of any aenai t k ir la tho despair of my lfta t do anything for her lila reaped t ihe will have to maintain a certain rob of ordor here replied tbo p1n l1 but whether a he will bo ordor- vhen aho returna to her own homo something wo cannot guarantee nkly tho beat pbtoo for a glrj jjo i and order la in her own tb it ahedoea not acquire ulhorc la not likely to aoqulro u in an ar place you are far from being flmt mothor who haa bagged ua til mvate a bump of order lq her kilter it certainly la a very ible and nooeaaary bump to aultl if the itlrl ik to develop into i homemukor untl a womanly the tclrl lacking u bump of order i u horlous defect in her own char- r it ii u detect that often inrtl- fatoa a dlaorderiy mind some of the tlna denied ua aa a blrtto gilt w may t bo able to cultivate but a proper karri for ueutnoma and ordor la aomo- fn it la eaally kwlblo to cultivate la homethlng an eaaentlul to the ljltkopt homo that evory itlrl nhould kulutely determine uvocqulre if it la b a pai t of hr natural dupoaltlon harbour wall unrm d mtiothnr old actonlan who hu ihmjh away rrom the good old town for a generation who road thla column evory wook and who la good enough to favor kukh ikkmh readnrh with a pltme of poutjej- phlloaophy which la at onfn honifoy nukptlve wemphatlc aecualng and intoroatlng thla natoomod formur realdnnt uvea in st thomaa but la no modoat that he forhldh mi ualng hi name ho evidently u ttirr with th lumi utlck aa myaair and prttrarm to konp pooplo gueaulng thla former citlmnn uuyn t am nn- cloalng a aort of iiomt ugg for your department if you ar pmnuretl to devote a mharo of your upaon to poul try and pet anlmala i wmu going to nnd you nftmo of my reoollectloiuoof old lunaom adama for i think you have nnleoted your opportunity in not devoting more rpaca to him for h waa one of the moat original oliuraotera acton ever produced aw i maid i wai going to aend you aomo of my mool lectlona of ilamaon und aat down to try to remember the detaiui of un in cident co n noc lo t wit a him and bona when i wam interrupted by a vlaltor who wanted to talk about who tho war whm my callor hud gone i tried itanaom hgaln hut noon found that i had not my wire urouaod and that what i waa writing had no con nection with ilanapm uut 1 decided to flnhjh it up and uend it on to you it may not do full juatlce to tho hen wl thlna i orb conduct during and attar the war this la my contribution tiib uttiac nnown in who won the wmt naked the utile brown ben who won the big war in itrancof mow don t all claim the glory but each one tell your atory and give all the other a chance i will aak kalaer jill aald tha little brown hen for bo is the bno that begun it kalaer 1111 kalaer uii you can tell if you wilt mow who do you thlnlclt waa won itt mot me aald tho kalaer and id have been wle if i had never begun it i planned it and boaaed it but dot hlndennunf loat it you can ecorch ma i never vn il wall then i gujsaa aald tha uttlo brown huvlt muat have keen won by france said the lfrontihmorl o tht coultlt imj aotfor alone i hadnt a chance i wa ntrucku foul blow rrom behind don t you know ami from the beginning ive auld it my good neighbor who rlaked thulr llvealo uaalat mtt entltloil to much of the credit johnny hull johnny ilull mild tho uttlo brown hen rouhl yiti tall by any xt i ohunco waw the wur won by ualglumt utd you vln the wkrt doyuu thlnklt wa won by pranoet on thu 4o a id in the tr nch with tha uvgutnu rrd the rrench who never whined nor ever bragged nor in the fighting everlaggod hor four long your wallved like brother and nonn4on more thah did thi otharn we cachcno did the beat we could and all wero buay auwlna wod and we ng mod w bail the wa- baguiv twould bo won by all and not by one wo ull ogrood wum tight forever ad all would win or loao tiikptliur all or i lovud u good mtirr tight and nil of um hud our lilt nil right w fought to win jtlontevur doulit it and 1 gut that a nil i know about hay ho put a ii pretty wnll do m t t ive no ohjihitlon lo ut it rim im my column with hint oaln if ho run ulvo uu mm lurmtliia niuttur uii lilu pouliry and unuln hum uimtrllnitlun 1 wt orf iat wtik it im holt woollen mill ml tliw aclon vw iimi- puu whn william mt ihnuun uml hlh rallnwxhardhiuniivti irottrd to build tbr big plow fill iftry whaire thn nkatlng rink iium lxwii hehl for mivtfral wlntnra they tore down thi old mill tltaoarded thn vara wild dumi vfuitli had conveyed tho watur rrom u duin farther down and dug a how tall moo changing tha rouraa if tho utreuin twenty pf mfl til digging of th race wa a dlljinuh 1k of wou the bed of riulaliauiiil humy thf nmrhi w hard to ova room a mmn luyl thn workmen would exoavulo ull day uhil whin thy returned ti at mtinihlif vftiuld hnl moot nf the earth und wunil exj4vutel would liuvti run imou into the ditch thn work wau rtuully nom- pleted tho faotory llllluhml tho thll- rhinery inotullml the power turnnd on and tho btattufacturo of the htnphon- aon plow oommtnwfl vvr o tl l aold well it waa a fud wth tlu farm era n am3ure a oneutndutil hioihit aon plow it uovoly won for it oon- airffrrable preatlgo in ifltd twnit vx hllltmlat the centennial kiilbjtlou at ihlladfilphlu add lib italtoil fall wheat won tlrwt prlan uiid dlplomu i muat confeaa froiiuly thut wluui i mtood itaalde tha plow which boru in kom letter on lt burnuhad mould board alanuracturad by acton plow co acton ontario canada bhd then ob- morveil that it bora nrut prlaa award d by tho ju lgea und a diploma of merit away on there lu ihlludalphl i flt u good doal of prldo that among ull the plowm on nxhlhltlou tho oi from my own little faruwuy cuiiudtan vitiligo had won flmt prion whan j wont i my itoanllng pluo from tho rulr tliut night i wroto uuiv the nowm unr prophvaloil grvwt tltlugx for th titnp- henwoji plow und tor avion aium und lock i juat a vhir of lfl t company went into the vimiiilvfru hmud and the btepheiuion plow wuu mf hw william btephenaon wsu ironlioiit a il woodyatt afterward at the firm auld a woodyatt tha founder the big taylorttorbea co of oualplt waa the manager anthony hlephalt- aon john htophnnaon and ilobert itamuhaw wm bhlokumlthm tn the big ahop anthony hluihtiou ran huickamlth for yoara ufllcr tha plow company buatod and than liullt thn ahop ha oparatail untllhla retlromont on main 8 trout the plow factory wum wlped otr the map whan thomax kbbagea planing mill udjolnlng waa burned twonty vnara or ou ago ntnraaid thl time tina cflo man floij r cream of oie wjjst purity five ltosesthelopiilar flours men ieed always on ilanii- a catt of no 1 oats lypcctcdalxmr 17th nibt spoclul price if lichvercj from orfr prompt drillvrjryof orders actoh electric flour and feed mill d il undhay proprietor how it wqpkq ii t jiruy ut u iv liklllllft fl1v 1 llll u uhlp ii ii lo umiorl iiih mi diuil imploy i i know n mmi ittiill diilfy tit it ritiiln lov ullld hi juki thn nt vt dm i mdm an 111 lo h thu uiiluytiu utf it kiiiniliil nm tu mi yw unit ono m- ployi iviy iifliiihhiu wlti th i look i 1 1 hum tin piitii down iiim in wupupnrr hi il hi mil of iiih uimf hull yiiwnu mi iiiiuirldi i ifly tilno iiituiiuu to 4- milv ii mlntlou of liilnulna i inny ii ftll llulu out ami out ti- llifhtu concbntrate t concontratlon what youvanl to jn think ono thing do that pno jtingt- kejp your eye on the objoot fo man ever made a kluln by ahut- rllng hla ayoa and nclnar away lie llmfyd and lilt the mark put up a lilghatjuulanl keep your ye on it think ofnothlng elae and you will e 4ioro thr ggyer pmt ijian f to lvo peaoefully la to oakfoat amlllngly toorarcontontotny to traval oboerfully m po rcamp pomfortabljr rto dloggroo mobly and at all tunaa to got 9 jff mloirfl point- j an enemy hath done this not for the purpoae of oommnitdlnk banuh tha thought but of uhbw- tng to what lengths the acomer may go wo m publishing tho follow nir which it la unnooaaaary to nxidaln in not from a woman there never haa been a woman critic mo woman luta brought out a yaum of harmony no woman haa mado a hunt ua u tnaclmr of composi tion or even piano or oddlu playing thara pevar has bean an omjnont woman orgunlat no mualcal luatru- ment haa oy len invented by woman vet every day a million woman waate aoma million bourn working on a million piano outing m much a a navy a woman cannot cut u pencil hhe dab her pen into the bottom of tha ink pot and whan on nib retire into tha holder he putm another in un top of it she think water bolllne vio lently 1 much hotter tluiu water aim- mating ir a twiing tihutel 1 loft with in her reach uba uaaa it to break huxoa upon all maaliinery to bur 1 uoer oiff that men undnrwtund wniwii ulwuya liwik bout droard tablo ma ida and nur ay the- ouatuntna ara nautral iulla plain und in no wuy decorative olvo u woman her luud and kko mokoa hnr ooatumo ugly oy doing everything to deatroy the ui- leuranoa of her f kvr w ducuda or mo women have worn hat which give thorn the look u hllurloua inmuit- ity mo that out of doora one foela thu whole max la pompletely and out- ntgoouaiy mala nonhviljo advoauta y i i the 1920 phonograph defora youeuy any phunopaph thin year just you ilfiau tio urunowick- ah phonograha in one with n brunswick m your homo you havo tho trtto first aid to happy now year yoii hvo an lnstrumonlhat ploys all records cxorrectly tho brunswick gives you nbsolutoly unrestricted cholo of records und enables you to play flvcry mpko as it tins been specially dealjjncu for tho brunswick tlite ifl duo tv- the allrecord all- needle ultoim this is ono of the now ideas cnbodicd in tho brunswicks qvaluflive und perfect method of reproduction it plpys all re cords iriflnltoly hotter by a more twlatof tho wrist it provides tho prcciso noodlo tho proper diaphragm and tha exact weight for any make of record nothing to tako off nothing to put on simplicity itsolf a child can adjust it the auwood oval horn the laws of acoustics prove thai sound waves travel in ovals or circles end that thoy nro purer and sweotor when con ducted through seasoned wood this is tho reason behind tho brunskwicks exclusive allwood oval horn like tho sound ing board of a piano or a fine violin it is built entirely of wood no metal whatever this feature alone accounts for much of tho tirunwlcks pronounced superiority in tone projection- the brunswick is the final phonograph uno out why inveat your christmas money in a brunswick a small deposit will place ono in your homo your old model taken in oxchahga frank klng noxt door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown the lawyer oidwt answer iliursii no iiuiutlui on mirth that i an l hu uuuwoiud willi a lirat yiw in no thftuyimi tin iawyr vou tuko tha uluml for a moment und 111 miiov you wlt unooln the inwyoi took tho mtimiil und lincoln unit nd lilih have you quit boating void wif7 tho lnwynr hi on mo tn- nigulintund unooln 4 pout ml hla ipiea- tlon thu juilga lauifhlng heartily inulmtnd tho luwyar muat uilaiver a hint to church workers llnnw goiltl mull or wontuii who lim iuuiuii lulglit do n aood hrvlr by uuvvlhif thn hyjnnalh und liiului hooka of thn nhuroli in good nrdn maidlug tho turn vo hum und raateiilitg tha loqaan- ud luuyuw j v rflndlaed eyelids flvmmatr pinamed by expo- m aumtoswdatandwl eyes auratosaa lulckly reuavad by i yabawav nosmarticgv just bye comfort as vour drunum or by mail 60c per bottle for beak el tha ry frae write 1 aa hurfae cyo banody c chlcaajav ferry 2 i w cm nnd vrcrtollc l good l w flowcranmlvpkofjililracohu j f inrn rood cocji wopn- i dura oodbcedd tlio inier- j axe in obvious for oak j overywhen i bezd annuu muchmoney for little old mother nature knows how to multiply watch her in sprlngtimo when the robin tttdrtu in titj of war with mr earthworm and the upturned yoil fichl niout and warrti plant seeds then a little pocket money will buy a hatful of ferrys seeds and each llrtlu seed holdt the promise of many pennies for in theso daya of high coti every mother in the neighborhood will gladly pay you for all the vegetables you cgn raise you must start with ood sccdo nature gives you but one chance a ea0ji donvt wuito your tunc labor and money plnnt only purobred scods terrys purebred seeds do nloro thilil just grow they grow vigorously they reproduce in umitityv llavor and tender- ness jusllike jhcir auccstorplautw nono hut heeda of proven qualities are over sold under the furry i ubel write now for feiryls stvkj annual telia what when and- how tti plant d m- ferry co windsor ontario dealera everywhere hii ferrys purefared seeds ijjmimiaaimiimimrmimiirn dodge bros motor cars the owner o a dodge car can safely de pend upon consistent continuous and eco nomical daily aecive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire ntillagc j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton if the little brown lion hoc mod quite dunreaaod honiumon bar imrch lo tuk a raat whun aim htiard tho voir unolo sami youni looking for well hero i um who won tho war did i haur you miyt if you ru looking for harooa juat look thla wuy who vran tha wnrt why i did of if youd hud uuy aanao youd have omked mo nrat no ono but a hen would think for u minute of unking who won it whan f whh lu it tha 41 1 tie hen hluuhod u lory red 1m urogd to meat vou uncle hum aha auld i thought you hud oold foot you know vru only good tn brag und blow i uitolaguo for my mlatake but how did you win it whon you htartnd no tatat oh that waa oaay to do audi ha rthul wun no trnubla ut all ror me for my nnny you aeo waa the beat at first i waa too proud to nght and covered up my head at night i acarcu could a loop for awful dxcuma of what would hulumn if ohoaa atreuma of aluml gold thut i hud won hbould bo atolon by that horrid hun and whan that mouatroua hiihmurhmi moat frightful thing id ovotr aoen toked up it a noae bualdu my doak it gave tno moat a fearful ahock and whoq ita captain ateppod on land mad hatoto graap him by the intnd and burvum welcoma y our aboro swore od ba rrlonde tor war eliminated plaatkr cast th war haa aknoai oomplolujy mlnated tho ng otd plaater caot from tho inatrumenta of hurgery tt aur- geoiui at thirrriml were worklha ttrvt of nil for ai1 in healing men and gottlng thorn tiuuk tn tho fronti they found that thu pluator caut by keeping tha putlont ajtuojit rigid through tha wauk of lxino knitting made ncry u long tmrhid of oouvuloaouncu to gn rid of the utlffnoea nmultlng from tin luuctlvlty an inganlivum aurgoon luvuiitud uaya tern of frumu npluta und hruooa whorohy the lxino uctually fnioturod la bald tlrmly ant und ul the eamn the patient la cnabhjrt to move the runt of hlh hotly lor itidtainm if thn uppar arm la fruoturod the patlcnl la uble wtth the help of carefully haluncod pullaya und weight to move ha at the mhoulder tho elbtiw ul thu wriat whan the bono la wnlt tho patient no a full una of hla arm and tin taiuou period of oxorclalng thn wtlft- noaa out of the limb la allmlnuted the ullmlnutlon of the plawtar onat la hut an oxamhle of tho change whluh tho war haa wroughtjn urgery i training the will tho will can be developed wm truly aa any or thn muaulvh of tho body weakrwlued poopla do not noad to go on through life dominated by thu htrouger peraonaluy with which ttrny noma in contact if your will lu wank atrangthnn it if it lu vacillating ti unit it tha grip that navar lata go train your will till you havo mndo r what it utioiild be i confidence la hb fouinlnllou of aanrit manahlp wlthou conddoncn in your- olf lu your company in your pro duct you are aura to be 4 failure gloves now ilylct in silk and kid to ooinploto tho tic eaator coatumo g be ryan co guelph owen sound present informally m now easter suits jauntily atylcd und vigorously tiout- oil hinting in trim lino und auppla tihrlta mm rofiwuhlng apli it of hhk hut iimiiniuit fuutiira of thoao niitf hmiglpahuli hi l lliil ohjif- actor of kl woikumliollu luljf iwhuf kjvni fj mlnuo ilniflm pltrtlmulflrt fllllcllifll pr lmtp- tlvw 10m cmitm lllfiuuo lofutt aiif thfrlr lilah itiuijwla ti ypfai if iiuoiipd bimpuaity ciu wll im tnmu 0fht cnnttonh rjlohly ihllnolllored bfiffli und butloii trlunnvit tl liolirtl iivv hluck auiid atul taupu ycih ihtpllu giihiirdlno und tilootlno priced at v to t of gala week at the dress department 13viy womuii und ihina want u rook of tuff dlu or gaorgottu for aprlutf tio oatremoly aniart ntylnn we l ahnwlng uffar un iduul opportunity for yqu to punrhnao beautiful ellk uatln crepe and gihchux ktwna ewililatu ly udornad with allk bluld ull wd embrolderlen lu ujlental dealgna i watt aa hrnlnd borurried and bvfrlllod mtlonn of mtioli ohurm a full nu- aiutmunt of popular uml aprlng nhndna ivmuibulily loinprchaiuilve priuu runau i f from 129jso to asooo a magnificent ensemble of authentic modes for eastertime charming reproduction and adoptloim from tho moot ulstuigubliod amrlcn model also striking originations rrom ho doft fingcra or our own canadian artialb form a mont contprehenaive collection of hprlnrtima fimlilonn of durability and dlntlnctli suita draws coatx diouim sklrtu and mil linery affording you splendid selection or kaater apparel of new exquidltcnchtt springtime coats pitplwerinci exclusive easter milliiiery in the smaktksijjew york styles j i ouit milpnery uuyek t juat rut tirned fiopi now yoi k u duy oi wo uo hiluglutr wily him iiiihim of thoao phimdnw dllllouu nxolualvo hut cuoatlona itlml ure muklnk tlmlr bow on fifth avonilo winn wu toll you thut thla ahlp- inuut uiulutltt uphl rn kuol mnowniml oioutoia uu plmlim itawak hollsvallllij liiolwouu und vanity lulh w rl hiitia anotiah ald t icmbnidod nra largo modhim nndamiill hath of huh nloth mnllna inolpili balnvlu raftla lo- phahe and ilnra aliown lij nil thii fnvoiuil nlmdon fnt ulilmf lit wuiidoifiilly icatrulnvd ptliau ohinohin and thitjii uailoro priced at 4 0q boo and upj dress hatbpfhioed at 50 1000 te 1600 tjp a wo have n imitlrtilnrly uolont runga of upilnu anil iiiumnor toata far wonii n mlumch iinl chlhlrou wii ui tui tion llrut thn ulinitn hmiith ooutm which iii uu liuiiimiiriihh b of nofii1w fioiti iipoiln ui ii lo liifoinuil ufor tiuou iiijhlulliu unit oi w hv vutlm tmilclti in juih qituruti und full 1 iiklhii fur vto wum t flhll pii fm tullfiriil jut l i imiluuk tu faluhii ml iuutiiim uhuho tillotlimi ilil vi iupunu in pi ho 111110 springs newest dlouaett oui hiunn hnijiunnin orfoisi mtutv 1 ilollghltill new liliho hlvlea f uttirllltf hirlngtlmlii m w hi und kymt rnm oiun liioludod uro nhlo tnoihla nf i tuttiiy tlh inogitt crop- ilka aatlni uhd hliuiha hloilm uuah one am- liroldarnd hiiildi tuikul or la und button trlniiuod im aullu hu own pic oiiltiu tyim hint newspijng skirts i ho nw nl lit fnlnloi uro iiiiit juilili proliniimlvn tlilh miuuini hlunkhtf tvm goi lulfilo uml ifhlml to mil wool il4 1 h iht i dtd modalh ara uumiuully 0tulrir whlla hhlrrud tirjooth with noyiilty holtn uhl potknta liru anally uood out wooluu tiliild iiuirta many f whh h in phntid utii vnry ihh ud niilto i uitkh hi iliminid ui thn liuulilnif upoit uiixtihi in kuiiul wild ki ill iiiiod in ho rtingo be aur to thean whan you vuurour tore j i 1 l salmik m i

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