Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1920, p. 5

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u jlljp artim stop nhfl i ihilimw i uk l jr ifjti whfj motuttrf weadb a story ulau mitlm iuln ii hlmy jiml uu fl i hi ll til ii i nit r in 0h iij m iwiid i i n limit ami ii ft it i itllillcwvrd t llltlu i lllll aiuiy urn timlli mi tty it i with tu tl uiu li v itt i tin if lilt tlm look i uiv i iml i llltig nir ili i yii iti in i 11 nnii 4u hulling you iii not 1 t you wot muitli fulli oji iln nt n mi mi i with fcur if i itluv i i lulit liki uluix ii i llm i i i in i i mi j tli wimii ihty jitiy iivl it willi uilnv u u utjiry j urn h lit n prronnt un the present outlook top pliortldltion iutti m- regard tnvlnilul mill i tibial inhlbitlol on ltd fpr culm i hoi ion mi urn ln ol fm tu ijmliij um fimt tow yours moat imvlno j huvo otmi hut laws hauhd mi tin oiltihnl miuiltoba ijutmi ijiw thin law win oditilo i it lu lm- c1iuo liu iimoiitlul fidtlinu likl huon until nml uppivv il lv hi privy comirll lliu itmftul nlijit f that juw wnii tli abolition of tin burroom in any r tin tintm nrvilliiirrnrmi 1rovuloii of illllilll fnollllhu tov urlnkr tlg uapnijuhy for gmup cntmumptinn of liitoxiridilii wiil nlmiljuhtd tlm slogan moid imind durws tho cam paign wait ahoiiuh tho llur that tlmiiifohiiilflht tlm various priylnciul at ui illil not utop ull drink ing of uliohdllo in vjriiu in no vlil- uncii of fitlluro tu ilo tlm thing- whh h was utt inplnd tliomi iiotw worn aduptod with thi m11 of thniiwuhilh of oftuuus wliii t nun rum ntally urn pr judhod iiguluut any hglulutltm which nwi ii i mini u mouth thn working of tkjfim not him lod to tw ituuiim of iiimurvutlvo dlu- immltlon uro favorably hommiid t aid r morn drnutlo iihlrli ton vnmll- larltyt imwmilnir tbo horror with whlnh thny vlnwml tlio lilou ai liniiill- tlon it ltjmmjmuttsbuusryh ilpifrrtnitwmvhito hostility to nffootivo drotilliltliil whli fa w iixii1 rlii nrud oyer lumu urcui tun yeurm ni n r 3ml horloiih loukm huvo boon rn- cobiilmnl n hi tu lully owllill td tlm ia- fmlli rfomil of tho uulm to lirolilblt intoiinivbu lul truib hut muny wlio nuvomtoii thn luloiitlon of tlin uijtm ij do vrlth tlm uvowul umtt rwtuinllna tiiut facllltlr worn rvtnltiiiil for thqwo who dtalro to linvi lliiuo foe ilomihtla roil- oum itliiii would tm ullowoil to mport it rrwinboyonil tin irovinm in liruii lc thlu uiiowm tbo hhortolrotilt runnmrmt by wblith oritur limy ho want to ui iiifnt outmbln thn rovlri- whlus in raiility tbo haiuir 1h mild and lollvirml ny a tlnn in ohom own nlcli borhooil alao uritvu hinnutlom tiav vlimn rt tfurdlntf ilin lroatlitton by irufcujutm i ihylilinm of bovor- aum which ull iwroly bo roteurdert em bonu tldn mixllral trontiviotit it muni lo ijottml tbut tlmmiilnfooui whllo a vnljil nrouiii of rlliubimlf tho ot if wn ubntimc thtt ttny ulioml ut iira- vuiitliiic itouulu obtaining liiior in tlmlr own bunion urn tm vullil sroundu on wbittli l ulijn fulluto ot tba olil aau tho ril iiiefitlon now bpforv tli fchkipin of arlouw 1rovtncom i twoffibl plrat thn tmttei- rtkiutlu of tho ualo by th y hiatal tnd ilrtirslntu mid ftooncl tho further rauulutlon of tbo quantity of liquor to bo alowd in onen own lrlvatu onllur tlia jiroiniil to liiyuil tho qnllar mnrkh n bimilto uilviiiico boyoixl tba previous iicfh untl it u wol tbnt nil twopln hhoulil in tnklnif this mtun bn fully iiwuro of tint now tirlnololi vol veil it x nun moat ilolnililo tbut thy rvooicnlxii tbut tbo nnw kmlorul iluw which moy im ud to prohibit lntr- provunrtut import will only iiroblblc tho antunl tmiictittion of the liquor luolf und will not in iny way inturfciro wltb tht uliort olrxinlt iirrnnitiimnnt to which oxooptlon in now tkon hut it will no n lontf wuy to ourthlllntf thn umotint uviillublo tor ilutrlbutlon tn dma i wbaro liquor i not t now maiiufmtutnl und tliuh will fforo greatly hntirove1 urotcotloii nan lint t nbuih luilnrrir tiioma8 jjonrd of hoolul horvlna toronto miinib th 10zo twenty years ago jvnmiia iuup uf ula froo proi of rmirirtny hrch 2ft 1q llm wiifiw in tcrmluully fmlhia uwuy nml tb furm ni uit in iu lnu tar thdr uinhiu wot it ti iuiiku tiutillilh loilk urfo tl hllc int btiuuwinlll i hit fiotui of hioliinil forwunlthl iron to flu liutllotli fund luut wimlc i lot klro ilrluudo 1m ilolnif km bout in iuit on mi uttruuuvtf udiicarnnco ut o lli 111 tiiiiln ii id i nttiid iibllo fiinctloi tlllh ii nli i it mid bnltm ii1 tluy iinlr of thn roil iiwurdml to mr w j n llor mtiln htrn t rin ci h tii tiii rimo clublmu uxm ortt nilk il fur thn hiwhiiii of 3dd0 wltb ii kooii inoinlhtuhlt itnd tba fol low i ill i ii k hon tlnnldmit w x 1lliiny 1romlbiiit 4 jt ii matthnww 1 mmlilnnt j v umti 2nd uldi n john clurkrt reoro- tury it j mnnubli trnhiirnr d m won conunlttb of wuiiubmunt floo htatlmm j c nnlnn u itan- i ii ml mr ji v tiofibluii a cult huii imhii iixtmnliiil to tlav t 1 oi ixjif linulr of um conkfnicntlon- li i chun it chun bill to thn lumtoratn ut luiowol mr irirbu imm noitd ill iimvu anton about april 30 o t kltnhim who huu bad i of tho municipal tlrotrlt hicbt- inir lilunt lurii uhtm i ant april put in ultfiiutlon to tbo vir htid ubt commlttnw luut work mr kltohpti hnlird u uooil poaltlon with tlm trio uubtlutf lilunt ut hlowmurknt i orporutlim iium udvrlud for h htiiioi hiaor nnd in tbu meantime mr kriunt ln nr won lion of 11mv ler- mon im rtinntuir tlm plant und lvln vary utlfuiitory morvloo mr murray moloiind natnn homo liimt wiuik from houtharniiton for a fow iluyu to rticniparuto on monday of butt wok wblln in un lttvntor at tbn tiitiriory ut kouthampton tho uublom bniku und bo foil with tbn nuxn wma foity f ai t ho wum ttartty abnkon up but tmoupflil uurlouu injury in iioiinnotliin wltb tbn uramit cull for hul for tbo f ami no trjokou of iimiib ktnox church held mlmlonary- mooiiii mrvlinm luat hunduy nd mon day on holiday jtnv mr muotiuefmtil pniuuhml imrmuna boarlha upoa urfar- tnff humanity with mpelai rofornc to india on monday nvonlntf n woclaj jtfotllcrmmirinjn ood prognunnui wsji i into ii ml ti thn prooooda umountod to 0go0 born aflnrw inatttnn on wodnfwduy miiroh ai to mr unit mru uoargn akiisw ii tan married chimcuoull at thn roldortoo tb brldnh molliir muln htxnnt acton nu matoli an by jlov rinoll umnd vullny mr 01 hurrh v h arthur to minnie dauabtur ut mm it j orr nhli khlkiulyman at tho rld- bnca of tbn brlilo m paronla willow htruat auton on murah 38 by iuv t a molaolllun m a onorsa nnl- ltu niunuirhwuyu ui llnllu olduat ilitukhlor of william 1orrynuiti the joy op 8pendinq a urott many hmpln toduy urn on joyluif u nnw plouauro the pleatiur of iaviuii nmindliif thny nr poopt who liuvn tiuvf r bad morn than nnoub for wbut thoy round naceuaary to life but wtio through tho unproedantal condition that oooomnanlod nnd fol lowed tln war liavo audilenty found thnmanlvoa in ey qlrcummttinco with tnonny to hiwmd in overy iockqt thoy have npant it franly and it 1 hard to find fnult wltb thorn for huyin thins thut thoy havo ion doalred and that thoy now think that tlmy can afford kovortholaiui tbn oxorwtaiit donuuid thoy arnuui for booii comblnth with u loiutoiiaft prmluatlon ut thn factoring im ono of tba chief nnuvo of ttja high nont of living tbut ovoryono i com- plalnlnaof thn joy of upon ding of ooui knoiior tlvun tbn joy of muvipk but amotloiih nvo not necmuiarlly luudnbl in proportbiu to tliolr viiro it u bum- drum o buvo und mnunlna ptbrow money about umlnaly but thrt ur two thliirh to h nmnnilwrad thn hatlhfnoim wn gnt from vavlntf i pormunnnt unitl tntm to lnoruuia wbornum tho uat lufaot ion derived from mimmllnk i nvuuomonht and ulmwt aura to tm ropentvd of wko th man who mivm tbo nation that aver la oon my bfltterlruz tta cuitata tho nation kn the sunday school w lesson r foii uundav march jr 1020 1 uy u w hiohnion hiuvil illll ui i woltk 1lutl u al 10iin ilub lion fiiij itiinlljik itov 1 hrlul on mrtli 1 the iluilrli r limlii rm ii 1 tul mill ill loimly btuluil a itnantlful ln t-mplr- rtnl mh nrlbikl iwitli tlm powt i nnii thn ulmy of thn lillnnh to jod button iii four mid jnlnv yi unmh ltd trid for bjoih dm limn luun 1 t r hiuln fim in tlm iiwim of jiuint cblbil and tbn haiilodfii noulil hot unjfwtr but lot tin in kv luahou ivat utiliiu mid mtppbhu mill miiuti tiiopity mill lult buik n putt of thvrion by mlhttiriiniitutliil wbnii nnouhud anuiibiu full lit ml uiul tbr boitra latnr lilu wifi xpb il jloiutou v uodtlurtul by poruu utloii tho vurly illuolplnm wint voiywlmo projiclilok tho word 111 ttuiparlji hlmim u iiurik n i nitoiml tlm niiohtlm oimyjfthn upi hlalln klfl vmoii vi iittnr hi libit u luun uaiiiiil -ciflii- ut uyditu und iul 1 h from tbn ibiud ni joppil on vii a duvout oi iiliirlou 1 form hum wml to jopua for in oidr to kti limlnlitloii in tlm wuy of tbn jjinl itoth lor und xi r iid n vliilmi tbu pinpiim of whlnb uuk tu rolivlio 1 ti unit u inutile hhoulil bo ndmltti 1 into ll klnrdom of ohrlht vtti 111 tbn pnlmfotltloll fol lowlna tbn mtotilntt of htonlmu iutor wum cant into prlmin an utqfil of llui jird dnllvird jilin jltuuion ix 1otfjr tbo kriut upoutlu rota m iittor hi ubout tlm your 05 j in whltih bn ijriiikl llio uluiiiiloii lout pf ull wlrktuiikmh und bymorhiy uud tlm llvlnif of u aood llf luon xin ulmtui tbn your st tb jnlovnd john wroto tbo flrut of throo blliatliil iii wbloh 10 omultwl lovo to whr1 tmith ood uiulnnn iioi0ii r tlin upoutlo joltn whllo on tb llo of iuttnou wrotu u joint uttlr to llm uovn onurolum li ulu ootmneiultnif tbim for tlmlr iiood quull tlra mill uomiotluif tbt 1 1 ilnfuotu iinuoii xii john uiho draw a un lure uf worulilu in hcuvoo in wlilcli he dnmcrlbiil multlttutm pujt mmitx rluy out of ovry hutlon qettihq bomethinq for nothing wliat can bn dona to dlmlnuh tbn mini rn wllllnktmaa vnn niixlaty to kt uomithluir for notbliiat if it man cun tol a railway conductor ha in dokglittxt wiillilrvaaml wurntii con- htantly annoy tbn utintomn inapectoru by amukkllnir ctilldrnn xknpt a u mnttnr of couran tlm aluvlah iittontlonii tif ovnrworknd motlirw at tbo con- ort tho nncora flonda war out ulnm ru uiul nuilhinca tim whole community uppumnlly will blto ut a ifnthoh- quick acttuuio xpt battur than any imtopin in tbo world w kntrw tbut w pay for what wn gnt nnd rat what wo liuy for ict ua be contmit wltb tlmt it im tbo only manly way to fao ufa makaa draathlod easy tba oon htrlfitloii of tlm air pn mho ecu uiul th atruuiela for braatb too fumlhur wvld- ciico of imthmutlo troubls cannot daunt ir j i koiiorum aathma ikimody thlu in the famoufl ramody wbloh in known far and wldn for um com pi ft la firfootlvflmimm won tinder very anvero condition it la no untried i xpert- mental preparation but nna with tnuny vara of mtron mrvlo bobll il lluy it from your hcarant doalnr tbut wuwtc llkathi u on tbn road to iiovorty who waato what thfe motoi car hab dqne created wuulth by inoruithliiu land valuna i ilrousbttbn fiirmnr oiohu to bl mur- icota maklntf farmlntf u morn profit- abla and pleauulit ooouputlon icnablnd tho phyutuluii to nuvn tlmp in rcaolilnhltilii putluntu und auvo 11 in many bihtniicm incroauod fbn porhotutl ultlolonoy alt btimliiohm nmn wliq bvi iivalbul tbomuelvdu of ltn tlm mid ilibor-auv- h0 udvuhtukoh alddd thn iiolfumnn to rnvci mora torrltory in khh tlmn to do hlu v twttur ijuli uor und ui iihm vxdciihu ruriiuhud u tm in m of b altliful i creation for nil iulmuhitud tbu buildlnu ofv thou- utndu of mlluh of buttnr bltfbwuym brliiitbu oomim i olul primperlty to hundradm of illlin und to win foimtirl hmidlrnppi d ihkuumo of tlmh inucou- iblllty irmiblod tbouo in titml ooiiimunltloa to anjoy all h ndvnntnkh of the city und tboto in tbn i itlch all tbu plcumirom of tlm lountfy k inorcuxod tbo tooiioiiiln woiilth of tli rmi n try by unutluk u iiiw liidilmtry j wbloh now rank amoiia tbu uraut in duatrleit of tlo rijuntry atlmulntiid kroutur nooluhlllty umnnif tunnura nid mil miniid tin in lo mod- ornuo tbolt uiutbodh and tlmh iioiuhh iomimhtniid tbo twoiiomy tmtl aup- orloilty f motor truimiortutloii fv all commerolul uueh not effective wlllh ald him tbo noxt tlmn you riianln uwuy front itolionl i want you to brim mu un lixuuuo from yom rutltor liiinnif whyyou woro not bare 1 i don t want o hihtu uti xuu iu from futhur mia mary prntehttid tho boy ut svojimiht do nny nod why not fiom your futlmrt nalmd tho touuliptv ulthoukh who bud what mha tliouklitwa tlm rviihini wnll tlxnd in imr mind lloeaunu father lif u ionr bandit inttklnar woil il artllnk tt- jolndor of wltllo molttiir nndh blm out ovory tlmn i it will pravant ulorataj throats at tlm llrat uymptoma of aoro throat wjifoh praausaa ulceration and inflam mation tuko u apoonful of lr tho ma iccloctrlo oh add a llttla aur to it to tnaku it puutubla it will allay the irritation und pruyoitt the ulceration and wolllna that are wo painful thoae vkho warn periodically aubjndt to qulu ay huv thum niado themalva immunn to tttluok sheriff was best man my rather won pt ono time u nhorlff in colorado wfitort t vorrcaiiondanti lie urnitftutv i yountr inun on u ohureo or iihhitult with intent to tyll arowlna nut of it quurral over aoma watur ii ittm tlm n un bad no ono to bo hbt bond und iud to ntay n jail un mnld hn dldn t mind tlm croat munh baiuiuan h wua aura ho would im olnuiod win t hi oamo waa irld but it wum jtimt tlnxi rtayj v fore hla wd- dllitf tba iioxt day fho proapectlva inlibt put n un uiimurattoe and plfnd- od with my futhur to lot him off for thttwodllni- ut everything bail imen lirniiid for if kutlinr know it would cuumo trouble with tfm olhitr faction in tho quarrel if im rahnnod tlio mull he agreed to lot thorn wo abcuit if thoy would lot hliu uot iim inimt man wltb tho brldn- itroom bandtiurfud to blm thl wum rmrnod to tlm wedding rumo off at oiumhijnl djpn narllryt out f mil tlm jull with thn bridegroom wtood tip with hi in during tin cohi- inony mid brought htm buok lmmedl ututy uftvrwurdu a month latar tho mini wuu uuuittnd steele briggs seeds pbigger cbopssj r prom ta jvjetteb seedsy i rlrl kvlcmlrtinrf a steelebriggsseedc- cnaoasgthatlltittot hahuto toronto wm0juffmm0m00mmmmmt corrugated metal roofing wf mooney in i ho uk out fur tlm imut arudnm of couuihia nan mitai hoow- inn und 1iiirfhton havh-1-ock- xuihunpilil 1 urmiril of otlmrw ruqulrlng roof ing or mblngluu will und moonftt tun ttu0 thum mo nny aak blm hills store mill st acton w philp aiho kn okoan will vlalt anton oil wedneaday of imom wock until further notion luplh proporml for conaarvaiory kxunilnutluiim mmtaago loft at acror4 vikh imaut oltloo will tooalve prompt uttnntlon v c p r chunlng iraaalng itepalrtng your qothcs thoroughly ckancd in sanitary workshop ircsicti and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like new try ua geo wallace guelph ontario down in 1eory tho world ou of ohoup whukry mimifooturlng ilmlr major in lualry hua imon rulnnd but they ilka it tlm dbttlllurlou nmplnytd loaa than 1 300 man but tboy uro in lug rembdallad to mnku into of muny m tlm majoatlo dlilliaryvrmhyi mnn and wtll now hue 1 600 in mnklng- food the oreatwoiitorp untployod soo it will now u ntwut i sod 1 iioho dlalllory plant nt feqrlu will un mak ing dnmitured alcohol corn ayrup tihhi yeumt preserve glucou und nlmlhir product tho city i having the uauul nxporu anca of rower arrvatm und grantor html- neaa activi x phi for all baaonv wlptur and aummer in any utthudn whuthflr in torrld aone or arctlo tomperaturo vur- melooa vagetubl ill i can be dnpond- ed uikn to do tlmlr work tha dym- imptlo will find them n friend alwayu and abould carry them with him vi ry- whera thy aro mndn to wltliatuiid any climate and are warranted to koop their fraahnaaa and utrength ihny do not grow atulo a quality not pokmummd in many bill now on tho murujt some wit some wisdom lloggi waablngtou wa o mnn few word anott ally man tbtttm in fill mt to tell a lie h to be ttutcber ton t you know tbut wuahlngton never told u hov 1itpll no timiiil if only imard it rural hotel knmr to gurat wuil howdja aluop uiht hlght tiuvflllnr t auifirad nil night ftotu lnomnlu hotl keeimr icxcltod and mud 1 1 ii batja two dollar ho roiircd that theraulni otto jli thu liouuo uvett in ioiii ynur women in tlm picture ut tlm movhtt urc oponlnu their moutlik ami not auylug a wont 4 neod to uo u hammnr juat- bo cbono onorgaud a butolmt alex mckenzie fish merchant wellington st aoton hum tho following 1m on band thlu witvk imuk hnlmon by tbo plooe it 16a iluk balmon allond lb 1so wuluiut by tlm plnno lb 20a halibut alined ut 22a noli whltn klub lb 1sa jlokoral lb 25o liiounrol hi v zso imalhfi tti 18o i inuuu huddle th 1bo irlllutu lb 24c i cihcoum hi i b4a klpima pnlr 18o j rimh iako hupor hea ring doit boo lvomh rfmoltu tb b4o promoting pure brep cattle the itvatoole toon at alberta r bave adoptod a hovralmeana ot b- v i mouug their lodualry and tacldont- j t6plo both wltbln and drovlace the btaddlag of alborta a a livestock country tblrtoen of the largest broodera have doaatod tblrtaciii ateora most ly durobrod to uieunlvoralty larm without any ohargo whalitover ibeae atoara ropreamtj tlto uraah of twantjr tour of ttborlaa loading herds and eountltuto what iu ttmuxbt tu im tlip fjauit bfllectlon qf it knd ownnj by any luathutton lu canada- during tjio tinat a number ot grado ataera had boon bought from tin time by tlm uuivomlty turm judxing durpoana for tho atudonta of thn callago of agrlctikurn tho bo of thojm wora hiiqwii at tllo local llvu atock allow uhd i a tor bold it waa hext to linpouhlbln howvvor to aomiro thn clajin of at nek boat ultpd to tbla purpouo wltli the fniidu avatlgble aa i vulnitdd going to tho larger brondorii and paying top prlnna for nolocted individuals and in all probawllty the bmndora would not caro to dlttpoao of tlio animal h ot tba aga moat aultablo it wau felt tamt thl- wor could bo hiodo tnoro valuabln to tho provlnno at largo if inatoail of lining ordinary grade altars anlmaln of higher tncrlta could ite bliuuiod in any case tbo noat ot lalmr fond and bonslog would be tlio saim to trofasaor a a dowoll chief of the department of animal hii- hanrjy of tlio university of alborta cam an inspiration whorehy tho unlraralty was tuilo to gat ihi quired anlmahi without pay cunt for thom yot giving their owners a good return it appears that ther aro a numhur of hreodora in the province of alborta who are not in a voaltlon to do their flttlng and showing conimqitontly their hords mtiffnr from a luok of idvorttsomont prof a dowoll ivolved a plan by which tho braoders in this bosltltm would get tlmlr hnrds tdverustod at tlio exhibit lot n and tho tnhrauy parnl tlm dnalrei eliina of ihlmau the plan hiirftehtcd wan that the hreednrn donntn flyn or nix salves of tlio tlirco lending bonf bnrdt nnd tho unlvornllv would oo them for judglnti purpoima for iwq eaaona and exlilblt dim t at jio international i ivn otock dhow l practically oll of tho golna eaat 7 a am r iny txcupttjuiiday 3 01 pm dally xfopt hnday l p m jjaly nxinpt uunitay 061 am z liuuluy only dpm mutnluy only 6f ihfn j hundtty only freightand express cxprea currfoil on nil ru lvlitil doluocjed dally by uptmhil uipraaa fralght kxprwui or lcluht plokndup at any addraau lu toronto a to atlnlcw apnl ato alborta stock unjoch purebred ctlvua for alborta ivntvcasw k sity farm orajoreotly tur is la alberta tbo best two or tbrno animals oc breeders approaouod weraorfeotly willing to asmlst lu carrying put tbu aohonifl jho plat wft wbluhtad to the alborta llroadora ansoolauon at their annual convention hsld at cal vary last may and receiving tho entire approval f llo association twonly four breeders otforod tho biimt calves of their hords immediate stops wnro take vlalt tho vorloua farnxb alld ntir uiro hmnthfl thlrtonn calvoh wro oleotod from tto twonlyroiir harflu orndos wore hot debarred hut pure breda wero preferred tho wg dlfflouwy tlt xtot jowoll had 1n selecting the cawos was not gaiung th owaus to oonsont lo part with them but rather in ro- fualng animals from breeders who offered them many of the brooders actually urged tho tjolvaraity to send a representative to thotr farroa atvd take the host of any of their calves what is most outstanding about theno dalves ts their uniformity quality and als their age at the prortent tlmn most of them are from ave to savon months old and with out nxcotlnn thoy cangh account for n loo pounds pnr month all of tho tanlmrls are on exhibition at all tlmns in the university atableo and placard hanging oyor each stall nntes tho brooder and ths breed- tlir nf ennh animal lho anlmaln nro kopt hi tlio pink of condition and it in the expression of many of the lending live stock raonvlnlt- ino tho p tallica rrom tlmo to time that nolloctlvaly thoy are tho finest lot of stoorn or their ago owned by any ono concern tn canada today thoy rcpveuent tho vary hodt that each brood will be oxhlbltod at international stock show at chi cago host fall by tho university tho selections will be mads by a coiumltteo appointed by oaoh brood association all or tho stoeni will lta nhown individually and eob will otnnd upon its own uiorits if th ateerp 1ft thla exhibit roalw orodllame allowing in chicago it should prnvo ah oxcollotlt advertlaa- mont for their brooders aa wall aa for tmiif prmlucors and fannor gonnrally not only in alborta bat throuijiout western fvnsds onj thn other hand it givea to the students of tlur collcgo ot agrl- culture tho future brooders of um ptovlncn absolutely tho beat olaas of live stock for their judging work the ilva dtnok brooders who hara made it pohslhln for tbo yjntvarslty tn aiumnilili llmsa exoolleot anlmalsj and from whoso farms tho selection woro mndn ar aa follows short horns tho hon thincan acarphall olds qoo id lona company high ulvor two puro hrod bhorthorm calves wnro added from tbo unu varsity farm horeforda jain v711j son innufatl s m uaeo tagjj luver curtlss- cattle connnay bhephard jt mcd uavldaon 5oaj- dale v w tlmtth hunroai3 l aherdoon alutnsj a a noati olds o h niohardvn bowdon clms tiliet fekunootan south canada ind and irrlgatto company motllolno thot and 3 r moarcgor urcndnn man tho total number of chlvoa including the ti added from tho university itarm fifteen thepiqb squeal and the rest 1 1m uqtmut la not tlio only thing which lit lout wlmn u bou bfiioiimu pork iohim ut ono of tho litriut cunudluii punklug phinln mudo wlthlh tlio punt mouth liluiw tbut ovei 4t pouuilu oi ubout 324 of tlm hv un iglit of nnoh bug bought on thn fnrm lu of no vitluu to the tibiittnlt tlm teutu tiiitdc with 11 h 6 itngh gave tlm folio villi itthiiltn blvii wulglil total 77j 000 llm uvin ugo pur ling uih jju tolnl weight mm wilubt of mint llulr alnunnd rotbln rut tongukm jc ivoiit henrts kidneys iloud miut and tnrk tilmtnlngu huudu trimmed cimlng wuhnnd o rou ho v vi rtlllsnr tunkngu mtlnlt tllond tli y 4711 mx- 113h 35k67 jtdh mux 1 h2ii i nc1 av pur 7fi not auction saije of vive stock ttf 11iic lownbihl olf 10iuk lln undcutlgihil iihm rooelved hi- htructlonh from koboituon und illmtluy u- tmll by liuljlo ituotlou on the farm tho indlcutloiih of icshiiumm grinding of tlm tuutli pli king of tho nuutvuxtimiiu i ovihiiiiimm nften ooiivuimioiih under th to timdlton tho bout romady mitt oun im got im miller m worm rowdm limy will at- tnuk tho wornin u uoon n ndiiilnlutor- oit und will grind thorn to utoin thnt pass uwuy in mm ovuiihutiuim lho uttta qufftyror will im jiiimdutuly on mid und a return f tliouwnik win not bo likely investigation brings success intnlllgont nnd poinliiiiut hivotlga- gutlon la tho ki yuotu of huocea the man who lightly nklnut the surface und ooittnntm hlmaitlf with gntmralltles will never rouh tho imurt if any sub jut to tiooimit it lu ulumlutely ivuuuuaury to dig doop to dlannct to iilinlyse u is the know led go of do- tulla thut oounts thn ucuesrul mun- ugdi of bualntut miiat bo muster or evmy dotnll it you are only a nog in ime whaul muafor the detail to your milt und atiidy tho detail or tlm nthont nothing ertilnlng to any una of effort in too itihgiulltiint to bn carefully noted nnd it im tho knuwlndgn tin obtained thut makes us competent woikuru lu our i imunii hold kirk thoughtful hmihokunimi i oggh today mr ordered tlghtflnt tlrocoi- wolli inaum ywi see twelfth egg was bad and i dldn t thltlk youdwvrft w r fats for energy its all too true that many children have a dislike for animal fats yet the same children will readily take and relish scotts emulsion tfai choice irtitutincttve and linked up with the fact that scom is assimilated when other forms of fat are a disturbing element give your boy and girl plenty of energizing and warmthimparling scotts emulsion it will build then up i bmclklkiwwtmol0opt- v 8110 230 143 h3 um wuutu inn43i 4i m 7711001 1s4 00 iut iii itqotlior font sai oontu out of uvory dolhir pnid foi tlm 11 vo liillmul in foi mutoriul which in wituto llmra weio uhuighti r d at cutmilhin i unklijg want hml y ir mitiioxliiittoly 333 0110 hogii a wuuto of 41 piiiitiila per hbg thnt e aire upnuiiitii upproxl- imttuly to ur pill turn iiuinulii fish for lent w evans west end meat mattket ii us a full supply of 1 null ijiui htipmioi ii cjiiuilii hnlmon half or uuitult hiilnwui hltood 1 llnllbut4iulfiitjuiluh4b mi j liilllhut ull lb lr ub whuo 1 tub lb i huddle tb clm 11 ooo 18c 20ft 20o 32o 100 20c 2o eso kig ibm 10a 1 luotii hi iloulm iihtlnir liv tint ui linldul lluiiiiu hi full ass011tmcn1 or meats as usual w evans maw street acton ont railway time tables at acton grand flvunk nallwav qjim wt oyntam no bf mu iy iij it no su i i ii u no ai 1031 no 33 u iu no at 1 1 1113 ln no ja flitmlirv tf tn turn no jfl 7 4i a m no 3h 1 no 33 1 jh p m no 34 i fucptn no 3h h u p m toronto suburban cuot no riallway qolna wi u 17 aik uuiiijm jljpii hully ox ioi t miinday k do p m jinny ns nipt lluikuy- ll0aatni lluiuluy only il p m iiiiulny only d b p m i uiinday only batiks raiciuoni5rviar kellys meat market corruw mill and z stroii aoton i carry a full htm of meats a i liavu hud muny your exporlonco it im my ulm to bring bofora my utiutoumnt tlm vrv cholceat meutt at a rouhonal will you glvo tun un opim tunlty to ahow you oabh iaih fou hutti ii and i ootl wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c c heights sjlvorwaro n tublowurt pinl variety also fine cutlery hardware tinwiro untl crunitc ware big asbtiri incut pandora stoves und ranges fitnouah caters small stovet oil btom everv article is op excep tlonafl value c c speight mill street acton wm e ropertbon iit t i con 1 lcilu tm tlm oublph and 1 tin i mid ipldwuy botwonn jcvorton iibd ohprlugii on frjdav march 26 oominotiolntf itt two oolook uhurp th followlug oowh hud row froli tulf at toot ronn cow duo in alfll mittod cow dim in may groytoow duo lu april woy iiw lulf ulfoot ltd oowjlun in api ii mm tow calf ut foot rd uow line in miiv oaw uuo tn mny rid uw dim in may ury huiroit with llf at foot black helfnr dim ut limn of huio ry cow duo in apt u lirlintlit oow dim lu may roan tov iiml dooolubir jr ronn now broil jtnniuvy u gmy imlfor dtiojn april itioy lit id 1 trouh ulf ut root grny inlfii fmhli nulf ut foot roun duo 111 mny lb luut four heifers ami niiki by tlm imtud dual purpoeo hhort- i i bull llurilugtoii major brod by tlm o a c all tlm offirod um gmx mlllccih nnd 1voh havo bimu pul fid 3 yearling hotforrt ulred by iinrrlnrtcti m ljorj 4 bolters and 1 un oi rlithig 1 your pure bred dual purpoho uhnrtiirii buu culf 1 month uld 1 puro brod dual purpose hhtirt- horit hull ilult hly fitami 110040 j m1u0iqi11 kudutiirnil oxlford uwou uuuiiomd tn bo lu luttib hnry arknll htotk 17 iltiliir wh hupposol to tm in lutnb or lumlih at foot houb- 3 ibrk howm a puru hrtxl yoik howm 13 ultonth i ton buggy 1 mdt of hoijvy i nam hui m ifll j idltmh u mmitliii oi odlt tllvai on furiilhhlug approved joint tiotijm i per homely epigrams lvottur bo tfikon lu than oountod oul whew tlmioii a will tlmh uro ro- illtloilh two thlrdu or iiromotinu im motion iu who huallntou ihjiil 1 your own 101 bit wienlh yom faoo in mitljtjm if you lump from knd funilly don t hitviil ton fui vna iioft win lu und hind iiiuimiuiitu novfli lount ynili nhluliomi whou yottr wlro lu in oun 1 watch yom pip i anywui it innn ran tllnliito to bin htpnogrnplmi lh orr fuoo of notui oaltlvsly no rassrva i ij hotuitniil uud hoy hind want truiv dun t um dili p lho brlgbtint ihiiipln ino tliollo w lon t uot lit think twlci mptiik oiinc llm i lob mint umuiihy huu u twl iil und tho poot mail ulx twhm 1 hn 1 1 it iihvii oo in mimniiir i pooi httvo it hi whltn why uu k t mini the real millionaire t ultli itul good ohooi hoalth im tuuh on bund- i tlm rtul inllllomil o in tlm mu un hinlhi mid iimnii it 1 ho iiinut tlimful tin ntoul inn limn iti thin noutiliv huvo tho fiiiiulty of uuilllng nnd tlmn juiutiithlng ihi in fill i do- mil tm mi lho iniji miiill tin hiiiiio that llm hon wiihi whim im inn rnunih it wuy nf exit- tin miitlln thut h un mufufiil un u dhlmolvliik unit ilk i who imiful mppy uyhik or lo iah muouonau uov hinuufly q jt mahtin clerk ahouortftra rr 1 mum tho uiullo thnl loolm ilk uiiu uhhm whun hiuuihhm in ukii through tho uloiinoloudm on morning 1n may a hinllii ih llm luihmpoil tu pioiipuity it iirnmutiu buhlmtl in ilinhtontully blihlnlmrt lo un linpiirtiiut i iiiiputlon iuhiiiom lho prolllu wo tlul thut fol low n hinlhi hitm ik a hit of untlljruo tltnt in living i pluuuuiit tlfit hilont larttinr children cry for fletchers castor i a jtlotchern cnntoria is btricuy a remody foriivfnnts and children joods nre specially prepared for bublca a babys medicine is evon more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grown ups are not interchange ahle it wus the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought custorla before the public after yours of research nnd no claim has been made for lb that its use for over 30 years lias jiot proven athat is castor ia cuctorlu ij u hnrinlcss bllbstltflto for cootor oil inrocorlo drops und soothing syrups it lo iloramit it contnlno noltlior opium morphine nor othor imrcolc suhotnnco its ngo in ilo isuiirnntoo 1or more uinn tlilrtyyourj it hoo boon in constant uso for tlio rollcl of conoulwtloii flntuloncy wind colic and dlnrrhooa allaying povorlilmoos arising therefrom nnd hy regulating tlio stomach nnd dowols aids tho assimilation of food giving healthy und natural sleep tho childrens comfort the mothers frlond genuine castor i a always beura the signature of in use for over 30 years notice to creditors of the estate ok john law- son dectlaged tbn rrodltora of john tuwuim lute nf tlm vlllitgo of acton vntorluary hurgimm who dlod on or itlnnit tho thirteenth duy o wbruury j030 aro roqtilrod on 01 boforo thn tlfth dily uf april 10jo to tmlid by imut propald or nthoiwiito dolivar to tlio uiiiliimlgnuc wollultor for tlm ukui tttora it niulo- mvut of tbolr uioouutu tbo liuluim of thn maturity if any hold by tliniu unit full pitrtloulurm of hull- luituth ud- ntuhm uud ilimorlptfciini and tiotlco ih immby furtlmr glvmt thut immmllutoly uftwr tlm mid llftli nay of april lt3u trfo uald ktnmitoru will pitioiod to dlutrlhuto tlm uinmls of tlm huld ontuto itmniu tlm purtiou ontltlo1 tburoto and thoy will nut tm rthpomilhlu foi nny ciiliidii of which thuy ulmll not huvo ronolvtd iiotloo ut um tlnm not forth for uitrh illolr unit ion liflin ha v t4awhqn hicnu vhiijii mooina llxoiitora ii k oihtaun oi va 15he acton bakery call phono no 7 if you wnnt a delicious lonf of brutttl or brown bread or 11 boston lonf steam lonf butts mid rollti pies nnd all cakes kinds bf cookici nnd also wedding cakes made baked oh icbd bhead is your bisl tood eat moheof it lhone 77 the jvajwrn will call hi your ikwir m edwards co acton ontario stora closed every nioht exocpt fri day and saturday w0 p m x

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