Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1920, p. 2

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hertou sfirce lnhi i liiinniivr t iiijj i id n al i altch stpnv aiiijiinfili li uji in hi trlmit nilowu tho litlt t m ulh tin ulnry r turl it rlr our lovliiu ttavlour almoin thiu ril j ii wum lult hi iii inooutufht i uiwiru illutl tlin till- with imtrtumn july tli liuit of h anltlor couhl t liouril mihu thu tomb i lit uioriiliiir itrouiflit tint nwuvanln i 111 utnilll wud rollm awuy anil iti lliiii itcuiirrvrtloti ciuiiii to uu u luihldr day i i r i flixl my lltlhi will 1 u1uh i uur lavinl iii4 llttvii only k iiks ulmlc i ui nuiry mail ho mvn loft un i rnrly to lux clod n unrtle illliit with i uhwy niwthi mt tin ha tr sown rliilur tint tinio imltinu uttult ty llk i lilt llo i mt ii w i it till i ouhl eiuwooi tha old itosaltar tilai had imii ftrmny cbanim without ihttliur itatr tho hiunm colonial houwi with t tilllurml itoroh kulicht hav ahallar wauhhutton or iaiayattn fur a night though it lalo no alalm to much honor tha lawn in fntnt ut lha bouae lallotl ilia ttroushta of tha il riant tmn tot tha turf a cntuiy old had mini ita tooiw down far tho alma wllloh itavo th lara ita imiqa iumi ultitrod hut llttls in irwnna luatlmo and only to add how tnajasty to- their form nr kfuou and htrctiwh mahlnd tha liouhfl and to tho rant lay tha hill or chard thn unarlml old traas r ii robin thn hlotw of a till till a low atona wall ohpflkod their advanoa a very low wall it was thn wnoolh oat sionaa rather in vl tins traadassara than othar- whui and indoed alnen ths nrat aa- iihkm hud lxvn sat out tha ownora if ktinwimhl had rmvnr grudged paasara- hy audi fruit ua they eurod to cat her in in lloasltr kvod tha old place with a lovn tluit a trniik toenail with her utronutli at ilmt hocauao it mm homo and luttr tho more ituurly aa ita teauty and dignity anpaalod to her krowink to to mid underatanillns tha bla mtluara twinu tho winding atalrcaae the ntiy- turned windows tha tall ti alindlnic um hff and b orchard ollmlilnic tho hill all worn eloquent with mo do than her rhlldiah momorlaa yith thn tradltloua of tmut kenerbtlana irntin wiu troud of the heritaso wblob hud noma dowu to lpr a hamn tnado hoiiorahlo by olnan lfvinc and good lour hiy ikioum htu ill fxut ihiio u thn inutility iiikimi wun loiiiifilnu vr ilwi- till lt i kliiuklliif it mill thin ilt no 1 nr it i il i ax duy i vu wot to utuu in to h0i lliitia uotltlnu for ni to do lurt 1 in ilntf to li ity und ict u iioultlon tito rltyl oh not oat mru llou- nlr rrfixf and hit lihika blunt hi i iimtitnlly lrin imderhtood flrandmothtr don 11 yvlirn ufrufl lo havn ln bo ulluw dcnlichl you dont truut tnf you think 111 mulut a fullora juxt uu h old he wu hiirh o dour boy thn oh imly aulil hut h u lovlntf tnn ipr hoartml lwy anil ha hnuu t written homii for i n yiuru irono i not u line tha ton a run down bur ohupku und tha alrl rhokod ovt r tho itiiuu in hvr throat orndniolhi llittronl wit don lilvo that 1 m livn him vou f truut mo ily yoil do him luulltul toward hor biilf nntraatlntf bttlf coi hiaiitlhuf ijrundmotluir u woul hravk my heart dot to huvu you wurn of ma hay thut you urn him had soon out into thn iomutu tltmu t lha x oily mllb1 to dtaaiimlnt thn onn wiowallud bank in um old homo to fall tha awtwit olrlt tltat truatett lia would ihi lo llondr thn luama lie imra ami tha ihoujfht kfjtt har uu the uilfn ultla tf many douituuluu ration la tha wlranka hard pew urn ixutet with uo many iltfalli for unwarv fol tho iinuannra of i rrall wlilluolit lady whm ulwuyw nloao at lutttd tlb hud iwttlna to lllfht dannra to ahuti tnntatlonm to dy hut rallurn wu out of thu quoatlon hh had tumliml irrandmothni that ah might truut hvr irann mt mra llanovor on oi atrnet una day utla in thn winter und thut lady ttauaed to irwt hr with a raal it rather hurried klmlllnaum him v touch by an lmlnunaba fhunga tha girl a for and youva boon hero all winter and havant noma lo uuo tnnl aha maid roioroachfully f am vary huny i imvo a noaltlon you know nuld irnnit dntonnlnad not to wall under falun rolnrw hut if ura tlanovar wuu aurjirlathl uha tooiioeuhvd it dnodm thoro wan itncl knight of oouraa to oount oil the othar aldn though tha truniiu miri wan that in the eatlm- tlon of dart of tha world jncla knight hud added it lory to tha family namo 1nbtondoriltllinihg tha rooora am you uro raally routard to knight to- altar tho artbtt ura llanovnr tha tdty woman who apent har kununan at hill hide had aafd to irene with an inflec tion in her voloo that wait not flatter ing it aeomad to aay how loaalblo for you an unaophutlcated country girl to he cdneoted wltli peraon of dtatlnotlont itrotn that ttmo indood nho became ao patronlxingly kind in her treatment of irene that tne latter wee glad when the ummtf waal over and hillside knew iirm hanover no mora irene wua not proud of her uncle knight even though he had won dla- tlnollon in hlw nhoaen tflnld lis had been u bright ambltioua boy a lovable boy too ilia rather and mother had not opposed hla determination to atudyj art though it gave them many anxious hours if the uonj ha given knight tlint talent the father had aald 1 guess he meant it to be used and the mother had replied simply knight can point pictures to tha glory of qod as well aa anything else bo he had gxne away studying nrat in the big city near hla home and later i abroad irene vaguely remembered tha visit bo had made on him return lo america the nrat and only one she wua a ehy llttlo girl of aeren or elcht at the tlmo and her strongest imprea elan of her unoto kolght wu that he was very different from any one ahe had over seen that he dressed atrango ly and talked more strangely stlll am that there waa a curious shadow oil grantlmotbern ace m aha llataned he shad ntayed only a few doya and gone back to the city promtslngr to return very soon for a ongf visit hla mother had never aeen him again neither itud irene hut the father had it wuu ten years alnoe it had happen vd yet lrunu sometimes awoke in the night tfhlverlnit terrified living over atcaln the time rrandfatlker camn home from thut trip to tho lty he had gono unexiectedly without sanding hh won word 1 11 give knight a little aurprlae he aald to hta wife ami hog and after ive seen his pictures he can show mn soma of the eights and ell him that lts been three moiihh alnoo he waa herej the mother ahnwertid its time be waa making us another vlelt tell him ha mitatn t work hnnl enough to itaghait uu here at home it wua yihira imitai ami uol illdoetl she i gulber it ul the old t iinouiidhl to hlt mi atumliletl no a featlvi sort hat ahanutd and i i rem kiiow the vnr know it alto- man coming un- nx utudln had i gathering of u ahooked him to hla hturta torv- he wua old xaahloued porhnpu hko tho houao ho lived in and he had one codw of moratfu for talent and plnddlmc motlocrty his boy artlallu hucceaa waa towm no com- peinuttlon for- ho undarolnuig of hla moral nature the face irene be red after that dlsasteroua visit the fate of one who had looked upon hul beloved dead knight uousltera loltera home made a bud matter worse there wua neither nhumn nor penitence in the flippant llnea hut ruther an unmlatakabla sense of huporlorlty cortqeacendlngly pointed out that a younjr man of bla glfta und adwrntagea oouldhardly be axtootod to be governed by the strait- laced oldfaahlonod standards or a otiuntry village hie mothera tear- ntalnoil letter written tn reply only mudo liun angry liy and by he had oeaaedj to write the yours passed irene hud grown from a little alrl to womanhood and knight ilosatter jutd i never oomti book to the home of hle boyhood irene a up ourlod over the ruverenoo with whirl ur hanover a poke hla namo lie might be a great artlat but he luul fulloii abort in her estimation of being a man the yoactbut irene waa eighteen ahurp eye mutht have noticed slgnln onnt algns about the old itoaaltek- place the boune needed palntlnr ati the yearn before tin toiua nurroundod by ejma had been immaculate in its inuwy whltaneaai the lawn waa kept close you must give me your udreoa juy dear ill look yuti up as uoon aa i can lleally i havent i minute for my ow i often tell my hualtand that im more of a slave than be la for all that business men any ao rniioh about the e suction of bualneaa hh ran on tboa for ave ntlttuttia and then passed on her way leaving inn umusod yet somehow cheered by the sight of a familiar laca the areaka allppad by und irene waa not aurprimnj ut um hanovers failure tt hreaant heraelf at tho ntuiup imturd- inaboiomi hut onu night on br re turn from work aha found something that did surprutit bur und very pleau- sutly bin went down to dinner in suoh uu uplift miwxl thut ahe had ho heart ta join in the grumbling over the rare the girl who aut noxt hnr studied irene a absorbed fucn with frank curt oelty i guesa you vw iiad good news ahe aald uhruptly irene rousetl herself from her mua logs why yea ahe rupllod 1 just received an invltdflon to go tn soma beautiful plot urea the ftprln bxhlblt they nail it on tho card think its next tuesday avonlng the prlvata vlawr aaolalmed the other r an a im noddmjthqjtded youre lucky to have nna alattiea enough to wear tn that irene laughed ivo nothing ea- peclally nloe to wear ahe answered im going to see the plot urea not o he tim other mjirugged her should era ita una you can feel tliut way ahe returned now i wouldnt care about seeing the finest pictures ever painted unless i could feel aa wel dr ua tha res fof the crowd if for a moment xreno felt ft eonso of being out of place when on tho fol lowing tuesday bar card admitted her among- a daasllntf throng- it waa but a transient emotion bom o thing of the beauty which had turned knlaht itoaaltera- thoughta to the study of art possessed the girl who waa of hla blood heedless of rich gowni und flashing jewel irene went from clo ture to picture bbaorhodly happy nor did alia guess that mora than one pair of wearlad eyes turned from tha worka of art to dwell upon her innocent girlish happiness the room filled the babel at oon vereatlon swelled to deafening pro por tions then all at onoe irene stood befora- a picture oblivious to the crowd to staring eyew to the sudden strange hush that hod fallen then the rushing tears bjotted out the scene from her view hut ahe could still aee it the slope of the hills und the apple trees heavy with blossoms climbing their patient way to tha low stone wall she put har handkerchief to iter ay sobbing with audden u noon trot labia homesickness and u hand touched her i nolu idny y hituitluy i will thpy iui11- voli hiu 1 a lung br 1 ii iiuv- y lint zn it t tlllh ihrov tluyn lint followi ll wolllfl lullllol tall j ikk mil ur wolllt u to l hlt of rim mull in w rangiily int i i m joyoiiri ilkf ulrl hi i twillll a the oltl mthvi mllxlllntt tlllt il thti imiii wua urni und ilur lumlllti till vuthtrii wood wurmtilitl luxurloiui thn nrtlat fjxi with hla m ithtu on the pore h lool opt ov f the luwil to thn orchard knight lo morinw lu kdhter run 1 tliiv you i uli t knowwhut un luiulur it will mculi to nut rulf wi altnr and o tin mother look hla ntoihara fun ht puhnu and rululug ti kbiui clwk und then tjiojothur and knl u hl i u i lututor m t ire nliik wn iw alitonu tbt 1 i lountl flu urllut tfi aolilluilnn xu fill xi aglow irlrt ti oritdj it a it nilruo tlitue apple treiu whut u wnnlth u hlooin uiy am putting ftirlbl i fool tut if i vuro u boy mttuln not u lb mi la nhmiged und th old liwu rlollnif 111 pluk und- while juut aa they whdii i fliut iiienilftir oh if on r were not too liltn for nul to 1h u lift of idosuomlhgt tiny hon t ui4oi to think uu lute nuld die girl vi ry low how uol i lookil ut hur bin fdint f hiiiiulug theyre oldnr thiin you uro hi kntgbt mom of iheiui irtxtu irnun rotor i itu and they re ikeglunliiir- ugnln with tbelr frultaiiu uuk u rreah aluru that a what tho soring uwuyu auyu to me ta nev r ltw into to put out new bloioioiiia and jli icaitur unob knight and koati r tella iih ot u llf aiirluglng out of ilvatli and triumphing forever und ever there wua u atcb in thn girl a volnn and she atnppnd apeukltig himitly hut with tiura blinding her the broke u apmy of hlosuoms from u lowlwiidlng brunch and hehl it out lo her companion ho look it icravt ly tlllently thwy wnnt ltark iown tho gontln decpne of tha hill totfin olr house vliiira hrnakfuift awultod thorn jceile i will liegln over ffod help liwfnin i will the village church thut morning wuu beautiful iri honor of hauler the spring had coma early and there waa no lack of green ivuvnu and bright blossoms to transform the plain little building almost beyond recognition a slnpdnr gflrl in thu lib olr with h voloe rich though uutrulnod aung thn nubllmn wordw whltfll jiuvo ocikhk down through thu ages i know thut my hedenmcr hvnth ah ohu muhg glnncml from thno to time down ut hnr unutnh furo hon knew rrom the ulut joy hi tho durk nynm of her that new llfn hud not come to tho hilonnomlng orohurtl alonw it hud ulilo oomn to tho heart of knight ltou- alter the drtlat april pool child what la your hamer lhronn ber mint of tetra aha lookeil up hla imlr laul whlteneill hla fane was heavily lined alnoe she hud aeon him utst but aha reoogiilsed hla eyea oh uncle knight ahe crleil imrel he kakkil thou hit looked u bo ut frowning a little ua he mot ciirlnua glances who la with you i damn by myself get away whore we can talk said her uncle he led her away from tha uarligciawrr what arc you do ing in tlie cltyr he asked abruptly i m working worklnat wheref the oo 0 tor- its t ion in hla vol no touched her pride i hha ntralghtoned hrrsntf you needn t be ahsloua uwiut me dllou knlnlil hefore i coins away i told giumlmother ali could truut toe and ao nub you iiould supikwn your gran dmo t lie r would need you ut home he mi 11 with evident irritation why abould yo work in un ulllonr la the old place ton alow for youf or ura you troubled by the modem idnue of liidiipdiidonoer neither itvr composure wua uulto reatoreil by now und ahe faoed him with eyea ma steady ua his own there la a mortgage on the plane grand father hud to have hnlp with the in terest money ho i curat w mortgagor orlod knight biting hla up outrugooua why wasnt 1 tolrtt irene put her hands ihjhlml her ua if j he had nrfered alma do you think wed hike money from i i who does not care tor ut her voice shook with autipreaed feeling j you re mother hatf hungered for ten years for the alght or you uncle knight she watte for every null still hoping there will be a letter i love rim wood its the only home ive ever known hut i wouldnt aak you for a penny to save it uiilosa youd done name other tldnga flrnl she n topped abort it wari not the recollection that the one nbo won ad dressing waa a celebrated artlat that checkod har but tho rein mbrunfte of the picture on tho wull you must have loved kim wood too alio autd morn gently or yu couldnt have palntrd that picture i do love klmwood ills voice waa grave and and irene help me to help myaeir oct me back to the wght road there was almost entreaty in the voloe let ua together go to the old place you and i oh id love to go upcla kolght j jlut how do you fool thmnt uaked uargy hbo wua a very little girl not ul youru old and ahe look ml up to lmnr wtio wua twelve uu uu extremely wise you make am think thlngu um dlf- fnrnnt from whut thny uro nuld kd gar only of rourae yon dont toll flha jhd wtwn they undouttheyro trckei you call april fooll ita lota n run it must be aald jjurgy eagnrlyvl t mean to try lu kilgar hm1ed hla ulutnr homji way although it waa lota o fun hlm he did not like to think of uargy teasing hnr friends und kiughlng ut their disappointment oh youre too little he said mma told me one waant aver too little to help allium uargy de clared edgar wu ao puaaled by tbu apeocli that he inuda no further remark when tho xvbroton family crmo into the diningroom on the first of april mamma wax aalna i am ui thd of that baked apple every morulngknd i dont cujo for oranges any longer i do wish either it wna time for berrlea or that or mason had not toll ma to eat fruit for breakfast m marvy danced uloug by her aide listening and smiling to herself au um wheaton caught alght of the tabic the gave a cry of surprise there sat a plate of strawberries beside her napkin april fool i called uargy l bought em myself mamma down to ur hnyder and you thought you war kolng to have baked apples again april fooll the rest her father and mother jamie anl lcdinir loolfavf mi tvb njhor ovqi the llttlo girl a innocent head that la a sweet way to truftf muw wlt aomethlng nloo aald mamma why what other wuy would therv alloa ii 1 1 hy iiou tl l n rollm htlttll umi if wiiirb mi hli 1 oloi mnl hlu inui ii i lb r lyluu ip i a aiirlir ililiawd m 1 upon tin bl of mi und april fool 6 i ll it in i nv fom thl liriiuk drl ikti wl in tu april fool pel oihdt in opt rllug ht r llttlo girl in uuigy ltmiku1 ttnl rhiuot proim r bu munry whut urtt you tlolrii ulrwi uut4 wllkliihiiii window 10 uu atloli th thcfgiirilh in ml door up brightly i n iclntf i airll cod i the mnlu ttho uuhl with uiltlilalu of emnibm 1 hy don t j t u thing you know tl y 11 lm mi uurpriifod ml ii wllklintthi guatil down into th pulwit ukln fun lybitva io hlld ulu uull iiulrkty win it i mt down the ninth muriy inn into the hoiiuo usid told in i moth r how mluu wllkluuou hud april fooled btil iletuutie hh unv r a ild 1 vu u uootl rlilld hi fore v xvhnu the ucrubvvomdil win wiih woyklug nmt door vi ut home thut plght miua wllkluwoii umtoiiluhmt ilurlu i y giving ht r u huuknt of cold lwi mtuvufootl nuldlur lniphy- ir umlllng in wlm wuy rind muilu uiiillil loo i y thunk in kfiwlly for fooliu ml- uul 1 who mr whtnftii hail not hi tji writing long in lln onlco when un iiquuulntiitm utiuf hi who wunwi onn dolliar for uotiu biiulibbi ob j jo t rhe fuon of hla llttlo girl ruuin up liefore hnr futhr hu handed thn niuu five tlol lurk an it a 1 april fooll and uiun limy both luiiglim ki juioin wua one of the old puplla in tho high uthno uinlju fuvorlto unit i uthr uuioiig th htgioya mihm ior- miill thn tholil uirvouu jjitlil teuelii c ulwuya druoljd thut half hour aha hud to puua with mlnohlevoiih junib whto- too und tb romrndow in incited ol whlamriua and niyihoniie to day i thnue on the buck hi iionji in the virgil cluua ixihavetl um well um the glrla upon ntt yj th it tklllln kl wt aiill fmlt i y null 1 bull wilt mi win with j lit ii hill plui ul nn iripl yuiiiu i t thl lump i tho i l i kit h truut it i- iluyg on dm thirty fliaf of i li k uiul inlproviul thn ufix o rop i iyd llll lllt ovihtrtiit iihiii lg waa miy luility juik hul good in look iit roe hutimthlng lo tilrtho truth iclgur hud limmigltt lu a i ox u il udnioilse i rnp t homo with the full iking it into jut its poo- ovnout on hla ua b piimid thu dowujinlim nobody won ii do in mm uiltiga to 1 rooulo xfmgy iuld uuld jmk hut httjn mi un to him vim hut hlu llttlo ulni thought hint her wlwi oml hommi nhvx inii n vililf und uplfo ls- uhhilng i yua when uha citllnd ainu fjolt ictn him hi biiulul iiuulaliuil wiiuuiod to look down into hlu heuit i il ivo thlt truat at noun ho run down town wlnrnl jii k vmy iiililloualy and fwirliie tha wuiul itn rid bito hla pooket tliut ullfhl u hmli of whiitnitlmiirpiluo ornpt ovi i hlu t liunka jjaanw u linnilful of uliikiobitti creuma uutl u mllp of pupi r lint rul aptll fooll i vn hud ant h u lovoly ilav hrghnd i mutgy ulfifilly un her mother- tuck d iit into bud unit nv lllllg 1 vq he intuy evory inluiite mumt ami i foiilnd lolu of folku woiildn t it be i b if thiy cjituu oftuiteraprll ool a tint chihitmiia pny i in mi tlmy 11 1 m u good dnttl ullk you know uiith hill pointed pahaqhaphs if a hiun la juat ua gooil an ut ho ilinuiu t huvo u lnsbit thut lm why tinea nnriy till of thu milk of hum hi klnliiiua tiiatii of the i ixiu t towunt ihnt wliataotvir mwiith tlmt will lm uluo rip why do m linl lit r oppottiiultha muko u hero of oiiu 1111411 und u fool of uu- nthar rim iiviruga man mtvor cu hruid upon thn wuttrf until it 1 miule a lingering cough a tender throat frequent colds impoverished blood loss of weight or lack of energy are all earmarks denoting lowered resistance the system needs scotts emulsion three or four times a day to help restore the re sistive powers of the body coughs colds and the like do not linger long when scotts emulsion is taken consistently and regularly bettor try m at your service wherever ypu live tho woman in town of country tins tho same udvnntflgo hi lior ulster in tho city in export wrvico from tho best known firm m cleariirignd dyeing clothing or household fabrics ior yfl tho tuni pflrfcery jjaf signified perfection in thin work of makiny old things loolf uko noy whether pergonal garments ojr even tho most fragile materia or household curtains draperies rugsctc parcels from ho country sorit by mail or cypress recolvo tho sumo careful at tention as work delivered personally write to uu for further purttcutura or aumi your pnmela ill root to parkers pye works ltd cleanbrs md dvrb 791 yonjre street toronto mlisxma mhui dodge bros motof cars ttie owner of a dodge car can sfely tie- pend upon consistent continuous aha eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton aaimi mm muchrmoneyfor little old mothdr nature knows how to multiply watch her in springtime when the robin starti lii tug of war with mr earthworm and tho upturned soil feels moist and warm plant seeds then a littlo pocket money will buy a hatful of terrys seeds and each little seed holds tho promise of many pennies for in these days of hirli coits every mother in the neighborhood will gladly pay you for all tho vegetables you can raise you must start with good eeeds nature gives you but one chnhco a qeasun dont waste your time labor and money plant only purebred seeds perrys puro bred seeds do more than just grow thoy grow vigorously thoy reproduce in quantity flavor and tender ness just like thejr ancestor plants nona but seods of proven qualities are ever sold under tho ferry label write now for ferry seed annual tells what when and how lo plant d m ferry co windsor ontario dealers kverywhero sell ferrys purobre scet the 1920 phonograph before you buy any ipbonojrraph this year just you hear the brunswjdkr ajj phonograha in one f with a brunswick in your homo you havq tha truo first aid to a happy now your you have an instrument that plays all records correct ly tho brunswick gvos you absolutely unrestricted choico of records und enables you to play ovory majco us i tints bcon specially designed for tho brunswick this is duo to the almtecord all- needle ultoiia this is one of tho now ideas embodied in tho brunswicks oxclusivo and perfect niothod of reproduction it plays all re cords infinitely bettor by n more twist of tho wrist it provides tho precise necdlo tho proper diaphragm and tho exact weight for any makq of record nothing to take off nothing v put on simplicity itself a child can adjust tt the allwood oval iiq tho laws of acoustics prove- that no und waveo travel in ovals or circles and that thoy are purer and sweeter when con ducted through seasoned wood this is tho reason behind tho brunskwicks exclusive allwood 6val horn liko tho sound ingboard of a piano or a lino violin it is built entirely of wood no metal whatever this feature alone accounts for much of tho brunswicks pronounced superiority in tone projection tho brunswick is the final phonograph find out whyt fjivest your christmas monoy in a brurjgwjbk a small deposit will plnco ono in your homo your old model taken in euchango fank king next door to uvings tones bakery main street georgetown i r iioble ltd iliivo romoved their ptoro t the jbicviitor ut tho g t k atatlon whoro 1 llour fecil etc vfciy he secured as ubual ouh oillverrias bfjen wsqoniinukd rnoble ltd hewnvawnev mafianpn as fe r t

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