Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1920, p. 3

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gtye artnn i tiurnhyf aiiiitj i man the kingdot op babtchland i ij to look wl wllli your i la lit vuifr iiih km ami i ii p ym mil i nlf m tin i httl inal1 ii ion u it tit iilnlit whtn tli hi mu uhliilng litart if you mr m in null thfrli whlfih way wmm you atrt llk i it u ill lilt uulfetmin or hhailnt hutrti nr uiou piftn tilt lo iiininii ihta llltn and lii 1uh of tn uni mi- wmi urimiturtir tgga in imtwnin thim ui uhlmlug- tir bcllii and mui liliul uwmit ail biji tiiiu intuit beautiful to nw frooku uitil now ltonnutm trimmed aia urn lout mi i iiihih an murili outllt fl imp into that ik if ynu i gutil iflrli alul thlu wornl rful aki willi mieh joy una nimh ihitf a loud you wtjulii lvu to nxpl that tit iuim villi r ni1i rv ry yuur iflt mi whin per ii iiiinrnl ijlilln n it tiuu nt ynur vnry nwn floor a favor it n htwry urn f how 1 woiill ii w jims caster i hot 11 ana of tliq nym ami hduui hu wum ulwuyn ao mi tlin lookout to liolp u ury nwulmy in tin urowl r by hii miny tlmaa vfhui do liuil unlit hlu paparu he would lii i ut ho mulktu ua ho ialll llm umallnr hnya by orylng hla paper for lilin und in lug bright ipilnk ami pltiuaahl tnulo iiuuutly ctmni liln wnv 1 hum worn many ullaa ul jlmu oharuolr lui wuu u hunl wnrltar a good iiuii tor if it wua nocuiuiary u flnu utory li llur iwitwihn work i tin hour mini hi hlu aaul wuu a nral lova tor 1m buulitlfu mptwjlully for unwura vhuit ho vum tnlund from lha uuual iniir mliw onn would any jim oh lino llknly looking at tho poulo in thn llowrn- utnro mill tivnry halurday nluht wouhl fln1 him with u iiiinmuiii if wo mo wirt in blu buuonhou us ioiikihi to umt thn country with lta htn trh of hlllx uml hokim it ni hlu- tiky utld thn woodh whoro th- vlolsln icrw juht think ho itiiht to hlm llttln frloiul iuh you an link em irlaht off tha u round without uuyln or avm auk in mothnr uulil mo jim luil it utitloltutloii of nnink th outmltlii of thu busy oily ttrmttf hut m tltl und it rumo nboutln thu way thorn wan u ur llrti ninl thn tmyi won- i imh nit htinllonif lifter th eif ifliiuii whan u ilttln fallow htumulwt nnafol in front of u movhik c jim ww tho ilomttr and nmlo u hurrlml inau to hla triuru fulrly throwllif tha xhlll from tho truok tut ha luvi timn to uavo hlnimiiir and wbui ha iminbd hlm bydm ujjaln it wuu in thv himpltal ffanl tlio wiwikn wont by ml jim was eadly itiimmki i la wnld to una of uo boyn koinui tu qjo it i could k to tint country i d bo woll asaliv nd than lib volcn bw huaky but nouldnt uall pair thara could it ismitor won vary nanr ntl jim b- kan to ulc tha boyu how tha flowor torn lookad ut of dna 111 low aint tharar uyl but theyrn 11 ri i uiousht aur vd havo omthlu ymuj nil my own- bfcn avlnit t for a inntf while but 111 forgnt it thar wax o- urnhilal mmtlna of tha bnym that ntsht and it wo tlmildad ttint jim rrn to bo to tho country but how 7 tim hoym nud sotantukl to buy n icontur illy for him but it had not ntrd their tnlnda tlmt they could do mom hut whan tha heart 1 id tha work it tuiuully win nnd it did thl tlmo thoy denldeil to tall jlma utory to hi ld custom ern thoy knew many of thentby ljjht und wnra aura thay would lutan for thay had often mked for him ono old santlommn wu imialally intornatml in him and after jiulmr mnny juenttouh ha nald if one of tha boyu would no wlth him ba would no to tha boapltal tu moo jim itoh wait ch often to bo um ha had lioan thnra tha knout often living not fmrm from thn hohpltui when jim ww itob and tho old b tinman bin furv brlkhtunod wlthiliuntura itu vary kind of you ulr to coma to iiim m 1 liv mlimod you tny boy you have uold ma my uvtinlnr tuilar tor a tonc time ha thun tulknd of tnany thlnsa drawl ii tf out tha utory of jlma ufa jto iiromlhtxl to en mo bed in moon and when hn und llob woro alone hit wild earneutlyi jim bt a worthy fellow nnd i will hulp you to et him to thn country hut you muat do your ttont flntt tho boyu did their bust and their funda kraw utoadlly ttlokel by nlakel qnd nomntlmom a dlmo found to homo in tho ixix tho flirytnifore booster uin boyu ukulii nountml their monoy tha old man atonpodnn tha wttll boyu what huvu you by thw tjmor i plvo dollar will thut tiuy hlw fare do you think ulrt avo oould uend him mom uftnr nwhllnr youra u plucky lot of hoy but whet about tkn illy you woro rolnit tn buy thut will coatsomothlnb oh wflva bought it inquiry told thut tha boya had son without their dlnnurm to buy jim itiy w1 boyu tomorrow rnomlnjf if you will coma to my houaa and brlntf the illy alona i will contribute my ham to thn fund thn iniyu woro tmsxlod and yet thy tmllaved in tha old rcon tinman and on kantar mwnlnr with an clean handh and fajen uh jioy could muhter thoy wended their way to tho boautfrul hnuiae on iiwoll htreiit a oolorad unrvunt opened tha door and tmutnd them um politely a if wo wail real lfnu itob unld kfterward a imi them uptttdrm and throiitfh a ions hall and opened a door into htuiutlfdl wuniy room comn rlwht in bnyu the old bcntlemun wild chnorlly but they hthid mollnnlaim in tho doorway then ant jim in a bin wikmii chair itob nearly droppod tho lily but jim put out bin hand und ualil oh ttoya did you brlnft- it to ino7 uood of you and then hch n vlnlt uu they had i tha old bontlamntl nil n pod out of the room uml tien jim told them how ha had botm to aeo him each day and finally hroukht him barn ilnilvcu uloiiti boyrt und haunt u child in the world unit hero jim brokq down but tio old keiitlumuii wuh there to hoihii thu utory you jim la to lie my hoy now nnd he ban yqu hla truu utaniioh frlnnlh to thnnk for what htm coma to him in thn time of hie ml- and tho uarrlnre yon hnvo made for him will homo rtny ho mwartteo i tho hoy fane- wore radiant and lin joalouitv foiinil u place in their heart for na i aald bo for thay would utunh by jim lie hhook thnlr hunda warmly and wmo color atnln into hla face thuuk you moro than you know tor tho illy and all tho rant with llglpr henrta the boya want out injo the world again jim a illy nodded nnd tho icaatvr bella rape on flcloctod tiik ou man of tuf iug c1xcktwer writ well wull xty hrokeii renturku on local hlutory hihiui to ti ma k hint ihhiu think horn- noth-n- lrtl- wbh 1 think worth publluhliuf und which tilwi i think will raiiw rnt of yoil olil rnulilitl imnn nnrtouk tvlhl hon nnd rkirhupu u tikxlli um of aelf uuu moot thlm 14 a ullmpin of u imrlod yrv rltib nftytlvn yeurn nt thu jtf utory of our nunliiiiiihy und thu txiruuul of fbu ioiib hut of nun ulvuki will utfnrd inlliill uiulitrlul for -riillllli- up rnlmilldo- ilomr i f fnrntur duyif 1 re u tho unutlunnd tho lt no kindly tcathurod iiljau old ifam au u iiutlvo of acton und u lonit- tlmo ibuldtilluii much inturentihl hi your mvuruii in thu old clock towi r i took lo hi urt your utory of tha old uruvyurd in tho loir of thu oil wcn- hyt rln ii church thu ouw r luy jiuv- luu hit of 1 iuiiiu i upunt uh hour or two in thu old plnca whtoli ouithl t b ngurdl with tuoru uuon imui und ruvurumo thuii ihwuiu to obtain yar thu iximcatlon und inturmit of other folku llku mynulf i took u nmiord of ull llm tiutiiau of oiij foriuaj- frlondu liokultnri4 uud eurly unttlura and uonitt of tho founderu of thlu commun ity thut i louhl dfxlphnr llomo tornh- utnnnn und monumenui huvu fullun jwwr on thnlr fuiuu and i could not icot the nulimm ohluled therihiu hilt thn fol lowing lomr hut will i think afford rnucd of intuit lit thu old tlmlv llm 11 rut wuu d tluro in ikin nlnnty t- iuhi in 1hh iiiun wail it clou d vlow ci thu tli ury wuli mo f tho inbrihitlotih i l-ouuu- glvu riiiuilou uliout who itiuiud thu iu n uflhr ul ullwilo niom- li roinmiimiiutiit tloion till iu i ho di parted wui itorn from t mhtry thty wim nutlvtu of ii thoy i mlifiiit d to cuunilu wharu when they dud uud how old tiny u llomu mud in hifanry uoinu il in rliiu old ii mid l hno mutiy iiuniirt inucrltw 1 und ol n ru huvn ohm or inr wllhupum u h t for uddmt ntrnif lo itouili uluu thu itutiu uru mi i loun in i tub other thill tin id mlo u lli- i1huitid with full i rim4 to- thufunilly honut iiuimit khmird thu duath of inoru than onn wlfu and liono of thu txui- i and all wnr nrootikl to honor tho kiiomory of uoinu oiiuk halovt d r illit u promldllitf young nun or woimt u lirnrloug cotululii4tl up i of full if ill rrlendif jtut uorry 1 am to writ 3 it mr wrltttii wordu um mum lu hi it thun tiro how- faimkun iimi hooii uud l loo thai thut iiimo i u i rut o a damn ihtnuiih died luao 1m3i kllphalut 1844 llov xmw char lux auguntu allan jumea n ahdumon cat hurl no 1847 1is3 ib70 18hi 1bhi ibht imhl lhll llulr1 alfred llurnn kllaalteth llunhunuu lottir ilrown aleitandur lllchard 1 uury ale u cornilrk ann atplnloah 1b0 llurrlx jummluh 1873 lltank ihincau a 1881 llaln murgurat 180 oampbell 1oter 18tl net 181b 1hg0 1188 1h78 1h74 r ibi i last 1880 john llary uury 18g6 18cb 1bq1 archllmild 1870 ann 1871 ouncan 1ici uurgurat 1871 churlwi 188 chritlan huh john 1b5s iiwicnov 1881 john 18b3 agnea v 1b67 mury t m 1b8 ikirltara hi870 thomum 1b70 kblmgo thumuh capt 1sg7 icdgur jntiot krown iu wrnhy lullita matthcwa 1s77 cordon john 1874 s jamum vm oardnur jumea 1b78 llenderaon uarguret 1sc4 iamatruet onorgn ib 63 uannuli john 1874 hutohlhon uutt 181 aloxundei- 18cj king harahw 1b6 klluour mary mas uolmirt 1bs iconnwiy ijichtuu 18h1 jantit mo 1877 alcxunder 1813 john ilobort 1h4r anna 1h4h junot ibm anno ucfil 1bb3 nd iicu u ihse luoy m 1bt dtliieim 18b 1 allgum iu tld aluiundiir 1b0 duncan i860 ann mclctlwdx 1hs3 lawaon ann iseo amu ha 1h0 jamuu 1m60 juinuh 1109 ughthwrt anna 14 lane henry ubs mann ann 1875 umlland joauph ibis uccolemun letnr 1867 mclxmld i abol 180a aluxundar 1888 itoilald 4 hub ijiiy 1810 modougull nanoy lhki xtoarthur karah 1880 alekandnr 1b90 mcmabb utly widow 1s4t ihtatrloo a 1811 a roh i in id 1b83 uoktwruithr vhihouii 1818 mo io ti noll 1hs uotiilllviiiy mary i 1hc3 uokenslo aluloolm 1803 uoqmgor h lima id irflo mcoiii tohn mointimh william mclhuruon uahuilm 18kb 1804 1801 rllaa 1 1h86 mttuihun liotay norrla 4u70 xlotavhth duguld 1810 mary 1870 miouiumi wary 1873 cathurlne 1871 wlokell mary 1871 lutlernon murlon 18kb ilewoa john ibm aim 1873 aured 1801 hlmon v 1871 mary 1k77 uua tohll 18g7 itoberthou taaliulln 1b7s lloaa william t 1888 j- iuuuan ma lluthurford jumna 11161 helen 180g uuiata1 huruh 1hki htulker john r wmlth huiiuld mul 1877 1881 hamnol 1870 hturrord lluler 1k74 llcathi r 1h0s httml wiuuun ism hcott andrew 1bb0 bbafika char lea asei c- 1 wluh iiliutilntily in iclinti 1 va urn told tlmt hu iniuu for uu 111 wuvu ttud uuiny of thtihu who llo hurled linm r vtry nvltlnnlly nntlruly luft to hhi iro nnd ku ulnf 1 ho ultumn of thlu in ud led to here by tin fm t tlmt mnny loni huvu full uu furt ilowu ituhbllu cut ii mloo and otlmr vorinlu burrow undur und ulmut ihtm muuy utonon uru hrokni uomu urc urutlirud uwuy from tin u humu uud gruiia und momi huvu ovurgrowt them i want to diurnal utrongly to thi poople uud iiipuclully to tlioitn whnun lit luirtld filattvoa mloup uam to rlfc up and organise horn plan for tli in novation and rm to ration of tha ol gmviyurd i would llku to huvu thu opportunity to pilot tha nuimlwri thut dliihuuilud mumorlul comtnltt through thlu plutu but i fur uon uru ufruld of ghoutu ulid uniknj c toru onh wuo lyaviamch tina nkpauticd aclou xturch 37 1030 wull tlilt old friend of mlna dot rub it lu tha hut ho miilipllvil mcroly ntoonlm thn numuu of tit diouaucyi and tho yuuru of thulr diuth what u hut uf tho uarly famllliui uru rauinjiid jju h w tlv ly uiimn of thirl r dnucnndiiiiti- 1 lnnldt tttally hiuril thu otni r day that a year or no ugo tho hoy kooutu and hcoutmuuter n v monro undertook to clear up tha gruvnyurd und muki it mora pranuntahlu they wcrkotlfor an hour or mi at thnlr volflmpoovd lank uud tha eifnct of thilr work 1m ullll crmlltuhly tnutilfuut in thu mllut of thnlr la i mm uu aeroplatin flow ovni and it lookml uu if it waa alighting in thn purk thu uioutu hurried ovnr to una tha deucent 1 h piano roo uguln and ualled away wnutward the lioya nnvnr rim u mud their job hut boy a will bo boy you know thoy it t a gttod oxamplo wo tur ait thuy w ut for thnlr uldnra iot tho imm whoun fiithuia kleup in tha old churchyard now unllo and get himy my klu who were buld luiro worn all inimnvcd to ralrvu whi uwum opened hut nuvurthcluu it would gladdtm tuy 0d haurt to una thlu onou hallowed piano remtorud to prfmollttthln cnndltlonm mary aaya uh tlmo for old folku to nwt to tho land of nod wi 1 gueah i id up to mo to go and lot main fltrout und lta hlutory bf awaybuok iluya rout for another wuuk thw obo man the solace of dooko u rll it ivl i 11 thl huttir ttltln mill i whit i ri y ii to hi i i iililiur unit i huipiiilt- mil woitli nninlilm 1 llul ii nv it until imi full mil i lioo ii hi join own fnjitii whiit you of on fi in pi ml ail of wmilwo k of hiivt 1 pr bloiriupl linu uu tunny nr what you will in at it tnltia you oit if yom u 1f out jt thn liiuoul uioiui nl li fill it way from tin sttruul iivulng m- um of unxl ty u ymi do nut liiliil lo allow thu tonulon of ii f i to iiuniut your ujlrlta laiyoud ull nndurnnci umifi dditri uu by the it tlttivi of rttiilliitf whttlnvd lu iitinlid uml dlwomut i tli piodin tint- tint ilhui inliiiitlim of lltontturu onifht hu illrilctly profit t ml by thn it nt wlult will bo thu profit in uu if wo unli tiu whnlo woilil uud biuu oui itoulut tlti fur from pltin liiu vtilujintl tin mm nliitiii m in uu way of tho pilhlll ntlfin of lltirulijrt our rjilotif woulil h win in tttku 1 itiuh r thnlr iijit t ltd guardlimuliip i him in no wtik ulng of the imlltyiitl i fforl lltiirn ui no vain xp inlltilio of mu ll rlu i ami of uugy hivolv tjn kuup- ing allvo ih ixtuinttlnn ofjnotiku it lu a iuitlou1 bum lit to pour oil into thn lump by whlih th 1iuiilil uplrlt of muu may tnlru itu path over till dark mmirliiu 1 tn vlrtoiy keep it sweet fcccp youf stpmnch sweet today nid ward off ilia indi- kcstioiv oljtomorrowiry ki m0id5 tho now aid to digestion as plonsnnt and as ato to tnko its candy madc nv acott aowit wakbr or accrrrw kmulmok i i r life 18 a funny proposition man dotniia into thlu worltl without hla coimunt ami ingveh ngtiltrnt bin will 11 a ring hla atay on oartb hht tlmo lu upunt 111 one contlnuouu rnuivj of oau trarloa and mluundnratandlnga by tha hulatiooi of thu kpoclea in hlu inranoy he lu uu angel lu hla lioyhood hu u an imp in hla manhood ho iw everything from u llaard up in bin old ugn uh lu a fooli if hn rubtnu a ramlly ho lu u hump if hn rauna u umall chuok ha lu u- thlof und then tha law playa the muolilof with him if ha la u poor man ha 1m u poor manager if he ja hah ho u dluhonost if ho lu in imlltlnu ho la 0 graftur if hn lu out of l will t leu you cant putaa him and ho lu an undealrabla nitlsen if ha in in church ho lu a hyivocrlte f ho lu out of church ho la a ulnner ulid hi damned if ha donntcu to for eign inluulonh ho docu it for uhow if hu douan t hn lu ullngy when ho tlrat cornea into thlu worltl ovaryhody wanth to klun hlml huforn hu goea out they ull want to klok him if hw dua young thorn wuu a groat futurn liefnra lilni if hit uvea to u rliw la itlm ply hying n flint ri expoilnui ufn la a funny road but v tt travot it juat tha hamo i ull like enthusiasm cnhuiiluum la thu uroutumt huulnuuu uluitit tn ha world it boata monoy und uowur bnd fnflio hliigluhandod tha antliuslk wnylucca uud domln- ulna whnra tlio wvu ucaumulatoil by a umall urmy of wurkura wot1d wcaruu ly inline u tronior of bile rent icnthual- uum itramplea ovur projudloo und op- poultlon xpurna inaotlou btortua tht ultudol of itu object ami like an uvul- unchu overwhohni and ungulfa ull oh- htucluu it la nothing mora nor tuan than faith in action iftilthtahd inl- tlktlva rightly combined remove muun- tulnuua barrlera nnd anhlovnu tha un- hejird of und mlruuuloua hot thu germ of jniduhluuin afloat in your plant i your uitliit y on your farm curry it lit your attitude and manner i apreada llko contagion uml ihfluimati vvtir llbiv of your irujuotry lieforo you rvallxo it it imgcu and inuulrt- offtuta you did not dmamofj it inuanw lip druuhi lit production und duuroauo it cliutu it meaim joy und plenuuro am utitlafantlon to your workoriii it moani life rual uud vlrlla it tnoaiia ufxnl- tnhnouu bedrock raaulta lho vital thlngu that pay dlvltlundu kx dont bb na mot tt ha abla to put ymirvolf into thu pluoo of your frlond or ituiuutlut aura uo uu to look ut muttera from hlu htumlpolnt uhowh xtromu ufuutura uud not to wleli to di nhowu iimumbln uolnahnoau 1 he wholo of it la thlu- yuu huvu muda up you i mind tint your vlow ahull prayall and huvo tlntunnlnol that nrttblng hiiohliig in a different dlruutlou ahull uveii bo oo i m id rod dip tt ever ocour to vou i hat wo live only ono day at a tlmo hint mill mil bum lu tlvo tan gut llfo iniiuiunio uml while you may b omj of tlvu who ran u it thlu wi you mny hu mit of four who ran t gut it next wi k7 i hut your hriutli and llahljltlou don t nd ut th htiuivlhmi lhul only tine tiro lluuirulicu pnlhiy n 1300 nv i iwrnmtu a diliii whllu ivnry fo i iui m nine pollty hi hmmd tt nuliirut unit an liniuramt rortlllciito in a wll that no hiwynr nan m t iiitllu7 i hut mlithhorlnif mymputhy or tin wltlow lu ool but thn company tli aft lu hi tti rt that um urtuilr it protii monlrita li thlu country do thu moot toward pro tucthuf their cumlllout that thu inn nt woithlnuh nuunlit i over fnuud in any miiuu iuitti urn good lilt nitloiii and hipmd nertlllcuti thut you don t noun that you will takn tha oluinot a but thut you will hit your family tukn mm chupctut thut next yuaru dolliiru are mndo out of thlu ytaru illmm tlult a cyclonn ran lift thu hnuno the fa ui but u fiutirnl life huiura tnrtluraln run lift tint lunrtgugot poisoned appetites men that tho dry law doou uayu fpotntattrttttrtwwyth mounting a growing dna th hut from intlulliiirp in hoyiujim with a polaon ouu kink j hit thn tin off r la wrong lb i a lu not llm rnuult of thu diy law thlu lu tho muult of ynahi of llooiiuoil ltjuor nulling thu naloon oicutml npiuitltth whin nro now ueeklng iintbifuntltm in u ipilukti jfblimin than it lined to pro vide tho wood ulcnhnl victim la thn prod u i t of thn tluya when whiukcy will pluallful rmhlblllnu muut hu judcd pot by what it can tin for tliouu whnuu uppe- tltiii wtro firmed iiihipi thn old roiiji tilthoulh many of tlumt may bo hulp- nd hut by what it will do for tho rul ing u miration uud for gf lit nitlnna to oohhi wo rniinot oriullciuo thn uppo- lltn where it hiih honn uctpiliiiil but wn can pruvuiit itu nculrumnut by mllllotim nf young aimirlruuu who will grow to mimhooil nnd wcmnntlood lu u ualtiouluita luud chicago icvcnlng pout hccla pipeless fttfnacc w f mooney acton heatlnu and plumbing entjinaar kutlnintcu op motnl celling roof ing ami all u hul a nfhhunt timtnl work v tv uv woihc hun h you viata your 1 rilndfl ii not w philp taatiher u piano vfolln nd othu qirlnu ipatumanta aufio vlh oik1an will vjullailmi mi wdniay of i mh wmk until further notlo 1 upiln propartidjurconatrvatory ijxamlmitlnua juluuutuinu left at arrow ciiat 1 nana cllloo will ruculvo pnmipt uttntulun boot sale this week it will pay you to buy an extru pnir of these for future uao glimdrcnn slioci nizca 4 to 10 nt s12g 175 and 200 boyu boots slzci 12 to at z7fl to 3150 girls booti nlxcn 13 to 4t nt 2t to 51 00 lndlcv ujlit booti sizci 4 to 7 nt 250 to 4x0 lndlcij cottqn stockliiks l starkman now is tm time to oltder your springsuit before the rush starts all ordcrn cut from net u ill mcaaurc thereby cnsuriiu n good lit your reriulrtsirteiite uro rtud- lod and cnrofuhy fiarrlod out a pattern 1b cut for each order your satisfncuon is our aim ruco your order with it ro- turticd noldlcr nnd thoroby help him to ro establish himself j p scakrow terms si rlctly cash lwnin slwot acto onl brown and ox- blood shoe polishes the big value box auo for black tan and whita saoei tub p p dauby cortoratiom3 ltd iauittomcam p kwp vow eyei strong and healthy if theyllre singrt itdior iintewc burn u sore irritated uk c1c3 laoamed or granulated ummurioo often safe for infant or adult atell dmgnitta in canada wfita for free kre itetiirlaa caaqumy uatpta il 9 thesoleofashoe in thu part wuhbict tn thu nmrtt won vht wllluliid th imleu of all ahotx r opal ved horn to hn inudu nt thn reqt oaktanneb leather whlolmcartt thlit in nddltlun to utylo and lohifort you gut long wear m4 j tlln hhncil rupalmd horn ivuu could iittiird to pay a httlrt more for audi work hut wu don t oh urge thatlutlo moro our i rli ion uro uu low an ponalblu main street acton concernfno pflovends i 1 o imp wh- vviuita tn mow whal 1 th u t of 1 itivt rhiif lain a bit rf 1 i 1 lilt 11 nt iitlun it ihut marly tvn r v hu 1 lla 4 iliiill hon in that 1 iih 1 uinot 1 right agalnut lo uuiul t 1 till i i till tin toth lht it- ill miiny hnnlu makn light wtnu if yuu iijlo fioli h for ytm hup uiiiiii wllkrttnl ujiljlnl u t i timlliiiilty hitle 1 nimpt nuv b mi l l with nut of ulght out of iiilnl hut urn i nil lh11 aro a fw i rnv ihi wlilh atautl aim ami uro not flatly cuutiutllcti 1 by o i litr m liilti 1 aro of tho jhtnw ami thu will f 1 elv nov r con it ymn tlhuutu- 1 1 for lay nrti hatt hid lo fn ml a wioiiu hi thu buut r liiau ai law broom itwupii lean half it loaf 1 1 b tit r than 110 br ad lilt up i ird hllhiiu hi out the place iblu mliiht bo a nool tlmo lu make a bbtl bath lo im- hi up for thn uprjx i hilda ant utiiitl ilghhnrn estabushed lb7g hamilton moniy in mvl stock cari rriticiiotion r breed nil cnttlu und iho riil kind flf ilnnnclnl imckiuj will put you in u ioitiol to tnnku iiinnoy from your liord rii bunk of hamilton 11 propurcd to promota nny icjitimato jc vijlopmont along ttrtsltntj bank of hamilton georgetown illlanch i c mnckoy mniuiter mm do not forget to file your iticometax return on or before the 30th of april 1920 dominion of canada department of finance all persons residing in canada om- ployed in canada or carrying on business in canada are liable to u tax on inconie as follows 1 every unmarried pcnittn or widow or widower without dependants us defined by the act who during tho calendar year 1919 received or earned 91000 or more 2 all other individual who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned 32000 or more 3 everycorporatlonobd joint stock company whoso profits exceeded 92000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919 forms to ubgu nfim- returns on or before tho 30th of april 1920 all individuals other than furmers und ranchers must use torn t x farmers and ranchers must use form t 1a corporationsand joint block companies must use form tz penkl ty ktmy ptmon qulut to xultd a turn viba rilut leibu wltlln th- tltna limit klu 1 1 b ubjuc h panulty tit twalyfl ip cmtum i4 tk tatoeunt bf iba ta tybl any nwrni wtnllmf tai4a at iilhtoiu who fall la liutkj return at txarlda lajortua tlon duly r4uliwl ncdlna to kai imtuiaa uf lh ac umu am jihiiu uii umnurf vontktlon lu a pwiidty of iim foe mch tuy duilud wiilrh iihi waull roattnuim aba u i mh nibblad a 41 timril in any rum ut la any infojuintlon riqulij by tho ulnucatr dial am llahla on lummuy cetivutloa lo a tumtlty taahl ilndtib mmwto uu tituulkti intrxuao inaat at- tu koih tlnaatul tmpc i oat hit i general instructions obtain forma from iho inspectors or ajtslstant inspectors of tata t ion or from postmasters head i carefully all instructions on form heford fllllnh it in prepay pobtnftq on loticrs unci docu ments forwarded by mall to inspectors of taxation mnky your returns promptly and avoid penalties address inspector op taxation hamilton ont r w breadner commissioner of taxatiod ytaftfltgatmrimipflimmirtpgbimnat assuring your business a policy of advertising is a policy oflife assurance aml the protection thus secured is well worth its annual cost oh customers die or move away tlicy must be replaced old customers arc subject to the influence of tempta tion mcymay be induced to divide their custom to do some of their shopping at a competitors new comers to this community will shop with you become regular customcrs- they are invited to do so yonr competitors advertising is an influence wliicli must be offset if you are to maintain your trade not to advertise regularly to the readers of the acton free press is to leave your business mt protected awore to ttje public it is no sign of weakness lo follow the lead of adver tising you owe it to yourself lo get all you can for your money the best goods and the best service- and if you find that your iiiclinaiioii is to shop whew yon are invted lo shop rather than to continue being a customer of a shop which nev solicits youv good will you need have no compunctions of conscience shop where you are invited to shop j l f rfiitittk r n

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