Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1920, p. 4

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iiiuitmixv aiiur i iojq u i ui iliulinl vi ry x lun u juy ii bull itrik mill htrnt acton nrli im ir inr y ur in 1 utld it unfit 1 to oil una in tln wlil it uiujiiiriitliins urn in id i uu anm 1 tin iiui innrnliik ut tin 1hkm t iiui onluilo jl ihjlmll ui uivumt i iiiro i iiun unit 1 lint i ii into to lliilliuhtl mi tlm lufiln nm in aovijut ihino llatufl lruiiul ftlvortiuoninntm lo mull f hi i uktttu muwirnmut t i r iltul- iuunrtioii ami oi nlu ir hun tor uuli niiiiuihiiii tit hnurtloii contract iilmitwy u kittiu im nth fur mo liuhiu or mom unr 10 0111 u ii indi iiiili inuiitlou ailvrrllxafiiintm wltlioiit nocllln illr nllnnu wilt bo iluiuitoil till fori 1 hnl diurnal un tnlliiuly h 1 mooitu imitor unl iubllaliui tlblmiionict it lirorlnl uml llnulniuii onto 11 talriiiiwi s ii editorial studiiit who fin id or urc unable to write on no ml ii i mi d faculty ontrnnco and mutriculntlori eni- nminntjonr in june thin year will rcculvo n second opportunity in sopicmljtr hon i ii grout has miiiouiajnt connection with the now policy of tfio education iopurlment respecting oxamiuntions the voters linuj of tho future the municipal election lists lire to lie u ml 11 n l for the ivovindfll mils uiul tho provincial listi tin ii bulls tor the 1 cdornl huts so tht- whole thine will dopeml largely upon tho efficiency of tlio nfiscrvr who after nil certainly knnw more about ciiuiucratioil thim nny hired for the moment cnu morator in other words the lists will ho prepared pucfcsilouully inntcad of politically star an iuinter number of superior qtinutteu i he f iitor number of tho chriithin gimrdiiiu ovcoh all previous miles orthnt vhile nud inllncntinl weekly journal ot jta ninety yeiiri of jutcretitinj hittory it ip in mnjiniino form of nikty efjjht piitu has specially engravod threecolor cover with un original and very timely symbolism of tit iter on the front editorially mechanically and from tho i tnlid point of inspirational contents the gumdiunii eastqr number is highly creditable its largely in created circulation which now readier is 000 givci this splendid church paper a wldp and useful in lltionce dr crclghtou tho talented editor and rev mr fallis tho energetic boqic steward with their respective stuffy may feci a piirdouublo prldo in the ginvdiau easter number no u0e fott it lt tollhl ut ir u uu to buy l i t 11v tlf 1 uot it since 2 187q f roy hindley auctioneer iolldtd phort erlo t 1- n ii 3 acton liooton a 81oon vt i in i tw juki ul i m ilni i ii van hi tbh ni i u if til h i l 10 will i nil i lu in j ii um itiimly i 11 nil mt in titu i itfiuw i itln no ul tit n in 1 ii fly i ii i i in t ut iii lli fn hi i it mint unt mi u nilii tii r- llvx ii iirotly in lit uu n i tin ul thl doiiiinioti govcrqmcnt h conuldcrin a ittate mu urijin ob nytciii tor men injured during the war the vcitilnr compiinici will not accept many of tbd wounded iind inscd vetenini in risks tho gdvorn mont hni it iuunirett duty to provldo inauranco for these velcrrtn- good toadb urc more contlal to tho farmer than to the city dweller i hoy enable tho fartncr to mar ket hit produce ut les cobt in ions tunc further- mord they effect u direct having in tjio upkeep of horse waggona and other vehicles every man in tho country districts should ho n booiter for good roods and mot of thorn now ore mutitics jimt i r sued show that grput britains war loici in hur population aro bciuij made good by nature birthn rcgiitcrcd during last quarter of 1111 were 221500 against 1 14710 dtrathn births gamed 48 202 over previous quarter nud 01704 ovef corresponding quarter in 1018 birth rate was high est since 1006 and deuthn wore on the decrease in fant mortality registered 7 i per cent per thousand tho lowest rate on record improved education and greater development in infant welfare work were credited with nidlng the favorable showing as to infant mortality in 1010 egnlands population in creased 170420 not including tho gain in births j w curry tho liberal memhur for south east toront0 put lumhoir on record in the do bit to on the speech from tho tlirono in the legislature on the prohibition question tho other day ho said ko gardiug temperance if it was advantageous in time of war i was necessary and obligatory in times of peace i have no apology to make in saying i am in favor of tho ontario temperance act and any amend mont that may be made thereto which may bo in tho interests of making it mora effective and beneficial to tho people of tho province it fa refreshing to observe public men in political life so frankly avow themselves on such important rriorul issues tho provincial election act tho proposed holding of tho ontario elections on a fixed date in october every fourth year is a reosonablo arrangement it deprives tho govern ment in office of the chanco to spring tho elections at the moment most favorable to their own interests an upright elections act is one of tho necessities of reform tho measure flxics qualification to voto as 12 months residence n ontario three irtortths in the electoral diatrictvprlqr to tho day of polling hut provision is made for addition of the names of per sons who have moved from one electoral district to another within tho thrco months period provision is made- for special polling places in hospitals and returning officers poll clerks and agents are author ized to toko tho vote of bedriddon patients new method for housing scheme no further financial assistance being forthcoming from the dominion government tho ontario hous ing scheme as it has existed will bo wound up at tho end of the present year this was announced in the legislaturo last week by tho provincial secretary in introducing a bill byj which tho qoveiiiment hopes to encourage housing construction by municipalities throughout tho province uud by which the govern ment guarantees municipal bonds issued for this work while no k loans will bo mndo under tho act a now schedule 0 allowances is fixed for muni cipalities now opcrntlng under tho scheme the now schedule increases the joan which may be made on a frame house from 3000 to 3600 on a brick veneer house from 3000 to 4000 and on one of solid construction from 4000 to 4800 to each of tpeso amounts 000 may bo added if the cost of the land is to bo included there is still opportunity for acton to take udvuntugo of tho 30000 granted by tho government if the local housing com mis sion will nako prompt action and erect the houses which uro so sorely needed hare united states action tteti canadas handu a despatch this week from london says tho most anomalous situation which bids fair to seriously affect canada s right to a voice in tho affairs in her own hemisphere which should bo hers by right of membership in the league of nations has been dis covered to exist us the result of tho final rejection of tho peace treaty by the united states at the request of president wilson it appears a chango was made hi tho original draft of the covenant of the lengup ns a result of which practically every nation in tho world including canada bound hcrsolf to admit tho monroe doctrine- in toto under another olauso tho members must submit all disputes to the ihfflrnationnl high court of arbitrators tho ulter- nbnm tho covenant was mude infull expectation that thounitudstatcswould bo a member of the league and was practically the price of her entry panada is tho chief nation whose interests are con cerned since with tho united states out she would naturally expoct to exorcise considerable influonce in ajlprocoodingfrof tho lenguo affecting tho american confident and will almost certainly tiavo her own reprcficntativo on tho international high court of justice by tho alteration of the cove nil rlt her handm are tied the shoe factory stagnation nothing definite has yet bcon necdmpffshed i tho matter of tho settlement of the apparent dead lock in tho shoo factory negotiations ijie rate payors of acton are woefully tired of tho apparent inaction if anything is being do no to effect i settlement of tho problem nnd to nccuro tho com plctjon of tho building tho people would like to know action ii preferable to stagnation some thing doing ii what citizens want to ccc surely some s taps- ih ay be taken immediately for thb rotor ation of tho building lot this bo tho first move and lot it be expeditious if tho building is put into pro por condition it will not bo long before tho whcoli aro turning there cither by tho company with which negotiations have been in progress tho past half year or by some other concern loft hero be action annihilate tho stagnation the fourth home rule bui for ireland tho new home rule bill is being considered tint week in the british house of commons no other business will bo considered until tho now attempt to solvo tho problem has sueeceded or failed thli it tho fourth attempt to glvo ireland self government it is a sincere attempt and with that conviction the government is determined to succeed tho attempt is made at a time of exceptional stress uud difficulty in ireland with adverse criticism from unexpected quarters previous attempts have failed bocjiuiif they sought to force unity upon ireland from wit out the essential point of this bill in thnt irishmc of every data and description will have an oppor tuulty of repairing tho deficiencies tho best proof that this measure is not fantastic not a triweutv and not a mockery is the fact that the financial tormn qre more generous jthan over have boon offered el k cook urn for i vult it cajivmiuilm htocitlnol mintl wjnlulvjcai i which jcimfjna ajmionh baa us for owrh and work 0hlrt a it ni hplhho m bpoltty e k cook real estate if you httvo n lioimn tor mhid if you wig it to imy u iiatutt in artou auk r- j kerr auctlnnr nd fu1 etta du illonia s8 youno stuket acton ont if 11 h llln li1hi w ii mill ui ml rh y ni mt win 111 uioni tlijiu tlish witulit in llvii lint it u will in wurii lull iiilltiu viiiiluru nut tn tuiilily iu u rlil ullwt olil hiiv i in v ii vilmilibv iwtuw wrfli riii- niiiin lluth tlio ilv in tl iilxiiimn uu mint i wiiu h in tlm liullliiii i in only tin ntln r lay u ooili aiinii milk j uk wiiu irnlif tor tg ilillllu mi him it iiiin fliim mi i i rurm- itim unl it urlifluu mvuru hud no lu if itu nul w 11 iur imfmlly i i wltli u lurtinujit iwiwl uii knnwn t ixnru uu rwiltmii mniiiu nml ut rth tliolr wjikh in till a 1 i r ri iitly r p hiuti lt rir u wnrii idd mllvnr hdkiii luiulu ji1 fuinuy wnrowumlinr 1h wu mully ityiy imrrhiui 1 mill wiim huitl by iai tijiti kuril iuih a tlunr it 1 1111 nf tlm aiouiwi wltli ijin iiltum ht li in r 1 fiihiuih ttoliiu lilit kiy in lilt n iluyu limy wi 1 ulwu w1 liluti 11- luf klttuuliiittmuiliiiuuii it ou huv limiiulit uu iniitfi mi ji3ll wliilfl jitkl wilu lull rir a iilxtitintli oontury almtiltlit ukuii i till uu m1iv 1 cun id iirciirati ly trtlt liy hm hull hunk any t nry in pin 1 in will it i v inronnutliin m tllu uubjfit 1 union u wrinkly when you travel even in canada enrry your fuiiiln in travellers cheouco imiieil by lm mjrchuit bnnk lonionn chiiicn uro often iofubod mmioy lmiy ho loilorntolon tlv3llo chctiuoii on tho otliorlmnd imicrulliul livhmkii hololn tronopoftation cumiumon and iiloros at thoir fnco valuou niid oilubli you tp rnino rondy monoy whorovoryoulmppontobo ifloat thpynro of no viiluo to tho flndor if btolon or dea- troyed uioy will bo replaced without oittra chnnra uoothom toryoxfrtusxt journoy th merchants bank of ctvmiada eublltid 1004 l b srtoftey manager 3kl r mimms managay had office montreal acton branch georgetown branch wiirtli it ii liit lu hi mlilm 1 liuib huddard cpigiiamq niiy i ir rtultu a itdr mi 1 ik nil nnvor by u 1 1 rum 1 limn in 11 hoil who innk 1 ho 1 flirt uu i thb wunl liiliuritnl iuih trim or umiltih llm tono of voh n io i ok luijjn inilnw of tin mm wlioy tiro froui activo llfo 1 loin rmihshi tlm nl i it lornhspm whruiuvuii in uu iiiuut iuvi vn in oui ioivoh 1 hpri uro tliouv wu ilk mr lior4 tire ihm it feja unml rntlur 11 uuitmitiion tllqht i tho timelier wuu llvlny tlm olunn u iiittunilhtiilory lotni on autitrullo there lu dutr iniltqul wh bald iiluv of you littvo mnntioiiud it iiqoh t wh ilka utlior utilntuu but atna ruiyiy llttlo uklu what ih itt ami tlii ilumi jellnil wltli 01m vnliu olilnila oimjilln iwiiiiliiii lit lltth bubu1cbh dircclory thou oray m d c m mooill u it t 1 i lluliiirili it ii v w to li oiu hi nil r lllltlul m1u l ahiuhiiii u ollumlril il k ii nil aui out dn j a imchivuj phyfoun nil ottroom omifl mill xmu ilo t oi mi ikiwni- aymiun uol kluln lltnilui til n nlil blip rortnorly ihuiiii id iy r m ifn- lenuii ant 111 oi legal daily service lva toronto union station 916 pm calgarv edmonton vancouver victoria tdbd tuas ooaiinentkl touin eguipenrihrouaa our moluolmo ne ll sret toumsr steeping oas u hon wd frl oandun htlonl l th wy t ihur 51 wi ltt llll ooohr tko tlolit nd full inlormtln irom rst ondln ntlou llwa as o ii a aoton on or gnrl pni dpairtmnt torato ldui trlafbapartma yanat aad wlaalpaviltl lllad la waauf oaaadaavallablaford iii 1ii it llol i faraala ur wllaar ailmn canadian national railiuaus free press ads bring results are we on the eve of commercial reaction 7 monicd inntitutlons in now york are now predict ing a commerical reaction and lowcrprfcca probably in the near future this result it is bolieved will promptly follow the fallingoff of european ordors owing to the heavy exchange chargci tho slack- jug up of ordors for american products will result in the accumulation of large supplies of all norti of commodities on the united states niarkot a do dine in prices will then be inevitable a good deal dopeuds pit whether credit will bo extended freely or otherwise the fact that the public is becoming more and more olive to tho need of caution in buy ing is a good sign and should bo of valuable unsht an co in mitigating tho evll results of uny general decline of trade it is believed that canada will feel the coming depression less than tho united states annexation of the west tndes to canada a proposal from tho united states that britain should sell the west indies to ho republic has mot with 110 favor either in britain or in tho carribcun group a counter proposal is the revival of tho idea of annexation to canada it is probable that the value and necessity for cooperation and centralist tlon may bring this about sorrio day there ars two ways of looking at the problem one consider onlj the idea of aggregatibnanditw3 is not rorjuy worth consideration at all the other point of view 3 that of utility of tho value of cooperation of ex change of products and of the strength of a com munity which contains within itself all the necessary elements for national trade and commerce this is really what constitutes the strength of the united states canada with newfoundland united td tla tropical lands of tho west indies would contain within her boundaries almost all tho products for which other nations must ransack every quartorjf the globe the advantages of such a union would bo very great and tho dlstanee is nothing us com pared with the united states and huwoii the unlimited market for canadian bacon conclusive evidence of the value of canadian bacon on the english market and u fact which tho country will bo interested in is that while shipiuonti of bacon from other countries may bo put intostor ago from tlmo to time because of luck of demand yet not one pound of canadian bacon goes into storago in england it is snapped up for immediate consumption as fast is it arrives bcssldo for every case of canadian bacon sold trio buyer hois to tiiko a few cases of other brands the popularity of canudlan bacon makes it posslblo to distribute with it grades which are not so popular to fill orders high prices 1 for grain feeds and the uncertain mar ket conditions of tho post autumn seriously curtailed hog production in canada but the prospects for tho future are bo good that tho preservation of our brooding stocks is a vital national concern which should engage thoattontlon of oil classes if there is one thingwhoh should convlncetho canadian former that our bacon has a placo by itself on tho british market it is that the price being paid lu canada for hogs is considerably in excess of what the american farmer is getting previous f the war canadian bocon found lf way into certain parts of england only to day wherever you go you find the consuming public familiar with cana dun bacon and asking fqr it tho name of canada is thq fjnost introduction to european markets tpday hmiu ni 13 j o lm 33b hakolo nash iaitmilt m a- brrltr solloltaiv notifv pub ho convmnymnenr ea perrvmahj slock at0n orit lioniwm r oaj itourw kill 11 in to d ii convevaning mrffully uud inn illy 1i01 t m tit ft i iu ut it mi1iiiiii 1 rivuta room pj r hwaonflolqh lnk avt dental dtt j m ucll ddk u d o duntut honor fj rati uiiti of toronto oolvoi ity tli tmtiwu hlinhtlu tin in c u tliuilryul omn at rwmlilmiimt oornr will crmlirlrk tttrvmu mlgcellaneoua manillaql licenses h p moor uur mrruon lla11 4 ivivutn oltlnn no wltiiomuntt rm- dulrml laaiiml ut run i don 00 in ova 11 in fiutx jhhji ojtlo aototi ont phancio nunan uktilndr amount tuxikn of ul klmtu inuilu to oi-ilni- lrhnllojilu nt vary itiwrl- tlou curfiilly bound lliilhiir iifutly uml itrommly don wy milium lltratil iovr wlljlnm qui uu out r j kerr lloanmd auction ror tlm colmthih of ltnlton vk111um- tn ltmi nn1 liuffnrin iml tlm city of auolnh aoton onrlo kkiiim muy i xi arranuul ity in ill or nt rllio ut aatitu r ut tint jthuji aiikxi acton th uomury oihoa oimlnh tlm niiwpi itnooril forrut 01- wltli w rintrt yiitiitn wnlr ul 1 triiuii 1 ii u j ici rr r 1 ivn uttaiitun r ror n lutt of llhtlnir to lute r li i tut yniir huou with m roaldatroo vouno btrt anton ihon aoton call at my ihxtmn immrliatry thd utrmlstlcovati alsnodr anmo foi tho drivlhbcomrnrtment tlii genw can bo shifted with tlio prcbur5 of two ungbirs tho brakes are positive in action to drive a gruydort is real pleusurc laht fall wi were able to put in produc tion the present graydort tho first car to offer you honplng peaootlme value thrrkdpwiri8r other light cars ordinary h car atahdarda did n6t sairfytf1ii buildmtf tho grydort so vva built a bigger and better motor with 334ucubojro tind 5 inch stroke with bt heavy crauwhaf t wagha 40 jwunds as clothed in beauty completing this iniili grade chassis iaa bodywondarrullytfootliooking tlieamooth ijiucs do not force tljcmnelvctj upon your attention t hey ar not extreme but always yoti uro txwuro of theiir supreme gootl- lookn aiid gruydort design is the type which remains in favor for many years and then the wonderful groybort fitmiil wo have spent 6p ymro dnvlpping i against about 25 pounds inothtar hght curs kls fltfuf6v vohtclr it itvppbod as spccitthydcsigned quiet valves cxm lurg ly muster craftsmen can fmwh o job it wrist-plnstnilight- pinions i laauhlf iuntroua it is one of the outstanding fenturcs of the graydor t tpins as in the motor 00 it is throughout the cliassuf a cellulartypo radiator and extra big water jacket for cooling a heavy safa ateerliik gear which ia unusually oacy on tho driver frama heavier nd sturdier than tho light car standard rear axle spect ally atrong and fine and built right under our supervision here in chatham tlio long bpringa aro built hero too tho gas tank is big and is placed in the rear for conveni ence and appearance the emergency braka is on a lever as in big euro and tlte brake limnj ia thmrmoij convenience has not been sacrificed to aturdlnesa in the graydort the aide- curtains open with tbe doors as in caw costing 2000 and up and they fit smoothly the tpnnenu has very mudi more icjl s tie you will notice toq the ruthcr high hood with its mnny lonr narrow louvres tho smart top liundttulorcd in our own shops riia french planted upholstery l he full sweep of the heavy guuga fenders at 1365 tho graydort will bo tho fastest sialling car of the year the output has uxtx doubled yet there in every mgn of n shortage w gmydort dehlcr now the gruydort 5-puaimn- ger car fmiahfd in gray- dortgrccu and bluck with stundurd artuipmont is 1365 fob chatham wr tux emu the roomy 2pusscnger rqadster is the same pnee tho graydort special tor the man wlio wishes something tt little extra in his car we have built the graydort siccml ma roon body with brown rayntitotop plato glass rear window gipsy cur tains rookie tan wheels motomoter tilting steer ing wheel real leather upholstery mahogany in strument board just tlm touches which lift this car above the ordinary 150 extra on tha standard and the ace tho graydort ace tho most beautiful light car of omlluki qnt room a shorter smarter cowl do suilt in canada by skilled canadian workers and canadian capital features soma of tlio graydort advise you to ro tlia pprkrcei body with hand soma california top to mutch trouble lain mtul hull aoyo futjitiglit uoctnc ci li w hvarviamon mirror plata glam yindowa over at x broov- llrl li tliu lalths jatux car for tlmman wkodoa nut wlali tniilaiim trcrrumdoua nikelatuik coat szss oxtrs ua marked with this tiaterihk nrn improvements new to this gttaydoiti motors limited utvdartl c h harrison acton ont j e cheevers book binder l quabao bl esat qualplt orl lutaiui hji1 msbaxiim bound in kaintmoins and buloitntiil covnm namftj htlorn lniolil on lllblw hymn hooks uml otlni book all work promptly exouud d alex niven ontsho lmtui burvyor and cm en pi nar burvy riulidivlfjloiiii iuuh itu- twrts iiamorintlonu jluiprlnt oto cartlncato tor purchiiui r anil mortwuroamj burvoyg tar arehltrtu lluildri uid munlcliial coumilln traliair houortu hjttlmatnm ulo molean burldinq dou bt auellh ihono l0c4 oni choice groceries and provisions ilavo you tried jvfedoueauh far fraih groccriv nil3 jvoih ivultfl nt ttliht mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont ul 111 grand trunk sttm the double track route motwraidn montreal toronto dbthoit chicaoo unnxrulliiil tllnhil cm uirvloo hlitonhik cutii 011 ulttht tralnu un imrlm- curu on jtrltolnul doy trultiu lhill hifonimtum from uuy qmti iuik tlokit i h or c 1c itoniln dlstrlqt itihuaimwi aunt toronto ii s hoicks arnt acton ont pt 13 1 tho old and itouablo j rati i to and hafblo doalors wo uru irlumruoturtni ami dircot imnortvr of ull kin la of woo mm utul tl hmuihtttiiw work yo noil dliimt nut oimtnmorji ut wliitlohuln iirlou thuu ivlnar our uustoiiinra jo not mnt wn llttvfi tint litmt wimillunook uud tlio ily- nithiliiltilfh in tlui dominion wut tn otwrtun iinniiniatlt toou iiroiurly wu can iflvu rfiirvniim from tiunilritls of our niimtiim m in toituto unil otlinr iliionti wlinco otlmru liitvo t huvn luw suits in order to lolhut wn liavn dm uvkfiat uml lidht wtook o qlutiltn in tho dominion moid hun any tlnio dcalors in tlio wi tit wn uro otl nmto iloalcrw uml iiilovnn ni111111 ami do iot diiiioy nr uiihtoiuuru ty oithn ouf ikiioiuitt nuuntil noliolt- ina owliirnw wnitiloy iinly nolmnli and dofy 00 mi ti tit ion hamirton si sons vr norwich a woolwinh hui tiiiulbb i i 1

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