Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1920, p. 3

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3 artntt ttt ffreia ihu1u1day aphii if ioao iltvtf 1 uklul liuhuuhod ovary tim wcrlmlon iwuo 3 1 to xr ttim ac tnuniliiif ut tin ontirln 11 avmihi 1 ohu uiiiihi julilii lnllalll on tin iflinirm uatidft tranaloiifudymtlmi awvl r hln in r in ltifchlj additional u ottlom in ilia tln lulu u willi h autuiorlntluiia urti fcialil 1m ultroaw tubal j id liuli foi ls omit ltr tin ti apoolflu illrtkilloiim manonllrilfty tmlhllionlc tentorial uml iiiinii ilamiavim ii l ro mo jit fur llrat tnabrtloti and 6 nanti aulwouliaot insertion contract ill ror 100 lix lion ii r mora loc annum oh hiunrtloii a i wort liui mania without 111 tin luaortod till forbid uml cluuriccd or and lubllaher ii p modni cdit the irito of flour it looks after nil ns jf thu increase in rlio prtlc of hour which wag feared nlny not materialize just now after nil lending lour men do not expect that tlio price of hour will go up oven though tie grnm ilonrd lini lifted the regulations ilymg the prfcn they rtato there js chough hour in tho eountry at prcticnt to prevent an increase in price according to opinion t ucpresccl tjioy arc far from satisfied with tho gram boards action they wish n chance to export their flour and until thoy get it they do not think that tho lour condition will change in all conscience tho prico of flour is surely high enough it is too late nowr-to- try to boat out war prices editorial the pcoplitbf georgetown arc evidently endeavor ing to buaro thcnimives with premier dritfy after gimg lut opponent a majority of 222 tho herald says tho chamber of commerce will tender the premier a banquet in the near future and izsqucsing united farmers wil co operate with them premier lloyd george evidently enjoys the con fldenco of tho british people jf the vote on the irish home itulc bill in tlio house of commons is any index hiu frank ndminsiun that ireland for a public if given a cliuuce ought to strengthen his position rather than otherwise tho bill- was carried by an overwhelming majority daylight taving ban lost its popularity sir gcorg foster replying to j v armstrong in the house or commons friday uftcrnoon said tlio government bad no daylight saving bill undutxcontcmplation at tho present timo who wants this elusive scheme the govcrnmcht docs not want it iho farmers aro opposed to it lhe railways arc fighting shy of it who wuuts ir anyway a deputation waited on the ontario government tho other duy unking ror a number of changes in the municipal the principal requests mado were that police court fines go to the municipalities in stead of to thd province and that municipalities bo given a measure of local option in the holding or municipal elections tho suggestion with reference to elections was that the provision bo mado ror a longer period than ono week between nominations and elections and that they be permitted to be held within a period from december 1 to january 10 is- difficult to determine what advantage a longer period for a municipal contest woultl bring actonh waterworks system coming matters appear now to havolakcn a definite and aggressive action so far as waterworks for acton is concerned a waterworks committee with an active business man as chairman was appointed at last meeting of tho council within threo days chairman arnold bad called his committee together rjo consult with the engineer plans for tho neces sary work contracts ror materials required and other matters were discussed and steps taken to ensure prompt and satisfactory progress with this important municipal utility in this and other cor poration enterprises tho ratopayers desire intelligent businesslike action and appreciate such action when it is being taken cardan motor driving in criminal tho ruthless fatal injury inflicted by a lawbreak ing motorist in toronto on friday evening last to one or the most prominent and useful citizens is a crime which should bo followed with severest pbnnlty t6 tho perpetrator the death of mr cab brown president of toronto exhibition and for years an actjvc member of tho board of education was caus ed by the deliberate breaking or tho law by an un- known automobile driver the casualty was dis- jastrous but the rushing off of thd cowardly driver was despicable there ought to be no lotup m police effort to trace itnd identify the individual responsible for the death of this esteemed victim cj tragic experience of this case must impress upon al those who operate cars the imperative need for greater care and caution and of the absolute necessity of strictly obeying the law governing traffic there is fdr too much tendency to take chances and those who toko chances take them with humaajivcs encouraging- tlio athletic activities at the last meeting of the council a grant was ni in response to tho petition or a delegation of citizens to encourage tho basobal activities of tho t town for the season this was worthy far our young popple are all the bettor far indulging in the healthy f 3r thev aro pporly conducted a pre- jsfi nccn established however by the making gjjlhis grant by the council which may bo found a troublesome the football enthusiasts ihhave beon organized and are affiliated with outs i do f clubs and will noiurully want the park to bo put into brsmlass condition for their scheduled gajnes they will in all probability wait upon the council far a grant nt its next meeting far tho improvement or thnh- section of tho park tor year tennis courts havo been maintained in the park and there b no good reason now why the players of that popular game should not ask for a public grant to repair their courts in tho west end division or the park then as we havo scores or english rutepuycrs and canadians too who oujoy a ganjo of cricket obovit any other activity during- klsuro hours they may with confidence approach lhe council witji petition l that a grant bo given toward the laying of tho vap necessary bowllnecrcnsbactonalso hfwa con- idcrnblo number or liuvii bowlers who enjoy greatly thl gentlemans gamo who feojjluumtho 4 00 fee far fcowling green and club privileges or the established j clubs added to the aomewhat expensive equipment renders the gamo prohibitive far them ir however the council would provide suitable greens in the park as they are doing in toronto they codld enjoy their muchloved sport without so much expense it isnt likely fhcrell be any lacrqsso club here ihis season mid of course as the horse racing has been cut off the fall fair programme therell bo no oxtra expense for preparing the hairmile track sd these 1 items will be non est but what about the people j who pay taxes who indulge in none or these popular pastimes where do they come in forjrantt the farmer and his hired man there it ample reason for sympathetic intercnt tu the farmers difficulties in tho matter of securing much needed help on the farms thcio days farmers arc said to be willing to pay 50 a month wtth1oard for hired help the trouble if to find the mail lo hire when bos found and realizes the farmer will pay he onks 00 and stipulates far an eight or nine hour day like the toyn and cityfellow hat tho average farmer is not hard on his man dnd thr rush prwork and longer hours fasfs only through tli busy sedson it is uttle wonder farmers reel annoyed at tho constant cry for greater production lindi existing conditions who can reasonably blame them many will bo obliged to cultivate less biu allow portions or the farm to lie dormant t canadva home kule for ireland the success of homo itulo m canada no doubt had much to do with the appointment or sir hamar greenwood a native born canadian as the chief secretary far ireland at this important epoch in tho history of that groat but misguided country after accepting the position mr greenwood said publicly 1 am a canadian homo ruler i was born in a home rule country my appointment is a sign and wa intended to bo a sign of the british governments earnest desire to settle tho irish question along home rule lines once mid far all it is believed that sir hamar greenwood did not accept this most difficult of all posts at this most difficult of all times without having something in view that gave promise or sue cess it is probublo that ho has in view the giving to ireland or dominion status as advocated by sir horace punkett and recently endorsed by mr asqulth disloyal insulting misrepresentation when a public educationist misrepresents his coun try and advises intending emigrants not to settle in it it js high timo the authorities of the country treated him in tho manner prescribed by law for such tcfcels processor stejhciil lescockj of montreal writes to the london times a letter the substance of which ho dare not utter before a public audience in canada canadians would consider it pn insult and promptly treat him as he rlchjy deserved in his letter to tho times this whlskoydofonding professor says that prohibition us it exists in eight of tho trine provinces or canada is an appalling disaster that it in financed by feebleminded philanthropy and inspired by brutal snd intolerant fanatjclam and that tho vast majority of the decent people all the gontlcmcn are opposed to it tho globe says this language throws doubt on profassor loacocki competence tq speak far the gentlemen of canada ills disloyalty is very manifest when ho says in this letter the most serious warning is needed for do cent british peopjo of any class who think or migrat ing to the united states and to tho dry provinces or canada they will reap nothing but bitter regret is this tho advice of a patriotic canadian tho letter throughout is suspiciously on a par with tho highly- paid whiskey orators who years ago appeared on the public platforms throughout canada upholding liquor and prophesying tho dire results and financial ruin which would overtake tho country if tho bar rooms were closed and tho sale of intoxicating liquor prohibited field cnop experiments 1 u v i ullll ltcl h or lh jiiturlo airr iwlmmjul rllm ul ut rr lulu hv illulrlliiiln tnlo tlio viirloiim ntytu tiller a 111 for o iiih with ttruliim t k i fulfil wt illvfl tm rollnwu orpin crop lmllllk two viirlnllnu nutlnif o a kill mini i j iilolu putllhf two villi tlu lu 4 ii url i- ntriil 4lt tllttu 3 1 lluflhy r iiuii of hiirlhx of ilucu- 4 ofmidd f mrlntf j if boy acton cuixene memorial as has been the expericrltc- in many other muni- cipfllitfesnothing practical has yot materialised ju acton in tho matter of a memorial to commemorate the bravo deeds of our soldier sons in tho into war it is true a memorial committee was appoinfed a year or more ago with specific instructions from u public meeting of citizens tp proceed with a general cnnviijoiijnjodcytolrkiaagccrtanjibjccjivi3jiuil txpendthis in the erection of a memorial this committee comprised twenty leading citizens ladle and gentlemen fairly reprcsenutivo or tho commun ity the criticism was freely made after their ap pointment that the committee was not large enough a subsequent public meeting was held and fifteen additional members were added with this strong organization of thirtyfive citizens it was felt that the object desired would promptly bo attained tho result howevev was disappointing a few poorly attended meetings were held canvassers were ap pointed but no general canvass was ever attempted finally a month ago a number of the members of the committeo mot decided owing to lack of interest on thp part of tho members to disband and hand their commission back o tho council the council thereupon appointed a committeo to arrange for a public meeting of citizens that committee has called tho meeting for tomorrow evening- if the cltlzen3 or acton have a sustained interest in com memorating jho memory of the bravo men who de fended us during thd war there should bo a largely uttended meeting t thoro is not a largo and en thusiastic gathering the conclusion will bo manifest it is said that popular interest in tho heroism and victories of soldiers generally vanishes within two years of tho consummation of tho heroic historical events tho two years have not yet elapsed in this case let acton give practical manifestation that her citizens are not to bo classed with the average community which forgets soldiers bravo deads tho public meeting will assuredly not make ho second mistake or appointing a large committee as many other towns have dono a committee of say live active energetic enthusiastic men and women with specific instructions and power to inaugurate and complete such enterprise as may a decided upon and with a public pledge pf loyal support- moral and financial should result in tho erection of a memorial in acton which will bo generally satis factory which will fittingly commemorate our sol dier fiona and whfch th community will always re gard with prldo tlntr t wliutj jt plotu i mlltllf two wlinatj 3 tlt 0 rnutlnir tlintt vitriolic uu a ithtm 7 riuillnu two vurlutliw kyn 3 iilotu h jmlltttf tin m vurlntloi itoju or juiiulkhfl lluuiix 3 plot 1 tmtliitf dtflit vurlnuum of 1 hut mid it nt ilifuuttitf cum h 1tta hoot crops 10 liilliiu tlirtm vurkotlh of mi uiim 3 lilou ll itiulliiif two vurlttlpfj ormuanr miitiroim 3 hint u l i uf tlii ttirlttw oi jjwod liilt r llli 3 lnu 11 mtw 3 varulltd or if jftttur- i11m j dlolu it l uhllutr two viirltitli rulu 2 ulntm form fodtfr- bhgj and hi crop 1c r miiiik llm liluiitlikif of oflrn wlv dlutuiintu in ilia row if tloti 11 tulhiic hiidail flruuu uml two vurull jv mill t 3 lilolh 17 icimiiiik two vurlutlom of iik- hum j lou ih t wltiitf ciruum mini twt vlirlalloil of vntnlmrt 3 jllotu 10 ritlir iuiiui kuln iml klnld culilmuo 3 lilotm 0 30 tiutlim two vitrlitlim of htyivtit clnv r 3 iilotu 31 rituiliitf two vurlnlltu of al fulfil j iilotu l 21 1 0htlllft ullhullud ilulilhl hlllt iiurinvl ilwvot clovur 3 1 culinary crop 21 loitlhtf tlirno vuriiitlam of kliij i miiu 3 plot 1 ti itlnu ilutfiu of ilulilliitf hwf cain for tttltlo im 3 lilijtm fwr4jllkr cuprlmnt jsi itthlhitf low and hluli bmdit fortllunrii mill mumiri wltli outu uml ltd clov r 4 iilotu 361 1 1 1 utlllif low anil hlrli aruil i ortulkoru uml uiinum with oatu unit tlwnt cutvir 4 tlotu 3du hlnllitk low uml iiikii icrutla i rtlllkini mid muiture with mprlnk wlmut and 1ui clov or 4 iiloth 201 rohtliltf low bihi hlah bruda 1 irtlhorti itnd mnnuro with hirhif wlimt pod hwwit clovr 4 plot muoluniua exprlmnta 3d t utitik tlimu armln ulxturou fot oruln uroduntfoji 3 iilotu 3n tim tin c tlirtm rraln tittturtna r fodihr trttthiotlnn 3 ilotm any pormon in ontwrlti who rtwu holi t roiu irtuv llly for uny on10 of th i kivm imt nt for load icuih iillfitil whould tmtkd a now nnl oliolco um tho muttirlul for th flntt nholoa inluht ihi nithuoiitfid hnfjirn th aipll- cutlon lu riholvnd tim matnrlal will ihj forwiinlnd hi th unler in vlildli mm uiitlrituih aro roaalvfed whlln llm itnpiily luiitu no cliaruo im muiio for thu ivi rlmontul nmtarlnl una thn lirodiion ikvromdh tlm pmhrty of thu iirliiif ntnr a rvfirt i rrmhiotwl hftor imiyit icuuli inrmon mulylt whoutil cinro fully wrltn hit fntnt ail- mtl county vc a uvrx dir ector ontnilo aurlnulturul colloao incohnlptuv atamped tho iiblliclnu hot oliln ilililit win in 1 wiix mo luitly louuilulnl ulout it ililitil in ttikimlt i tu i non nilitl if whlih hud uidxd i iui nuvi nil ni i mill iintliiiy lu i ul mi liilnn i nil ii in ii lllti i n t i ilu in mi i lo mill ml lltlli itllllu who nil linut mi tli tint df ioiitm v iy ijlili illy mt inn wii rhb hulk of ml u nnilli 1 tlnoiiuli it initiiniiilli onlllnu rnmiihii ijrin win jinuhud fin 1 tho iioilviu it lily itnd it it nonliit vhl huit tli utiiniini iik i hi i thu lull ni- ii inn wimiuly i lin in irlillm whlrh luivu hi i rluhthmlil uti-t- iiuhh to t u utun on lu iliu m mull willful thn ul the mublc lcbqn itiiiakln its unwise to put off today doty atil to- tomiir if ywar ataeh is dddwnrbwl taint kim01ds umhw wauto ai r al lit ralittffro- maims by soott a bowks maxbrs of scott kmolsmtf voto nd chrla bu toronto aivt muihirlor training tor lwwl- ttpiih iui uuintncrauhfttm irlvuto mo rnturlo anoouniahu nmoo uuut untm t oimntirtilul taoharu demfttnl foi uur uruiluutnm mora than tnn tlmou uur hupply oiton ult yur kn tor nny timo wrhrr cii talon no w j elltotr w philp ymehr of piano violin nd othr string inatumanta i aijuo 1itw ohoan will vlult acton on wadnaaday of nanh woeu until farther hotto irnipllapriird forcoiimarvalorr icxim nation u acton itbjob kanul prompt attmitloi 4nfaaaa ulrwjdv e k cook baa ua fot ttajjikaaahiiuiqitw trrocktnai rag 1s for mb mon h wintinil oav0 sua iaij1kh 1ciuona aluons oso 8 ua for ovralla and work bhlru bh rapaklno p bpaolalty e k cook miuj utimict jlctom lin uiiiimiiiiiii mill u arri ut n luulluum tu u wliut ll wrtit uu i wuh illlluiult tn ui i iiuu lilt i mum llyl l utiilfvi in it ttylrt lo hlnu hi apnmoi hlrd nliuurvli ilowu lltiu ai oini tiiu thf llutil wiui hi ullidji ihi u ii null ln ihrotiifli tlin hon i4 inuulii m for tlmk llttl on tho itioynil du umiluht of nun run toil tnininud to hrluu ilul prhilnt li ii 1 to ulnjc llillnndiu- lohnitlii chatltv tmaino at home thesoieofashoe in mm purt uiilijunt to tlu uohi wiir you will llml tin moiih of nil uhouii rnimlrml hum to hti ipmh it thn i debt oak tanned v leather vhli li in hum tluitln uildltiim to ntyhi uml ijoitlfort you ul ipnif w in nut of tin uliouij nniilieri in i i yon ciiuht ulforit to pay u llttlo niom for uiuit woru hut wu ilnn t jiu it tli at llttln more our i roim urn mi low nit uoaulliln businesh dircrtory farmers business for tho patli 54 yearn thifl bank linn rivon ivirltcular attention to tho busineaa oc farmora wb hnvo hojpcd manyovor the routrh filacort und havo aldod maliy mora to tho highciit piano of nuccoiid wo aro prepared to oxlend you ovory aid within legitimate bonking- practice corno in at any timo and talk over your ajuiw with ua you aro always welcomo th mcrchant5 bank itaad oftro montreal op canada established 1b04 acton branch georgniown branch thob oray m d c m mogill i n c v lcihiuiui i it i i- jk m uluuow mli r hum ii me ii- tuil aopuho in onlo itrtd ill u 11 mf an n out dll j a mtwvi n thyalalan l huro j 4mco unit khhiiii nc 1 irti r llowur aveiiuo und 1 lulu hit hi- hi rw4d timi formndy inhwi 1 li m had- doraon ao ton ti l legal ho in no 3j 1 o 11 x astf haiioli nash taithkit m a larrlatar solicitor notary pultlla convanynncri etc pennvman dlock acton ont mohllly lo i0an ttiluiu b 111 11 in i r pm l b shorey manager ii r mimm5 mnnngor we want agents at 60 a week ormtaat automobtls accttanary over invented just out tah nothing lilta it a aclonufio and chsmlcal marvel that ranlw tho world ciryuowudliiauciui ono rub over rain mow or fog blurred auto wlnclahlolj struotcar or ooulnonjom and nroato i moiaturo runs off kn taatr f rom a ducka back gjbm auys cloar 24 hours onaor d thatrtdk wokallluhwla mawkd ilall h try lnott ahlty aiwl agwdmml w mm n rihlttvh irniftamnilliil ip no experience necessary 200 profit v wk um h m lukw a 3 o alurt of onlmrla i j nwuurt of mltol wrlu si 5ur ttotlltn tha aan ay john uiw r cloth to wrilm cu johnwhi of ii oft huu at odol plu but oltw onl tannery cooperative store t save and economize 1 f f quality our first consideration in buying yur mippliu hcio you oltcct it onving and rciluto to some extent the hijh coit of hvlnr we hnvo n full lino of gttoceriis and iltovisions hoots rou mun ani iioyb ing nuimcn hoots kumielts um men womdn and c1iiumubn tennis and h0nning shoes ovekali smocks shiitlh ondebweatt mkns thouseiis etc other lined will he uddtnl an hooii im bloro rmm can be provided farmers ao invited o brinr thejr butter ejjs and other tarn produce here for which tlioy can hnvo either cash or goods i tannery cooperative c at conway munnker mill street acton dodge bros motor gars roy hindley auctioneer xjvm ttrooic nisaii idstatia and muhohanitthn consolldatad hin erlnt 11 b b acyon j nimmmnrmmimtmaictmiictmtmmiaiamiirictjmitmii tlic owner of a dodge car ean safely de jpqnd upon consistentv continuous and eco nomical daily flecwe universally low gaso- line coiisumpioii and hightirc uiillage jn oneill i acton georgetown john leishmn replresentative or acton convicyancinfi vimiu tuorlaimox wlllu nloll ahutrnolu if tltlm funil ilnul work jnrufiilly i j ml utility il no umiin h 1 in to 11 p in nt lulling irtvuta h h wanntlttquqh laua av dr j m dkll doo l 10 i dantlt honor oruitimm of 1 1 innto univer sity thu uitualu un ullillti u ili if tldalrod j oihou ut rvmldimri cnrini will unk trratlarlolc till hit- z mibcellane0u8 mahhiage licenseq h p moor uaur marrlaa- llo irlvuln ori01 mo wltlitimmari v- ullrad imhhl nt rralilniiiv in nvnnltia rh ichk oulfp irton ont pnancia nunan tlnoublnilar anoount iuhiuh of ull hlmth muila la nrdar lrlodlciln of uv ry ilomotlp- tton carsdilty imhiuii kullni lloutly and pmmptly dona wyinllioin htrt amlph ont ovor wiminiiim lllort n j kemi a lloamad auotlonr tror tint cauntloji of llnltou wnlllntf- ton iool and imiiforlti and tha city of uuili aoton t ont llo ralaa imay ho nrruininl hy vnull o at rldenoe at acton nr u- tho hvtw ivuia ohlon antoti tha ueraury- oitlon lunph tlia nnwallaoord uvru or with w j uonlou ilnrnnarf utw hlllabdra balaa iitriimtnd to u j icorr ra- oclva nttontlon from iluto of lifting ti data of bain tlut your lo wltli m raildanoa tlawar avnu acton lhona is ajton call 1 my 1 xpiia t je ci1eeyers book dlndtu quahao ot cat ounlph ont lliwiku unit miiltialnia lounil lit llanilhotiin mil hulimtniitul oovorri nan1t11 liittorul lu mil 011 dhila hymn llonltu und othor txtnji all wurl promptly eflittd d alex niven ontario land qurvoynr ami clull friulnoar burvuym eiiiliillvinu 111 plum itn- iiortu ijcurrljitloiw luuniflntu to cortllluutoii for jnituimi und mortuinih lurvoyu fi r an lillrtw uullilaca nnii ii lin in i iml couuallm drulnutfj ltoprlu liit lirtfilii tita molean buildino tauah 01 ouuuml ihono ldsi oni choice gnieeries and provisions have you tried mcdoukallh for vteah glrtmerleh and lywhrullhullueht iitci mrs jennie mcdougall milc street aoton ont grand trunks the epuble track route lch w1dwn s tffronto chicago olltikoelhil ilhtlnu our iwrvlnn j loon lug- ciiyu on tiluht trntnii unil parlor car 011 tirlnotual iiuy trulnri vull luforihutlon from hny flrun trunk tlokot 111 lit or ii ttornltirf lntrlot pumniior auil tointo h- a holjhica aceni aoton ont pho 1b tho old and ltd i able janltoaiid haruo dealers nro tnaliufuoturcra uml direct important of nil klmln t monuiitaiitaj andttutdutoisvi work wo hi1 direct to our ouiitomoru ut vrtmluaalo ltrloen tliuu wivliip our ouatonmril 40 tr 00 nt wo huva tlio hdmt upiilluiioeu und tha only maohaulom hi tho dominion j vrho ran o pom to imouhnitto tioui uroiwrly wo imii bivo roforumuh from hundrorttf of ohr auutonirra in intuitu to nil othor pliiuqa wharo othgni linvu to hnvo litv vultn in order to oollnt wo imvu ttin lurkeat fttul lht atoak nt iruito in lh dominion or mupi win hhy tlirno doulora in thn wont wo nru ttiultl- tnnto daulont uud tuniloy no unuutuj nd to not uunny or punt ouhtomeni by aandlns out ibiiornnt ntdiuu millblt- tiux ordoh wo amtiloy mily ineohaitlra and dry oomoatltlon hamilton sons or orwloh a woolnlnl s oulpt r- trfto n

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