Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1920, p. 6

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blra lrt 0s ullnijjn v nil h id o the lilt of a laugh i v 1 in t willi mii fh wi rid linn lib is d ai i v t ho i wltli inn who ruluxl iv 11 willi i will slrovll willi a i ii il i in mill i r i ii in 1 1 lii ii i rry well mi ih nil ir ii iiimii hi v ii i i ii win i ilit hn mid bui tti i koinid of a aong 111110 tar ui i of ui m tril lirlutiiiuu utin 1 1i i mi 1 i i u uilii 1 h uii t uirry w ii 1 tut tin lilt i r ii iiuiii ling fr if viu wiul j ii liuuxl ut nil my luii ku luugli in yuui htiurt mid ttitnil 1 or hi u t ltd in il if to uci iilu uuil am all it in iliu hi rf ul jiku kqiji i il i f tin id of limjitir lfll ivu 1 ulilf fit iii tilt uowtll that the nunaway trunk ithnda imt up ititfialophond reonlvw ntid looked toward lj r uunt those tialmncii i u hit of btory- lolling iiihlruliirh uv nnbl now why did liny nay yvsttrduy that my trunk was i u iu way in rn whllo to day lliuy kiwiw nothing utxiut i1t i dob t run in imnli for tlm ina of my ntottilng uu r ill f r tlm fat of the eggs wtiliil icrutiilniu lnilitnl upon packing in fin you i wit munugo with your borrow i ihlugu aunt munis but how long will flv ilimil eggs ah 1 ut i i i a i mhlhltnry prim last hi a ft ci llllng tiunkr i t early thrn wjku wince i rutin to oiwjilty mill jiuy ttunk utlll halod tr among tlm almond 1 frtlght clover- ton may ii uluw aunt hindu but i toll you w wont in t nut mi with surh thinks aunt hindu turned lmr mllil yes upon lmr xuhihtwiihi nlaon my clivif nhn rplll i suppose the mou ura doing tliulr hunt and it in not an though you wrru running about lo plum whtru you would need p rutty d reason my shirtwaists will ln vary well ut nun j with just you and mo iltll thin fact did lot honrn to ronsolt the girl from hit village in aunt btaclas boat uuoht chamber luiuda flattened hor pntty iiium against the window imtii as sh starnd town tho brilliantly lighted struct it wan for oo unions hup am those that it hod it hud tailored over the light blue silk now lylutf crumpled uanaaih hve do n ikkm in t trunk which had j jnyalrliuny run uway evan if the bluu droiut wuru hun jthodu raflttcted thoro would lu in i hniioo to wear it- aunt macln tlld not ludulse ih frlvoll- tlm and aunt hiciiuh acq uatntu near hip with younit nxm vmnipd umltcd to thoae who delivered liur buiidloa nu lute iilifhvd jutoda to peep into marry cltyufti for me a wol bo realsned to my btto ithoda dflcljd to go after her trunk the next niornlntr it was after u haaty lunohoon in the tat ion that ii inula upprooohed the fcuua door nf n oltloo whlh lmikod tut thouch its oeti u limit mlijht be endowed with caoabllity i the ocuutunt immedlatoly arona from hie douk uwultlnjf in ovldoiit ur- pruwi hor i mm i k tou ho uhu naively nxpluinnd 1 do not mind nouut my drutuitxs now not even tho blue ellk i mhall not be able to icot to ihv theater or any of those lovely plaoew the mattuxlnee tell about but aunt stuola duo want uioee bfp you ulderntand before i understand perfectly maid the chanulnk man mid hie eyee twinkled after u third uuromptory inquiry of ome jerry at the other end of the wire he turned ugaln to rikkib- wry ho aalttjd whlmmloally are you net iculnk to be nbtn to vult the 1 p very then ton und reatauruntm tut yoj had planned t aunt bhi6lu dfiotilt enro rhoda anewvred but i nhould think aently perolat- dnhe man lthoda liked iiim mlli that tliere would bo any number of aunt staulu m mmmullnii friunda ready and easer to act tho mirt at ftucort xtboda alhhttd aunt doctt pot eem to have uny mumcullna friend mho doleful replied- suddenly the offlco man frowned why he anked uoverely did your aunt knowlntc you to be unacquainted with tjtl weatlon of the olty allow you i to bto eearchinie amuid freight yard aioner bho did not ullnw me corrected rhoda i juhl name look herv the man announced presently i think we ve located that trunk at lout hut to fanllluita mat- tenttm kolntf to rldo around and at- fond to it myuulf would you hi buttatod like to kq wlui nut and identify your property of courftu 111 k hhoda uireed ho wna vory kind uhu told her mlt aa thay lew nlnnff in hlu oar and ji h w mmaaa k1 i- i brutnfully when uhu retui by the cir uiium rout of the nilnet tra to aunt stnolaa homo th trui was thuru bufore bur and when af s the oyuiuhk nli went to ttn- wor tlm te1oihfint it wad with etrangc oxhlluratin aoiinu nf aotnlna ioy- wh ithodu itniwn of clovoronr mllftd u deep voice this in mr hammond of the ii n y hon i your trunk enrnly uirl rydury veard ago from the lue of the preaepreae of r tburailey april 10 1000 i i ui or tluiuliiy iiawnnd with nil 11 h i i lahtm uu mid u ry i f full wiirm hiiiiiilillli liiirui lerlhtlo ov nu ideul knhtuf inorillilir l l i i vi lyn mtkioi rtwtlihumlw lliiuilou iih timber nf liitnikxikjium i i i lull wnlt to lake h ttltualtnl hi tiiiniki i bo tlrn inupiflor iirrlvnl hi town on m mluy ulnl u t ut wuu tnaln uf lb u uriiluii at i lib iih k tho nuiiii wtt run i ut und hi nlno mln lltit hlulil wnla ul 11 70 lbd a ltd tho f nuln i iiipiilnu tjo hiunotor wuu julto autlmllod with the oondltlon of lll lllij ulittlld ulul ronoiitirwl tho tamt ultiiotb r mttlafailtory at the cumuli hnmum on umulay ivintnit tli wllnnlna of u1u htroet wuu uiiih r dlacuiihlnn but owlna to u hiiiuii liurtlnn ut the lotln- tto ui tlon wuu tukan th tiltf ntrlka la aull nn the tan ncy llrmu utid til employees urn iwith ili tnrmlni not to uurrender xfaiiy urn hlrvudy olulrilna bettor luihltlonx lmiwlinrc und the cltmtefsi kin piiivialnft in a libera manner to all any who may feel the pinch it tbw iltuhllon l large rallof commit tsn linn ihmiii u potntwt and there will in a rnlw cimert on ha turd ay nvtrtr jlilc ainonir the air ik era who have iilroaiy left town are oaorire oeburn tiurfiirhi lllnkbum arch qrann ulttl kraiik icollny to hnult ht marie tlt moon an john jllsooclr lo 1 nronfo jumu lunbar to guauin irti u la run tiumber of others especial ly ntnoiitf the unmarried mwirtiwlini tbnir intention of louvln- own in the luumo of u day or two jln ijiwmhi the farm of oraham iiwhoit jr wbh wold to ur hubert hprowl u fow dkys agq ttiu rrm bus imm n in the ljiwaon family for ilxty yura it was aooured from the mwn by ur uvmon arandfather uwuy uacu in the thtrtlna mr jumns clark who recently 1 oiiimi1 the flu u ring mills at cheltan- imrri hua lieen in town this week re- inovink ida hoiistibold effects to that pin as died camiciion- at owen hound on thursday april 12 idonald cameron formerly of acton aged kl years uluv at vanoouvor it k on kvlday april ii ulllun hacklna- beloved wir or henry v hill xkinb at the boms or her sister ura nouton uolaohun on jnxl jrrlday april ja ann kllaabeth daujthter of ilobert aklns sgod 31 one bummer in a garden nothing rave mrs cora p ton mora inuffht than hr flower garden and lotlitng caused her mora anxiety you jwe we vo had a rood many un fortunate experiences she explained a sympathetic frlenot jta nut very jarjaamlnnii year the hose was left running by muttake while i wim railed away and it waab- t all out nf the ground it was just starting then another year soma hens ate it no it was some sort of worms that ate it below the ground and then the hens aarntobed the rest of it from the jnp and us such u nice place for the dogs and oats to us 1 really can t blame them hut they do bquaah things dread folly lir compton thinks per haps 1 d be butter satisfied to buy shrubs or bushes all starred you know 1 ve hold to tho flowergarden liloa hut one of our neighbors has bought some lambs and j think t shall wait till i see what they do be- foro i start in again ijwi year 1 dldnt really get any thing to nick for the house till the tenth of be pt ember and the next week we had a frttat i think gardening is perfectly lovely but one does need patlenoa your irilld bvlts iaronts belisve and tightly that homo lessons l are ruining tholr chll- droit n eyes vet there is no real rtiuwon why a boy or girl should suf far uny eye strain if certain precau tion are taken by panenta and ut at tention is paid to the childs complaint of haadacbe 1 never let your child sit in bis own light when hn is reading or writ hur lo not let a girl do any sowing or knitting for long st a tlms 5 it is u grout mistake to allow the children to sit in twilight they want to mm things and in endeavoring to dialing u inn i hem tttey strain their 3 don t lot children read by fire light kvch nicker foniis 4 have u lamp suspended from th ceiling this in obvious advantage whore chll iron are allowed to romp 6 lastly you seeing your child night may bo sbls to observe sjgns of eye weakness not noticed by the teacher inforvn the principal of the school st once it will make a great difference to your child asthma cannot last greatest of all asthma specifics is used or j d kellogg s asthma remedy uatmrolt duserves this exalted title u haw nunllasanurai to lis r radii which other preparations bad failed tn benefit it brings the patten to m condition of blasued relief burelr surferlntf from unthma is needless when a rtmody like this is so easily secured i sandstone and granite rf v ill rial iiy du tin 1 till right mo time al 1 tin girl q r iblnu ut y hi always m hili k irhb lo tlm ry l 1 ii r niuihtoli ln uvaiilly u llltlu u im of uimhi 1 ibstllloil i rrl 1 lll r a llitli way rurtur ii hn lb r itib atom no ao on you n ii h imbly sa ulalo nn idle u tltxll unkh dl v nw 1 r nf r kihilt n it lb iicitor uirl lwk i u hi ruiil fully and 1 ilkn i llloi thai nie nl wmiiuiioihi li hr lfi ii- bw iltll illlt uhn lllil i iii tl iwrlu in nut of liar mln ihim coul i iht i i ilmli wmy ii i iry nil in iihii tiov urml ovi r that ill did lu luuily ulmmt lastly and m tnno i llw i an u u loiit liilrrvul to lupirii tint whiiiwlikt abe coiislihrml tb limn for a lion hud arrived the need fur it bail puaalil hbr odl mil but ulmlt thut tin onimi laon w i- in th whole just the long hitnrvimlng apuinia ut inuure ly reaolullon hoiking und considering undoubtedly vwskuuit1 the g norul tixtuio of her llfu wljut woul i ha lien uhoul 1 whit ihi ukihmmhi lo tb sharp shocks rout in no us and urgod ne4iullyt would ith ire utile in moment to crwi together thn utoms of maolntum fulfilling and uctl ii lute u iiiusulency ilt that of the haul enduring granitaf tl soemod doubt ful ut any ruin it wusuur while tliert was tluic l learn thn habit making immndlatn and sffhllvn action rmwil loaaly j t l lw of rnao iuion v with wrlinin ya sho turned u omplolo the tuhk ub ut whilst hnr frlmi 1 had inuulrml bmnliuiign wars nd numors of wars an bxnlibiigm uays thorn urn ihivdii tnen wari liow in rogn x uny mm r whleh wiukl iwvi utlmctad world wide interest a luir dosen ynurs ago we confess that wu cannot kiumn tlm mownteeu hut die military oper utlntis in uukmiu unit itilund the r poriml four or ave thousand dnud and many nvr woundnd in the tip hi lermuny tho massacres ilfxrinen itins und ihu clashes imtwtton thn nl lied ulul turkish forrah in constanti nople and other place in which there u4vri recently boon many casualties the klume situation threatened trouble in india and fegypl strife in mexico sod threatened wars between ltolivla and isiru in whli h other south amerl- uu oounlrles will be rarlaln lo be oonm involves if thnsn governments rlwsliull boir tnatlmony to the fact that iksoo hum not yet come we do hot know what a louguo of nations covenant oould uroompluh toward ending thn strife but wo do think it should be trio anil wo urn greatly dluuppolnled that the united hi a ins should be the one groat nation to pre vsnt the trial of a league arrraotatlliuutiofurijixflubfe many testimonials could tie present ed showing the groat elhcacy of dr thomas kclectrle uu in curlruf dls orders of the respiratory processes but the liest tnatimonlul is experience and the oil is recommended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will rind relief will ullay inflammation in the brui chut tubes a no other preparation can was he r old ulurky to shiftless sonj i heum tell vow la msrrlw is yout bon ongralbititibly in t suyli x ulnt old iarky osvsraly 1 sin t us you is nu nlnt 1 nsk you uln t you is- american legion woekly uillcrv worm inwdor can do injury to the most delicate child any child infant or in tho state of mloles onco who is infested with worms take uils prejui ration without a qua in of the stnmoch and will find in it u sura rallef and a full protection from these destructive poftta whloh are re sponsible for much sickness und g sufferlns to legions of lltlla tinea needed protection keep your wody wh nourished and strong and there ia litlo danger its bssentiai that yoa keep op your resxstofsoe there are thousands of families who would not dreanij of being without the protection that scotts emulsion affords tho right idea u to start in tho all with scottw emalmioa and bo pro tected or a streituous i winter it scotfa fnhj yon ask for real estate if you hava a iioium for sale if yog want to buy a house in acton ask r j keru auctioneer and real eatsts deals 1iionic s dowek avenue acton ont we are competent to serve aiiwoo are suffering from defectivo eyesight the cause of your dimming vision may be of simple orjgln and cor rected with very simple lsiuw- vou may be bene fitted by wearing resting glasses wo wilj he- we to describe your condition ex actly and make the proper glasss for you we grind our own lsnsasw ujcjt- oh vvi8 quy wtcndly cihim table oorae com sir pull yourself together your wifes calling you convivial fent what she calling me lully or william constable william sir convivial gent then 1 m not going- homo london llllghty ithr u tneyfira smart itch or wtfi jf sons irritated jr aajncav inftg orgiabulated dsqhnriiwoftm is infant or adull maadragirlsts in canada write forprea yes thanks to you ho told him 1 wonder hintlnund thn man pausing in strange dlindonoe if you wiltask aunt htnt-ln- if t may lime out this evening and have a little ome let he ended laughingly- certainly not uhodu replied why i don t cvn know you rv w ho nmihijljn5 wk i fully hlnoi this nrternoon i have x1 aared to kiok forwinl to giving- yon 1 h that desirvd puep inlo the thenterg t would ww beoil to mo a prlvlleo 4 i anil 1ilsuurr whenhe receive hint clicked back into the book tu mun sat silently retroapectlvo j jnfl oil ipy single lire lis mut tered hnvo wuntil to moot just ttuu kind of a girl wearily bo turn- ad agali to the telephone when 1 told aunt btapla your name cumo uhudas jubilant voloo she ald ut once ttiiit you might omi mr llunimond i in wearing ipy- bfue silk dnuis udded tho i tsiot tho man joyously reaahod tor his bat and ooat i cutting and di8infectin0 potatoe8 jihi euonomlcul i lly t 1ko potatoes wiion oufting from all quarters only one man in 309 is six feet in height the full equipment of a d i ver weighs about 176 pounds one grain of indigo is sufficient to nltwot the colon of a ton or water coal used for household fiurposes in ukiglund- 4moun to 30 000 000 tona a your industries use nearly 100000 bd0 tons unnually most ex preeteue ston- nowadays nld one was sold recently at chris tie for x70 n carat italys perfume manufacturers ooip uuitil 1 8s0 tons of orange blossoms d50 tuns of rosea 1c0 tona each or jasmine and violets and fifteen tonao jonaults annually in slam a deojaratlon ot ls very simple it la considered a pro posal merely to offer a lady a flower or to take a light from a cigarette if she is holding u in her mouth beginning life as a bobbincarrier nearly fifty years ago at lllnduy lancashire mr peter taylor baa been appointed manager of the same mill whiori tin entered ss a boy attractive prices this week ladles and misses patent i catticr and kid purhps at 275 ladicv kid itoots n urey brown and black at 550 and 600- drcas good in poplin wino ant tnitpo colors re auccd from 1 25 to 75c- i limdjiu in tnupo ho j tluccdltmnusl25to75c l starkman tub sdnday school lesson for sunday april ib 1020 jiv w w riiouutonr of hill on h h 10 hi i riuali ny or b till vu tollv laji judgim 7 jol leu text tliert i to jehovah to save 1 y few hum 11 0 histories siuina tlnifl immediately after thn f vouu lesson place vullny or jtsrunl lssson commonta vorsn 1 nlletween this inssou and the la at occurred thn remarkuhln song nf deborah oelnlirallng israels vie lory ovr jsblli aliout the sumo llmo us this victory in north wleidlm hliunigui- rtsllvered isran from th j hlllmtlncs in south palestine tbi cume hryn years oi rejittiou by ibj mldlnnltoa from whli h oppression gideon was cull ml to deliver inrol uideoil wuo tttctyounbesl son in gn undistinguished family hear rlhahom wont of the jordan lie was tho firth jungs verso 3 this whole miivemut was in tlm inlo lil of the religious sulire- muoy of israel ovnr idolatry the ml hsu urmy outnumbered lsranl tour to one verse ainsamtlch ss thettinfllt wuu hi the intarvut of tho prnaerva- llou of ttip true fulth them- wus no place iii tlm army for tlm falthlnas vvrsu 4- the method of gaining thn vlntryhad lo ho such us to nonvlnno iifiaol that ttiey were ubponilool upon god and shoulitthareforo be loyal to him eras c those who kntlt and dip ped up hi water with their ban is ild watch us well us drink furthnr- tiuro those who threw ibiinhelvem iiroatrutn iiimn the griund thnraby uu ml thn utt tilde of raul worship perw thus ltruying their i u tills virmfi b f lldt on s army was reduc ed rruni wood the original number in sou toon v i ran 7 the victory of 100 israel item ovr lib 000 mldlunltns would irovo to larael that it was jod s work vorsn h they all went home hut a son vorsa is tho purposo of the plt- chnrs wus to conceal tho lights until tholr sudden breaking should reveal ism mid surprise the enemy veisn it tho 300 were to watch gideon and do as ho did rsn 18 gideons courageous fow had u walchwimd that was worthy uc them vnnw 10 the llsbrew construction implies that the pitchers were broken 11 at unca vt rue 20 the israelites living in nountelns were comparatively inox- nerlenced in warfare ajtd seldom ven tured a regular engagement their greatest victories ware surprises vurse 11 tho victory was astound ing topics for research end dlaeuaalon i the klrst tost vs 1s j wh was gideon t 2 what do you know ulmut wldlsnt 3 why dul jehoyult want the urmy of israel lo ba ruoeli 1 what was ihe nrnt tet v jt ii the beoond test ve 4 3 6 how did this second tost pmv any thing t 0 how many were anally chosen t ih the victory nf the vnw tva 10 ji 7 describe thn tactics of gid eon s bund l what was the resuht daily reedlnqb for nkt week monday april 19 invoking toward cunuiin uuth 1 110 tuosday april 30 ilutb m wise choice ruth 1 14 23 wednesday april 31 ruth aian ing hulh a iia thursday april 13 uuth tavorcl hpth 3 13 33 friday april 33 a kinsman lt- deemor uutji 4 111 miturduy april 241 a nutnn l israel olith 4 14 13 i sunday april 35 the lromlse und nur itesiminslhlllty heb 4 11 5ayespnetbrt in seven sold by w f mooney acton bhsat matsl wo rooflnp all kinds th- new westherorfi rootlno s peclslly chaspsat and bulon thmrkst onoe uaad you will haws no nthar t if my work units you j t ii vi ur i ru nd irlf not tell miminey -f- railway time iawcs aon creamery full market price paid for butter fat i any small amount of cream will receive our bebtattention we will also pay spot cask for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creamkkv binter new laid eggs and fttesh buttebm1ik wiix ow be sulpued at tiie ckeameitv eveby day acton creamery co watson wiles proprietors aeonae washington thrifto- qramq washington the muoounsful hulltlur uf u nation gtve voice to rules for lierwonsl and national success which ura us appllouble in oils 1030 year of necessary thrift as in his day her are some or his words on tho use mony arid or resources that might have been writttn for the present sit untlnn in america j am no more disposed to squander than to stint icoonomy makes happy homes and sound nations instill it deep it is hot the lowest priced goods that are alwnys the cheapeal i cannot enjoin too strongly upon yiu a dun oheervuiioe of nconomy and frugality keep un account book and enter ihtireln every rar thing or your rvoelpts hnd expenditure omotc frugality apd industry by example encourage manufactures and avoid djsslpaton heumon too iste vertisp- msy vluce you of tho folly or ralsiipondlng tlmo 3 hieis u ppovarb lit ukw bok cutalngun of duni more time than penny saved is n penny got nothing but hnrmony hunt sty i dustry siul frugality ar nncussury to make us a great and happy nation exchange jtw1h bo ft qhly tfio largo for aeed vnu tho nniall potatoes for wti j tkjolunb or footling to stock firrv u u ftot ndvlaubloto cut out pl qajlufiyirodure weak wnu ww f jp out l p tt elutton wvit jot one pint of formalin to thifty kal kvt v tona of wntor ujlowliia them to re- kjrjinaln in tho solution for an hour and tpii ik hair hemovo apddry hvfro plat- ki dipllnfoct the planting machinery lrt wltlt i aolhop before uslna ho surgical opcmtlon u noccssaijf it nmovliuicoms it hollowsya corn iyjiw lm i v harv kndjno- a man stcpiud up to henry ward lleflcher one day and said r i am at evolutionist and i want to- dbnusa the question wlth youv 1 am also an unnlhllu tlon 1st i bcjlevs that when die that will be the end of m thank goodness for thatl said mr iloecher us ho walked jont and left the man djiaeru niln jiuahty j a simple and cheap medlejneo a wimple cheap and effective medicine in noniothlnjr to be desired there is no medicine so effective m regulator of urn digestive system u rarmebjes vegetable pills they are simple thoy are cheap they can be got anywhere and thtilr beneftcul action will prove their recommendation they are the medicine of tho poor man and tboae who wish to escape doctors bill vfiu do wol lniviar oiema cru alex mckenzie lish merchant wellington st r- a0t0n has tho following fish c this week pink salmon by tho piece tb 16e pink salmon sllood lb 18o halibut ar ths piece tb halibut sliced u fresh white kuh n pickerel n 2fte mackerul h 2 pulac 1u 1o finnan lladdle flllota lb me claoocajb m me wppenhjtr 18o freih lake superior her ring do tveeh smelts lb 2e boots shoes for s r keriney brosi have npnnod their new stock of best linns for cudlts lind gentle men lloyw und girls v tllal linkflt makics in oxp01uh latt hiou cut uiiotb voh lmjieh wi3ak kou ghntlicmen whj ilavk thw rimhat simhno stylbh we havo not forgotten the dur able well made hoots for liard work on tho rrm in the factory at ihe quarry in1 the kilns good goodh and hwahon- alilu ihiceti aum oou hrkciaivtilch jllepalrlng promptly neatly and darubty thine liolh sewel and hall ed work kenney bros main street acton ont f i s i trees op thr or 005 a latere nupibes of lose and plants centre around thn crucifixion one of the chief of these is the aspen the trembling of the leaf of which is sold to bo due to the feci thai when all otlier trees wept fur sorrow at the fleuth of our lord the aspen alone did not hut ever since has donj so ilegend has it alsb that the pins holly and ivy are evergseen because they condemned the other woods for allowing themselves t5be7tsed the cross 1 the passion newer hastbeen camed the mower of thn cross its leaves sro likened to the spear u tendrils tn the cords and scourge i n ten petal- are the fen aposklas who de serted their master the pistil the column of scourging the stamens the hammer the style the nails the inner circle the crown of thorns rays around the centre the crown of glory the white color of the dower purity the blue heaven moreover each flower blooms for three days and then dins kkohangc at your service wherever you live tho woman in town or country hni tho samo advantage as hor bister in tbo city in export service from tho beat known firm in cleaning and dyeing clothing or household fabrics tor years tho namp parkers has signified perfection in this work of milking old things look like new whether personal ffufrnents of oven the most fragile material or household curtains draperies rugs etc parcels from the country sent by mail or express receive the dame careful at tention as work delivered personally write to us for further particulars or send your parcels direct to parkers dye works ltd cleaners and overs 791 vongo street toronto the master workman we have jireached the doctrine of the hardship of work until we ulmost believe in it ourselves and yeu work gives to ufo all that is to make life worth while work or itself has fur- matted to mankind more happiness ihun any other ono thing ap work is not happiness hut life wjth no work would be unbcurublo my idea of the real aristocrat the man who can from wllhlh hi own aoul look down on other is the master workman no mauer what his una of work may be a job well done gives pleasure u the mun who does l there is happiness in the pride or being a master work man h i d wornis causa fret fulness and rob iha litfanlof nleep hie great nourutlar y mother graves worm kstermlnuior will clear the atomach und lutomllnoa t 3111 clear toe atomacn anil 10 rcaloro ucojthwots- at acton grand yrunlf railway qyium ooirto weat nk 16 ttundsy v 1034am at 813am no 31 llillwim no 13 3 10 tun no as koitbin no liii ri iiju no 34 hon lay oipm no jo 7iham 3h 11 imarn no 31 a 3 jhpm no 34 nltpm nu 3i i n ljum l toronto suburban flwif lo hallway going w 17 am ll vxtpt hinlay 3 33 p m iiiy out nt mu4day 00 p tn holly kcniit ftunday 11 03 a m lliinluy only si pm v tlunlay only u hm f lunday only hi us am pm p m p m golna e ijaliy juaily lially st f eiooiit uunday exoept liundav bpi monday bunday nnly hunday only l itunibuy only freight and express kspr narriod on alt ears praight delltered dally by spwla nsnreaa fretghl lsproas or fvnlglit ploksd up at any add reus in toronto o il agn1cw agent anto t uptodate goods at c c sleights silverware m tabloware tpine variety also tine cutlery rlardware tinware and granite ware ii g assortment fandora stoves and kanges famous heaters- small stoves oil sovcs every article is op excep tional value c cspeight mm street acton fcnricilnoy the mlsa or acton after com pleting her hiursn at g it was locateil by thorn und in hi r pay found a coiifldotitlul lnrnutan 3 bill tier wcok more than hu wus hired for altltanfllil now vhlt a1tlh mahthil guelph business college istoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria bears the signatore- of of wrappef for over thirty jyears castoria thi otsrvaua oomsaay arwvoaa cm when you meed boots shoes at aury time a buy fltom w williams 1 -r- mm trwl artnn famous iok satisfactory footwear rbasonablli ph1ces i t5he acton bakery call lhonb no 77 if you wont a delicious loaf of bread or urown bread or a boston loaf stcatn loaf buns and rolls pica and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked ok iced bkead is yours es1 1000 eat more of it phone 77 the wakron will call at your door r shop where you are invited to shop v edwalids co y aoton ontaltlo store closed every night esospt frl day ami ftaturday at 130 pjn 1 c l

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