Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1920, p. 7

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tllrttim krarrlukbw and iiitlui ore now olinrviil foi nt thn rolliiwlnu rutit hlrthi ft i muriliiu m lathm th m moil ill 1 1 in f 10 ir hik xti t for pinion alfllbo- 13 id t viro mi motility april ml mru a of tin mannico hmith-iuvino- at th lrlilt inirnlm on alurth 31 mujo lv iv j i liyrikm of n rlh liny wulhui n ii hmltti to j mil mill ii ill u i ml iluiiiili- tm- it hliiiirr uml mm a irvltltf of huilhpry camiiiiofj hut in jlollfux n h oil worttiljutuy april 7 103o 1 nin mympn luujihit r of mm mr- umlit corry foiinily if acton died llohh 111 aln mi thum luv aiirll id 21 ituvltl hum uuiil tu vol imii iiuypon a ally aiirll lot ft haiti h id so max or rnmk uml mub liiu llfloontli ynr qilr artmt 3trjpj ijirttfb tiiuilflday aflliji b 1ss0 ft brief local items muihly mud uu in now foe wufm aiirll uhowera ouohu you hmy put tiwuy tlm fun ami now it u rtipoili 1 tliut flour is to o up hluhar wot h for ulmi- qoodrow u vuuoy kulr in cloorpfetown yea it miowtul aifulu on tlm t and hundayl in apil woou paused ln upplllltn1 iotatoou moiii on oulph tnarkut lift katurduy ut jc 00 xr luitf mnndayv ininw ktorm protiod tlm full wlimt for u fow day una in ma8baqaweva juii tilling ii i nil il 100 unt fitrm on i in nin ih i ln- niihuuicnwcyii li i ii urnvyulow toronlo in a 1c idunuiy u hlu n hlu fnrni nuur id i it mills limt wiikjvjih a uroit hiikiuh hill willi ii kill i iiuml i of oiiihiu hliytrti lrlit ullil llio hld iliitt on ir llnnniiy due herd o hlii rthnruit wn viy una tltn nvor uiiu prim for hut in nl was 13 so do mr icimnio hlrr of windsor spoilt kintar hull luyu nl lilu umn horn mr vloli i amlnrimtii and lltltl diukhtor vfnit 1 lout wo k wltli frlnwlm in london r tho mluunu mnhon havo ratlirunil li inu uftni i iilmnf vixh in u1l f urn in mr rxiimii tjrkii injil miu mury wiuhw i lliimlllini wnimurrlml n hi rittmtl 1 tiuliylf hull lurji iltun- llloii on llht lilt mum doifittiy nml mr 1 util hiiyru t toronto miuitt tliulr hull inym wltli iutlv hr mim mlllroi houdm of toronto lultvl lir mii lo mr horliflrt tlt- mr vm mcicoiimio iiinnit tho louutiir wmui in inn of mr win kruijk of jdlrnlra house wanted t r pnrcluihc thrc or four roomed house apply rtatlng lowettl pricp for coilh la box 24 iiec pretut offlco acton memorial n iiiay attend tin dtlcona lntotlntf in tlm town hull nronlnar a car of tntalor wan hlilnpml fram aoton unt wwk thoy lirousht l fancy itric pubtic meeting all oltuonu of anton who uro in nrmthl in tho indliiii of u irtoldlcirg juimrlnl within tho vlhik um m iunihl to nit c ml nl u inhllo mcntllik it ik ruillo1 ut thu town j lull on pnldav apnil 10 t a p m sprmgarrivals to hand 8a sprtno qoadm just put in btoou muith twiw1 ont i do mmim hirlnif nwi 13 00 tthut twhhi jinli knrm for tho mi o man tjirijn limit rtniont of ho anil htonkllik ull nltu com in and look tttam ovr hllolihhpaliuno a upkciatt w run t oihio c k cook mitas btitlciot acton deaf cause thine car to hear v wium kin th uoiuif nvy il ly your rnni thnimli thn lilue em ear phone hi uirmlk liinnlxt yt inoht nllt irnt h utlllb- iovjit lnvintdk awarded gold medal at the panama paciflc exposition tiik toatest achievement of science hi ioiiiii wlkitlnk in onnkltion with tho i lit in oim luir 1 liuno im iii hum holni porfootor tnnwnxt hninivmwiit whlrh ulvm thonn hurl if hoirhik u rlurkin i riuinni from llmltlll into mill lu nl i tenders for coal yialf kl tindiqits ndlrcnne1 th uml ri iicnad unl biiilnnte tender for cowl for tlm ikimlnum imimlnbh onlnrlo ohil qtinln will ua reoolvoil till omn tnitll 12 doi rs tho farm wli hj oammnm plowlntr huve ben rtintf from wbfra nimujt a woak now inao1 tltolr a c unbt ham mkld hhi 100- born furm an uonnl una liquoolnk to 0 inclose of craatnora th iintial oomplulnt ut thin uaon of the ywr tht froat tnn mgnl the p4ch hlosaonui iium lnin puh llhad tha tiualpli ilerall tuiyri thftt btwwui ofiy and ftxiy mn left that city on monday to tkn nl tun tin rut li kitchener tha oawlowtl hfiruld hna boon much improved lately hy thn ttddltlfmi of two pajroa- the heraltl l now a ix par pmper hares what in oomlntr to us fellowtmiwapaxir mn tho toronto world railed with uauutlem of i boo 000 the other uv the women inatltuto of acton completed their aewjna urtlvltlen for the paat year by a ironeroua donation of clot bins for the dependent children at uhlon bhelter valued at s4 00 tjoorcot wn council w uld do wet i to follow acton ejcample and paae resolution to adjourn ita nokmioiui at 10 p in ijint week they pralonsed an ovnlntf aoanloti till z li next morn inr plesjm aend mo hulf n dosen extra 00 plea i can t pore mine and i want to aend them to frlonda nt a- distance the old unit in the clock tower u one i enoloao atampm j quelph thureday april wv 10m forthna ply of noul ft r tho lomliiloti llulldlnu thnurliont tlm proulmim an i uunlmr combined upoolilnutloii und form of tnnilor an ito obtalped from thn jur- nhaalns ainnt tlenartmnnt of iuhllo worku oltuwu ami from thn cui-n- t iikcn of thu llffnnmt dmlnlon liiilldlnm tomlerm will not lie iiinhldnmd inwii tnndu on thn forma wulpllod by th ihtiurtmnt und in uooordanne with the opndltlonn mot forth t hero i n kjtnh tender tntixt imi uonnpanlod hy mi urenptod clidue on a ohurtereil hunk lutyuhlo lo the ordor of tho mln inter of iublin work nuual to 10 l vi of the nmount of the tender war n ilondh of tlp iximlnlon will alao im arnnptod uv ko lihty or wur loniln and ihdiun if rtiuhd to tnnke ui uu odd u mount iiy order il c pkflllorlllqlul sec rotary impart mnit of i uhlln work- ottawa april a 1020 tl 3 acton will auroly receive a uretty healthy rebate from the hydro com- muajon for the aljf woeka or mora that aeorea of our atreet light have been dead owlny to tha dnmoatod trans former at thu power house tla meraborx of the baau ball cbib hnvu evidently ivrxn roadlnjf tha rocollectlon or the old wan or thai nig clock tower they adopted thol luunn of tho club of fifty yonnr ujio thtt tuitlmea for tho team of im mr c c meghan who died at went toronto laat uonduy wtt natlvo of hnlton ilia pnrenta lived for a time at acton and later campbellvliki wheru intermvnt took plac ur mophee wax kaatern can ada advertuink manager of tho 1111 telephone co a i try an wuiiunu former chief oam ouuniiun of hrltlh columbia la tho latest addition to hod and qun in canada a aplendld hat of aporla- men writer in the april uua he take hla reader on u bl iun hunt into northern llrftlah columbia rod and gun tn canada 1 ptibllahed monthly hy w j tuylor ilmtled woodstock ont fe the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public heatlh act notlrn id hereby ulven that all msi- dents of acton urn required forthwith to uloan their oellara drains yards tils atyes wutor olosets outbuilding und other premises and removn there from nit dirt tnnnura and other aul atunco which may imditnanr the publlo health and t havo tho same completed by the tenth day of may next on which day the ranltary inspector will ronimnoco u rcneral inspection and further take notion that tho section at tho public health act prnhibltine tha keeping tf hoe between tb ibtb of may und tho 1 5th of november cept in pens at least 70 feet from any dwelling house and co feat from any street or lane with floor kept dear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be atrlotly enforced all cltlxon aro earnnstly requested ti koep their premise constantly okhjh and thorouwhly disinfected okohok hardest iteovo of tho municipality acton april 1 3020 4d4 lop hiud 1 write for im oklot which exnlulm vnrythliiu tku vouit iicai viuicni1h the gem ear phoneco of canada 11616 depl ii ryrie iiul toronto onl nny y omtn 7 w a ul homemade candies 11 wnjgs saturday specials humbuj at 34c ktulk chocolauh 49c neihonh solid chocolate 69c our lo cream parlor i now in operation and our bod a fountain la runnlna h wiles mill street acton ont new spring hats for men the u mudj in italy nonu hotter the brock a ileal cluusy hat the fried hat made tn ouolph nelson 3 special up to th mluutu for htyln unl value new style btiff hats thoy urn connot evry lin wa show la wlnnar pniced do to 1o00 hi3m ouh nmw i inilh olf hinino caiil r- e nelson phon 40 next poat office quelph april specials at the big store i lace curtaint viu curtain nebl our stock of curtain materials is com pie to houso denning tlmo is near call and look over our curtaiiiycrfmshuiiroiow nets lioo currnjns floor oil clolhij liornl and block pat terns in i yard y ydrds and 2r ynrdn wide at 7sc anil 00c per sijuare yard 4 yanli wide knirllsh ijnolcum2 block patterns toclloono from at 32 per running yard a special in navy herjfe this sorjjc is guaranteed fast dyo all puro wool r4 him wide special at 7fi per yard cream kwjre special at z2g this cream serge is worth double money to day guaranteed all puro wool soap shrunk o0 ins wide special at z2s eypiinn long cloth special nt 42c tjnp long cloth is doulilo fold flno even thread free front dressing will give good wear special ut 42c per yard table ikamauk at per yard 1 0 ttiis table da mast is 72 iiik wide with rich mercerised finish t m border fktra good value nt 1 50 per yard hliow cottonh circular 12 and 44 inw wide theio pillow cot toiis aro etra heavy weight in wo 42 in at 70c 44 in htyjc scarce goods and ex tea good values wc arc eliowlng koodvalucsin towcl- iiiri niitiiral and bleached with and with out border ull puro linen special nt 35c yard extra ifcavy leather tlcklnff at 70c whltc and colored voiles fancy vcat- jngh irintii and glnghnnw merccri7d itepp save money by iwjy1ng youk grocemks at this stoite ouk stock is always itiesh ouh wuces ahe the lowestcasii paid fob butter and egcs w c at r c loaning itesahia i tap airing your clothes thoravghly clvanvd in sanitary workshop pressed and kcpalred by expert workmen wo can make that old tult look like now try us geo wallace guelph ontahio mi1xstbkkt mclean mills wc sell por cash we bell por less ds acton fragments no roiiuir of thn iroumstunoe fool of ohurnniitr many of our caril nro but u tnorh way of looking ut our prlvllngna men of oluirnoter are tho fnnaolnncn noclnty to which thoy iwilmig man i bound to im rlnli untut no nor to iki wlsl hut ovnry an li hound to ihi honmt of ull earthly mualo that which ii hom furthoiit into houvou im th boutlnif of u lovlna heurt v just you hear m elas ad records at their best cocrt dally a- frank king i georoetown ont wanted two boys to learn glove cutting whstoreyson limited ontario farms for sale v 100 acres in trafalgar township 1 mile from stone road is miles from 1 10 un by nhnrd 16 urn 00 iimoij worttiilil biilnni lata mid bnuh i ucr in nitudow 10 atroa friui uifledhia oravolly loiun noil i wm ami a rrook i rain i houuo of a roomu llum coxtn imrn no t coxso tlu up und 13 ifcttlo hop inii 30x20 bchtml h mllo church 1 tnllo u iohmftmlon urrtiugitl 1rloo sj260 term 5 lionu ll5llwy dnjiot arranged hot- houae hiall iis acres in fisolieswg township 2v miles 1 from acton bo nrroh workuhlo bulaiu o huuh und pin turn 94 uorn full ploughed r orrhlird nluv bum un viin with fui luitisu llnnk hum 72x48 tin up 12 rattle and also ihix utujlx it ik npin yurd drlvliiw hhl 34 hon wuter iii ntnbw hrhuol m ml hi guurohca 34 mil ox lturul ijo irlro fffioo terms arranged 15b acres in nassagaweya township 24 mujss from imookvhxe fi miles from acton 100 i 30 aoiv hniiso of 0 orlvlng house 30x10 stables h html im und tupliunn 1tm ort workablf hulanoo posture and hush ivt no run ore in ml full ploughod olay loam soil 2 wnlhi und u crtuu 4ruue good c liar hum h0x4e on stonti fouiltlntlon ig pun 30x16 work hhop and gturage wutor in o lot as arm churoh 3 mil oh rural inull and ion urrunged i rloo 90000 torm urrungod 180 acttsa in esquesing township 3w miles feom acton do uflro wnrkulilo itlun a since i7o aja shilo clipper grinding- machine t j 8pei0ht georastovrn lias lnstnllnd u uuw knanhlno foi tirlmllmc ollpporu korso ollpperx iwir i hi li ellpiierh via jtrolmil and uutlh- fiiotlun auuranteod t j bpeiqht oaoraatowi springterm vrom aurll bth n into thn hummor tirm fjrnm junn shtlt hi eaoh of hhaw m lliutliiois kohools toronto no vudutlonw kntor any tlmo i roo ctttuloifim j ur lutoith chlof itinolpal von untl qorranl t tmit of neftponbi- oilitv and qood pay u oaiui i oh roxklktknt vou cn qlon blnri an mom enl v guolph business college herald bulldlnd quelnh notice 16 creditors of the estate of oecl f mills deceased iii rilltoru of ttoll it mill late of th villus of alton in tho county of ituiton afirthunt who dlod on or ill on thu hiviilhiith day of tobru- ury leiai urn rinulrtd on or before tit nluhth day of uay 10311 tn send hy immi prtuld or etherwlftn deliver to tho timlorhlttned sollnltor for the ki iiliin u wtutnment of their an- of thn meourlttx mi oy turn tin ir mini ilouilltloi ami until i in ht rohy rurthnr riven that itntiiidlutoly nfltr tho auld elhth iluv uf may 10j0 the suld jcwiutors will liiotoid to dutrlhuto the asants of tho mild tuti umunit the purtlea intlllnl tin i to and tuy will nol bn n mi ni ilhlo foi uuy olulmu of whloli buy mhull not luivi rnoolvnil notice at tlu tlmy sot forth for much dltrl- hiitlini ioiin a milih iyia j mhjlh laxooutom y ii n kurmor anton out thulr olhltir uilol thin th duy of april a x 1030 418 hush and 1 mature 1 annul orchard so stiros full ploiikhed cuy loam sol 1 wull and n nrmiu rame house hunk liuru duxgo tlu tip 16 cattle ulid t horses dulvlnif aoton nlnirt hew ititritl mull innoieus- termm urruiimtld of o rooms shod 30x34 hohtxil 1 inn urruiimvd lihe 6000 willoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont l i another admirer of th horn paper i have liluutmro lu enolowlna s3 00 i for ranowul of mr old friend thu vnxa pnaaa which wuh always booi u trettlntf better und surely one of tho best every line i nnjjerly road and with what delight we turn to tha old munf column ill woky tetter touoh a tender apot in the hearts of all of us fortnur rostdontti of dear old acton who read tho vkm paans i am ull ut aca as to tho old man identity ilavo tpada many uesaoa aa to whom ho mltflit be but aoonor or intur each opo i hail uuessod would huvo to pload not anility ijonff may ha contlnuw to entertali ipaaa pmaaa reader and may neither wary nor h rheumatism put an end to hla wrlunas m c ada mlohi wadnwday half h cmmenolnn an wednosday ww k tho ineroantlle hunlneisa plaoea of aoton wj1l aloaa evory tvdnmday af toroon at 13 so o pluck thla ho- fu motor car away in th mantljma tha day you tako i a drink put your ear away odvhied jud coataworti in daferrlrtliurtfr- dieqt in an appeal of joaapll ifcn- natt aatainvt a police court ouvlo1 lion of aevaii day in jail far thriving- 1 car when drunktoroiitotl0gram luimmuimttubviflp briscoe oldsmobile and franklin cars caj jindecour display of new spring models for 192cthey spcali for themselves we have the goods right on tlie floor for your inspection it isa pleasure to show them intending purebuem would do well to place their orders now before uliy further advance in price ryee storage until wanted t service and satisfaction guaranteed m b nicholsori willoughby block georgetown ont g phone 234 iwiwiwiwwwi v r i i wi

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