Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1920, p. 2

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iuilnihn- iihnii mill hlgh uu lur t otii 11 in who m toutitu to rum and sigh ii tdilnlug throng im wultlug lu leumlng your utnbluoiiy thura im no royal road alike tin petr uiki iknuii muut climb t liar ultoda wlin frls th thirst of knowledge in hnllrnn may sluka it if i huu utlll thn ltmnuu will i ii flml a way or muk ltl john a flu r thfi third boy ilqyjiuuhawalt p 1 i i- llallh it purty good chance for thr boya tu make atak o mony up tu hph whwur remarked caleb bawtollo from hi meat bahlnd tha stove in ira mwinhril general store udrasaliig tha uaual group or lounger who hud adjourned from tha atom alopa because f the chill uf tho fall nlr that la thai would bo if kphs pluca waant ho roi- from tha id in up to llio depot whut hph got to offert question ed hiijui cameron reaching alyly into an adjuonnt cracker barrel and ab stracting a hit of cracker whloh ha drooeedimto munoli jelih want til kit rhl olull that dead wood up whar thn flro wu veur replied hawtalle likewise reach ing into thn hurra told ma thla momhr tht had give it to anybody that ould carry it off moat tho hull ont la hickory una stood thar until i fa dried hardarn hint cant nothln with it ualn an ax bout two stroke o thn ax an the ode ould bo sons wood llk the ould aal ilka hot cakes down to the city cut up into atovelanjitha nuut anybody ould give fifteen dollar a cord for it why threa boys cajebt question d the storekeeper what oum b tha matter o two r one for thet matter tacklin itr iqvur haar tell on a crosscut aaw jmr questioned tiawtalle grinning how many doea it take to run onn out on uruvfl pit spur trunk luicr on whin wus wni to i hut it in fur mntr trohithh- itlitt iiim mind burked imii k lo hlu own ihiyhoii 1 iluyn and tin fuund plitxilm in oxtuudlug jlo tha youth htiforo hlni uud tha bi other iit hitil mpkon of tha following liny aioubo uml tom iliirtad work on tha du1 trom their saw wan nlmrji ami wijl itinrt order tint loua dry tr wiiiii nfuuhlng- to nrth whu aioiibo wiih lit thn tjty tom inn i oimtriidtad ii utronif an who mo uiwl lorutlnr two hdlld hlrapa in tha burn li hud nwd two ilrm on rlimu tlirio inrhih in dluinattr tha but klum waih itlramly iii plurn mi tjmt ovnry- mady for nn imtfrdlulfl try out or aliinxoj puin xattlna tha fliut two onto tha miw- horwa aloiiio drova in tha liana uml u nioiunut lutar lulllml in on tha atrap llinl whim ha tltturad thai tha trod wiltl mdllr ly ruatmid titty llrki up thn nuw unit lmuii work talk about a third iwiyl axeulm- xl tom ua tjm nrt out dmppad on iratm lxut uiiy itoy ihut ovr livoit for hulillnif faal a man weigh hi throw hmidmd imhinda oumnt hold it m ataudlly uurlo tha montlns mr wtinalnr ioin out to wliara tha hoy warn ut work mtd krlnnml when lie auw tha third boy i wuw launjnirt down tq llio alorc hid ihtiid wood ro mark oil mr whnol- ar moat on otn aotimcd o think that yo would n t turn nousb to pay for your cult i jst wlah that up huro ao that thy oould mm how allok that pontraptlon worka if id only thought nut my hlrod man an i oould huva dona it couraa it oould m iuwimi up in tha tluin with m buokaaw hut a un auw ould im puriy alow oatln lla way tliriilitfh wood qm hard m that bo whut imi yo ftoln to haul it hnmt or la y koln to haul it to tha depot an ahlp it to the cltyr w urn koiiik to haul it down tha hill to tha ifrovol pit repliml aioi i auw tha kuporlntcndnnt ut tha road ynaturday and hb pro ml ami tu havo u lrt thoro whan wa needed it va dont maati to auy that th rull- il la ifiiln to commodate ya ilka that ujuculatcxl ur w bee tor wall now wont that bo neatl tulnt hut imiut half a mllo down tliar i do do claral how many rnrd o wood hi una o them bo cara carry r from twolvo to firtnan oorda re plied alonxo i anaulrod about that wall yell need ona car aum nn maybe two wouldnt coma amu i immumo ynll kaap auwln until thara now on tlta ground an than allp it down to the railroad on a alad you that la whut we intanil to do borne day bafore lonf we aru bolntf to the city and carry ulnna two or throe aomnla atlckn of tha wood and huntlcf around for ordana we ousht to bo ible to aojl nrteen oorda in thn courwi have you luck when baking 0 p r train at kootanay landing cannaotlng with the steamar itold thn molldlhaon twolvu north ut nlaii a allvr loud mil ltvulottd on u luricu atuln uud la od anil oporutml hy a trull tuitorprlan lho aliihworth on thn main koot- i nuy iva 38 to dm north of nnlmju la linn f ui naf oavuluuld mluliig hwr- wtnyit- rmmpawtlirba ik-trr- u h fri i d o hy mr ainu worth thla lu it frun all- vnr tnluliib- ilintriot uud baa natural hot apiliira a vlalt to tha itourd of trud rooinu in noluon la of intomal typlrnl of thn dlutrlct attract i vo on ok hi lilt ruat lino thn walla uud toll of tha local mineral rlohoa thorn aro npoolmaiih from huxan city vmlr uinlauu llouuilury fllutep crook lrort ttaa jcumt kootanay and tliura iltur prodliutm fioin trail lltiolo it of hliitorloul intercut of thn atitnut towiih in tha v oldtfmorx uvtiu clulm that it nit rifvol and asiilorallon o lit nuy aru u rominno of pro tha day of tha fuy trdr wuy o tint of tho pluoorintnot in liuhuliur thn pluonrnilm r it ft bhlfi blu trull of roilti r uml ululoo uliuft untl jf ijliutllltlctijcr mu rkmuxuu- itfy bttrhhtw fnttirw hwr- lontf itiiouuh to luiiko hiwtory thr toud mlnoti hour kattioii dltnovoro i in 1xhu auw u itint ntutnpailo rha ulmoovry of th ttllvury icinif mlm about 18ht ly hullllrothwiit uml hh ila valopniatit wuh tha hlmiltitf of nelson unit following tha in rival of tha miliar ii townaltn wua luhl our llio arunlla poor miiiimtin di v- npid mm a bold mini wlrut vorkud by uncolu laviimit li 1rrd i built tha rtrat uhunp mill uml tho whola wua lu opt ration ultout 36 ymu und prtxlunad an lininniimo umount of to cube thk ca of thumdrr two o oourao what yo drlvln tt dldn t x jaat aak ye why two oouldnt tackle that wood who la coin to aet on the lo while if layln nn the auwhoraet tliara wtmr uw third boy ould oorae in right handy two couldnt do nothln akaar- oely ualn a oroaacut the log ould be dancln round uke a onuy cricket artcr a few cuts wu mada ouna yoro hht rtunorked tho btorakneper never thousht o thet two wouldnt be much uae come to think ont alonao iratt had llataoed to tha con- vcrwatlon btahdlmf boalda the iuuni window of tha country poal office there in the canarai atara the while wajtrmt for tho coralnjt of the oven in mall ho had boon thinking of the overal ncroa of burned ovar woodland up on tho wheelar farm he had been all throtujh thorn a month prevlaua with hla brother tom und now ho had a picture in hbf mind of the nunurou dead tree lert atandlntf by the fierce flro whloh hod awept through there the prevloua rail tho mail preaantiy arrived nnd hav- lns been eorted alonao took the latter handed to him and atarted for home tom and i could work it up h he muttered as he walked ajon the coun try road toward home i can rls the third boy the moat trouble will be ifottltur ho wood down to tha freight eer a time ho walked in alienee suddenly he atopped and looked down acroaa tha valley toward the railroad there ha saw tho headlight of a loca nnrtlvo j tha railroad wants business he said watching the powerful light aa thn angina aped along beside the river perhaps if i were to woo the super intendent of tho rood he would fuc it ao that p box car oould bo shunted onto the spur truck down by the gravel pit to road lant using that track now and probably wont before an other spring that evening a ion so talked the mat- tar over wltb his mother and brotbar tom ills father was dead so all his big- plans for the future he oonflded to his mother hho knew all about their aspirations how much thay wanted to go into tho poultry bttalnus on a lurga scale they hud talked it oyer a good many times but aomahow the way nevor soumed to open for thorn but what about the third boy ijil7mr questioned tom what about nlnit w havaut money to hire onott a atrnp will muko a uood boy re- utledajnjia nawmwrtnsntca 1 yea u strap has tended to muka many a boybgood laitabod hla mother bay xonzo what the idaar de manded tom well it is juat here replied alonbo w dont need a third boy when it comes to feeling one of those dead trees do war no we have got the tree down and havo lifted it onto a solid aawhorse we will say mow we need to have somebody or something steady while we aro working the crosscut saw all right heiw it la two atout straps one end of faktih fastened to tho ground on each sldi of the sawhoraa a tout wooden lgj driven into thn ground through rings in the end of thn straps hold them fast tha other ends wu bring up aver tha log and puuing- in hard we buckle the two straps there is mr log as steady as you pluoao i told you a strap would make a good boy loiibo youre u wonder exclaim ed tom lots go up and see mr whoeer the drat thing in the morning x just know we can make a lot of money out of that wood if worst comas to worst we could on a pinch team ic to the depot but that is five mites und if you can fix it so as to l u box oar left on th gravel pit sldlntr it would not bo over lialf a mllo that wt woulahavo to haul the oiiaulng morning alonwv and tom went ova to so mr wheeler and when they tovl him that they wanted to clear hhf land of the dead wood ho laughed and told them to go ahead dont ye back out ufter ye gal jlutfrifil twjysltfi4aid j jdon1 to howjent two on yo is goln to do it hut arm pin tails mo thet yere like your father ho was purty likely to luye u thing all flggtired out und flg- gor nut right nfore bo net his hand to thp1ow i ttt next ilay alonxo went to tho day 1 dont see nothln to hinder boys fa- oil seem to have got tho hull thing ill flggsrad out for a month tho boys worked thera in tho woods at best it was rather alow progress that thay made for the hickory wood drying on tha stump had become exceedingly hard but at length tha time come that it liecamo advuahlo to sea about tha car so going to tho alty they decided to muka ona job of it soa tha superintendent and go about the ally in search of customers far their wood whan the superintendent of the rail road saw the aamplrs they brought lu however ho ordered rive cords with out a moments heallallon and sanding the boys to those or tour fit his friends uoy vnr shortly found all of tha wood engaged at nttean dollars a corut itntiirinat home tha hoys ori the following morning bvgau tho haullnr of the wood pendlns tho arrival of tha car there was good sledding and that first day they hauled four cords down to the spur track tho next day thay did as much more the third day arrived and then they spent tho greater part of a day snugly pack ing aboard that which had boon traua- ported thlthsr u took a full week to haul the wood and stow it away jo the cor but at last the work was completed und-ua- oordlnr to their figuring the car held a trifle over fifteen cords as soon as the car wua filled alonso notified the agent at the depot and during the night tho car was shackled onto the night freight and sent to tha rlty tho naxt day alonxo and tom again went to the city and there hired- n span of horses and a big wagon for five dollars per day it took thorn throe duy to unload tho car and than the money renting snugly in alonsom packot after all bills hud been nald thay started for home there wam more wood yet to bo cut up there on thn bunted over area but tha loys decided that the eight or ton cords left would work lit vary handily ut homn that winter tito next day thay started in on the balance of the wood this thay work ed up fust as they nut it into odrd- wood lengths being anxious to got it home bafore the heavy winter snows mada too dlttlnult the nutting and hauling inalde of u week it was ull piled in thn yard whnra thay oould work kui ut thalr louuro r heur thet them prutt boya la goln purty hcuvy into the poultry business thla aprlng ira rs marked caleb haw- tolla one evantig luta lit lvbrunry tho ensuing your addraselrig the store keeper io y hupiktaa theyll maka noons ont ii 111 fall replied tho alorakoeper venu know how twiim bout that dead wood up on iqphm pluca loiixn tuutred ys- ou speak bout it unu night down hare next day lie nn his brother was ready to duff right in kpli told that they cleared up bout two hundred dollar on that deal i per- ie that is tha money they it- tart in business with mo caleb thorn loys iii make u success o the poultry busi ness mark my word ont ira i have a notion ye ra jost bout right ramarkw buwtelle tha way lonso flggered out tho third boy makes ma think o tha old mai couldnt stump him hed tlgger how to get long with what ho hud to work with un he did purty well till hla ufa hud bad luck long the hint on t that bank fulltn down to tha city but that wasnt his fault ye ira t think as yoou do them boys hi do fust rata lu the xultry busi ness caleb hawtetlo wus not in error yo thn ttrat ru mil in of mi nloclrlo storm kuml your nhlldrun strlnken to you for protoatlou itand ow ouo humo council mother nun ihllilrxi four of thunilor lie lembiirliib my ufa long htriiggln ugulnat terror ut thiindariitorms i awrly dot or ml nod that my chllilrt it ahould escape tho imxloly thut hud always imaot rn hi nilnuto the sky clouds ovar xlut lit tplta of all oia outward cahw thut 1 oould dlapluy each child at a vary curly nit uhowoil four durlnu utomui whothor it wan horn in them or ncqulrad from my real foaling v cannot tall my at tempting- lo draw attention to other things willi the storm luutod wus of no uvall thay trial not to bo fright onod mid uftur each nxperionon would laugh at their four uud promise not to cry next time only to fall ugaln i said to myself if only i oould make t auay for thnm to do um thny wish and know thay ought tu do rheti catna tha idea thut wus rihnlly auo- casaful with tha unit orash thut heralded tha naxt cloudtiurat nntr duri ino every daytime atorm after thut x dropped whutovnr i wau dolnjr and took tho children to a large bod hcaldi a window then wa lay until it wus all over wntolilnif tha ralu and hall trlko the roof imnr by xmur tho lillilrcu learned to rount lietwoeii tho ttutfh und thn peal of thunder to uoo how far uwuy it wuh in a surprising- ly short time i dlanoverod that th laaut rum hi a of thundfr annt thnm to tha window inutoud of to my uklrtu tho fulllnu of hull wuh soon a part ion ia r trout and nn uuuuuitlly uuvura tlilau utd roar of thunder ml led forth onm- meiitu mi to whnro ii hnd- h truck ln- atead uf airvuhim iq torror whou a storm nmurred ut night lu the early day a of this treatment i always closed and durkunnd thalritoom and if ona should waken i atood liealde him re- uaaurlng him until either be went to atottp or thn ulr was calm ngaln home poopta thought i was touching tho children to reuulre apodal attention ut such times but it hus not worked out that way lunldentnlly the lack of lour on the childrens purt iium roue ted upon me and i tlid that my own tiervouunessvoftnn mo rely u nntno fot grownmp fwarrham pruotlcntly dls- upihrcd continent the cabh value or an ani mals pedigrkc new liquoit law iasbeti in uruquav ono section of thn law juat pusaod in uruguay oaln upon thn prtuldant bf ha repuhllo tit hoo to it thut lu tha puhlla schools thorn uhall lo lectures on tho harntfuluuua of strong drink so uu tu hrliu ulwut a dlffimlon of linnwlddgo on thlu mhjoot und criolo n uvaraiou ugalnut ulrohol tho law doaa not muka uiuguuy dry hut it forbids hltojmthcr tha utio of ubnllithn und almllur drinks und does uwuy with tha drinking of any kind of iilnohollo beverages in plthllo laloollu tlur inil- knts parks wharves docks and other places whnro crowds nasembla till sulo of alcohol in drinks ia permitted in cifes uud plsoas whore fooil is uerviht von alcohol in drlnku ur pln of on the rin hat txith ua to inivort dutl- h und jntarnul tuxutlon as to ulutlntha und almllur drliihs their iniporlutlon mur- ufamturn und aula uo ahuolutaly for bidden within a year after tho uw goes into ntfimil tha luw f nrhldn- tho aula of iilcdhuho drlii ku tu womuti uud oh 1 ll ic n ulso to ptlvote kolduii und nonoomniualonad luflorru of thr urmi it ulno forbids tho utilo of ulcoholla boverngis to pollnamon alcohol muy juisuuxjiiilyioiifiiuirortiitrxii im tuc duhtrlnl onihims which indlctilo u tioed for it uud lo physlnluns und phurtnunlats who will dlsimisa hf it under rtuulntlons life sentence thj vicar visited a school one day where lllbla inatruotlon was iwrt of the dally course and in order to test the childrens knowledge asked some questions one class of lltfto girls looked particularly bright arid tho vicar nskud the tuluist one what din did adam oommlt he nte forblildon fruit l plght what temptad adamr icve not reully bvo but- the serpent and how w1aijftm pqhahad the gir hesitated und looked roit- fukad uohlnd her sut ft little eight- year old who raised her hand britain fighting rats lu longland where tha scarcity of food during the war was a muoh mnrj serious matatthim lu tills oountiy thay huva been giving much mora at tention to measures to prevent tho daprodutloiis of ruts and u ooncrota corn crib is coming into ganarat into throughout or oat llrltulu whloh will keep the grain in good condition mid keep the tuts out at the umii tlmo thn interior of the crib is built or commta block b with holes lu thorn for vontltutlon of the bulldlnu tha floor la of solid concrete und on tho sides when the blocks huvo opauhium tho nalde of tlio structure is covered with mash tha trwnoll lu thn centra of tho floor is built so thut tho axtaiihlon lm lum shelling out tho crib hhort pieces of itourd tire luld ovor this trench and aro rsmovc us funt us tha com con ihi sliulluil this trench 1 u tnltor- saving faatura of this jistii crib it turn boon found by the modern fumior thut ouomtu is tha only tuyoatlva wuy in righting- n all nnlmalh linvn a peillgreo of homo sort whutht r pura bred or scrub only tha puitihred unlntala huva tin ir khii groo reglalered nnd huva tadlgroo aer- tllleulih umied a pndlgrna is valiuihlij only whuu 11 provta uomo fuot thut is worth while uboiit un unhiiul tltlur fuvnrubly or otherwise wo fraauantly hour com in on tu of uomo such nnturo a t do not euro about tha pupqrs it is tha inw 1 wuiit ffpouklni broudly ihut muy bu good iiiihiiioss for n hutchar but tint rosl utock broader is myitis mora uttentlon to pedigree than over before uud wo often hoar him uuy thul is u beriillful individual but i do not ilka hir breeding tito liiuu who nttuoha th mont 1 1 no to a pmllgrv in tha onn who known tha most it bout its true value the podlgrso student tnuy leant of a row thut has had a brilliant show- rinu- iurerr uhe muy bp partloularly plonshig to thn eye in typo form und conformation ho utudlus hv pedl- grn nnd fludu thut alio hua uprunir from nnoeutors that wero of little vnluu und immediately decides to let hoi nlnno rogardlng her as a freak on th other hund h may find a cow that lu not a particularly flno ln- dlvdtnl in tyo but hn ttudles her liodlirea und indu thut she has for au- oeutoru uonia of thu very itast nnlmulii of tlw bratul he decides to buy thn cow doing mo on what ho knows about her uticestors ha bus mada una of tho pedigree to it elect a cow but ha hail not tiu an inmty arc inollnod to stali- puld a big ilguu for impcrs 1udlg do u not muko value it looltts vulno by ohttthllmhliu tho his- lory of unoestry th oow banked by uo vent i gaiierntlonu of gooil itro- il ucc i it lu muoh mora llablo to bo tho dumjif produoeru thun tho cow whoso dutii only of all nnoeators is a pro ducer llila doen not of course ulwny hold true juat tta wo fruueiitiy fllul good imllvldiiiil with a poor lino of unotiutorm ao do wo find toor ittdlvld- uula whh utronu unooutora like au t gemrnl rule produofs like but the law of variation im uluo fait tho mdl- lireo utddent studldu these laws mid drnwu his oonolualon when a cow u purchased or u hr herd two tilings are kept in mind flmt tha value of tho cow for what milk who will produoo and se condly tho effect alio will huve upon tha future of tha herd a good judgs of dairy cuttle can astlmuto olouely hor vuliia us a milk producer but her worth um a herd improver muat bo do- tnrruhtud ohletly by podlgroa ludlvidunl inrilt lu vry imttortaht md uhuuld not ho overlooked yot it hiutjt not bo tho mu in duoldhis point llhitory shows uu uomo oxoollont tu- ilivlduitlu who luivo iippuronlly jhuiib from inferior utnolc nnd inter huva h- ooiiin wonderful fpiindutlon cowu hlmh lililiniilu uio vulimhla if properly level- oped but thu owner mum huva skill und putlonco to hutidlu a problem of this kind us often ufter u tow g-moru- 1101111 thtio muy un u reersliu buck to the old uiioeairul type homo hoids have been built ulmoitt to perfection with tho exception that pohmlblymalnglo dofont muy be notic ed through the entire herd tho owuoi is u true mtock hitiodor uml wluhus to huve un ptrfuut it herd us poahlhlo ho declduii to sooiiru u now sire und cor- rct thla fuult he ueleclu uu ulilmitl nut only iitrotiif in itsalf whoto thu dofw la shown in tha hanl but tha btwlr flila thut tho animal lu from funilllim ptrfoot in this reapaot this ulro lu moiu otrtulu to ottrruot the jci strung ludlvldiiully hut purt or ull of hbt aiuirtstora aa wejlk this lu whtro tha real value of u peilltiree ih rocognlxad it lu not so imliortiut to know shhply that an iinliuul lu purebrad itu it is to know thut tho strain in tho hanl is uf tha ory bust w h hlaku uiiiterlntou- dant akuhhix 11 0 lqxporlmontul ifttrm note no cards in the house the foiirtligrada tauoher hud it great deul of trouble with krod s ut- tundunoa hn was ubsunt so often hint ulta got suaploloua und wrote a uotii to his pureutu uu follows i um ufruld thut rod a pluylnc trimut and i would ko your co operation lu neon ring a lml tor utltiii- dunro for him hack thut uftornoon cumn this utl- nwiiri oore teecher if urd la playing- truant h didnt lent ut hoam wa ii ir church people und haint got n curd in our house shoe polishes the big value box pastas for block ton qxmoou und brown shoes whits cake and liquid for wlute short yhb t f daixbv corrohationo ltd uauatotm cam to represent cootla oy- nctly ai to their itality to sell to til ono- who know and lo thoso who dont know at a uniform ralr prlco t mlfill all kliaruntlcs nnd cheer fully corrtc all mis takes to desorvt your confidence by always c i vino you at is faction savage co jewel lern guelph ontario when friends drop in enttrtaiti doon nth the musia of that victrola tbaroa always ftesl i interest tn hfti mastetr voice record of tho world masterpieces nino rand playad by tho world rpbf4test rufiata in tho latest kopraitsr tongi and tho noweat flanca mosic thorra arta no u m moasfmtp when yu cmtextain with tho viarol without a thank vqu tbfl orinrriclcr- wldculaoks- oratl- tuda is sudly incomplolo no mattar what other ntjarmaa person tinssaaans you tannot rnlbsvimlrn him if he jxctlyjcojavuca- mnnojutaitoraturii of gnttefill appfinlutloii one anys aid please pastor well toll ua pnnlnhodt lib had to marry uvo kuow how waw him whether lo tuko thn tumltu- to tni 1 i- him whether lo take the turning to tho right or loft nnd yit ho is often obli vious of ida defts of gratitude to him who sms a warning before every dun- guruua puth and points ouch to thu houvenlty way and the eternal oily a peculiar accident and its lesson a lurgo truck ways it news report run into it a trout cur lu a certain city uml knocked tliaalreat oar off tho track thu ca btrtiok uu uutumoblta thn outonnble ulruak a iyukon ho wugnu strudk a buggy and tho liontv thntwua hitched to the buurv wus thrown upon thn aldawhlk falllitg up on and injuring u twoyoarold child in a buby ourrlaga tho truuk be- longed to a drug company and wus driven by a negro llio drug company hua boon kuotl by the mother of th child for i 000 we faol dlsltoaad tit doubt tha nouracy of jho report hut it llogrtliur ponslblo thut thu child wus injured in tha wuy thut i des cribed and tha mothers anslaty and mirroring buuausd of thu accident were lu all probability greator thuii uny mothat would bu willing to go through for ie ooo tha amount uukud for thut tho hddjtinnnl liouoo demanded it- foi thn injury and suffeiliur of tho child the utory as reported augkustu to tiu thu foot thut wo never know how fnt thaaffeotanfdqrtiotshiit word wl how boon holr offoota will ro- tcnwfsrmmiarff other upon uu a kindly holpfill act is mm pcrulmtaiit us lu an uiifnrtiiniita uouldant like tha onarfeportad lu lwiis- liik from ona to mother until many booplo have boon nffuntod nosh v iii o fadvocato s haying and harvesting machinery oaln ifayloaderu laln side deuvtiy ttjkm i louden hayfork nnd sling ouulut hayfork hope mccormlck blndem moweru nnd uny bakes lumber waffpns i one used inch tire 1w light one hone milk wagon wheelbarrow hog troughs holster springs steel threshing tank and trucks one two seat surrey solid leather trlmniingfl extension top and ctlde curlurii good uu now unci at a bargain white sewing machine ono ufaed chovrolet touring car in flmtcluiw condition dodge bros motor cars j n oneills garage and carriage works georgetown ontario biwmiiiiiiwiwiiimmwiiii c w kelly son gueuii ont r noble ltd hove removed their btore lo the elevator at tlio g 1 it station whoro i flour feed etc may he secured as usual nocvl drart nnd blioru an hhj oult delivehv has been diseonhnurl r noble ltd henitr awrilv manaofll wtwtf iili wt

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