Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1920, p. 3

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ffilfp artnn3flw tyttea jhililhoay hiflltlflmlllou 5- 1030 smile the man w1tw it ihiii tio fullnw who limtt 11 umile itoeuuie r the uulll or olliom lm f la llii fol- jtut tin follow llw willi i pplt nut mm mll or wholhei dont limy wllng i i r whotli- llioy if lta niii to hla own tioiilu lfjli ho will but on wmlllng on high illtok mill thin ho wh mull for tho uuko nt right tlio old mini if nnyu if you amllo for v ti umllofnr you nlloa if llliy mnllo or nor lu tint tiuin who will ilul thlnga through tim mini who wiiilleaboruuiio ita hill fiourt thit miiiuii i 111 uo iho uuw of tw ponce uiul iho power or doing hlujunt in die it l woiiiim diily miiow tf do thlnum jiiul in wain in rotijrti mnmoglfl or uoinn more or life iu only ii liuiruiiy uiyht to win in did oil uiul ilruguln und wlilfo lor thelfuut old gtnru ik tho gram o joy lit doing i tui iilirvihif along lie- that lu wet uu mil of u luiy tjhu your wmlln inukw labor a mng willi 7rz hwoidrvoumeetitt oli it trouhlou a on or u trouhloa or m trouble lu whut you make it and it ihiit thn fiict thut youre liurt thut oouiitu j jut only how did you tuko ut itfr lcdmunil vuuoocooka ban a way of putting inln ulmpln rhymi trnmo of iln urout triltha of life i in never put u urwutor triltli into lilting varao than ilia mm oontnlnotl in the llnou quoted it in a truth that iivery-young- poroii uhniild tuck uwuy in thn bank of hla or ur head and bring it forth wlmti one la c nl loil upon to moot tlm trouble wo huro to bo tlln portion of iu ull uu wn journey down tho year llut while thla im true una hoiitj novo lie mo foul lull rm to ixi forever looking for the trouble that muy ln lyjiiif in wait be fore uu lt trouble overtake yoit th not try to oviirtukii trouhlo what la the bnwt thliuf to ln when it haw ovor- taknn you und ydu liavn bonu dnfnuttwl in your oouloat with ut iloro im oitt irnnd tblntr to do ar you v in i in tlnbtt jluugli it on arn you nhoutud of your rllitt ijnitfli it on dont uiako trimmly of triflnu xknt mlwiot buttorllliimjwithrlfloa loiurtl it off nit lonif ubii tlm writer mot a ulrl tllmiu whom thorn hmintrid to rat tho wou of nil tlm uitfu hricauno kiiw had iiiht it umuil ndant from th httui bold ulinlu tilin wora about bnr noek who inn in u ton but of that small tryiblit whlln miothtr clrl mai only mi ouiicn of thu low of nil nzponulva fur nook plcioa it ynu tho way in wlilnli itiioli ulrl 04ik it fliut rav wtdgiit to tint mm all tlu troublcm of thin llf nwalt elthnr our luujthtor or our frown or wall of dlnmay thero in morn forirot till nasi in odd komi iuukii than in a month of walltf onn duy not ions nff i wan valltlutrto ohurcli with u nulirhbor wo war wnlklnrf oil tlm hndv hldo of tlm wtraet und tho tllc ilia w4m fl milled with rlowlntf hud uhliin my nelahlhir nuddanl took by tlm arm anil anld jitm kt ot of thn ahadow and go ovki into uiihulilnn xtvo in tho hint tlmth my motto what do you do whm thoro imit any uunahlnor i nkl croat o it my naif ho wild and 1 know that hi told thn trutb iwcauno i hava tiovur known a ttiun of hayplor dukuiltlon than tin i in glvm oun wolaht to trouhlo tbnil ulmoat any man i know how thu younif mnt tlm trouble of ufa haw xniiiui to do with tho duvnlopmont of ulmraotor x lovo thn nitlrlt of a boy in ltlu tnnnm whom 1 onon hoard any to anotharboy who bad daacandnd to tlm low catuto of wltln- lnjf over ho mo ltty troubln ob dont whlno ovor ul a whltio novcr infuonu trouble and you novcr rot anywhorn wltnltl corrftct ho wa a whtiolri a hot ty offmliot of troublo that make a boy ton tm tihlo in tho nyes of ail manly boys how did you takn tho laut troublo that catno to you and liow aro you kolnif to moot thn ncjtt troublvt how much aro you kolnjf to allow it to walsbr tiiono uro vital queauonh for tho young to mutt und aimwar may tlm ml j tor was uooil houk1i to mil mo tlln irnvh pacatl up htrn to my luuihtoru hint wnnk it wn full jutttriwtliitf hoii iwm and rxnlly i timlo it uiniy ilvyi f 11 h i ititm whh frimli am nuwuy hnonliun ynu kilow hulun away i bud not hoard of any of tlm iml tloulurh rooordud q th the worlds loneliest monument in 1h03 tlioro wna roctod on thu ooaat of linhrlntf inland not far from kamtiflliatko a monumont that im tlm lonallnat in tho nntlro world in that it u mo litolntfid it wan in honor or vltuu uchrlnitt thn famoum navigator whom tins xtmltm und v utand w numud uuhrlnch rarniir wn nno of tho m intareutlnff of any bonfurinb mull cantlirlev hi wu a dano and wn i xir i in u ittj town on thu imnlnhulii of jutland in 1dn0 ii i wan of a vary ady until rnun dlhoorltlon cud whnn younu wont to huwlit rnd nuiad tha naval wcrvlcn in 173 im hud eomninud of u him- ifluti oxhtlltlou in oxilort tlm boa of kamchatka a rualou llttlo known ul tboiirh it hud lxhn vljlt6riindlwfltt41i about aortm ulifhty yeurv lirnvlnuiily at that tlmo kooifraplmru mupnoaud thut amurlca und aula nro unltud jiohrlnir wpont thrtm youa vullliib ulcnif t thtv- jminlnnulu that bwirj hiu mim and tin null oil through tho huh ring btrult to explore eupualuliy tho blnirlnii count lb 1741 h return ed to thooo wimn wiittira to tixploru tint amorloun oonwt and tt wiui whlhytiu waa raturnlnjr that hlw ahlp wa aut uion tho inltitij which wu tlm farth- uat outpoat of tho aloutiutl tulandu hor bo dlod and it whh not until lbjj that a huhbiuii ahlp wan amit to anarch for hla romaluivf they could bo found and aivu tlm proper rotiinltlu to hla tnat rtutlno plaon it wum not a ill 111 cult tank to flail thu mimt for umloi a hattjt of ton im a pllu of imiiiuu wun found thla atouo heal hud boon ac count nd for by nallora for yvara in romnwhat ibifondavy way au tho hurlul plaoaof tho axptoror and no thw alilph vommnmlur auntiptod tlm fnota und itruijtinnd hom for approval to tlm proper autliorttliu llulalnif noin- olont fuiiilhko oront a monumont tho iluaalan whip hiillml from vlndlvoatok sltmrlrbnoiut up a urunlto mauao- loum on thu top at wbltih la an lion oroaa thore it aulnlw huhii only hj puaaltib vuaolu tho aontlnol ovor u groat munhrcinuliut s a merethifle would you llkt a lift nlrt u ctmn- trymuu oakod civilly un ho overtook a foot traveller on a road in thn north of id im land a thoy jooil ulong tbuy ohnttod about all aorta of tblnn proaonlly ha old oouutrymun pullod nut a bis watch can yo toll mo tho tolmo nlrt ho uakod cortalniy it la exactly threu oclock repllod tho other ua lm watch oil tho uountrymai adjuatlnff ida wntnlk- thon bo htopiwd him i oald hrpo oolook not twolvv ho add- j oh that bo all right hlftald tho oountrymaii a ho mjipiot bin tlme piece into hla ponltel horll nson jaako tlmft i oou fet bn a wonderful j i llii ml but tho old munv oolunui lookod loiiduninn und aklnuy bint wok i win iilmout iiuhiiiimd that i hadnt writ ton a tow oliiitiiiu of my iinlnl coiicou uliniul mid hnd thn odltor rm thmu wlillo i whm uwuy vliiltlntc- u hr in ilruiu tliut wild imvw of licul hfutory lu to ron tn wuu junt a llttlo provloua 1 uuiiw alkiut that idtf tirbool liolino u ut tlm north- iiunt ooriinr of john wop ilmim lot i mwor uw il but old nun hull told mn about dm nlniumiiluuci of thn tlrut unrmon anil tbij funoriiul i n it t when wo worn oiuoklnu yurna onn duy thirty nr foity yourw uo wuu if n vlna that lutllfr lnoldtnit till uot up to tho cormir undook lu til ilrluk chuiiih uml u it fow worda ubout my vtiwtimmml old uronlua dr jobiiiitou and john hhurp will mary uid i uro havlnif a tfront tlnm up htiro ut our duiiubtnru our aonluluw imm tl roal aood tlu llitxln and im haoiiiu to wupt ua to uou tho country all ubout hero wo all di ovor to oroonook to nhuroh on tlu ml ay and wov intil n trip to wulkorton inl huuovor and one day worn down to llllilmayand tnohwuior x tixpoot hi fore wo bo bank homo thero wull rui up to clnmltiy and ialiiuiy and tin yountc folka urn talklnif ubout it un- nlo aomn duy thla wook up ut fort laiali i dont know um mwryuild nioll tuko that lu though im rathnr afraid a flftymllo trip in that llttlo ord ii bo too milch of u uhaknup for our old boiiom woro uurodolu nil m trlppln urimnd all rlubt ull rlglit tlm oropa hnroabout aro uplundld i havent mut a farmnr yot who dotii udmlt liltt oropa ard uwuy ubovo tho avurijro anil tho potutoi why thoy huvont hud mioli a uloii in yaurn homo of thn fammru uro throuhluk tluilr oata in tho fluid hocauao thoy bitvoiit room to mow them all in tholr bun i miw kflinp tall uun flowara bofora i loft homo hut a kiirdiiu mwulki ton way hua uoino whlth linatu ovon t tlioiid i aaw in vrauk tlorlvona yuid on cbiirob htrool thnuo urn uald to bo 13 foot lull ami onutulk lina thirty ono nkjrutii floworfi on it tbouo will fatten n lot of bona wo alwnyw brow munflownra on tho old farm for our bona thoy fattonod thoin up fine i moo tho fnrmoru bor uro uuln kftlvaiilxod i id in und roolliur for tlialr bulldhirh very frooly now tho nuxt farm to our daughtura biuihundu huu juat hudu driving uliod 3u40 put up with balvunlxod iron roof thla farm- or liii nbio put a now ktilvunlxori iron roof on bla hum i inurnod tlm othor day in wulkor ton that capt viator molcooluib hua boon hnrvlntf hi tho imporlul forcoa in india for tho pnat two yoara ban aallutl from jqnblaudfor hiu homo waa oixpootod to urrivo thorn tho lattnr part of thn wook with tlm uxooptlou of 1rlvuto jorry joromo who la still ooraoau viator la tho luat fto rotuni homo of tho wulkorton hoya who ought in tho lato war i hid ho oruxo for b union purtloa juipt um br out horn ua in our own houn locality thorn waa one up bora biat weak rlvon by tlm momona guild of tho icngirah ohuirli tlmy ookhir 131100 tlmro uro ulrln up horo with knrvo i heard quite a utory tho otbor nlnht jtbout ono who wua working lu ttotrolt blm blrod a dotrolt tuxl driv er to bring- hnr homo arriving ut hitr homo lu oorrlo on buuduy ovoiiiub ho x piloted to ronolvn hla pny but wua coolly told by tlm young lady that alio had no fuudii ho clulma thut bo la through with tuklnu- canadian tftrla homo itut ho rionuiit know tho bont of our glrl it wuu a ububby trlok i run unniaa agnlib of miirvoyoi buay laying out a now aiiur uun of tlm i t 11 whliih in to run fropi luudy oromuing to john hounluuu farm dlatanon of ubout thrm tudoa tho lino in to oounoot up with ipiatry bdi whlob tho hunovur oonmnt co will upon up on mr bcautnuiifurm auildnntk huppiui up hotn uhwoh alaowhoio 1 lint wlilln oanrylng uoi thluga dowii tho collar lit hur homo in waller ton tho other ovmilntf mrn it modrouor ullppod on tlm htopu mid foil lioavlly to tho luittom of tho iitalta hroukliik twlrlbu in tlm call on of tho boitvltiut thlindorhtormu lvonoon for a ynur puauod ovor thla uootloii a wonk ng vrlday hlghf do imc conuldnriihbi ilmnago in tlm aiib- lirhu mc thnx ii wiihuii oilt of tho town lout u vuluabl oow wbluh wi klllod in tlm flold by lightning a othor oow uourby waa badly burl white mr jufik of carrhik luul throo liornom utuinitid in tho pimturo told by an bolt xlovarul biirua and ntbur bulldltibh worn oouahlorably ilum ubod by thn utonn well thla will koip my oolumn from looklnjf uo liaro uh it wua hint wok mury und i will bo homo now lu u fw duym i foul iiu if id nko to huvoi it duyuttormiui i i ulwoya bun lota of old tiojkhborm and frluuua wlmti i uo dowii und tlnm thuy any thn midway lu union iminovod of oourao old followu uk um urn not uiip- poaod to tuko that in but i llko to go in mm fin other old ohuph who waiulor lu tlmrirtii htiidyjiumau uutum mary thtlikanhu wont uo hholl ho 1 1 roil opough after our vultlnu horo in urucu ifounty und ho flp down hoipo any- wuyalm wnntu to hilhhup u now patchwork quilt hoh boon muklnirr for aotun iram kalr open to tho world and to ttnlah hor oolloottoii for thut prlau to bfi given to thn bid lady of ii vol movent y who made tho urtloloa mhohii thin you- nfako her method ira urnwri how do you nuinagti to luivo hitch itolloloim moatat ihm jonca woll it anloot u nod iionoat tin tuber ani thon utunl by idm f mm urown- you moan thuc you klvu blm ull your iruditt mm joins no i irman i ataiu by blm while boloutlntf flu moat- r and chlpq qhop0 tlln rlah undchlpa uhop or tlm hon konl ciiui iniirii iirbitonnitlo niipolla- tloii whloli iipiilln lu miiiio htintlouu ol hi dontliuoii la nil limtltitloji of com- puriitlvriy icrtnt hlhh g thin moiniiy hut it pnmiliiuii to tin a mighty ruotoi in ilovolopliiv nu uppctltn fur hull onionu- ciiiuullin iiiupl ii inlubt bt duly itudl thut hi llili uml clilliu nhop hi a inolnct o hi war lhiil in iitiiornl us itu llilrmlilii hon i11i0 muadii in 1 oimnnioil in icmiliiil ll wua tho vnuiio for ynuiv piovlouu wliire tt ilimirvnii rotmldur- ubbftidlt for lrlnuliil- lb- lorn rtii- juiiiiuioii of nail lo lift it v pound ft year pur lnaf tho uuu wuu inought tojcihhiilirijlii it lu hcuuvnil tlln hint kin 1 1 und nhui w oiiiuind hi moutroul tlm vluh ntpt ylilna idiop lu a iilnne wlirii 11 liuul of itub hllpid jiolaioeii atoutr with im 1 fo or milk und hiud im iinrvii ihlidvoly worn moutiul tlm 1 lull tho wlmti ikk clilpi liliomlto ihop whlln viiiiriuiviir bun milnllil hliuln of miili tliii nu old country guiilluiniiii who han ttin u uiiiiriin or a wlnnlnl ouihblluhmimt uhliin thut bn pow liitolidii to mil ml ond miikn 11 himhixiu of iiulnlillnhlu khih and chlpu hhopn ull over th rounhy and unlliuic thnin ua anlnu onooriui s in thfiin nbopa a mlnilld meal bn obtained for llftonn lo twoutynvn ontu tlm limnil iuntloiiod 11 lir v a li iilllclnnry of ptftilmuut for thn urnut lorltv of iiennllft in ii hm o nntiiiinirtnittfl1hyfut uouuuj7iol with thn ohtabllahmtnit to rind how muny putrouuii it rugulurty to ilnfnot ollhcn an lukllnir to tho xtoit of th putiouuiio onjoyod by tlifuo mhopa dlu- olnuaa too that tb hoa looil orlll in u prolttublo nnlnrprbm if haudlnd pro porly tlmrn urn in mantruul nix nbopa tho varlit y of huh thoy uu la hloliy hudilook but nt thnna ood doutidnra ikutn ami birrlnica uru uid thn fnl low big im about tlm aviragii iimoun of huh onn of lltom phtoom would uho por wtinit lnot to 1500 jmiunda of haddock a tnl market inl 101 pounda of lloundnra 1x pounda of akat und one hurral of borrlutcx two moula run imi uoountd from onn pound und uoino- tbikim throo tho profit front the montreal utorou vurlou from fifty to onn huiidrud dollaru per the 10o00 qalanies homo duyu ugo u miiutwir of thn frlnmlh nf mr thou a kdlaon mot bliu und ji row on toil him with 1 dromi in reply mr idiimoii mild lu part everybody taken a band thoni duyu in dluoiuihliib indiintrlal problmnabul i doot hour mueh nlmut tho whl collar workoru lu thu oltlao you know why tho oiilco worki im um woll miitlallvd on unyboilywltli hla lott itu boouuho ho noea imd un- domtutida tlm problnma of hla ihihu und hnm uatluilod to hiio tho preiildout paid llclltltll balar bnruuito bo lu ulo onoiibb to know lm nurilm tlm money if you could mabw thu linluutrlal worker uudflratuud what cupltal und muuuknipnut hi dohiie for hint ii jeo a linw wuv to euro thla no call oil unrel tho uvorauo fuotory bund today hua no nnneoptlon of what capital u liolng invoutnd for liltu in hotter much luory and tools to muko u butter job for hlpi tlm typewriter uturtod the hnu rollw lug for maahlnoa in tho oflloo njliole buck in tho early 70 a broujiht hiu rlrit model to my ahop und i helped hi mukn it work if you want to not a pnrapeotlvo nf proifieuu with hucii tblnb wh l phono or tho typewriter juut imiighn if ull tlm nflloom had never beard of longhand or ubortband and you at tempted to remove thn typowrltor and dlctatlnu mnohlno uubutltutruif tl hniul mutboil of getting out iho mull liumlrioau ulmply would iitop jn a few yoara maohlneu will do about ovarythluif in an onion juut au they do in tlm khona ah oil no work- era will bane bettor job and com paratively liolfoi- pny tho more tlrny uua tlm atltnmatla dovlceu it 18 rjot lack op ability a man who but made omotbliiu of f reputation for blmatlf by tho tihrowd untih of bla cimniiol to bunlnosh workeru bnu reached the conol union that thn majority of thoo who fail full be cauuo of laok orliltrrewt tlm preaont altuutlon when wage have roaohed uu unpreoedeittedly blkh point ueomu to indicate that thlu vlew lu not tqv from jcorfoot ono would kupimihu that iho avenibo worker would lm rlud to tuko advantuifo of tlm proaent to got alinail to put monoy in tho bank to make invent moot a that will bo uomothlnir to fall buck on ii the inevitable ruluv day uut uu 1 mutter of fuot produauoiibtivfullai orf workeru aro reatlnu on their oari- nloni or lota iiitelloctiiul luxlnehu lu even more marked than the other km 0110 por tion who la indolent in the uuu of hiu muholeu tmi urn indolent lu tho uu tbulr bralna we kot our opinion roudylnudo becaiumi it la lena troulilo than thlnulug them out for ojiraelvui a dletromhlubly lurko number o yoiim people bo to uohool beeuuuo tlmlr pur- nntu inulat on it und when uohool life ondii drop it um they would tlm pro- vorbhil hot potato intollootuul laxli enplalnu the llmltutlonu which bold uh buck from tho blulmat nuartiua wu ore uuver utile to do what wo might do jieeaiian intellectually we uro it war rod it la uturtllnif to roallxothnt where ohuriuuor im eonoomed laxluemm la 11 irnmendouti fnntor wn tell thn fnhin- hoad that hinoothm thluuu ovor liiulodd of comtriartoutolfi3diktjijhruui we lofotir uulta rulogluw beeutliiq- to -ooiiituer- thorn niulrjforfttrtibuto wo uro iiomntlttioa ulven to hpeuk- ing of lualnoua in toneu of ituliilgenno apjmrontly wo 1114 inclined toiogurd it uu n wcukuemh to ho dealt with ton dorly on the contrary it im u vine that will ut rang in whntavor la good li human jiature uuloru itlw itaelf utrun- bled amonq the irjventorb a now cum era- carry lnr ouue huu it vomiiurtmnnt or aiiiltloial mima a kunuuil inventor hua devlwed lieela made mainly of eollud aprlnva covered wlib lexlble lealirr lmllabluir furniture by maoblub in hteint of liy hund la made pounlule by a rcent llrltlab invention ooneiotn may lie made o reaombla kianlto lit eloaely hy tho uddltlon of powilifred micu uaulmoat to dooolvu vxpertu to keep men who uno lad d era a great deal front allppliut an inventor hua do- lunrd roitkhened metal tlatea to le iorn on v a rreucliln vent ku to warn an avia tor when he la deviating from bla in tended oourao eouabilif of a form ol init obacuru wi w the avalancrje home weeku ubo up in tlia moun- taljw of hwlxohund a company of movie uctnrii met a nuddon and trunlo death a mllilutum uvula none which they bad atarted down 11 10 mouutulu uldo it might bo til mod for tlm boreen in their nllnmuy bocamo uj ioul uviihincbo apd ru the ring itght und moitionturn in itu hwlft deaocut cruaheii tho life uut of diohu who wore fuund lu itu path t massing v all others in delicacy and fragrance salada send ua a post cord for a free sample stating the price you aow tay and if you use black green or mixed tea address salada toronto- it the value op advehtiblnq of and rolt live stock of tlv oltkn h tub 1 i1 mi itonk any inlwicu on tin i nu im iuiiorhiouii ror lu theluiue miijiilty of cinjlt hen bi4iii by proper advrtlliii- of high rluun ipiodii lliu tley i111v0 built up tlmlr biiulniiuii the purpouo of thja urtleui la lo cull tlm utttitlou of ttin mallor lueednrii tho luilunorm lu tlm ihihiiihm to the poiiilbllltleu lu udvnr- llulnu any live utoik which thuy may utile lor example nv 1 thin c lu a ilnhigii of iii u 11 1 r lea uu to the pouulblllty of pur- i inning young nnhhulu of tho vurlomi cluuveu of yn ulok needloioi to uuy the iurui la uuublo to ull all wantti for rireueiitutlvou of the hi end wuuted for olivoun rvuiiouu uuch an litlnjf uold out if the purtlonliu elauu of utiuik wunted nut having unlmahi of the ugo or unx wuutud und not knoplnu reprohentu- tlveh of the breed wuntnd in tin mi- doivor to 11 mint our corrnupondonta o loiiito tjiu uiilmulu they w lull oil to purrhuuo it liun often been found und momothnnh tiluto thut premium right lu their own vicinity hud unlmula of tlm rlnnu tf utook waiiteil for ule but uu thoy hud not boon udvertluod for hale nor bail thn intending pur- chaaer ndverlliuhl hla wuntu liolh pur lieu mlhueil u chuuoo lo do bualueuu which would have benelltted iwith fiimi tmii ubovo it would uoouithat ii more extended uelumin of advert ih lug on the purt of broedera who urn nltb- iii need of or wluh to dlupou of utook wnuhl hn piolltalilo for all purtleu eou- ciiriiiul thla iidvorthilutf tieod uo bo very expouulvn a iiinnll netlce lu tlm proper toluinn of tlm local paper or lu one of tlm farm puperu which lu popular in the dlutrlct would uervo the deulred piirpdie ipilto idequatoly if the miuibor utulfumkty of tlm ujil- 1111111 warrant it a larger udvertlne- pieut with un lllilxtrutloii would lm in order ailvoi tluhig i1 of roil rue of purtlnii- lur value lu dlupoulug of bredlni utook or unlmula not in nt ooiidltlou for uule oil the tetfitlur market tho writer hih in mind ono particular cluau of utook namely uifod ppro tjrnl dairy bulbi or good qunllty and known to if breodlnu good utock many of theun find their way to be buteheru even your when it would be much to tho udvuntugo of thn breed um woll um to ltbe forme in dlupoulnif of them und lucky enouiih to uet them if they were kept for further yearn of horvlra a llttlo tlmuly udvertiulnir would in many c a lien ncciimplluh llihi end liiutly udvoitlmlng muut bo more or lena iiimuo untile thn groat out do- inuiid for dairy cuttle and uwlnn breedlmr utock in nmially in tho jato winter and ouily uiirbijr while ulieep ure more in demnud in luto huinmf uljil fall ilan the advorilulnu to merit the honuonul reqlilrementc nhd it call then bn dono mout econoiplnally w mulr antiual iluuliuudmnii ljxperlmeiital farm not building for space many ponaum who build bniuieu buriim and ollinr utruotuiou do not nu dum tit 1 id tho funilunoutuu fiile that thore hi moio tuiiico lu a uquaro build ing than in n loim ouii and that tlm further they depart from tlm uquurp form tho more their buudlum will nont lu propoitlon to itu ulxo lor inatauce a hulldliiir twenty by twomy feet will have four hundred feet of floor upnro und will rno11 ire eighty feet of willi while ono ten by forty feet will with tho an mo rioor upimo require one hundred feet of wull accordingly more material will lie re quired for tlm longer bultilliigt in many cukoh of courun there are objoctlonw to having a building- uqiium tho longer building for inutauce given more wall nonce and more fight und that may be uii important it era the roof and poor itema arn ubout tho name in- either cauo theoretically 1 round bulldlugwlh bo wtlll mire no- nnnmlcul than u uipuiro nno imd h uuch a thl till were practicable a itphnr- icnl hulldliiu would be tlm meet ec onomical of ull for tho renanii that ul upbore huu nmro upnco luulde in pro portion to itu expohoh unrfuca than uuy other pohulble form of countrtietlon a maine farmer haw built u barn 011 thla phnclttr hie think it la aiuc- eeiiii eu lieu lilt i y nliice it allowii an extra amount of loft room a wash ington mair uopio luiaru iifo thought to auvo hlinuelf momiy by building u round boiiue but theory in ono thlntf upi pruetlce im uuothor und bin atrtia- turo wnu a poor investment i tlm roithoii why all butldlnzm uro couittructod 011 roctuntfulnr llneu u thut experience i111m proved ttmm to be men economical tlm clroubir form of coiiulruntlon luvolveu a vunt addition al umount of work lu tlm frnml and there la uliin a intstwijulo f mule rim whutt la ipiliiort jlpuini iu matiy tlnnw niore tllttli mudu up in tholnj orilauoil emit of labor ilulldurm l that a olreulai poioh on u houwe wurj coat double that of 11 rootunnlar ono kanuoku buld olrculur miiom unt thena 1110 uconoinlciilbut they am coimtruet- ihi on the prntulpat v tank or hur- 1 ol und thla principle dooa not upply to houaea buriim und audi bulluliieh huv mromibeorv notes llvou ut uomelof uu ale huuod tfti leu of proiulliuory notru we ie oiirhelvru that we wilt lioglu what wn ought when we hive ciirlulii 1111011111 of enjoyment 01 njoy hi id up uut nullle a full omilele life uu we no ulontf huiy uml enjoyment ioutpoimd till uoino futuie tlnm liiuy lie put iitj too long ft wise men 8av thai your rdli uhouidnel your leetb that the mail who utlcku raioly ireli took thut thuro in inoni fun lu linitliitf than in lagging thai 0 fa wl ynuriioir helji ulonu tl wlrim of oihent thai the daiiit lilnif you can null in your own uclfiimpixit thai you cilinot do jiinliin lo yoiir wcik unluii you itujoy ll tll pi of luuoianie in no email put t jif kitowlnlg thu thut thn krutout mluluke you inn muku in tlfn la to be coutliiuiilly fnn lug you will make mm thut idlnuoia vr won it i nil not ion lu th world und unvor will the world ittee net own lie u llvluic but very inu owen iho woild work cod inudn mull for omiloymut und wo cannot dixit thu ihuuo nearly alwavo doto tjime hi no partleiihir reuuon why tho- uijftit of icfuahloiiahlo but lleidiy yn li 11 if man weurlnir que or thnuo light ciula miillt no fur up the hack re mind a ua of it bolitulhd polo ho run but it nnurly ulwuym doea lcauauii clly tbneu shoe repairing iiih pny if wn do il whnn your ult onn come back from our- uhop thoy look like new our work im nucufiilly done to lual we take tho uamn palnu with u email job of htraluhtnnlnu hoela an wo do with rowollng iop- ubif prlceu new premlbea arthurs block t- e gibbons ml established 1b72 m ins money in uvii stopk caitepul selection of breed ing cattlo and tlm wfht kind of financial hacking will put you in a pouiti1n to make money from your herd tlm bank of hamilton 13 prepared to promote any lorjtiniuto do- velopmcnt alonfthis lino bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c mckay manacer fynptiiwujf njtcpiijl a slln4uicstaumb wiiiri ii 1 ii kxact copt of wrappm castoria for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years -m- ctrrija oowi mw wm excessive acidity u at the bottom of knott -ry- uls rmioids iar inageatton afiord bleas- ing and prompt teliet frorrr iha dartres ol ddddyipcpsin maob by scott a dowkk hakehs orlscotts emulfilol when using wilsons fly pads sfe read dibecti0n3 v capcfuuy and 5 v0udw them exactly fur more effective than sticky ply catcher- clean to handle sold by dru4jittaaad oioocracvciywhcxc aaon creamery full market price paid ikir ibuttcr fat any small amount of cream will receive oup best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs opdo friday and saturday evenings best creamery butter nbw ijiid eggs anb fresh buttermimc whx now be supplied t the creamery every day acton creamery go watson wiles proprietors iqon tuesday anh wednesday iqoai izj heitemer2lsl and 22ml ei7u acton fall fair open to the world many special attractions j new ilevihed and enlarged iriy i jst bplcndld fair night concert oh sccorul nijjht trialri of speed on nn kjtcellcnt hnlf milo track guelph mtirtjciil sttcicly itantl in attendance the prize list hogs ccabs 17 dehkohineo iltut hour two yearn und over hour one year llour under ulx mini tlm low twn yimrw und over how one year and uuilm two kow under uln mouthil hour und two hdwm clabq 18 vohkbhliteb i lent hour two youra and over llour one year llour under ulic biontha how two youra and ovor how one your ebil under two how under uix moutha hour und two tlowu class 10 tamwortthb hunt hoar two youra and over hour onn year hour under 1 mnuthh how two youra und over how one year and undo two mow under ulic mouthu hour und two huwu n n aii 41 00 j 10 1 00 3 ik 1 00 3 on 1 00 3 00 1 no 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 11 00 11 00 3 no 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 i 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 s3 10 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 poultry class 20 iiicc 1 itout orpbliibtoii cook 3 hon k 3 conknrul pullet 5 ilbodo latum hod cock weil 1 cnekorel k pullet tt ii c white ixghom cook n 10 hun v 11 cockerel 13 pullet t 13 hrowu ioghorn cock u han 16 cockeiel 10 iullet 17 white wyandotte cock 1 hon hi cockerel 30 pullotf 31 any other wyamlollo cock 3s hen s3 cockerel 2 pullet is i minorca cook 37 cockerel 3 pullet 30 flout i tarred plymouth hook cock so- hen 31 cockerel j 33 pullet rt 33 any othec hock cliok 3i lieu 311 cockerel 30 pullet 37 hllvor or ooldon cuninlno cock 38 lien 30 cnekorel 10 pullet 41 any other kind not mentioned cock hon 13 cockerel h iullot 45 iluiitum cock 48 1un 47 cockerel h8 pullet 40 it mi mi ducka old male b0 old remain 1 young main us yuung fomulo e3 1oklu uucku old tnnln b4 old fomulo b5 young male i bo ynunir fomulo b7 indlaiiituniior liucku old mulo bb old fomulo t b0 young mulo 00 young fomulo 01 deano male i 03 fnmule 03 turkey mule h fomulo n 21 i 3b 21 grain rf olasb 21 nice 1 heat nu btmhol white wlnttr wheat 13 00 3 hod winter wheat 3 00 3 hprlpifwbeutmiilitih 3 01 i hinlnu- wheat uiiy other vurloty 3 oil -0- lurgo iouu j 01 v white ouu 3 00 7 lllack outu 7 3 00 x hafloy hix rowed 3 00 0 heat hi ouru indian corn 10 10 uik ouri hwoet com t 80 11 hhipluy of live utulku mimllnno com b 13 hnlf pehic whuo ileuiim 80 is half peck lteunu uuy other ulnd tn bo 14 collection o ruin in hheuf not louu thuu three klndm 110 utulku in each lo be properly burned und uballed riu 1 bq 1g 4 collection grain 1 buubel each uotleaa than four varltlon 3 00 tl 00 1 no 1 00 1 jo 1 00 l oo- i no 1 00 38 hg 1 00 8 00 roots vkgbtamjcs and fruit class 2 kkc vy tilleetiiumholicuiiypotalmih any vurloty fl op 3 luto i 1 00 3 pojatooa eorreotly uiuued uuy variety 76 4 flx 0lln 7 c tublo carrot fl t 78 hwelle tunilpa t 78 t houvleut tunlim uny vaihity r v 78 other turiilpa 78 0 puruulph 76 10 imu hed marigold wuukoi 76 11 v mungohl wuclaol 7tt 13 yugur hceta 76 is jlugaf mangold 76 14 table lleetii tlitf hod 76 ib tublo lloeth tliridp 78 10 throe hum in of ciibtiuue white a 76 17 red 76 1h celery r 76 1 caulinowor 7b 20 two wold pumpkliu 78 31 tiiblo pumpkin 78 33 tuble miiliiimh i 76 33 lold huiiuub j 70 34 hi koivlo nwvjl itlli f tiiunji vn i tmiui um lll m 7g 30 i jiy other vmlety i7fi 37 tomutoiu wt i- 76 zh two cllnma v 78 3b pour llunchou huiiimiiiih t 76 10 colltctloil vckllitilim 111 or tiun vat lotlen 11 of ouch arrunkiout eoiihldored n x jiq contlnufld neat weak i

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