Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1920, p. 4

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mm qe kttatx vw pjh wlltiihoay hill uqmiiicu it loifo turn aomm jcnm i una in tnihlluliad ovnry tliura lay tnortilmf at tho runi imau bulldlnr mill utrt aoton ontario 1 ho uuliuuiltitlon nrloo i ft co i r your in mlvnnim 1 uutu0 im i itaruod additional to tilth hi 111 unlit il ht itoh rtiif ilutu to fvhlnh hllhtrlitlon ura iiild la htilliit i on tint uililroum lulial attvulltihincl llalllh tpiumlaiil uilvortlaaiiinnta 10 con in i lllui uk ii tn numumiioit tt r urttt hmertlofi ntul 6 i ii tu 1 i lino r t r iiiii h hiilihoilioiit limartloti contmot uhjiiuv uilvi rllui itkiitu for 100 liniliuu or vnora tmir milium 10 i oittu mi i milt iuih hitmrtlon a lvortlaoiinmt without pnninii ilh uotlotm will b lnurtod till forbid und churned aooord irmly h v uooutq lcdltor hliil iubllalini- tuji kl iionui- eduoilul util uuhiiiium olltof 11m htujllnllt lib j editorial nmiiiru l k lirtj niakmjf contracts for tht years crop wt100 11 ton they uied to not 20 tho mrinid ct is hollevcd to bo duo to n rcnrclty of bomothlnu detroit news sugar getting out of tho luxury class thero ii bo no popular sympathy for tho big siirr riccillntors who forced ukr more tlmn twite its normnl price mid noy mud thoy htnnd to loc iutrc unis sujir appears lo be tohojjnnltljj duwn to rca homiblo flfurcn again prid- huvo dropped from llv to eight ctntb tho fiiibt wctk and reports tny i5c nijjur pi within night au expert jnvctlgator do clurct iliifur ilioutd pot bo wld to day uibovo 12c flia ut rich quick i pictiliiton mu now getting their dcivcrts j tho mtnnonttls in sn itntuiownn who wero re sistlng the education law have finally decided to fiend their children to rohool 1 he ninbltion of new comers 3houldbctobriiiffhclrchtldrcqupfls canadians otherwise thin country has no welcome to offer advertising pays no one ii surprised ut such an assertion by u newspaper but tho ottawa govern- metit recognizing thli bus inaugurated a publicity department like other institutions governments cannot afford to hide their light unddr a bushel mr j j morrison the ufo dictator or tho government i critical of press comment but ap parently ho sees nothing illogical in indulging in criticism when it pleases himself his comeup pance is due to arrive ouo of these fine days various newspapers throughout tho country an nounce increases in subscription price when every other necessary of life rocs up it ft only reasonable that tho nowspapor more necessary to many folks than thoir meals should do likewise it is inevitable canada is surely in tho limelight these days in his address in toronto last week sir auklnnd goddcs said canadas improved status as a nation is a topio that he confessed interested him mightily thbugh ho hud to ho careful because of ins position not to talk too much about it canadas exports and imports almost balance as far as is shown by a summary of tho trade of canada for the twelve months ending july 31 as prepared by the dominion bureau of statistics the total imports arc valued at about a billion and a quarter and exports exceed this amount by a llttlt more than cloven millions tho importance of tho prairie provinces of ca iada as a grain growing territory is realized when it is estimated by expert gram men and bankers that if x the crop of 1021 equals that of 1020 these provinces will yield a sum sufficient to pay the ontiro national debt of ihe dominion canadas wheat gives our country national importance canada at this hour is freer and happier than any other nation in the world its people full of common sense common decency and common concern for a good name have won its happiness and pcaco in tho midst of upheaval and unrest while our govern ments aro not all the people could wish thoy have administered the countrys affairs in general with a measurable degree of sane and prudent supervision tamleys 110000 bridge and dundaw roadway the big 1 10000 bridge at tansloy and tho section of dundos street roadway leading to and from it dont match according to tho milton reformer the editor took a trip over there tho other day to havo a look at the surroundings ho says bad as the stone road is from milton to palermo tho stretch between palermo and the bridge on the dundas road is ton times worse and a positive disgrace and tho same might with equal truth be said of tho state of the road west ot tho bridge a pieced held would bo about as easy to drive over as that road which is almost impassable so deep are tho ruts and so hard the clay imagine having such a beautiful well built structure as the tansley bridge erected at a cost of pver a hundred thousand dullavs and the road leading to it from cither sdo j such a disgraceful condition- that tho bridge is not being used to the extent that it otherwise would bo is this expensive brlga to be of so iittlo utility ns tho reformer mans comments would indicate surely the ratepayers of the county arc not going to see this bridgo fall into comparative disuse as has been tho case vjith its sister white clc- jphant qnthemiddio roadflve miles away ha 200000 of haltous good money been practically thrown away by injudicious county councillors on two needless bridges our children have nn inalienable right to education tho schools re open this week of coursu you are going to send your children to school in this day of enlightenment ovcryman if ho protends to bo civilized must give his sons and daughters the bene fit of tho training of the schools in some families this question is h very serious one moneymaking ioonis large in these days of higilxoatof living hut there is just one time for the average person to get an education and that is during early life failing then the after life is dwarfed and will never attain unto all its possibilities this paragraph is written to urge pprehts a see to it that their children have v good school advantages better live in poverty and educate yoih- family than to receive their earnings and become more easy in your financial circumstan ces it is a false conception of education however v to supposo that it ii a means of savjng jx man or d wl ionian from work education of course fits a por- dan todo muny things that an uneducated person cannot do but the educated person does more suc cessfully even tho things that tho uneducated person can do education qualifies a porson to work intclli gently and therefo more efficiently education- makos an equal expenditure of energy accomplish more work nnd botterwork in other words cducft roncnablcs unperson to o moro work to do better work and to do mbro kinds of ork and since the j beat and mosr useful citizen is the oqe who can do hemoat and the best woric education is o be highly jvfllued end earnestly sought ttatf it watt ah unworkable iropoltlort tlio county- cotiucirk detections front haltou fccl and duffcrin which mot to consider uproposnl for the umulgntion of tho jail nystani with one jail tor the throe counties located ut brampton have decided that it would bo inexpedient to enter into suali an arrangement the inconvenience and extra cost of conveying prisoners tn and from tho respec tivt county court houses and the centrulizcd jail are fatat to thoproject haltou jail under governor mcgibbou ban tho distinction of costing loss per capjta for maintenance than any- other jail in tho province iii tliu i ntwit ily mt nib ui buk faem prohibition is inevitable in cicat britain and n my judgment tlm liquor traffic is doomed said rev trevor dnvicsi of the metropolitan church toronto who ttbt weok returned from a ten wcoks visit to the old land dr davics left england only three ycara ngu to take the pastorate of tho metropolitan church and ho says tho ctiaugo in santimcnt in favor of pro hihition is to him almost dramatic this attitude has come about chiefly through tho influence of can ada and the united states tho people in the old land ore watching canada closely the liquor people aro ui armed at the outlook it js a losing battle or thorn imwet lriccfj for ijfeh necessities fvidcntly there is u widespread mlluonco at work which will mean at least a graduul tkcllno of prices from tho high figures now obtaining for nearly all tho necessities of life speaking at toronto tho tether day sir auckland gcddcs british ambassador to ilia united states said- it is of course unthink able that prices will again return to tho pre war level at least for many years while there is chaos in russia and polartd and while production has not increanod as it should and probably will later on it cannot be expected that prices will drop very much but the world is on tho way hack to stability prices are tumbling in certain ports of tho world now there is enough of the world at peace to mako this possible i a canadian ed lb a prominent irish paper the free press has received half a dozen copies of current issues of the freemans journal of dub lln ireland in which the stirring events of flie past month are rehearsed and strong editorials setting forth irelands demands of tho lloyd george govern ment arc written it is a matter of very peculiar interest that tho managing editor of tho freemans journal is mr harry n moore only son of rev dr t albert moore and that his great grandfather left ireland for canada eighty seven years ago to im prove his fortunes undor the mora benellclctit gov ernment of this dominion i his gnatgrandson hopes to have a share in the effort to successfully placo ireland in astata of pcaco with a government which will bring tho warring factions into a har monious co operation for tho beuofit of the emerald isle and its worthy people the fall fairs opportunities during this month of september tho fall fairs lodnsh acton fall fair to be held on the 2tst and 22nd insts will give fine opportunities for exhibit ing and comparing notes on the products of the field farm garden the homo and sundry other in terests with such excellent crops this year there should be an abundance of entries of all kinds of farm produce and keen competition in all of the classes while tho management may bo energetic tho success of the fair depends after all largely upon what tho public puts into it exhibitors and spectators alike can all do much to mako acton fall fair the success it deserves to be and there should be absolute loyalty to this institution which brings rural and urban residents into closer relationship unlike many other local fairs acton tall fair puts up no barriers its prize list is open to the world work und lyospcr new slogan for canndanf here is a suggestion of sane and vital import work and prosper was the motto which sir auck land gcddcs british ambassador to the united states invited canadians to adopt during the course or his speech at tho opening of the tpvonto exhibi tion on saturday burremember he added that matcrljil prosperity alone can never moke a nation grant spiritual fortitudo is also required to mcu all tho jars and shocks that will conio before pcco is fully established particular stress was laid on ho oppoituujty presented to cunadnfur helping to restore tho world to uormul conditions incidentally ho described canada us tho sheet anchor of the brit ish fmplre the distinguished guest dilatedjelo quontlou the tics that bind the british and ameri can people and emphasized the interdependence ex isting uotweeucaimda lyultho unilcd states but work and prosper was the keynote of his impor tant theme v t the ilabor interests wont peace it is a very hopeful sign when organized british labor is domonding that the government take im mediate steps to bring about peace between russia and poland in a message sentjoiritly to lloyd george arthur bui foil r lord president of the coun cil and leo ram en off bolshevik trade commission er in lo i ul i n tho executive council of the british labor party declared that body had helped to induce the reds to withdraw the objectionable terms thus romovlng the obstructions to peace apd urged that the british and russians should simulunteously publish tneulrncrmbupotrwhleii bolib talncd at once when labor irfcn qhow smcii solici tude for peace between warring nations thoy would surely uso their bcit endeavors to cultivate pence between employers of labor and tho labor unions no one thing in the past ha disturbed the peace more surely than the unseemly strikes which have been ordered deautv that is skin deep it u u t if wixik lint 1 nu not i i it if x hlruimii l f i mu mm liliht u of u wnmini who lute llriy hua ttwuivuruil llu mih tun win it twty iiv hv il iwriitiiii sinn 1 1 i in uioiii in tilii uliluil th- tur mil ui di jl iw wild itnl tin iklii uu ii nrint tnluht lt kind in i iw i nr thip nitmill hut in m ii to tll mm 41 uinl tin ii- i iii hi ii ulitlu u wixillli i t imli 1 1 ti urti mit oil tlu iiini nvnr mid hlumluhoit ini title l riu wiintitii m mltiii1y bivi it lit i youthful louiitbtianiki mut hiiiiio iiuuln ion j tltrouiili luujilit i i tin h ill that mtly itlmlohf iftfl km lit him nun i mi liuity inly urn inntf 11 u ullti nmntliti um uiifttintkl it initniiiv hwuttirl in krsum kuioiiim mint ulvn off tho nlitrm ut othtrtt tln u lu th nto worth imylnirt 1 f inim v inhimtfoiim ut fifty that ma unknown ut twrnitynvu wuiltl it not 1i 1 1 iter u thlu lullnh imii uiimnliri on i ul nut n in aiity thiiuult mho ih in tutia tltn bl willi tin it mu win 17 llmra ih tint tnuoli into fit llv- lilu i ll lititt of luuvlitel im lost of nil women it iw urocl tlnfaiiui tithik tlvi uio tlniho who gn fiirlntr rat tn rnrio tjio wuyy t youth nn smillnm thut tnalctt n mliy if tin lr nrfnrtri a woman whn mo it to xitou ryll in lut hnf bi hbhiimlnb tint nil i hiiu tuu4 ti ufa with th rl1i uinl lollkht in llw wtnurtflirt thnl m when the dattle was over wo ul uiitiiil dm alllfi ihiiiiiiir l fnvt 1 u nihiitf rt iiiit it wit ti mlllh i urtr thu rui i h uf i uniy iiklntl it hint hlw u iiiih in tin tin it hhiirn into i urli nn 1 utnlit nnt t thiiu inluht lilt kiit uinl tin ininillln nl lit t wn huv id iluhl ruitlii uliifh n p ly nre wlm t iny i it lollll n ibl tithm tint tiihl i inn a thn mdltbu ih iliuilntu linn llyn iciikii unnl nn i wd ilnllnwuvm tn tlrly i if tn in until try in itw nth y l n hhli ih nn tlltl tttlll hilt farmers business for tho pant 64 yearn thin bank haa mvon particular attention to tho bualnoua ot i arjncrb wo hovi holpod many ovor tho rough plnco and havo oldod many moro to tho hlkhobt piano of succsaa wo aro ttroparod to oxtond 3u ovory aid witlini lokltimato banklnc practico cnmo in at any time and talk over your affairs with uajsfou art alwkjr wloorno th mcrchants bank hodoncomonlrl of canada itbllhdl084 l b shorey manager h r mimm3 manager acton branch georgetown branch nlwuyx r i nn whrnn w rli rjj l ink in imi- tllrnllv ilknuj tn honor lrul foatliorw tt tu ultima- rill hlrtlh or fulr luu cupt nl ilia honj xt luman when aunt 8adi6 reckoned her compensations thnrn u it ilnur nll hnly who llvtji imr llfn- of hiinhliinn in a llttlo w itnn town lo lk oull imr amt iltului bom it uh tho tivvn mora uiit timun of auntln huiinhliu wliou uukul what it in thut mnkh iter no oontlnuiilly nhcoifiil in tlt4 nr muny thlniftf thut to otliorn w011i1i im llutni am urn uor- row mini tnurirtuiki aunt kndhi ru till 1 f never foruttt tn rcokon my inmiminutitlnnnl llnr oomiwonrttonul ilh hu lir lionrtl why ul hr nlhlmni kimw it il krtillflk iwunt nllwrco tmimij hrliiiiv hir a uvlnw wo mo woiilil ui iiully wtat on th llttlo hit lliut h ml 1 imity for autttle bun wh inn oh imv whon i palitto to look i cult lilwnju llml iniiiptintuitinnw unouuli to ovn ry illuudinmuinont nhn itnupuy k itlultih ivn had troiibliul utnl rlf ml wnrrlim in my tlmn ami lu my yomikir tluyri t uot into tho hnhlt of kcoiiintf thaaa nlwiiym to the forv tmrl f ithlntf ih m nn n meaiw mo 1 thnilht 4 wlnntnrf mymimtliy hut 1 tiwokn ti ha fnollahnoum of tltlu in it tluy wlmti i ifit to ouiilliitf my liluhmlntim in niintlntf thom 1 wul tirouulit to tlm truth thut many thlnu wlilnh hml hiiiiiniitl let wo nml which i thouuht t tho time wora tllrti culumltlfm turn- ih vt to im iiibuhiiibm tit hhkuimo 0ihchuoko9rcfcn- tfwonroo can am rates for telephone service our ratea for exchange ervicc fixed many yenra una developed many inequalities as between cities at one time equal in population i in tlio iew schedule filed with the board of railway com mlulonen we havo s grouped citic and towns of approximately equal telephone development ns to- wiie out tliese inequalitlea tho rates for exchange service proposed for acton under tlic new schedule arc bhowu in the following table business sarvica individual line 8party lino proposed monthly rate 1 373 325 kcsidenoa sarvica individual imc 2party line 2 00 175 rural party service 175 these new rates we submit should be conaidcred in the llghti of the present purchasing power of the dollar they compare favorably with the increased rates which telephone companies have liad to occur from public service bodies all over the continent the commodities we have to buy labor nd material haw advanced in no lesser degree titan havo those staples of every day use the cost of which has made present living expenses sahigh the bell telephone company of canada mms ikwincsh directory medical thos qrav m d c m mcoill t li b 1 llnl iikil i m jiuhkitw mtinlii lirlt udl aumiiolallnn i it i v il mt-h- oflloo lrrtnlt rli u 1 ro t i jut or j a mcnivi m phyioln nd uirubun omiw uinl ittulilif lnri r hiwi aviiiio wild kluhl lltrtit ml r 111 nua f rmerly no ill it 1 y 1 f liii dcrwil anton onr dr c f w rous qaoraatown out i grco hoapll h ot ihi ml nth v nun in 1 hllilit li llnif leo ac 1 lion- no 21 v o yux ilu harold nash 1aumer ma- vi perrvman blook acton ont momkv to taiay hour3 30 mil in l thi conveyancing md hiorta- will ilo si mack abntrttrtx a nn fnrnlxh worie carufnlly mul lally rtt no lfur t t 8- t at rnolioirv 1 rivals roam r h wansbrouoh lu aw dn j m bell d o bld dntut hotioi- oraduat of toronlu unlwr alty tba utaala nthttd ufl if dmtrd offlo at raafdsnea corn xllll a3 iftvdatiek striata marrtaqe licenses h p moora laauaf marrlaa lto 1rlvaln onlca no wlincaaaa ta- nujrotl laaufid nt realdenca 111 availing pkmm 1mmm ottlom acton out phancis nunan booltblfular amount booka of all kind da a ortlor parlodlcaj nf wrf unn carafully bound uullii- naatlf and promptly dona wyndham btrat oualph out tovr winum htniw r j kerr lloanaad auction- ttor tha countlm of fattoil waluntf- ton 1mi and diifforlji and tha city r quelj h acton ontarjo xiki i v mil rala may ira ml kxtaldanoa at aoton or at tha fra ivnaa oirlro art a it thn uarnir orica oudph tha newmtnoord pvirxua or with w j ooitkin himm ukaf lllllabunr salvs alltriutad to it j krr oalva attsotlmi trum data- of ibttlnx trt klata of aalu 14a t your aalm wlui toa raaldanoa tbona 3s anton to war anua aotort call at my luzpanaa j e cheevers book binder quabaa bt eaat gudloh onk ltonku uu i hbchitliitt lnuiiil in inndnoum und fluluituiitlul covorw nunui luttnmd lit utild on ulblaa hymn itooka and othar boolv- ah work promptly ewaeutad d alex niven ontario land burvayor and civil burvaya hubdlvlnlt nn ilaiiu ita- borta ikujodjitlona lllucnrlnui ate cartlttcattih for urchtttmirh and tniirtsacaaa hnrvoym for architect bulldara ami muntoljuil counolb drainacm ltnikrta ltillmatoh to molean building dououa bt uujqult imiono loboj oni ww llljy olt hrta victory bonds baarar or ltaalttd j e carter lnvtmatit qrokar gualph crand trunk thedoikble track route iiictvvicidn montreal toronto detroit chicago uiioxllnl dlliliiif fui uurvlot nioinl nit oakm on iiluht tnilim and 1nriiu- cttru tin iiriiolial dny trutna bnill inrornmtlnit riiimi uiw oruh truiilt tlakut itft ar oll llnrnli dlwtrlot ttihaiilr auui t lor on to ii s holmks ainl r acton ont llma 18 tho old und roliatilo ycranlte and marblo doalora wo ru maitufuotururti tuitl itlwit tmiwrtan of nil itlnfls of motiiiiiiijittal ahrt lioiulmunin work- w imll dlrac- to our oiimtomeru t viioiomaio lirloa thum unvliuf our oiihlomrti 0 inr wnt wo imvti thn hhl nillliit n enly mmluuilim in ti dominion v to can nimntlti im immhn totilufniirly n ulvo rtiforonfctw tttrtu lumdrada in frtiroiitti nml lhr ulllui 11 llllvl luw iii ii iii i i llll ill 1 wi tillo ha tt khil i tm t ntonu of out oumlnlnn or mur limn wny thr dnalnn in thu wwt w nrti iokui- inntff lualora uml inioy ti okvnta and do not umioy or icat tiuhlomon by mondhur out lifnorunt aootitn wnllult- intf ordnra wo amploy only mootuuilc and dofy oompotttlon hamilton sons oor norwich woolwtob qualp

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