Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1920, p. 2

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x wttv 1w1m zeh arton 3frw irwb tiiilltmday ftlqptismttrcil 23 1m0 the villaqeo 1 ituxit hnpn ttuit harrow foul for vi- mil ii ily wll paan my 111 tin hnoun or xaiv when hiltlffit mm ennui nlray hot wbi who luyn lir hand at luwt upotl tllfl twlllflntf llltih an i utupu when hapi y yearn have uinllnd 1m ik ulli our uprltiif uweet thai b flruut in r nh cod thlu heartfelt pruyi tlm i homewhora it may im whom uuit u mull tow ii aympathy in ii y fold mid iniufnrt 1 ho hui run u in blm check d binalium uproiim willi flour ill on itichand that hukeu nml hrawa and awei u and ilimttf hint wakeful uorvoa mhlfllrth tho ula bmnlltown aympathy thut know uiul understand thy find are hullded mich with i atone t n atona hut hourhi miiy uoh and llvo may droop umheediid ntid vtoito and m tu li mny dwdl unknown lovtil u hiiikia wait betwtwui- not ui tha mi lot lianm nwtot live th it rrlliit tho villain bvrn tt othnr rul the uiilmtdtru nrd lull ulvn tnulnd i tun tin homely round of living blent wtth j tlifl lutuvunlll ifiwn hymiwtliy thut uttul iff tlnlshhor feel iton tiny lump lit lion mux down iituiilti hiihiiihi utreet thut lndu it utrciiath on tear luifl- imxl wiivm it own hruuulol feet linvn trtal ttl mil tlg the profiteers by mary m perk 8 os- iv k ii ik to iiio cabin homo looked uu if it had unrouted ii tut the tree around it out of the elope whlrii it atobd jfehna would have lmliml at tho notion hut mar iana wuum have tmderatood inutuntly and havo ihrlluxl o tho thought well jeaaa know that it had nrunit not trom tho hlllaldo hut rrom hi own tactile brain and brawny armif whnn ho wioj only eighteen hn had hiilihtd hrwak tho uround for a row of lag ottnftim ut a rumrhy nu mart 11a hud out dawn tr hawad loffh irathorvd atnnon nnd cmrrlod tar and hot n atrok dann by aklllml workman had muaad hht koon cyo or ocahd hu tanaoloua memory ltar ha wu able to reproduce in hla own dwalltny much that ho had aean tha foundation and half of tho lowor story wara built of rough atone sath- oradrrom the hlluldn on them ruatod hvwn loa avory tnn curved all over with sweat memo r lea afaluaa clad in har sunday beat dink gingham awing- injt the atirteat of rufned white aun borinota had bpant many a long bright afternoon on u- atump near by ex- changtnr with jnh tho gy banter of courtahlp afallaaa could ahow you tho vary notch jeaaoa axe had mada one day when it allpped ut hnf audden outcry turn i n har head aho had apled n baalitlful red fox calmly aurvaylng them from tho knoll on which tha houaa waa to atond when jhm look ed round tha tot- wn only a rod troak in tho dlatance but jtaaae had eon it mo it wot no hallucination uellaaa firmly beltaved it waa an oman although aha vainly aearched dream booka and quaatlonod all the old wlvua of tha no igh ik r hood mow however after eonwi yea a ahi waa urapamd to juwure anyone that tha prone noo of a red tox on a uroapectlvo houaa alto la tho boat of algna blm had watched her future homo brow into a wonder ful thing and were not her threo children atronii and healthy and am beautiful aatha dayt the cabin hail a wide open hallway between two aquare room broad jkrch runnlhtt full length back and front but tha high atudded uptmfr roorna the blif atalrway the cloaalu nnd built in nupboarda and large h ic ing windows tranaformad tho cabin of mellaaaa childhood into a palace he would not huvo ux changed it for a real palace it waa uet in a nook between two oaark hllla fiwilng the aunny noutli ahaltarod rrom tho wind on the hluatdt to tha left ntood tho colonial tnunln in which mua matty bholby lived nl9ne on tha hilltop to tho right perch bd the big farmhouwi thutbelonged to the caraona a chlld- teoa old oouplo noth fhrnked by broad ncrem of rloh bottom land n aiatalydwblnifw n wi fine old furniture and aturfad wltli curio mlaa matty a it roth era had brought hor troaaurea rrom every mrt or the world the rumonu only oi a an i lor had doiin tha name for tham before ha vaa lout ut mua in time of iiat need ueliauu had aomotlmea ixran called on to hulp at both of the hlir houaea bha admired them nnd thulr oonlnnta hut would ux oooti have lived in u muaeum ulut- larod alia callad thcin the time ulna mutty apandrt duntlntf uiid imllah- ing and moving things uroundl old to jeauo one and aha a vi to itanth all the time about motha un thliibm fading hha looked proudly at her own aolld oak rio4ra a whito aa waft aotiu and aund could make thorn and aa aafe from moth and runt aa tha ground ttaalf liar table and ruatlo and aullnt hottomed chnlra were handmade but thar aha added t reckon aha baa to have aomepm to f uoa over show got no chlllen to play with mollaaa aient all her apare tno- mulita frolicking with het- bablaa but one mild aprlng afternoon whan patle k the youngeat waa two yea old thy triad in vain to interaat fimf thay cllmbotl ovar her for a lima ilk klt- tcnn over a mother cat but except for an occualonal preoccupied pat or klm they could get no reaponae and anally they want alona to thalr mud plaa left to haraelf ualiwm oat varyaiill with her fine eyea nxad on the road tho road vanlahnd lido the wood jeaae waa ploughing- at mlaa matty to morrow he might have to go to via coranna aftar u while ahe roue and acanned the aky auiiloualy then aha aurvayad u plot of uawly ploughed ground whore u hook of hena ware foraging meliaaa waa aa content with thalr amall acreage on with their almple dwelling bar own father had plough ad thla patoh for them liar eyea turned again uneaally totheby oley although aho had no cantai or funt to be oaten by mot hit mallaaarhnd har little worrlea aha knew jottao would b lata and yet abo could not long koop bar tiyca frotu that apot tha road vnnlnd into the wooda 14 waa unuaually late tho ohddren weru in iwd nnd the moon had riaen ijbove the hill btfore aha heard hta wago bumping over the rooky rottd ahe ran tq open thn big gate with a oheery creetlna tie drove in and cllmi- j ad heavily down e waa very tired but na aidlla wu not forced tiljtava tha plough in the wagon rand put ttur oovar on he aajd opt t irriod tin i ina ifi it donan i ulniigllod tjjo put mnlluuu hint ii until uftn mujo morning 1 ut ma in the morii- ii too liar 1 puppy i dlihi t her meant to tell hllil irhmm not tinttl hml utiwlitliibly olirl tha aprlng thut rob hi rti nuion h uooimnituti 1 unxldty like u fruuhet i tm m lupty uuyh tlmrun ho hoi ll tuuiu lii town tlion u no no uuywhur wliut on ulrth i w ilof j u unillo hiouihih i 11m fte i pod lulukly to 1 1 in hunk nt tha wiigou ho lifted out li huivy uutl uiul mt it ut mnlluuutl foul jlonliiu unil yt loiihtlnu mii ih hoi into mil butf took out a till r mid tunit 1 it iivur unit iivhi- uu lindorly uu if it hud heel u i ronso turkey utf lead tuterul alio guupml unlm ingly uave tin full throw thaaa in for uo1 lowvd for good moaaiirol aohoed moluu and tlmy worth ttilklity tilgli tholr weight in gold i ejiioa a g juppy u uuya hit ruin before liisr have to break tlio uiounl nuitln null joud regrotfully olnd got idun miitly u hi hh h a tonti wuma hit ri kttllhk lute mr tlttoil if it xhoul 1 bo u hue i ruin 1 ho nioou wua uo bright thut vivnn fiiiu wliaru tlioy atond thny tmiuld ana tho long uirulglit fiirrowa hi the mlil- hl lllgly itiri mutty i t lover dvuwm ihiiim nunliiwl through hnr um duyl hut tliurl hiiiiiumi tvult till i hil vnthhotlgrit llu light a tire 1 hud u op led i 1 ii ha ull right uguln iiiuw hit 11 ho u tiuup o fun whllaho unhltohod anil fd jimaiai uunotiufl jjuicu that hud i twin knpt hut hy tha foul- in tho big llrnplut ilmre wuh a dluh of aprliiu kremim iiimo and honey from tha hna tron jouun huil fuund tho fall bufore whlln li uallaua 1kn cutting tho tuliera for pluntlnu and when ho had flnlahn thy curried tho utick out into tho ltiotn light jeaua puum d uriar a hpuro and gaaed mndltatlvoly at thn moon lilt a plumb fooluh i reckon hut i ciilu t hoi n foaling crimpy utiout planting tatara in the light o tha moon 1ttppy dont hold thut notion when hnmobody uxod him if he plajit- ail hia tutera in the durk o tha moon ha lowed ha tiaimlly planlnd am in the ground he don t heuavo catu bring luck nor ary mioh thliig he luffed mul lutfed about my rod fox ha ioted it wim a nlttii wa bettor have u tight hun houau anil uhut tha door ulghta ituat tlma x wrni to hawuonvlllo i gut to talking to one a thoao par rotatory ut tha htatn college nuld joiute ha wua u right rrlnndiy foliar ha iowa aao la tnnhho do alurt iiutokor in tho light o tha moon to in hglt he iowk but iraouiiho tha la clnitor to thu ulrth and aorta iitlm thlngu up but in thn ground or oi top he lowu hit rouldn t hiuttar h iowm thut whan thing run to topv aomnp n ull the ground he glanced aldcwlne ut bin wife id ilka to aetid lluddy and iuto to tho lltata collace mnllaand kiillo ullpped uo that wn nearly out liar thumb o jeaae his too aha cried jaiaa funa nlterotl that a differ- tnt ml won t need it uellnaaa hliouldera heaved nnd har eye bverflowud hi too i ii uuvo the egg money tuln t tha money nuld jowaa you lnow i would n t begrudno hi anything on alrth hi ii marry and havo u homo to koor for hit a hn happlaal way for a woman hi wt n t need education hha won t want h would ou a keered for itf i can hood and wrltau ifttla meliaaa anawcred von mode your murk whcti we algned that thar paper exclaimed tha aitonhihad huatkiml the flrat time i ever waa to your daddya right otter wo coma hare he waa railing nt hooka und laming aaylng plain folk dldn t need and hit did mora harm than good and all that vou never aald anything about it ao t kept utlll dad waa a good man ha meant right ulway jeoha declared never utudled much about it till talked to that collage man 11a mudo it mlfthty plulu hut honey i know why you madu your mark you wua a keered your old man would foal named lialuau gave htm u uuthlnu look half mlachlavnua half tender could learn ypu jajue hit ud coma auay to you jeaaa mlghtd whan tlio chilian aaloap theyll never know thay exchange u look of under- itaudlne rho wan not ohhumed oi htm but the chllleu might he oortie day and jeoao twoaldllt bender hi marrying whan x wah over to vour mammy a thla morning thar wax a young laily thar x gathurod from thalr talk wliut ahed coma up from bhe wuan t drowned fine und alio waa hot atuck up but i felt aorta akaorad of her at unit blio graduated ut tho htiito college a yauf ago and ahoi imen teaching off and on auhatitut inr they oalhtl-but- thla atmimar uhfid to marry one tho perfoahora col- ton lil nu la y mammy iowa 1 youitlinow nar ltilflfltini ham lul hurt guaped joioio r that wild little thing thut untor live her giwnny in that tumble down by tha ford ivimwi you vu got it twluted homihow why colton the tnaii i talked tul twuii a ahumo thu wy folk tiuulod um huim the old womun wuw u witch uu 1nl u witch girl noltody ii over lay tiuger or tonguo to litt now jenhn i fait mnnr hkonrad to tulk to her at that hut alio wua an nwnet and frli udly i got over it hham what id ilka hla to u taint what folku have thut ihuuhm thum look ml up to jcae lilt edlcatlon lnu old granny lu utlll llvlnir in that burnt nld ahaok bha won t leavo it hut no ona 1 ever lay tongue or linger to 1 al again hit aduutlon muilo hot aafe jaaa and girl need it moron boya hut will thar lie money enough r shore y thaf will i low youre right molio i ooe what you mean wall aava hha tatar money every year lilt ii be enough if w uavo it all af tr that the planting wua no long at a- lark it waa a oacrument mai laaa dropped and jeauo covered und intj tbi tfrjunl with even tllbsr wenb tha fejvont exiiraahlou of their hopeu unddruina fat thalr crfaprlnif wtmn thay had flnlnhad uala faced thu beaming moon with u rogulah laugh und a drn courteny thnnk you mr moon ahe ould than aha oourtaalad toward the male ion thank you mua matty her vhole aaiect cltnngad tliank you her voice broke und ahe could nut flniab the aantnca1iut aho waa look- inir rove ran tly upwurd und involun tarily jeaae bowad hi hand than aho glanced pitifully from ilia naly farmhouaa when a ohlldlo old iuple lay ualeep to the bl manalon with it aolltary hottt ahfl over her ahouldcr at thflt whorojhelr three tyatllug atept hu dpn t aeem rlaht aha murmur ed har eyea overflowing again tnlni right that aoma atiould have ao muqh and othera nothing at all thara oiiu apiece for all three houtj anfl wovo got em all jcoae chuckled in aplte of hlmaalt but hln face mi vary tondr wa air aorta ilk the jifonteer we hear tell of ha aial wova ot about everything in alght hatn worthhav in hereabout but honey talnt ou fault hit dqaa mom hard on them but i low jtltll nf ba mado up to theni nomeumev yofjuta yoawgntoft country fxlna tlw hurvout im over and llimuliad thu full whiht in in un 1 country folk in nviry vl i in niit townalilp havlun mint of them ut htuat um nt their day ut toronto j won 1 rful ixhlhltlou uro tumltitf tlmh mlnda iiiiki ur iln to thn loiul falrti i iko connfry u irdan urth i oounuy fiilm hi ontario huvo ilmnimn 1 uui li a miiihtiii tin mil inohotony thut tlmy liililtn the livutugo lltt ii litlit ftel itu if win ii ho hun aein onn i r two ho iium in ii tin in nil and y t to mm t out oil u uuuliituiko oiiii u jour or pr- hiipii uiiuie n nw fiiouh mid to hi how thn country inok u w i nun tbrouiih it we ur utlll uttrnchd to th o tryntinu plurou of th diuti with tlm merry go round tha v n lor or ia nut uiul lkincoru und thn dlnpenuir of tiro ci nt iiiouuiinu of grope loo or um und ihiuld n froahninnt an 1 thn molo of trunupoitutloii to und from llmmo nountry gutherlugu bnu hungil uviii if tho dlunluy of llvo atock grutu trillt rootu tieodh w rk und home cook ing jind butlir making huve not furunga fuon from long dlmtuliqea and hunnheu of elty pioplo too uro met with how that worn not noun before diuwn thither by thu bin mlutt of thu uhtf mobile and thn cniin rupld mtnnn of luiiitbllittlng itoth tlino and dtittuiioa 1 hut indind form ti oil imllinl hungo in un 1 innovation from thu country fab of tho ol l it duyj ijlun viimiii line tier upon tier of theun motor nro now mmniikkniuutliib it u udi wduhiiumtm vjtcvivfifjizlruiiillcc point of tha fnlr uround itir tlio uulo hun truly beronw the formic lib n iuio vehjola uu wall u unit of to i ity and the fair of to day rooull in many wnyu thono of tlin ihlllhool duyu of our city popu who worn 1niiirflil niohotrtrm ahirranihhr nnd u hmtad dlucuioilnii thut i aaw nnd heufd over noma tilea looking luiukatu of potutoeu ut acton lul1 1 air tueujuy evening rtmluilid me vividly of tha old duyu ut ahruuter although tlio imini u uu 1 kind u of imtuton we grow then havn ilmibllomi 1mmii long ulnio dluurdid and forgottnn ltuck- eye luirly itouo mil aurnlchllll wnro thn kludu in vogua then iilthougli thn flriit immnd of t initio thre had at thut tlmn ulniodt run their noiiroo a haw wort named tho ieunh hlow warn imltiff introduced und on our furm now tho bountiful hamilton dolf i litloi in a rich and hhulten d apot not far from tho hniiuo now tho club hnuiiii we hud pluiiteil uomn of thin new kind i had rauolvud to uliow uuinn of tliobe hahnu couviiicihi that tlmy could not 1k mirimmind in the nalghlmrhood tha time i gavo in propiirlnir them for the ahow und tho tlinuuht and latmr i devoted to weloct ing qlcanltig etc wt ro a ma lug lor liluhui heforo tho f i hardly ulept a wink thinking of my magnificent uul tiltoau tho red tlfki t und the dollar it uiood for that w re imund to lie mint i atlll felt juwt uu pnvlnced um i com pared tin m urrungfd ulonghtda of tholr rlvulh mi fair day inornlng hut uluw ulthotigh i i nuld never lie llovo hint the judge were oltbor im- imrtlul op liioompi tent ro prlae adorn ed my buunol moahiirn ut tha and of tha day anil for many youm aftar ward i took no rurthrr into rent in our old towinriiln fnr ulid it exhibit another llttlo ulory and a tru one and my brochure fall fair mumt cloau thla tlmu tho incident ncturrod ut annaatar too but it waa many youra later whan i waa a prnctulng lawyer in humlltoil one bright oo tuber morning a man on me in to cor anlt mo about hlu homo huvlua been gored to death by a prise bull in making it way from tho fnlr groundn ha wua ona of thoua travelling vendor of peanut etc that i have juut men tioned the hull hud broken loooo or hud got beyond ha attendant a con trol und i ndvued my client that 1 thought he had a gool action how much damage uhall x claim i aakd nhd tha mnly wa a hundred dol- lar i wroto tho cattlo man who lived hear wood took und in a faw day he cumo in apparently thor oughly frightened and unxlouu to mot tle ho eald ha had made aoma eu- l ulrica however und had hoard that the homo wuu old ud he thought fifty dollar would he rajtaannbla j went for my man and utter uome parlay he ugroad to take thla und it wan paid i deducted my foe of five dollar und gavd him forty- five an hour utter thu owner of tho bull hud eft town the o her muti came in ugalnfj with a huppy bmlln on hi face und told mo hit had made nut pretty well ut tho ancaater kalr howa thntf i aakad well ho replied i bought that old hnrao u week before the fair from a jawluh peddler and paid him rlvo dollar for it i wondered for u long time ntturwurtlh how hard ho hud tried to got out of th build way t 1 j kurmer eliminating the poor cow tho object of row tiiitimr l l glvo tha dalrymuh urnuwibo knowloilgo aa to tlm proiluotlon of milk uiul fat of eunit ofw in tho bird it la riudlly udmltted that the uvoruge ciw docu not produce an much uillk un alio u cibu of glvlnuyund umhy dabynidu keep one or wore cowu that tin not pay for thei keep tow tat in the herd and give evidence ng thomtt that ahoujd ho tlimhiuttd fnim the in rd lh progrouw of cow ttat- lug bulletin gu hilry and onld htor ugo horle by a h white h a mhowu that winy furmom rty on hiiuiii work to pltu out tholi bout cow- from wluoh to have hulfti ealvoa for tha futui lit i da ltmuontly butian iirti not cirrtcf cowi whtoh liw co nnatlou uro not ol wnyu ih bent produocin in the herd ilalry roiord wlldo awuy with gueaa woik and thn furtiifci cup mufoly ueloct hlu beat now for brwllilg puipo tha bull tin the irokreaa of cow teiithik may bo aoourod freo upon upplloatlon to h imihllcullonm llmuch depirtmant of agriculture ottawa in ithltllon to ulvliih uui eaaontlal oh jcdi of oow tealtnif it i utllnoa tho do tulla of orgunlmtlon and ulvc aomi of the raaulu obtained whloh ehoww that many furniara luive lucrcaaad tha production of thalr herd a frof 80 to 16 per cent and noma have doubled tho hard avorujje in a few year a de- oldod incrfcaaa in tlio uverako produc tion of each now will bo found the 30v8 hetowt one day on u roud in tjulglum a iloiiha oiltuer mot a youngutcr louding ii donkey ho uncimtod him with the familiarity of hi rate biob trio to bo ugraeiiblti nnd aucrerdil only li be ing rough ah little olio you havo n hue don key there what do you cull itt al bert i wage oh ho mir niiawerod tho child i lev my king too mucin the officer ralaed hlu eyebrow un unnoylnu tlioiigtit iould tie read tin hit wrinkled red face and ha auldt i hi pa it leant that you do not cull him wlllubi he boy auuworod oulokly with ironic cuhdor oh no air i lovo my key too muoh tiieir glory shall not fade 9a the necotl inll itoy fin i tug ii huivy ple of furiiliur in ida way ilruvi kuili ant kliknl t und then l ruvu a iv if ahi tlmt brought tho riu1ly hu rylng f mn wliut wu the mutter thu y bud bo i t one foot und wuu llupi liiu iibout tho kh 111 4 11 tin otnr hi mm dluloili i with iln hi ullly ittteiiipt to wnuk injury on un jlmtetittate ln if ru nil ton hud m hi i i on hliiimiu atnl ho wu tin ohl f uuffi rer tli tuimii rule in i lu wliml old lieopl urn trying in lujill olherri unfair mi u iinkln li mu maid ioiih ulun 1 r hurt i o one no mu uu th luutlgutor icviry litre of tiuklnducu or lnjuntlfl recoil ujhhi lit doer itemnmlier that wlmoovot you try o huit unolh r yi u hurt yourself au i t vc uu uiiueni run tin urbt wl i h leav 1 it objirt lintel rhl make a tuukirih ujwit n your ovm u iru rheumatism ntoto ia tho tlmo to kct rid of it niturta is liulllrik for yon tho warm weathrrh lit ro hila m your clianco iffanp it take 4 tern pie ton rheumatic capsules get if oifl of your ay inn the eaalest way i bold hy reliable tlrurglau for a dollar auk our bk nt or wrlto ua for a frm hhiiiiiio iiniplu- tona 142 klnc lt w tort um iirul agent l jf raawarrf shoe polishes the big value box past for blad tan ouooj una brown sus white ciaj and latmul or whtc sboea tub v f- rjaulby coatoaatiohs lttx hamilton cam in tho apodal ordt r homed to the canadian troopit on muroh j7 101 h ouuurul hlr arthur currle wrote to thoua who will full 1 ugy you will not die but atap into immortality your name will bo revered forever und over by your grateful country und clod will tak you unto him- nlf thu pudwa thu uvoii la being- faith fully fulfilled lu relation to employee of the cunudluii paiino ituilwuy com puny by thu pluolng of broue mom- orlal tablota ut over a wcorti of itu principal ofllcea and utatloun fur thermore two lmpoalng brtiuva u tutu ary groupu have bean doalgnal for thn grout cpu ttutlona ut montroul unit winnipeg to at und forever uu tribute to tha haroliun and no if niirrl lice of c 1 it men who died in tho cm l wo nf freedom iirflung und ueuttndd ure tholr gruveu hut u ingle wmh their aplrlt und tholr hjeal the aarvlce of thai- country out of 11 rft3 employee who wore repotted itu joining the van n 1 0lid or nearly ten per nnnt paid tha an premp uu orifice theua cumo from vory rank of the company from every department and tlmy aervod by air land and nou filthtul unto dtuth the hrams tajilot repllrna of whloh will be placed at tha principal railway centre in each province ftf canada and ulao in irfimlon liverpool und tho orlont ho linen dealgned by mr archibald peurco of the chief en gineer a dcpartmenti of the romiuiny and lu being eugruvtd ut wore i ti ri ah i re icngland by tho ihoinhgntvo guild and apt lie 1 arta thn tithht ilepllota an advnuolng urtny of infan try nalvalry artillery uniipllau muni tion lahkti und railway tiutiuiort flunked on njthtr ui lu by a worahlp uiul u ci oh liner with aeroplanea flying overhead llritannla call with outatniti bojl luindu to the overaeaa dontlnlouu and nolntu out the mad to doatli und glory while underneath la a ucroll with tho hat of the chief battle in which tho c 1 1l tnan fell the- inuorlptlon commemorate lhonn in tho trtcrvloe of the cana- dluti liinlflo hallway company who at the cull of king ami country lert all thut wu dear to them endured hard- uhlp faced danger and finally pi mid out of alght of man by the path of duty and half uucrlllce giving- up their own llvcu thut otheru might live in freedom iot thoao who coma aftar uen to it thut their name be not for gotten tlnf lurga bronxe atatuary group which will bo duplicated for the c 1 h ntatlonu ut vlnduor fltreet mon treal and ut wlnntieg lu the work of coour du won mancurthy tha well- known montreal uoulptor in majoa- tlo ind lnipreumlvexaugory it reore- udiiu thu uplifting- of the uoul of a hero from tho twltlu line to that homo fttimjyhloh no traveller return dm armed figure of a aoldiar clad in khaki buttle utulned yet tranquil in tleath i 1 kir no htwucnwardm by n winged and laurel wreathed angel of vu tory tho tlgtiro in tha group are of herolo prohirtloih over ueven feet high hupiiortod upon a marble pedea- tul thu uhall tho memory of tha gal lant dead remain hi inuplratlon to thalr tomruduu and to the world at liro lly tholr auorlflco for the km- plro they kept clour and open tho 1m- turlul hlkhwity and on the utatlonx of thut hlghwuy th ir glory uhall forivor uo rtmlrdod sec there isnt even a tfaiy bit of lantic left at the bottom of the cup every crystal dis solved immediately so of course it takes less lantic fine sugar brings concentrated sweetness to all beverages hot or cold 30ssncoughs buy lantic in original paebnaebsmcorfcao io2oioolhbaafi m shop where you are invited to shop 7 f blowdealer have you luck when baking thv oven glaihl ware for vouii kitchen equip ment vou wlir i ll liu wh ii j akliii with ft chiu film uaii tin el i n nnd iinltrn i riiuiirill in i iiiiiic to mv on hi t oil after ii 11 1 u- un i 1 it if nil it it dur um will i tuiwt uny amount 1 i n lut it i k m 1 r i 1 h i k- un i on 1 lln to u rh li i r two di hi ion tiinh our ui k iu nil i to mil w will hi pli i to dinlor tint tho bond hauowaitr co lta phone 1612 guelph this stores policy to reprcnent ioodi cjf octly as to tliclr jualtty to acll to thoic who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guaranteed and cheer fully correct all mis tukci to deserve your confidence by always tivinf you satisfaction savage co jtewellenj guelph ontakio j nw premised arthund- block shoe repairing tloe pay if wo do it when your uhoek com a liank from our uhop they look llko now our wonx lu carerully dona to lout wa uko the aalno jiuiiim with n amall job of utralghtoulng heal ai we do with ro holing inip- ulur price t e gibbons esquesing fair at gsrgktown seitkmbee 29 and 30 special prizes -hohbks- llmt tuni eligible for rlauaea 1 9 3 u 11 dale roovo jfl 00 luxpisid hnnie to wilupu by j it it- 1 1 uu i xit puly hoove intlemaliu touruout nurrluu hnriia thu itunu tif humlltnn tady hilver by 11 k tntlorunn w i 6 1 indent nmd hi rue by it k audenou m v 6 agricultural homo on um hy llimk or norvftl 7 draft homo un line by j ij itundluh hoovo catto- mali 3 fenuilcit 110 no inn tin 110 10 5 00 6 00 6 00 hunt herd mbprtlipfom 1 pitib 3 fenuilfit by mirchimlu i ilutlk jmirgtown 111 00 hairy hcrfl i hiali3 fentuloa by morchuntu itunu 10 00 hairy cow by john ifvlug hilton 3 flo li 00 c 00 3 00 rjhhkp t hent tut luiub by jim hmltb milton 3 00 9 ttl fni uliji by jnn ftmih muton 3 00 3 im flue wolti luip 1 pmlo j feimiliu by fuiiph llettumont v s3 00 j uu 4 1 helrealer hikhji by k v ilirruoliiutll tllouwiuilimii j 00 s do dairy i leat jo tha butter 1 pi lutu hy hrwlu qohlmn z t0 8 fl lbn butter i ii print by it hilltop i 00 3 g lb tirock butter by w j cnmpboll i ll oh 1hn kliiktj ciiuica ifiour mihcpulaneous l 1 heut rooked dinner urtbiltjily urntiiupd hnimfiitndo nook- lug buk burrvtl 10 00 5 00 3 dlnply fif ifkleu lhittled fi tilt tnd bom y intbitluully nrrunh n 5 ol 5 r4iyr uk by v j cimnnwll 1w u i tin natlqnnl jlour 4 ih4 honey by j ix mitckfnalo milton h urcmicd chlakuu hy juu hmuitou mutoi 6 flulr tlreuueu chlckcna by o i iubum 7 boq of ntiraery htck whim i u uohvtlou for 1 tint hiittliul of upple bktilbltad hpeu to ho ment to doiiorm urown ihoihoru on murai rymen x linlted wetland out rtupl- ly after tho irx h kr the boat yur old tlehorm d atoor of any bitctd t xithl d by un owner who hak not won un teuton prlie ut niiy full utnoo 1817 ui oholto of thu following i ten et hpt catulowutd vuhle tb niniem cutalobu n r vpluir i r c heal ctltnlonue no 130t3 value ull 9 mo thit himpy by ii a coxu acton y 10 iilr hubhnrd huuiuih at on kn lreia 1 ycur h mlalfdinon apple turtmvarw acton ikou licu 1 your 19 lb at dlapuy of plituf uud f1wra mino nf nllvr by hoburt hlinpiton co i toiimto 13 iwiit pair hborthoin uiitv- born a into lit of ttt lots b a i iturrow owkvule h 00 14 lirnt um ntateat lbn butter in halfpound prlntdv by it li- wltrren 3 pp lt lumt dlnplity in hull by nierohunt or manufacturer ft 00 tim hixjety will tuko extra precaution o nroteat above exhlbllu alt upei lulu uiuiked tloitote donor iu4 reoalw fi 00 3 00 00 do j 00 q on when friends drop in cntartmm thorn whb tba tntuioof am victrola tiiara ailraiyaj rl interenft in hta maotera voico records of tha vrorua knaaterpjecaaj mdg and playod hy the otldf greomtetot artuta inlholateat popalmraons ud tho mnreat danca moalo thero ro no conbaraaav fakc paornajpta when yau mthumviarou c w kelly son glliuah ont tjtl r i r ndble ltd tlavo removed tholr storo to thd flovator at tlio g t tt station mhuro sj flour feed etc muy bo secured us usual norvalbran unj 8hu nmanj oyu oeuvrity has been discontinuei r noble ltd hbrrv awry v ianaoph ma 4 iimklskmmk

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