Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1920, p. 3

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ffilje tfait v lnflfl the little qlab8 houses u ut ii i 11 lit i i hint rt tin utimninr s will ull ixt full tiuulu riiy rn tnu in of u u ttuwi otllul uu wnll am inj with n hlilny h of of in th ii ooniiiintii i rn n iirtliotl lmf rr 1hl ui ulltwd lo lutkm kttr m i in hh ml i 1 of r irry stones who llvn lit hotm of tclas cuy mm rinny in amin tln wry flrut lo t bur lnl ftinn tl im rrv rupilly anlllmuri iurnl hint kcdio aitln eiiulita mi ii uiovw in 1 ami llvn in uw 1 ur rtt bwhll am units fir vurl ty will tnkn u frlnixl lo ihmrl biikh i ttrrunt uml iir ikkm i tnnlr rrhnum rrorus ii mwur wh laurs 1 t h is fl l if smii till later iii tli ytr tim rtii lilyt moonon mndutu of tounlhii minus ram who w urn hr ifluwlnic ruhlas with u truly nual air t hut uho 1 hovir liuukhty ami uho tmvnr nvoit lilnts thut tint fwils hnrualf iibnv hsr ntiluhlmrs itmsnborry ind qulnc to nlifmmnj i aluimti i wnum i hut nil our family in ooum in win t uqrli iimisuant fruit r wlian yni call uhin tlim ttoy am swnot as t ay fcn bs ahtl most onlllitful rompany at dinner or at tea fa ull o lfrancl catnp i unco hoanl a circus owner nay that that it wuu hot tha knemr cattlv unlmaj that itiuswl thnm but tho iullia thftufl who cam roe tha an i mat urn hid or inaa aymiuthsta hut tw many nf tbtt thmiiilo vultintf olrouso and boom ur uioushtles carnles soemlntf to think only of thslr own nmusomsnt at many city jpark whore animal tira knot visitor nnako tho captive mlsorahls two years tutu two of tho floors at wuodaml irk haattle died n n rnuult of tlin vuurtli of july cela- bratlnn it dion thbmsalvr in effort to ucadi tho nmllss explosion thl vast micro waim many minor injur tint unlmala wor driven frantla by younir rolkn with fl raokir on uttln rnllow oluht vaarw old hot flrw rruoko hlmiwilf hut kratly lntarmt in a bouuttful lnoiwrd not too hoar uin men tho animal nrv on ftj from bovaral iaya mutrarlnc htapad at knti hucli ncddcntn r not th indian m fault hu rjtnnot lm in u hun- tlrwi liuxnj at onon in a way it waa tho olilmtf faultor rather hut parent fault one thin oertaln it wbm not thn nnlmalh tho reaj rault im in the nernlclouil irartlco nf oclebratlnc with exiiloalvoa n1 tn th lack of a ayatem tliat vroum prove nt peraonm front tlo ink thins to tct our park anl- mala animal ara excitable no dlfferfmon how mtrona ana impohoub thoy look tha onndltton under which thy have to llvo males theni keenly apprhn alve bven with antmala born am r in captivity there remain a trace of tholr lunula anotora fear of man and hi kllllna oevloea one of the fundamental rule in handling an- imata i to avoid ecltomnt i recall an instance d urine the omaha- kx- poaltlon one of the feature of an animal how was a wreatllntf bout bo- twwin a man and a hon at th atruir- gle oonolualon the man reaulariy plaoed hut hand in hi opponent mouth it had been done many many time but on thl ikcaion gne of tho attendant atandlntf near r tho case droppnd aomtthlna that cauaed a- uud unuaual itolan thn lion blddabl ennush nnllnarlly wa o atartled thl he cloaocl hi iawa with a anap and decapitated the man captive animal are bound to be more or loa reatle if they retain health thore i un xc of energy that nail for exerclae while lllneaa inaka them iiervoo and irritable kvon th beat natured dok beoome comparatively heroo when eloeely tle1 up for a tew week temperature too ha much to do j with temper in man a well mm beaau moat of u know what 1t raeanit to be mo hot that our starve tingle buppdao at auch a time we were wrapped up in fur and plaoed in a cag for exhibition wed be decided ly peevlah lot u think of theee things and refrain from any action that make lire harder for captive anl mala our dumb animal checkers or a practice a celebrated phyalcan and burgeon waa called upon to addree the gradu ating cloaa of a medical achooj oontlemen ha said when i grad- uatod from the tnedlcal acbool i had a pretty fair start toward being an out- andout failure the old gentleman player and i waa xnubh pleased to learn that such was the coae ur x dearly loved tha game myself patient were few and far between tho rirat aix monthe imd acarcelya day pasmxl when i did nm play from one to a douan game with the old man tbv day came however when e came to my aenjmj i discovered that x ww growing rusty n mv studies i realht ea that jl was becoming ft tfttcd rut phyaloian while t was becoming a highgrade checker player i went at inoe tn the old gentleman and told him tliat i had pluyed my but some of cheacurs and told him why young man said he now you are on tha right road devote the timo tudy that you hav to checker and you will cm mo out on top of the hrap a month or so later the old entlo mans wife was tukon very- si ok and he called me in i found a stiff buttle on ni hands but i finally brt ught her ban tn health qrrn day qvlien tho trial bad pusnod he told me ha nlkiuld not tioo enlled mo ln hod i not glvnn up the uhuokviplyln any imintlms hotvwvor mtocent in ibtfllf is aura to prove l trlo in bar ut ixmareiut when onfle it boon ni a hobby which kncroacheh upon time whch ahoulil lie devntoil tn tho ur tberanco pf onse umbltlutui it may ira checker or no if or llshtng nr any of n score of innocent relaxation but whatever it ik the young man or young woman who is ambitious to gain tho heights must indulge in it with discretion let be chosen call ing beooma thu bobby christian kn- doavo- word i wrong address hard luck had struck bmlth a fear ful blow in desperation ha took on a job to sell book from door to dbor all sown one street jo went without making a single nulethen turning the corner he dotermlned to try a new method at tho first bouse he came to a woman answered his knock have you a charles dickens in your hornet he asked politely not snapied the woman or hubert lauis otevensont nol or a wnlter honttt- usked hmtth hope dunning momentarily in hi oyea i no wo ulntl said the woman sharjily and what bt more thlg aln t i for thorn felltjrs yuq might try next door they tak lodgensl jvvc oo ffati the local fair days always remind nin of thn fair of thn iturlln timo i uihuxuia some nf you cuii re olltirt the m pie rid id talrm which worn brld twiy fv years a in 1 the i wili h ulnl then iiur of uiui r aviiiuo uml trill h bit at the r khiln mtreebl the uhtwl was later movml to thn park and alnir ftocord bult libs nun nwllanco k on the alts vanatml wo had itimml fulru in ukuhi days too xho ahiid wa wo tl- hi lad wub nvhlhli which nttrnrtml largo crowd and the 3 to udmlmiliiii f thnn would a shout mi fur mm a dollar ruwi now when the fair wam held there the cuttle wt r shown nil jr morrow m vacant lot whl it tlu luiwlhuf oreon now loon imiiihi m uti i thn huvueu were judicnd on ihiwoi avtui uml adja cent streets mr churl t llllli vuount lot whdre dr mcnlvon rvld enco end sursory now stand was convnnlent sit t tor part of tlut out side show in thoiio fiarly days acton cornet ltund always supplied the muslo them was no tliought of outklde bund there was ho neixl the hand played and practloml nil the year round uhd itandmuster hill imd it ii prime condition of enirlenoy fur ull engagements our cltlxens were nl- ways i wo od nf anton lunil und listened with ken enjoyment to the weekly open air hand concerts given on thn band stand or on tho street acton band bad a reputation those drys and was mat afraid to nntnr the tnnual band competition ut tho pure cleaa i paerved sold only in i i scaled airtight packets economical i its nati i goodness salada g74 uged in millions of teapots daily lur home dot tor or phyui unix of the ih iniuiilty wi utlium ulll ii hu 1 rmurkiilii hiichioiw in ttmsn cum u tim nr won u uyut luthv in t of hi rim tui i othi ho ily places my old held remember with great pleasure a hand competition at milton i think it was forty years ao thl full oak vllle nerval milton and acton hands were the competitors nerval had a aplendld bras baud and the rnsmbar were highly thought of oakvillo fland was u crnokerjack the thlrfty alx member thought so themselves thoy drove into mlltoi in a gaily decorated doubleteam waggon the members were in spick and spun uniforms their instrument were polished lk looking glass and they strode up to the band stand with all be ar of here the conujuerltur heroes come there was just a trifle nf dudsln in their greeting of the little backwoods bauds from acton und norval but at course thoy were leas cendescendlng to the milton chupw well the contest wail finally nunc une- ed the leaders drew their positions the three expert judoeu hied them to the little tent where they werti hi posed not to know whlnh hand was playing as tho contest proceeded but to mark the point of each au they played the selections designated was stipulated that each hand com peting should tilay an overture a quickstep and the national anthem at that time known uu the queen h i think the bun is played in this order ulllnu norvul oakvillo and acton it was a great afternoon a pro gramme of really excellent muslo wot rendered rach of thn bands played well and the judaea had their work cut out for them the first three tuyti u concluding their list of tune played the same standard setting of the queen but acton had a special setting which had been arranged by bandmaster 1111 which gave the tones undertone and runs in u now and very taking form thl evidently pleased the judges more than p ilttla tha oont est bains ended the judges emerged from their tent und nrtar a neat speech by of their number in which each of the bands wa com plimented for their good points mr oeonre ea tor brook one of the three asked for the mndmnsur of the band which had played the last tune john hill stepped forward bo mo waa t timid and abashed mid the worthy uldudgu handed him the red ribbon and ex pressed his pleasure that acton pos- ised such un sxoellunt musical or ganisation un acton cumet hand need to soy the oakvillo lluml- muater and hi member were filled with consternation not to say anger at the prvmumptlon liom over and nwnnl them only second place immediately huurdnr wa given iack up your lustrti- t and eiulpmnt men and we i rotlra and the host ut the county fair heard no more of their swoel j melodic thut day it is u matter county history thut oakvillo 1uttd never again visited the county ralr under that bandmaster during th inder of the afternoon acton mllj ton and norvul bauds rendered jointly a full prygramina of selections to the delight nf tha visitors of the county fair in 18h0 and uandmnaler hill is still ut the head of acton hand nl- though ho is now quite ready to retire i believe in favor of some young man of ability und stlokto itlva whin he retires it will sumly tut the manifest duty of the community to himi tliat some suitable testimonial of ap preciation he tendered him in recogul- hit of his half century of faithful ilf sacrificing flnunclulloglng but intlnuously interested services oh say i nuurly forot to tell you about somo of tha lmtul luiy mutuliei- us being among the victors thut day ut milton there course john hill but charlie utul hiestur his younger brothoi jbo member and there wms jolut cameron joe tipelght lllll williams juke oompsey harry jentiar datt itwson and a nioklln this was ly half of thnm i know hut my old rememberer ha gone back on me here nut i know every man jack of them played tils twrt to tiernation at the milton competition v jictor hlohard johnston who lived on the fifty acres on lot 3 bank or john hhiirpo farm half u lot from the ltrlck church was a man whose services were much sought sifter bark jn the sixties seventies and eighties of last century he wa not u college brcdocor but he was generally cor rect in his diagnosis that what the college doctor call it lsn t it t and lo wss wonderfully successful in his treatment unlko the average physi cian of to duy hs wa in demand not only fpr beast hut for man u ailment us well he knew the anatomy and physiology ojf a horse or a cow an few present day veterinarian know them nd better than tho average gurugo man know the luunla of n motor car which gos wroiur kor u case of in flammation in either man or beast jpr johnston had few equals in fact whan he was avalluhle hie regu ltd for njcti rnul upplhutlotlu i r nioml er ono urn lulus with him ut th- norvsl ennp hiw ting nlwiut fifty yours itgo 1lih tliiku vnry ltnliir ttway liook there they wirti lield irrifi loruttru kroyp h low noivul nur the hanks of the tilt many of th rhrtilluti pepl from a wldn urea wnnt tin in and livid 4ar tb wlr otlw ntnnitngsi fft sfistisii inillt for thn orcunlo hrvuu w re lull wetk nights mid nil duy llun lay until good resulted wt ii htter him day morning aervli tr johnston and i were walking through thn woods luirk of thu amp whin he mplod u clump of elecumpnim tin ri ho tml 1 fhttalkswrunnmtrnntirtnww thu virtues of tha roots of this imrh thy wonldn t let it co to wuutu dr johnston gave hi tlm and at tention to his wide praotlci to the nnuuclul iiliiudvulitake nf hlu large and interesting family und umull and rather tin prod in tlve furm of coumu not imlng a rtgltilcrud bhyult ian nr veterinary sursimm lie wuw not in u pttsltlon idically to charge fees for his services homo of his patron und patients gavn usiierous donations nthurs forgot tho value of his hvrvloe and cost uf travel und hnrauiut of tils hlu liioontu wss pretarlnus 1 ha dr wus 3norou to u fault his large family grow up and prospered und brought crdli to tho panntu i think tho ute kohort johnston wuu tli eld out mm but i t an t rememlmr ull thn family julia wuw hlrtt josopli pornley then there were mrs john ieuvnu und mrs abstln hwackhum- er who is i think the lust of fhn girls churllo i in edmonton and danlul is a methodist minister in one of the western states itluhard i red llusll il holmrt at itotkwootj ww brnnilmmh anil llidre js ijultn a uulvurful of great grandchildren in aotou und vicinity fir johnston lrt a worthy h rltagii und hlu children und children h chil dren revere his memory france has ugaln refilled tho churge that she la mlhturlntlo by rommenolng to transform her imtwder factories into industrial plants not allbhl with war suy a lurl despatch thn largest munitions plant in toulouse is being adapted tn the manufacture of phos- phato fertiliser and ammonia through the extraction f nitrutti from avail- a bio puwdar supplies tcven the irronch war minister has approved the plan although he him in sisted nn holding some of tho fnotorle in caso of emergency in this he was supported by leu mangln who assort ed that until universal peace f realty established it would bo unwise to throw away the sword without oven turning it into a ploughshare tho present plan is to maintain several small plants which will bo devoted t the manufacture of gunnottou in which form it can be preserved until needed do not imagine that the value uf a promise depend on the one to whom ii is made tho prornlse to your small brother i just as binding a your promise to your vmplou- tho prom ise n write to cull is just us binding a tho promise to pay a bill an a certain date one great mistake com mon to young people and older ones is to think thit tha importance of a promise depends on tha person to whom it is made or on what it is about hut u promlsvls a promts and if your promise is to a ohlld or if your pvomlsa un u trivial subject does nut hold you it i littla credit to your manhool make your promluou stand tor something iohtnino rods irltg th mlilitfr imd fir i hhits wusl by ugh tiling wre i y no umauu uiiknowi in may and ury jujin luhtnlng rods have proved ul moot nlmhute piotrttloo only in vnry rur liistaricos hivro thoy linen u t hit ami even in thesn uiwe the fullurn was probably dun lo dnfnrt in hmtilhitlon ir to lotcrloratli u imlui ioiir llsltiilnroajnhtlu- wiiivfiw rsrhnann innnlntnrntoy bnnils in the nble wlili h allow twintaot with the fnilnuuorli or for ooirouliii where it tulnru ijio i uth tin latter is so imimirtunt point rhn electricity is urrhd into tho ground by means of the table if it or im us thn graund comiootloii 1 t bulkin nnrg lit llabln tnveuir re loit that the cuhla in sound and is deep enough in thn ground to alwyu lie in damp earth when hul id lug wire toon it i al ways udvluahle to use ground wire about ivery live roils ughtplug ii ultruitnd by wlrn ft uflligtr and uu dur ing a storm uiilmst will mngregute iitur rioiciu many of them are killed by contuot with the wire those nroutidii may be made of no v gauge wire glvmi oh turn around each strund nf the fence and natrlod into the t urth imhiiio thn foure liosts booj00o dodqe cars on july 1 lull ijodao itrolhnru wre oomph tl ig thnlr lust jhiii tract ax miimfiirturvn nf automobile parts ilio llrst dodge drothnrs motor car hud not yu in mi built on july 1 ib jo u lr tt crown of workmen us samblod within tho gates of tho fan tnry and lot loose a mighty cheer a u ulutnnlng now roudkler whs swung mttll high l i wltli flowi rs and atnorlrait riagii it win tt dgo llrotlmn motor rar no coo 000 give us the opportunity to help you enjoy home comforts the town is doing its part we are ready to assist you do yours phone us during the day at 1025 guelph or i250j night at our expense and we will be pleased to give mou estimates or any advice on plumbing heating or electric wiring the albert w smith co ltd 51 cork street guelph ont u i bwin smiium now buy longterm securities now i investors who demand security first usually hauvto be content with low rates of interest high interest rates usually imply risk but just now money is tight to move the grain crop the banks are calling loans from manufacturers and merchants money usually available for investment purpose required to carry on business interest rates therefore are high and bond prices arc low victory bonds ore among the best longterm securities available we recommend thosi falling due in 1933 1937 and 1934 k dominion of canada 5h bonds vnoy bond free from qoaijnlon income taxes due rvxe yield bec lj i ntenwt 4t wm aas laaleawsf on epperftmtfg at ear pau in your fntwtment lunftof irtmpdp of dm meanl ovotirunsv vn lb iw3 98 kiul intin tec 1927 i u w fxi nicrai nov iw3 mia nd tntcit deo mi w 98 nd inunnt victory qoitui subjml to iho utui inoom tl nov i24 97 vd inicrm nov 1914 93 ml lnuit dom irnon o amfw vkrui j w madug vl rwseini w s hww limesy j a rwr treuutm t h ajl amiws isimxtbd honthgal mtancrs csnjs life galula head ornofli 3 kino street bast toronto london enamamoh n awiile pru al pvlurtva hssmw tannjery cooperative the uptodate ghocehy and pkovisi0n store furnished with tha most modern equipment for hantllinrj provisions and pcrishabio goods in clean sanitary way our largo refrigerator lately installed with a freezing machine will ensure a cold dry atmosphere ut a temperature which is automatically kept at about tho same degree all tho time this makes a perfect condition for keeping butter bacon cooked meats etc t groceries and provisions always fresh and of the best quality procurable mens and boys overalln smocks shirts working boots fine boots long rubber boots underwear etc at prices lower than tho lowest farmers who bring produce got tho benefit of these low priced cosh paid if desired tannery cooperative c a conway manaeer mill street v acton aimiiiiiimmnmimtmmiwkrkkinm ebuffil jdtadgisdb 1 pi 1 1 w zmmmw3sm th5 owner of a dodge car cu nbiilcly de pend upon consistent continuous and economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption und high tire jnileage g j n otmeill georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetown and milton j r lelshman local repiesenlative i m

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