Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1920, p. 4

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sty artott 3te xts tiicjkhhay miciticmiiicii j1 1bo tim acton fom llama iibllulit ovary ttiurwdoy inaniiiiif uio t0m 1iiwm building 4111 htroot aeti 11 ontario rbo mulmtnrlttlou nrio in si to per yon in kdvuiirn 1outaifo la hunftxf oililltinnul to onlro in tho ui itnl htuti u tin dot to wlit oh nuim rlptlono um paid l llrillmrt i i it tho auilmao lubol aivi h1ihino hatlfih truhaloiit auivortbttimantm 10 m iiuj kir una utiute tiioojiuramoiit tof flrut inaertloti and c onnlm ixf una for willi auhaouuotit inoortion contruut i in i lay riv rtlfmimnitii for 100 imlim or tnora par annum ig eifltfu kur littih vmii uurtrtlon artvartlaamenl without ptmilfta tlliiwllona will imj inaartad till fori id olid oltabod oa rllnily it i uooian icditoc and i ubiuor tlixlci ltouku tulllurlul uii 1 ltuiilnai omoa 11a komlduniii lib editorial it modorii nitorurlinn electric roads have come to stay flio people want them thoy need thorn though opposition hw ccn riilcdjn tiohlo quarter ilyun rndmi roadi will hd built and operated thoy ara a utcc iity not a luxury and will tcrvo a vnit proportion of tho population who cannot afford motor car the unreasonable freight increases lit tic wonder the people of cannula aro feeling sore over thqsxt5iyu ncwircijlllt lutes tju extent to which thcsiow rnto incrcusct nffect c public of thiti country tuny be gathered from n comparison of their per capita incidctico upon ciirululnti i as ngnlnst ha per capita incidence of tho iicrcitbcs ordered in tho united states in tho latter country tho new rate arc estimated to bring an increased revenue of 000 000000 or 0 00 per held of population in canada the estimated increased revenue is 120 000 000 or about 11 per hods three million new customers if young people in country places only realize the real value to them f a training in practical journalism such as every news editor in a community receives many mure would apply for the privilogi next to public speaking writiifg for the newpapers rfordtrpmctical opportunity tor correct expression and facility m writing canadian statesman milton memorial committee is- at last getting stirred into action generous objectives arc men tloned up as high as 10000 uut this amount in cludes proposed open subscriptions or if thoy pro fer municipal grants from tho townships irom tho tenor of recent editorials it was understood that milton was going to erect its monument without out side municipal ajd amendments to tho manitoba temperance act jiasscd at tho last session of tho legislature will bt proclaimed at onco it tho liquor referendum to bo taken october 25 condemns inter provincial trade it is announced by tho provincial government the amendments provide that liquor trading shall be taken from tho wholesale druggists and handled by tho provincial government exclusively itulldinjr material prictf lowering indications uro becoming manifest that tho price of building matcrmli are soon to become morcthlbd erntc it is firmly believed that within tho next fow mouths canada and the united statei will sco tho greatest building and conntructlonul activities in years this was the unanimous opinion of a confer ence of some thirty technical and business pcwspupei men at tho national club last week mr j hueiscii editor of contract itecord and engineering kcvjow spoke on tho reduction in tho cost of building that i 1nore plentiful supply of labor now looming on the horizon would bring about millions of dollars of iui ucdrniifayrnwaitirrg the reduced cost of construction ho wild national prohibition is to put into force in mexico nod women are to bo given tho rlghtof suffrage this declaration has been made by general alvordo obregon presidentelect according to tho plan of the presidentelect a dry zone along the united states border with a width of from 80 6 100 miles will be established about january i 1021 whili national prohibition will bo delayed only a year or so longer the receipts from inland revonue as the result of tho luxury and other special taxes imposed by tho federal government bavo taken abig leapforward for tho five months emptcmber i the re ceipts were nearly twenty ono million dollars while during the corresponding months last year they were seven and threequarter millions for the month of august alone the receipts wero four times larger than in august 1010 the cemetery an attractive garden cemetery superintendents hdtl a convention at hamilton recently among other things discussed was a splendid paper read by a mr w vc groves his subject was why tho cemetery should be a garden some cemeteries rcsembje much more a marbledealers yard than a garden it is not so in simcoc of course yet beautiful oakwopd is not perfect no great vision is required to indicate pos sible improvements in keeping with the garden idea simcoe reformer mothers pensions in ontario tho act passed a mast session of the legislature providing mothers pensions under certain conditions and circumstances istn very laudable measure this bill enacts that every mother with children under 14 years of ago dependent upon her who has lost her husband by death or whoso husband has been per manently disabled or confined to hospital or asylum and who n heen a rfxlrfitnnf namf 13- four years previous to her application and is a it and proper mother to take care of hor children will receive an allowance sufficient lor her malntonanco from the government this act comes into orco on october i 1 hienew york juorab outrage all evidence points to malevolence rather tban to accident 111 the terrible casualty in now york last thursday if tho conclusion of tho detective forco is correct that tho explosion was due to a bomb or an infernal machino placed thero by anarchists no words of condemnation can bo too severe the utter futility of on attack upon the men who handle tho finances of tho nation by methods which involve tho slaughter or innocent stenographers clerks messen gers and other employees must be obviousjto all but madrtlun this cowardly attack will have tho unfor tunato effect of closing tho ears and hearts of many both in the united states and in other countries to the popular appeal for closer relations between cap tal and labor iv tho people need hydro radlals no thoughtful citizen or ontario can find faup wtih tho drqry government for taking stops to secure mtclllgiblo data as to tho cost operation ser vice tendered and other details respecting hydro jladials in the province there will be serious dis appointment however if any serious delay or face tious opposition m made to tho installation of tho radial system hydro radial wheels may not turn so quickly or in such largo numbers as the hydro electric railway association of ontario has hoped but tho determined enthusiasm displayed at the re- cpni meeting of the association is significant after years of tabor wo appear to be approaching a climax and wo meet the issuo with confidence said the veteran president j w lyon of guelph that is tho spirit of ontario people pretty generally and thoy are the people who hold tho franchise and will advise governments and commissions as to thoicoiirse they are to adopt j ihngliflh prewri delegate tuiya saloons arc gone forever no more observant company of men and women yertrnycrbcilcannda than thojmperial-p-reiii-dolo- gates tiicho people are trained to observe and their opinion have an unusual value mr lewis huwarth of tho yorkshiro post speaking in toronto before leaving for home said inquiry in every canadian provirico gives the impression that saloons are gone forovcr tho people have realized tho evil of mis collancous and continuous drinking which in the case of a number of men meeting together also in volvci treating and consequently tho consumption of much liquor from inquiries among manufacturers i have learned that tho improvement in work people rrom prohibition is very marked tho men being more regular in their attendance and more dependable an important result or prohibition tho visitor thought has been the withdrawal of drinks influence from tho family life for canadas grain produce manufactures secured by the west india trade agreement and canadian ships by willingness and ability to pro vide ships canada this year has drawn the west indies closer to herself and to the empire she can make preferential trade agree- ments with otherpeoples under rthe m 1 tl y britislrflawuhoutarousing international complications canada poaseasea men with brains who wilf make these preferential trd agreement buftnmalc good these trade agreements we must have canadian ships the navy league o canada thlfl fnhh wheat pricm the pricci at which wheat will sell thlslscason is a topic of interest to business men in many lines of activity and various ideas are exprcsad on tho sub jcct in soma cases no doubt tho wish is fattier to the thought which is voiced while in others thero is every evidence that tho conclusions reached are the result of much hard thinking along logical lines since tho resumption of open trading on the chicago and winnipeg exchange prices have moved over a wide range december futures falling from the high prices at opening and then recovering to about half way be tween tho opening pneo and the low rata reached on tho decline sensational fluctntions have been seen from tnno to timo particularly on tho chicago mar ket but recently the trend has been nteudicr and thero has developed among a number of tho trade both in united states and canada a section who are now looking for a sustained strong market i pr4en llrttish opinion or canada and tke war one of tho most influential of tho imperial press delegates in an editorial to his paper since returning homo says i have now a fuller realization of the gigantic effort which i was put forth to help tho mother country in tho great european war it is i really believe only by a visit to canada that the average englishman caturcaliza this to its full extent when ho mixes with tho people n their o meets and shops and warehouse when ho visits them in small townships out west on tho wide open prainornthe lumber camps and indeed in evory walk of life then ho finds that practically every young man and very many middleaged ones top answered the call of duty left their business at great sacrifice and came over to help us tho losses too wore as terrible as they wero here at home and when we remember that canada has now a population of only some eight millions tho homes that wero bereaved are i believe quite us numorous as ours the money that was raised for the red cross and other war work was correspondingly great while the women adted an equally noble part in keeping the home fires burning and tho result of it all has boon that never before in its history has canada been so attached to the old coun eyerxwbora our kinship is proclaimed everywhere tho englishman is welcomed as a com rade and a brother thero is n oneness that nothing but this war could have engcnderou it is tho ardopt desiro of all truo canadians that their country should be peopled by man and women of tho english- speaking race it is to them the preference will be given and it is thoy who must make haste to possess a land of groat possibilities teeming with wealth for the steady worker the spirit of the law openly violated it is no uncommon thing these days to see chil- dren and young people on tho street with ico cream cones candies and peanuts purchased on sunday the ease with which theao commodities ara available make a problem for parents which they reel keenly and which many think should not bo permitted to prevail in any community it is truo decisions have been given in toronto and other cities and towns where complaints have been made respecting the source of these sunday purchases hat inasmuch as restaurants are jcrmltod to sell food on sunday and ice cream candy peanuts etc ure food therefore their sale is not a violation of the sunday laws that may bo a legal view of the case but tho sale of these commodities on sunday is nevertheless a viola tion of the spirit of tho law ns wetl as of tho moral obligations for tho observance of tho sabbath thero is however a way by which our municipalities may and should prohibit these promiscuous sales on sun day the statutes provide that a municipal council may license all restaurants and eating houses and gives tho power f enacting certain regulations gov erning tho places whlclrmay he itcensod and one of these regulations may prohibit the licensee from sel ing ice cream caudles etc to be consumed oil the premises or to persons who are not being supplied a meal in tho restaurant it will bo a credit to tho community und a rollof to parents if tho municipal council of acton will take action along thja line n enforcement of the sunday laws respecting tho salotof cigars and cigarettes- is also desirable the lord v day act positively prohibits the salo of objoco inany form on the sabbath the farmerbanker alliarlce yoii go to your lawyoi for legal advice to the doctor for medical advice why hot to the merchants raqk f orflnancial advico 1 u you want a loan to buy cattle hogs or equipment- if you want information as ft how to invest monoycomo to thoso who make a businem of financial tnattont and aro in a poaitioioo ffivo you sound and impartial advico th mcrghant5 bank hod office motttrwl of cawia esubtthd 1064 acton branch shorey manager peorgetown branch h r m1mm5 manager shop where you are invited to shop that wabje i- a pen what 1i0 you ild wllli ilin whmk i i it lit your- inf th tjroulu tin iiumili i in i i til i i iu f wiui uiitfjmni i i 11 wnpnjhri r ijo y 11 ir fully jiv tuun t e hit j ml fit m iluiri ti ii mi to unit jttuu tl il it i u you 1 r vuul ik 111 iilillliilou hi iiiiiiu by 1- u irtimi 1 my il vlu t f 1 till 1 dm p limp 01- i iiruliiif ih ni t id itio litdi- in 1 yit nr ihimhiup h nhiituu lit i 11 llltln uiiikoiiiiu yimir hittomo win t 1m ulllt ui tin fort uuato you nro lulling ti umji tl ilitt hluli 1 lt ilvluu mil hi in in to mukn liihhlleiui luroutlw on din tin tin id row m r on u m your untry ir tin whhh iti- you lohiruy tnlillit la rwlulim i ftir vurtoiim iih imuiiy tlm liimuifiintur it t i xi unlink mil i ifllllnir iwhiim lutr lonlnlin rw it ull nwlu ami iim rimntf 11 woull imiko tnin uty tfcn iiltliid tii wn if tu in t t wlili i in w liuvo to 1 1 t lf i ouijuih thrift umitmu mlmflir ii y mm overacidity of i in- blonucli h upt many a hid tit ral it yqur momacl u arid tllalub4 dissolve two or hire ki m0id5 on una longim bfore retiring nl m- jny refreshing aleep 71t purity jm uk ikn lilw in t ity lurtf a country without f lit lino id i vi mil u ifliuimt xraiolliim wilt n try in t utiii it 1 hurnw an i uu it willi 1 rr 1 m or mill tiitrt iiiliy jiuuuitflu uir 1ih1 tht lirnmutiitiomiltacnr ttior uvulluhld ifrninrnij lint 10 ii iti rnnw iti rttouu in in t nmuliik mtljiml will ih- lit i nil yi 11 ham ni wuimt r niiiu imihly t lhh 1 1 1 1 ho 1 itvn ninny inuunaliinii ami tho irirn uf 1 ooku in rliiltitt to a uohtt unit iiuiunu tliulr nllkhilua 1 ro hlliltivii tar miiiiy liiojili i all etitrt id hit utly ilin o inimtr i luirtnii for will nil dm hi iimlilluiui ikiitiiintidii it ridilitiitflii wuutti tulur in lit nurt rrhuci null 111 fhlii i until t ii il mooii h k in ruljy at urnnlutnil ho l y hi huvn hr- u burulnir or otlinrwlua ill i tr lyluir wnuli imiiof i mm tin hwlly iiruillcu luituhluh u lop iikory f r it in wottit iivnl nut lu wliuni tlurii will 1 i mi ujinl il tin hukunl oiiqo u monlli 1 if it luiutimlutom u mtiuily uu to initkn innuur ntomn iiicohvciiiiiiii tolniikon or moiiii u iioutrurl to mimn ilinili r in wiiutq pun he had qeen the effcctb mnimit tlm ilttlii grviuii nt luitnhunj ut u iinilon wont i n t nluli h oritly vjiih it will kn iwit juts 1nwintly uu thoy ihiittm ono ut hi thr mmi tliiixil t hliu inih rtnuiiuiil f i ui i ymi i i ilrlitklna i rftm imi t tluit fuller u hxutluir ilrhik for muoi u nlnio iliiyt in wmthor lun thu you i lioiil 1 iiikhjo wotm thliur nhiirin r mil m tint t olfiik vjh siuruiri it not hi r mun hunh u i miii an 1 altiaor ul knvi yt u nvnr irld t it h imhti 1 tiimltiu to tlm jn lir no n illi 1 thn ilniiniiiiir u jui ith u mill lint 1 vn trio i in i n wiui j vn excused anp ifldbulto lit tlm illinium u wnrl i uukn i linw ifooil nn n iituuttt tor riilluti no luliy ititnrohln i hi hint illo an 1m tint i lin uuh lu uuik o tho it not tlm tiultu mil if hi fillu in that no nxnimn will hi ni lit him of couimo thin ilo u nut lmuti tliut u wlso omiiloycif will tint ovorlikilt lftininiroiy mothuouh uu 1 tin ontuiuloijal lucu of rmurh hilt in tho loutr i uu ho inuutu on romiltw anil fixmium cannot takit tlinlr i1uo jekgravlnpg caibaiioa3rvibr toronto canatu hen using wilsons fly pads head directions sx carefully ano v- follow them ex4ctly iar mgru effective than bticky fly catclicro clcin lo handle sl i by dcukita und grocer cvtrywhee lecai ftiono no 11 v v o if x j3b 4muuna fall arrivals to hand q fll good jut put in block matin twted cv 1100 unit u oprlnt can 13 00 um1 rwol knlcken for uti w in mi iurau avmrtmarit of ho and utfxikltm nil v coma in rwt look twn ow hiiom midiaimina a brjcctayrx wo pont cobblo e k cook miiki htukkt acon real estate if yau hav bouim for muio l you want to buy iiouhj hi aotnn umu r j kerr auotiottf and rl eiuu dly ilfonn 3 dow r ii avcwue acton ont business directory thos or ay w d c m mcqili u n a x tuiiiihuntti lu k j h qiajicow mil r ii km u ii f uil akaoolhth i till 1 ollfi vri i il k ii t i i out dn j a monivi n fhyaloinn n i burgoi omtm ml uifl cinr- avemi nni 1 ulli iiirth l noa tt miorly ixruilvl uy ii ju drw n acton lm pr c i ew hduh burg 9 w modb v wn out u i j nrritr solicitor noury public oanusnyanc mc pennyman olock acton ont thoniyy to i oan hoiirt- j 3 uio lo t i hi conveyancing rxodm htorticuki wlllrf tn 1 tanll attriitm if tllloh fiiiuluhol orit nnrofully un i i tfully il h id urn p tn to h tit ut rullvii 1 rivat u h vvanbbnouqh lk av dental dh j m hell d d bw l d s dtntul honor oraditau uf toronlo unlvw ity tt ut bntbitl iimm if tlmlrwi miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moon imuar marrup llcnam ivivatn office no witniuwom kv julroil ttuuod kt riwlduitod in availing kiuor lutva ofllca aitnti ont prancis nunan bookblndar anoount jwxjlta of ml li i rn to otilr iwrlttalcmm of uvnry il uiv tlol cakafully bound lluulllf tibtitly klid tiroraptly anno wyndbuit htrmal ounltili onl lu r wlltlnum llorl r j kerr lianad auction vr th countlim uf uhiiiii v tilth tot imi ml ihirftrlu un thn riiy f lul h acton ontario fbilart kny ba nfrtnrd by mall otf at roldnof at anton of at tho vrw tnm httcf aot tho marcury ooloti ludlih tlm now itooonl riiua r with w j oordim ilaruoha fnbr luiutburs- euloa ontruatnd i t it j kmrr r- oaja httaiiuutl rnllll tlalu of llutlila to data of mi xjut your aalm with m raaldn qowi avonua aotom iphono sd anion call at my ijxiwno j e clieevers uook binder qubfl8l eait gualohi ont- ifyrnn ltovhrf wid ouier-buokh- all work promptly exoouud bralbxrnlven land survayor and clwll enolnoai- survoya rubillvuliiiii plana ita horta loacrlptloiia llhioiirlnu oto cortifloatoh for durchaaurw and mortjrubm hurveya for atchltotl llulldurm and uiinoltiu cuuiiolbi dralnasd jtajw riu 1 tttlmalih nta molban building dau bt lulcmh i hunt 1004 oni wm uv 0 hum victory bonds boarac or- raiatorad dj e carter invaobnant prokax guolph grand truifksy the double track route t113twi111n montreal toronto detroit chicago tuxowlud dlnlnu car uorvlo uiuoithik curw on nlulit tiulna uutl iliilnr caramon trlttqlnl day tniltta ull informutlon from any qwin rninlt tlokot iiit r o 10 ilortilv nlmtrlct iuhnnrr an it lorono h s holmks ajjiml acton ont l tho old and tollable granite and marblo ooators vvti ur matmni tuiim and djrool imiwrtom r all kin in of mnum nuj an i hoaithtonn work wo aoll dlrruft to ntir uumoiimrw at whaloaotif prlfoii uium saving our nuatdinoro 40 vr oonl wo bavo tho boat apiillanooo and tho nly moohanloa in thn dominion who can a porn la pnnumatlo tookl irairly wo can glvo roforonoen trom hundroda of our iuntompt in toronto ntnl nthar ptnoob wlioro u thorn liavo to haya law aulu in order to colhouwo havo tint uxnfoat twid boat atook of omni to la the dominion or mora than any throa doajon in tha wont wo aro lagiu- mata doajon and omploy no rganta anfl do not annoy or peat cuatomors by oandlng out ignorant agvnta aolloit- lng ordt i w employ only moobanloa 14 diy r hamilton sons lfelfljiiwfigi rlkmjmssimsii

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