Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1920, p. 2

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y imjjt rw rj stye arton 3ffm prrnn riluhhoay octolllult t into j why worry 1 know a ttv in ilia lovely hiti h j hj r i along you thim 1 ni foaling lit nttil wo atari 1 ant thn i tllr ulr through th aprtng- iu i nor worry hut en wn d gona 4 utopllcd triad hard to mtrh hi routh until lid dropped wllllat i ld ol all tuy wlnnnrf that uandim and ntnon ttuil liny whoil vexod by uny wiuii worry iwmn again willi vlaugn 1 vo rhnuongod lilm to join race and round each time he could riot alum tho iwcn john xendrlck haiiga the green cotton bag frr k v twhin muppex wum over llioebe iii hand recti uuually knitted ve- inm that wait a profitable way to pan thn in in rv a la whan there wont ud nuilumura i hoebe wm ilnollcxlly tmruful uui of her nalgh bora uppiltml it ha rah ci adjective to in r thrlftlne and u fow ilka peter hhurman urro the way aald wioi very acuthlng thins about that peouf liar trult of iter hut nnvir had anyi un uoouaed her of cheating cua torn m ot uvery ounro that vu com- lug uf tlttim though not an ounce morej an l though it may uram hid lie wo vi ry likable her general attractive- nnma had brought bar aevernl pro poaabi nf marring all of which ahe had declined and tho would be hue- bunda had heaved their el a ha and flit ted on to the next all except john unrden am phoobo waa wondering at thn elownea of trade john drove up in hi little blue bodied car the next moment he threw hi hat on the no tion counter and flumr himself down on lha wlpint uu wood box out hla knife he began to whlttln ahort choppy aha v ing from a alat and immediately phoebe jtnew that aomethlng waa disturb ins him going to thn fair tomorrowf ahe oakod b hodn t thourht about it what i wont to know phoebe la whether you are going to aoll thla confounded atore and marry mo or not phoeba a topped knitting and twilled at him he certainly waa good to look at with hla thick curly hair hla at rung rugged face hla brown throat axpoaed where the khaki colored ahlrt waa thrown jauntily back on either aldn of count ahe waa going to marry him bu not juatyet why john im doing exceptional iy well thla fall and it doean t aeem like good aenae to aell out when lade to bo thata what you vo been telling me for three year phoebe i ra tired of ml phoebe resumed her knitting and john whittled faater than ever do you realize phoebe henderean that you and i ore k rowing older every yetirr ito aald ill be tblrty next week and you re very near twenty- eight oh folk dent w om- john phoebe replied lauabtnc the whlttllnic etiddenly a topped fird the younc man wheeled around wood box with hla blue ey uahlns ire do you know what i oun liere to night for phoebe 7 x cama u let your deonlte ana war i are sou btoiob to aell thla ralaerable bualneaa and marry me or are you notr a eurprtaed look came into the girl eyea on t bo unroaaonable stohn aald noothlngiy you know tho fall txade la always rood and j lof anntonoe waa out ahort by the aharp anap of the knife blade with one hand on hla hat and the other on the door latch john borden turned fiercely phoebe ho aald tor the fifth time ive aaked you tp marry me for the fifth time youve put ma off ivo flung hlmaelf out of the door aa phoebe lockwdtho door ahe ad nilttod that ahe waa a little dla- turbed john bad never before aald the thlnga ho had aald that evening though he had often been impatient but when ahe counted her caah for the day ahe felt eatlened with the an were ahe had made to him after the fait trade waa over ahe would aurely marry htm the following morning phoebe waa upat alx oclock aa ueval flho fed her ohlckena breakftutted and began the routine of the day and aa ahe awept tho aldewalk in front of the atore aha amlled and bowed to moat of the people in the automobllea that aped by on their way to the county fair at waahburtr sho waa juat ahak ing the dual from her broom when a blue bodied car awept round the corn er hut it did not bfldevup the atore it ahot uheod and phoebe had only time to catch a gllmpee nf a young man with a pale pink fluffy dreee on the aent bealde mm i hoe be a eyea opened wide- aa ahe atared after tho faat dlaappearlng ear cj ditto plnkertonl ahe exclaimed the gave no more friendly am i tea or bowa to the fair going public bhe hodtntn 016 bt0recioahgthed06r- of u juartr t uyil aim hjul nffernd tho extru frurtlin to ifnrmor mead fur two inmltlonnl huk after mr muit lift ahe hnd tilrnid thn truiimuolluii over in hr mlud li ni i fill wtinther fimiiteen ku at four nhl u hnf inula li lien vffth tfiulvu imtt ti tin if un i u ipiurtor yunlw of cullro at nlxttt it tnnia a yuril jilim thn rtull pr ot ahti wiuw ordinarily huvn mniln on tli nntlre l t now had thn wu wwuy the two i bu wllhixit hi l i f w lllntf tlinol lmnk ibllsa will tinvrr kimw lmw nuiny wnm in dm udu 1 lumilte inthlltutntl 1 wildly natravagnnt ant novr roiinta anything nnnful of clrtl 1 inkerton and uf the 1 aa of two frfali egga 1 iiwlmf rittirui ri mlwrak in ttuy filler how ivr un ilea fluahad into her mini thit choeisl lur idorahly hy mul i uliti not ji t ulii nirriuia the a mt into tho hhorman hinihouae lifter limk t f lourae utul take two ogsa fmm thn txatal thut would not lm ateallns certainly not i bhe woul 1 only ik e 6mimiialng hamolf for tint mlutnkn that aha had made 1 thn mornlni aftor aim had lighted thn lump thn tirarkt t ahx hiii jkmi uoroaa thi you toftihi h had tiaallntnd alkiut l xtorn door hut had ronolu 1ml it mlitht turn aoma uatomor iap7 john mmnt what he had aald night perhapa he bad aaked her for tho laat tlmo- the thought wna appalling she wonted john ami no one elae he almply could not marry any other girl i if it had been anyone but oer tie pthkorton white much thought were whirling through her brain the door opened and pejcr bherman came hurriedly in morning phoebe i bay phoebe got any- froah gga bllaa want to boll aome to take up to the fair our honv altr laying none ton good thcao daya acoclmnlcally phoebe rone and walk ed over to a box in tho cprner in a llfeloaa way ahe ilaced the egg in hag and handed it to peter taking- alxtv cent in payment half an hour later ahe had another call for eggaj it waa then that ahv dlaoqvered aomethlng polnful bhe had given peter sherman fourteen na for tbo prtottof a doaenl farmer upad bad offerod a doaen the day be- fore in exohangv for three yard of oalloo at glxtaen oenu a yard when phoebe had meaaured off the plfce he had ftfund tkat jlere were juat three i and a quarter varda left and i- 1j ft- jlffmll in rflnuwa llg llx tint to thn ohibmoiih ha 1 uonn to roout when mh uloopmt uudor tlm low doorwuy 1 ut tlmy ant up an exdtihl raoktlng when i hoobo rpovftjjeaeuhngly thoy llalnnml lnlontly watching hur with lieada oookthl mm ahn glldmt iuhi fully tmitwnon the two t la of ruuatm to thn mar f thn little bull ling whw thn mala wim flpylng two nga i a imim on thn 1m r aim wna juat r achli for thm when n little hrooae blow tho duo ahut thau ahn hnard thn whir of uu automobile in th yr11 thn tu xt mlnuto 1 ntnr hlmrmal 1hi imibu vol on marhed hmr eura ifer heurt auxwl atlll not that ahe felt thn lnaat bit guilty hut it certainly woul i bo awkward to explain hnr prnttoiitio in tho shnrmrii henhouan to inter hhirnutu hho did t like lnter ho had nvnn gone m far oh to any that thn tllatnncti bn i kih ihmln lleniluraoii u utlimlneaa il downright dlahoixaty a pun nod by one of them nawfunglnd klrta thn wnmtm were wear in liowa- daya thn remarlonaan immiu repeabml to i hoebe and to night it at rang- annw into her mind und ahn vowed ahe rather die than confeaa her er rand bo ahe etond motlonloaa wall ingtintll thn bherman family had de parted for the houae the nxt mo ment ahe heard aomethlng rlsht ott- aldo thu door that paralysed her ietnr waa maying to aimo ojie tlolng to look the henhouae to night hi nirkeraon told mn to w hla waa looted laat night and aim norrlm aaya he loat alx chlrkena in two nlghta runnln bomebody trlotl to break lnt jne itrowna houae ton voupln of nlghta ago ao slluu wurah aald courae tlmy all tlve in the out aklrta but taint fur to town for unvea and i aln t akin no chunneal on the laat word the hmk anapped phoebewa a prlenerlmm fit impula waa to cry out far mlea but ietera nuaplcloua trlum luint tiynm ronn iwifono her bhe oould even mm the ironla grin on hla face hm he wag god ida head in that hateful i told- you mo fuablon lie luttl and aald oueaa i want mi fur offl bhe aatik down on thn ux from which ahe had taken the two egga thn liena immmllately warnetf her tliat they would tattle if xho wtlrmd an other inch and her wrath roan up airalnat the whole feathered tribe then llko a bolt of hghnlng the un locked atore door leaped into her mind and pater had aald that them went thlevea in tho neighbor lwiiwu the full import of the eltuatlon awept over her if anyone ahnuld get into her bedroom and dlacover the allt in the mattrou and the green cotton bag i that thought waa too terrlbleto retain for one alngle moment i muat get outl bhe aprang to her feet make urn blggeat tumm you know how you chlckenet eho ehouted to the fowla hut her voice and their inatant reapaoae were drownel in a clap of thunder that ghook the hen houae phoebe hnndnew to her ear bven the chlckona imted in their aenae leaa clatter through the high oval anen7ngaln flie aldea oruietbulld ing- phoebe aaw great red flaahea of lightning then came another volley of thunder 1 she ah rank backward into the hen a box once mora and burled ber head between her kneea and prayed what a night that woe thunder lightning wind and mini to phoebe ltlng jacknlfed lu a hen box it aeemed that the end of all thing had come nut one little gleam of comfort e rayed into in her misery on ueh n night no thlevea were likely to be pro w ling round then abo had a happy little thought ieter would be very likely to get tup extraordinarily early in tho morning to aee what damage miad been done by tha etorm there wo a chance a real chance of hla unbolting tho door and not troubling to look for egga until later in the day when he hod gone back to the houae ahe would allp home i tathought ex pundei fortlng hope and when the atorm fin ally abated about mldnuiht alio aur- mlaad and her nervoua fear eubelded ahe decided to remain where ahe waa of courae alttlng in a hen a box with your kneea and ahoulder meeting la not comfortable but a i nee ahe had endured allent agony for hour of a thouaand minute each he fell that ihe might endure a few more if thut would mvo her from having to explain bherman endured more than ahe bar gained for to alt v ahaped in a hen a neat for alx hour not during to move leaf hyaterlcal chicken niake h fuaa wa torture that would compare favor ably with any mediaeval puinahment how her head ached from the attnlng tlr- of the henhouae aftr the wind ubaldedl mo wonder hen were the alupldeat thlnga on earth when a rooeter napped hla wluga utul anuouno ed the coming of day ahe wupt from pure relief but when thn other joined their rellow herald hii clapped her hunda tight to jier ear a and cried from the pain in her head bhe prayed that peter would aome out noon very eoon then abo caught hnr hmuth lu fearful anticipation of hla oomlng an hour after theinret dork had trowed peter unlocked the henhouae door the hen and tho rooatera pew out but peter atepped rz k llkn ynu got to pay for your night a lodgln plr laughedlillurlounly at hla joke evan while hla tonn inalnuatnd u mom aubtle nioanlnii ill eye dilated an i hei- tm tiirue i whltn whut whut do ym meun 1 i lorr ur trembling up ud couran you dun t know liolu 1 hui mm uik ut mlaalng chit k iu in tin an hire purtm lately he mi ingly wal u fnw f uh nt ylxtiiiiiy dntlimi w i nnd utm if mo many thlukei hla her htmylii ttvr petar utoppod and burnt into another laugh pho im mtruiahlened pntei hlmrtnaii you don t think i rjitne it i ern to ateal you lib kena do y ul d tirae 1 hint maying what r jfol a tfo fur all i cum mpt rt in the rommltton lu ttiat i ftnuid you in my rhlckuithiiuae iiiihiimiw nye biased i eir hher man y u urn lying tlmra la no com mlttne to rnmrt tol thn grin n 1 ntnr fore hardenwl into vliiillctlvn hnna he ook a atrhle toward thn girl 1 in golu to have ktllll arruatudr i honlute urm wnut up hm if he had alrurk her kor u full minute alto rnturmxl her tirinantoa hlnndt gaxn then ahe wpraug riuml ruuhed through thn door darteil ovni- u vacant lot miwni urrk ihn atreel an 1 bolted into tho lluv vrhlu hhn iwd her hand o lutrh nhn lutllml pntrltl h1 mm hud lnnn then i ihe tulnly uii w ia ojrtiil thn rim it ilrnwer wn i iimhimh will nyna took it ull in nt a glume iter i lain i u then with ono iwiund aha wan in lunlroom the nnxt kecniid her agini- ulng cry ruhg through thn rottma i then ahe munlf to the floor how long alio lay them ahe e rould til but it aeemed huura luter whtil uomn one nntemil tlm atom and callml hnr numn bhn wont nut hag gnrd and utle and told the awful now put whern vtir you wlw il the tlib- imry oo uitih t phoebe lonkml wll lly at thn man tieforo hnr thu urfalr iff thn gae aiid tlm hnnhouan und later lib mini had vunlabnd entlmly from hie tnliuj why i i wum uull mtummem i t hnnbn outl rnhiatot thn man and where did the burglars brook thr miir the moment of fthut meeting wa forever a lamped ok phoebe a liruln looking haggardly up from her un gainly poeltlon ahe encountered peter amnaed eyea bhe tried to way aomethlng but her llpa rfued oion finally itera almn ut- teraupe uf her name ahot through her ind rouaod her to action with every joint creaking alio gpt to her feet peter i i ahe began and lifted dlatreaeed appealing eyea to the man before her she got no further peter itwerlng a foot above her with hla hand on hla hip and hla head pent forward w locking- narrowly down at her there wo a a hateful guee i wttn t ao far off grin on hla face oh jarug ahe loathed that man preaalng fier llpa tight together ahe turned abruptly toward the door where you going ophpebet peter mked without moving an inch horoel aald phoebe over lusr ehoulder jeet a minute rhoebe queaa thla time you got to git pennfaalon to go bdmet pertntaaionl phoebe wheeled round -i- teg ton ge thla happen to be lystlf voiw fb dimouit to dlaptmkh my atflokanlviuae and it looka kinder 7 a pitiful frightened lodv rrept into tlm glrla fa how waa hn to t lulu where alio waal to nay that ahn had apent the night in peter bherman a henhouan would uound queer to any tho louat no ahe outd not ay thuti hut peter bbaonun would i after all nhn would havo to tell her atory with mlaery written in every una of her faoe and in bor drooping ahouldera aim wet her dry trembling lip und began why you you aee i waa over in lu pnter hharmona bhe a topped lid look ml nlktut her to uay hen houae wa ugony il then the man voloe broke in n you run ovnr to pater for a oiluuii andiheh tbektomi brokf r courae yoii couldn t git back while he had been epeaklng he had mlgud toward thn door und when he fl n uhed hi hand wun oh the latch iim tongue waa uohlng to break thn iowm of the roblhiry to thn und with a final nxpreaaloti of hoe that tlie bunt lorn would be captured vanlahed into the trnet ikmiimj houveil u algh of relief hut tho evil moment wam only deferred a ahadow puaaed the window and the lomeut john horden burnt into thn atom what thla ubout your ivavlng i men robbed phoebe lie demanded at thn eight of thn tall figure and tha at rung rugged face phoebe felt a great weight lifted from her bhe needdd big brood ahouldera to bury ber face ugnlnat and to cry out tier aoulm grief und woo against and cry ahe did while john patted her bark and ifetened to her broken confeaa ion twice hi ahouldera abook ever ao little and each time ahe halted in her tae and half lined her head hut uf courae john could not be laughing when in- a freah buret of teora ahe finally ended her atory with peter threat of nrrear john gripped ber ahouldera and puahod her out in front of him do you mean to tell mo that peter bhermairlhrftatnnodto arrant you v he ahoutod tho wcoumlrell drop ping hla amut from the glrla hou dor he aald alowly i aaw a cap on tha counter oarly thla morning aa wo came by a cheeked cap you aee the etorm held u up and we dldn t aturt for home until two onlock i waa driving alowly afraid of akld ding- end aa we neorod the atore t noticed a light of courae i immediately c eluded you had lighted it becauee the atorm 1 looked in a wa puauod and aaw tho cap hut thouaand of men wear tap 1 know but thla waa a eon pic u naly black and whiteahecked one jphn tjorden puuaed and then aald very alowly phoebe wait here until i gat back dont let anyone li ho walked into tho bherman yard a peter waa putting water nto thn car oomg out petert ho aaked ter olf hello john yea i got to go to town to waahhurnt yea oettlng an early atari uren t yout hunk doean t open until inn patei threw a ahurp glauoe at the young man dldn t may i waa going to the hunk did it ho aald gruffly then he added with a algnlncant leer 1 got other bualneaa to attend to thla llealde the banking bualneaat 1 titer face turned a llery roil nnd he a lured at john what you mean by 1 m going to oak you aomethlng pelor bherman john horde ft at rode over and put ting hla faoe wtry oloae to voter aald between hla teeth 1 m going to aak you whut that checked cap you have on your head waa doing on phoebe hendoraone counter at three o clock thla morning the man fell back u atop tho flory- rad faoe turned deadly white und the yen aturtjod from thnlr eockete mak ing a ntaggerhig effort to regain con trol of hlmaelf he demanded in alt offendnd volm what dd you mean john hurt en y uaklng me nuoji a ool nutation r felt euro thut hn wouldn t he abovw inking aomethlng that dldn t hnomt t him i mvlded hn mi reaa mahly miire lie wdiiup t lin ciutit i bud rih f pf that year hgo but i v nover i eted ulhiut ii i dldn t dmum tlx ugh thut my bluff woul i work ao rixy ua it ill i y john rhinikiett llullow did peter h pod tu know lb i i wuan t hern ut three in thn m r ulnar 1 hoebe iiakel lu a myatl- falr f why h aall he gut up uftur tlm atorm waa over to aee if uny damagv ad ihhih done a pled the light in your window came ovar f tund niilxdy in uh i proceeded tp help hlmaelf it wu u big overalght leaving hla rap there mi the ounter without eflron drawing the ahadfr i after a moment he lid ihi 1 m mighty glud ynu gnt your money i honhe 1 um indeed 1 hoalie ulanred ut the 1 ulky green rotton img nn thn ooujjter und drnw iidlk with a llttu ahlvar don t wuht thn money johjtl ah aald in n snm half whler i waa getting money mad undaomn day hirhapa peril a 1 woul i have done what inter did oh yoa john a john put out hla hun i l n tent money waa fuat leconilng a dlaouan with me do you knuw what im going to fa7 1 m going to glvn tfila money to thn ori huiiago on the hill und then phoebe lookud ut thn young inu it poa ubtb i y l n yn m yo l lively w uld ii taak m uailn to marry yi u lm golrg to t ii you thut 1 ii marry you right uway ji hit ttordeu jnd uu eye ulid ntured ut tha girl ht dy i hoebe i ha aul i inert tu- l mlyr jteallyl unlrxu of cuurtn you pre for mertle llnkerton tha young man luliahnd a happy laugh and readied out un i drew thn girl nloan to him why hleee thorn two eskm phoelhll imlea 1 m much mlatgkbu thoy really lull led yon a healthful jingle old who n nigh the eaae with whh i et rna nan bn m h by i loll w cure i iu atr rwttmn it iieldom ralla u ilay they lwrre1 the win in theitn modern ulghta rlffht and all thn yur tlalm ulr uu 1 light i ml thneshinq bean8 take u largo lutg audi aa brill romn lu cram ull the beaiia uu can kt in tie up rnd beat with tho flat nldri of a ahnvel or apadn for about u iluta or two depending on how dry 1 brittle tha vine are then tun out into a turret aliuka nut the vlmm ud leave beaiia und amall rnruae lu bnrrnl berne good windy day let tho wind bl iw through thnm by turning them into ailothar liarrel from a ludt held nlaiut thne tent aln in the tvrral u only takea uboi t five mlnutom to all amuuireattabag when you gut through your henna vlf ra etc ii tihmnod up v inert cull im burned ti a uoon ua the job la done how he quarrelled a liatiht viatfor or wndnn i illlng ut tli honin of n wonuii mpl lined if tier hunhmid iu aunt lliiturn do i uxclulmod the tndlgnni v y o juat aet atkll and n iin i bio unlit wordl iim ileiith cf jo tov nto rxently k f pi leu of l nwilll i a rill tltiliv a of lv i l i iii tin i nn i in i il il hill in til it vlllu ii link wii- vmy nrly m 30598bcoughs o o soot destroyer what iu hoot di llthovcr ii i ml i m u i 11 lrii i fr lly i il ilr a ul i v i ii with wif l how 11 it uucd7 m wliin i u 1 f uu ti lu li mit in i ii th h itlv full hurt t i mlnutix why ym will i hum il i i tin i i ii m t illiuli il i fi m hi hi i l l t ii n op f tl i ii i y ii willi llkn mug i i h iy y ji out um uu i f 1 il i in in no funiu un 1 wl no ur t d 1 f u ft iui1 i h in l i l i iinilllra ah ul i j iih i it i iyu l l i oo it h iun tjy r i ii hun i un i uh w ti i nvii- hlmii y ir lu john ikirden took a tep forward pvean peter bhemuiu that you will hand over thut nix bund ret j odd dol lar immediately or multo a nloe little itlp to thepenltentiairyl it wua u very white faced man that john brought in and vlaced before phnohe llenderaon a half hour latbr with ahnklug hand he held a bulky green cotton bag toward her here a here your money phoebe he aald fn a huaky whbper every cent i i you- aint goln to havo mo arreated are you i hoebet if you dont illill never aay no thin about the chicken you waa after you acoundretl to ctmimro ihoele a vlalt to your henhouae with your deliberate crime 1 john hordon out in brutally phoebe enum t after your chlekena tell him phoebo hov you came to tie in hi henhouafl a little later phoebe nnd john watched a dejected eh rink ing figure dlaappeur into the vtreel the wretch t johnnmuttered we shouldnt have let him off ao eaatlyl uu it a a terrible thing to feel you are going to bo arreated t phoebe ex claimed and ahlverod gueea hp cured hut john how did you ever auajmmjt fetarf tried a bluff phoebe and it worked that gll i knew pocf had a black andwhjucfeekd cap and i i r tti when friends drop in entatmln tban wltb 3m muiuof ilia victrola tharo glwy tomb tnterea in his mawteffv voico records of tho worlcva masterpiece aona and played by the woxldg sreateat utlatai in tko latest popular aonsai nd tbo qewejt dmaoe nnsakt thcbfo are do cg iav nrafkzwnta wben you cmtattaia with th vlarola c w kelly son cubuw otit r noble ltd have removed their atoru to tho elovnfnr at tc o t r slbtion where flour feed etc may be secured at usual nerval bran and ahorta on hand ouk dpuvbitv has hben dlbconiinold r noble ltd henry awiiev manaoph aiibast acmk il

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