Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1920, p. 3

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t if yeu broke ho homo plate uae a pltitinrt i j lite pin her trtuil from ulna 7 are golf hnkm iron if goldor wht i in a cutlilln used fur utorlntf tout in u lortii f til til ily u great big knyt kn mil it ohlkm or in it a blrdt i they urrvut u player for stealing third 7 nothing new homotlintm young poople ufier look ing ovt r tlio lihiid line of a iiawaper lay it down with un uuaaev roellng tlint thy ilii tint kilow what thd world nlutf to the unrest wwrywhem nui t lnjlijitii un alarming- end unprot oitnnlml outdltlou of affair alarming it may be hti not uniw rodnntnd iteonntiy thrnt uppcared 1 a dty ilnlly hti article which jmfutt rn4iilflintiil with the nsaumptlon that it wnw n summing tut of world condi tion nt tho presant time till ha olo- lug part graph roviutled the fuet that it wua a reprlht of on article appear- ing in 18 os hack in the autles they wirn dealing with the samli problems um in 1020 a professor of political naonomy in on euatom college read to his clans n morning mimn aalcotlon from a crouch hook he had come ncnm by ticoldenl a hook written by n demo- hlllxed soldier and as he writer des cribed conditions tho llatcpers aa- aumed tliat ha wal ann of those who fought at yproa ui verdun hut it lrovw that tho book was at century old mid had nvn written portly sftr waterloo a hundred year ago matt warn fadng the same problems w are ousiderlng today y himvllme young- itstiple am inclined to think their roa unique they arc ar no nn mao vr had juat tho uido temptations juat the hum dim gulflu thny hava m feeling that uty doservo sperlul lonleacy that th law which apply ti other poo pie htivd application to themselves because their clroumtanct uro w different and hoy too urn mistaken tho gen erations itofore thorn hava met their probljm faced ihalr temptations wrestled with thalr dlnuultlo there la nothing strange or nova unuaiiul in your clroumatanena you can win muceoab um thousand of other hava won it undaf ilka condition or you may fall n thopaanda of other hava tailed hut your probkwna harvj all hn workad out every ffenorm uon make auooaa a uttla eaaler ml ihtw through vi ik uu lets stop qrouchnq i jat ajtojikhuchlwt iat atop crouchlnjr about canada and oiingti canadian thla la tho a- cejlnnt ndvipe of n nova- soot ion who toll wonderful atory of tha potential coal wealth of tcaatarn canada and the aplended openlrur that it devel opment in uto oomina- yeora wui bring i rvoeotly overheard two aoldler dlaouaalnv canada- ono wak crltloa of bvarythliur and vorybody and ao nxproaaad hlnuwlf with much atpphasl und arnw atronar lanvuajre the other and the older veteran waited hi turn a tie eald be hare yourut fellow jve knocked all around ui world boon in ft heap of oounthe and fousht in ooore than on wojr ttqddea thla loat blot un and lot tne tall ytu that thla country la tho peat of era all jnd i know what tm talklna about if wo were all to atop roucbuia about our native or adopted land and to atart glory in in it advantage and benefit it would do much ut le- aen the unreat that haa- followed the war experience andnnke all better rjuaen and better chrhitlank too and thny boat of thla advloe that onq doe not have to exaarverato or apeak other than the truth to do itt uore lp no crops without- the birds one of tho moat valuable our nation haa 1 it native bird too much cannot be ald or written in their favor deatroy them- and in a few year the injuriou inaect will navo niultlplled to euch an extent that tree will ba denuded of thalr rollojro dj1 plant and crope cannot be pro- ducod la tha wnrnlna of a contributor to the thrift maaraaine there are more than 1200 apeclm of our native blrda and million of individual a a result of the exam ination of owr so 000 etomncha of birds it ha been shown beyond a reasonable doubt that birds are of economic value ft rat in eat ins harm ful insects ibelr eagm and larvae second in ea tins the seeds of noxious woodat third in devourlns held mice and other small rodents that injure the rop and four in uctins a scav ensars while the eoonomla value of birds should be kept in mind tho eathetlo value ahould also be con sldered man do not live by bread alone k we should protect bird for their bthoefut form i heir charmlns beaut their dolhtrul melody and their joy ous dctlvlty ir- are motorists self1bht idoes outodwitlns andautodrlytns tenb to nlflahnea7 the following from tho bowmanvlde statesman would seem to prove the pointy a minister visiting hers told us that h was taken to newcastle to see a friend and decided owing- to tho btcul number of autos passing- all duy loar lo chance u hde ue has n dl ferimit opinion of humanity aloes timt day for many auto passed him with vacant seats but not onoe ws ho jkad to have a rlda and ho footed it the onttro five y miles commenting on a similar clroumatunce the orlllt pnok- et hugsests that this demon of hci- flshnea tuts infected the drivers if motor vehicles and adds in towt n of course it is hardly praotlcabh n ksnural tu atop iind pick up ntylxdy and notofta nu lltit ho might expect the practice to be numeral on country roads it is not so -tow- ever the horrle rxaminnr rtihrrliik ia the matter says all owners of cars aro not ilka this but frotn thr number of empty seats seen it is a safe aucas that many owners of auu- jnoblles are not concerned in sivln a lift to teas fortunate wrson who have to uae shanks ponies wtu lhat snowstorm on the flrat otolmt knocked flat ull my wathor records i hava jotted down in my old wduthor hook a now flurry m limii to day vtolh 11 tl w ovar thirty yura oo uml thn hunt whm koii bimuii aw mum ua it utn down hut 1 oikit liid apythliitr li thla old imktk whlnh 1 uu iwnui uenpinc for over nfty yiuirs to idiow that we even hud a aitow dutiii imifoia us uurly n ootolwi- 1 this was u imow when 1 walked down ulll utrect ifiat thuraduy forrnoon utul ww mcrdllunts ahovnlllnk ill- tmuw off tha pavomontw in front of thnlr titbrek i ixiuaii to auk myalfj it wa molly only tha flrat of october and bus wlnt r ruliy wi then in a minute my crouch ws and i aalfl to myself wo winter hnre yal we ii itave lots tt lirliihl itnahlity duy ynt tht rati wem tlhd weejc of thim and well enjoy them too thnn you aeo how it dried up with saturday u aunahlno and that nlsht the woollier man in toronto told ua warm wealhor was aurety iwmlns again nhd wn could let out our fur nace again tor u wevlc or so lay old blood ruthqr hollod laat thursday morning whon i heard nn imuuumlatla chop peaslniu-41- uutt good word for n real grouchrr isnt u yelllnjr arotta the atreet to another fallow woll another eight month or snow alarms has oomirnocd bual- tinaa bay that ohnp would only aeo til ua wlttt th niimrrv un warming things up to so or 00 nntt the oats growing ovm tho fonco to pit lght months of snow torms say well imvo glorious autumn days with nr tints colors in the foraa and nice hfly inn ian summer and thanksgiving end krln kt4r thrown in iry jimmlny crlrknts i m not going to vet blue bocnittto of u llttlo enow storm in october even if the rheuma- tla doe get in extra wallop some days heres for sunahlnu in the heart and in the horne every- pi eased daytime acme my unry sprtads auiuihlna whorovof she boos in tha honv auj but of it i always iknd that hymn that irof kxcellj tho yank mitsla man used to alntf ho much at the bis buiiday school ounvnntloim over here let a llttlo aunahlne in speaking- of early a now storm i wonder how many of you remember that full about thirty years uo wh winter aet in about the middle of october there was anew galore and it waa cold as chruttnos and things froxa up tight itob creech lbs har ness maker was running a market garden over on tho corner of alx jlrowos farm who his sou dirk arterward had tha lilg crop of alfalfa for u few years wnll tloli was a good steady fellow aimtat too steady eomn of us thought whnn wo hud to walt an extra two or three day when we took in a homo collar to be mended and he hud good crops that year hut hob was a trifle alow in getting out h crop und whm tho eurly winter aet in low and buhold the hulk of his potatoes and turnip carrot utul cab bages pumpkins and winter rudsluis were all stuck font lit the froxen ground a few pf u inudw a iteo and helped llob gather what could be sav ed and he bravely muda tho leat or it but that was tho lusl yuur uob ever ran a market gardon tie wont into rustic fumlturo after that as a side una and you know codur furplture wouldnt froexo hay i got uuita a shook tho other morning whu i walketl up ulll btroot to tho tl t it atutlan when i got to the method hit church property the un shone over the pavument so bright juat whore the foundation for the cltlxens memorial monument have been put in that i looked up amaxed i stopped stock still to reconnoitre when i found tho two btg mountain ash trees had been cut down the even- i jng before noticed by the fas ihueu that thuaa trees were to h r-j- muved because they stood in front of the propoaed monument hut i never dreamed their removal would leave aaoh a big hole i ii miss those trees terribly i rtmtember the duy those methody oflldals planted them forty- four years ugoj w u storey hud ordered them from the nursery and the memliers of the property commit tee came to plant them tho wloln scene comes very really before me there were kdward moore and mlkw speight each digging a hole for the new trees w it atomy put one tree in nod ilv aeorgat w calvert an other mr calverts was not qultn in lino- with iir htoroy acme at you remwsbcrjow nracuui wjujjeli john ancight wuh atandlng by w h aid john take a linn on thutto two trees sou if qeorgev la straight with hill manillas hnnae over yonder at tho corner the trees along the front of the eh property war anally planted and eyry one of them grew ilulf a doien soft imple were pjanird outside the plank wuk on fh street homo ot the committee wanted nujtar maples instead hut mr storey said jno wsll plant soft maplea theyll grow foater tmd ahow up soottor they were planteil accordingly but with sunoosatve prunlngs by telegruph and hydro llimniim theyva been cut death slid ore now pretty nearly i dona for and so time pnsses ive been spared rough ull th mo fortyfour ytuirs end ull those otfiers wltu wiru u tho pin ill lhf of tht trees aro gone kdward moore passed nwuy suddenly forty- one year sffn john hpolght in 1sm mke speight u few yours later after he removed to marshum hi native town w l u storey twentythroe year ago next march und rev q w calvert four years ugo next month up riding down thnse lillls miitury ago and 1 um moiitl a goi many of tho lud living orr thn hirefit hiki niur it who mijuyiid lulsi rllltg down thorn utul lro down tho iihui lill wliloh whs then wlmrw mr lrf or j realilt noe and gannii uro now i hre koro iikiirn uml alni lfinm tpl ltd mel und john liniiiurinitii wulil ijshthiurt hilly hydnr churlln und hill ilnnry and a hurt moor alf aid lai lurnir and noniotlinou hlufford juk molght und hilly kn- uey i ladio onrouu thfho iml tn thiwn hill on fine hutitrduy uf ttirnnoii lug n imtlutoroi tlm ut ish rlllng t ull no hi hunk to imf tltii nioii dlgtilng down till i hud furgotten ull tttjt for ynarn it wu down this hill that hi ttmii f o i tnuu tuufford in auluiry man un nwuy onodqy juiui dlrbiitd hi lok of noup um ii throud hptton 1i tin und hhoo lam ull uloiiiir tha fnud- lc- of t ourm thn old lilun wlf liiudu uunli hphtidlil potlimli out lit liunlwood ul4 m day wumi t mud or unythlnu well hrn i utn ml tin- txl of ny upa uguln und not u word ihlu wk ilxiiit thotnii utivldhon und othtir old iitthru on tho uocond lino not vt rcfilrrml lu hut thnru more ihuucw of the is iitkuu oohtlug if th publlhlmr run hrimi un iugh mpmidiillx to buy mum iinwhirlnt iur t run it on i uiui thn prlfni ha got up another iso per ton durug tint woek do nts for pine prevention lhn t allow clilldroti to play with tnutfhu llont throw away lighted mulnha nlgnrs or i igarntto uftnr ulng it mtiuo u imtjlt ll briik tho match two dont gi into dark clonal btdron or collars ualnat tnutoln or caitdln to light your way tton t uno karohana or kauollnn li llghllng tiros or to qulokou u slow jlro it muy ruult in dnuth 10 n uae gauolinn or imnxln nlun clothing ntuf it light or fire ikon t nil any lamp or atnve with guaotlnn or coul oil whllo thny aro us lit ei 1 kotip the hurnitr of all lump and stoves thoroughly loan rlll them during tho duy lime don t put aahes in wood n boxe imrrola koop hsiuw away from boards hot ash will tuke tiro h thi mhslve as frequently they havi email ul of whl mixed n wlfh tin in ion t acoumulato rubbhih lu prm is cellars or workhois and don t dapoult such roatorinlu in ltoxes lmrrasuiiles it 1 to be removed at once while awaiting removal knap surh material in covered metal re- ciiptaclaw do nt una candlo on chrlntmas tree ioit koep mutchn in uny thing hut a eloeod metal rnocptnole use safety matches dont have storage nlnaeis under stairways 11 res in these place cut off yuur main axlt dort t atom olht pulnts greuss ruisln thohoufl0 nioptjintn-otitalrta- if ppjuilblo if yoti muathave audi thing on hand put thorn in a metal box with a lid on l dont ppt 1 tho uah hnrrtil surh articles u rrcusy pflper oily rag or wnt which l0 lipsn wlps machinery uuoll htljleh muy ouuao fire hum these thing imrnvdlltaly after u lion t neglect to have the chtmnoy flue claunnd on e a year oont have lara nurtuln i chilly uf gas jtts i kin t leave htas in tha flooring wnus or aolllnif tlhsa nnubla fire to travel throughout tho building when once started don t ua celluloid or uimlljjr hiiii- atuuee naur any flam a mulht match they are dangerouaiy ftummuhlo and likely to ouuao futnl nrea jdont have short gas brackets or place them otoao to woodwork or tteai curtain kvery gas jet should m pro tertsd by li guucm glolta or wire cuge hwlnglng orfowlnjj tirankstw uro never safe dont hur gitsoliiia of nspthjt down the drain xour it on tho rmm t you muat gat rid of it ono pint ur gnsouna nap tli or lmiiliu nutkea two hundrvl feet of explosive vupor ono gallon of gssnlln hits sultstanflally the power actual to 8 b of dynamite don t set kitchen or uniting atoyitu close to woodwork put u metal hlilotd behind thn stove leave a utile ilr spacn behind the shield tlrlwht tin in th best protector if not placed right again t thn woodwork don t uae small gas stove on wood en tables 1laea metal protector under them he careful in using gus stoves eapoclally n lighting the ovou and if the meut or grease take fire shut on the gua and throw oak not water on the flumes j dont look for a gas leak with lighted match or candle you might auddouly rinil it to your sorrow don t leave door or heaters or kit chen moves open unless you provide a wire screen or net to catch uv coal which may drop out ion t tamper with or extend else trio wires employ ah electrician dontxvfp gasoline oher than in ulrtlght metal cans painted rod dont fall to warn children of the tlungvrou bonfire fv w more convenient littlu btjjty was staying with her grandmother in the coup try lual be- ore illrlny tlm one day she discov ered that chicken was to be tho prjn- elpat nttracmon oh grandmother whered yob set tho chicken t hetty usued very ex citedly in tho poultry yard the old lady replied you remember tha chickens you saw this mornlngwdnn t yout i do you mean the nrfes i fedf certainly well we killed one of i them jn muakoko after ho had boon super gannon ted and was jiviiik a- life near to nature and so man pusses ono of days youll ho following my old hodyiup to italrvlow and some young er remlnjsnenoar wilt be taking- tho place of the old man i was tuken baclf fifty or sixty yooru on ope of my ramble through town last week i i hupponod on tha water works mn putting in services from the water malna on church street between frederick and elgin tho man wor aurprlncd n they duff ejiq picked through foot gftcr foot of ma cadam rgbt down a the bottom of the trend 1 remembered tlmf nlxty years ngo thory was quite u valley ut this pclrd on churchy street und it was gradually filled in to a grade on bits of lalxtr 1 the tnnln of thai world tfliore in a better markut amllo tnan friiwn oosalp i juat a boat full of lies with some fool rocking it if you aro umbltlou to rule others first practlqa to rule yourself the coal barons mn dotermlncd to keep tha bom ores yearning- fio follow is mo nhurp that some other person doesu t occasionally sit on him tom6rrow is ulways a busier xtuy jiati today bucttuso we promise to do lore than we do about the only joy rtdooaagttf l of bootleg uiutfja ik lowroar tour in u ikurse muny people spend so muoh time in eitniltik u living that they hava no time to live tha most aucceaaful morolmnta aro those who believe mout thoroughly in advertising and whq prantlce their itellnf hpiloud of doing us llttufas you can for your salary- try dnjng dm much us you can you will ito nurprim- ed hw inuoli more honorubte you iii fool win u your pay envelope is handed you f mark well i your safeguard is the name salada thxs is the genuine tea of all teas if you do not use salada send us a post card for a free sample statlni the price you now pay and if y black green or mixed tea address salada t ou use oronto turning the fincflv to ac count ju tului und othor ihiuiiim of the curlhbttuli raglon thoro i a apucln of jlrotty so brilliantly luminous that pro columbian hidluti used them for untnrn light imprlhonlng thm rorj thn purikmtn in perforutwd gourd cuhnii iitrgrotm ktlll ullllae thorn in the hiirnn way oonflnlng t faw of the in- moot in un ordinary glasa isntern whl h may be oonvbiilontly hung up in thn hut or carrld about on dark nights the indluiiu of tha antlllaa long ago mttdirnbn thrt nrefty iaiitartirem ploying thtiiu for sluiiulliig- one gruut udvantnge ty hud wu tlmt their light could not lm blown out by wind or put out by tuln unj with a sort of morse coda the photo- telegraphy wa tin exceedingly etnrlant means of sand- log mtuumgn dlntrlbittliig warnings uf danger fur nttd wldn on occasions ut nocturnal outdoor fiimtlvlty in cuba it 1 u common thlttg for women to sdnrtt gowii wltb theae brllbiit fire fly which glow more brightly than ttlty gam cleahino auction sale ihi towmhilll ok khamoha parm stock and implements the underalgpihl bus rtvrolvol in structions from august you no to soil by public suction at lot ii on tha sixth oott of ie rut o mm kuuhioii ut lcvarton on thursday october 14 commencing u on ujlotl hllfl1 116hhkm 1 uihiii of roud murouk yaars u good quint lum single double cattlte thorough bred short hornshoan cow trlxto 1s5s3 uge 13 yearn white 1uh 1430a uge 3 ynars dun in lbruury roan bull nulf 8 month old trades mpottod cow 7 yrs old duu murch 15 u rood milker black bow ft yrs old milking well jersay cow 7 yrs old milking wall j ynarllns haifsr 1 nglf 3 monthrt old 1 oalf 2 month old 1iqs pure bred turn worth sow with 1 pigs ut fool 3 pum bred tanf york sow with la pigs s woeks york how with 8 pig 0 week old pig weighing about 1c0 mi pure brtid turn worth hour 0 months old 2 good collie dog vowlh uoaso st ilymouth llock benu is plymouth llock pulluls iiahnkhh bet tfiam hurnass se slnglu hurncmh how singly hnfnaas 1 m ridcuiciuth fuok waggon 1 opuu lniksy 1 top buggy 2 unutod democrat i uu tor 1 ptilr liolutltilrbs 1 pair utoop ulntghs l curt gitod a nnwi duering blndnr 7 ft cut 1 old dearlt-r- blndnr deerlng mower 0 ft cut mayiiurrlw ruko new mas- aoyifarrl uod drill a horse cultiva tor good n now 4 section ddoring harrow new floury plow no 31 1 polujo igkiirl 1 enutrlor i filler good stock ruckl 1 hi hon fro w woules a 000 llih i iinilll liulperi 1 wheel- burrow i nlh urotol j boa carpetitors tool 1 hay fork rope ami pulhy fork hoou olo iiouhuhold iuirh luots mnlotto nroam separator good us new favorite churn butter oowl and ladle i large souvenir roodir nearly now 1 smill wood or rou1 it tin tor utdvo pipes 1 huiigluu lamp 1 rupliourtl uud other htnull artluliu jltalm 200 buh hholilold stun durd outs iiqotb 3 licrc t ktxn bwodo tur- ilp ubout 10 bswil eaw ntmrchlll potatoes itlhiut fio iuirh ltiipld trunslt imttutlmw tkkmh110 00 ami iml uush over that amount 13 months mlt on upprovtml joint notes pur cent off for cash no raserve as ths rarpi a sold r j kftrrf auotlenaar w it murtmutlk hone 3s artol clear in q auction sale scotoh 0homthorn0- a pi adc 8 horses hay grain and imp tho underalgued ha rvoulved iii- btructlona from k r h root to suit by public auction on lot u eon a kcrumonn h tallo from kdon mtls spaniard wins nobel prince a nobel prime the finest award in the world in polip of value gocsuhls year to a tfpanlah man ofle tiers juclnto hanaveate thladrsnutl t also n prominent mnntipatnto affalm and hits tang lieen a preeminent writer lu hts own country now hi name is od did yout oxclatmed hetty in in level with tho rest of tits stre ami i li with tho few grat writer who surprise we buy our chicken ready urfe streets which intersect il itccwrsthaye been glvn thlq distinguish tug bmde loot distinctly seeing the boys sleigh- mark of merit i w il martin cleric tue8dav october v 1620 at one oclock sharp the following iioiishs hay mare 7 years woigblng- altout 14g0 brown horse f years old wnlghlnv alxtut 1400 splen did agricultural team good lit all harness bay mare 11 year old welgiiluif about i 100 quiet driver bay mare 3 yeirs old good driver cattlb 1 red cow s ynars old pure scotch breeding nina stamford 6th no ug0b0 dam nina btamfortt 3rd no btsos sire nonpareil hlng- leader no hbb10 1 heifer calf nina htumrord flth n iqiills dam nlnu htumford 6th no hfiobo ulre royal hod no i bo 60 i helrer 18 month old dulay huriiberry no 1kb1g 1 holhttilu cow 6 years old 1 uoltdeln cow 4 yoar oldl 1 durham cow 4 years ndl 1 durham bow years old durliur aw 10 years old these wn are milking walb 4 two yearold steer si twoyearold heifer 1 llol- w to in heifer 18 months old n good one is yeurllng steer uml heifers calves pta h 13 pig 8 wfk old umnlv 30 aticonus u good laying strulnf impl10miqnth massoy harris bin der fofltuiit mashayiiurrl mower 0 font out new coukahutt 13 duo flrllt cockahutt cftrn cuvovutor op row mousey- herri dm ifl plate with fom narrlusa muaatiyilurrls side rake mruuujy- harris cream sep- aratur floury ft section iron harrow new 1 italn wagon 1 hay ruck i gravol box 1 roud curt 1 lrot st wood uultivutor 4 homo 1 deerlng manure wjircodoj 1 oxtcnalon ladder sx fet long i atrslght ladder 1 aet of eooo lb scales 9 3sdt italbt wt- iless stock foodf 3 8 gallon milk m 1 cutter lturnip pulper i sot of slalglis 1 maxwell touring car paaaenger in al ahape only run utiout 7000 miles hahnwh8 1 act of brctchlng har ness with twin neokynke tittitohmcnt new thin sprlnk i u t of brltohlntf hurneas 1 single aat of light harneas bug und suck fork a shovels hos chains ensllugu banket und avhost of other things a tiumhor or foilce und corn or pout jiay and ohainauout 15 wn of timothy hey about 7 ton of sweet i clover altout 10 ton or alfalfa clover about 1200 bushel of oats about ii go buahdl of barley about bo bushel of prlng whuat if duy is wet salo may bo held under cover t1qhms 110 00 and undr coahj over that amount h motilliay nnjdu on approved joint note fl per annum off for cash no reaerve a the perm la bold on friends and friendship thn old upooryphul look f crill- uttiw bus thla to say upon tho vnllio of u friend wo know of nothing finer uhu tl tltmti in upy literature dlurt yrcm thine etiomle uml lie- wur of tby lend l a fulttrui friend i a strang defnnso ahd h uist tlndoth buch un orta tlndtilh a treaattre a falthrul runj ought not to be nltuliged for unythl hint tha weight of gold und allvor la not to ihn com- purod to tho goodnoa of hi faith a faithful friend is the medlntue of ufa uttd immortality and they that four the lord ahull nml him whoso four the lord ahull direct hi irlthdhlp aright and us his irwii self mt shall 111 frhnd lie special notice to farmers will pay tho best cojii lroo mniinlra by mull or personally alex gilboord cor school lens acton i am wailng for your call clearing auction sale at lodiiln mills blacksmith shop dwelling stable and lots tho underslgnaiv has been i on true tod ii mclntosh to bi1 by public auction en his pram- ises at kdon mills on saturday october b ibm at 1 30 oclock tha following l good road mum 1 zyeurold colt rubber tir bug i cutter 1 alngla harnnaa duah churn 1 cow due murch i 1031 about 3 tons good timothy hay premier rream separs tor c 1 2 120 egg mouhutorsl 1 b0- ofut innubotor 1 coal burning hover r00 chick i brooder loo chicks 1 icngllsh style baby huggy and i push ciiri 1 coal oil heater and small coal oil ntoyu vacuum carpet sweeper big rocking hurna buffalo robe and buggy diiatur folding wash bench with wringer 3 ruyo lumps c6 bars com fort muipl dinner sot not complete odd plates dlaho cups und suuonrs ubout dnsn seslnrs 7t icngllsh iighorns 1 year old ban 70 pullets bredto luy strain rosewood piano wooater new york mahogany red velvet oouoh and chair morris chair 4 rockers 3 muala etool velvet pile carpet 12x104 feat china cabinet aldattoard 13 plot urn extension din- ili if table und chairs 8 kitchen chairs t couch klloheu utpvc 3 double and 1 single bed childs tot 1 dresser 1 chlttonlar 3 waahhtalids t hrus- mul rug 0x0 feet i hrusaale rug bxe foot nltout g yards hrussels atnlr ear- pet 2 incline wide linen table cloths und centres sideboard and dresser scarvos crochet dollo sheets and plllowcuscu wool and nattnnlutte bhtti kots roller and bsml towels 1 pair new luce aurtulna 3 pair feather pillows colored uml will to bedspreads several smull rugs and mats otlior thing too uuminiua to mention kluvenrthimcd stone houno on b c on the wnt side of muln htrocl iion mills uutcksmlths a hop rrnmo on lot 3 on the cost side of main street driving shed frame on lot 4 and stone stuhle on lot t und part of lot 0 udjolulntf tho protorty will lie offered for salo subject to a reserve bid if not prevtoumly wild term und condition will be made known on day of eajo terms on chattel will lie 320 00 and under cuah over that umnunt ten month credit will lie given on turn tut ilntf approved joint ho tea ne raaarva as propria tor la being to england r jkerr w k graham clerk aetlenaar rov hindley clearing auction satje in township oil kttqjulchlno parm stock and implements the undernlgtiud bull rocclvfill in struct ion from thob l baldock to sell by public auction on lot 37 3rd line icaqueelug udjoinlng acton ou iw october 15 1020 nt one oclock ahurp thu following houhlus huy home 6 years heavy draft brown mule 4 years heavy drat thl toum will wujgll 3 000 buy horse 10 yeurs heavy draft bay hon uged havy draft gray horue ycur ugrluullurul buy gelding 3 yours rurrtugn yenrllng oolt heavy draft ynartltig lnrohcron illy cattle durhum cow t year calf it loot llulsleln cow g yeurs cutf tt foott holstuln cow 4 year culf si foot durham cow if your calf ut fottt durham cow 7 yours tult ut foot durhum cow 4 ycai difu imo of ualu jvrswy cow milking yell jarsay cow 3 years milking- uml nuu- iiosed to calvu lu mtrcji jersey tow 3 yours tnllklug und soupasod u lalye in march ilolatoln hnlfr 3 yuur bred in auguut ilolatellt golfer 2 year hrtd in july durhum bull 1 year old 3 spring luilvos 6 yoiiiuf oulvo 16 feetlim yeurllngs and 3 year olds these urn u wall bred lot und lp kl ooiidluitn liciriikltljtt h1u9ui owes pure bred ojfjord down rum 4 oxford down rum lumba allglblo for regls- tratlnu ii owe lamb llsl xfttjmw- in ration uocshluck how wth h pig ut foot black uow with g pig a foot black sow duo time of aula york sow bred 0 weeks tnmworth liour two young sows in farrow iowl 40 hens a geeun and 3 goti- v impl1cmiqnts deerlng binder a ft cut in good shupa deerlng mower r ft cut in good shnie ialar llumil tou drill with grns sthider 13 hue lrout a wood cultlvutor 10 teeth disc 12 pin to new douro buy louder verity 3 dium steal rollai ul of iron luirntws 4 seotlon heavy waggon and box top buggy in good shape old waggon voir sloop l chatham fanning mill with bugger attachment cock nh u tt 3 furrow riding plow vir- typow no wilkinson plow no 3 ncuffler ntotte boat huy ruck wheal- itarrxiw set of heavy team hulnea et of plow harttubh pnd other urllae too numeroii to mention tkhu1h tloqfl mid under etuli nver ttftit uninuut 13 nlonths orelt will ifo kiveu tut fiirnlulilug approved joint nnies 0 orr for cash young lulveu und- fowl oaah no raaarva a tha pro pr later baa sold hla perm r j kerr auotloj where gold 60eb i ik40 lh vylolo worll pro lu h- tluui uu million poiinil worth of golil lliun thu ullfornlft gold noldj nr dloovtrnd hihl in four yourn piodmtl in ut unppit to olullon mil- lion it your uuy tlfhlth in ikfo it wuu twentyrolir mldinnu by hit i of tho onliiiy it wu mlkty mlllloiik whllo toduy the gold mine of the world uf turning out vrry nearly a htindru 1 tnllllon iuiiiihih worth of u i every yiutl within ulmt uoventy ycuru ho out i ut of gold h iu liueti multiplied hv o von too i y t lit the same imrlorf of time tin population of the world huw iiicisiuihki only l0 per rent thin lining s it might well ha imagined that there would now lie morn than annugli gold for tl world ilirtoiih und that thn proololin molul would huv rim- bfwjuntly doprx lutd lu value a a mutter of fuct nothing of thn kind hn hupjmnw hi tha flrat place whll the ikiptilutlon of tha world at lurge ho only liicruml by about do pr rnt during tho h rloit moiitliui- d thut of clviiuod countries ha double i ud hiore ihnii doubled it i tho olvlllied countries that uso foil uu a medium of ex hairge and u their 1 uul of curmncy next the inillvldttul woulth of theao routitrh huw incrnuueil onormoimly uud therefora their pwtle mpmire u grout doul mora gold for purposes if coin havnrul rouotrlo which bi ih60 were working on it ullver or imporl t urrenoy have come p- to thciiolil sufi of thoaa lna- pal the third und perhaps moat im portant jkihlt of ull i the enormnu htnouit of goll linw uaotl in indu- iry lair the urts uuch as jewellery gold plate gold loaf for purposes of orituinatit und decoration thn world l new ulngthroo times us much gold in a your us the wholn umnunt produood hi 1h46 that 1 about olghtoen million ton ml worth thn wuatn of gold is unothr fac tor which keep j down the supply yew mmiio conalder how great is tho wuaie of gold by woar and tear pack two thousand hutfiuiverelgns in a hajf and amid them on u journey of a thouuand nl 14 ut the and of that journey onohulf sovereign weight of the gold i tlouti gone it is in the shape of dut adhering- to the inside lf the lmtg- in tho courtto of ona yar ordinary ue u uovnrnlgn htsns one end a hull per cent of its welghl caraful cnl- nulatlou go to show that the annual 1o whirl uctuully takes place by wear and tear of gold coin can bo no loae than four million of pounds m tor i lug all thl prodigious sum i dlwliutnd into ono dust uttd utterly loat lovery uhlp that goeu to the bottom tnkos with it a certain amount of gold kvery flre that occurs means a de- atruotloii of gold and there is nevei a minute day or night whan scores of humiii hitbli itlon are pot burn ing london alone has 3400 flre u year llsldes nil thl there is tha matter of hoard i titf in countries where bank arw not found in e t the ppte who llllvfl kotd itjtur or bury il in many cusam thay die without reveallittf tho sncret of thn hiding plam lif ttil way india alone swallow up more than hulf a million pounds worth of gold yearly china more than this whllif africa s ut present uhuorhlng gold in thl way ut the rate of more than a mlllloi pounds u year the money i paid in wages to kaffir laborers at the knlnes and by them csrrlml away to their kraal whenoa t tievur returns an eminent physicians opin ion op prohibition to the rdltor of the vnsm iloaon superstition din hard tradition die harder this applies not only to the genera publh but also to the leu mod professions and in no department of llfn lu we see the perslatjenea of this utidtiilrahla feature more than in tha erroneous opinions and mhtcnnrcptlon that still linger u round tho rowing bowl that which is exalted ahull 1m brought low that which was wor- ahlpped us the myatorlou god of wine has come to the nd of hi period of pmattge and power ills reputation lu leanenlng- hi patronage dwindling- iii food vulue bus collaiised hi ton in influence gone tand his reputation as u stimulant pued into fhu unknown under the scrutinising eye of the modern scientist while a few of us for more than u quarter of u century have been the voice of one crying in the wilderness of ignorance and mluconoeptlon with little appreciation and lea co-opera- tloi within the ranks of our own una of work scientists payohooglsth phylologlsts uud the worlds fbest bruin have been ut work over the alcoholic problem and have expraaaod themselves in no uncertain term a to the action of alcohol listen read mark learn and inwardly digest iwhut thn american medical aasoolutlon which repreuents eighty thousand of the moat intelligent medical men anil if not convinced read the report of tho central control hoard of tha lid uon truitio appointed in november 1014 to ooiimlder tho conditions affeotlnif the physiological action of alcohol and mora particularly the effects on health nil industrial efficiency this com mittee was composed of the best oh ts triable uxperts and have reported in uncertain terms head tho follow ink ye who chorion the stimulant und love the tonlc no ocjantlflo ground hus boon discovered for any clulm made of ulqphol to practical vuhie uu a direct atlmuutnt of ths heart in threatened failure or tho boat und ugulu tho popuhtr idea thut it iul cohol i h stimulant proves oh ex liiitlon to lie salentiricully unten tho universities of oxford und lon don stanil behljid thl stutoment modern solutttiric inveatlgutlou huw placed aloohpl in ho cluaa of ruircollcs und us u lincolu und sedutlve jho wrltei iloe not deny tlmt it 1 of value but if aloohul wero wholly hun- ulied foom the- urmamenlurlum of hu llhyalclaii medicine would be rloltee and human life safer since much or the opposition to prohibition has it ttusl in mluppro honaloii regurdluk the true notion alcohol it i essential that voers be- come uijqiiulnted wlttuthe most recent j couiiiuhioiis of anion tut regarding this mutter tri ortler thut they may intelligently ut the oomlnif plublolte kaiinkht a ii alu m vlctorlu october 4 10u0 ptright choice j point what there ia need for t scotts emulsionl ia tbo clioloo of toil of ihou i m bonda imvjlllnn it iiivihi iftti bonds becnuso it jiivoh lono to to wholo hynlrnv niwl restores btrerofji i cotrs vouii cuoicci f jt hi s w v f i flm kjz sasuu sue bondj to l i restoi i make fall arrivals to hand baa fall coed juat put in block men tweed cape 31 00 mens hprlug capa 13 00 flood tweed knickers for the wee nnlargo assortment of ilox and storking ull sixes cojn in and logic them over shop hftpaminp a hikclalty we don t cobble e jfc cook milvj btitmicr acton austlonaer i l il shore clerk phono 30 acton a travelling kitchen home yours ugo un inventive fel- j low willi u kindly fesllng for woman und uu eye to profit produoud itruptlon ha culled u kitchen cal inet iirrunaed to hold in couvimlunt i iltltlih just uliout uvorythlng a wu- i i uuedid for cooking and baking suys the omaha heo it wuh u v hucceawful venture for him tho strouif i selling- factor lu lug the convenience unci the ulnuxlrik saving of talis n thu prepurmtlon of food it comes to ml ml on noticing tht 1 icusteru womuu in 30 years hut walked a dutuiue aual to that from ohio to hup vruholrtoo uud luick plus mix trips up pikes jpeuk lutir the if tutice rarryluk a liail of water tho annoying thlutf about it 1 that with piping that would itnve cost only 43 her hunhuml could have aaveil the woman all thake umiectt usury stops unit thn water burden shaws catalogue of huuluos training schools u malted fruu kqnet lnll term frtim augimt 30 write address w h hhaw 1rfildent yougt uud lemrd his toronto credit auction sale i hebh cow8 vounq cattle and pqij allic cvan0 lo ii 1 v mthli i jiiirthm u t lot u third lint in if mi monday octoncn 4 ut inn o iu tin following i utodk 1 itiuh mi fnwil fn ih iitlf 1 ut font 3 im luii ti cowu freith llllf ut foot 1 illd 1 fr i lulf u t mot l ilolat iii w rrtuli uilf ut foot l holutt 1 inow fruli ulf ut foot j ifolit 1 iii how duo thii of willi 1 1 mi lun ii ow rrii uilf ul font 1 uu r inn ii iciw cniih uilf ut foot 1 dm un u t w lllvili j 111 outh 1 llolultlu row- c 111 villi j im iinthut 1 lloltlii cow til o mlihlle of lit r iloh ili fn cow ilmi in nt o f 13 mm- her mil klllltltf i i ow i ui hum i illkhirf wll cow dun fir i duo lu ut april li pilnir i uuihiim heir i milking well 4 uutra lioluo ifoiiiiii hoiftr ilulnu 3 ymr i u v irllnu holfotu und utn ru 1 lotl u fat itlg c sooil i hunks 1 yorkuhlrii how with lllti r 1 pure brh yorkuhlto uow with llttr 1 yorlshli uow brd 3 miuiths 3 ytirk- iiilr iow hrid 3 weakh 1 hi rkshlre uoju hr it 1 week 1 yorunilr mm tiot im 1 1 puru hrtd ii rlihhlro hog tjlokhh o yinniir uetso 30 duck cvrythlnd will be mold wlthou i1jhmh u mm i tli irnillt on proved joint iiolom 0 pot- oont mint for can i wjmckinnev hay fever and asthma t pmimi ted by thn worlds oniy two lmtloiltljltily vdoulauffttr a tnlmili longer lloud toduy 94 33 duy trontiiioiil trlul ulxo 3co nnd ifiiiruiitr w k buckley mf0 chmiat v7 dunda st e toronto shoe repairing dtm p if w i t when your shots como back frtim our shop tlioy look llku new our work to butt is curcfully douti tuke the uamo pain with a nut 11 job of tttrnlgh tuning heels us wo do with r uulljig pop- ulur prices t e gibbons m new millinery miss florence murray now has her showrooms open with 1 ini display of latest styles thanks rok the many calls and ordirs on our opening days tills ia11ikh of aoton anij vicin1tv au10 counratiy invitiuli to catli an1 intjimcct thm goods 5vs t c bych r but tbetea leave eff to telf ootr- well theres no sugar left anyway harry i can see good fortune in that ydu make the money and iii hctb on lite aavlng by using lontic ii crrta less aa ithaaatttaailvwtas oosyy hhla ihltnnuihanwaojinslnmnl yt tta itutay geoibwu tm for lnic houty tvkonu to llwt hunt blast home multiply your uvn of tucar in mmchcttp al maal by ms iir aed ihe yeuhr mvmg by uung lani bsioeia coekjoraya wm far juo low in i -lb- and l jn ih jiyl io0lb bag burning the nations wealth every hour op the day and night the torch of carelessness brings destruction to somebodys property in ontario tho work of eire prevention should appeal to tho piiniior who is at ho morcy of tho ipjra pcmou und to ovor morchnnt nnd manufacturer who wlulu3 to preserve tho continuity nnd nonintcrfcrcnco of hh busliiei special ehroris should be made during fire prevention week oct 9 v remove all hire lltyrtirtj- mit iakj every pornihlo precaution to prevent hire cleanup occunnilutlons of wnsto tnntoiml ruhhish iioxl brubli wcudu ant contlitldna that cruntu dibordor ontario flukmusvknilon ijcaolusp inc i in afmlatlon wjtl the ontario fire marshals office toronto aj0tiiiist xl sta 7 i

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