Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1920, p. 4

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ujujuui tt- stye arfam vtt xtm iiiuhhnav 0 roiiill 7 1030 ti almm vuht i tuuui in publuifd ovory ihuraday womlntf lit tho vux im bulldln mill burvoi ailun ontario tho mibuription prlo in ii no par yoar in atlvmim 1 i iitiurn 1 ilurund tuldlth iul to utlliiuj in o uiillnd h la ton tko data to which iibuorlptiona aro uil i la linlliiuti i on tuo ddlnuui tubal advlailtlfilnu 11at1ch trunnion t bavnrtleirnnl- 10 mud por hnq nmato rnuanuramniii lor rlntt tiuwrth n ktid ft aatitm par una fur oaott mutummiuant initartfon contract dlapluy b lvorumuiuw for 100 inch or taaxv pn fciintim a non i par litah ouoh inuartlok advarttaamantai without pclno dlroutlonit will ha litaartod till forbid und charged noordlniily if p uooitu editor ntd iubllahnr tifiucilonlim tedltohal mimi ituulnim ottloo mr llaaldunoo lib editorial tho felcimph and tho tribune newspapers of well ii nil have nuialknniatcd this week with a view to economy in lit cost of publication tummy church i out aruin as candidate for the toronto mayoralty luit it nbotit tunc toronto was electing a real mayor to administer- its important precincts premier drury is arranging to open tho session of the lejjistlutilro of 1021 in january tho farmir members especially arc anxious to got to prorogation as early in tho spring as possible tho now south wales assembly is proposing legislation to compel tho largo land owners to sell land on reasonable terms in connection with tho governments settlement scheme thii is clearly in tho interests of the dominion reports from ottawa indicate that the high cost of living ii on tho downward grade and it will only be a short time before there is a slump in all lines the average householder will offer no objection to the slump being soon and decisive so far as the family needs pro concerned with on enterprise which is commcridible and quito in lino with tho splendid growth of tho town the ontario reformer published at oshawa has com menced to publish three issues per week just a year ago the keformcr adopted the twice- a week issue it is well abreast of tho steady advancement of the growing town and is in every respect its capable journalistic representative debentures for local investors v the placing of debenture for local improvements t on the homo market thus giving tho people opportunity for investment has much to commend it the security is gilt edged tha debentures are as safe as government bonds in actons case the present wnt4works debentures carry a higher rate of interest than victory bonds tho interest coupons are piyablo at tho bank the day thoy arc due and de bentures in denominations of 1000 and lesser mounts are available tho purchase by citizens of acton debentures naturally induces a broader spirit of loyalty for tho holder of a towns bonds will in variably bo more bnxious for tho prosperity of tho i municipality and use his or her influence in that direction an investment by debenture has advan tages over farm or toxvn mortgages inasmuch as there aro no documents to be prepared and no delay in receipt of the annual interest or of tho payment of principal when it falls due y r imperial cpnferriira deferred to 1922 ii 11 expected that the imporlul conference will lc nomponoii until ll32 owmk to differences nmonk tho dominions nil proposals tor a departmental re arraiikcmcnt in i onilon or nonunion altalrs and crokn colony administration canada lias ur that more timo should bo afforded tor onnldorntlon of llievo sclicmci and thii dc iro hni prevailed a conference or irimo ministers loovcr will lie held nct year referendum lr four province thin month octoher will ho an ovcntiil month in tour pro vlnccs or canado a tint of public opinion on pro hihltlon in manitoba saskatchewan alberta nnd nova scotia will bo made on tho samo day october 2 0lltartorhould also havo been in this lint the liquor intcrcts inllucnccd tho federal povornmcrtt to order otberwi c however the ballot paper in the above roiir provinces will bo uniform and havo but tho one question shall tho importation or bringing or jntoxicntinbliquors into the province ho forbid den v the difpergn de between qo and come if you willi iimliio i d tin lya tl 1 mvp i no mil an iii if yoti will it m hniid til ma mm flwi an ill i 1 nl boiilliumn h r i 1 1 utltlp 11 llll llltf illmiilt nvo ym ulni in ivod let the 014 wajf vavel tho militia department is evidently determined fnarrtimllovc tnircpnrlrotnntrtni union jack in uio minds and hearts of rising genor- atiou local mlhtia regiments throughout canada havo received from tho department ov militia and defense a direct order that in future all regimental bugle pipo and other bands of the canadianmill tia when appearing in public demonstrations or march ing in public must bo preceded by a union jack at least three feet wide and four feet long ft is understood that this order applies to every unit of tho activo militia in canada ontario temperance act penalties instructions from the department of tho attorney general to- magistrates require that under sections 58 59 and 60 of tho ontario temperance act that unless there is immediate payment of tho duo impos ed the person convtced must bo imprisoned iothcr words timo to pay the lino halt not bo given magls tratcs have no right to suspend sentence where there is a jnimmum sentence fitted attentipn is also called iq tho interpretation act section 25 where power is given to impose imprisonment it authorizes imprisonment with hard labor tho department con alders it detrimental to keep men for a period of idleness at tho county goal good citizenship means service salutory results are sure to accrue to the boy or ulrtwhtflirchoolandnthotnehas had heldbofore him tho ideal or service as that which should domin ate his life nnd who is accustomed to perform every day tnsks of service this is the best possible train ing for citizenship in too much school nnd home training stress has bccrflaid upon tho importance of successful acquisition rather hail upon that of us ing tho fruits of acquisition for the benefit of others boys and girls are learning through this means to be more thoughtful kind and generous they ore learn ing nlso to deal directly with the problems and needs of life the two dollar weekl the day of the two dollar weekly newspaper has arrived and a large number of papers havo already bowed to tho inevitable and fixed the subscription prtce atonal figure the publishers have been hoping against hopo that costs of production would com- mcncomo recede but instead of recession there is increase m cost of all materials and stocks are harder to obtain than ever no other industry has been f birder hit by the increased cost of production than that of newspaper publishing arid printing costs havo doubled and trebled while tho revenue has only perceptibly increased never a very profitable oc cupation newspaper publishing in late years has be come precarious and a publicspirited sense of duty x- nm been the only incentive which has kept many a publisher from closing his doors and abandoning a profession for a trade fow newspaper men have been tempted by the lure of gold to lay down tho journalistic pen and engage in commercial pursuits although the opportunity has come to many during and since the war those who still remain in tho printing and publishing business are now compelled by stern necessity to increase the price of subscrip tion and it is expected that by january i next al g weekly newspapers will be charging a uniform aub- scriptlon price of two dollars por year not from choice but of necessity r cooperauon might cure it a week or two ago tons of thb finest peaches which the growers would have been glad to dispose of at a nominal price were lying rotting in the niagara district for the last week as a result of tho heavy storms or thursday and friday last hun dreds of barrels of fall and winter apples- went to the discard in a similar way in haton and other western ontario counties ar the same time peaches were selling in torpnto at six for a quartor and apples at about tho sajne price when purchased in smalfquan- tities these conditions seem to be rather a severe criticism on our much boasted methods of modern distribution of course there are quite good reasons t v for this state or affairs the warm weather ripened peaches in a hurry and for other good reasons neither baskets nor refrigerator cars for shipping purposes were available and in the same way the splendid apple crop of tho year is dissipated arid yet there does seem to bo something wrong pecu harly we never hear of similar conditions in cah- tfornia wlfiere the- growing and marketing or fruit is done much more extensively on a cooperative basis one is jed to wonder whether sqme of the transpor tation difficulties may not disappear under public ownership of steam and electric rpflds- tuulxhether groups of farmers and growers working together so as to make provision for cold storage more leas able could not obviate somo of tho difficulties and avoid a good deal of what seems sinful and jcx ap parcntlyunavofdab1o waste here is a problem which tho drury government might very well take up whoh if premier drury hopes radial project are sound 1 hope from the bottom of my heart that tho commission now sitting will find that the hydro radial prdjectstho three of them arc sound if they aro sound they will be gone ahead with our responsibility isto the whole province and if any part of the scheme is declared to bo unsound wo woulufnot bo doing our duty if we guaranteed the bonds ror that part with he backing of the whole province tho premier remarked that he felt sure that in any event the government would not stand in tho way of municipal enterprise and after the faots had been brought out ir the government did not feel justified in supporting the whole radial scheme there would be nothing to prevent any muni cipality deciding by popular vote what is would do in the matter remember the commission or enquiry is not intended to block or destroy it is simply intended to bring out facts the premier emphasised 1- why not brand shoddy vendors or oleo in canada are obliged by law to brand their package so that no one tan mistake it for butter in that respect some considerable caro has been taken to protect our dairymen from the compefttionof an article that has little justification as a food product why not then bo consistent with our sheepmen and help to protect an industry that id languishing because of tho senseless competition of shoddy shoddy is salvaged rags and wornout clothes tho whole fabric is an imposture and as an imposture it should be so labelled on every suit of clothes that is sold not many consumers can tell tho difference at first glance these arc vietimixed by the ingenious shoddy manufacturers who palm off too much so called all wool goods on a public that has been gulled too long sheeptnen should make it a poipt to press this on our governments farmers magazine w in lilt li m 111 luilf hip tat unl m llm u rtuilfi 1 1- u un in nimtrlihiu farm r fi twci ly vcu i alx ill i n mi i r 11 liiim hm finmr ihiiimi t nay bin loiil i ml i tikol fhn wiiui- if ha would iu iiim turin will you tuy iw ii iili i tin wt e miiri rinpil von pro vl lijl wo i ik hirim u ii hi irliw 1 h it ix mi llntcly htruutia olworv d tin it i tlonmu i ray tnll tiui how it iimixiu hint whup i imim hot llvi tun n i win un mti h luiit for wliloh i i il i i it int you urn tiifiihjrly imylmr tun tw i him 1m 1 ilulluru u yor unil ir ul i hi w tw y im to huy it tho r rnii i 1m i iln wum tint rciily v i it uil unl i ill ho i cut uik in 0- u ilil conn yn l hi ll urul iulvil y mr hit t roaa hi th iiiuinlntf mil uilii lot my luinlium wit ik uk on thfc paftm thnrw- tioffiln iiiltn ho iff oil 1 r thl 1 mjt1 u h in wit un1cw it rtoln fihnrom i i r it kinia you ul of rti oral an tiltthi in tun huy im tlm hnmlthhul klml luy hoi lh tutu urmlkhaiih imii m mt un koo i mm iiullln flu an il run rln in th nulr in it job to mnko you in ugh it rive you pluck un 1 rawn to rui imiforw ilia tlftwji an thdti oomo homo nt nhilit i oolln tlr ouf hut tirlaht i tnll y lhroh u nhurm in irliln on i a long distance lay en ah u ml 1 dm i ty two of hran kki ml tl n ml mil liy mmo k t lioni i h lit lay flvii mi 1 nix itiummi cbbm nil ti t idimm it ony i ut h rvcurtl lu i llhlhni 1 lyh u wlthn4 u mlj i ii t f ir iim wo know imoit imtuhlloh i by tho icxjkntmontnl varm 1 ultry th n wlinrti a llnrrnil 1 lymuuth lloob will luy miirn i corn thuy tabn it ony tl ullll wi hilvn kll wii illdlvlilunl liull t inlt 104 tuuii in 104 iluyx thu lltirrol ifult wlniun ug luind mi ml r lu 3 ill i in t uturt to 1 iy vory nurly fu tant hni ii rut uuu wuu luld on til ojs tlio f jn 1 1 uu y uu lalil two jfux un 1 tiilwhi i ii ihiy lal 1 avn mtw tnllihail u iluy four nsbm ull hi i ml 1uy mia mil un 1 u mm then two i ul i ii tho 13th of lrel rtmry hha tint iliiwn to liiihliiiuig und in hi nvory ilay fir tlm r it of tho month tv ry iluy hi mufrli fvnry iluy in april und nviry iluy hi my up to tho mth whoii him took un otmulonul iluy iff imtll in juno 311 wlun uhu im uni hnwuly whun uhu wfnt liioinly hor total ro ion wiih ull titfuu in 147 ilayn v c flfonl idomlnlon poultry llualniil hi 1bi rlmnrttil nrinn nolo keep it sweet kep your atomach sweet today and ward oil the indi gestion of tomorrow try km10id5 the new aid to digestion as pleasant and as safe to take as candy made by cott down makkp of acorra emulsion ourt training ib thb that opens thr dqor to unlimited opportuni ties in every linh op endeavor gtudru my ourt any day guelph business college haralcj bldo guelph qnt- a l bquck prln caution wartim you that you hhqulil lutvo your oyctj uam- huxl now if thftv am not bv hitr you u tun to mum of nor- vloii if vint lloliot tlinin homo nmil viuilly corroclco tlufi 1 1 mn arow into u sctloilrt llsortloi- thnt buiioh iilonu will not ouiri wo will u ivimo you uoiroctly wo grind our own lanae fjiwyer 1 want to know tho wholo trulli ixiforo i ran huccaumfully ilofwil y u lluvii you told inn nvorytlilnif t lvmiiivr vmu ixitit whimv i hi i lh monny i want ihut for myunlf i l yqht banking by rfd moko tljo moil your messongvr pjideav yourself tho lonif rides to town deposits may be mado butter and chocse chequo cashed money withdrawn just as easily and safely by moil as in person wnto tho manager to tell you all about this cpnvoniont plan of banking by mali or call in and havo it eiplajned tho next timo you aro town th mcrchants bank hwdommntrtl of canada euijiui1 1804 acton branch i lb shorex munngcr georgetown branch r r mimms manager johnstone co acton ontario fall furniture tjovris tiie time to conshekanirailkange thrtpirrnnctof your homi in good siia1m lott thb long w1nte1i months a house comfortably furnished it an ubodo or- joy nnd continuous comfort lot johnstone fir co aclou supply your furniture requirements and you will ho well satisfied johnstone co furniture and undertaking- tannery cooperative sugar flour etc are gradually going down our customfrs allfe receiving the bene it of every drop in the market fall and winter underwear at very close prices all kinds of rubbers tor men womfn boys and gr s une and heavy hoots ok men overalls working shirts etc farmers bringing produce receive tiie benefit of our greatly cut prices tannery cooperative c a conway manager acton b j wvm v sevornl of the important matters now in hand arc satisfactorily aettled bte- couritry t fire prevention day a royal proclamation has appointed saturday pctober oth as fire prevention day for canada the cooperation of every sincere apd patriotic can adian towards extending this movement of fire prevention to every day in the year thus assuring the permanency of this most important work 1 urged success depends upon aggressive leadership every- mayor reeve councillor clergyman school teach er and firo chief as well as the presjdentsofjur boards of trade farmers clubs and womens or ganizatlons must or necessity be those who jjwill lead the need for organization for prevention is great it is authoritatively stated that during the past dcr cade in canada more than 2000 persons have lost iheir lives snd property valued at approximately 200000000 has been destroped by fire and that the annual loss from this cause continues practically unabated in addition to this wasle of human life and created resources rorest fires annually destroy merchantable timber worth many millions of dollars and immature forest growth of inestimable potential value thus adversely affecting oneof canadas most important branches of industry depleting our natur al heritage of forest wealth and unpoverlshingv ir nqt efitjrely destroying they future productiveness of jarge forest areas fire prevention is a most im portflrft matter jj interests every cltisen of our firo1 spark plugs new and proven idea for qab engines heat and oil cannot affect thi8 pluq 7 200 each sent post paid on re celpt op price canadian firol spark plug company burlington pntario dodge brb motor gars m l i 9f tbbaabpaa i ti i l 53u v mj zzsmmk agss i the owner of a dodge car ca n6afely de- pend upon consistent continuous j and economical duily service univcrball low gasohneconsjumptioii andjiigh tire mileage business jdireetory thoo qray m d rf m mcchll 1j ii u 1 uliiurulii li it 1 p tt it hum muoil r lltllluli u11- jl auih lutlau ut offloo irrfldi ilik h nuii a oil dr j a mdnivcn phyalalain anj burgtun in uml itnulilm coi i uc llot fi mifl iciulii tilt ii ilt rial i riv and ll im h ii m llii dr c p w hood qaratovvn out w houae surgx ill lul uthnili ltiniio no 23 1 o llox 338 hvnou nash farmek ma flmrrimimr solicit molry publlo wvtwr- 1 i jn oneill georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetown and milton j h- ij5ishmaiv local representative pennvman olock acton onjt uoniov to ioan hourw 0 30 urn to 6 pin dr j m bell d d b l b d drti honor onulumls of toronto uu iv br ail ty tho tutoat rnwttintlo luod if igolrafl offlnt nt relliio corner mill n4 bvixluriok rtramu miscellaneous marriage licenses moor icaucr marring l kiocai puaa atncti 4i in nvonlntf aoton ont francis- nunan beokfalndar aooount itoolui of nil uliiil mmln hi didaf lrlodlcttii of ry ilottcrlp- tlon norofully bound hull g tionuy nl tmomptljr dona wyndhbjn strav ow i ti ont ovr wiihuma tllorc tj r j kerr llnad auallon roc tlm louutlofl of llwlton vj uing ton ltl nml iiuftorln na the oily of uuulph acton ontario balam iy h umtiaul ly mull o ml wj1ms 61 jtololi iy ui tb tri i ouloti alton th mriiry oinm till iljili tho now km ttrd vorsiiat or with w j uordon iirnuai umkr hlllrtur tdllon nt tnihtiht lo it j korr k colvu ttiln friin into ut llxtlnr i dwo of mji i i ih v u r uulbf with m rnaldanc bower avanu aoton k hop 3 auton caj nt tny blxpauiaw j e ciieevers book binder qubn st et oulph ont hook at und tnnaasluoh houinl in llnlonio jrnl hulmuntlu1 covana majnui icttorfiil in uolil on ulbltm hymn nooku ami other book all work prnmptly lkoutj wio hoy oh mar victory bonds brair or ragutarad j e carter inwaatmant broker 9ualph d al ex niven burvoy bubdlvlalonii ilaim ito jioru dojicrlptloua klucurloul vtir corttllcatoa for purctuuwrm nd mortsumm burvoyn for architect xlulldnni and munkljml counolln lrlnaj jlaportu lnttmntoii etc molean builqinq dou bt g01clpii fhono 1004 oni k v rllwumohnsrvteir ttortonl o canau4 grand trunk ws thi double i track route llsjtwiakn montlleal toronto sdetroit chicago jmxtll timl t pur i nhitf ii ii t ura i lulit liiilioi rlr i jtrli li il day imliu liull inrotmutlol xvuuk tlokot i who i or or- lu i qrttn llnrnt iy il a hotmes auent aoton ont hoi the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo uro miniufiiutiiruii and hwujjtouoworu w oil dtrwif to our ountoinair- at wholsmuln prlo4 itiua wivlnk our ountonioni 40 l oont- wi havo tho boat atphuliooa nnd th only molimlm in tho pouiliilon who can opamto pnftumtitto toou proporjy wn can ttlvn reforonowi from mindfada our ouatomem in t rcnto nnd othnr ihpob whoro othoni 1 nvo to havo lavr n in order to oollrnt wo hiivu tho uiimt and boat atoiu of oruntto in th uomlnlon or mom than tuiy thro dakler l h wlrt w ttrw hull- inat4 doalora and finiploy no tupmtm jid do not unnoy i itnt tuiutumoni hy nondlna out lanornnt nuonu nouolt- inr ordr w employ only moahontro mid dory oomdatltlon hamilton sons oor morwl3h wmjlwloh fttn quolph ft h i w morwll w a vmsmfffmmw ws

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