Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 2

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mmmtm wst artatt jfmlb b0 tumthuay ofnonmit i jdeo love ohowo the wav jnw film in dawn of nuftli mnwulny iiiiiki i have iciiriixl li know tlmt in v rintli nvnr point the wy i 1m tight for me to go though many path nt tlmu appear erph xtil i nn not itn hliilntf u uu imtlj utlll piako clear llu i rltflit puthfor i ii rnim hoc f urftil of regret i hike thn tin th love uhow rhe i ml i may not una hut yet my ifiililo h find wlm know agne a tmlti s hoty iii llll m fn jim i or nnvcraatlon ufwwwnw limit ml at lust sounded the luw mimical ulorm of th big lioiifiu telling tlmt it wax guufr past lv n clock and only fifteen minute from cloning limn ifurrlst tioamfiii could not n mi mlier tvor having itcon no giud to hear tha uouiul i4wullyllciu tjiure had inan n lutein cloning out mtilo 1 hf department tlmt ilny utiil from vail oclock ii liitf until now uhe hiul not had u chance to ult down xropt during hsr hurried luncheon irolmhly the other girl in hin counterlined square wham he worked infant underwear ijnpl o wnrn uil tired u she wu tlin competition though wlin know how hudly hii wun huudleupped by iiil having- liumii nun n dlciutn t her hi it iho uhnout nuelasa typnwi lto on wht h wlin prut hi art in ordtr to give dlutluotlon to mm oocueion thrui of the big huulnfcu man of tlin olty lull dun invllt o hike purl hi the dota tion nnil in i n jtnitmnit ut tliu tiwnrd inir of the vtluiu burins that mouth iforlet uh lo hud iievm work in tfnre tlin old iyp writ of wu discarded in fttvor of a now one hut she rented for u month though hie tucnnimn frluhtoiind liir llin moid difficult olid technical mutt nc tlmt uhii could find to wru in shorthand nnd lratsrlho on hor lilu- uhlne ikjoiihio hoi militant tlioiieht lcvry moment dntt um limt frou from iho utorn mi nittint wltli imr ienill ittut llm limiting dny jlfty two nuiidiuiilxl wr tattltiir tlin lumlm tliay wofo uauomtllad aiibuitt momlntf lu the muln room of tlti oollrtfd amount tba wullu mid down tha ontro of tlin room werft tlin llltltt tuultiw with thalr- lyimwrltnrii on th tlilform itut xfr lloiislitott tliu motorrnr man xfc mnknnsin vuo- liromldent of whllonu mid mr ua whouti offlcm aymlkud ull of ilur- rlt umhltloiim tiurn wiih to lm arudod dlotutlon of tour mortm thn rlrot wuu onn liundrcd unit nlfthty wordm n mhuitn for ynvnrt mlntitvw thn atxioiwl whk two liimdrtid worrim foi twnlvo jnlrmtc und thn third onn imudrnd and forty word fori flvn inlnutpm thou tha hoiioriiry x- umlnnrm wnr to read a- plana of tech nlrul tnattor of tlmlr own melotlon m ii hv iv my- pln had ivhmi klgii fnmi maugi or frullh of thlitytw i fill riot m ho for ii or fiftyhi luiky hy thh uodd niialnl itlmnk yn hlluti thn wlnlinln in tlilu think the rnultu utn vury ird- ituhln tint if you nvtit luko op work in huxliixx nfcjtumlryou will lourn hut i nut dow mnohutiloally hn eot out from their hldlnif pluiu thn lonir trlp of iot ton lo covor thff aootm nnd counlnri for thn n li hi thn orowdn nihuiiiki to melt nway und thw tiudden n1iodc wim hootlilotf ufler th nervnwraoklns hurry nnd nlamor of bulneiu hourm thnn the son a vtarted asaln it wna oloalnjf tlmn and nh wm trtm alroady lain alio wjv almost hi intf throimh tha narrow luumotfo tweon til iv nounterrt when dw mw mine kutlgr who had recently leen promot ed from kitchen tftnnall epl 191 ntandtnk jn tier corner d i aconao lately htirveylnff a huso pile of extrju that a ihiy had jnat dumped in front of her harriet took in the situation at a bin ii n itm jubit too had aha ald that joe ought to he reported mr whlton made a rpla that vmtr an were to ram up ut noon bo an to bv ua n ohanoe to trot them mortetl and ready for dla- plny hi the rooralnr without dolns overtime oh you muatnc you really miut htl rem l nthei uw liurrlet vlraf up a atool and be bin hurriedly anlpplmr the card oi thn huudlna itut- harriet waa amlltnsly deter mined i ii open them and you put them obether hy alxe theae allk wool onea by coin and then well 1 put them away and it will all b dona in no time ahe said pleasantly try- jnir to foruet her oohlnjf back refora they had flnlahed the mul titude orwjiutlav and blla throujrh- out the olty proclaimed that mix oclock had noma uy the tlmo aha wat ready tor tha atreet the car wnro full and harriet had to wait peveral minute for one aarotm the atreet on tha second floor aha could aee tha private office of t w flea importer of tea and wplcea through ho platablaaa window ahe could aeo mr ilea hlmaelf a portly import nntlooklnit perapn aeated at a flnttopdml mahocany deak hh pri vate aecrotary n yountf woman quietly and uutefully dreaaed moved about the room n a lelaurely way but with evident purpoao and efficiency harriot car cama at laat and car ried her away from the apot but the iffht mho had juat eeen remained per- lutently with her the younif woman in reaa office pomtammod all that har riet hud been working more than a your to attain for moat of tha three mile trip to tha little room that ahe called home harriet had to etund that wam part of tho payment for ataylnf to help ulsjt iruliar the other part of the payment waj a hoc ret ojladneaa that atitt bad not fallen abort of what ahe tarmed her phlloirophy of life that phlloaophy could be hummed up in the wordo uo a httlu more tihe had cnusht them from u card that mr will top prevented- to eaah new em ployea of tha atore they dauaed ber to work twenty mlnutea lonver oaoh ulnht at her ttliorthand which aha wax t irttlnf by horuelf they hroucht her to her counter a few mlnutea before uny of the other rlrla arrived they onoourqfred her to devote part of her one- free day sunday to taaohliia oluiui uf boya at ht paul a they had enabled her tonight tq help ml kul iprfully nftar her own wgaflaqdjh- wholn wuu to ho tritnuflrlh udilimj harhnt wuu tnxlr nioly whei ut hint mr llu ok ley thi oudltloiim of thu oonteht but wlmn h biiitaii lo rall thn flrnt ilio- tutlou ut on hlindrtml uml olghty worda a talnut w 1 1 mlef4 b mpnll of fcllowlnir him with imr pm and waa aoou too alworbml to think of heiwlf one hundred and eighty wordm u mlnutii la pretty tnmt illotnt- iri hut ahe tnunobnil fairly woll uw the mutter waa not tothnloal in tho two hundred- word vuaanifo a rully severe teat fouhil heruelf ulmout entirely unable to follow the third pleoo oonauted montly of pun una und unuwuftl outlliieji then mr iteu aroao i have loen naked to dlatata to you some teohlllrul hunlneaa mattnr uo i hull read a lotter of inatruntlon uout front our office laat week to one of our ljtohcum in cay ion he ixigah to mad in an ordinary conversational tone thin waa ii re lief indeed not hlnr like what they hud exiieotod true there wore new worda in abundance but he road an learly that everyone could under stand them when ho hod finished be 1 ills aaaoclatea wont out and the oontestanta were left to muhn their tranacrlpta theno would tie axamliiml and marker anil the reaiilta poatnd a week later hlowly the days pueaod harrfnt had i moan of judging bow aho bad dono in oomparlaon with the othors for while the mat had remained to com pare note after the examination ahe had hud to flea back to the store jf she failed aha knew it would be on a i twohu nd red word the day cumo when alio rould say well tomorrow will ull the tale that night shn want ua usual to the midweek service at si pauls she had not allowed her atudy to interfere with her going to church und ahe was glad nbw that ahe hud kept up the cu torn during all the weeks of her atruggln the mlnlater find announced that he would apeak on the i bath flah many had wondered nnd har riet among them what ho could pos sibly mean it turned out to bo her philosophy as found in the bible jeaua stood on tha ah or while hla dlaclplea fuhcd as they bad done all night thay had caught nothmf then t his direction they coat the net on the right aide of the ship and it wo soon filled with great riahea an hun dred and rlfty and throe yet tor all they hod caught auoh an unexpected abundance when they came to the shore where the master was standing thay found a fire of cools there and flah laid thereon that wa the 164th it wua alwuva jeaua way to give more than men expected or hoped for the paralytic waa not only healed but more he had hu aln forgiven jod has given l not only food but beauty aq woli not only grain but flowers too let us not be content with doing merly our duty lot our service abound with love tho bun un til t said not simply my cup la- filled but my cup runneth oyer let u give thn little extra touch that make the good deed also the graoloua deed for that make obedience a joy harriet had never before fully seen the religious bearings of what had ome to be uie fundamental prlnclpli of her life at first she had taken it merely as una of tha guides to aud- m- i hha had coma to the city two years before under thn wpur of lieoeaalty when her brother was killed in the railway wreak it left ber the mainstay of hir mother and her aatr jessie who wns htll nt school to niaet the i ocean i on she had managed to get the place at whlton and through thick mid thhi she had stood grimly to her task hut twwork wait telling on her lie- wide her wagea now scarcely suf ficed to meet her own expense and tho additional needs ut home foi overythhijr wus betting dearar in th ittnre hbe wa merely a cog in the great machtno if the cog brokn a thouitnnd others worn ready to take hor place v v when alio got to bar tiny third floor bedroom ahe threw herself on her bed in complete oxhauatlon she closed hor eya that ahn might not ce the green wall papiir with it nuntnngl tad scroll and hsuren the cracked water jug of white stoneware the cheap mirror and the threadbare etrln of carpot from be door to the window she luy until aha hoard the bell ut i half past seven chiming front the cut hod nil downtown when her maa- cm supper wju uver nljo dcbolod whether to go to bed ffnmedlatly or to upend the evening with her short hand and typewrttlrg- lt a little m ro she said to ner- nelf and therefore ihjrliaps id bettnt fo it though juht how u feels like a good deal mora s hor typewriter wa a battered old- fuahloiied mnchluii and only ntwiut half ofthn letter would print but it had coat hor the savings of tlin wcolt uud tho rrloa of a badly needi 1 pair of hoa finally vhen aha lint out her light and crnwlod into bed aha put herself to nlanp un uhual by translating men tally into shorthand in just ntmonlh ym grout event far which ahe wo preparing waa to take place tla oldeat busln college in the oty wa holding a special e-tam- inatlop in shorthand and typewriting tho teats were to bo aevere but tha prices were hgh especially the first ij three which were gold and lver mad als th next twelyo who cam up to a cprtaln standard would recelvo oar- tlflcate of proficiency that would euro for thenuplaoea in ottioon where expert work wo required hairnk had j j datarmlnad wmt tlm befor to antar cm but now it came to her with a thrill that after alt her rul duct waa on of the fundamental prin ciples of christian action tha neat morning she again usked for a half day off and at ten oclock reached the room where the result of the immlnatlon were poatsd seem ingly all of the candidate wnro al ready there together with many of thelr friend on the door wa tacked tha list her eye rapidly scanned it thetlrat t win ilntal i tui medals the next twelve to whom the coveted certificates would be award- and then ho first on tba list of those who hsd fulled her own name with a sudden unoonouorable blur tieore her eye nnd with an unmis takable sinking of th heart she sought a chair in m back of tha room mr llucklay formally explained again the term of the contest and rad with aolvpii emphiml the name of the prise win or most of th contestant ho added have fulud on the speed tost tbft twohundredword dictation i will now call upon mr ilea lo present tba medal and certificate mr ilea rose and took hi place at the front of tha platform with your permission mr buckley began after tha prlaea hud boon given and thf wlnnera haurtliy ap plauded i should like to rauko u fow remarkaon this contest from tha iioln of vlev of a buslnea man a my moclattw itid i looked over those per we discovered that although several did remarkably well speed teat only ted spelled aulnti correctly in the letter that i read rest spelled it qutnta only two npled tlercw correctly b only hit upon the proper form for carolevi it 1 rather strang that the lat per son ulso got the other two word ik their proper form i wlali to ak u iiuewtlon or two mr uuoklny oortainly mr ilea how many of tha candidate can lull mv how much a curotelof oui- ruiit should weigh t before harriet hud tlma to think of being ncrvoua aha found herelf un- hwerlngmr ileas question from five to nine hundredweight aha ald but the weight i supposed i to average about seven hundred pound very good and if i order vorona of cochin eul bow many pound shoujd there be lo a eeron t i a moron may have one hundred and forty pounds answered harriet he had a monopoly of tho anawsr yet aha fait the irony of tha fact tliat it wag aha alono an unsuccessful candi date who know thoaa uaolea thing tha weight of a ueroo of ooffoat went on mr ilea th same a a carotoel and if i order fig from turkey should i order frsjta i th frail la ft spafilah moasunn lulllltlfl fin tin r pio- mitlniim woru uooti ovu uml thn wlli- lld loanra ulnl th ir friend bn- guli to loiivo hurrtnt wnu umontf thu luut to raavh tho dooi for alio wuu uo dlmooinugud in lo mood to htiuton hltlmr to thnitoig ur to bar rixuij to irprlan mr u v wiitolilliu foi hiiruud now ho up- lironchml hnr iio wuu hnldliiu thn pu- tliut hurrlot hud hunilnl in on tho iltuttlim lu llnrriit honmeti he lngulrwt pluumtintly hurrlot bowd hi i kiiowliidginoiit of 111 introduction of hlmunlf lln imr- tulnly uihimtd u vury tllffhlent and inndnhttnauiiaird ptiraou to linvn 1 lilt up thu world wide inmlnou uf wl tali lie wuu tho linud you ihi not uct a cortlrtuitc ml knumnut no my tiuinu lu tho ii ih t on the hut of ftilliinu unuwcriil hurrlot uomi what blttnrly bo diuoouruged il yot if id iilvou up how a toad docs his marriet ino toudw jira not tittrticilva anlimtli ordlng lo a t ornspiiidefit hitelllgii ulv t aurduii he y toad tlrny mot pursoi foi hulug uuuuintait wltli 1 bought thsm w m omloal h dititally dlaturl pooth you foil uhoit lu yout upi yout who youi inm imrt myuir hurrlot tojilluil uh buhl itcu and how did you itnd out what u tliniti lu or u unrol or u ournteult ittally i iwlluvo ynli d know li pruiio ganor- aly urn intpoitod in lurgn puiichnnnii wu ilurrh t m loply fine how did you coma to know tbnue thhirht i oumo on them in un old hook of my grandfather ucinuntn und i lournud tha uhorthund ulgnu foi tliom juxt for thn pructlco tlmn i thought id do u little mora uud leuru whut they meant thought youd do u llttlo more oht lu that thu way you do your work tbutu part of my philosophy hurrlot roupomlnd obi ahl i mean i uin mr jtoa aald thoughtfully not kitowlne wuthnr to bj umumul or unlamn at hearing tha portniitou word phllouo- phy my private aecretury i going to louvit iim lu ubout a month i won der if you d like to taku hor pli can only give you and he fiumed amount threo time a grout a hurrlot wuu gottlng ut wbltonu itut of course if you go on an youve bogun molntf u llttl tnorp fii hav loll be a lid oil jocularly youll bo gnttlnif pretty naurly un tmioh a i do what do you think of tlmt pro poult lour wkwtern axchanim uy that a jjjracttool ravlvallat reuueatcd all lu tha congregation who paid tbalf dabta to ru thn rlalng wa gqnorul aftur they hud taken tbalr anal a o rnuito for thone who dldn t pay tlmlr dahts upd one oltary individual uriiia who explained that ho wuu an liter und could not haruu tha rent of th congregation wero owing hhn thojr subscriptions where bhb was going jttryoid careful mothor whom thruo chllilien horrlfleil hor one dwy by producing for liimdoctlon three exceedingly bll- loimiooklrur tofto upplns they are vary pretty hiy dear ubn had brave ly hut really you mutn t oat them 1vn liniird of little chlldrnn dying through outline colorml toffuu apple then ahe took thw awnetnieat away and put them out of reach u she thought on u hbnlf lu hor dropslng- room uho lmugluod tlmt would do the trick but early next morning aim heard a uound out on thn lauding- nnd gblug to ace who vaa uutlr uo early round idiulu trotting ulong the pau- age where am you going doart ahe naked it not 6 oclock vet doing to oe u dick and arthur are dead yet replied the eightyearold mis im not on a tomlmtono in indiana lu thn following inscription thl momimeiit wou ereotod to tho memory of john jlnkln aocldontly shot u a murk of affection by hi brother jask for iti expect to find the fisherman i the mark of supremacy on every bottle of emulsion that you buy this means that you will always ask for ml emulsion ml hi i onn wnll other ullhuutfli rather a ttjpll lot it hownvnr wluui i m ni rtied oiio among tlm kuvi oi tiwuind him out of tha noft north where ha ws renting to mm dpi llttlo fallow pun hllnuelf ullt to the point of hurutlug an 1 roll up th wliltos of id eye ut mu with uu ox- piiihhiou utj alenpy feprojinh one evening i obaoiwd onn of my load oumlng towurd mo ulong thb pnth he wuu uu uuul dollberuto lu hop ii long woht nild thnn another hop au ho cumo tifiir my ueut ho uyod me oomnly for while then hupped belwuuti tny funt und disappeared under tho chair oil turn trig around a few hllnuto hitur i uuw him on lha gravelled walk leading to thefront of tiia iiouho wltkut any oh joe t i rose und utrolleil urtei him th toad paid no attention to inn da i cumo ui with him huddmily lm in udo a leap toward thn edge or the path and vuhlsbed from sight i know tlmt he had not reached the urau tiorder and i was surprised ud pux- lnd ut til utriuiga dluuppnurannn i itiikn steil forward and atoopud over ie spot whro bn had landed the yutury wux uolvtil ulthough 1 jl lh toad wu ihnre tti thu fflt 11 ni tiky lioity keiiiiiiil lltoiully luiuhrt to thn walk und wu biiu rool y dluixn ilitlilo from it it looketl u if he lulaht hiivo been run oyer by u cart wheel uo pnrfnotly nutteund wa hi body am i looked there wuu u lightning ohuiijo l titgiljliui hjmyxitatluirnw lunmnlf nt the giua thirder i thouaht i uuw u dnrtlug touaile nnd then he leluurely hopped hook to the walk tho aunio rotund stupidlooking fellow i know well again uud uguln wn that inurvel- ouu flattening proces rnpnitted uu ho iujht sight of nbjftotu to mo utterly lnvlnlbl abuiii and again bu luunoh- ed himself like un arrow into tint nir at u tuft of gran und i do not lltfvo tluit h dikmi mlshid hlii prey iliutcad of tmlna a ingry mlowmovlnu unlmul he wns a cunning uu a rat und twice u uotlve icvniy my gunlen i tulwi with toudu them with profound repeot shilo

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