Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1920, p. 3

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oiaaftlwlf iiejkttan3rtetnb0 tiiuitaay octohklt 14 1m0 a ooat alphabet- a wu mi awful uiietlto jiiniihuol ly william i at li won il 1 iln of whttu which fou nil it wuy down til tlinmt o wim it rut i nr i mli li nto willi li novel a trafli foiih wu u much rolnmnnil old il 11 in imtticoiit m i run w wk a wnll mtuffnil nmnry twlh hhwllml rlitly fh i j v wuw h tuttortkl pniwr fan willi itovun nuiki a ntiotlu i- tf who iulv i til into iii lilhliiii thi il ii in ili l kit to hti with tiy vuitiii ovmromtl william eye t it tat rotrant hit lint van iwor mi liilntl rucu ami n l wh i ill lllfilt tit iii i ii ti ll ulklfl m wnx mi 1 1 l y moufcny f mil out welling iiftir ihirk hf xv utt h win lin nubii who if nil uriii oil u aaudy urk fwuu h i nit ormun x within u imir in 1 wiim mi mi uracil mi i ylow i ii wmi urn i inn n a rug q whh u iiunfri f nullum priavrvt whomit tito wuu rtittmi ijtiiwrj it wuu cotton rabbit wliloli ifntl ucuha imrvlv4 u yr 0 witm a iuir of unl blunt 1 w a tt p wiltii rantty folk llnd trinl to mi i ii in vain if viut u largo umbrella borne tw william on a brso v wuu hi vanity whlrh swelled am mi hi uta with one w wim wom w ul dm wool ltd liojct mtniiynd in chaw xyhhtlzhln flruiu or william oottt turf vluv s kusabeth l lluitld le8 mlserables in cm talog ul ng th ftiaaterploo of literature tint critic would be ure to include the la miserable by vic tor hugo it 1 pregnant with thought mil of tho milk of human kindness ikoworfully and brilliantly writ ton and resiilendent with fascination tn author ha brooded deeply over tho uroblnmm of lire and lut given here 1 il volution mo ha bled tha cnuwt of tha trnvor ty ntrakn and obnlnal alan with an unwontotl tondrrnm and tomo a utrain of kanulne olo qutno pnrvailn tha volumo jfa chal lansn and hold th unflmrslntf nt tontlon from boiclnnlnk to and uki cwrlyl an i uinkan hi thorn li humanity kjfo in all it irotaan phan and wipoolally in it pathatlo uijiikiu maki ap hi mlhty aru f moiil it id u tfubatuntla unit notmbla contribution to tho kcpubllo of ttr tin bjipoal to uio unlvonwl heart tho roadlnff of it will nuk cut epoch 1 onn tntparlanoa jt will lntanlfy with r l men tern mu tullil tanrunt and on of tha ctaulc of tha world jean val jean tha rcfqcjncl convict 1 tho centra flxum of tha book tha tory of hi aonvoralon through tho instrumantallty of a davout buhop hi prosrftaslvo davqlopmaqt in tha chris tian ufa fn aplto of an unfavorable environment hi unparalleled magnan imity and dovotion to truth and duty coiintjloto th it baottvround and ub- tanon of tha moatarly produouon all of tha ubordlnate character and the varied eplvode are tributary to tho orowth and portraiture of ha kplritual life of tha hero all tha pie tureaqu and dramatlo movement of tho novel rentro and concentre in hlnu s wan back to rlgh tea nana by the chrutllke ytnpathy of the xllabop ntrenkthened and cheered by tha love of coeetee expended and refined by tha graco of ood and tho dlaelpline of irovidonce ho tread at lost the lofu- et altitude or religion jean val jean atand for raajmanlmlty and charity and throb with an all pity- in and unconquerable love for all mankind lie 1 the imperaonatlon of all that 1 true and beautiful and ktod a monument orrodaamlna love what a graphic picture of tho pover ty atrlckan and criminal oloe o europe what a far rehlnjr and eloquent argument for the army of outcast when the roll of the world grant oat benefactor j made up the name of charle dickon and victor iiuro will mtond deaervedly near the top there i some powerful p reach ins 4n thi book whoae theme 1 tho rlcht ahd the tntereat of the poor tho author niiuce u realue- our kln- ahlp with tho race and touches tho chord which vibrate wttbtha mujo of humanity from henoeforth to th reader tho proletariat will not appeal in vain 2n thi book lie tho cure of poverty and crime it would weld tho alaaoc and the ma and banish anarchy and unrest the stylo i pre eminently dramatlo with a shakeapearen awlnv and power there t not u dull doffe in il the movement a weep forward progro irely to the final consummation and th woeotator beholdg u with hrtp- i ibm lnlert and tearful eye the portraiture of one of tho minor charac ter little quvroche i thoroughly ar tistic and tha description of the bat tle of waterloo i world renowned tho book abound in aentenoe 0 packed with thought and tersely opl tatmnatlc a to be worthy of cli flcatlon with lie beat proverb an record i know no work unless it bo tho old thoma puller which contain o many ino annotation and inoldept uaeepubloor uthhsamon by prorea- atonal man fota the followlnjr the street boy 1 a pocket edition juibolol iove i all there aro that f 1 llkn injhnve tiiurl jim u ott hht tilpuk when i van altuiiif the kruti i hiuii 1 an 1 thorn hum horho fiinlnic nor any otliur oxoltliijr vuitm tilling n ni tliliiif of the i huvm utwuyii mjiyid 1 oiirltitf play ionium i utwuyn llkdd him a i myll k mltiutbaapij ir how ottou jim with hlu ilim hit put sent into partfow and hoi lul kathvr- insv in fcln many yoar nlnco lin be enmn proriolent on tho plpn one caae in particular onmin to ran whan ilannookburn community wa itlvln th farewell vnnltf to capl john khawwlien he hud hold out nhd wa golrig out to lulnnlu to hvo with hi infer thore jim iiohm und hi t tpo put vim intb the iturty it wu hld at the warren homoutoad on tho fourth linn and wu an occasion ivr hi remnmberod i mot like tho hauplpohf why i revore thm they am by tio moan merely a tturvlvul of tha oil days in donnli bootlund jt i orlolally rportwl thut iso plpnr imirformod individual feat of hero intn during the world j ontlflcation whth the race and pn tho mvina ourco of aympatheuo jra- h win lmil tho for niutrn bhd bwutlful illustration thereof it is fine oom ment umiit th nnmf of y he aociiredtdolay hmtuidrs ntaotonl hunt laerimao serum at mentem mu vair th lway bo an uppmolntlvo a parupot during a gun attack lao and piping hi initiation together with good old hluo llonnet ovoc th llonlnr them in uomnthliig that ijulokenm the bloo i in uuh tun illuo itonnota and tho campbell am coming and jim play both of th to perfection my unotah blood ays o anyway thorn ih uomethli profoundly stirring in the wall of a pibroch bo long nu we have righting illghlandec wo need hnva no fear that th campbell will ceaite to come bo long a jim or any other piper cui no wise head but tha turtle dove a mold like joan of aro may do to save a nation put when it come to making one e need the old woman who lived in a hoe while of course the ntary won drouly romantic hold the reader spellbound still there 1 a parallel vain of deep phuosophla thought running through it while we are charmed by the billing and ooolng of murlu and coette wo are at tha aome time profoundly impressed by the undertone and undercurrent of devout and clcntirja medjiatlon audi ble and visible there yxcut hugo win omapi of tha- flnoat intellectual mold hp might tie- justly claimed by tlia true hlerurehy of mind and arifltooracy of character lie had genius and eloquence and these ware consecrated to tho service of tho poor lie apoko ft word dehtlned to bo hoard round tho world and to linger a boner dlctloh und a charm the unm hior- ables ought to be in every library jt contain tho coinage of an imperial brain it 1 tho greatest piece cf flo uon outside of stutkeapoaro tjhe autliar ha achieved literary immor tality rtav t il flaroa d d x this never happened it wa a woman ocoourae who driving in tho mlddla of th road had forced- the mare man tb turn his car into the dutch where mehtrrned an grily but futholj jjnlixel other of her kind however ahe stopped and apologised profuely well why dldn t you glvo mo room to par wrathfully and ungnllantly demanded the vlotlm ph i admired your oar no much when i saw u coming that i simply nad to drfve over near it to sec- it better ho explained i dldat think youd mind vu the mere man had fainted crowd to go there tollten j vo jiecn tripping urnunil over town again the last week mostly engaged viewing tho waterworks actlvltlo been up church street and i saw they worn running the water nervlflo into the hohwa fromtha main by tha way tha knocker hollared a while ago i dldn t think any one would ho putting or- vior n but if that stmct lrf any in dication or the number or nnorn wliy plameil near every onu will bo having waterworks installed in tlinr humou for an old duffer ilka m im a great booster for waterworks you knov being around here un long a i have been iv kind of- fallen in with all tha town aotlvltlart for modern im provemnnt and eacb trow thing aeem to got to bo a ort of hobby it wan u satno way witty tha ahoo factory mcherae only i dldn t glvo tho public tha trouble of browsing ovnr my aontl- ment because i ddn t have voice then like i havo now i va alui boon noticing the way that digging machine put the trench down mill street of co ursa i suppose the engineer and contractor would have voluble reuson to offer for going up the mlddlo of the road on all tho othor utrootm und throwing tha dirt on the boulevard tlut to tni otxllnary home aunt a brain ilka my own it i hard to see why tha main could n t have boon dug qiomoc to the curb on thorf othi r htront im not knocking any and thero l no ue of crying over spilled mj but 11 just a common item of conversa tion and it might ba nice to just know tho reason for running up the middle of the street when it appear the digger can bo one rated jut a well olowo to th curb t saw in the new column lost week that amotuf tho other ttoolctle club etc that aotqn maintain u new one be been formed it la the acton amusement club i believe it i a re organisation of tho old checker club wfh a moro pretentious name to be in keeping with the more proton- tlou quarter they have secured at tha soldiers community house i never wa much joe auch iowgoing pw5jlgjip hm ltiionn me good to know that tha old uportu of the town stilt like fn retain their uortlvene und have the grit and gumption to provide themselves with of their own liking and u good place in whloh to meet to ploy lt know i often tljlnk they show tha present generation a little in that respect then young gaffer coming up now don t uoem to havo tho knack of forming etubu ami getting along with the organisations the wuy the former generation dliorooure fj don t mean that the member of oil newly formed club ure all a ol i myself but i understand tlieyra oeu all over the forty line anyway crawling along close to it and thu younger genorutlon 1 speak of are just around the voting ng and poll tax col leotton time of life why yuu tuko a took of the sporting circle and you h it wusn t for these older men th young fellow couldn t get along at all tfcan nguln look at tho old men whcvo had uch fun throwing quolta an he nthletla ground thi numnw there scran ed to be aliout twice u many at it u muro- w over playing love forty on tha tannl court and it wn tha same way q the bowling grtnin thasa game shimld havo ull lutereat4 tha young bvymh but-thn- bowtlng perhaps nut they d uoonor stutul on the atraet corner than even go and practice to any grcut extent even ut baseball or foothull x hope the voung fellow will get rip roaring mud at tiln nlam at them hope they gut an mad that they ii get soma pep into themselves and instead of loung ing around the street comer pitting nil over tho aldewalks and wjniking cigarette ttjoy 1 get buy and how omtllng in iho way of good clean athletics a good huckoy team for thf coming noajion anit an organisation that they can support themselva would be flno and iknow the follow that uadto be around towji will alt tliem r tha editor tell mtfthat name bid chap whose memory 1 less tricky than mine naked why i didnt put jacob snyder the fathor of tho snyder family of thin oction into the brick cnurah tory well to toll you the honest truth it just slipped my mind hat the mtoemod patriarch juoob of t hid was the owner of tho twonty- fto xre of tte corner lot ubovoijnhn 8hara property qtid tho itrlak church wn put hare because ho provided tho ltv u the congregational church w on th etjw corner on bo eagt w07jderfuinew tea waneiiouse the magnlfioent building shown above and situated ut oio oorijer of hl lawronca lloulovard at il ia lloyr mlrnel mmlntal will bo ocnllplml liy uin ha lad a tka com any alx ut rnibruury int nxt tim hullillng at ireaent oociiplnd by rajjada ut tho orntr of ht tuiil anil ht hylplro htrevt mont real was firooti i ly thm uhvi n year ago hut for mniw timo hu roved inadoquatv for their imulnouu other haxa1a warvlioiiutu tin ultuutoil at toronto and bohton lialf of lot 31 just above hi iioum tv lllrum uonliy huporlntnnded tlint jiut mr ijennyrt church wn congro gatlnuu und jacob wg an jplucopal mothodint and the spirit or imlon was not abroad in those day tho meth dint church va built and jatnb son ell wuu tha urohltont and tnihlnr thero wa iulta a family of thu buy dor and they all stiod woll in the community there wur isaac and jc1i henry and william and kobert and tho daughter were mr ma con noil mm stolnnbho mr qlbboinrl ayu willlttuith oiily st ii left ho spent jil hoyltooj in aoton got into rollroiiillng won for over thirty yoar the uourtonuh anil hlhltlyenlocracd agont of thu 0 t il at elora and i now retired and enjoying tho fruit of iju lalwrn ut ills protty homo in that town they toll me thut will ha ulwuyu oim of tho miiut fruitful and attrutitlvo gardens in his town evon if ha h over eighty and auffcru oven mora from rioumatlo than i do mr till hoiiff die i hvra in acton lust spring uiul ltohort hi the name ho too two or throe yiaru ago only william mm macmmnll and mr hlulnocko now remain i belluvu of thi large family will tin now down to cliurlto bavldsou lino funn i in futhur thomn pavditon wuw on of tho out ly ttlur of tho uvoiind uio ho nn 1 hi bride who wuu a nlutitr of william nioqihoii und aunt of tnlm nicola n of marietta mich cam from tho bhotlunnv inland to caua hi when tho voyage from tho old land by nailing whip took ulx weak or two months to thoy had a family of which they warm very proud thero wire john und charlie jtarpnru nud agnou pr hup ona moro but i roniomltr the i wall hut liko otlui homih iiorrow came one by one three of tho olii dren and tha mother pauut i uwuy charlie mid tha fathor waro it rt in hi lonallnohh the father ouglt nohti a at the homo of thu widow of hlu old frlaiid john iliihnuh tha bukur miml ly he mid the widow wore tmurlud and in tho puaaing of thu year both of thoip died and were la 1 1 to sleep with tha father of thu community in tha id burying ground mr davidson wa a great man for hi kirk seldom wn hu place va oanl th sermon of hi frfiud luv jjaohlan cameron wero llko ikuyonly pa to him jhn lived with them all through tha week a he followed tho plow or mwtiug hi cradle in thu grain field churllo is a worthy won of a worthy aire he and hi uon uijd hi sin rculdo on thu oh liomoatoud ugh indumtrlouu toll they huvo prouporud like hlu father charliu -iqmiu- ahiull eloufotclrnj lutarnnt he wu n liberal uuhucrlber to the building of thu now church npeno i lwcutyiflve year ago when ilev j w ilao wan tha mlnlstar wa member of tho building unnmltteo and was at the time chairman of tho hoard of manager oharllo 1 prdud hi flno farm which now extend noroh the concession xsv i roud of gooi driver ind novcr drive at u all u puce i wonder h dupsut indent lu a car uad anjay it im monel and could pan every horn the road oh i know ghnrlfn like in thin repkit i haven t had my old uyo on hi lively driving for rlfty year for nothing x ilka u good drlvr myself and havo nnver had a pi roe pf horhurteiih for thu road that wnul 1 lot tho grua grow under hlu fuut hut bullovwuiu charlie iiiih muih my stray lock stand up on ami onoo ut twice what i vo hoeli out on g drlvu with him ijrno sdhool wild built on the oomi r tt 11 pavldaon furm uti 1 la a very ljf jkobool soma of us who 1 uy the uaeiljogbji lu x t lioo ohuary wh u w tiullf tiiiriy yeurn ago but banily knnndy and joe iusby took it into their lou1 hnftlio aotoi jjcliool juoardlofwhlahvijioy wr a both mpmbein wuu 1ftnb tmr fust and paying higher nalurlo than were neoeusury and that their con nection with ac ton would grow more und mora expensive jtha now suction wn therefore decided upon tho new uchnol wa built when u wus all over 1j wan foundthat a number of the pupil wove rnilrd to walk al tha wuy through acton nasf the aoton hd inore than half u mllo bo ymid t to get tp lome school whara tho now auction boundurle put them tho uohooi ban huwover boon n good one with u vplendld llnu of touoiiuru nono of thorn more umolont thiin the present aooupnnt of iho position mliut jwoa tho hulldlug of lrfrm school gay hov ptinlol johnston u prominent mothodint minister of tho united suit a talented lady to grauo hi parson ugr unit mlsb annlu illnator- hrook the teooher a ipr6n for hoc huuband ttio eoluol emgiiged mis bast or brook and later can o gaged bar for a hool of one they vo ban huppy ever uliica iohto school ha buon ovurburdunod with un ovor- plus of noholur nlght rear time wears more than left say experts thhuut thut tlrex on tlm rliihthaml y lo of a car wunr out fnutnr in pro p rtlou tlinli thoae on tha lefdiunl aide oftn pusslew motnrlt the popular uiippoultlon th it thi wear 1 cnused by turning many torueru to tha right in jmnrrot tlie fuot lu thn the in- crcilsed wear i iidtually uuuned by the pluli of tti roud which throw moro of tho cur on tha right ulde thuii oil tie lert ilmhjuiiil of thi roadfrommirb tol curb lu far mora important in deter mining the aequoiluo in which tire normally wear out right rear loft rotr rluiit front lert front thun is gutter wunr and abraalon from grind ing off and on pnvamonth thu nlopo of tho ri ml cnuneii tho right rtur tlrn to curry more weight thun the left fear tiro thitu the right re ir wurh tint faster of tho two tho rlwht front nltio acoordfng to tire and tuba oxpttt will wear tnum rapidly than thu left front for the name roa- howwvcr mi tho left rear wheel re ceive a driving putlvhl1o thu right front iloeu not it will wear tha faster of thu two under average conditions the riant rmr trt weur out rtiwt and tlm loft fnml liimt to i ocuro uniform wear from a sot of thou i hitngo them around iibout once u montli particularly u it 1m- p irtnpt to rovunut the roar tlrow after th itiui tlrem ure worn down tlmm wlih the fr ut keeping up appcananceb nothing i kulnod by making poo pie hullevn you pro hotter than you are or i loin i than you are it would bo funny if it were not uid to hou how mm h nmrgy pxdu lmt into giving nn liuprauuloi of prospetlly not justl- hut by fuotu iniloid tho uulpu it gon ully wimn kopto uo in keeping up upioaruhth woul 1 go a long wuy to witnl muldiur thorn really proupurous if thiy applied it rightly help your digestion when aclddlatreaaed relieve tho indignation with rmioids dismlre amauy on tonf aa pleasant to take a candy ap your atoioach anroot try w map wt gconrr wowrflf ii uakkdf aarrtijsuiwtrtt ini insurance poh returned i soldiers j all i iii ir if fe tituriied ol her and tbolr fam iii l inlortidid in tho hotliru n i hoi llnra lusiiranre ant un lar w inh they are i r vldnd with an op i i rtuulty of ohtulnlng ufa insurance at mint favourablo rule tho act bxamji effoetlvi on september 1 1dj0 an 1 will remain in force for two years under the rovlulon of the ant any honorably discharged soldier sailor or jmrun of tlm canadian forte doml diet und rtsldrnt hi cunuda may in mu with the government to an nun tint of from idooof to 6 oqo 00 un ler onrlaln ondlloii the wid iw of u roturue i soldier who died ube ouunt to dluch iru may also obtain ilisiirnliro in u tdltlnn to former member of the c id the rlvfloge 1 1 iho act ut available to anyoto ma who nerve 1 during tho io imperial wrmy r with tho u ro t f any of tho utile i or uuu cluio i i we r a provull thy w domloll d up i rmldont hi caruida im fore the war ami hull an tionorubln dlmhurge mull i thosn who nerval overhau white liot mirroring frrim a mivere ill ability flu i that their hyulral ron- lltlnii lu unci that thy urn unaplo to i btalik life liihuunra at all or only at much higher rnteu thun lire normally titundthl tiny thoraforw rind them miilvus aovrly hand low pod in pruvld lug rotoctl in fi r tholr domindent unlcruiaituturmut oldur insur- wima act ull rt turned men arc plund n nn tuul hsls u no metlloal w- umlnatlon 1 repilrt tha prnmlum rutn are low thoy vary with tha nge of tlm lnuril und the pluti of insilrunra rhoucll at tho age t f twenty nvn a straight life imllojr l pnoiilfi at uio ug of thirty ova tho rate m ii 10 iter liioulli ilutieflclarlc urn limited in tho roue of a married mun fo hi wlfn and chll iron an unmarried lunii or widower without ohlldron i iwutroil to namn hi fnturo wife und rhlldron as taineflclarlo bhould tha inuurod die unmarrletl tha i nauran co money may im paid to one or more of hi immodlate relative aooordlng to hi will an nxceptlaiml ndvantaga of thi tn- a ranee i the provision made for a illiiublllty benefit under thi section uhoul i tho policy holder booomo totally and permantly disabled ho i relieved from paying further premium and the inmurunoe money 1 paid to him direct in annual instalment equal to one- twuntloth of tha total amount of the policy unokletu explaining the act and ap plication form may ho obtained from all 1 rannhew of tho croat war veter an annotation tha boldlera aid commluitlon imporloj veterans of cnnndn orand army of united vet eran army and navy veteran de partment of roliilnr civil ho en tab luhment military district headquar ter and district orfloe of the- hoard of pension cnmmuialoner or direct fnm the commissioner returned soldiers insurance transportation ililldlng ottawa rtwyer t to know tho whole lrulhboforaycan successfully deend yoil iiavavou told me everythlngt irisoner to except where i hid the money i want that for myself rheumatism neuritia sciatica neuralsiau tevnpletons rheumatic capsules i xuavw brouarht aooa lieajtli to httlfamlulori dufforera a healthful money savlngramcfly well known forfiteon years pre scribed hy doctors sold by drug gists f i 00 a box ak our agents or writs or a roe trinl narkagc templetons 12 kin j w toronto ixicul agent ii j hajowrd our training ib the that opens the door to unlimited opportuni ties in everv line op endeavor students my start any pay a i sou ok prlrv fall milliniery nowojntdisplax we imvo a good assortqient on hand and will have now designs to fit up aa theso are sold we appreciate your patronage store will le open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings fall arrivals t to hand b pall quods just put in 8 took mnvtweod cap 1 00 ma spring caps 3 00 flood twsod knlckor for tho woo men large aasortment of hex and blocking all sixes come in and look them over h1ioh3 jlkpahuna a bpkotaj ty we uon t cobble e k cook mill btiu0ejt t aoton acton granite works j nicol experienced qranite cutter is l im irnd io mipply menu turntu f u kin is with eklll fully ait inimrli tloiim at low 1 i h 1 1 hm uumplon f work tti 1 ntylom of moiiumoiit nt tho tiioiiumi nt work 1 niluyman uiocic mill street acton ont reaj estate if yo i hnv a houaq rnr sola jf you want to buy a in tut in ati ii uuk j r j kerr auotlonsr and real eatata dealer 1 honk la dower avenue acton ont johnstone co acton ontario fall furniture now is the time to considek and auiiangic the iuttinfi of youb home in c00d shali fob the long i wint months 1 a house comfortably furnished is an abode of joy and continuous comfort lot johfistono si co acton supply your furniture requirements und you will bo well satisfied johnstone co furniture and undertaking tannery cooperative sugar flour etc jsss gradually going down quucusiomersabb ttfeceivino the uenepit of lvery drop in the market fall and winter underwear at very close prices all kinds of rubbers i or men women boys anb girls fine anokleavv hoots for men overalls working shirts etc fakmer3 iiringing produce receive the uenef1t of our greatly cut prices tannery cooperative c a conwaymonaeer mill street acton ii r ia srfet wmllmmislwmaiaiiwmialfllfwibhctmfmll dodge bros motor cars d n 1 jmrm ss y wpjki ftsmsm 1 majijikegi r- the owner of a dpdgc car ea nsafely de pend upon tonsistent contiguous anj economical daily service universally low gasoline consumption and high tire mileage j n oneill georgetown ont distributor for aoton georgetown and milton r j r leisiiman local representative iwiwiw

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